DON'T FORGET FRANKLIN COUNTY FAIR OCT. 28 TO kyikyfodi boost lqcubum The Franklin ax AfercKiisne uzonm tut ttBIGS . F. W. Wheless furnished a beautiful scene for a lovely shower siren In honor of Mrs. S. L. Blanton, who was to accompany her husband, ifcv. S. L. Blanton, to Newton Theolosical Institution, New . te n Centre, Mass., where he will ! spend several months In further study, on Thursday afternoon, October J. The shower was sponsored by the Woman's Msslonary Society of the Loulsburg Baptist Church. As the guests assembled music was furnished by Mrs. W. E. Ussell who I played many familiar melodies and by Mrs. Raymond Bailey who sang two solos. Following this Mrs. Wheless wheel, ed Into the living room a service tab le laden with numerous gifts, the cen terpiece of which was a beautiful handmade ship. These gifts were presented to Mrs. Blanton by Mrs. A. B. Berry la a very unique manner. Mrs. Blanton expressed her apprecia tion for this and the many other fa. rors shown her and her family during i their stay in Louisburg. The guests were then Invited Into ' the dinning room ' where Mesdames , McM. Furgerson and O. if. Beam pre sided over a beautifully appointed I table. Tea. sandwiches and home made candy were served. The guests i xpressed their good-byes In a song to Mrs. Blanton. Campaign For Welfare Contributions The County-wide Committee ot the I Welfare Association o? franklin County will begin Its County-wide | campaign for funds next week and all , citlxens, who can do so, are urged to I contribute as liberally aa possible as tLere is great daman* being made upon this organisation 'bet cannot be met without fun da. la accordance with a suggestion made several weeks iage, chickens, eggs or things thafcan be readily turned into money will be accepted. Tboee wishing to contri bute before being waited upon by a member of the committee may do so by sending their contribution to Sutft B. 0. Perry, at Lonlsburg. Next week's campaign will be directed to wards receiving money end ohhskene, mainly. The money rained at this time will be need mostly to provide books and clothing for destitute children in the district from which the contributions ere received. breaking and larcony. Umr ~| Gilliam iu lend guilty of making whiskey and possession of materials for tbe purpose of maktac whlriMF. Vane* Medlln was found not unlit of carrying oonoaalad weapons. H? Trua Mna tor murder - against Jaeaa Court was oof I EVERYTHING IN KEADI NESS FOR FRANKLIN COUNTY FAIR Tuesday, October 28th ts the open ing date for Franklin County's Fair and everything Is rapidly getting In Jhipe for the great event. This will be the sixteenth Fair held In the County and as usual It Is looked for ward to with much interest. To the grown ups, it Is loads of fun and to the children it is simply won. derful. Few Counties In eastern Carolina can boast of as good farm products as Franklin and there Is no Fair in the State that has as good exhibits as those to be seen at oar Fair. The individual farm display, that have Lren put on In prevlons years have far excelled those In other Fairs and It Is expected that they will be better this year.. The farms have been put in first class shape for the cattle and hogs and many have already been entered. The Franklin County Pig Clnb sev eral years ago put the foundation stock for what is now the finest pure bred lot of hogs to be found in any County. The Fair many years ago adopted the Live-at-home programme and has done everything possible every year to foster and encourage living, sell ing and buying at home. - To add to the educational features of the Fair the management has con tracted with one of the best and cleanest carnival companies to fur. nlsh the attractions for the mid-way. This carnival is The Bruce Greater Fhows and is up to date In every way and has never before been seen In Louisburg. The Fair opens Tuesday the 28th and Wednesday the 29th will he School day and all the children In fhe County will be here In a monster parade. All children under tsrelva years of age will be admitted free If they are In the School Parade and all over twelve will be admitted for halt price or twenty-live cents. Every school in the County will have an exhibit and these are well worth see ing as our schools are the lead. The largest attendance in years is [ expected and our Fair is the one place I that every body has a good time. College Music Club Meets The Loulsburg College Music Club met Wednesday afternoon October the fifteenth to elect officers. The invitation to music lovers in the town is still open and the Club will be very much pleased to have them Join as associate members of this club which is a member of the National Federa tion of Music Cluba. The annual dues for associate members is $1.00 per member. The next meeting will be November twelfth at 5 P. M. in the College dining room. Dr. Blanton Preaches farewell Sermon Rev. S. L. Blanton, pastor of the Loulsburg Baptist church, left Mon day, October IS, for Newton Centre, Mass., where he will continue further studies at the Newton Theological In. atitute for several months. His fare well sermon was delivered Sunday morning, October 12, at * which time he brought a message and explanation on "Stewardship of Life". The para bles of the wise and foolish virgins and of the talents were read as scrip ture for the basis of the address. Dr. Blanton totd that these two parables taught that which Jesus tried always to teach His dlclples. seriousness of life. He said that people Iooked..npon life lightly while Jesus took it seri ously and earnestly although he en. tared Into all social activities. There were two things Christ taught Ip his parables, accordng to Dr. Blan ton: the differences among men and the likeness among them in that they were all charged with the same duty. He stated that there was only cen sure for faithlessness and praise only for faithfulness. The reward that comes to man, he said, for faithfulness Is the ability to serve In greater pro portions and be of greater nsefulnees, where as the reward for faithlessness Is the disability to do as well as he conld. All of the people of Loulsburg re gret the departure of Dr. and Mrs. Blanton but look forward eagerly to their return In the future months. Hill Yarborough Ap pointed Welfare Board Mr. C Hill Tar borough has been ap pointed to membership on the Board of Welfare and Public Charities of Franklin County to till the vacancy canned by the resignation of Mrs. R F. Yarborough. His term expires June 1. IMS. Mr. Yarborough Is n most capable young man end will give the County most efficient service. Bee op tion A\ College The President see faculty of Lonls bnrg Collage will entertain their friends at a reception t? the College Parlors on Filial evening, October IT. nt eight (rtMek. everyone M cor dially invited. Dean-Vick Beautiful Wedding CcnnM; Solemn lied At Cedar Bock Baptist Cknrck Saturday Afternoon Beautiful In its solemnity and sim plicity. the wedding of Hiss Lucre La Webb Dean, o( near Louisburg, to Mr. Columbus Edwin Vlck of Jack sonville. Fla., took place on Saturday afternoon, October 11, at 5:30 o'clock. In the Cedar Rock Baptist Church, Rev. Raymond Long of Wake Forest, officiating. The church was prettily decorated in the color scheme of green and white. In the background of green, beautiful palms, ferns and running ivy were used, while enormous, beautiful white crysanthemus, artistically ar ranged, completed the scheme of dee orations. Preceeding the ceremony, musical seleltlons, Shubert's "Serenade,'" "Barcarole" from "Tales of Often bach" and "Sweet Evening Star", were rendered at the piano by Mrs. O. Y. 1 arboro. Also, Mrs. Willie Wilson seng the selections, "For Love's Old Sweetsake" and "At Dawning," Lohen grin's and Mendellsohn's Wedding Marches were played during the cere mony. The ushers, who entered in couples, were Arthur S. Vlck of Nashville, Clifford Dean, brother of the bride, Bernard Faulkner and Clyde Taylor of Nashville. Following the ushers, the brides, maids. Mrs. W. O. Lee of Lutnberton and Miss Lillian Evans of Henderson, proceeded towards the chancel togeth er. Mrs. Lee wore a blue satin dress with tight bodice and full flowing skirti and Miss Evans a dress of the leame style of orchid satin. Both wore lace mittens and slippers to match end carried arm bouquets of fall . flowers of harmonizing colors. The flower girl. Little Miss Martha Ann Vick. nelce of the bride, attired in a dainty pink crepe frock, entered immediately after the bride's maids, carrying an arm basket filled with a variety of garden flowers strowing them along the path for the bride. I Miss Eula Dean, sister of the bride, as maid of honor, entered gowned in a dreaa of pale peach moire made of the ptyle with bodice and flowing skirt. She carried an arm bouquet of roses ?nd snapdragons. Preceding the bride, the ring-bear er, Master .Woodall Dean, nephew of the bride, proceeded up the aisle. Lea ring the ring in the heart of a Illy. Master Dean wore a suit of white satin. The bride entered with her broth, er. Mr. Edward Dean, who gave her in marriage. She wore a gown of Ivory satin with draped bodies, with a slightly bloused effect above the v. aistllne and a full skirt flowing gracefully from a closely fitted hip line. The veil was of a lace cap and tulle, the cap being caught at the side with orange blossoms. Of special chic and daintiness were the ivory kid gloves and slippers. She carried an arm bouquet of brides roses and lilies of the valley. At the same time the groom ap proached the altar from the side en trance to the chancel, accompanied by the best man, Mr. John Vick. of Jack, sonvllle, Fla.. brother of the groom. ATter the ceremony the bridal par ty left the church to the strains of I the wedding march. The bride Is the youngest daughter of Mrs. James. A. Dean, of near Louis hurg. and the late James A Dean. She is a graduate of Meredith College and has held the position of teaching at Kpsom High School In Franklin .County for the past five years, Mr. Vick is a graduate of State Col lege and a member of the Tan Rho Alpha Fraternity. He holds the posl. Hon as assistant engineer in the En gineering Department of the Atlantic Coast Line, being stationed at Jack sonville Fla. From the church, the bridal party went to the bride's home where her mother entertained at a bouffet sup per. Immediately afterwards. Mr. and Mrs Vlck departed for a bridal trip to Washington, afterwhich they will make their home at 2643 College St. Jacksonville, Fla.. after October tSth. Sharp Negro Gets Check During the tobacco sals ?t Planters Wire home Monday a strange negro, having familiarised himself with the name* of W. H. and r. H. Egerton and their tobacco through conversation with W. R Egerton an old negro man. got hold of the bills and presented them to the book-keeper and got the checka, amounting to MMt- The trickery was discovered in a few minutes and an Investigation madt which revealed that the negro had gone Immediately to the bank and cashed the checka and disappeared. The warehouse made good the amount to Egerton aad a full description was given the officers who nre on the look out for him. AXlBKaX LMtOir irpiUT T%e American Legion iuvlltory will meet nest Tuesday. October tl, at four o'clock at the home of Mr*. H. H. Johnson. Mrs. J. E. Unions, Jr.. Is arraagfeg aa attraotlvs Town Commissioners * Hold Special Meeting The Board of Town Commissioners met in special session, upon the call Jf Mayor L. L. Joyner, Friday, Oct. 10, at 8 P. M. Upon roll call the following mem bers were present: A. W. Person, W. hi. White, F. H. Allen, M. McKinne, and A. H. Fleming. The minutes of the previous meet ing were read and approved. Mr. P. S. Allen was before the Hoard, in behalf of George Egerton. Mr. Allen stated that George Egerton owed something over 830.00 in delin quent taxes; that his taxes had been given to the Town Attorney for col lection; that he had paid 830.00 on account and still owed. 836.00. Mr. Al. leu.stated that George Egerton was Unable to pay such an amount, and that he be relieved of part of this bur den. The matter was discussed by the Board and Atty. E. F. Griffin. It was ruled that the Town- could not refund the Attorneys fee, court costs, advertising costs, etc. to George Eger ton in view of the fact that if this was done the Town would hare to pav such costs, and that If this were done In one case it would be nothing more than fair to make such refunds to all other cases in which parties may be subjected to legal procedure In or der to collect their delinquent taxes. Mr. J. S. Howell, Firq. Chief, was before the Board, requesting the pur chase of 500 feet of fire hose, which is badly needed. Mr. Mahone, representative of the Eureka Fire Hose Mfg. Co., was be. fcre the Board, in an effort to sell the Town of Louisburg 500 feet of Para gon hose. It was decided to secure quotations from other manufacturers of Are hose, before purchasing any. * The Light & Water Committee re commended that the Board not make any changes in the prevailing light rates. The Light A Water Committee leported that they had secured the ing their rates with those of Louis burg, found that the prevailing rates in Louisburg are as low as those of any town of it's size, and lower than some of them. After hearing this re port the Board ruled that no changes be made in the prevailing light rates. The Town Attorney was instructed to file claim against tha U. S. Fidel ity A Guaranty Co., and A W. Green, for shortage in the accounts of for mer Town Clerk. A. W. Green. C. E. Pace was before the board re cestlng a refund from the Town for expenses incurred in the use of his automobile for patroltng the streets of Louisburg during the nights. After hearing the request of Mr. Pace, the Board failed to recognise his claims, srd no refund was ordered. The clerk was instructed to make no special settlement of light and water account of Mrs. Neal. HALLOWE'EN PAtTY If you want to have, "A Real Spooky Time" come to the Pearce School. Friday night, October 24, 1930. at 7:30 o'clock. A Hallowe'en Play will be given Free. Afterward* there will be con tests. fortune-telling, fish pond, and ether interesting features. Come, bring yonr friends and enjoy the fun. Louisburg Choral Club Organised The first meeting after its organ!, ration of the Louisburg Choral Club was held at Dr. and Mrs. H. H. John son. on Monday night. October 13. The clnb was organised not only, that all music lovers of Louisburg | might assemble to sing together, butt that the town might hare an organi sation that might furnish music both sec red and secular. The Choral Club is being directed by Prof. H. L. Swlnt. of the Louisburg College Faculty, with Mrs. 0. Y. Yar bore acting as pianist. Officers of the organisation are president. Mrs. W. E. White, and secretary and treasurer, Mrs. R. O. Bailey. ' The club hope* to put on a program of sacred music in each church of Louisburg some time la the near fu ture. Honoring Mlsa Boddie A hoet of friends war# present at the lovely linen shower given M~ Annie WUHs Boddie at the heme of Misses Beatrice and Margaret Tar. ner on Friday, October 3. In rooms beautifully decorated with fall flowers, the gneets played at eleven tables et bridge, the top score prise being won by Mrs. Fells Allen, who graciously presented It to 1" guest of honor, and the low score prise being iron by Mrs. E. L. Be Meanwhile. little Karl Alien, dressed as a porter and bearing a bag covered with tags from abroad entered asd presented his luggage to the bride-elect Wh* upon opening. 111 m iiiI^Si ml nsmnpHmk m?cor?r*fl iuxm?rvm was presented Mlsa Saddle by the ty i B9 bride of thn i In cancleslon, a < MR HOLDER'S CONDITION IMPROVED The many friends of Mr. Ben. T. Holden, .who is being treated at Park View hospital, Rocky Mount, for a self inflicted wound in his head which was made during a moment of dispondency at his home here early Monday morning, is resting well and Indications are that his condition is Improved. Mr. Holden is one of Louisburg's most successful and prominent law yers and is held in high esteem by a large number of friends who deep ly regret his condition. Louisburg Tobacco Marktt Leads In Prices Sales on the Louisburg tobacco market the past week hare been much larger than usual with prices still high, and the greatest satisfaction la many years. Monday more than one hundred thousand pounds were sold ti an average of $17.83 In spite of the rain and good sales with splendid averages have been ezperlened each day. Many growers In adjoining coun ties are visiting the Louisburg market demonstrating the fact tt$t Louisburg is leading in prices. The buyers are all eager tor the weed, bid lively and the warehouse, men are taking care of the farmers interests. Louisburg invited you to come and join in this good will and profit. R. H. Gilliam Seriosuly Injured In Wreck Mr. R. H. Glllam was seriously in jured in an accident about 10 o'clock Tuesday night near the home of Mr. L. A. Kemp on highway 56 when the Ford truck he was driving collided with a Chevrolet Motor Express out cf Raleigh. Mr. Gilliam received in juries about the head which may prove fatal. He was taken immedi ately to a hospital at Rocky Mount. From reports and indications pre sented by the contact it seems that the Ford truck driven by Mr. Gilliam was returning to Louisburg while the t other truck was enroute to Franklin ton. the Ford striking the Chevrolet on the side just back of the front wheel. The Ford was badly damaged. I cn the Chevrolet was injured. After ; viewing the scene and taking the names of the owners of the Chevro ] let the driver was allewed to go with out bond. Mr. GtUIam. is a man of about 45 , years of age and has a family, and ! is considered a very successful to ' I acco grower in Harris township. A5 APOLOGY ? The TIMES has to offer its apology to some of the schools and other con tributors for having to again carry over the articles sent in for publica tion. The main reason for this is that the linotype we are using has been is service since 1913 and has had very little adjustment. It being almost Im possible to get a good linotype ma chinist to visit a small town for over hauling a machine. As a result we cannot set the amount of type with It that we need to accommodate the last minute work. It being the only machine we have we could not ship tt back to the factory for recondition ing. We are now trying to remedy 'hese conditions and have been for twelve months and hope to have them remedied in a few days.?Editor A1LU-BODDIK Invitations rending as follows have been issued: Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Perry request the honour of yonr i at the marriage of their daughter An nie Willis to Mr. Peter Stapleton Al len.. Jr.. on Wednesday, the fifth of November, at twelve o'clock noon. Saint Paul's Episcopal Charch Louis burg, North Carolina. There will lie no invitations mailed In town. / The bride elect is one of Louisburg's most charming and accomplished roung ladles. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Perry and enjoys a stats wide i and is a graduate of St. Marys Col lege Raleigh. The groom to he Is tha soa of Mr. P. & Allen, mad is a young man o< ability and strong for hi and a host ad sweat will be with mneh Interest by tfc | at 10 a a. Oei. Uth with aehaol farads and a nag will ha presented by the Jr. Order. following the meeting la the dttoHnm. class mom work wttl ha and at U:M the be ^ l?sl"tSn"trelAt ~ ' *" the T. t. if. AU.rtlMt.jAooldhnfotl., rTlwuf IwL >