? Cotton sold (or 9 centi a pound In Loulsburg yesterday. X X X ? Splendid leaicmi visited Louie burg and vicinity Tuesday. X X X ? Miss Estelle Radford Is now hold ing a position In Hopewell, Va. XXX - Many farmers In Franklin Coun ty are expecting to begin curing to bacco next week. t t t ? Several big truck loads of water melons have been brought to the Loulsburg market this week. XXX ?Taking In the several benches about town 4his week tldiost put the Gentlemen of leisure sift of convlence. ttt. , ? Mr. J. C. Matthews, Trustee, Is having an Inventory made of the F. W. Wheleifs stock of goods prepara tory for a sale. . . XXX ? The many friends of Mrs. W. D. Terry, of near alert, are glad to see that she has Improved In health so much and hope for her a speedy re covery. t X X ? Miss Doris Strange underwent an operation for appendicitis Monday at a hospital in Rocky Mount Her many friends wish for her a speedy recovery. XXX ? At noon July 26, 1931, Judge Rutherford will lecture on "The Hop? of the World" over what is considered the largest combination of Radio Sta tions ever used for one program. ttt ?Master Cheatham Alston, Jr., was carried to the hospital In Rocky Mount Tuesday evening for an ap pendicitis operation. After arrival at the hospital his case also developed mte pneumonia. t xt ? ? Messrs. R. M. Beasley and J. M. Bullock, who will operate the Union Warehouse in Loulsburg this year, arrived In town Wednesday to can vass this territory in the Interest ol the Loulsburg market Entertains Auxiliary Mrs. James Malone delightfully en tertained the American Legion Auxil .:.ry on July 21st at her home Lone Oak. The usual routine was followed and business discussed. A vote was un animously carried to contribute to ""he Nan Norfleet Education Fund." This Fund to be used for Educational purposes for World War Veteran's or phans. As this was the meeting for our Fldac program, ? Mrs. R. W. Smith wick read an article , Strengthening ihe Ties of Friendship, pertaining to a plan to develop a stronger Fried Khip among the allied countries, and in particular to help in a personal way students who go from America to Europe and extend to those coun tries the same courtesies here. Our coifntry for today being Czecho slovakia we felt especially fortun ate In having Mrs. J. A. White, who ha n spent much time In that country, talk to us. Her talk was very in teresting and portrayed the charac ter, customs and arts of that country. Viola and Jennie Cheatham Alston sang very sweetly, "Mighty 'lale a Rose", accompanied at the piano by Mrs. James Malone. At the end of the program Viola and Jennie Cheatham entered the room carrying a basket cohered In Auxil iary colors and loaded with miscel laneous gifts -and presented It to Mrs. Hugh Perry, pttr President ,as a to ken of our qyjrreclatlon for her work among us for the past several years, and to wish her success In the con vention next. week. Mrs. Malone served delicious refreshments and the meeting adjourned until its regular time, for meeting on the 3rd Tuesday in August. Mrs. J. Forrest Joyner, Sec'y. Each 1 7 TROPHY FOR FAST STEFFERS RALEIGH TIMES CUP This handsome loving cup, offered by John A. Park, publlaher of THE RALEIGH TIMES, la the prize award In the competition .between Josephine, the speedy, sprinting ter rapin from Ashevllle ond plnoca, "full of hops," fast frog from Kin- | ston in the Morehead City derby on July 28 daring the annual conven tion of the N. C. State Press Asso ciation. The State Department of Conser vation and Development placed two of its boats at the disposal of~ "The editors for trips to historical Fort Macon and other points of Interest on Bogue Sound; Mr. C. E. Pace rial led Oxford Mob ??*? - _f t t t Mr. M. C. Murphy spent Monday at Belhaven fishing. Mr. H. T. Bartholomew visited Ra leigh the past week. * * * , ? ' ? ? Alston, of Warenton, waa a visitor to jLouisburg. Supt,, E. L. Best visited Rocky Mount Monday afternoon. u 1 1 1 Mr. E. L. Swlnson spent Sunday with his people at Qoldsboro w * * * Messrs J. A. Hodges and E. W Furgerson visited Raleigh Friday. Miss Columbia Crudup, of New York visited relatives In Loulsburg Friday. Miss Beverla Pearce left Monday for a visit with friends in Burling ton. * * * Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Egerton left yes terday to visit relatives at Elisabeth City. Mrs. F. S. Fink, of Greensboro, Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O H. Harris. Mr. G. M. Beam and family return ed Tuesday from a visit to Western North Carolina. * * * Mrs. A. L. Batchelor of Petersburg, Vo., spent the past week-end with rel atives in the county. * tit Mrs. D. O. Pearce and daughter. Miss Ida Sills Pearce. spent the past week in Rocky Mount. ? t t t i Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Murphy and daughter, Jane, are spending this week In RichAand, Va. ? t Chief of Police B. H. Meadows, Messrs. S. S. Davis and W. M. Pleas mts visited Durham Tuesday. * * * Mrs A. F. Johnson and children ?ind Miss Sadie Johnson visited rela t ves at Rocky Mount Friday * * * Miss Agnes Harrell, who has been visiting Miss Beverla Pearce, has re turned to her home at Rosehlll. * * * Mr. L. G. Whitley, Chief State Penal Institution Inspector, visited Louls burg this week and visited the Coun ty Jail. ? ? ' ttt Mr. W. D. Leonard and little son, falter, Jr., of Mt. Airy are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Har ris, this week. * * * Rev. J. D. Miller, rector of St Paul's Episcopal church, left Mon day for Little Swltserland where he will spend his vacaion. Supt W. R. Mills returned this week from Greenville where he has teen teaching at the Ifest Carolina Teachers College Summer School. *** - Mr Spencer Matthews and sister IIIss Evelyn, and Miss Lucille Mor gan, returned Friday from an extend ed visit to Western North Carolina. t t t Mis*. JiMb returned this week from Rockhili, 8. 0., where Chas visiting h$r parent*, r msfcy friends will1 be glM to leahi that Mr. Nash is much Improved. _v _ ttt Those from Loulsburg who went to bear Scout Paul Slple at Raleigh LISTEN FOLKS! We have enlarged our store and made several changes in arrangement of stock and fix tures. We are now better prepared to serve you than ever. COME IN - LOOK US OVER. SATURDAY (Only) SPECIALS SOUTHERN BREAD, loaf 4c WESSON OIL, pint cans 25c RICE KRISPIES, 2 pkgs 19c MORRIS BRAINS/2 large cans . 23c Qt. Water Bot. VINEGAR 19c FISH ROE, 2 large cans ....... 25c STICK CANDY," Assorted, lb. .. 15c SALMON, tall can 10c KARO SYRUP, 10 lb. can 55c SATURDAY MEAT SPECIALS Tender Chuck Roast, lb. 17c Meaty Stew Beef, !b. . . . . . . 10c Kingan's Franks, lb. v. .... . . rr;~20c Fresh Lean Pork Chops, lb 23c Fresh Pork Liver, jib. . . . 10c FISH. poH.:; 5C FRIDAY TO FRIDAY SPECIALS . i FRESH FLUFFY Marshmallows, lb. . 18c 2 ? 16c PKG8. 4 m Fancy Rice . . .... I vC QUART JAR a* Sweet Mix. Pickle . ZoC S for 2Rc BALL BROS. FRUIT JARS |1 H OAfc. QT8. PT8. % PT8. M Dozen. . . $1.20 90c 85c 75c U Lux Soap, . 3 for 23c Star op Red Devil Lye, can 10c CAMPBELL'S TOMATO Soup, 3 cans ... 22c CAN 25c 7 , ' 6? 5c BOXSE gm mw SWAN MATCH ES 1 OC Thermometers, ea. . . 28c New Low Prices on All Feeds and FL 0 U R ~ G. W. MURPHY AND SON "WHERE A DOLLAR DOES IT'S DOTY" BAST NASHT STREET LOUI8BURG, N. C. A recently discovered portrait of Alexander Hamilton, hidden for 127 years, has tome into the possession'of Andrew Mellon, the present secretary. lalelgh Tuesday were Mr. and Mrs. iieo Cobb, Sam Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm McKtnne and family, Mr. ind Mrs. J. A. Hodges, Mr. and Mrt. ?ary Howard, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Beasley and family. t t t Among the local boys members of Jcconeechee Council Boy Scouts, vho attended camp at Camp Craggy lear Raleigh last week and this week nrtxe J. A Hodges, Jr., Allen Cobb, ?Lrey Howard, Jr., Ernest Wells, Richard Yarborough, Joseph Tonkel, Robert Hicks, James Person, Edward jollier and Charles Oattls, Jr. CERTIFIED SEED ARE FROM RELIABLE GROWERS Crop seeds offered growers as be ing one or two years from the breed er are not always kept up to the lilgh standard required by the North Carolina Crop Improvement Assof station and when such seed are not sertlfied, they are likely to prove i disappointment. - "A good example of this was giv sn this spring when certain barley tnd oat crops were Inspected," says Qordon K. Mlddleton, seed special ist at State College. "The fields were found to be badly Infestcfl irlth wild onions and the oats showed considerable vtarietaJ mlxV ture due to a volunteer crop from a preceding planting. The growr sr did not realise that such a con dition existed but when told that the seed could not be certified, he replied that he would advertise them as on* year from the breeder. He reminded the Inspector that his cotton seed was reftfMd certifica tion last year but that he had no difficulty In disposing of his sur plus seed." Another grower, says Mlddleton,^ a different experience. This nton produced and sold 600 bush el* of tine certified wheat last year, lie did not get a complain and those who bought from him wanted more. S4me regretted that they had bought only enough for a seed patch. This man rendered a service to his community and was proud of his accomplishment. (The first man, who sold mixed seed, was helping to hold down the cipp improvement work In his com munity. Certification does not make the seed any better but does estab lish their reliability and given two growers with seed from the same breeder, the man whose crop passes aU certification tests, certainty has the best seed. Mr. Middleton finds that alert farmers are now demand ing Improved seed and are asking that these be from reliable sources. Those men whose crops pass the certification tests might sell their seed at a slightly higher price bat the results more than p?y for this charge, he says. Skiing has been known In Nor way as a means of travel since an cient tlme3, but It became a sport only about sixty years ago. Two Currituck County pastures planted with the same seed mixture at the same tithe show a remarkable difference in stand and growth due to the application of 300 pounds per acre of phosphate on one of them. MRS. R. H. OGBURN WILL BE GLAD to see you any time at the Blue Bird Tea Room, South Hill, Va., on the JjigJjway. 7-10-4t NOTICE Having qualified as administratrix ot the estate of Lucy C. Debnam, de ceased, late cf Franklin County, N. C.. notice is hereby given all parties holding claims against the said estate to present them to the undersigned 01 or before the 24th day of July, 1032 or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please teme forward and make immediate settlement. This July 23rd, 1931. MAE W. PERNELL. 7-24-6t - ? ' Admr'x. S0WNB IDEA *M A sound idea needs little explain ing at this bank. We need few words here to explain the value of Thrift ? as practiced through a bank book. Fortunes ? ease ? comfort and peace and plenty in old age, have come to many who started with a small entry in a Savings Account book. It's Not a New Idea ? but a Sound One! Why Don't You Start This Week? * THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK i * LOCI&BURG, W. O. W. E. WHITE, President F. 3. B8ASLBY, Vko-Preatdeat ud CmU? a L. ROBBRSON, AM. CWbtar