Annual S. S. Convention * li ? I The annual Franklin County Sun day School Convention will meet at Mountain Grove Baptist church on Sunday, November 8, 1931. The theme ior the meeting li "A Trained Chris tian Leadership". The program (or the day to aa follows: Honing Session 9:45 8ong service ? Fred Poplin, Leader. 10:05 Ten-minute Address: "The Su perintendent" ? T. H. Sledge. Devotional? M. V. Parrish. Ten-minute Address: "The Teacher"? Miss Lillie Harper. i0:25 Hoax: "Come Thou Almighty King". 10:30 Address: "Training for Chris tian Living ? K T. Parham. 10:55 Male Quartette ? Fred Poplin, leader. 11:00 Business session: Record of Attendance and ap pointment of nominating com mittee. Report of County and Township officers. .11:20 Address: "The Holy Scrip tures". Rev. Shuford Peeler, Salisbury, General Secretary of the North Carolina Sunday School Association. 11:40 Offering for the support of the County and State Sunday School Associations. Announcements. 12:15 Adjourn. Dinner at the church, every body bring a basket. Afternoon Session 2:00 Song service ? Mr. L. B. Pearce, leader. Devotional ? W. O. Reed. 2:15 President's message. Election of officers and other business. Music. 2:35 Address: "The place of the Man in the Church and Sun day School ? Fred Poplin. 2:55 Song. 3:00 Address: "Trained Leader ship" ? Rev. Shuford Peeler. 3:20 Conference Groups: "How to Teach". Leaders of Adults and Other Adults. Miss Ethel Holmes, Youngsville. Leaders of Young People and other Young Peo ple ? J. D. Morris. Youngsville. Leaders of Children ? Mrs. J. E. Hart, Youngsville. 3 : 50 Re-assemble. Hymn 4 : 00 Adjourn. Pennant Presented At the close of the afternoon ses sion a pennant will be presented to t be Snndax Scbool having In Of con tention the largest average attend ance of representatives, fifteen yeara of age and over, according to the num ber of miles traveled. FI LLER TAKES AUDITORS OATH t Continued trom Page One) and that he would have to hear him. The County Attorney, Hill Yarbor t-i-gh, read a letter from the Local Government Commission and the State Tax Commission regarding the Franklin County Budget and tax rate. iThis letter was published in last week's FRANKLIN TIMES.) Dr. Fleming read certain subjects for discussion from the Tax Relief Association and the Comissionera were asked to accept them for con* sideration. They were as follows: To the Hon. Board of County Com., Franklin County, N. C. Gentlemen: We, a committee selected from the various townships of Franklin County and instructed by the citizens of our respective townships, do hereby offer for your serious consideration and immediate action, in behalf of the in terest of Franklin County and its peo ple, the following: 1. The issuing of any bonds what ever from FVanklin County. 2. The proper assessment and list ing of all property for taxation. ? 3. The correct and most economic ally drawn budget. 4. The proper and correct calcu lations pertaining to all tax rates. 5. The application of moneys on hand and lawfully available from loans made by the county upon th? debts of the copnty. * 6. The fairness of tax collections, especially regarding taxes more than . ci.e year in arrears, attachment ot 1 personal property and the insolvent list. 7. The expenditure ol money and creation ot current debt in anticipa tion of taxes to be collected. 8. The consideration of grand Jury reports rendered in January and in October; together with recommenda tions submitted by a committee of Mate officials and citizens, which rec ommendations were. In pari, that & complete and verified andit be made vi the County Accountant's office :rom the day- that Mr Geo. L. Cooke took office as County Accountant up to the date of Installation of your newly elected County Accountant, ?j -Mr. W. N Fuller. ? ' 10. The terms of the contract aa drawn with the county attorney for the collection ct back taxes, especial R %lr r elating.. to , the affective collection ' ? \>f taxes, the fairness to tax payers' In arrears, and the distribution of fees and penalties involved; the practica bility of combining this work with that of the tax collector. 11. Your thorough consideration and study of the law in connection with all matters above mentioned. Respectfully submitted, Franklin County Tax Relief if Association. Special Com r mittee. The above were submitted for con sideration and the Board a*re?d to lonaider them aad meet^th* commit tee again on Wednesday night at 7 'clock. In the discussion of these j notes aad recommended be renewed Instead of Bonds issued. He stated that Issu ing bonds would be putting a blanket ti.crtgage on property that taxes have been paid' on as well as on property tbat taxes have not been paid on. The chairman stated that It the ex planation be true he would be willing to renew notes instead of issuing bonds, but that h? b*4 been advised differently. He said that he is of the opinion that the County, us a whole. It responsible (or outstanding notes as well as bonds. The Board ordered the segregation (1 land of C. B. Bariiam, Mrs. B. T. Green and C. H. Stallings for taxing purposes. After allowing a number of ac counts the Board adjourned to meet again Wednesday night Louisburg Defeats Atlantic University Tbe "Infants" of Louisburg College won a great victory over Atlantic I 'uiversity last Saturday, October SO, at Virginia Beach, by a score of 7 to (i. The first half was a bard struggle for both teams although the Seadogs did not cross Loulsburg's forty yard >ine in spite of their outweighing the Louisburg team by an average of at ieast ten pounds per man. In the ? bird quarter came the opportunity for the "Infanta" to score when A. U. tiled a pass on the twenty yard line and Burgess a fast and shifty back, intercepted the pass, eluded two would-be tacklers and raced across the line for a touchdown. Waddell threw a pass to Clark for the win ning extra point. The Seadog's touchdown came ear ly in tbe fourth quarter when on a series of end runs they brought the ball down to within six Inches of the :-oal line. The next play was a line piunge and. the full back with a run ning dive took the ball over by a scant fcot Their try by a line plunge l'jr the extra point failed due to the iood work of the Louisburg line. The generalship of Captain Waddell, the ground gaining ability of the back field, the great work of the entire ;ine, and the fighting spirit of the vhoie squad was responsible for tbe ?defeat to Atlantic University. ?ccre by quarters : 12 2 4 T'i. Louisburg C. 0 0 7 0 ? 7 Atlantic U. 0 0 0 6 ? 6 Line-up: Thomas, L E.; Wilson. L T.; Finch. L G.; Black, center; Harris, R. G.; Edwards, R. T,; Rich ards, Rl E.; Clark. L. H. ; Rogers, R. H.; Burgess. F. B.; Waddell, Q. B. !er for Finch. Clark for Edwards, i*us sell for Richards, Edwards for Clark. First Downs: L. C. 8, A. O. #. Pn??? L C. 13, completed 5 for <5 yds. A. U. 8, completed none. Scrimmage gains: L. C. 134 yds.. A U. 166 yds. Touchdown: L Q., Burgess 1, extra point, Clark 1. Vota Vita Class The advanced class of the Louis burg Baptist Sunday School has been reorganized by Miss Leona Harris. The Latin name "Vota Vita" has been chosen as a class name. We have a fine start and hope to contin ue our good work. We wish to extend a hearty invi tation to all the Baptist girls from seventeen to twenty-five years of age, to join us. BAKACA-PHILATHEA CONVENTION The first Sunday in November, 19S1. the Franklin County Baraca-Philea thea Convention met at White Level Baptist church. The meeting was called to order By the president. The ohoir sang two familiar hymns, "We'll Work Till Jesus Comes", and "Love Lifted Me". We were then led in prayer by A. A. Shearin, of Center Mlle. The Welcome to classes and visi tors was graciously extended by Mr. T. H. Dickens, of White Level. Re sponse by Willard White, of Bunn. Devotional exercises were conducted by Miss Lessie Gupton, of White Lev el, using 1st John 4: 7-21 as scripture lesson. The White Level and Sandy Creek quartettes furnished many beautiful selections through out the day, which was enjoyed by all present. The largest number of classes report ed at this convention, than before in eeveral years. Let's hope that we will continue to go forward. A few remarks were given by Eti. Aycocke. 7-ast but not least, Hon. W. L. Lump kin, delivered the morning address using, "Sunday School's and Its Op portunity In Service", as a subject, "bis was an inspiring speech. Ap pointment of committees were heard. Dismissal by O. B. West and then the crowd gathered where a bountiful dinner was served. The afternoon session opened with a quartette by the Sandy Creek boys. Prayer was offered by Rev. F. O. Walker. The White Level quartette rendered a beautiful selection and then Rev. O. W. May led tn prayer. "Why I Go to Sunday School" was discussed by two Juniors: 1st part, "For Rest", by Wilbur Gay, of Pearce, 2nd part, "To Worship" by Margaret Collins, of White Level. Rer. Q. W. May was asked to commsnt on the talis given by the Jnnlors. Wilbur Cay and Noma Amos of Pearce, sang a duet, "The Best, Friend to Have Is Jesus". The judges announced the follow ing classes as banner winners: Sandy Creek Baraca, Pearce Phtlaihea, White Level Jr. Phllathea and Sandy Creek Jr. Baraca. The banners were awarded by the president. We were just so glad to have the Baraca class of Red Bnd to- join our convention. Their report was good and we're hop ing they will irln the banner at oar i'e*t convention. Th# committee on place reported that th# Maple Springs , Baptist church would be the home for the next convention which, is to be held the first 8nn?ar? Mar. !???? J. Forrfit Joyner, Prat. - Nell Joyner, Sec'y. ll... i. fr r.; ? HOME DKMON 8TKAT10N *, DKPAKTMKNT ? - *1 ? Anne Benso> Print, Agent ? | *???????*??? Nov. ?? Pine Ridge Woman's Club. Nor. 10? Sandy Creek Woman's Nor. 11 ? Leader's School at Bunn High School. Nov. 12? Mitchlner's Woman's Club. Nov. 13 ? Bunn Woman'* Club. XXX All Clothing Leaders especially, and any Club members who are interested make your plans to attend tue Lead er's School which will be held at Bunn High School on next Wednes day. Miss Willie Hunter, Extension Clothing Specialist will conduct the school and she has requested that you bring any clothes that you would like to remodel or make over. ? X X The Woman's Clubs at Youngsvill*, Gold Sand, Popes, and Maplevllle met '.ast week with splendid attendance. Will all Club members who have noc turned in their Canning Survey* please mail to the Home Agent beforo the third week in November, as they will be needed in making out the an nual report. Leaders who have not lurned In the report from your Club besure and do so. t t I The 4-H Club at Gold Sand met and elected the following officers: Prea dent; Mar<|lle Parrish; vlce-prea., Helen West; Helen was also elected bong Leader; Sec. and Treas., Eloise Simpson. This is the largest 4-H Club in the county. They are going io study Good Manners and Grooming ibis year. Hickory Rock-White Level 4-H Club met and elected the following officers for the year: President, Vir ginia Moore; Vice-Pres., Haiel Lan caster; Sec. and Treas., Margaret Col lins; Song leader, Agnes Parrish. I'nis Club has forty-five members, ttt Youngsville 4-H Club met last Mon day and elected the following officers ior the year: President, Edna Cat letter Vice-Pres., Thelma Huberts, Secretary ana Treas., Ida Holdec. t t J All 4-H Club members make your plans to listen in on the 4-H Club Broadcast on Saturday, Nov. 7th at 12:30-1:15 P. M. Hear Greetings from Selma Harris, State President. 1 t t ? : ~ ? The Clubs that are scheduled to meet the week following the third bunday will not meet until the week loilowing the filth Sunday. The Home Agent will spend that weok making out her annual reports. - . ttt ? , ; _____ S*?4 Club .. . . The Gold Sand Women's Club held its regular meeting October 27, 193 1. Ihe Treasurer, Mrs. R. W. Gupton, gave a report with which each mem ber was very much pleased. After all expenses were paid the Women's Club cleared $41.13 from the booth which they had at the Community Fair. The women expect to use this money (or the upbuilding of our com munity. As it was time for reelection the ? allowing new officers were installed: Mrs. W. 0. Reed, president; Mrs. O. JI. Limer, vice-president; Mrs. R. L. Burnette, secretary; Mrs. W. S. Pel ton, treasurer. The officers who have ;uat retired are: Mrs. M. M. Person, (?resident; Mrs. G. C. Parrish, vice president; Mrs. M. E. Watklns, sec retary ; Mrs. R. W. Gupton, treasurer. We extend our appreciation to these officers tor the splendid work they l:ave accomplished during their term, and we are expecting the same spirit, u not a belter one from our new of iicers. Those present at the meeting were: Mrs. G. C. Parrish, Mrs. W. H. Thar r.ugton, Mrs,. O. M. Limer, Mrs. Sam Marshall, Mrs. W. T. Matthews, Mrs. K. L- Burnette, Miss Maggie Watklns, ?Irs. S. H. foster, Mrs. M. M. Person, Mrs. W. S. Person, Miss Eunice Butts. The hostesses, Mrs. S. H. Foster and Mrs. J. C. foster, served delicious pineapple and cake. , We urge each member who was ab sent from this meeting to come to the text; if you don't come you will miss something worthwhile. Mrs. R. L. Burnette, Sec. ? ? + ? + ? Club Slipper A very enjoyable supper was giv en Thursday evening, October 29, at 6:00 o'clock by the members of the Women's Club, at the Seven Paths school building. Tables were ar ranged In the club room (or the sup per. Breryone present enjoyed the bountiful supply of good things to eat A meeting was called for the pur pose of electing P. T. A. officers. They were: President, Mr. B. P. Hinton; Vice- Pres.. Mrs. B. R. Moore ) Sec. and Treas., Mrs. J. S. Collie; Program leader. Miss Mattle Wilder. Later In the evening games were played. They were led by Miss Priest, the club leader. Those present Thursday evening *ere the club members, their families, and a few specially invited guests. Misses Mattle Lee and Margaret1 Strickland of Seven Paths entertain ed at a party, at home Saturday eve ning, Oct 31, in honor of their week end guests, Misses Teresa and Eloise Perry. The guests arrived about 8:00 o'clock and were shown Into the liv ing room. The room was beautifully decorated with autumn leaves and fall flowers. Games, contests, and mnsle were enjoyed until 10:3