NOTICE OF BALB OS* VALUABLE LAND Under and by virtue of an order of Superior Court of Franklin Coun ty made In ' the special proceeding entitled "R. O. Bailey, Administra tor of L. Alice Henley, deceased, Vs. Wiley Henley", the same being dock eted in the said Court, the under signed Commissioner will, on MONDAY, OCTOBER 2?TH, 19S1, at or about the hour of 12: o'clock noon, at the courthouse door In Louisburg, North Carolina, offer for ?ale to the highest bidder for cash that certain tract of land lying and being in Frankllnton Township, Franklin County, North Carolina, containing 40-acres, more or less, and being lot No. 2 In the division of the 67-acre tract of land which Is fully described as lot No. 2 In the proceedings entitled: "Winnie L. Evans, et als, Vs. W. C. Catlett, ct ala". which proceedings Is recordod in O and D No. 11, page 126, Office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Franklin County, reference to which la hereby made for a more complete and accurate description of the said IQ^crea, ? ^ This, the 14th day of September, 1931. 0. M. BEAM, 9-18-5t I Commissioner. NOTICE Hiring qualified as administrator of the estate of Mrs. Mary Brewer, deceeased, late of Franklin County, N. C., notice Is hereby given all par tiles holding claims against the said estate to present them to the under signed on or before the 18th day of September, 1932 or this notice will be pled in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please come forward and make im mediate settlement. This September 17th, 1931. C. W. GUPTON, 9-18-6t : Adm'r. NOTICE Having qualified as adminlstratoi < f the estate of T. W. Stokes, deceas ed, 'late of Franklin County, N. C., notice is hereby given all parties holding claims against the said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 28th day of Augus*., - WM or this -notice wilt ie pWad in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please come forward and make immediate rettlement This August 27th, 1931. M. J. STOKES, g-28-tt Afrn'r. NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of T. D. Farrer, deceas ed, late of Franklin County, N. C., notice Is hereby given all parties holding claims against the said es tate to present them to the under signed on or before the 4th day of September, 1932 or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. ?11 persons indebted to said estate will please come forward and make immediate settlement. This Sejftember 3rd, 1931. M. M. PERSON. 8-4-<t Adm'r. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as executrix of the estate of E. P. Dodd, deceased, late of Franklin County; This is to notify all persons Indebted to said estate to please make Immediate settlement, and all persons holding, claims against said estate are here by notified to present them to the undersigned on or before the 1st, day of September, 1932. This the 1st, day of September, 1931. MRS. E. P. DODD, Extr'x, Zebulon, N. C., R. F. D. No. 2. O. B. Moss, Atty. 9-4-6t ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Administrator, of the Estate of Mary E. Day, de ceased, late of Franklin County, North Carolina, this is to notify fall persons having claims against the said estate to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 18th day of September 1932, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons Indebted to said Estate will please make im mediate payment to the undersigned. This the 17th, day of September, 1931. JAMES I. COOKE, #-18-6t Admr. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of tbe Estate of Sidney H. Horton, late of Franklin County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment to me; and all persons hav ing claims against said estate will present the, same to me on or be fore 18th day of September, 1932, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. This the 17 day of Sept., 1931. P. J. BEASLEY, Executor of 8-18-6t Sidney H. Horton, Est. SALE OF VALUABLE FARM Pursuant to the power of sale con ferred by the terms and provisions of that certain deed of trust executed by S. C. Ford and wife, Corabel S. Ford, to the Chlckamauga Trust Com pany, Trustee, dated November 22, IttS, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Franklin Coun ?y, In Book 280, at page 300-302, and by virtue and authority of the pow er of sale granted and designated in a certain paper writing substituting a trustee In the above named deed tf trust executed by the Prudential Insurance Company of America to T. W. Sterrett, substituted trustee, which instrument making said substitution of trustee being dated July 20, 1881, nnd duly recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds for Franklin County, N. O., In Book >84, ac page S2?. default having been made In the pay i ent of the lndebtednesa thereby se cured under said deed of trust, and demand for foreclosure having been n'ade upon the said substituted trus tee by the holder of the bond repre senting said lndebtednesa, the under 8 gned trustee will, on MONDAY, OCTOBER 5TH, 19J1, at or about the hoifr of noon, at the Courthouse door In Loulsburg, N. C., -offer for sale to the highest bidder. Cor cash, the following described tract <>r parcel of land situate In Loulsburg Township, franklin County, N. C.: That certain tract or ' parcel of land situate In Loulsburg Township, Franklin County, North Carolina about I 1-2 miles East of the town of Louls burg, on the old Loulsburg and Mur phy Road, containing 253 acres and described as follows: Beginning ai a corner Poplar Hlnton's old corner ?>n the old fun of Sycamore Creek; 1 hence Nort h55d West 80 poles to the Loulsburg lload; thence along the nnid road North 41d West. 43 poles, North 33d West 33 1-2 poles to a pine stump at the big path or Murphy's Road; thcnce along tho path or Mur ->}y's Road North 35d E 12 poles, J'or'h 3 l-2d East 28 poles, North 12d Plant 24 poles, North 25d East 16 (Oles 15 links South 82 l-2d East 17 poles 3 links, North 49 l-2d East t poles 21 links North lid East 32 pole* 22 links North 46 l-2d East 27 poles 5 links. Worth B? l-2d Bast 27 poles 2 links, North 62d East 98 poles to a rock, B. T. Holden's corner (former ly Mann or Yarboro corner) thence South 23<1 East 181 polea to a rock on Sycamore Creek; thence down said ??reek as It meanders South 67d W 71 I-oles South 35d West 123 polea to Poplar, the beginning, containing 253 Hcres and being designated as Tract Mo. 36 in the partition of the Geo. W. Kord Estate, said tract being allotted to Lula S. and S. C. Ford, which par tition proceeding is duly recorded in office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County, In Orders and Decries No. 11, page 1, page 10, ?cference to which Is hereby specific ally made. The successful bidder at said aale will be required to deposit 8600.00 ,ash with the Trustee an an evidence in; good faith. Dated and posted this 3rd day of September 1931. T. W. STERRETT. Successor Trustee. '.V. L. Lumpkin, Attorney, Loulsburg, N. C. 9-4-5t NOTICE OF AN ELECTION OF MEMBERS OF THE BOARD Qg GRADED SCHOOL TRUSTEES BY THE VOTERS OF LOUIS BURG) GRADED SCHOOL DIS TRICT. Notice Is hereby given that, in ac cordance with the provisions ot an Act of the General Assembly of North Carolina, House Bill Number 489, Senate Bill Number 681, entitled "An Act to Provide for the Election ot (lie Board of Trustees of the Louis burg Graded School District by the people" adopted by the session of 1923, the Mayor and Board of Com missioners of the Town of Loulsburg do hereby order an election to be held on Tuesday, October 27th, 1931, at which there shall be submitted to the qualified voters of Loulsburg Graded School District the question of the election of four members ot the Board ot Trustees of the Loulsburg liraded School "BTstricC The four members receiving the highest votes cast will be elected for terms as follows. The three receiving the three high est numbers ot votes for six years, and the one receiving the fourth high est number for four years. The Court House in Loulsburg is hereby designated as the polling place; and B. B. Perry is hereby ap pointed Registrar, and G. D. Taylor and Ellis Parham are hereby appoint ed poll holders and Judges of Elec tion. No new registration is required; but the registration books shall be kept open each day at the office of B. B. Perry in the old W. M. Person office on Main Street, Loulsburg, and at the court house on each Saturday begin ning September 26th, and closing Oc tober 17th, 1931, for the registration of those electors who have become qualified since the last registration, in said Graded School District. Sat urday, October 24th, 1931, will be challenge day when the Registrar will attend the polling place for that pur pose. As the conduct of this election comes under the requirements of the Australian ballot law, It will be nec essary for all contemplating becom ing candidates for election as Trus tees for the Loulsburg Graded School tc officially notify T. K. Stockard at the office of the Town Clerk In Loute hurg, of such Intentions on or be fore 4 p. m., Saturday, October 17th, 1 J31. This September 10th, 1931. L. L. JOYNER, Mayor. T. K. Stockard, Clerk. 9-11-gt .SALE OP VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of authority ron'alned in a certain deed of trust executed on the 1st day of January, 1926, by Nora E. Little and husband, K. L. Little, to the Raleigh Saving* Hank and Trust Company, Truilee and recorded In Book 246, page SIS, In the office of the Register of Deeds for Franklin County, N. C., default havtnp been made in the conditions of said deed of trust, the undersigned Trustee will, on MONDAY, OCTOBER 6TH. 1?S1, ur or about the hour of IS o'clock l'oon, at the courthouse door In Louis burg, N. C., offer for sale at public F.uctlon to the highest bidder for cash the following described tract of land, to wit: All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land containing 20.66 acres, more or less, situate, lying and being tn the Plat Rock road about- 8 miles northeast of Youngsville, N. C., la Voungsville Township, Pranklln Coun ty, North Carolina, having such shapes, metes, courses and distances as will more fully appear by refer ence to the plat thereof made by Jo*. T. Inscoe, Surveyor, on December 1, IMS, and attached to the abstract bow on file with the Atlantic Joint Stock Land Bank at Raletgh, N. C. Rounded on the Nor .h by the lands of ft. B. Allan; on Ac East by the lands of J. W. Psnyt on South by lands ot ). W. Perry and on the West by the lands of J. S. I-ay ton, being a part of tbe tract of land conveyed to Nora IS. Little by W. B. Freeman and A. V. Perry by deed dated" December ~ 3i, 1927, and duly recorded In Bcok "517. page 347. Beginning at a email cedar on a pa'h, corner of the land oon\ey ??d by H. L. Little and wife to J. W. ferry; thence alone the path S 48d no' W 4 cba 37 llnlu, N 87d 7 cha 60 links to a stake on a ditch bank; thence N 3d 9' W 8 chs 90 link* to a stake on a path, Layton's corner; thence along .mid path S 54d 45' E 7 chs 87 links, S 68d 45' E # chs 50 links to a stake on the path, corner of tract of land sold to J. W. Perry; ihtnce S 5d 45' W 13 chs 8 links to the beginning, containing 20.66 acres, more or less. This the 28th day of August, 1931. RALEIGH SAVINGS BANK and j TRUST COMPANY, Trustee. R. Q. Bailey, Atty. 9-4-5t NOTICE OF SALE OP LAND By virtue of the authority con tained In a certain Deed of Trust executed on the 23rd, day ot April, 1930, to O. B. Moss, Trustee, by W. H. Horton and Lucy Horton, his wife and C. C. Pippin and Bessie Pippin, his wife, and recorded in Book 294, at pages 199 and 120. of the Register of Deeds Office In Franklin County, default having been made in the payment of Mid Deed of Trust, the said O. B. Moss, Trustee, will on the 6TH, DAY OF OCTOBER, 1931. at or nbout the hour of 12 o'clock Noon, in front of the Pott Office in the town of Bunn, N. C.. offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following de scribed lands: Real Estate with all Improve ments thereon situate In Dunns Township, Franklin County, State of North Carolina, to-wit: Those cer tain lota or parcels of land In the Town of Bunn, Dnnns Township, known as lots No. 25 and 26 in Block C of the North State Development Company land. Each of said lots front 25 feet on the South side of Buell Avenue, and runs back 150 feet to an alley. For complete de scription of said lots see map ot said property recorded In Book 177, pages 698 and 599 of Franklin CountyReglstry. See also Deed to W. C. Ferell from North State De velopment Company, recorded In Book 177, at pages 536, and Deed to James Smith from , recorded In book on page , Franklin County Registry. Said property Is known as Store property of Hnrtnn and Pippin. This 1st, day of September, 1931. O. B. MOSS, 9-4 -5t Trustee. SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the author ity contained in that action entitled, "Atlantic Joint Stock Land Bank ot Raleigh, vs J. E. Malone, Jr., et als," he undersigned Commissioner will on, MONDAY, OCTOBER 5TH, 19?1, ?u or about the hour of 12 o'clock, ouod, offer tor sale and sell to tb? highest bidder for cash the following de?cribed real estate to-wit: All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land containing 166 acres, rnuro or less, situate lying and being on the Loui8burg-Youngsville Road about 6 miles S W from the Town of Loulsburg, N. C., in YoungsviUc Township. County of Franklin, State of North Carolina, having such shapes, metes, courses and distances ss wilt more fully appear by reference to a plat thereof made by W. M. Willis, C. E? April 1917, a copy of which is at'ached to the abstract now on file ?Uth the Atlantic Joint Stock Land Bank of Raleigh, the same being bounded on the North by Cedar Creek j on the N E and East by the lands tor Frank Coke; on the S E by the Louis burg.-Youngsvilla Road; on the S W by the lands of C. M. Cooke, Jr.; ana on the W by the lands of Starke Lay ton. and being the tract of land con veyed to J. El Malone, Jr., by deed of E. H. Malone and wife dated Novem ber 7, 1925, recorded In Book 270 at page 29, Registry of Franklin Coun 'y. Thlc the 28th day ot August. 1931. R. O. BAILEY, 9-4-5t Commissioner. SALE OP VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of authority contained in that action entitled "At lantic Joint Stock Land Bank of Ra leigh vs. J. G. Winston, et als", the undersigned commissioner will, on MONDAY, OCTOBER 5TH, 1931, at or about the hour of 12 o'clock, noon offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following describ ed real estate, to- wit: All that certain piece or parcel ot land situate, lying and being in Y->ungsville Township, Franklin Coun ty, State of North Carolina, on the East side of the Highway running from Prankllnton to Youngsvilla known as the old Rlchmond-Ralclgb Highway; and bounded on the N by C.dar Creek; on tho East by Roy's Creek, the old run, and the lands of Mrs. Fannie Mltchiner; on the S by tho lands of J. C. Winston; and on the West by the Richmond-Raleigh High way. more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a stake on the old Rii-hmond-Raleish Highway, corner tor the lands hereby conveyed and the lands of J. C. Winston; thence 3 62a E 1.69 chs to a stake; thence N 37d E, 4.64 chs to a rock; thence N 13d 30' E 4.9 chs to a post oak ; thence along the line ot a ditch and an old mill path, S 86 l-4d H 6.36 chs S 68d 22' E, 6.60 chs. 8 19 l-2d E, 6.05 cbs. S 69d E, 3.80 chs. S 69d 10' E, 1.93 chs to a stake, corner In J. C. Win ston's line; thence N 29d E 4.63 ohs to a stake In the old run of Ray's i reek, corner for the tract hereby conveyed and the lands ot J. C. Win ston and Mrs. Fannie Mltchiner; thence In a northerly direction alont a wire fence In the old run ot Ray's Creek, U chs to Cedar Creek; thence up Cedar Crtek as the same runs M chs to a point where the said creek ' crosses the old Richmond- Raleigh V Highway; thcnce in a southerly dlrec tion along the said old Richmond R&lelgh Highway 43.C0 cbs to the ?point of beginning, containing 88.47 ? res and being tracts No: 8 and No. -fr - of the Stafey Firm, said tracts No. ? and No 9 having been conveyed by K. K. Allen and wife. Clara & Al len to J. O. and O. E. Winston, by deed dale<l September 10,1919, record ed in book 236, page 34, Registry ot Franklin County, a plat of sa(d tracts No. 8 and No. 9 made by M. 8. Davis Surveyor and B. B. Egerton, Survey or, in 1917, being recorded In Book of Maps 1, page 44, Registry of Frank lin County, reference to all of said deeds, pints and records being here made for a further description.. This the 28th day of August, 1931. R. O. BAILEY, S-4-6t Commissioner. NOTICE ?Vorth Carolina. In The Krankliq County. Superior Court. Atlantic Joint Stock Land Bank ot Raleigh, a corporation, ra. Annie M. Joyner, Admrx. of A. 8. Joyner, deceased, Annie M. Joyner, . individually, A. S. Joyner, Jr., and Jack Joyner. The following defendants, to-wil, V. S. Joyner, Jr., will take notice 'hat an action entitled as above has l.een commenced in the Superior Court of Franklin County. N. C.. o.i i he part af the plaintiff corporation for the purpose of foreclosing a mort gage held by said corporation on toe iands owned by the defendant, Vnnlt M. Joyner, Administratrix ot A. S. .'oyner, deceased, and Annie M. Joy ner, Individually, as is fully set forth u> the Complaint now on file In the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County, N. C.. ..gainst which land the above named defendant. Said defendant will further take no tie* that he Is required to appear at the Office of the Clerk of the Supor l(.r Court of Franklin County, at Loulsburg, N. C., on October 29, 13:11. and answer or demur to the Com plaint filed in aaid action within the time prescribed by law or the plain tiff will apply to the Court for the rc:lef demanded in the Complaint And said defendant will further take notice that he la required by an ord er of the Judge of the Superior Court to appear before Hon. Walter L. Small, Judge of the Superior Court, at Chambers, at Raleigh, N. C? at twelve o'clock Noon, on 22 day of Veptember, 1931, and show cause, it sny he can, why a permanent receiv er should not be appointed to take charge of the lands Involved is tbli r-ction for the purpose of collecting the renta and Income therefrom. This September 15th, 1931. 1. J. YOUNG, C. S. C., Franklin County, N. C. T W. R-iffin, Atty. ? ?9-18-6t TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the power 'of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by Pattie L. Hayea. Widow, on the 4th day of Harch, 1930, which Instrument is recorded in Book 285, at page 608, in the Register of Deeds office for Franklin County, ~ demand having been made for foreclosure of said instrument by the holder of the In debtedness thereunder secured, the undersigned successor trustee, whose appointment as successor trustee is recorded In Book 294, at page 633, Franklin County Registry, will on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10. 1931, at or about the hour ot Noon at the Courthouse door In Louisburg. N. C., offer tor sale to the highest bid der, for cash, the following lands: Beginning at a gum, W. A. Mul len corner on Beaver Dam creek; thence N 3d E 47 poles to a stake; thence N 84d East 134 poles to corner, Ash on the banks of Tar Riv er; thence down said river to the mouth of Beaver Dam Creek; thence up said Beaver Dam Creek as It meanders to the beginning, contain ing 44% acres, more or less, and being the same tract of land bought of J. H. Ballentine and wife by Pat tie L. Hayes, Janaury 12, 1912, by deed recorded in Book 179, page 397, Registry of Franklin County, N. C. Dated and posted this September 5 th, 1931. W. L. LUMPKIN, t 9-11-Bt Successor Trustee. NOTICE State of North Carolina: County of Franklin: Default, having been made in the payment of that bond dated the 24t^ day of December, 1929, executed by 8. C. Ford and wife, duly registered In Franklin County, North Carolina in Book 272, gage 216 and at the request of the holder of said bond, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale and sell to tire highest bid der for cash, at the Courthouse door in Loulsburg, North Carolina, on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30TH, 1931, at 12 o'clock midday the following described property: That certain building and lot sit uate in the town of Frankllnton, N. C., on the south side of Main Street and now occupied by Main Street Motor Company and Aliens Pressing Club and known as Oarage Building. This particular Lot was deeded to said S. C. Ford by Geo. F. Wilder and wife and is duly recorded In the Registry of Franklin County and ref erence to this deed is hereby made. This property is sold subject to a deed of trust to the Carolina Mort gage Company of Raleigh, N. C. This the 28th day ot September, 1931. A. E. HENDERSON, Trustee. J. P. * J. H. Zolllcoffer, Attorneys. 10-2-4t LOST Somewhere between my garage and over town about $2(5 folded In a Hack folding pocket book. Finder will pleas* return to me and receive reward. MRS. HERBERT O. LEONARD. MMt ^ CHILDREN CRY FOR IT? /CHILDREN hate to take medietas a role, but every child loves tlx laate of Caatoria. Thia pare vegetable preparation is just aa good aa it tastss; fuataa bland and juat aaharmleaa aa tha recipe reads. When Baby's cry warns of colic, a few drops of Cfcatorla have him soothed, asleep again in a jiffy. Nothing ia more valuable in diarrhea. When coated tongue or bad breath tall of eonatipation. Invoke its gentle aid to cleanse and regulate a chad's bowels. In colds 01 children's diseases, yon should use It to keep the system from dogging. ^ Castoria it told in every drug store; the genuine always bears Chaa. H Fletcher's signature. C / l k- V C A S TO R I A ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Admlslatrator of the estate of L. E. Layton, de ceased, late of Franklin County, N. C.. notice la hereby given all parties holding claims against the said es tate to present them to the under signed on or before the 2nd day of October, 1932, or this notice will b? plead in bar of their recovery. All persoas indebted to said estate will I please come forward and make im mediate settlement. This October 1st. 1931. DAVID WHEELER. lft-2 <t hi -Admtatotrator. SALESMAN AND COLLECTOR for Franklin Co. with old established company. Must furnish best ref erences. Write J W B Raleigh, N. C. 9-25-2t Box 203 FOR RENT OR SALE My Filling Station and Garage next to O. W. Murphy and Son's Grocery Store, East Nash St. Will give pos ition at once. A bargain to the right person: 9 18-4t * R. W. HUDSON. WHEN YOC BUY LIFE INSURANCE CONSIDER THESE FACTS Of All The American life Ins. Co.'s (Excluding Industrial) The New York Life stands FIRST In Premium Income. FIRST in Total Income. FIRST in Payments to Policyholders FIRST in Total Disbursements. FIRST in Income Saved. FIRST in Admitted Assets. FIRST in Surplus Funds. FIRST in New Business. FIRST in Insurance in Force. FIRST in Increase in Insurance in Force. New York Life INSURANCE COMPANY JAMES B. KING AGENT LOUIS BUBO, N. C. SHOE REPAIRING Done by experts, using the latest approved methods and best mater ial at the lowest possible cost. Harness Repairing is a specialty with as and our work and prices are guaranteed. Automobile Tops Repaired or replaced at wonderfully low prices. See us before trading off your old car. Louisburg Repair Shop Loeattai a* IM Tar Rliu BrMge DR. J. C. MANN THE WELL KNOWS EYE SPECIALIST Will Be At Parriah Jewelry Store Louiaburg, N. 0. THURSDAY, OCT. 15TH From 10 A. M. to 3 P. M. Don't fail U gee him if jour eyes are weak. Professional Column DK. HERBERT O. PERRY 101 W. Naah St. Loataburg, N. C. Office telephone 287-Itl Residence telephone 287-R2 Hoars? 10 to 12; 3 to 4; 7 to 0 X-Ray and Flnoroecoptic examina tions, Diathermy and Ultra-Violet light treatments. DR. R F. YARBOROUGH Physician and Surgeon f Louisburg, N. C. Office in Bickett and Yar bo rough Building Phone: Office 206; Residence 28 DR. H. H. JOHNSON Physician and Surgeon Loulsburg, N. C. Offices over Ford Building Corner Main and Nash Streets Telephones: Day 10; ? Night 10 T)R AltflTT W PliPPV General Practice Wood, N. O. "T" Office In Service Drug Co. ~ D. T. SMITHWICK SeaMst Loulsburg, N. C Office over Rose's Store DR W, R. BASS Veterinarian Loulsburg. N. C. Offices and Hospital East Nash St. Phone: Office 335-L Res. 335-J Special Attention to Small Animals W. R. BAYNES, B. S. D. V. M. Veterinarian Office 170-J Telephone Res. 2204 Loulsburg, X. C. Office at Fred's Filling Station Near Tar River Bridge DR J. B. DAVIS Physician and Surgeon Louisburg, N. C. Office at Residence, South Main St. Telephone : Hours : Day 64 8:80 to 10:30 a. m. Night 64 12:00 to 2:00 p. m. 6:00 to 8:00 p. m 0. M. BEAM Attorney at Law Louisburg, N. C. Office in Professional Building next to The Franklin Times Practice In all Courts W. L. LUMPKIN ? Attorney ? i Louisburg, North Carolina 4 Office in First National Bank Bldg. Practice State and Federal Courts W. H. Yar bo rough Hill Yar bo rough YARB0R0U0H YARBORpUGH Attorneys and Counsellors at Law Office in Egerton Building Over Kline's Store Louisburg, N. C. Practice in Franklin and adjoining counties, and in the United States Courts at Raleigh R. B. White E. H. Malone 3. E. Malono WHITE & MALONE Lawyers Loulsburg, N. C. _ General practice, settlement of es tates, funds invested. One member of the firm always in the office. M. STUABT DAVIS Architect - Engineer Office First National Bank Building Loulsburg, N. C. MAIN ST. BARBER SHOP L P. Wheeler, Jr., Proprietor Barbers Loulsburg, N. C. Parlors under Union Warehouse on M,aln Street. First class work guaranteed. Give me a call. H. T. BARTHOLOMEW Notary PubUo Ford Place Loiisbarg, N. O. 6 6 < Salve for Cold

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