MEDIUM THAT BRINGS RESUI/TS The County, The&tate, The Union i LOUISBURG, N. CAROLINA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 16,. 1081 SUBSCRIPTION $1.00 Per Year (TEN PAGES) NUMBER 48 A. V. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager > * ' VOLUMN LXI. JUDGE MOORE HOLDING COURT ? ? ? ? ? / FRANKLIN SUPERIOR COURT CONVENED ?HERE MONDAY ? _ Mr. L. 8. BtMiltli Prosecating Dock M For Solicitor J. C. Liltle-Jlaay ^ Cases UUpoHed of "Regardless of whether we approve ? -fc law it U our duty to enforce It", said Judge Clayton Moore, In - hi* charge to the grand Jury at the open lug of Franklin Superior Court here ? Monday morning. ? lie emphaaisod the - duties of the grand Jurors clearly and forcibly, .showing them why It was a part of out system or justice. H* II- ' plained how easy it was and how mueh tt was their duty, to know of aud ascertain any law violations within the County. He instructed them to makti close investigations of all the offices particular with refer-, euce to the guardian report, and the condition and operation of the school trucks. Judge Moore's charge was especially line as it dealt so clearly with the duties of the individual grand Juror and the importance they are to our system of Justice. _ ' Mr. Leon S. Brasgfleld is represent ing the State in the prosecution of the docket, in the absence of Solicitor J. C. Little, who Is confined to his home on account of illness. The grand Jury is composed of the following: B. A. Fuller, Foreman, -Fr L. Layton, J. E. Gay, fl. P. Cranford, A. J Frazier, O. L. Arnold, J. C. Now ell, N. T. Speed, D. B. Griffin, J. F. Panish, C. C. Hudson, O. T. Wood lief, N. L. Mo?eley, R. W. House, H. K. Johnson, E. L. Fuller, W. A. Les tcr, J. 0. Bowden. H, F, Perry was made officer to Grand Jury. Tlie docket was taken up and dis posed of as follows: A nol pros with leave was taken in two cases of unlawful possession of whiskey against Norman Harris. R. Z. Clark, having complied with a former order of the Court in a charge of hit and run, was discharged. Judgment absolute was ordered against Norman Harris and D. F. McKlnne, scifa having been served and not answered. Nol pros was taken in case ot as sault with deadly - weapon againit Norman Harris. Judgement absolute was ordered against Norman Harris and R. L. Clarke, not answering scifa after ser vice." A nol pros was taken In eafce of bad check against N. E. Harris. Judgment absolute was ordered against N. E. Harris and 8. C. Holden, falling t3 ^answer scifa after service. The cases of carrying concealed weapons and assault with deadly weapons against Biddie Strother, was continued under former order till . May term. The case of assault against B. C. 8 tailings was remanded to the Re corders Court. Ervln Lewis plead guilty to a charge of house breaking and larceny prayer for judgment was continued upon payment of costs and his appear ance at May and October courts to show good behavior and law abiding and that he has. a Job. Pate Davis was found not guilty of assault ~ ? A verdict of not guilty as to Punk Perry and guilty as to Manuel Deb nam, was made in the case of larcenv and receiving against the two de f fendants. A vlrdict of not guilty was render ed in the case of violating of the prohibition law by Julius Tant and Zedrick Tant Buck Driver was given 12 month's in State prison for assault with deadly weapon. Tom Hunter was sentenced to 2 to 4 years in State prison for assault with deadly weapon with intent to kill. A verdict of not guilty was rendered in the case of housebreaking and lar ceny against Reuben Husketh and John Husketh. Reuben Husketh, was found not guilty of assault with deadly weapon. Willie Valentine, plead guilty to as sault with deadly weapon and was given 12 months in Jail, sentence sus [ ended until October term of this Court, when he is to appear and show that he has paid to the use of J, C. Bartholomew $200.00, and paid the costs, and he Is further required to appear at each Criminal Court for two years and show good behavior and that he has been law abiding. ? 0. W. Taylor plead guilty In two cases of assault with deadly weapons, Judgment was suspended upon pay raent of costs. Lonnie Strickland plead guilty to 1 assault with deadly weapons and re- j ceived 4 months in jail, Commission- 1 ers to hire put Will Jones received a sentence of 10 years in State prison after having ] been found guilty of an assault with : intent to commit rape. Robt. Alston was found guilty of 1 fraud, and prayer for judgment was continued upon payment of oosts. A Hew trial was ordered in the t (Continued onNPage Five) * mm&r... ? ? ? .v..:-. km [ Tallulah Comes Home j "ffllMBfri Tallulah Bulkhead, daughter Jot Congressman Bankhead of Alabamj, niece o'F Senator-Elect Bankhead, granddaughter of the. late Senator, who has become the moat popular ac tress in London in the past three years, comes home for a CKristma; vacation. LEGISLATIVE ACTIVITIES A bill to provide for a Constitution al convention in 1933 waa given the lower house of the General Assembly Wednesday and the upper house re ceived a measure lntented to prevent iynchiigs in the State. Reltfesetttatlve Young of Burham, gave the convention measure to the House and Senator Lawrence of Hert ford, presented a bill to provide tnat persons charged with capital crime be imprisoned tn jails outalde of the Coonttes tn which the crime was com mitted. The House Judiciary Committee No. 2 made a favorable decision today of the bill of Representative Jeff res, of Ofeensboro, to make It unlawful to circulate derogatory rumors building and loan associations, Tand will report the hill to the Ho to morrow. Representative Coffield, "of Ruther ford, gave the House a measure to prohibit the employment of any one not a cltlien of North Carolina as a teacher In the pubHc schools of the State. The bill would not affect per sons now teaching. The election contest by L. F. Au burn, Democrat, of the seat held by C. Pinnlz, Yadkin Republican, was (?till being heard by the Elections and Privileges Committee of the House. Both Houses formally received the administrations appropriation bill, which was given them In printed form Monday night lawrence'N Bill Senator Lawrehce's measure relat ing to defendants charged with capi tal crimes would provide that the Sheriffs making arrests of such per sons be required to place them In Jails In counties other than their own or In State's Prison. This, Senator Lawrence said in dis cussing his bill, wonld prevent lynch in gs such as occurred last year when a prisoner was taken froih the Edge combe County jail and lynched. The other bill of Senator Lawrence would prohibit judges . of Superior Court changing Ills sentence if the defendant gave notice of appeaf with out the consent of the defendant. Senator Clement's bill on quadren nial assessments wonld give the boards of county commissioners au thority, by resolution of the board, Ur exempt their county from the pro visions of the State laws requiring re assessment every f out years. Waste Bailing Senator Johnson, of Moore brought up the matter when he suggested that a bar or some provision should be matte to protect senators seated on the back rows of the chamber from being crowded and annoyed by per sons on the Senate floor. ^Senators Lindsey of Brunswick, Barrett of Harnett, drier of Iredell. Ward of Beaufort and Clement of Rowan, Johnson of Duplin and othera discussed the proposal of erecting a rail in the rear of the chamber. The matter was finally referred to the rules committee. Representative Coffleld of Ruther ford Introduced a bill designed to rrohlblt persons not citisens of North Carolina from being employed as teacher* in the public schools of the State. The bill would not affect teach ers already employed. It -was sent to the committee on education. Atelmlstratlei Bills Representative Harris of Person, chairman of the committee on appro priations, formally introduced the ad ministration appropriation bill, the administration measure to provide hinds for the construction of a new central prison by reallocation of pre viously appropriated funds, and a measure to allow the State to bor row money on short tern no tee. The House adjourned after a short less Ion to meet Thursday. , Protect Charity Representative Jolly of Duplin at mpted to have the House immedl ( Continued on Pag* Five) SUGGESTIVE ~ LEGISLATION ? Loulsburg Kiwanls Club met at Ibelr regular luncheon last Friday ?lgbt at the Welcome lan ?t which line a program In charge of Prof. B. L. Beet entertained the Kiwanlans In ittendanca. Before the program w?a opened It ras decided to observe a "Tobacco Might" when those aife connected Kith Loulsburg Tobacco Market would be entertained a* guests of the Club. T. K. Stockard w^ appointed as com mittee to make all arrangements for this occasslon. The main theme of the program was "Suggestive Legislation" and was splendidly revealed in the talks mala ou Health, Schools, and Bo*4s and In flm summary la the talk w Tn IU duction. Dr. R. F. Yarboroufh, Coun ty Health Officer, made -4 pretty and earnest 'plea that the work of the Health Department not be hindered tn Ks splendid progress. He told" that the slogan of the Department was "Prevention" and it' had be$n in such field that a great amount of work had been accomplished by the Department. Mr. A. P. Johnson, Chairman of tlfe County Board of Education, discus sed very briefly bnt clearly the prob lem of Schools and 8chooI taxation, his main point being set forth tn these words: "Therefore the school legislation I would suggest would be that thj State make the school sys tem an eight mouths term . and pro vide all the funds with which to rnn it from state taxing sources. This would be fair. It would place the cost upon those most able to be^r It, and trhen the little lei low now bir comes the big fellow, If he ever do?h, he would inherit his equal share pt the burden in proportion to his s?b~ COBB " _ ? In the absence of' the person to speak on roads, Mr. Hill Yarboroujh In his summarizing talk on Tax Re duction touched briefly on roads stat ing that the State should take over all the roads, establish mlsdemeaidr ramps (or all prisoners to be ued in road work, and the adoption ot a sales tax. He said that the chief thine to help reduce tax on land la to collect the taxes that are all re^7 levied. - , -*? The Clnb sang several songb In unison being accompanied at the piano by Miss Helen Leigh Fleming, and a splendid evening was enjoyed. The following la- a list ot Klwanls Committees for the coming year: Agriculture: ? E. L. Beat, Sponsor ing Director; F. J. Beasley, Chair nan; A. H. Fleming, S. P. Boddle, W. L. Lumpkin. Attendance: ? W. B. Tucker, Spon soring Director; H. G. Perry, Chair man; F. W. Wheless, Jr., Tracey Stockard, S. P. Boddle. Classification and Membership:?. W. R Mills, Sponsoring Director; S. P. Boddle, Chairman; E. L. Best, A. Tonkel, J. A. Wheless, F. W. Wheless, Jr., J. W. Mann. Finance: ? W. L. Lumpkin. Sponsor ing Director; O. M. Beam, Chairman; Jake Frledlander, W. A. Bledsoe, G. L. Cooke. klwanls Education: ? L. L. Joyner, Sponsoring Director; W. R. Mills, Chairman; C. C. Alexander, E. H. Mai one. Inter-Club Relations: ? F. W. Whe less, Jr., Sponsoring Director; A. H. Fleming, Chairman; W. B. Tucker, E. F. Griffin. Music: ? A H. Fleming, Chairman; H. H. Johnson, Frank Wheless, Jr. Public Affairs: ? E. L Best, Spon soring Director; F. J. Beasley Chair man; L. L. Joyner, W. E. White, H. G. Perry, Hill Yarborough, T. K. Stockard. Publicity: ? J. A. Wheless, Sponsor ing Director; R. Q. Bailey, G. M. Beam, F. W. Wheless, Jr. House ft Grievance: ? A. Tonkel, Sponsoring Director; J. A Hodges, Jake FYledlander, S. C. Holden. Under-Privileged Child: ? H. H. Johnson, Sponsoring Director; H. Q. Perry, Chairman; R. F. Yarborough, A H. Fleming, S. P. Boddle. Special Committees: ? (Boy Scouts) ? H. H. Johnson, Sponsoring Director; S. A Hodges, Chairman; E. L Best, A Tonkel, G. L Cooke. AT HOKE. The Louisburg College Faculty will i be at Home to their friends Tuesday afternoon, January 20th, from four to liv# o'clock. . ? 2 r" c Vrriv With Famous Prize # Hon. Frank B. Kellogg, former Secretary of State**nd now Judge of the World Court for International Juatice, returning with Mr?. Kellogg from Oilo, Norway, where he went to receive the Nobel Priie for the mo?t valuable achievementa for world Deuce. Mrs. H. D. Eger ton Dead ""Mrs. HUgn p.- Egerton, wife of the late Mr. H. D. Egerton, of near Louis burg died at her home at Holly Grove last Saturday morning after having been 111 w4th pneumonia ' since the preceding Monday. Mrs. Egerton was in her eightieth year and is survived by one brother and slater, Mr. Prank" Ballard and Mrs. J. J. Barrow of Louisburg, also by eight children: Mrs. Mattle Williams, Louisburg; Mrs. J. B. Jones, Henderson; Charles S. Egerton and Oeorge Blount Egerton, Louisburg; Walter E. Egerton, Ra leigh; Robert E Egerton, Hopewell, Va.; Junius N. Egerton, Borne, Qa.; end B. B. Egerton, Greensboro, v The funeral services were held from the home by Rev. R. E. Plttman, pas tor of Trinity Methodist church. Of whlnh she war a member, on Sunday r.fternoon at two o'clock, Ipunediate ly afterwhich the body was carfied to Oaklawa cemetery at Louisburg and the interment was made in thr family plot. Rev. Pittman was as sisted at the grave by Rev. J. D. Mil ler, rector of St Paul's Episopai church, Louisburg. Both services were attended by a lftrpe number, o! friends and relative* and the floral tribute waa exception | ally beantlful mid abundant Tnose who acted aa pall bearers were W. O. Reed, H. P. Speed, V. M. Perry, George Moore. M. M. Person, S. ,T. Alston. Senator Ward To. Address Franklin Taxpayers Next Wednesdayl *-? . . 4-. I Chairman W. W. Neal, :?i?e?K that the Franklin CoMtfc TtfML Association Willi hold Lite. XtBttalaUtq meeting Wednesday* January 21st a? 2 o'clock in the Courthouse. . All the tax payers of t? co?nty are qrK?it I still feel I owe a duty my fellow countrymen to do what j I -cap to help them in the present national emergency. ' *T realise that yonr recent attack on fcia Was' inspired and worded for yon fcy those selflshMnterests who would thnttt a Schmeling-StribUng bout on the efly of Chicago. Tunney had his Heeney, and, so I presume, it is proper for Schmellng to have hie Stribllng. "I want your answer to my chal lenge. I ku* that millions of un employed ana those boys who were wounded in real battle* will also be Interested in 'your reply." Thomas Grocery Co. Thomas Grocery Co., is th? style , >( Loulsburg's latest new firm and ' Ms purchased the stock of the late . | V J. Jarman and haa opened busi-'< iesa t? the store room occupied by ] VI r. Jarman. The Arm will be In < 'barge of Mr. J. C. Thomas. He Is- ? orms th?s TIMES he will carry a complete line of Mary and fancy < [rocerles and notions. Watch the * lolumns of the TIMB3 for * am 2 :omplete announcement Nowadays home talent doeant mean \ (a* sssMai ifthtn U p MASS MEETING IN INTEREST OF COLLEGE Rev. A. D. Wlleox, Pre*. C. C. Alex antler, Mojt L. L. Joyner, Mr. E. H. M alone Speak ? LeiltlW|| To ltnlse Contribution. In their ilncere Interest- of Louls burg College, that Is In dire straits tor Its future continuance, the citi zens of Louisburg held a mass meet ing In the Court bouse In the town on Friday night, January 9, that was rallied to with splendid response. The .meeting was presided over by Mr. B. H. Malone. After opening with one verse of America and ~bet&f lean in prayer by Dr. C. C. Alexander, Mr. Malone explained briefly the purpose of the meeting and the plans of the local committee to assist in the Col lege Campaign which wera, "briefly statfed, a popular campaign of the town In which every citizen would be given an opportunity to make a con tribution. He stated that It was the desire of the committee, if they were to raise one thousand dollars, that It be contributed by one thousand peo ple rather than by one individual, for in this way an Interest' in the lnstl- " tution could be aroused that could scarcely In no other way be Instigat ed. Following this explanation, the stu dents of Louisburg College who were s In full attendance upon the meeting sang their inspiring "Alma Mater" and then gave several College veils v, hlch were exceedingly wholeheart edly rendered by the girls. Dr. C. C. Alexander was asked for information concerning the campaign throughout the Conference in an*- - wer to which he stated that reports were not complete, however that In formation which was received was very encouraging. He spoke further expressing his greater and deeper in tqij^st In the institution after seeing the value of the great work It is do ing and also telling of the Interest he fonnd throughout the entire N. C. Conference. In his report, he related that the colored help ot the insti tution stated that they would contri bute from their salaries $25 to add t'al the Welfare contribution and also that the teachers had voluntarily 'agreed to giv^ 25 per cent of their sal irres that the Institution might carry on. Dr. A. D. Wilcox spoke very for cibly In intern retlng to the people of Lotfisburg what Louisburg College should mean and did mean to Louis burg. He spoke of Louisburg as being a queer town in the way that It seems a community fam ily, it has the spirit that makes a fam ily coherent, and then reminded them that, figuratively speaking, they had a sick child In th?& midst. He said that to lose Louisburg College would be like losing a home, like a man los ing his honor or a woman her virtual After Dr. Wilcox's address, Miss Bobbye Williams and Mr. H. L. Swire, of the College faculty, rendered a vo cal ouet. Mayor L. L. Joyner, when called upon, reminded the people that ev*ry thlng Is built on confidence, also he pointed out the confidence of the *tu dents and faculty who returned in the face ot the pending crisis. He called upon the people to rally to the causa and display their confidence in the Institution. The meeting was closed with one verse of "The 3lar Spangled Banner being sung in unison. i Committee 1 Assignments In addition to being appointed Chairman of the Committee On En Crossed Bills of the House Repr? flentative Lumpkin, of Franklin Coun ty, has been assigned membership on the following Committees: Claims, Commercial Fisheries, Cor poration Commission, Counties, Cities and Towns, Courts and Judicial Dis tricts, Insane Asytumns, Judiciary No. 2- _ He Is also member of the following Joint Committees: Enrolled Bills, Li brary. '