BOOM A. ? JOHNSON, Editor and NLfcMfW THE COUNTY, TOBTATp, THE UNION _____ BUB80EIPTI0H $1.50 Per Yi i VOLUMN LXI.. LOUISBUBG, 1, 0. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1930 . (24 PAGES) NUMBER 34 COUNTY TO PRO TROT TAX SALES Many Report* Mate and Filed? Board of Commissioners Set With Old Board?Fay For Chickens 1 The County commissioners mot Monday In regular sesaion wth all members present. After reading and approving the minutes of the -last meeting business was transacted as follows: T. W. Watson reported that he had visited the county' property in the town of fjoutaburg?that the court house was in good condition, some minor repairs being made in the bel fry, that the Jail was In good condi tion with the exception that It needed some new mattresses. J. Z. Terrell reported that he bad, visited the Welfare office and found things to be working smoothly. He filed report of E. C. Perry Welfare officer. C. B. Bar ham reported eighteen prisoners In Jail, sixteen of whom awaiting trial in the Superior Court next week. J. B. Sturdivant filed report of Miss Daisy Caldwell, Home Demon stration Agent also report of Dr. K. P. Yarborough, Health Officer. Mrs. O. W. Cobb was before tlje board In reference to chickens killed by A. 8. WIgg's dogs. On motion pre. vailing it was ordered that Mrs. Cobb's claim of $6.60 be paid. The Chairman reported that the County home is in its usual good con dition. He files report of John Hedge peth, Superintendent, showing twenty five inmates at the home. The Sheriff reports a total collec tion of taxes during the. month of September to be $2719.88, making a total collected of $228,940.20, out of a total levy of 289,421.20, which leaves an uncollected balance of $60, 600.00 approximately, $63,692.56 being In land sales certificates, and $9238.61 insolvent list. The County Accountant reports the bridge fund for the current fiscal year exhausted. The new Board of County Commli sloners met with the old Board at the afternoon session. Mrs. R. W. Hudson was .before the Board and asked that she be al lowed to pay her back taxes in partial payments and after considerable die cosslon T. W. Watson mores that the Clerk of the Superior Court be au thorised to accept payment of $25.00 per month on the Judgment, costs and interest held by Franklin County, until same is liquidated. The motion prevailed. On motion, McDanlel Lewis of Greensboro was employed by the County at the contract price of $100.50 to prepare $22,000 Franklin County bonds for sale?contract for same bet ing signed by all parties and made a part of these minutes. On motion, Zollle Alford of Dunns Township, on recommendation of Dr. B. C. Johnson, was reletred of poll tax for the years 1920 and 1920 be. csuse of inability to work from rheu matism and pdllegra. On motion, the -county accountant was Instructed to big the amount due the county for taxes and all costs wits accrued interest on any lands sold under foreclosure proceedings as advertised. On motion the following resolution to amend minutes of the meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of Franklin County of meeting held on November 6th 1920 was carried. Whereas, there was an error in copying a motion made by J. Z. Ter rell and seconded by T. W. Watson at a meeting of the county commis sioners and seconded by T. W. Watson at a meeting of the county commis sioners of Franklin County, held on Monday, November 5th, 1929; and whereas It Is the desire of this Board j that the minutes as recorded be cor. rected so as to have said motion re corded in the form as same was passed: Be It therefore resolved that; The minutes of this Board for its meeting held November 6th, 1929 which are recorded in Minute Docket No. 7. page 442, be and the same are amended by striking out the words "the year" in the fifth line from the bottom of page 442 and the words, "a term of twe years" be inserted in lieu thereof. On motion It was Teooinmended that the offices belonging to Mrs. McDoug all located in the Medlin Building, containing four rooms, be rented by the month at $25.00 per month, in cluding lights and heat, for the use of the Home Demonstration Agent and the Welfare Officer, beginning No vember 1st J. Z. Terrell was appointed to look after the collection of the rents of the People's land. On motion the Chairman was an. thorised to appoint a committee of one from the present board and re quest a committee of one from the new board, to act Jointly In employing at I (or the torneya lor the purpose of defending any suits ngw in litigation tor the collection df taxes. On motion the Commercial National Bank of Raleigh, and the New Hanov er Central Bank of New York were designated as depositories of Frank lin County Funds, said banks being required to ghr* bond Mb My sum* deposited thbseth. After allowing a number of a*, counts the Board adjourned to meet again at the call of the Chairman. ? Wa?hington_jjrowj more year by year. The classic temple foregroun4 of thb aeriaf b the Lincoln Memorial with the mortal 'Bridge to Arlington at the t and the Washington Monument in distance. Has Tuberculosis Physicians have diagnoses the ail ment of Herbert Hoover, Jr, the President's oldest son, as tuberculosis of the lung, but believe they have dis covered it in time for a ' PRICES OS THE INCREASE Loulsburg Tobacctf Marked Making B% Adrute In Frleta and Sails faction la C?aend The following tobacco letter ia fuf. oished the TIMES by a member of the Tobacco Board of Tradp of Lonis bnrg. "Sales hare been good all the past week on the Loulsburg tobacco mar ket. All houses, having Increased sales over last week, with prices on the increase. The market so tar this week has averaged around 18 cents with very little of the better gradee showing up. Primings on the smok ing type are selling good and the warehousemen think it a good time to market them. 'Loulsburg has the best market this year in its history, and it you bring your tobacco to Loulsburg you are sure to be pleased. It is an to* dication of Loulsburg"! popularity to see farmers from all parts of Franklin, Nash, Johnson, Wake, Vance and Warren counties bringing their tobacco to Loulsburg. ' When you have your next load rcsdy try Loulsburg and become one c' the many satisfied boosters of the Loulsburg Market". ^His Dream Come True nifty yaara ago Thome A*M?on concemd the idea of a flying merhlae which wooM riee \g nag of a hnri aoEl wMnffl. Lartwa* the *Wb. aN* vWtod Mewarh Syhtg AM and aaar We *m? com trwa/wW a fcdfr copter (lew ia front PhitadelrhK l'HE FRANKLIN COUNTY FAIR TO OPEN OCTOBER The Franklin County F*lr will ipen Its gates to the public tor the sixteenth time on Octobey * the 28th. The success of this Fair has' been most wonderful, as it has grown to be one of the largest County Flglta In the State and has the reputation of having the best exhibits of any County Fair. This is due largely to the in. terest and co-operation of the farm people in the County. The arrangements for the great event are nearlng completion and the best exhibits ever seen here are ex pected that these exhibits will evun surpass the wonderful display of last year. Superintendent Best has had several meetings with the Vocational teachers and principals with a view of having the best display ever seen In a County Fair. The exhibit space Is being rapidly taken up and in all probability will be exhausted before the end of the present week. The Franklin County Fair is one of the best County Fairs in the State and probably the best attended, and a record breaking crowd is expected this year. The Fair opens Tuesday, October the 28th, and will run tnrough the entire week. Wednesday, the 29th, will be Educational Day and a holiday for all the Schools In the County. Saturday, November 1st will be School Day for the colored people ML H. T. ADDRESSES KIWANIAN8 The Loulsburg Klwants Club at It* usual weekly luncheon Friday night was delighted by an address from Dr. N. Y. Qulley. Dean of the Wake Forest Law School, who was happily intro duced by Mr. Edward Griffin, in charge of the program, dr. Qulley made a very timely and interesting talk on the question of taxation. His discusson dealt mostly with schools and roads, stating that he was oppos ed to the State having full control of either of these. He was confident of the fact that the State should bear even a greater part of the tax burden than it is now doing. He suggested that the State should build and hare control of* the general highways in the counties but that the other county roads should be left with the local county authorities; that the State should pay the salares of all the teachers for t*<? required six months term, but that the counties should take care of all capital outlay and debt service. He suggested as cer tain sources of revenue a more eco nomical function of county and State government, certain kinds of sale tax and if need be a gasoline-tax. His talk was Instructive and entertaining, and the entire club seemed :deeply in terested. KISSES TDDERLAKE ENTERTAIN Misses Lucy and Elisabeth Timber lake delightfully entertained quite a number of guests at a bridge and rook party Wednesday evening, Octo ber t> at 8:80 o'clock, at the Welcome Inn. In honor of Miss Annie Willis Boddle, November bride-elect. The guests were entertained at twelve tables and after tour progres sions high score prises for bridge and rook went to Mrs. E. F. Thomas and Mrs. B. C. Perry, respectively. Tn Miss Boddle, honor guest, six goblets of a delicately shaded glass was given. - Fall flowers of great variety served decorations of the Inn. ilous refreshmens served of a salad course and hot rolls. The gufsts of the Misses Timber lake were Mlssee Annie Willis Boddle. Lucy Clifton Boddle. Elisabeth Clif ton, Louse Joyner, Margaret Turner, Max Allen, Anna Puller Perbam, Edith Bradley. Marion White, Vivian Allgood, Katharine Rogers, Olivia McKlnne, Lucy Smtthwlck. Mary Wil son, Jewel Clark. Julia Stewart. Ida Tucker. Leasts Sellers, Sophia Clif ton, Lula Mae Tlmberlake, and Mea dames 8. P. Boddle, B. B. Perry. M. 8. Clifton, X B. King, W. B. Barrow, Charles Lea, Rob. Alston, J. W. Mann, W. E. White, Jr., W. E. White, Q. M. Beam, R. Q. Bailey. F. N. Egerton. F. J. Beaaley, B. F. Thomas, A. W. Per son X L. Palmer. D. W. Bplvey, W. B Tucker, AX Hodges, Cary Howard, F. W. Whelass, McM. Furgerson. E. 0. Perry, 8. M. Williamson, A. B. Perry, R. W. Smith wick, A 0. Bennett of Kllsabethtowa, and W. a Lee of r ' Holds Four Titles "Bobbf^ Joner, winner ofthe Btit ith Open, British Amateur, American Open and American Amateur golf championship*, with hip latest trophy. PRES. HOOTER SPEAKS AT KIN?9 MOUNTAIN Kings Mountain Battleground, S. C., Oct 7.?Here, where 160 years ago a little army of patriots wrote a stir ring chapter in the founding of this -notion, .a crowd apch as Hrtu rswef MSRlefieM. had never known before, gathered teday and heard President Hoover call upon it to reassert the principles which motivated that army The President warned his hearers <n terse sentences that forces abroad and at home had advanced new the ories of government that clashed with the Ideals of their fathers and urged and abiding faith in those ideals. "The world about us Is torfedbtad," he said, "with the spiritual and eco nomic struggles that attend changing ideals and systems. OJd faiths are being shaken. Bnt we must follow onr -own destiny. Our tnatitations are a growth. They come out of our history us a people. Our Ideals are too well founded, we can not aban don them without chaos. We can fol low them with confidence." Massed thousands sat within, hear ing of the President on the hillside where the mountain men of the Car olines, Georgia, Virginia and Ten nessee, on October 7, IT80, broke the British drive to subdue the.southern colonize. Amplifiers lifted his voles up the slope where patriot end loyal ist fongbOtled aqd dlsd, whlls chain rudhr broSdemfts 'ourried his address U>ron^onf-th?.rBat]on and serosa the m ALSTON ENTERTAINS On Wednesday afternoon, October 8, at 8:30 o'clock at her home on dm Street In Loulsburg, Mrs. Robert Ale ton entertained a number of friends ct teg tables of bridge, honoring Mlse Annie Willis Boddte, bride-elect for November. The home was beautifully decorated with an abundance of rote buds, cos mos and autumn glories. After the progressions of the game high score prise W. IX Egerton and loW eCbca yrtse to Mrs. r. J. Beasley. The guest of honor. Miss Boddle. was presented with a dainty Lemon Set. Refreshments of a salad course and Russian tea were served by the boe TMbee ?enjoying this occasion were Misses Annie Willis BodM|t Lucy Clifton Boddle. Kitty Roddi* Anna Fuller Parham. Margaret TVRler, Ida Tucker, Susie Meadows. Lotto Mea. dowstiaisabeth Clifton. LueySmlth wfclf, vLucy TlmberlakO.- ??? Mee damee, a P. Meddle, W.R. White, Jr? O M. Beam, A. W. Pethin. P. J. Beea ley. P. N. Bgerton, W. D. Egerton, W. T. Person. B. B. Perry, J. K. Melons. Jr.. R. 0. Bailey. O. W. Cobb. K. L. Beet. W. E. White. M. 8- Clifton. J. L. Palmer, T. W. Watson. J. W. Mann. r. H. Mai one. 0. T. Yarboro. Charles Lea. W. B. Tucker. W. H. Al len, H. H. JoKbson. D. W. Splrey, Clarence Myrlck of Panama, T. M. Tull of Philadelphia, t. C. Bennett of SHaahethtown. and H Elton Stout of Salisbury. ?? Over 4M Vance County farmers at tended six eommunlty meetings re cently held In the oounty to Introduce the gorernment tobacco the Henderson RECORDER'S COURT Quite a big crowd was present at londay's session o{ Franklin Record er's Court and a good sized docket 1 res before Judge J. L. Palmer. The ourt was ln session practically all lay and the following dispositions rere made: W. P. Tharrington was found guil y of being drunk and disorderly and squired to pay Justices costs. W. P. Tharrington plead guilty to arrying concealed weapems ?*d .was ined $60 and costs. * v * ^ Edward Strickland was. isiM not ruilty of operating an automobile ir onic ated " , Sprufll Lriicaster plead gnflty to } tperatlng ar automobile Intoxicated , en was given ? months on roads to be j luspended for two years pending good .-eharior and not driving a car for ? . nopths, upon paying $50 and costs. ' Thomas Stalllngs, assault with leadly weapons, continued. L. M. Dfkda, reckless driving, guilty, 19 day* in fall and pay costs. Herman TeaWey, plead guilty to perating automobile intoxicated, and reckless drirtag prayer for Judgment was continued upon payment of costs. "Thomas Stalllngs, assault with leadly weapons, not guilty, J. -Presley Pearce, plead nolo con. tendere to a charge of operating an automobile intoxicated and was fined 150 and costs and not to drive motor rthicle for three months. S. E. Neal was found guilty of op erating automobile intoxicated and unlawful possession, of whiskey, and upon payment of costs prayer for Judgment was continued and defend ant reQtttre^'ndT to drive car. W. R. Pearce, removing crops, con tinued. Ontce Davis plead guilty to a charge cf operating automobile intoxicated nnd was sentenced to 6 months on roads to be suspended for two years, during good behavior, and not driv ing car for t months upon payment of $50. and coats. State vs Otis Harrison plead guilty to being drunk on highway, and was given 30 days in jail to be discharged upon payment of $10 and costs. Morris Davis, reckless driving and violating automobile law, continued. Eddie Collins, plead guilty to vio. latlng prohibition law, and waa given 12 months on roads to be suspended upon payment of 5200 and costs. Board Of Education Meets The Board of Education met In reg ular sesalon Monday with A. F. John son, Mrs. T. H. JDickens, J. H. Joyner. W. A. Mullen and E. L. Green present. The minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Joe D. Terrell was appointed school committeemen tor On . Maplerllle School in pteee of jfm -Whelese who had failed to qualify. It was reported that the county shop and the addition to the Toungs ville Building bad been completed. A report from J. I* Hathcock, the Ce Director of School Accounts, prdeented to the board and or. dered filed. Mr. Hathcock stated the accounts were a annually well kept The question arose whether or not A' ODe-teacher school making an sver age dally attendance of less than 36 could be consolidated during this school year or before July 1, 1930, since on August 4th, 19M, the Board passed an order requiring all one teacher schools la the county to make en average dally attendance of 36 or mere during this school year and any school falling to make this attendance would be consolidated wth some other school sfter July 1, 1931. In answer to this question the following motion made by W. A- Mujjpn and seconded by J. H. Joyner was unanimously car tisd: that the Board of Education of Franklin County hereby gives the an. thority to any local special taxing district school board In the connty to consolidate any one-teacher school within the district that was making an arerage dally attendance of leea than 36. If In the Judgment of the local special taxing school board It would seem adriaahle and tor Nfe heat In terest of the ehlldrea tn the said one teacher school. It is further agreed to glee the authority to *11 local special taxing school hhgpds to con trol and determine other matters of school detail not cedtnfry to the poll, else and laws of the Beard of Bduca tion of Franklin County and the 8tnte Department of Bdncatlon. Therefore, whether or not n one-teacher eehool making an avenge dally attendance cf less than 36 will be consolidated With Utah -other school before July 1, 1931, Will be determined by tbeloca) special taxing school board for that district In which the one-teacher school Is situated. ' There being no further business, the Gourd adjourned to meet again the first Monday In November. MASONIC MEETING A special Communication of Loujs burg Dodge No. 413 A. F. * A. M. will be h*ld on Tuesday night, October 14th. for the purpose at conferring the third, digree *hppa eaadttatte In waiting. ^ftllMaster Masons ate B rited and isqUtotod to pa present. , 8. B. WILSON. W. U. ? tor a hdtu am the nhhmimd market 1 Ml ratorn of XUT.M last week. ro COLLECT DE LINQUENT - TAXES '712*?+-" Il8Jr^t Tmx tloe Pr" Aet At 0n^ Propogl om Propoaerf Fer Famish,^ Elee We Carrest?Tax and Light Mat "f" Before Board. neut ^f|d,?f T?wn Comin'8aioners ^uct^vrs17 8e9",on ?ZV?"j?2,'"m? ?- ? >er.POw.rr0" lowing mem >er? were present: L. L. Jovner a A. Person. W. E. White, P h ai'w W. McKInne Q w RVv?rf ' j . ,5* Hemipg. F0rd* and A- H. 1- Frledlaader, A. Tonkel fo^af008* ' a P" Boddle- "d X C ?iih PPeared before the Board , *** *re<iaest for lower rate on lights ?ial rnn 10 bu8,neM fl?? ot residen ihi TTT" U8,n* 0Ter 100 K- W. * motion was adopted. . re*??t of this commit tee bereferred to the Light * Water ri^i?tteeK which committee shall ?? I matter <* a lower light ra e ^"er tbe consumption of 100 K. Th. J\\! 7 % lowering the rate". vil^i ' Water Committee ad 'he petitioning committee that lh!f h?U/<! try t0 adTlse 'hem as to their decision within a week The minutes of three previous meet ings were read and approved. Mr. W e. Collir was before the Board with a complaint that hehad rot received credit on his tax receipts for all payments that he had made on his taxes, and that he had paid some money to W. C. Webb, Tax Col lector, for which he received no tax receipts. Mr. Collier was advised by I?* , ??ard t0 see 'hat Mr. Webb tH! thIs matter out for him. The Clerk was instructed to refer to the minutes for the authority to Frl-Jn* -Water bills against the Franklin County Fair Association. r J v "?Dth,r J1?"011* <* 'he Town Cierk, Chief of Police, and Town Tax Collector were read and approved. A motion prevailed that Fire In surance Policy No 36.2643 American Kqultable Assurance Co. of New York, covering fire insurance to the use In a regular pumping station, all of .which is contained in the Power Plant, be cancelled, r Wwlt r*d a proposal from L. offering to produce and fur nish the Town of Loniabnrg, N. C. current at a cost to the Town of j. p*r K- W. This proposal was discussed and tabled for farther and more careful consideration. The matter of prompt collection of delinquent and current taxes was dim cussed in full, and the following mo* Hon was presented and carried: T?at the town tax collector pro. ceed to collect all delinquent taxes (due the Town of Louisburg" A motion prevailed that the contract for furnishing fuel oil to the Quality Ice Co., be cancelled, this cancella tion to take effect Immediately. The Isdo^ls ?v tU" contrac' was adopted apon the request of Mr. Enr ^.llTlto'cT Md mmna*er ?f the The Clerk presented an ordinance 1? 'he cost of the College Street Pavement Project, to the va rious property owners involved In the mentioned project, with the re. adm f K B?ard approTe and ordinance. ,. ,Tbf' 'he Board approve and adopt the ordinance prSMnted. pertaining to the proration of the costs of the Col lege Street Pavement Project, to the pfyverty owners Involved. motion was carried, and the ordinance was approved and adopted. Unpaid Invoices were reviewed and approved for payment W< There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. Where no lespedesa was turned under, J. T. Yarboro of Person County made >2.8 bushels of corn; where les pedesa was turned after one year of growth, the yield of corn was 31.6 bushels: but where the leepedesa was allowed to grow two years before turning the yield of corn was 47.1 bushels an acre. Hi II tUy, wko U UT w* <* ?N V?*rw? fc?M iriiMUl to ImJ

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