Eleven boys and eleven girls have teen selected from the various 4-H clubs of Bdgecombe County to con* pete for the county title of King and Queen of Health.. ^ Some people burn up the roads oa If they were afraid their gasoline would run out before they reached their destination. Despite the threat of low prlceb ' tula fall, Harnett County farmers will probably Increase their tobacco acre ore by 15 per cent according to pres ent indications. Sweet potato growers In the tI _ cinlty of Apex and New Hill, Wake County, have sold 13 cars contain ing 7,600 bushels of sweet potatoes so for this spring. RE-SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power ot sale contained in that certain deed cf tmst executed by Annie Webb Al len r.nd husband, J. M. Allen to ), E. Malone, Jr., Trustee, dated May 7th, 1930, recorded in Book 291, page 50. Registry of Franklin County, de fault having been m*de In tl)e pay ment of the indebtedness thereby Sa cured and pursuant to an Order ot Re-sai? entered by the Clerk of Su perior. COiirtHnfaFlonrkiETAOINUN# l.eriof -wmrt of Franklin County, N. 0., on the 20th, day of March, 1931, the ?adersigned Trustee will on MONDAY, APRIL 20TH, 1931, at or ?feout the hour of Noon, at the Cuuitliuuse duui of Franklin County: N. C. offer for sale at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real estate: All that certain tract or parcel of land situate in Louisburg Township. Franklin County, State of North Car olina and described as follows: Sit uate on the East ltd* of Main Street In the Town ot Louisburg, State and County aforesaid, containing 23 acres, more or Ism, and being the present home place of Annie Webb Allen ahd husband, J. M. Allen, It being the land described In deed of C. M. Cooke, trustee, to Mamie H. Allen, recorded In Book 92. page 400, Registry of Franklin County, N. C. See alao deed of Kate McA. Crenshaw et als, to J. M. Allen recorded in Book lTtr ; r.\ V Ladies' Spring Coats . . . . $4.88 - $8.88 and $13.88 Ladies' New Easter Hats 88c - $1.88 and $2.88 Silk Hose 19c - 29c - 39c - 69c and 95c pair Men* Suits ...... $5.00 - $7.88 - $9.88 - $12.88 and $1488 Men's Pants $1.00 - $1.88 and $2.88 Men's Hats $2.88 - $3.88 and $4.88 Men's Shirts K 79c - 95c - $1.45 and $1.95 Ladies' New Slippers $1.88 and $2.88 Men's New Oxfords $2.19 - $2.88- $3.88 and $4.88 We also have a complete line of Notions including The New Trim Stitch - Spool Silk and Mercerized Cot tons in all colors. Spool Cotton for new Sheer Ma terial*. L KLINE & CO., INC. TST' J Leaders in Quality Merchandise at Lower Prices ? ? * i * aflction to the highest bidder (or cash, the following described tracts or par cels of land, situate in Franklin Coun ty, Sandy Creek Township, North Car Flrst Tract: Beginning at a stake Sir the old Davis Road and running N'35d E 60 poles, 16 links; fi 36d E 82 poles, 21 links to an Iron stake; i%0nce N 77d W 94 poles to a stake; thence S l-4d W 129 1-2 poles to hick cHry stump; thence S 33d W up on lm-t's Pond 144 poles to a stake; tmnce N W along Old Datls Road line 73 -poles' to 2 blackgums ; thence along wiie line 73 poles to the beginning, containing 169-acres, more or less, as ner survey of JOs. T. Inscoe on Nov. 2 arid 3, '1917. | Second Tract: Being near the first tract and containing 218-acres by Inscoe's survey of Nov. 2 , and 3rd, 1917, described as follows: Beginning at a stake on P. A. Davis' road and running thence N 19 l-2d E 169 poles lo a stake; tbence N T5 l-2d E 174 poles to a stake; thence S 2 l-4d W 1 L 1-2 poles to an old road; thence along the old road White Branch 160 poles to Davis Road; thence N V/ about 6 poles to a stake; thence S 14d W 55 poles 17 links to a pine; tbence S 63 l-2d E 109 poles; thence S 63 l-2d E 53 poles to an iron stake; thencc S 82d E 106 poles to a stake; ! thence N W along old road to the be ! ginning. i Third Tract: Being lot No. 4 in i the partition of the P. A. Davis lands os surveyed by Jos. T. Inscoe, Sur V veyoT, and bounded as follows: Be ginning at a small dogwood on the north side ot the Ransom's Bridge I toad, a corner of No. 6; thence N ?6 l-2d E 133 1-2-poles to a stake In a path, Isaac Davis corner; thence N 13d W 120 poles to a stake near a branch, Isaac Davis corner and cor ner for No. 2; thence N 75 l-2d W 96 ;>oles to a stake, corner for the House tract, called No. 3 thence S 19 l-M W 169 poles to the center of the Ran som's Bridge Road, a stake, corner for No. 3; thence along said road southeastward about 135 poles to the beginning, containing 167-acres, more or less. This, the 30th day of March, 1981. H. M. WHITE, 4-3-5t Successor Trustee. REPORT OP CONDITION OF ~ THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OP I/OUI8BURG, IN THE STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA, AT THE CLOSE OP BUSINESS ON ? MARCH 25th, 1981 RESOURCES Loans and Discounts .9 181,824.70 Overdrafts 808.87 Halted States Government se curities owned 70,898419 Other MA, ?locks, and secur curities owned 89,074.94 Banking house 95,000.00 Furniture aid fixtures 8,000.00 Real estate owaed other thaa baaUBC house 3,400.00 Reserve with Federal Reserve Bank 20,808.67 Cash and due from baaka 88,787.40 Outside checks and other caah Items 1,848.90 Redemptloa fund with V. 8. . Tress, aad due from U. 8. Treas. 2,000.00 , M- 410,949.18 i.k* ( I" ?' ? ^ LIABILITIES " Capital stock paid In 9 60,040.00 Surplus S, 000.00 Undivided profits? psT , 8,700*8 Circulating notes outstanding . . 40340.00 Due to banks, Including certi fied and cashiers' checks out standing 2,777.58 Demand deposits 101,148.48 Time deposits ,r., 184,204.84 Bills payable and rediscounts . . 4,000.00 4 Total * 410342.18 State of North Carolina, County mt- Franklin, I, F. jr. Mailer, Cashier of the , memt la true to the beat of my knowledge and BBABUnr, Oaahler. Subacrlbed and ?worn to befOM DM tbU 6*T* of March, 1M1. BJjr P co* loth( 19S?? ??? -^tc' ? ? ' *J' Ow iWI I Attcrt: W. B. WHTTK, 'I. I #*tik ? t?! - ? .? ?4?##