THE FRANKLIN TIMES bmA Erffj Friday ?H Cwrt 8L Teleyhoae Ho. M A. F. JOHXSOH, Editor and SUBSCRIPTION KATES Oar Year $U? Bight Koatki LOO Six Hoatki .... .74 Fear Koatki M KqinMsUltn THE AMERICAN PRESS ? ?? "CI AT ION New York City k Natiohal Editorial Assoclatioh tatered at the Postoffice at Louliburg, N. C. as second class mall matter. ISN'T IT JUST TO TELL THE STOCKHOLDERS ? Both, the Tbwn Commissioners of 46ouisb6rg and the Commissioners of jfranliln County express themselves as enulely willing to abide by the 4iW8 at North Carolina in all respects stulu'dtng publishing statements etc ft setnrw the only trouble is their un Serstaagtng the law. In order to show the Commissioners ?iat the FRANKLIN TIMES has not been contending for any thing not re rguired by law the following are ex Sacts from the laws of North Caro ls as. furnished by the Secretary of ?fctater V. Under the head of "cities and towns" the following appears: C. & 2687. Pablleotfon of receipts and disbursements. Statements show ing the receipts and disbursements of public money by municipal corpora tions quasi municiifal corporations, and administrative boards of limited territorial jurisdiction, under grant of power from the State, shall he regu larly published, as follows: (1) The board of aldermen or other governing body of incorporated cities end towns having a population of three thousand or over shall cause to be published monthly or quarterly statements of all municipal receipts asd disbursements, which shall be itemized and show from what source received and to whom and on what account paid, and shall likewise caufte to be published annually, at the. end of each fiscal year, condensed and classified statements of -such -muni cipal" receipts and disbursements, showing the source from which re ceived and the account on which ex pended. (2) The board of commissioners of all incorporated towns having a population of less than three thou sand; board of graded school dis tricts * * * charged with the receipt and disbursement of public . money, and (or the publication of whose re ceipts and disbursements no other provision is made by law, shall cause to bd published annually, at the end of each fiscal year statements of all receipts Mid disbursements of public money cellected and expended. (3) TW statements above provid ed for shall be published in some newspaper having Its place of pub lication, or which is of general circu lation in the city or town in which . such public moneys are collected and endpd. The cost of such- publl jllon shall not exceed one-half of cent per word; btgt if no news er, as herein provided, will pub the statements at the rate named, board of commissioners or other verning body shall, in their diacre }n**frublish the statements by post notices at the courthouse door e county and two other places t t city, town or district In which loney is collected and expended. |T s following is a copy of the oath ken. by each of the town Conv eners as of record under date of 8tb, 1929 on the minutes of the 40 ?Olemnly swear that I will support ' aiid defend .the ConstituHop of the United States and the Constitution : and the laws of the State of North Carolina, not Inconsistent with the Jaws-of the United States to the best of my skill and ability, so help me God. _ I do solemnly swear that I will execute dnd discharge the duties of the of fice of Commissioner for the town of Louisbnrg. N. C. faithfully and impar tially to the best of my skill and abil ity, so help me God. 1 - Signed. Under the heading "Counties" the following law is listed: (IS) Chap. 81 of 1817. Sea 2. leaning ef "published". Meaning of *, terms. ? ? ? "Published" means print ed in a newspaper published In the .county If there be such a newspaper, hot otherwise means posted at the Courthouse door and in at least three .Other public places In the county. C. & 1811. Clerk to puMIsl | una! statement The clerk shall an ' 'Xually, on or within fire days nest ? oe.'ore tho first Monday of December, , make out and certify, and cause to be posted at the cotarthouse, and pnb lished In a newspaper printed in the If there Is one. for at least a statement for the pre shourlng: (1) The amount, items and nature of all compensation audited by the - board to the members thereof see the boerd h*V respectlTely in (S) Whether any unverified ac count* were audited, and tf any. how inouh and for what. C. a 1334. Ahaaai otatemest el claims Md revenues to ho p*hllihen De ctmber 3rd., 192^." ~ "u-'? . I. ? ..... do solemnly Swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the Unit ed States, so help me, God. J. do further solemnly and sincerely swear (or affirm) that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to the State of North Carolina, and to the constitu tional powers end authorities which are or may he established for the government theteof; and that T will endeavor to support,, maintain and de fend the Constitution ot said stale, not inconsistent with the Constitu tion of the United States, to the best o, my knowledge and ability, so help me, God. I, i. r. do further swear (or affirm) that I will well and trpv execute the duties of ths office of County Commissioner according to .the best of my ability, according to law, so help me, God. THE FRANKLIN TIMES has al ways offered to accept the rate as set, ( ne-half cent a word, as pay and let the count be made by any reputable telegraph operator, on the same bas is as the telegraph Company makes lor telegrams. Considering the fact thai? It*.Is Sk most an impossibility for the tax payers to visit either ot the offices and examine and study the financial statement of the town or County, the ?mall cost and that being set by the Legislature, and pre duty of the Cam-. t-ilssioners as sdTbyThW, Isn't "ft bnly' lust to tell the stockholders (the tax payers) In the County and town gov ernments what is becoming of their noneyT [t Fays To A dvertine in The Franklin. - Mr. George Manning, of Inglestde, irho is a firm believer In the effkasy cf printers' Ink thinks that it pars to advertise In THE FRANKLIN riMES for quick results, as his black rat was recovered last week on the jar of publication. He also believes that Mr. J. H. Boone, of Lou labors, to whom he is gratefully indebted for Its safe and prompt return, shares the riews of the owner of the dark feline In that he chegjahes no so pe rati clous scruples in regard to the? antiquated tradition that S 'black cat is a har binger of dire misfortune.-or the imp jf some evil omefc?whether it applies to crossing his path or taking a stray ?ne in as another household pet. Ion that even lor, and valued at the price of a good ?crub mule, was pf. sufficient Import ance to be placed immediately in the t'ands of the owner which- he kindly did (without compensation) at- the home of the latter, on FYlday evening lest something happen to "Blackid" before he could be called for>' The joung animal remembered his name tnd familiar faces, bat speared to be Durprlsed to see old friends, cats and otherwise. FRANKLIN COUNTY v | HEALTf WttfcK Franklin Cosjnty Health .?e *nt with Dr. ? RcF. jarborodgh The partOMpt C ounty Health Offldt. has Juit Men organised and Ih-^functlonitilt satisfactorily. On the opening day the State De partment sent Dr. D. K. Dees, as it's representative who with Dr. Yat borongh, coverd a wide territory dar ing the week. Investigating the ty phoid condition endeavoring to pre sent the spread of typMId which -id more prevalent in the County has been for years. The County has not yet been entire ly surveyed for typhoid conditiona_ . Messrs. Whitley and Jessup of the State Sanitary Department and Dr. Lewis of the Dairy Department also sfent several days here Iddt week assisting In the County survey. Ilili Those an dother Health of flee rt will assist the local Health Depart ment when necessity arises. The Health Department Is deter mined to make Franklin County model Hearth County. Dr. Yarborough his requested and secared from Dr. IVY* McCain. Supt., of the Tuberculosis Sanltorlum and expert Tuberculosis Clinician to hold a tuberculosis clinic for the cit izens Cof Frsn^Jtn* County at ths Franlriln twenty ^H*?lth Office begin Detalls Of tMe clinic will be pub BUR oust cubs Km pklntimi PHONE hi * V Supt. E. C. &rrt * paid. Hendeieoi ? bualness visit Friday. ? ? ? Rev. and Mrs. S. L. Blanton lef Tuesday for Boston, Mass. _ ? ? Mtas Lucy Wilson, of Loulaburg, It visiting friends in Enfield. Dr. and Mrs. H. O. Perry vlaltei Rocky Mount the past week. Messrs Perry Beasley and Will Swain visited Port Bragg Sunday. Chief of Police B. H. Meadows and Supt. B. C. Perry visited Raleigh yes terday. ? 1 " Miss Dera Brown, of Petersburg, Va* is Viiltigg her aunt, Mrs. Myron Pleasants. ' K' Dr. E. Perry, of Rocky Mqunt, t pent Sunday in Louisburg visiting ^Jufctijgi* Mrs. J. M. Grainger, of Kinston, visited her aunt, Mrs. J. L. Palmer, the past week. Miss Melba Dean Robinson, of Tar boro, spent Fridary night at Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Perry. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Roth left Thurs day for the northern niarkels to pur chase fall goods. Messrs Fred Hicks, Jr., Crudup Perry, and Frank Hicks visited Vir ginia Beach Sunday. Miss Zenobla Baker, of Washington City, is visiting her people in Frank lin County this week. Mr. and Mrs. James Dick, f Char lotte, are visiting Mrs. John O. Wil son, of near Louisburg. Miss Ethel Virginia Perry,. ? of Rdcky Mount, spent the past week with Dr. and Mrs. H. G. Perry. Mrg. A. F. Johnson and children returned the past week from a visit to her sister, at Blackstone, Va. Miss Mary Wilson has returned to tier home after visiting her sister, Mrs. James Dick, in Charlotte. Mrs. Willie Hester and Mr. and Mrs. EV P- Taylor, of Oxford, spent Satur day with Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Perry. Miss Annie Pearl Sonthail, of .At lanta. Ga., is visiting her parents, ? and Mrs. L. R. Southall, near town. "Masses Hloise 'Jennings and An?e Taylor returned Sunday after spend ing several days at Virginia Beach. . ? ? ? * Mr. F. A. Roth went to Oxford JFed ?esdav to attend a meeting of Qjftrict Deputy Grand Masters of North Oaro ina. ?sv Misses Kate Allen and . Margaret (Wider and Messrs. Louis Scoggin and F U O'Neil visited Raleigh' Monday .ight Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Wilson amed to their home at Raleigtrgf tor welting their mother, Mrs. J: 0. nriladh. ' VW JMHn Chnmbllss and chll Jren of Rocky Mount spent last'week in Louisburg, guests of Mrs. J. A. rurner. * * * Mr. an?T Mrs. B. B. Wilson, retttrn sd to tbelr home at Atlanta, G*_ af er yisitlng Mr. and Mrs. L. R. South ill, near town. ? ? ? Mrs. Geo. A. Rose. Mrs. W. H. V.cholson and Mrs. Sam Watkins, of Henderson visited Mr. and Mrs, B. C. Perry last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Taylor left the past week for Georgian Bay. Northern 1" ana da. They will return after two weok's stay by Detroit Mr. H. J. Hayes and daughter, Jan el, Mrs. H. K Newrell and son H. A. Jr.. and Mrs. W. D. Jackson Tlsted Washington City this week. > v. . Mr. and Mrs. ft. W. Smlthwlck and dadghter, Mary Nelson, Mrs. J. B. Beasley and children, and Miss Cora Peaaley visited Raleigh Wednesday. children who have been visiting their mother, Mrs. W. H. Perdue, left the past week for their home at Hopewell, Va. Mrs. OUie RoMnette and daughter Marie of Washington. D. C. have re turned home after spending the week with Mrs. W. P. Edwards on Noble Street r ? e e I Miss Dorothy Roth, who has been visiting her grand mother at Youn-, h>wn, Ohio, and visiting Niagara Palis tud other places of Interest, returned home Monday s ? * Miss Bessie Lancaster, who Is studying to be a trained nurse at Richmond, Va., is spending ber holi days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. L. Lancaster. Miss Elisabeth Tow, who has been spending some time with her sitter. Miss Elsie Mae Tow, left the past week for Warsaw to visit a school mate before returning to her home at Thomaavllle. Mia* Prances Green, who has be? spending the hummer with Miss Ann Gray WAtsog, and attending summe school at Wake Porest College, ha returned to Monroe to prepare to rt turn to Coker College, South Care Una at Its opening In the fatL ft* Green was accompanied to Monrc by her father, Dr. B. S. Green. Messrs A1 Hodges, Jr., and Allen Cobb' returned home the past week from a visit to Southport, attending a summer outing of the order of Kunidh a fraternal and social order of the National Boy Scouts at Ameri ca, membership in which- is prized highly because of the high record of Bcoufcraft it demands. These boys are members of the Oconeecbee Conn-' cfi at Raleigh. ? ? ? Mies Beulah Lancaster left yester daylrtth a group of thirty women of "Vance' County On a ten day motor tour. The party will travel north through the Valley of Virginia, the Gettysburg battlefields, and go thence to Niigara Falls and over Into Cana da. On their return they will motor down the Hudson River by way of Albany to. New york City, thence to .Philadelphia and ''Washington and back home. Colored Graded School And High School Department Will Open Monday Sept. let, 9 A. M. We want this to be the best term In the history of the school. This san only be done by a united effort on the part of parents and teachers. Let os air make np our minds to pnll to gether. The school is for the com munity, if we will do our part our Hon. Board of Trustees and our good Supt. Prof. W. R. Mills will be sure Li do their part. We have a nice beantlfnl building, well ai ranged with nice furniture. Let yonr boys and girls come the first day on'time and try to let them come every, day. It means so much for your chid when he can attend school regularly. We will tike good care of your children. We are not only Interested In books, we are "interested in teaching your bqys and girls how to conduct them selves at home or on the streets, and above all what It means to have a good strong christian character. These leeeons will be taught dally along with our clashes. We have a good strong faculty, which will be required to do community work this term. That is we will visit from home to home and try to find out Just the real deeds of the boys and girls under our care. I .want my teachers to be Intereeted be yond )uet the salary they receive. We ate servants of the community and I want them to serve seven days to the week. We have last closed' our summer vacation school which ran for two weeka We enrolled In this ' school one hundred sixty four. Our white and colored frlende wire very nice to ns in this work. My one desire is to teach right and help my commun ity to be a better and sweeter place 'e live In. I Just mast thank my white frlendf-fer the personal Interest they re taken In" nave always taken in' mi ind my work. GEORGEC POLLARD, ' \ Prtnclpel. Two thousand Rowan County farm si's took a day off last wesk and at tcnded an all-day ricnlc. according to rsgorts frota county Agent W df Yeager. Endurance Gives Out?On One Side? i t By AQmt T. R?d ? _C w *" 0^1 Edit TIN*" ?$5MfH T.JVeJJ AUT.cttT?V Black Shorn WontDrooth White Spots No Droofh The Great Drouth of 1930 Ppfcliriier* Aotocaster Service THE NEW "FULLER" i 0Clt)ifo Will Be Open For Business Saturday, Aug. 23 This Station will be operated by Fred B. Leonard, who will specialize on "Shell" Gasoline A good line of Motor Oils and Other Accessories. Visit this station and see what we have to offer you in Up-to-date Service. Near Tar River Bridge