?? QCTQJun /m/ mm i 19 6 13 20 26 27 / a is 2 9 19 1 2*2* 2?2M> IJV J 10 17 2* m ? Monday is first Monday. tn ? The Board of County Commission X X X ? Cotton was worth < cents a pound in Loulsburg yesterday. ?"! X t t ? F. W. Wheless, Jr., is treating his store to a new coat of paint. * * * ? ' | ? Quite a lot of fall grain is being put in, in this section. tit ? The cool weather Monday and Tuesday reminded one of winter days. X X X ? Increased Red Cross membership will help secure funds for Franklin County. t t t _ ?Lightning did much damage to the telephone line at Justice in the early morning storm Saturday. t t t ? The Raleigh Salvage Co., has elected a big sign in front of their place of business on Market street, t t t ?Mr. and Mrs. Frank F. Hicks, of rear Gold Sand announce" the birth of a son, Frank F. Jr., Tuesday Sept. 29, 1931. xtt . ? American Red- eron Is one of the most beautiful flowers of the Ameri can spirit arid the American Demo e lacy. ? Ex. itt ? The J. A. Cannon Grocery Co., has leased the J. S. Howell store building on Main street and will open a stock of General merchandise there in within the next few days. X X t ? Mrs. Hugh W, Perry has moved f.er offices to rooms over the First National Bank, to be near the Ameri tsn eLglon Auxiliary office, where much of her time will be taken by her my and not hard and cloddy or too sandy. Then a plentiful supply of well-rot ted manure is needed. Manure should never be used until it is thoroughly dtttjwt. Then tone meal is a splendid commercial fertillxer to use. Tankage might be added In the spring before growth starU:'r After the soil has been put in shape, plant the bulbs In October or even as late as the first of Novem ber in the eastern part of the State, says Mr. Randall. The Important thing Is to give the bulbs ample time to develop a good root system before extreme cold weather. The bulbs are set five to six inches deep with each bulb in solid contact with the soil. Do not leave an air space below the base of the bulb. This checks development of the root system. The best flowers are se cured where the root system has bad a chance to fully develop and to use all of the available plant food. If these simple precautions are ob served, there Is no reason why the gardener should not have beautiful flowering bulbs next spring. Miss Howler ? Did my voice fill the drawing-room r Mr. Bluntly ? No. It filled the re freshment-room and the conserva tory. Legion's New Mascot Brie Brown, 9, daughter of ? Detroit Tetrran ?u official "buddy" of America*! warrior* at their convention. ?CIIUUCH 1NN0UNC CH I EMKVtS THK MKTHUDIHT CHURCH Services next Sunday at tbc Louis burg Methodist Church will be at tteven a. m. and 7f30 p. m. The pas tor, Ilev. A. D. Wilcox, will preach at (tie morning service. Mr. M. B. Mea tamer will make an address at the tvenlng hour. This hour will be fea tured by an orchestra under the di rection of Mr. Gerald Bryant, of the Southern Conservatory of Mutlc. 'lhere will be special vocal numbers &t both services. ill ~ MM isitt !{(? BAPTIHT CHURCH At the Loulsburg Baptist church, Sunday Kev. D. P. Harris will deliver two sermons on Interesting topics, ills morning sermon will be on "The I ord is My Strength" and his evening sermon on "Their Way Is their Folly." Invitation to attend these services Is extended to everyone. t t t ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Hev. J. D. Miller states that the on ly service to be held at St. Paul's Episcopal church Sunday is Evening Prayer at 7:30 o'clock. It will be noticed that the hour of the evening service has been changed. A cordial invitation is extended everyone. AT CORINTH Rev. D. P. Harris will preach at Corinth Haptlst church neaj Ingleside, next Sunday afternoon at 3-: 30 o'clock according to announcement received by the TIMES all are invited to go cut and join In the services. With one-piece dresses, with trans ient dresses, slips are by far better than petticoat*. With Jacket suits uud with mauy opaque dresses petti coats are more convenient. So now we take our choice. There are taffeta petticoats. Some ! men these are attached parts of the cresses "they are worn with. They are trimmed with scallops and with embroidery and some times with tiny frilli and pleatings. ?* But the newer silhouette makes crepe de chine the admirable fabric lor petticoats. It is so soft and sup tie and clinging, it washes so well,' It comes in such lovely colors, that It combines many of the best qualifica tions for petticoats. These new wash petticoats can be Just as elaborate as you please, and quite as formal as petticoats of taf ?eta. They are edged with lace, some 44meSi with laee Insets for trimming. For more tailored wear they are fin ished with a scalloped, double hem. The petticoat in the sketch is an < asy one to make for yourself. It is made of four lengths of material. The front length ? as long as you wish the petticoat ? Is ten Inches wide. The side lengths are eight inches at the bottom, and are slanted in at both seams ao that they are four laches at the top. The back section ia thirty Inches wide at the Dottopu twenty-two at the top. The four p'eces are French seamed together, nr.d the top is turtftd under In a halt Inch hem. A four-inch length af q ratter-inch elastic Is fastened In this top ham a & - tlx seams Joining front and sides, extending about aiz Inches Into the back. This brines the fuil uess at the aide* and leave* front and back Imootfc. " ? PROGRAM ? LOUISBURG THEATRE LOUI8BURG, N. C. Matlaaee Dally S:1S \iKli< Western* . hE tec trie SOUND l^ffSYSTEM SATURDAY, OCT. II RICHARD AUI.KV "Caught " MON. A TUBS. OCT. M LIONEL bakkymokk "Guilty" Hands" ? With ? KAY FRANCIS WEDNESDAY, OCT. 7 RICHARD ARI.KN "The Secret Call" Bargain Day lU-aOc Mat. and Night | THUR8. * Kill. OCT. 8-0 JOHN GILBERT "Phantom of Pari*" HATURDAY, OCT. 10 BILL CODY "Under Texas Skies" A LAO "FINGRR PRINT*" and Metro Comedy Shown: Matinee 11:15 AdmiMion: lO-SOc; Balcony lO-l.Vc ? Mmws: Night Ml - A dm Union: tO-.'W; Haleony (Color Mi) 10-SSr ? NKXT WEKK ? . i fai A ar a a atftftlM Ai < k ? ? ???>?? a a A a a a k ft I . BlAn LAvlUiili 9t vlil VbIv DAIiI/i In their flint full length comedy "flanov eg" ~? i ? i ? ? $ * ? ? * * ? BLNN 8CHOOL NKWH * ? ? ? ? ? ? ? m'w m m First XrrtiiK of Sraltr Literary Clik On Wednesday September ihe twen ty third the senior literary club met lor the rirat time after its organiza tion on Sept. the sixteemh, Jtie mtn I'tes of the first meeting were read by the secretary which was followed by the election of a vice-president IBstelle Richards); selection of a so cial committee (Hattie Murphy, Jessie Lee Pearce. Linwood Mullen, Othelle Mullen). Afterward a letter from our mascot '.Richard Lee Bowen) was read to the senior class, expressing his willing ness to help U3 in any way possible. We appreciate Richard's spirit and we are sure he will make a useful and loving mascot. After this the following program ?ajs rendered by one of the grojip cap tains, Juanlta Perry, and her team. Sketch of Life of Longfellow? Ruby Grey Horton. A Psalm of Life ? Othelle Mullen. Sunrise in The Hills ? Procter Al ford. The Builders ? Roslyn Holllngs worth. The Arrow and the Song ? George Pearce. The Two Angles ? Marguerite Har ris. The Slave Singing at Midnight ? Deua Pearl Bunn. Short Story of Hiawatha ? Jessie Lee Pearce. The Skeleton in Armor ? Juanlta Perry. As will be noted the program con tested wholly of Longfellow's works. The reason for this was to carry out unity in the program and because tin (.roup captain thought his works would be great interest and help to all. OTHELLE MULLEN, tt.l Indoor Baseball "A good beginning makes a bad (?piling," is an old saying Bunn High b-:hool would like to dispute. If every one could see the multitude ot boys and girls going out for Indoor base ball, their spirit, their sportsmanship, and the efforts they are putting forth, the same thing would enter their minds. The two teams have already been made, both girls and boys, but its a fcrrd task to tell which are first nine's end which are second nine's. The girls seem rather slow In get ting started in Indoor baseball. They have Just organised their team this week but are planning to do some good playing. Pep it up girls! You can't let the boys beat you that way. Loraine White, Asso. Sports Ed. Horace Mullen, Sports Editor. Qasond*? -Why, Gaioof, how III you look! What's the matter? Gasoof ? Oh, nothing much. Losing weight, all. Lost 120 pounds of flesh In one day. Qaxonda ? Impossible'. Q as oof ? Fact, 1 assure you. My wife deserted me. BriMriM flsiea GOOD NEWS ABOUT GOOD CLOTHES V Our prices for tailor-made clothes are now lower than for the past 15 years. No matter what your pref erence may be you'll find it in our display. MONDAY and TUESDAY OCT. 5th and Mb A Special Representative of the HAAS TAILORING COMPANY will be here taking orders. We'll appreciate a visit for this wonderful display. ^Mfe4HELESSJ= Phone 83 Louisburg YOUR COTTON I What will you do with it ? Three propositions are open to you: (1) Hrll It now at the lowest price la 2S years, a price far below the cost of production, and help to m prices down to 1 still lower levels; I (9) Haul it back home, throw It oat on the ground, un insured, and snbject to lire and theft risk, and loss in weights i and country damage, and pat no money into circulation ia your community; or ' i ?. H (8) Pool your cotton now, avoid fire and theft risks, avoid loss in weights, avoid any damage, draw your advance I ' within one cent per pound of market value plus amount due for better grades and staples, help pfat money in circulation, and .j l still hold your cotton. There is a far better opportunity for cotton to advance be- , yond the Ac level this year than there was for it to advance above 10c last year or 10c in 1980. ' ( Information gladly furnished by our Field Men, Receiving Agents, and Warehousemen, or write the Raleigh office. 1 North Carolina Cotton Growers | Cooperative Association * ' , i", ' ? ? ? * ?' RAJJKtGH, N. 0.