LOUISBURO VOLUMN LXI. A. P. JOHNSON,. Editor and Manager ihi-.. , i ? == The County, The State, The Union LOUISBURO, N. CAROLINA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY A, 1081 (TEN PAGES) NUMBER 51 SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 Per Tear CONSIDERING NEW RATES TOWN COMMISSIONERS HAVE ACTIVE MEETING Tywn Tax Collector Instructed To Follow State Law la Regard To Penalties For Delinquent Taxes ? Other Matters Disposed Of. The Board ot Town Commissioners met In regular monthly session, Mon day, February 2nd, at 7:3Q P, M. Upon roll call the following mem '?org s.ere present: I* L. Joyner, A. W. Person, W. E. White, F. H. Allen, 0. W. Ford, and A. H. Fleming. t " Mr. H. N.gpivej petitioned the Board to authorize the extension ot the water and sewer lines to his lot which la about 604 feet beyond the Town Limits on North Main St. A motion by At H. Fleming prevail ed, "That this matter be referred to the Light A Water Committee, and that Mr. O. C. Hill measure the dis tance of the proposed extension and furnish an estimate of the costs of same." Renewal of Fire Insurance policies on the Opera House Building and Fixtures, was authorised for three years duration, to P. S. Alien, Jr., and M. S. Davis, respectively. Mr. O. M. Beam, Atty,, representing the Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Co., advised the Board that the Jeffer son Standard Life Insurance Co., was re#dy to pay all taxes on Aft Spot Cash Co. building on So. Main Street, provided the Board would segregate this real property from the real and personal property listed by The Spot ('ash Co. Upon the advice of the Town Attorney, the Board did no't liiake this segregation. ? Mr. Beam advised the Board that the Virginia Trust Co., would pay all taxes due the Town of Loulsburg, upon the Storage House located on the S. A. L Railway side track, list ed in the name of McKlnne Bros., provided that this storage house and lot would be segregated from all oth er property, real aad personal, listed l>y McKlnne Bros. This proposal was acoe?ted-*wd disposed of by the fol lowing motion. "That the Mcltlnne Bros. Storage House be segregated from all other property listed for Town Taxes by ,Mc$lnne Bros." Dr. R. F. Yarborough presented a complaint from R. O. Person, against the dumping of trash near the R. 0. Ferson Ice Plant. The Board in structed Dr. Yarborough to Investi gate this matter and make recom mendations to the Board, In regards to same. An overcharge In Taxes against Dr. R. F. Yarborough, who has paid taxes for tmral yean past on 1-2 ot the White * Malone Office Bldg., vhereas be owns only 1-S of the bulld lug, was dlspomf>*f4t? follows: "That the Ttm BbMwotor refund the amount of taxes overpaid br. Dr. Yar borough on the White & Malone Of fice Bldg., this refund being the dif ference between the taxes on 1-2 ot the building and 1-3 of it." The Monthly^ Reports of the Chief + f i.f Police, Tax Collector, and Town Clfrk, were read and approved. The Clerk was -instructed to pay C. H. Yarborough $126.00 the balance duo him on a $260.00 attorney's fee, for his ssrvlces in the suit of the Town of Loulshurg, N. C. v*. The United States Fidelity and Ouaranty Co., whenever the Town of Louisburg has received settlement in full of their claims under the above suit. The Tax Collector was instructed to confer with the Town Attorney in reference to pending Tax Salts under Tax Sales Certificates, and to report in detail to the Board, regarding the ttatus of theie cases. The Clerk was Instructed to have Attorney W. L. Lumpkin to return all uncollected bad checks, which were given to^ihn tor collection.,.. The Tax Collector was In structed to folio# -? the ?>? StaJte ltws in regards to penalties on 1930 taxes, which provides a penalty of 1 per dent per month -.beginning with F*b., 1st, 1931 and extending to time of sale, 11 pqr cent per year for the first year after date of sale, and 8 per cent per year for each year thereafter. Mr. C. H. Yarborough discussed reveral provisions of the Town Char ter and suggested some changes In Bugie. The Board instructed Mr. Yar borough to compile hit suggested changes to the Town Charter In de tail and present them to the Board at a future meeting. ?; ?, The time for the regular monthly meetings was changed from the Fri day evening before the first Monday to the Tuesday evening after the first Monday. Mr. T. H. Allen, Chairman Qf the Light k Water Committee, pressnted a proposed schedule of Light and Water rates," compiled by bis com mittee. This schedule was construct ed to decrease ths present rates. The schedule was discussed in fall by the Board, and sent back to the Light ? Water Committee for a few chuges, before It's final acceptance and adop tk^^?$&e<#ere 'read W th? Clerk and approved for payment by Reports Needs of Drought Victims Will Roger*, cowboy humorist and philosopher, starting with famous flyer Captain Frank Hawks, to vfajt the Arkansas region where the Red Crocs is feeding and clothing 550,500 perions. "It's the worst need I erer saw," Will Rogers telegraphs from Pine Bluff. . Lieut. -Gov. Fow ler Speaks Last Friday night the Loulsburg Klwania Club enjoyed a very timely and instructive talk by Lieutenant Gov. Marion Fowler ot the 6th Caro lina Klwania District. Lieutenant Fowler came frc-ni the Durham Club and was accompanied by Tom Roger*, Treasurer 6f the Durham club, E. C. Council, Director and President and Gavet Baldwin of the Ikirham Club. Mr. Fowler'* subject wae, "Kl v/anls the Confidence guilder". With this subject the speaker discussed the five objectives ot K1 wants; first, help the helpless: second, build civic con sciousness among our members; third, build Confidence by being bet ter business men; fourth, be friends to the farm folks, to dltpelJhe feel ing of superiority &nd' encodrage co operation; fifth, ^ give Vocational Guidance, help the* young folks make a decision for a vocation In life. To libild this confidence is expected of each Kiwanian. "Ths is, after all, the bed rock of American Civilisation," said Mr. Fowler. Mr.. Fowler covered his subject well and It was enjoyed by all who heard Mm. - C. C. Alexander, Pres. of Loulsburg College, had charge of the program. In aditlon to the speaker, he intro duced Miss Williams and Mr. SwiQt, of the College Faculty who rendered the musical part of the program. Dwelling Burns Oft ' South Main Street The residence on South Main Sreet belonging to Mr. R. E. Cash was to tally destroyed Thursday night ot last week with a loss of approximately $2,000 fully Insured. The residence was occupied by Messrs. Burnlce and Pete Cash, who lost preotically all their belongings that were in the house together with what furnishings were in the dwelling. The origin of the Are Is unknown. The young men left the house about might, it is said, and returned In time to -Bee It enveloped in flames. The fire department responded promptly, but as the fire had a good headway before It was discovered It was Im possible to put it ont when the truck turriTed. . ? ? ; a Small Docket Last Monday Only. three -cases were finally dis posed of Monday tn Franklin Record er's Court and three others continued, by Judge J. E. Malone. The docket was as follows: " ? Sexton Alston, was found guilty of dlstilllng^sd given 8 months in Jail, Commisaioners to hire out. George Mason, abandonment, prayer tor Judgment continued. A nol pross was "taken in the case of B. L. Wheless for abandonment The following cases were contin ued: Vaddell Alston, assault r,. A. Rogers, operating automobile intoxicated. Brrin Glenn, operating automobile Intoxicated. the Board. > The Town Clerk wis authorised to make purchase 'of suppHes for ? the Town, not to exceed $25. on, and *11 town employees were instructed to secure purchasing orders 'for. all Mr chases from the Purchasing Agent or ''^S.r^'riu x - DO iwfwvr DVMII IBI meeting adjourned. Board of Edu cation Meets The Board of Education met in reg ular session on Monday with A. F. Johnson* Mrs. T. H. Dickens, J. H. Joyner, E. L. Green and W. A. Mul len present. The minutes of last meeting were read and approved. The report of the Superintendent of Public Welfare was made and order ed filed. The superintendent was Instructed to use the 'Material In the Royal School building in the construction of a one-room building for the colored people In this community. The Board of Education acknowl edged the receipt of tliir recommenda tion of ^he recent Grand Jury that "the school truck go one mile further down the highway In Gold Mine Town ship below Wood's Store to the Stur ress home to accomodate eight child ren in that section". The Board com tuends the Grand Jury on its wide spread investigations and interest in the Welfare of the public's affairs. This recommendation representing a ?case one of fifty or more of a similar nature In the county, the Board of Educctkm does not wfeh to take the responsibility of providing this spec ial service to the families Involved ml ess It could also provide the same service in the other cases, many of which are even more meritorious. Therefore the Board directs its super intendent and attorney to appear be fore the Judge of Franklin Superior Court to be held oa the 16th- of Febru ary and explain In full our system at transportation, including the incor poration of the State's requirement of two qnd one-half miles for compul sory attendance as a basis for trans portation facilities, acquaint him with the other cases of as much importance in the county and the fact that if the Hoard would adopt the distances as would apply should the suggestion of the Grand Jury be adopted, the num ber of tracks In the county would have to be practically doubled and the cost to the tax payers would be increased approximately $50,000 and to request bis advice under these cercumstances. The Board of Education will be de lighted to send a truck to every per son's home in the county if the tax payers are willing to bear the expense. After allowing a number of ac counts the Board adjourned. Captures Large i Quantity of Beer Lii. >'? - ?' Constable J. A. Dennis reports hav ing captured 800 gallons of beer near June Lancaster's home In Gold Mine Township,' 400 gallons near Sid Col lins' and 400 near Haywood Ball's In fadar Rock Township on Thursday of last week. He waa assisted by Spende GlHlam, K. E. Joyner, and E. 8. Gupton. , ? r"." '? ? ? ? . , Fiddler's Convention An "Old Time Fiddler's Convention" la t? ha held at the Norllna High School, at Norllna, on Friday night, February >7, at 8 o'clock, to which all. players ,of string music is invited. Group and Individual prises are be ing offered. Every effort Is being made to mate this event entertaining an'4 joyous to both participators and list&era. rAcitad?at -COLLEGE There wMl be a recital In the So cial Hall of Main Building of Louls burg College next Tuesday evening, February lOth. at t o'clock. The MmAi and patrons of the College are cordially Invited. I J. R. CONYERS > GETS BRIDGE ' CONTRACT County Commissioners Hold Fall Meeting Monday And Tranaact Much UoslnCM. t erJme-^ard ?{ County Commission- I era met Id regular session on Monday ' with all members present. After an- i proving minutes of previous ?,?? ji* the Board disposed of business as ioiiows: i ?' J8?'"1 r*iuested the Board In behalf of Virginia Trust Co., that the property of C, W. Edwards in Lquis turg township listed to McKinne fiT* * *i b* ? ?>a>ed tiem i ?11 personal property or other proper ^ ?' MeKinne Brothers. A motion prevailed Instructing Auditor Cooke to make such segregation. Harris, of- Henderson, was be fore the Board and asked that the County rebate him on rent on two tenths, acres of land for live years as tame was owned and listed by Mont jromeiT Lumber Co.. in Gold Mine A motion prevailed In ?3St?i **. MtOTn'y t0 m"ke T. B Dean filed report for Superin tendent of Public Welfare. W. T. Moss, reported that he had visited tfie County Home and found things in good shape. He reporta 30 himates now at the home. He also fled report for Dr. R. F. Yarborough, County jHealth officer, both of which were received and filed. W. T. Matthews was relieved of poir tM. on | account of affliction. ^ A. WJ Sandling made his bridge re Port, slating that he had visited all bridges and foond same in good con dition. H. J. Thorn was allowed 17.00 for turkeys (tilled by dog, as recommend ed by Committee. Mrs. Id* Bailey was allowed >3.0* for tjirkey killed by dog, upon recom mendation. The proposition of Dr. D. Y. Smith wick that the County take back tfce jaunty Home property bought by b?- * he was not able to Ake care of it no deed* having been pas sed ?as tacepted upon condition that b# pay all- h?c k ta^ee. '? Upon motion Z- R. Horton %aa" ?K 'Owed $7.00 for turkey* killed by dots. J. C. Conyers was awarded the con tract for the bridge work. Mrs. A. J. P. Harris was relieved of taxSs on 123 acres of land listed by J. W. Young and A J. P. Harris In Harris township for yaars 1923-4 5-8 and draw back Issued according to law. The contract for the lease of the garage to C. H. Murphy was accepted. W. A. Jones reported that he has rented the part of the County, land formerly owned by R. L. People, for MO rent Upoaotirecommendatfon of Be C Perry, Superintendent of Public Wel fare, Mrs. Lizzie Wheeler was placed on Mothers Aid at ?10 per month also Mrs. Lillian Parris at fie.00 per month. ... , Upon motion Geo. L. Cooke auditor was instructed to segregate the N. T. Speed Hotel and Home property. Al to the land of M. C. Pearce be segre-, gated. Upon motion O. L CoOke was au thorized to purchase all necessary books for listing and working up taxes for 1931. G. L. Cooke was directed to make application to State Advisory Com mission for permission to borrow 33000 from Sinking Fund for bridge work. - The. Board decided to renew the tax | anticipation rates 'for 1230,000. The County Attorney was directed, to investigate and draft bill, to relieve the County from the burden of pay ing for siteep, turkeys, etc., killed by dogs. After allowing a number of account# tjie- Board adjourned. Upon motion, the Board passed thtf following resolution - . ? That the Board ol Commissioners at Franklin County respectfully requeS the representative in the Legistamr* from Franklin County to exert hi* best efforts to have enacted Into laws for the better and mora efficient goW eminent of Franklin County, the foK lowing recommendations: I. That there be created for FrttalbS ?in County the office of t*x ooilect'irj with rail authority In the Bond o4 Oomnlmrioners to employ or to (Hs-1 charge the man occplylng such offiee; 1 that the salary of the sheriff baf fixed at a figure substantially below the present salary, taking Into em- 1 slderation the fact that there toe I fees alliowed to the sheriff for the execution of the papers placed In his hands, and that the sheriff be allowed a suitable sum for the em ployment <bf an office deputy; that the Alary of the tax collector be fixed at a figure which will enable him to adequately exercise the du ties of his offloe In the collection of his taxes, the tax collector to em ?J?r <r"rn clerks; that the County tarnish and equip an office for the tax collector; that I the tax collector shall (Its a boadl wl? sufficient ttrettasm a asm a?f ceptable and approved by t*e n>f (Continued on Page Fire) Dawes" Successor f tfinistw Jfc* Cmi War, hi* great-grandfather and g reat great-grandfather Presidents of the United States, Who may succeed Gen eral Dawes as Asnbaisadnr to Gnat Britain. The Farmers Creamery, Inc., ol LouUburg, N. C., was sold under bankruptcy proceeding on January' 24th. 1921, aM purchased by the Pine Stats Cwfcj??ry, of Raleigh, N. C. Smith Brothers, dairymen of FrankU& Coaaty, secujced an option upon the plant and hare since pur ? chased tha same from the Pine State Creamery. The plant will re-open and operate at Ike same location under the sole ?w?0cahip at P: Q, Smith, M. G. Smith a nd R. O. Bailey. The own ers wiU incorporate under the name of FraakHji Creamery, lac. and hare engaged the services of Mr. U. L. Godfrey who states that he will maintain the standard and high .quality Of the "'Pride of Franklin"." The Creamery wffl begin receiv ing cream aa Monday, February 9th ,and milk routes wHl be established and announced _at aj? early date. " DEFEAT ; Gold Saad aad Toi*ir>me Still Lead ? tag M, trtmkttm County High School League Basket Ban Well, its happene4 at last. Youngs ville girls k>a? a basket ball game. This team has defeated each girls t?am in the County at least once, but ' in the second contest With Franklin ton lost hr a wide margin. Gold Sand boys continued their wln ning streak and are holding their place at tM^nM?of the Column. In terest* (rt&nes is still on the lneraa>e akdJ^ttaations point toward elfl|^^||fl0H\te>e"tield In the tour nanieat games oi the Franklin County >$jUk><,Schooi. League. TM last con twits' at the pi" '"iirti|r?t>t games week. Ail traraamentsJjnlSs are to he played either In tafllburg or jfrankltoton. Pick j?t^jfc*orlte for K>M Sand 'onljgsville igsville Putin Loulsbnrg Edward Best Gold Sand GIRLS 6liM W. L. INCOME TAX ASSISTANCE Representatives of the V. S. In ternal Revenue Department will be at the following places on the dates given to assist taxpayer* In filing Federal Ineome Tax Returns. In quire at Post Office. It you have I received blanks by mall brine same | irlth you: ? ' ' kllnton, Feb. 10th. 'erson, March Ind to 1th. i mum barren ton, Feb. llth-llth. FARMERS MUST LIVE-AT-HOME RELIEF ORGANIZATION FORM ED SATURDAY R. W. Henninger, Executive Secre tary, Mrs. Eric MilUken, O. I/. Winchester and Hill Yarborough Speak ? Many Attend Meeting. The Franklin County Relief Asso ciation was organized and began Its work at a meeting held In the County Court house in Loulsburg last Satur day, January VI, at 2:30 o'clock, at which time the citizens of the County were addressed by Mr. R. W. Hen plager, E&scutlvs Secretary of the liovernor's Council on Unemployment and Relief, who explained clearly and briefly in what way State aid may be obtained and who also assisted in perfecting the County Relief Organi zation. Mr. Henninger, at first, stres sed with great emphasis the fact that there are no large pots of gold float ing around any where that the State or any other organization can dip liielr hands down into. He said that the local organizations would have to work out their own salvation in their own way receiving assistance ard guldaice from the State insofar as they were al le to give. The State is to be the coordinating agency for bringing in outside aid. Mr. Henninger stated that one of the greatest needs of Franklin Coun ty the *ct.ial carrying out o; the T.I ve-aL-Hune program, which he said, should be required not only for the f.uancial sta'us of the farmer but for the health alsu, and too, that aciaiura r?dui.'.ion sh<uld and would be re Quired In the relief administration. He emphasised to' the farmers that they should follow an intellectual agricultural program and should make every endeavor to give good products for that was what they would have to do if they expected the North Car olina Manufacturers to buy their pro ducts. . - Tne problem facing the people now, according to Mr. Henninger, Is that of support from now to the time the cash from the ' crop comes in. He said that the relief organizations throughout the State would hare to be worked out with all the people In unison regardless of the party af filiations in politics. Also he remind ed that in order for the farmer to re ceive relief he should first show that bo deserves aid and assistance. A suggestion which he made was that for every three days' service or aid otae day's work should be required, 6f the able bodied men of the families for the County or town. Lastly, he stated that all local funds and re sources were to be used before out side aM or relief should be called Following Mr. Henninger's talk, Mrs. Eric Milliken, Red Cross Rep resentative, spoke of the relief work the Red Cross would _do, in the Coun ty, which wonld only be in the drought section. She srpoke of the Red CroSs and ho* that organization would function in this relief work. She stated that theft- work -in the County would first go to the drought sufferers and that the work would be carried on through a local chapter. She stressed greatly lt?t only relief would be given, no losses would be cisred for and also that no money vould be given only relief or food. Q. L. Winchester, of Franklinton, who Is connected with the local or ganisation functioning under the Fed eral Farm Relief in Franklin County, explained to the farmers tl^e operation of this organization and the require ments made of the farmer that he may participate in the relief given. The requirements made are that the farmer must have farmed last year, li'ttst Hive suffered from the drought, and has no credit elsewhere. After the loan Is granted, which Is made In different payments, the receiver Is required to have a home garden, a certain amount of acreage of feed to furnish enough to supply his live ?tock. The loan must Bte paid back and security is secured by the gov ernment by requiring a first crop lien. These loans are made only for seed, feed and fertiliser, and borrowers aire warned to bttrow as little as possi ble. . The meeting was presided over by Mr. Hill Yarborough, Chairman of the Franklin County Welfare Board, who gave a plan of the organization in the County and arranged meetings to be held In the various townships for organising and beginning <*erk. Since the meeting was held on Saturday It has been decided to change the plan of organization, from a Township Plan to a . High School District Plan, and tt> have organisations In each of the seven* high school districts of Franklin County. The reasons for this change are that the County Is already well organised throughout the high school districts, all meetings will be held. In high school buildings for It to much easier to spread informa tion through the schools. District meetings were arranged as follows: Bunn, Tuesday after loos aft > o'clock, under fee dtooc ( Continued on Pace Tn) tioa of Mrs.

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