WEL$0ME_TO FRANKLIN COUNTY FAIRjOCT. 28 TO NOV. t 'A ? ? . ^ ? "i ... . j ?.?; .?. ? F. JOHNSCHi, JMWWf P?4 M?n?g?r THE COUNTY, THE STATE, THE UNION SUBSCRIPTION |L60 P?r Year VOLUMK LXJ. LOUISBURG, K. 0., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1930 20 Pa^es NUMBER 36 recommenced by A f GRAND jyEY REBOET Alio Consolidation of Soperlnlen deucy of Welfiuro. tuid County Homo ?^-SoUeltor Fflas Report _ JUny Cuos Disposed of Since Last B port The regular October term of Frank, lin Superior Criminal Court came to a close on Saturday at noon. Thoro was quite a number of cases disposed of, many of whom received substantial sentences for their misdoings. The docket as disposed of since our last report Is as follows: Leon Ellis plead guilty to second degree murder to he committed to Morrison Training* School for negro boys. ', Miner Gilliam was given 8 months on roads for violating prohibition law, Judgment suspended for two years upon good behavior and pay costs. Tom Harris, seduction, nol pros. Tom Harris plead guilty to seduc tion and judgment was suspended upon the condition that he pay Into court tor the use of Jesse Ball Finch ? the sum of $100 and all coats at this term, that he pay the further sum1 of 8650.00 In Installments of $12.50 j per month for the same purpose. S. J. Johnson was acquitted of a charge of larceny. Willie Patton was acquitted of a charge of dynamiting fish. George Pearce was acquitted of a! charge of larceny. Jesse King plead guilty to man slaughter and received a sentence of from 12 to 15 yean in State prison. Herman Journigao, Staley Journl-| gan, Newell Journigan, Ear He Journl-. gan and Garland Johnson all were tried for assault with deadly weapon.1 Johnson was found not guilty. Her.' man Journigan was found guilty of assault with deadly weapon, and was required to pay to Russell Betheaj $50 and pay in addition the sum of j $206 on or before Jane term 19S1. Nekell Journigan, Staley Jewraigan and Bariy Journlgan were found gull-1 ty of simple assault and judgment was suspended upon the first the' others were taxed with the costs, _ George Hartsfleld entered a plea of j nolo contendere to a charge of vlolai-| log prohibition law, and wai given d. months on toads to be suspended lor two years upon payment of costs and good behkvlor. I Ulalr Fuller was found gilty of as sault with deadly weapon, and was given 5 months on roads. Vance Medlin was given < months on roads for assault with deadly, weapon. Herman Cobb, assault with deadly weapon, prayer for judgment contin ued to January term and then to be suspended upon payment of $60 and costa. Zeb Collins violating prohibition law, 6 months on roads upon payment of costs and good behavior road sen. tence to, be stayed. Blddie Strother was given 6 months on roads, to be suspended upon pay ment of costs tor assault with deadly weapon and carrying concealed weap ons. Otis Davis plead guilty to operating automobile intoxicated, judgment sus pended upon payment of coets. Frank Macon was required to pay into the court the sum of $68 and ,?u. . ,| John Wood was given 6 months on roads, for unlawful possession of whiskey, to be suspended upon pay ment of coets and good behavior. Walter Dunston and Willie Gupton, larceny, changed to 18 to 24 months In State prison. J. S. Finch plead guilty to carry ing concealed weapons, judgment was suspended upon payment of coets. f Court was adjourned Saturday at J fioon after having disposed of quite' a bit of Its work. The Grand Jury completed Its work; Frinay morning and was discharged after filing the following report: To Honorable Garland B. Mldyette., Judge Presiding, October 1980 Term, Franklin County Superior Court: We the Grand Jury for October'tarm Franklin County Superior Court, beg to submit the following report: We have passed on til bills pre sented to us and on all matters which have been brought to our attention. We recommend that tha office of the Soph of the County Home end the Welfare Office be consolidated and, handled by one officer at his present salary. We further recommend that1 the Home Demonstration agents du ties be abolished thereby saving tha County this expense. We recommend that tha toilat ism the Court house be ilpulliil and put' In first class shape. We visited th County Jail and find same In food shape, we visited the gBUln ID V ? I * ? ? County Home and find it to be In ex cellent shape and all the Inmates well cared for and oentsnt We visited the Clerk's offlce. the Sheriffs office, the Register of Deed's office and the Auditors office and rind them all well kept and <n food ' WfcfcHfc o?dr*'4**?ltere W. T. *088 Democratic nominee for County Com missioner, the only one of the New Board to receive a nomination la the first primary. He Is a prosperous >ouug planter of Youngsvllle and'la very popular among his constituent*.' MR. W. E. TUCKER DEAR Mr. W. E. Tucker, one of the most prominent and most highly respect ed citizens of Louisburg, died last Sat urday erenlng, October 18, at the home of his daughter. Mrs. C. S. Wil liams, at franklin ton, after about two years of Illness. In his death, Louls burg loses one of her most lovable and respected citizens. Funeral services were held from his daughter's home In Franklinton Sunday afternoon, October 18 at three o'clock, being conducted by Rev. J. A. Mclver of Tarboro, his former pas. tor, who was assisted by Rev. J. D. Miller of St. Paul's Episcopal Church end Rev. A. D. Wilcox of the Louis burg Methodist Church. The interment was made at Trinity Church, about seven miles north of Louisburg fol lowing the services In Franklinton. Exceptionally large crowds attended both services. An unsurpassable floral tribute was abundant and profuse. The flower bearers were .the grand-daughters of Mr. Tucker as fffnOWd: -Mrs. Ben. Ward of Greensboro, Mrs. Clauds Kltehln of Rocky Mount, Miss Ernes tine Bragg of Oxford. Miss Mary Beas. ley of Apex, and Mrs. R. W. Alstln.j and Misses Josephine and Bailie T.| Perry of Louisburg. Active pall bearers were his grand sons John WiUtamson, Napier Wil liamson, B. C. Terry, Jr., E. W. Fur gerson, Jr., Blalf Beasley, Fdrrest Beasley. Honorary pall bearers wire K. K Allen, P. 8. Allen, A. W. Person, Dr. R. F. Yarborough, Dr. 8. P. Burt, R. A. Pearce, E. H. Malone, W. R. Mills, R. H. Davis. D. F. McKlnne, John Yarborough, W. H. Yarborough, C. K. Cooke, B. B. Perry, Geo. Cooper. Mr. Tucker was eighty-two years old and was a member of the Louis, burg Baptist church. He Is survived by his children, Mra R. B. Beasley of Apex, Mra J. L. Reid of Wake -For est, Mrs. C. 8. Williams of Frank linton, Mrs. E. M. Bragg of Oxford, Mrs. H. H. Dall of Cambridge, Md.. and Mrs. A. B. Perry, Mrs. B. N. Wil liamson, Mra E. C. Perry, Mrs. E. W. Fgrgurson and W. B. Tucker of Louis burg. (totting Better The many friends of Mr. Ben. T. Holden and Mr. R. H. Gilliam, who are at a hospital at Rocky Mount, will be glad to know they are Im proving very satisfactory and sxpeetj to return home in a few daya EPSOM JTKWS The North Carolina Woman's Mis. slonary Conference of the Christian church, met with the Libert- Vance church Friday October IT. The pro gram was good, and the attendance tine. The fellowship with these vit ally Interested la '"""ry'ng on His work, was very lnsplrl.:; and helpful to us. Mrs. R. J. Newton end daughter I Eleanor spent last 8unday with her| aunt, Mrs. Stella Ayscue. There will be a regular meeting of Wellons Chapter No. 1(7 a B. 8.. Fri day. October 14th at 7:80 P. M. This Is the first night meeting for some time and we urge that all who can attend this meeting. REPORTED. department, and that of the Bupt' of I Schools and found them both wellf kept and in good order. This October 17th. 1880. & P. WILDER. JR., Foreman Grand Jury. Solicitor Brassfleld filed the fol. lowing report, which was recelvtd by the Court and ordered filed: To Honorable Garland E. Mldyetts. Judge presiding: I beg to report that I have examined the office of the Olerk of this Court and find the proper records kept The accounts of ths office are In tsy opin ion properly kept The guardian ac counts appear to he regularly kept '?This October tern 1880. LION S. LOJJJSBURG MARKET Making to averages MONDAY BROUGHT BLOCK SALES AND - SATISFACTION Saoker finlti <?H>% High?BcSy Averages Put Week lugtaf Frem l&tt to Jf-M?Tebaeeo Pram Long Distances Being Sold la UdMui great ? cle* jreadk Prices of tobacco on the Loulsburg market bare been holding up especial ly good the past week and instead of weakening under the influence of the big sales hare showed a tendency to Increase. Monday climaxed a ' week of big sales when near on to a quarter mil lion pounds were offered resulting in a blocked sale. The floors of the Union and Southslde warehouses were cleared but only about a third of the floor of the Planters was sold. Bven with these sales the price average as reported by tobacco men remained about the 17 cent mark with many individual averages running any where from 2g to 36 cents a pound, and the planters generally voicing the satisfaction that most always fel lows sales beyond expectations. No sale day, we are Informed, dur ing the past week has fallen under an average of 18.48 with a high of 17.88. The companies all seem especially anxious for the smoker grades and these are considered to be selling at a premium as compared with the i tbe market started. The heavier1 body tobaccos, Including the redlor greenish grades are not selling jas well as is desired or as expec they will later on in the season, iret many of these are bringing fafrly good prices. This type of tobacco* we are informed, is now undergoing ec advance in price, each day shew ing It to' be stronger. It is especially gratifying to leuls buTg to know that the local market is being apprecintad'ln so wide a ter ritory and that so many are vtsitfeg tbe city on the Tar from so gram aj distance. This appreciation is shared by Louisburg's wide-*' merchants who are offering prices on dependable articles, their advertisements In this AMERICAN LEGION 3 AUXILIARY MEETING The American Legion < Auxiliary held its regular monthly meeting with Mrs. H. H. Johnson on Oct. 21st, 1880. The meeting was called to oTder, the Lord's Prayer repeated in unison and pledge to the flag given. After this the regular business rou tine was followed. Miss Helen Leigh Fleming sang two selections accompanied at the piano by. Mrs. James Malone, Jr. ::'*MIm Johnston of ths college ffceui* | ty gave two readings. ^ A paper written by a World War Veteran was read by Mrs. W. L. Beas ier Several committees were appointed to discuss the advisability of several suggestions on bow to Increase the auxiliary fund so that It will be able to meet the demands of families of the ex-eervioe men in our county. At the conclusion of the business Mrs. Johnson assisted by Miss Helen Leigh Fleming served tea and sandwltchee. The meeting adjourned until the 3rd Tuesday In November. Will all mem ber* bear this date in mind. Mrs. J. Forrest Joyner, 8ec'y. < LIST OF JURORS The following i* a list of Juror* drawn for th* regular November term of Franklin Superior Court: FIRST WEEK Dunns?W. K. Phillips, H. E. Stal lings, J. 8. Gay. Harris?J. W. Whelesa, Jr.. J. a Hagwood. Youngsvllle?J. W. Wiggins, B. O. Hart. R. E. Williams, B. H. Patter, aon, R V. Hill, James 8. Eaves Frankltnton?R. O. Strother. D. B. Kearney. Hayesville?B. J. Griseom, Wesley Ayscne, W. E. Abbott. T. L Puller. Sandy Creek?J. C. Wester. ' Gold Mine?B. B. Leonard. Caleb Allen. Jr. Cedar Rock?J. O. Wilson. Jr. Loulsburg?J. a Howell, H. C. Wll llama, W. M. Pleasants SECOND WEEK Dunns?H. K. Parry, J. D. Stalling*, W. T. Parry. Harris?D. B. Cbeaves. . Youngsville?A. M. Pace Sandy Creek?G. C. Lester. W. a Roe. Gold Mine?J. E. Burnett, H. C. Radford. Cedar Rock?8. a Inscoe, W. J. Boone Loulsburg ? W. F. Davis, Jake Frledlandsr, F. L. Herman. M. C. Mur phy. J. A. Mumford. L. P. Perdu*. Fred Frular. ? StaAey Ooupty farmer reports an Income of ?*i to |W a asoaU " cream produced by five cows, man has not been feeding is relyhag on hla graa KIWAN1S SPONSORS INDUSTRIAL SURVEY At the Louisburg Klwanls Club on last Friday iflgbt, October 17. the members ot the clnb were ddreesed IT Mr. ?. ?. Spotwood who spoke of lnduetriee In the Sooth and of ench that would be editable for Lonlsburg. One of the main points that Mr. Spotwood set forth to the Ktwanlans was that Louisburg should never have let its creamery close. He related the success of the creamery and mtlh business in Fredericksburg, -V*., where there seemed apparently ittg to which they were adapted las recently become a growing c densed milk Industry centre of South, not because of its splendid sources along that line hut met because the people these hacked I*] and gave it th necessary support. And, he stated, that LouiSborg waa even better adapted tor creaxpety bastnss* with the agriculturj^ basis, climate] territory. Also he recommended a sewing In dustry for Louisburg that would pro duce ready-mad ar garments tor the reasons that It whs a small commun ity, Intelligent labor waa arallaMSt buildings were available, the Uvtng conditions of the employed ideal, and for the ability of the employed to clear more money for necessities and luxuries of life, A committee was appointed by President Mills to confer with Mr. Spotwood immediately after the meet ing and to decide whether they should secure him to make a survey ot Louisburg and Franklin County. As a result, Mr. Spotwood was employed to make the survey. MASONIC I.ISTRHT MEETING HELD IN LOUISBURG The Lodges of the Counties of Franklin Warren and Vance in the 19th Masonic District held a meet ing In Louisburg as guests of the to-1 cal lodge qb the afternoon and even ing of Wednesday, October 22. Two' sessions were held. An afternoon ses sion was devoted to lectnrss and open forum on matters of interest to the various ledges which were well rep resented at the meeting. At the night session barbecue waa served as only Dr. A.- H. Fleming, Bid Holden sad their associates can serve ft After all present had en. tjoyed the cue and social hour, the fVdge was opened and the following officers of the Grand Lodge were in troduced: JK W. Tlmberlake, Jr>, Most Worshipful Grand Master of! Grand Lodge of North Carolina: John] H. Anderson, Right Worshipftfl Grand Becretary and past Grand Master: J. E. Alton, Right Worship ful Grand Steward and Foreign Cor respondent; FYaak A. Roth, Right] Worshipful District Deputy Grand Master. An Address of welcome to the vis itors waa given by Professor E. L. Beat. Informal talks were made by Grand Secretary Anderson, Past Dis trict Deputy Grand Master Long, J. ?1 Allen and others. E. H. Malone introduced to the at tending masons the speaker, a native son of Louisburg, Grand Master E. W. Tlmberlake. Jr., now of Wake For est. Those In position to knou stated that Grand Master Timber lake's address was the beet of its kind sver delivered from this section. This Lodge went on record ss re questing the secretary to obtain front him the address as a whole or much' as might be feasible and to publish it In the local papers and send It to the several lodges of the District Several lodges invited the next Din.' trlct Meeting to be held In their halls. After n lively oontast Littleton won. the distinction and the next meeting will be held In Littleton at a data to be given Inter. The meeting was very Interesting and successful, being put forth under the direction et the capable District Deputy Orand Master F. A. Roth Louisburg, who is very earnest *4 sincere In his Intsrests and work In Masonry. C. J. GATES TO SPEAK HERE | SUNDAY 'he colored oitlsens of Louisburg > Franklin County will bold a mam th educational mass meeting in the rt house Sunday afternoon at 3 ock for the purpose of llquldet whfch notes whKh were used In pur. sing property on which 1s now sit ?d hi the new high school, he address of the occasion will be vered by C. J. Gates, well-known irney of Durham, who holds his U B-, from Boston University. LOUISBURG COLLBGB Miss Annie Lee Cutchln who Is the Piano pupil ot Miss Harriet May Crenshaw, Director of Music In Louts, turg Collage and who was the Capitol District winner In the piano contest rf the Federation ot Music Clubs for lualors last March gave a very cred itable performance of Mac Do Well's Elfin ROund at the District Meeting rf the Music Clubs last Friday at Payettevllle. \ Mtas Cutchln had a vary attractive style and did aoahe good finger worth She was also the delegate from Loets burg Collage Music and gave a One report of the Club's work. t. SPENCER DEAN Democratic nomlaae tor County Com missioner. Mr. Dean is a progressiva young planter of Cedar Rock com raantty, and is especially popular. Mr. Dean has served Franklin County as a Commissioner before and made a record that is appreciated by the cit frens of the Connty. recorder s court Although Franklin Superior Court, caused the Recorder's Court to skip a week with Its work and Monday's seslson to have an accumulation ot two weeks the docket was not exces sively large Monday. Judge Palmer, with the assistance of Prosecuting Attorney E. F. Griffin, disposed of the docket as foMows: Clemeuts Bar ham was found not guilty of larceny and receiving. Frank James was found guilty of larceny and receiving, prayer for judgement was continued for one week. Hubert Teasley plead guilty to reckless driving and was given 60 days in jail commissioners to hire out Tom Yoang drew 6 months on roads lor unlawful possession ol whiskey. Dod Mssseubarg plead guilty to un lawful possesaion of whiskey Judg ment suspended. Qeorge Aycocke was tomi guilty of operating automobile intoxicated and given 6 months on roads and a fins of >60 and costs to be hired to Ijcuiabufg township roads to pay fins sod coats, road sentence suspended for two years pending good behavior and not driyiag automobile, capias to Issue St ant*time by Ju&ge of Record era Court: *- v - Herbert Lancaster plead guilty to unlawful pesseeakm of .whiskey, and was given > mouths ou roads and fine of $100 and costs, upon payment of I flue and costs road sentence suspend ed for two years pending good be htvlor and obeying all the laws of the State, capias to issue at any time by ordgr of the Judge of this court. ' Grady Collins, plsad guilty of vio lating prohibition law, fined $26 and costs. Rufus Bunn, was found guilty of abandonment of child, prayer for Judgment continued. The following cmses were conlln. uftdt Morris Davis, violating automobile law Thomas S tailings. assault with ctofcdly weft poo Bprut]l Lancaster, operating auto mobile intoxicated. Son Perry, assault with deadly a eapon. A CORRECTION In the report of the Commissioners proceedings for the first Monday pub lished last week, it was stated that (be Commercial National Bank, ot Raleigh, and the Central Hanover Bank and Trust Co^ of Nsw York were designated as depositories for Frsnklia Couaty. This order, ws are informed did not affect the First Na tional Bank ot Loulsburg remaining n depository. The arrangements were made as a matter of convenience in handling bond funds. RT, HON B. T. P. C. The following program for ML Zlon B. Y. P. U. for Oct Nth. haa bean rt ranged: Song service?Led by chorister. 1. Let The Sunshine In. 1. I'll Go Where yon Want me to Go. Prayer. Bu sines sand Record*. Bible Drill?Mr. Jennings. 8ec*y. Report?Prances Joyner. Group Capt in chsrge?Mrs. Tur ner Matthews. Introduction?Fannie Psrnell. His Last Words?W. O. Reed. State Missions?Mrs. H. G. Bur netts. The Mission Program?Eugsas Har per Th? Educational Program Mrs. W. 0. Reed. The. Berries Program?Maggie L. to aug ?? Onsets IEFIJSE ACCEPT INSOLVENT LIST [TON TAX BOOKS* OVER TO BANK >unty CmuUhIoiwi Making Effort Te CM Properly ea Tax Boots and Sake Tax CoUecttens ? Peneia Falling Te List Taxes To Be Be. ported Te Seilelter Per Artiem The Board of County Comissioners leW two special meetings last week, :ne on Thursday and one on Friday. At U>e first all members were pres ent except McGhee, and In addition lommlsslcners-elect, W. R. Perry aat r. S. Dean. In the absence of Chairman, McGhee T. W. Watson presided and business was transacted as foMwws: The chairman was requested-do ap point a committee to lnrestlgate T. H. Dickens estate tax list tor 1929, J. B. Sturdlvant was appointed. J. Z. Terrell was appointed to con fer with G. M. Beam relative to a tax suit against BL H. Harris. This meeting was adjourned. At .the meeting on Friday all mem bers were present. Sturdlvant reported that a porton of Dickens estate had been divided and some of the property listed twice, cud advised that a complete and cor. rect check of same be made. Terrell made a report on the E. H. Harris tax matter and the Beard re ferred the same to W. N. Fuller. Upon motion the Board refused to accept the delinquent tax list ae sub. mitted by the Sheriff. The members took the lists from their respective townships and selected those they knew to be insolvent and upon motion the Sheriff was relieved of the re sponsibility in connection with these, they being received as delinquents. On motion the First National Bank of Loutsburg was designated as Tax Collector for the County for 1930 tax with compensation of $200 per month, until settlement could be made with the Sheriff. Upon motion O. M. Beam. County Attorney, was directed to present a list of persons who failed to list their property for taxes for 1930. to the Solicitor, and to take such action aa is necessary to comply with the law in such cases. This completing the business before the Board adjournment was taken to Its next regular meeting. DR. PAUL W. GABBER Dr. Garber Is the Professor of Church History at Duke University. He Is the Aethor of several books. Anfong them are > "That Fighting Spirit of Methodism", and "The Ro mance of Methodism". H? is an excellent speaker alao and will plaaae those who hear him at the Methodist chvch next Sunday morning. Ton are cordially Invited to attend this service.?A. D. Wilcox, pastor. Birth Announcements Mr. and Mrs. Grady Harris an nounce t)ie birth of a fine boy, Grady, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hicks announce the birth of a son, Almacy Lee. Jr.. arrived Friday. Ninety percent of the tobacco grow ers attending a meeting In Edgecombe County voted to go ahead with organ ising a cooperative marketing asso ciation. After colling 395 Inferior sp from nine poultry flocks of _ County, the retraining 1.571 hens bloodtested for producing hatching eggs this winter. [eCIIUBCH I ?4|WWWlNCDBWiS the nrmDin oitjboi Dr. Paul W. Sutar, of Duke Cai rerslty will preach at the morulas service next Sunday He U a brilliant writer and speaker. Dr. BrtMar will bold tb# fourth Quarterly Con ference after the sermon. At tbe areolae boar Her. A. D. WH_ cox will deliver the second la the reries of sermoas on "Perplaxlttee la Religion". The theme la "Does Ood send Suffering. Accidents. Pestilence? Good music at both servieee. one ST. PAUL'S IP1SCOFAL CIUMI Rev. J. D. Miller, rector 8L PaeTe for next Sunday as Meralag Prayer K 11 a sl. and freeing Prayer at T;he p. m. He invites all to attend tbeae e we Rev. Y. H. HarreU. of Washington. N. a, will preeeh at the st ead T:M p. m.

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