WHAT DR. CALDWELL LEARNED IN 47 YEARS PRACTICE A. physician watched the ram He of constipation for 47 yaara. and believed that no matter hear careful people are of their health, diet and excretes, constipa tion will oeenr from time to tines. Of o?Et Importance, then, is bow to treat it when it rnmee. Dr. Chid well always was in favor of getting as close to net are as possible, benee his remedy for consti pation, known as Dr. ChldweD'e Syruj Pepsin, U a mild vegetable earn It can not ham the si statu and habit forming. Syrup Papain is pi testing, and ) n lings ten Lee ft Dr. Oaldwell did not approve drastic physics and pnigea. & did not .t helisva they were - good for asjbody't system. In a practice of 47 years never saw any reason for their use when Syrup Pepsin will empty the bowels just as promptly. Do not 1st a day go by^ without a bowel movement Do not nt and hope. but go to the nearest dniggiet and^jet one of idea generous bottles of Dr. well's Syrup Pepsin, or writs ^Syrup Pepsin," Dept. KB, MontleeUo. for free trial bottle. DR. J. C. MANN THE WELL KNOWN ITS SPECIALIST Will Be At Parrish Jewelry Store Louiaburg, N. 0. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4TH Prom 10 A. M. to 3 P. M. Don't fall to mo hint U yonr ?jn aro weak. Biaiaiaiaiiiraraianiaizia See GUS and GUP Banner Flour Self-Rising 98 lb. Sack $2.75 48 lt>. Sack 1.50 24 lb. Sack .75 Fresh Ground Coffee 15c lb Black Drib Coffee 25c lb School Supplies Tonra to serre. A. J. Jarman 10S W. Nash St Opposite P. O. Phono lit I.. I sw? When On Your - Uppers Brine thorn to our shop for repairs. You will got- a lot of wear oat oC those old shoes after we have finished with When yon think they are Worthless and aro ready tq."throw them away, 1st ns proTs to yon that they are still of rains. all kinds or waiiin NEATLY DON! Very reasonable prices and honsst work. Upholstering for all makes' of ears. Chatham all wool doable bed blankets, 110 pair. LOUISBUBO REPAIR SHOP J. LEHMAN, Piipslsfct Location at foot Ar Hirer Bridge ? OUR RALKIOH LETTKR * ? * * By M. L. Shipm&n * *???*??? Raleigh, Not. 24 ?The next mora on the political checker board In volves the meeting of the General Assombly of 1*11 and not a epectal eeeelon requested by official! of the North Carolina Tax Relief Assocla tlon. Deciding that a special session" of the Legislature "would so Inter rupt and Interfere with the orderly making of plans which are now In progress for the regular session In January that the effect would be to hare two seeslons without adequate organised preparation, for either," Governor Gardner declined to the .20 day seselon asked for and Is busy planning for the regular "meeting" Rearing on the budgeU of the va rious State departments have been In progress during the week before the Advisory Budget Commission for funds for the next blennlum. Not withstanding the notice previously given by Governor Gardner, direc tor of the budget, that departments and Institutions would be expected to base their requests for the next two years on expenditures for the present year. Bute departments gen erally asked for greater sums than they had before because of the need for expansion. It Is said. The follow ing departments have appeared be fore the Commission and the amounts Indicate appropriations for 1989-30 and requests for 1*31-12: Department of Revenue: Last ap propriation. $171,213 each year: re quested, 1205,512 each yeir. Motor Vehicle Bureau: Appropri ated, 3469,150 each year; requested. 3465,406 and 3470,406. County ' Government Advisory Commission: Appropriated 321,500 each year; requested, 355,000 each year. State Board of Elections: last bl ennlum, 39,395 and 39,500. Re quested 312.800 each year. State Lftfrary Commission; Ap propriated, 324,900 each year; re quests, 328,200 and 332.080. State Library: Previous blennlum. 312,526 each year; requested 311, 765 and 312,196 Department of Labor of Printing: Previously appropriated, 329,715 requested. 358,718 and 352.662. Industrial Commission: Received during the past two years 3121,703; requested, 3*8.548 and 399,530. or 3196.078. Departments of Agriculture: Last blennlum, 3510,000 each' year; re quested, 3644.157 and 3546.682. Board of Public Buildings and Grounds: Appropriated, 3149,090 and 3110,560; requested, 394,488 and 391,976. , Governor's Mansion: Last blennl um, 312,950 each year; requested 311.665 ai\d 311,640. Governor's office: Requested 320, 696 and 319,000; executive counsel, 310,896 and 310,660; Salary Com mission. 33,120 and 33,300. Secretary of State: Requests, 324.435 and 323,180. State Treasurer: Requests 333, 430 and 336,215. Attorney General: Requests, 317, >65 and 318,400. Adjutant General: Requests, 3173.161 and 3157.300. Corporation Commission: Re quests. 389,101 and 3110.000. Department of Conservation and Development: Requests, 3160,224 and 3101,005. Department of Public Instruction: For odmln1etration and supervision 3133.084 and 3130.2*0. Child Welfare Commission: Re quests 332,900 and *32,000. State Board of Charities and Pub lic Welfare: Requests, *47,046 and *36,000; for mother's aid, *60,000 and *60,000. State Board of Health and orthop edic denies: Requests, *494,687 and 3486,470. Historical Commission: Requests, 338,770 and 336,640. Insurance Department: Requests ,3121,441 and 3114,380. The State Board of Equalisation has Indicated that It will ask for a couple of million more for the next blennlum, or *7,600,000 each year; the Veterans Loan Fund *15,000 in stead of *10,000 for each year of the approaching blennlum; Indus trial rehabilitation bureau *16,000 each year as at present; Vocational Education Commission requests *226,000 and *260,000; rural libra ries, 310,000 per year as at present and Teacher training request *16, 000 for 1931-32 and *10,000 for 1932-33. The State Library was the single department which Is asking for a reduction In Its appropriation. Asking Is easy, but the General As sembly which Is to assemble here on January 7 will have the final say and there appears to be Uttle likeli hood of any Increases for the op erating expenses of otther State de partments or Institutions. Mild Interest Is manifested here In the speakership contest between Representatives Willis Smith, of Wake; O. B. Moss, of Nash; and Fred I. Sutton, of Lenoir, with Con nor, of Wilson, viewing the move ments from the side-lines. Friends of Smith and Sutton appear to be more active than supporters of other aspirants for the honor. Connor, It Is said, hopes to be the beneficiary of a dead-lock between the two leading candidates. Fifty-eight votes will determine the Issue, but neither of the would-be speakers claims ?pledges to that extent. Aepresenta tlve Sutton counts the larger number of committals so far, according to statements from his friends. The presiding officer of the Senate will, of course, be Lieutenant Governor Richard T. Fountain. Notwithstanding the closing of numerous banks In the State during recent months, the combined state ment of the State Treesurer and Au ditor shows that on October 81 North Carolina's bank balance In cash was 310.68MS6.3I, Including general and highway funds. The gen sral fund had a balhnce of 31.166, 137.11 and the highway fund, $?, ?88,494.8*. Total State debt It the time was 3134,144.600. Total eral fund receipts for the ye THE NEW CHEVROLET SIX HAS MANY IMPROVEMENTS I JUL m The introduction of the new Cherrolet Six marks the moat impressire forward step in Cherrolet's tweoty t. Far this Bigger and Better Ma offers beauty, new luxury, new completeness quality ?yet it sella at lower prises 1 In eresy cures and sweep of Cherrolet's modern lines?in erery detail of its new Fisher bodies, you will see the fine hand of the master designer and the skillful crafts man. And the more closely you inspect it, the more deeply impressed you will be. The improrements in the new Cherrolet Six begin at the smart new chrome-plated head lamps and extend throughout the entire car. The radiator is deeper. The lines are longer and lower, giring an air of exceptional fleet ness and grace. And the interiors of the new Fisher bodies pro ride a new degree of comfort and luxury s greater roominess; fin) quality mohsir or broadcloth uplmisl f r y ; more pleas ing interior fittings; and a new, completely equipped instrument panel. The disssis of the new Chevrolet Six has i been refined and advanced in a number of different ways. The frame is heavier, deeper and stronger than before. There is a smoother operating, long lived clutch; a sturdier front axle; an entirely new steering mechanism; an easier shifting transmission. In fact, every vital feature of the new car has been made better to provide more thorough satisfaction for the owner. \ ? ' And along with these improvements, Chevro let offers the smooth performance of a 50 horsepower, six-cylinder motor?four long ?e mi-elliptic springs?four hydraulic shock absorbers?a safety gasoline tank at the rear of the car?and an economy of operation not surpassed by any automobile. ? ? AT NEW LOW PRICES ? ? SL- $510 SL $545 *?22 M $575 "* $475 $535 ZZT* $635 Roadater ?*'" Coupe Sedan Sport Roadrter fiQC Standard FIto- ?CJC Specie with nimble seat ???'" Window Coupe Sedan * SPECIAL EQUIPMENT EXTRA IT'S WISE T? CHOOSE A SIX LOUISBURG MOTOR COMPANY LOUISBURG, N. C. October 31 were $7,420,351; high way fund receipts, $14,881,888. Should the Legislature add an addi tional tax of one cent per gallon on the aale of gasoline In the State, the highway fund would show even a greater increase of general fund receipts next year. Captain Nathan O'Berry, 75-year Did State Treasurer of North Caro lina, Is acclaimed the most popular man In the State since the result of the reeeat election became known, ihowlng a majority of 135,080 over his Republican opponent. All told. Captain O'Berry received 331,572 rotes the largest number polled by any other candidate for public office In the State and the biggest major ity ever given a candidate for office In North Carolina. Judge Geo. P. Pell, running for Corporation Com missioner, was second with $331, 28$. Next came Stanley Winborne, Corporation Commissioner, with 330,378 votes to his credit Fourth In the rank was Joelah W. Bailey, Democratic nominee for United States Benater, who polled a total of 323,825, or 7,747 fewer votes than were cast for the State Treasurer. The final summing up receipts and disbursements of the State Re publican Executive Committee dur ing the recent campaign shows ex penditures to have been $17,204.77. Receipts totalled $18,842.88, ex clusive of a note for $875 repre senting money borrowed In order to prevent a deficit and enable the com mittee to show a bank balance of $612.82. Chairman Dnncan'a report, filed with the Secretary of Bute, shows that the largest contributor was Congress man George M. Priteh ard, opponent of Joeath W. Bailey for the United States Senate, who "put up" $7,400. Some of the oth er contributors were: John F. Rey nolds. $1,000; David H. Blair, $260; Marshall J. J. Jenkins. $200; Wil lis O. Brlggs. Raleigh, $100; Pro tective League, $600f Calvin Sim merman, Raleigh, $60.00; Irvln H. Tucker. $60. It appears that the three proposed amendments te the SUte Constitu tion were overwhelmingly defeated In the election on November 4th. while the referendum on the $$, 000,000 veterans' loan bond Issue Weathered the storm by a large mffirgta. The tax classification it made the better show. The "Sollcltorlal" amendment re celred the lecond largest vote, while, the proposal to Increase the num ber ot Supreme Court Justices trail ed far behind. Last month State Highway Patrol men warned 8,387 motorists of highway violations, Including 208 arrests, of which number 48 were charged with driving while Intoxi cated and 14 with reckless driving. 8,400 motorists were required to answer for violating light flqnire ments and 197 "were called" for de fective brakes. 132 cars carrying no license were apprehended and the (Continued on Page Four) I Monarch Tires & Tubes AT FACTORY PRICES?UNLIMITED GUARANTEE THE MONARCH RUBBER CO.. operating a modern up-to-date factory, employing experts In erery department, nslng the latest machinery and the best material money can buy, producing as good tires as can be made, have succeeded In eliminating the usual immense selling costs and are beating competition. 1st By selling yon through large business houses handling their tires as a side line, with no extra rent or clerk hire to pay. preferably through Wholesale Grocers. ind. No Traveling Salesmen. 3rd. By having no Branch Warehouse Expense. ' 4th. No National High Cost Advertisement 3th. Small Insurance, carrying amall stocks replenished every few days, ?th. By selling tor cash pnly, no discounts, same price to all. All Monarch and Admiral Tires carrying unlimited guarantees as to time and mileage. .If any-of these tires fall to render, satisfactory service, the factory will replace the same with a new tire charging only for the service rendered. We will also issne you on request a Warantee certificate on these tires against all accidents and road hasards, everything except Fire and Theft We have taken over this Agency for Franklin County as a side line to our Wholesale Grocery Business snd will sell direct to the tire user Monarch Is a super fine tire, first grade. As good as can bemads. Many tire dealers are advertising prices of second, third and fourth grade tires of well known manufacturers, while mall order houses are selling tlree without any manufacturer's name on them. Compare Mon arch with the best. No reclaimed rubber Is used in their manufacture. We especially recommend Monarch Heavy Duty Truck Tires. Quality and Price. Soma of our prtcoo. Other alias in proportion. Logan SO s 1 1-S $3.48 30x4.$0 Monarch 6 ply H D 8.40 Hancock SO z t S.7S Stark 30x3 1-1 Orsrilie $ 3.60 Monarch SOxS 1-1 Hear? Duty 4.11 Stark Balloon 10x4.60 6.16 Admiral Balloon 11x4.40 4.11 Admiral Balloon 10x4.60 6.61 Monarch Balloon 10x4.60 6.SI Monarch Balloon 18x4.76 7.16 Admiral Balloon 11x4.76 6.70 llxl.OO Monarch 6 ply H D l.tt 30x6.00 Monarch f ply H D 11.63 Admiral Balloon 11x6-00 0.76 Admiral Balloon 11x0.00 1.30 Monarch Balloon 11x6.00 7.76 Monarch Balloon 11x0.00 10.01 HHAVT DUTY TRUCK TIMES Monarch 10x6?0 ply 14.76 Monarch 10x6?0 ply 11.17 Moaarlh llxl?10 ply 10.1B 30x3 Red Taboo 30x3 H Rod Taboo 11x4.00 Rod Taboo 10x4.60 Rod Taboo 30x3H O. 8. Hoary Duty 10x4.40 Hoary Duty 10x4.60 Hoary Duty 10x6 Hoary Duty Rod llxl Hoary Duty Rod Slies not In atock will bo ordorod by Wlro to bo ahtppod by LOUISBURG GROCERY CO.

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