FLOUR Wheat is up 16c per bushel and flour has advanced accordingly, but we are well covered with contracts made on the low mar ket and are prepared to take care of you. SEABOARD STORE CO INC D. F. McKINNK, President ^ ? Pay Cash and Pay Less ? - W m- W if If mnm^rnm ? ?TO OUR ? FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS ? It V? We are bound to raise some money. When joa have a dollar to six'nd be sure to come to see us. If we can't get OUR PRICE, we will have to TAK10 YOURS. Will meet competition on any 1 article in stock. De sure and come to see us. We have got to move our stock. 1 Yours to serte, " PERRY & MOSELEY - NEAR TAR RIVER BRIDGE LOUI8BURG, N. a HEATING STOVES 3 ALL SIZES FOR WOOD AND COAL Cook Stoves and Ranges New Stock "Goodyear" Auto Tires and Tubes Terra Cotta Well Pipe AND REMEMBER I HAVE A SMALL STOCK OF FURNITURE AND RUGS AT A VERY LOW PRICE. H. C. TAYLOR LOUISBURG, Phone 80S N. CAROLINA NOTICE! NOTICE! NOTICE! We have reduced prices on all Repair Work. Come to see os. NOBEMEDLIN - R. C. BECK We guarantee to please you and will appreciate your work. Radio Repair Work Batteries Recharged One Day Service u. ? . t * " ~ BECK'S^- GARAGE THE OLD RELIABLE ? LOtTEBBCEG'S OLDEST OARAGE DAT PHONE 811 ? MIGHT 40 THIS WEEK IN I WASHINGTON i Special to The Franklin Times Washington, D. C., Not. 6. ? More activity has been displayed by the White House In the past few weeks than in many months. Congress will meet a month from now and the spotlight will shift to ..Capitol Hill, especially over the choke of succes sor to Speaker Nicholas Longworth of the House of Representatives. Meanwhile the President has been grappling with the Immediate prob lems that are facing the country. Premier Laval's visit here Is gener ally conceded to have been of first Importance, not because of anything that was actually accomplished but because it resulted in a thorough understanding between the two countries regarding their individual aims and purposes. Before even the leaders of the governments of France and the United States clasped hands a def inite statement was Issued that noth ing that might be done or said was to be taken as having a binding ef fect on either country. That state ment disposed of any possible criti cism that Mr. Hoover was about to engage in any of the "entangling foreign alliances" that political spellbinders use so effectively In campaigns. The greatest good accomplished, diplomats here believe, was the clear enunciation on the part of the United States that it would not fol low England's example and forsake the gold standard. That was France's greatest anxiety and to pre vent such action was understood to be Premier Laval's main object in coming here. It was agreed at the conference that the aim of both countries was identical In desiring to keep International finance on an even keer and that they would work In harmony to prevent any major disturbances. ? ? ? While statements were Issued that politics was not discussed at the con ference, nobody believes that either Mr. Hoover or Mr. Laval could keap off the subject entirely. They are both of them too deeply Interested In the subject to avoid some re marks, but, whatever they said, It was not disclosed. Senator Borah did not overlook the chance to grab the political limelight, however, and his Inter view granted to the French news papermen, startled the world until later assurances from the White House made it clear that Borah was speaking only for himself and not for anybody with real authority. Borah is chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee of the Senate I and Europeans consider that post ; equivalent to the post of foreign : minister in their countries. ; Nobody in the United States has any false notions about Borah's Im portance and his demands for a re shaping of the boundaries of Hun gary and revision of the lines of the < Polish Corridor were not taken by 1 any of the French delegation as be ing of any importance. The only I thing' Borah said that the President backed was his declaration that ev ery European nation must be left as the best Judges of its own se- : curlty. Both the President and Mr. Laval agreed any action on disarmament must be held up until the interna tional conference is held next year to discuss that subject. They also agreed that the present costs of arming the rival nations has grown to such an extent that the burden is too great to be borne and that good times cannot be expected to return until some solution Is found of this problem. In recent weeks, feelers have been put out for the purpose of sounding public sentiment regarding the im position of additional sales taxes. So far the only thing learned is that all are agreed this country must raise more revenue in addition to the present means of raising money by income taxes, the customs, in heritance and other forma. Coupled with this Is the known (Act that sales taxes bear lightest upon the voter, If properly laid. Right after the war taxes were placed on all theatre tickets, auto mobiles and other articles which could not be classed as necessities. Most of these have been abolished. Those still surviving are cigarettes, tobaccos, patent medicines, playing cards and a few! similar articles. The loss from excess duties on beer, wines and liquors, has been heaviest and, of course, there is no talk of altering that condition by any modi fication of the Volstead Act by the preMnt government. The new taxes may be applied on matehes, radio sets, pianos, silk wearing apparel and other articles whleh can be placed outside of the necessity line. This Is the only country in the world which does not tax matches, and an enormous rev enue can be obtained from them without Imposing a burden on the public. It Is more than likely that the sales tax will be among the ear ly problems to be acted upon when Congress meets early next month, ttt Another question occupying the President's attention Is his plan to aid home builders. A conference of several hundred leaders in building and allied lines, along with the men who finance sucll operations, will be herd here on December I. The Presi dent Is aiding those working on the problem as far aa it lies in his pow er.' His aim Is to make borrowing easier for those who want to build hones for themselves by cutting the charges, both for Interest and com mission and making more money 1 available (or builders. A quick re AFTER 40 bowel trouble Constipation may very easily become chrome after forty. And any continued constipation at tnat time of life may bring attacks of piles and a host of other unpleasant disorders. Watch your bowels at any age. Guard them witn particular care after forty. Whenever they need any help, remember ? doctor should know what is best for them. "Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin" is a doctor's prescription for the bowels. Tested by 47 years' practice, it has been found thoroughly effective in relieving consti pation and its ills for men, women and children of all ages. It has proven perfectly safe even for babies. Made from fresh laxative herbs, pure pepsin and other harmless ingredients, it cannot gripe; will net sicken you or weaken you, can be used without harm as often as your breath is bad, or when your tongue is coated; whenever a headachy, bilious, gassy condition warns i>f crutipation. Dr. W. B Caldwell'* SYRUP PEPSIN A Doctor's Family Laxative rival of building operations. It Is ?aid, will follow a satisfactory solu tion of this financial problem. Apple PwUBf Slice five large apples Into a but tered baking dish. Cover with rich biscuit dough, rolled half an inch ihlck. Make some holes in It for the fleam to escape through and steam for half an hour. Serve with hard sauce, made of creamed butter and sugar added to the beaten white o 1 in egg, or with cinnamon sauce, made l>f sitting half a teaspoonfuls of sug ar and a tablespoonful and a half of Hour and pouring boiling water on it giadually and boiling it until it be comes smooth and thick enough. Xtt < Orange Layer Cake ? Cream one-half cup butter with one ~ cup sugar until very light. Add three eggs, one at a time, beating each one in five minutes before adding another. Sift two tablespoons of baking powder with two cups sifted flour, mixing thoroughly, and add to the other ma rials, alternating with a half cup of milk or water (water if the cake is 10 be eaten while fresh). Beat batter a'ell after all Ingredients are in. Bake !n two layers in a moderately hot ov en for about twenty minutes. t t t Mixed Musjard Add a teaspoon of sugar to two heaping teaspoons of dry mustard ai.d half a teaspoon, level, of salt. Mix with hot vinegar and water to a sirooth, thick paste. X t t Hfcm and Macaroni Ham adds a delicious flavor to mac aroni. One good combination is creamed macaroni and ham. Cut cold boiled or broiled bam in small pieces, pref c ably dice about a quarter inch thick. Make a medium cream sauc? and pour it over boiled macaroni that lius been broken or cut into inch lengths. Add a cup of ham to two cups of macaroni. Heat and serve ??cry hot ttt Steak and Kidney Pie Cut two pounds of round steak into thin strips, season with salt and pep per and dredge with flour, grange the strips In a deep dish with two lamb's kidneys parboiled and sliced, cne dozen oysters, one chopped onion, cne bay leaf one tablespoon minced parsley and a sprig of thyme. Dot with butter and pour over one cup of stock or hot water. Cover with a lay er of flaky pastry, gash in several place*, brush with the beaten yolk of on egg and bake for two hours in a moderate oven. t t t Sptaach Loaf 3 yolks 1-2 cup soft crumbs 2 cup* cooked spinach 3-4 cup liquid S tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons flour 3 . tablespoons grated cheese Salt, pepper and grated nutmeg to taste. Drain spinach (save liquid) and chop. Melt butter, add flour and stir over fire for 2 minutes, add liquid from spinach and enough milk to give 3-4 cupful, stir this into the butter and flour until thick and smooth. Add Hlnach, seasonings, crumbs, cheefce and unbeaten yolks, mix thoroughly and turn Into buttered and crumbed mold, aet this in pan of hot water, cover spinach with buttered paper and bake In moderate oven until spinach Is firm. Cnmold and garnish with slice* of hard-boded eggs. J. B. Bcherd of Taylortville, Alex ander County, produced 121 bush el* of oorn on oa* acre thl* tall. SENSATION AT VALUES WASHBURN'S iM. PANCAKE PLOFR. Jg? 12c nkga. ... ~ . . . . , . ; . . | OC CORNED BEEF 2 cans 35c LARGE CAN COOKED BRAINS, Value 15c . . 10c a? l?c Can SANDWICH MEAT SPRBAD 13c * CANS OEM VIENNA SAUSAGE, Value 40c faOC 8 TALL CANS HERRINGS . 25c 1% LB. CAN BREAKFAST SAUSAGE 15c 3 PKGS. 4X SUGAR . . 25c TALL CAN FANCY SALMON . . . 10c SUOOA, Pound 18c FULL 7 OZ. PKG. MACARONI OR SPAGHETTI 5c 3?8 OZ. CANS MP. SLICED PEACHES ?wC SHREDDED WHEAT, 2 pkgs. ? 23c NO. 2 CAN SLICED OR CRUSHED PINEAPPLE 18c NEW COCONUTS PICKLED PIG 3 for bOC FEET, Lb. ? C SATURDAY MEAT SPECIALS FRESH PORK CHOPS, Pound l?c FRESH PORK BRAINS, Ponad . . . . , ? . ? ? ..... 18c FRESH PORK SAUSAGE. Pound ~ SLICED CURED HAM. Pound . .. . ? ? '? . 77 ...... 25c SMALL FRANKS, Pound 16c CHOICE NATIVE STEAK, Pound 20c G. V. MURPHY AND SON "WHERE A DOLLAR DOES ITS DUTY" EAST NASH STREET LOUISBURG, N. C. AUTOMOBILE TIRES AND TUBES Mansfield Cooper Monarch Direct to the Consumer at Factory Prices. Unlimited Guar antee as to Time and Mileage. We hate taken the agency for all three of the above lines. Having no extra expense for rent, clerk hire, etc., we sell you tires cheaper than you caii buy same quality anywhere in the State. ? One has best price on passenger car tires, one on truck tires and one on tubes. The Vnited States Government awarded the Cooper Corpora tion on July 2nd a contract for Nine Hundred Heavy Duty Truck Tires. Only tires of the highest quality can pass the U. S. Bu reau of Standard Specifications. The Mansfield Tires are well and favorably known. The fac tory has discontinued the manufacture of their Second and Third lines for the Mail Order Houses under their special brands and are shipping in this section their first Quality line only, each tire having their name moulded on It. Some of our prices Oct. 8th, 1031, others in proportion.. .All guaranteed. MANSFIELD FIRST QUALITY 21?28 X 440 $4.35 91 ? SO * 450 . 4.95 20 ? 29 z 475 5.92 19?89 X 500 6.10 90? SO X 500 6.35 91 ? 81 X 595 7.75 19?99 x 550 >... 8.00 90 ? 80 X 550 8.20 80 X 3H 3.86 MONARCH ADMIRALS 91?99 X 440 *4.35 91 ? SO x 450 4.95 CROMWELL 91?99 X 440 88.83 91?80 X 450 4.49 80 X 8M 8.35 TRUCK TIRES Cromwell SO x 5, S ply *11.85 Cooper Road Bear 80 x 5 8 ply $15.96 Cooper Long Service 89 x 6, 10 ply *98.69 TUBES Standard Red Tubes 80 x 3 60 30 x 3*4 TO 29 X 440 80 30 X 450 .00 Mansfield Sunset Orange Color SO X 8M 7B 20 X 440 .85 80 X 450 .05 Mansfield 98 x 475 $1.35 20 x 525 1.35 80 X 500 1.45 81 X 500 1.58 81 X ?00 1.03 20 X 550 1.00 All above tires guaranteed. Note price Cooper Heavy Duty Track Tires 10 ply 928.00, regular retail price oa thfa tire is $48.85. See our Cooper Puncture Proof Tube. We also sell the Logan Tire, unguaranteed. Have had no complaint. Gives general satisfaction. Repeats. We are selling tires like the wholesale trade Is selling sugar. LOMSBURG GROCERY CO.

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