AM ADVERTISING MEDIUM THAT BRINGS RESULTS Franklin Times The County, Thd State, The Union v^ SUBSCRIPTION CI. so Per Year VOLUMN liXD. (EIGHT PAGES) NUMBER 20 A. F. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager LOUISBURG, N. CAROLINA, FRIDAY, SEPT. 4, 1981 SET TAX LEVYAT $1.12 SCHOOL LEVY CUT FORTY-TWO CENTS . [ Township Road Funds Lew la Some Townships And OrtmUr in Other* ? Ask Officers To Resign ? Tax able Property 1W1 to 918,863,791 ? County Levy SI Cents Leas Than Last Year. At a special meeting of the Board of County Commissioners held on Thursday afternoon of last week the tax levy for Franklin County for 19S1 was made,, except for the special dis trict school taxes, which could not be made until the amount of the tax I reduction fund for Franklin Count) had been established by the State Board of Equalization. The levy for 1931 as made by the Bosird at their meeting, on the basis of a tax valuation of $13, 353,791, was as follows: General purpose $ -IB Poor .05 Health - .04 County Debt Service .60 School Current Exp. {State)- .16 School Debt Service .22 Total County rate .. Poll tax * 2 1100 Duuns . Harris ? .28 ? VoungsrlllV -7o - . Frankllnton ? ? Hayesvllle '~1I. 16 Gold Mine " ' 1 j " -&1 . Cedar Rock~ 109 22 Cypress Creek - .68 Louisbnrg .26 Special Schools. ? ?' These rates could not be set on ac count of the State not having dis tributed the $1,500,000 Tax Reduction Xuud. These will be announced later. That the tax payers of the County may be able to make such compari sons as they see lit we are giving below the rate* levied for the year 1930 on a total valuation of $14,162, oco. General purpose $ .12 Poor 08 --.Health ? ? ? -04 Road and bridge .07 Debt service .28 School current expense .64 School capital outlay .02 School debt service .24 j . Total County rate $1.33 i ' ' Roads. , D. S. Mt Dunns 0 .42 Harris .42 48 Youngsville 0 .28 Franklinton i 0.. .18 Haye* villa .16 .39 Sandy Creek .15 ? .49 Gold Mine 64 .2# Cedar Rock 0 ? .40 Cypress Creek .27 .88 LouUburg .12 .18 Hpecial Schools. These figures will be given when j the levy is made for them for 1931. From the above figures It will be seen that a reduction o( 21 cents on ihe general County tax has been made. The road rates vary. In some town ships the rate gna? Harrell. fourth prade: Mrs. A. M. Jones, fifth grade; M:*a Selema Mullen, sixth grade; Mrs. John Phelps, seventh grade; In High School department. Miss Jewel Clarke, History and English; Mr. George Crawley, French and Science; Mr Julius Woodward, Math; Mr. J. J. Volfe, Agriculture. Delightful House Party Miss Rebecca Ann Holden delight fully entertained at a house party at her home on North Main Street last week, during which time she cele brated her twelfth birthday and ah>.? -he birthday of two of her guests. 1 Tbe Invited guests were Miss Mary. I.oona Ruffin, of Raleigh, daughter j of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Ruffin; Miss! Anne Mills, of Henderson, daughter j of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Mills; Mis? j Rachel Crocker, of Suffolk. Va. A week of delight and pleasure was ' enjoyed, by the guests of Miss Holden i who entertained for them at a swim ming party on one afternoon and a rook party one night. They were also honored at a Theatre Party given by Miss Athlea Boone and again by Miss Marguerite Tonkel and Miss Haxel Johnson. The last of the house par ty activities was a party given on Saturday night by Miss Mamie Beam. All the week was full of enjoyment and fun for the guests of Miss Holden, and the house party a splendid .de light In the vacation of the party. Announce Opieniilg On another page/ will be aeen the announcement of the opening of an up-town store of Bridges, the Flor ist, at Henderson, on September 8tli. A special Invitation has been extend ed Franklin County people to attend this oeeaslon. It is understood this enterprising firm has arranged and equipped a modern and especially pleasing show room for their beau tiful flowers and floral designs. They are progressing with the de sire to give their customers the best in their line and invite you to call ha and see their new show place. Read their announcement in this issue. KXOTT-SL&D6K Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Sledge announce the marriage of their, daughter Mil dred Louise to Mr. Alton Olyn Knott on Tuesday the 24th of February, nineteen hundred and thirty one. in Denwltty, Virginia. Mrs. Knott is a popular and attrac tive young lady of Louisburg, and is very popular throughout this section of North Carolina. Mr.. Knott Is the son of F. P. Knott, of Louisburg and is popular among a large host qf friends la this sec tJflfU Movie Soar at Four Jerry I ticker, ?. of Chicago, wdn a job in the moriei by hi* recita tion of Guofs Din./ Mood Music Back b) Modern Style D&log Pictures CJ>eT|?Urr'? New Film Brings Silent Screen Emotion Dictator Into Fashion Once More ? Popnlar Fa vorite Sings. Mood music for moving pictures U again coming into its own, after being temporarily banished to make way (or dialog. Today, atter a cou ple of years of dialog-filled film fare, the talk is giving way and music expressing the feeling of scenes is being introduced to nil In the silent stretches. ' ? - - Back in the nickelodeon days, when the chase, that great institu tion of silent pictures, linked more than seven or eight reels on the the screen, the man who sat at the up right piano at the foot of the screen and hammered out accompanying musical snatches was an important entertainment cog. : While the "villain pursued her" there wj? sinister music, -stealthy. Insidious. A sunshiny tnrn ^pf tink ? ly notes indicated love-making in the offlng. A thunderous roll forecast the approach of Indians, an impend ing storm, a good-hearted scoundrel. An indication of the new place ot music in creating motion picture moods was noticeable in the recent Aallulah Bankhead-Clive Brook hit, '-Tarnished Lady." But mood music really comes into its own in talking pictures in "The Smiling Lieuten ant," which, starring smiling Mau rice Chevalier, comes to the Louis burg Theatre here next week, Sept. 10th and 11th. Ernst Lubltsch, director of "The "Smiling Lieutenant," admits the growing importance of mood music In motion picture interludes and makes extensive use of it In his new picture, Lubitsch's mood music is used in addition to the special Chev alier songs which are a feature of the production. Serious Accident What came near being a must se rious automobile accident hap pened Tuesday night about one o'clock when a Chevrolet auto mobile driven by Mr. Hugh Wlison. ?jf Durham ran "head-on" Into the Confederate monument at North Main Street, smashing the car exceedingly bad and badly catting and bruising IheNtriver and a young lady who was rfdingAwith him. The young lady was taken to her home Ui Durham Immediately atte* the ttcident by A. H. Fleming, Jr., jfhere medical attention was given, and Mr. Wilson was taken to the liame ot Dr. A. H. Fleming. The parties were attending the Kt waais dance and bad gone out (or a ride up Mala street, when reaching tlia top ot the bill either trouble with the stearins CMff developed or the lights most bare blinded the driver, causing him not to see Um monument, which stands in the middle of the street, until U was too late to avoid the acch^nt. ~K' New MefrVjFurn ishing Business Mr. F. W. Wheless, Jr., informed the TIMES Wednesday that he has leased the store formerly occupied by Mr. T. W. Wheless, on Market Street, and will open about October 1st, a full and complete line of men's fur nishings. He left yesterday for New Yotk to -purchase his stock ot goods. Mr. Wheless li a young man of abil ity and experience in this line having assisted his father tor a number ot y*ars *nT!cl Entered npon his dutira. He ?V i 1 1 be assisted by Mrs. S. C. Hold on, who is especially familiar with the office and has proven a most painstaking and efficient assistant for some time. Mr. Perry, the newly appointed County Accountant, accepted the posi tion, so we are informed, as a tem porary responsibility . until the Board could find and employ a satisfactory person to tUl the position. He will be assisted in the work by Mr. Cooke, 'or the present, in clearing the office of the work In connection with the present tax levy. "With the exception of the suit against Mr). Holden's bondsnfen to recover the shortage, this, at present, culminates the activities in connec tion with the shortages found in the Register of Deeds office. The Board completing Its work ad journed to Its next regular meeting which is next Monday. College Registra tion Sept. 9th On Wednesday, September 9th, the duy students will register for en trance to Loulaburg College, accord ing to a requirement stated by Presi dent A D. Wilcox to a reporter. This includes music students also, he ad ded. In connection with this statement, lie said that the registration had al ready gone considerably above that of last year and that many more have signified their intention of attending tac College who have not registered. Also, the enrollment of boys to at tend the college thjs term is sur prisingly large, Be stated. Civil Court The regular August term of Frank lin Superior Court convened In Loulsburg on Monday morning with Hon Walter L. Small, presiding. It is only a civil term and has a pretty full calendar. The trial of eases is moving along smoothly. Only a small number, other than those Interested, are In attendance. No case* of pub lic importance have been called. Gaas ? How long can a man live wlhont brains? Sasse ? Let's see? how old are you? At The Louisbwrg Theatre Next Week The following is the program at the Louisburg Theatre, beginning Saturday, Sept. 5: Saturday, Sept. 5 ? Richard Dlx and Jackie Cooper in "Young Dono van's Kid," also Chapter No. 3 "Finger Print*" and Metro Comedy. Monday and Tuesday. Sept. 7-8 ? Mark Twain's Classic of adventure and fun "Huckleberry Finn" with Mitsi Green, Jackie Coogan, Junior Durkln and Jackie Searl. Wednesday, Sept. %? Jack Oakie and Stuart Erwin la "Dude Ranch" With Eugene Pallet te and June Coll y*Thur?day and Friday, 8ept. 10-11 ? Maurice Chevalier la "The Smll ln? Lieutenant" with Claudette Col bert and Chas. Ruggless. Saturday. Sept. 11 ? Regular Wes tern program with Feature, Comedy and SeriS^Tlager Prints."