DR. J. C. MANN THK WELL KNOWN IT! specialist Will Be At Parrish Jewelry Store Lonisburg, N. 0. THURSDAY, NOV. 10th From 10 A. M. to 3 P. M. BmI UbM kla 8 j*wt ?jti in weak. Professional Column DR. HERBERT G. PERRY 101 W. Nash St. Loaisbaic. N. C.| Office telephone 987-R1 Residence telephone 987-R1 Hoars ? 10 to IS; a to 4; 7 to ?| X-Haj ud VlMroacopUc lions, Diathermy and Ultm-Vlolet | llfht treatments. DR R ?. TARROROUOH* Physician and Burgeon Louis buig, N. C. Office in Blckett ud Ya Building Phone: Office DR. Bf H. JOHHSOlt" Physician and Hsigeon LoolsbuV, H. C. Offices over Corner Main >M 1 Ttdephones: Day 1?; Night 10 1 DR. ARCH General Practise Wood. X. C. ' Office in flu flta Dm Co. D. T. SMITH W ICR. W. R BAYNE&B. 8. D. V. Ve Office 17(W Office at Fred' Near Tar DR J. B. DAVIS ~*fayslcian aad Sargeou Loalsbnrg, H. C. ? Office at Residence, Boath Main St.] Telephone: Hoars: Day M 8sM to IOiSQ a. a.1 Night ?4 12:00 to Ml p. m. 0:00 to S:M p. m G. M. BEAM Attorney at Law Loilibui, N. C. Office In Professional Building next to The Franklin Times Practice la all Coarts W. L. LUMPKIN ? Attorney ? Ijouiflburg, North Carolina Office la First National Bank Bld(. Practice State aad Federal Cevta W. H. Yarborough Hill Yarttorongb YARBO ROUGH YARBOROUGH Attorneys aad Counsellors at Law Office In Egerton Baildlng Over Kline's Usui . Louisburg, N. C. Practice la Franklin and adjoining counties, and in the United States Courts at Raleigh R. B. White K. H. Malone i. K. MnlTaa WHITE & MALONE Lawyers Louisborg, N. C. General practice, setttanea tales, funds invested. Oae of the Arm always la mm 1 ' me before I close of the immortal I TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND ! Uutw And by virtu* o f the pow er and authority contained in that certain deed of trust executed by i Martha Roger* and W H. Roger* on the 28th day of February, 1930, and recorded In Book 188, on Pace 603 of Franklin County Registry, default baring been made In the payment of the indebtedneea thereby secured and demand for foreclosure having been made upon me by the holder thereof, I will, on MONDAY. NOVEMBER SOTH, 19S1, at or about the hour of one o'clock P. M. In front of the post office in the town of Bunn. Franklin Coun ty, N. C., offer for sale to the high est bidder for cash the following described lands: A certain tract of land in Dunn's township. Franklin County, North Carolina, bounded on the north by the lands of Phil Pearce and John Ferguson; on the east by the lands of Sarah Price; on the south by the lands of Bllen Martin and on the west by the lands of K. W. Baker, containing *1 acres, more or less, and known as the William Rogers Home Place, and being the same lands conveyed to Martha Rogers by deed recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds for Franklin County in Book 270, Page 868. - This 28th day of October, 1931. BEN MORGAN, Trustee. 0. B. Moss, Atty. 10-3 0-5 1 SALE Of LANDS Under and by virtue of the power end authority vested in me in that certain deed of trust, executed on the !>th day of October, 1931, to me as Trustee, by Frank Horton, Henry H-rrton, Vera Horton, Maggie Pearl Horton. John Horton, Lena Driver, David Horton and Cleveland Horton; yhich said deed of trust is duly re corded in the office of the Register of i>eeds for Franklin County, N. C. in Book 294 at page 564: I will on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16TH, 1931, at or about the hour of noon at the court bouse door for Franklin County n the Town of Louisburg, N. C.. sell it public auction to the highest bid it i for cash, the following described tsnds lying and being situate in Har ris Township, Franklin County, N. C. ?tr: Adjoining the lands of Isaac Fra iler, Dol. Horton and Driver, and be ?ng Lot No. 4 on Plot of property for merly owned by-W. C. Ransdell. as surveyed and plotted by M. S. Davis, C. E. which plot or map is duly re corded in Map Book 1 Page (X, office of the Register of Deeds for Franklin County, to which map or plot ref erence is hereby made for a full and complete description by metes and r innds, the Hid tract at land con taining 50.26 acres more or less. This the 15th day of October. 1931. ELMO HORTON Trustee, I'dward F. Griffin. Atty. 10-l?-6t NOTIC? Having qualified as administrators of the estate or A. T. Griffin, deceas ed. late of Franklin County, N. C., notice is hereby given all parties holding claims against the said es tate to present them to the under- , signed on or before the 23rd day of October, 1932 or this notice will be plead la bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please come forward and make im mediate settlement. This October 22nd. 1931. M. T. GRIFFIN. J. R. GRIFFIN. KOTTCB Having qualified as administra- : triz of the estate of Hllllard Cooke, deceased, late of Pranklin County, , N. C., notice ia hereby given all par ties holding claims against the maid estate to present them to the under signed on or before the 23rd day of October , 1932 or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. AH persons Indebted to said estate will pleaae come forward and make Immediate settlement. This October 22nd, 1*31. ROSA L. COOKE, 10-23-(t Adm'r. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Adnaisistrator of the estate of P. E. Layton, de ceased, late of franklin Coanty, N. C? notice is hereby given all parties holding claims against the said es tate to present them to the under signed on or before the Ind day of October, 1922, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please come forward aad make im mediate settlement. This October 1st 1981. " DAVID WHEELER. 10-2-Ct Administrator. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE The undersigned having duly qual ilied as exec* tor, under the will of J. B. Prlrett, deceased, this is to give notice to all ywrou holding claims against said estate to present the Fame to the undersigned on or before the 24th day of October, 1932, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery; all persons ndebted to said -state will please make immediate "twTm October. 1??1. W. B. PRIVW1T, Executor of J. B. Prlrett, deceased. Yarborough and Yarboroagh, Attorneys. 10-22-tt ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as .Administra tors of the estate of P. 8. Allan, de ceased, late of Franklin County, N. C., notice Is hereby gires> all parties holding claims against the -said es tate to present them to the under signed en or before the 16th day oi October, 19S2, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery . AH persons indebted to said estate will please soma forward and make Im mediate settlement. This October 16th. 1$tl. P. S. ALLEN, Jr. JAMES ALLEN, Administrator's. **. P. Griffin. Attorney. 10-16-lt NOTICE Ha viae wtdmiiMrtlm o f the estate of Fannle H. Allen, de cwri, late of Franklin County, N. C., notice la hereby (Wen all parties holding claims against the aald es tate to preeent them to the under signed on or before the Kth day of October, 1931 or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please come forward and make lm *?f<K8S*fta.nnr P. 8. ALLEN, Jr. JAMBS ALLEN. . Administrators. E. F. Griffin, Attorney. 10-H-*t COMMISSIONER S SALE OF VAL UABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of an Order and Judgment of the Superior Court of Franklin County. N. C., made In that certain CMI action entitled "Atlantic Joint Stock Land Bank of Raleigh vs. W. M. Plnnell, et al" the undermined Commissioner will ?ell at public auction at the oourt house door In Loulaburc, Franklin County. N. C., at or about the hour of twelve o'clock Noon, to the high est bidder for caah, on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30TH, 1U1, the following described real estate, situate, lying and being in Bandy Creek Township, Franklin County, State of North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows: First Tract. Being situate on the Lqulsburg-Laurel Road, about six miles North East from the Town of Louisburg, N. C., bounded on the North partially by the old road and partially by the new road leading from Lousburg to Laurel, on the East by the lands of the J. C. Har rington estate, on the South by the lands of E. H. Harris and B. E. May, and on tlie West by the elands of Mrs. D T. Fuller and Ellxa Eaton, and being more particularly describ ed as follows: Beginning at a rock corner for E. H. Harris and J. C. Tharrington estate and W. M. Pln nell, running thence N 2 E 108 1-4 poles to the Louisburg-Laurel Road, corner for W. M. Plnnell and J. C. Tharrington estate in said road; thence In a Southwesterly direction slong the new Louisburg-Laurel road to a point where the old road enters said new road, and thence along the old road a total distance on both roads of 172 poles to a point, formerly a red oak, corner for W. M. Plnnell and ]$llsa Eaton; thence S 48 poles to a point, for merly a stump, corner for W. M. Plnnell. B. F. Msy and Mrs. D. T. Fuller; thence S 88 E 189 poles 10 links to a stake, > thence N 10 pokw to a post oak* thence S <7 8-4 E 70 poles to the beginning, containing 71 acres more or less, according to plot and surrey made by W. N. Ful ler, Surveyor, In 1887, a copy of which plot is on file with the Atlan tic &lnt Stock Land Bank ?( Ra leigh, N. C.. it being the tract of land conveyed by Mrs. Lucy J. My rick to W. M. Pinnell by deed dated February 28, 1912, recorded in Book 179, PMje 4(0, Registry of Fianklln County. Second Tract. Being situate about 8 1-2 mllea Northeast of the Town of Louisburg, N. C., about three quarters of a mile off the Louisbarg Laurel Road, and being bounded on the North by the Q. W. Ford Estate, on the East by the O. W. Ford Es tate, on the South by the lands of ; F. W. Pinnell, and on the West .by , the lands of F. W. Pinnell, and b* lng more particularly described aa ( follows: Beginning at a stake, cor ner for O. W. Ford Estate and F. W. Pinnell; thence S 88 3-4 E 15.50 chains to a stake in O. W. Ford'a line; thence S 12 3-4 E 21.22 chalna to a stake, corner for O. W. Ford estate and F. W. Pinnell; thence N 85 W 22.60 chains to a stake in F. W. Pinnell's line; thence N 7 1-4 E 19. 23 chains to the point of begin ning, containing 37 3-4 acres accord ing to plot and survey made by T. C. Gill Surveyor, In Hay 1922, a copy of which plot is on file with the Atlantic Joint Stock Land Bank of Raleigh, N. C., it being the tract con veyed to W. M. Pinnell, by deed of F. W. Pinnell and wife, dated July 29, 1922, and recorded in Book page . . . , Registry of Franklin County. Reference to all of the above men tioned plots, deeds and records be ing here made for a further descrip tion of the lands hereby conveyed. This October 26, 1931. W. L. LUMPKIN, Commissioner. Thos. W. Ruffin, Atty. 10-30-St " NOTICE Default having been made In the payment of those bonds secured by that deed of trust dated the 18th day of December, 1929, executed by James Solomon, recorded In the Reg ister of Deeds office for Franklin County, N. C? in Book 282, page 102, and pursuant to authority con tained therein, the undersigned will offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash, at the Court house door in Loulsburg, North Carolina on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24TH, 1991 at 12 o'clock Midday the following described property: (1) Begins at a large Hickory Tree on the north side of road lead ing from Wilson's to Mitchell's Chap el; then N 81 1-4 W 10.09 chs to a double dead oak on said road; then N 88 1-2 W 7.73chs to a double white oak on said road; then N 88 8-4 W 4.87 chs to ? sweet gum on said road or path, corner for T. H. Wsl don and Willie Wilson; then N 48 8-4 E 22.86 chs to a stake on the road leading from David Weldon's to Mitchell's Chapel, T. H. Weldon's corner; said stake being 24 links from small forked oak; then along ?aid road 8 40 1-4 E 10 JO chs to ? ?take; then S 13 W 8.80 chs to ba gl?iag Containing 20 1-8 aciwa more ?r less. See deed to James Solomeo by Prances Eaton and h?s band recorded in Book 217, at ^kfs 894. (2) That twentyflve acres more or less, conveyed to James Solomon by J. T. Wei don and wife, February t?. 1(31 by dead regiatar ed la FrenUta Oe?n?y. N. O. te Boek Its ftt H(i 1*?. Bald land adjoin* John Hacwood, Joe Mitchell El tat*, David Wei don, at al. The tatanUe* of UUa lastrtiment la to con?ey 45 1-2 acre* mora or laaa, known aa Jamaa Solomon Home -Thia the 14U day ol October. nil. JOHN H. SOLUCOFFBR. =_ TnutM. SAUK OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the pow er ot sale iwitilMl In that certain deed ot Uuat executed by Solomon West, et ale, to J. L. Bartholomew, Trustee, dated November 18th, 1929. recorded la Book m, pace 36, Registry ot Franklin County, North Carolina, default haviag been made in the payment of the Indebt edness thereby se^ared and demand harlot been made upon the under signed trustee far foreclosure of said deed ot' trust by the holder of' the boad thereby secured, the un dersigned trustee will, on MONDAY. NOVEMBER 1?TH. 1981, at or about the hour of Noon, at the Court House door in Loulsburg, N. C. offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the fol lowing described real estate: Those two certain tracts or par cels of land situate In Cedar Rock Township, Franklin County, State of North Carolina, and described as follows: First Tract: Bounded on the North by the lands of the Dickens Estate, on the Bast by the lands of W. H. Collins aad L M. and Sol West; on the South by the lands of L M. West and on the West by the lands of J. W. Bartholomew and J. O. Murphy, containing <1 8-4 acres, more or less, and being the land con veyed to Solomon West by deed of Robert West recorded In Book 146, page 351, Registry of Franklin Coun ty, N. C. Second Tract: Bounded on the North by the tract above described, on the East by the lands ot Mrs. Geo. Collins, on the South by the lands of W. L. Collins and Mrs. O. W. Col lins and on the West by the lands of L. M. and Sol West and the lands of Mrs. Laura Bartholomew, J. M. Bartholomew, S. K. Gilliam and J. W. Bartholomew, containing 68 acres, more or less, and comprising the lands conveyed to L. M. West by deed of Ben T. Holden, Comm., recorded In Book 179, page 291 and the lands conveyed to the said L. M. West by deed of Samuel H. Bartholo ww Mrt Mti recorded in Book 190, page S#B, said Registry of Franklin County, N. C. Reference V here made to all of the above Assert bed deeds and rec ords for a more particular descrip tion of aaid lands. This lHWHt? will be sold subject , to the Ilea mt a deed ot trust or mortgage aacuring an indebtedness due Atlantic Joint Stock Land Bank ot Raleigh, the amount ot which will be announced at the sale. This October 16th, 1981. J. L. BARTHOLOMEW. 10-23-4t Trustee. . NOTICE OP SALE OP LAND Under and by virtue of a Judg- ? ment of the Superior Court of ! Franklin County, entered at the Aug ust 1931 Civil Term, In the ease of Spot Cash Co. vs. M. B. Jeffries and others, the undersigned Commission.- 1 er will, on MONDAT, NOVEMBER 16. 1*31. at IS: 00 o'clock. Noon, offer tor ?ale, for cash, at public auction to the highest bidder, at the Court House door hi Loulaburg, In Fvank-. tin County, the following deeerib?d lands, to-wlt: It being tract of 229.32 Acres, more or less, situate in Harris Town- - ship, on both sides of the highway ' leading frem Loulaburg to Bunn, and ' bounded by the lands of M. B. Jeff ries, Strickland, Underbill , Howell, 1 and others, and by Bom Branch and Crooked Creek. And being Lots Nos. 2, S, 4, 6 and 6, and 2-100 Acres of Lot No. 1, of the Conway lands and Jeffries lands, : surveyed by J. T. Inscoe, and plot ted in November, *1*20, by C. M. Lamb, and conveyed by M. B. Jeffries and wife to D. F. and Malcolm McKlnne by deed dated December 26, 1924, and on which the said D. F. & Malcolm McKlnne ?Mcutod deed of trust, which is of record in Franklin County, North Carolina, in Book 262, at page 226. There is excepted from this land the Church spring and 20 ft. of land in every direction about it This sale is subject to confirma tion of the Superior Court of Frank County. This October S, 1*11. J. H. BRIDGER8, 1 Henderson, N. C. Commissioner. Messrs. McLendon A Hedrlck, Attys.. Durham, N. C. 10-16-4t SALE OF LAND UNDER DEED or TRUST Under and by virtue ?f the power and authority vested In me by that certain deed-of-traat executed mu the l?th day of March, 1980, by J. A. B. Falkner, which dae+of-trMt Is recorded In the office of the Regis ter of Deedi of Franklin County, North Carolina, in Book 2S2, at pace 110, default haying been made in the payaoat of the latoModness therein aecured, and demand having been M*t upon me for iMOGlosure, I will on MONDAY, NOVBMBBR 16, 1M1, at 12:M Noon o?ar for ?ale, #t the Court Home door fa Lmilsbwrg, In Franklin Couaty, at pablks auction, to the highest bidder, -far ?ash, the following described lands: Tract No. 1. Begin at an Iron stake the Henderson-Ixralsburp boniest eed tract, nut thence along the road 8 1* E 17.50 chains to cor tand; than* H1H B A.I1 chains to a. rock Williams' corner; thence aleag Williams' HmI (f i llil chains to a rook Shearon's oorner; tfcenoe N >4 1-4 B 4. 06 chains to a pin#; thence N II 8-4 W 16.75 ohalM to a rock Dlckerson's corner; thence alone Dlckerson's Um N 20 1-4 ? 9.26 chains to ? poplar, J. ?. B. Falkner's homestead In Dloker son'a line; thence alone the J. A. B. Falkner home stead line N 17 W 16.36 chains to the plac?j of begln nlng, containing It 1-4 acrea ac cording to aurvey of T. 0. QUI made Juiwr II. 1911. Tract No. I. Beginning at an Iron stake In Henderson-Lou Is burg road, run thence 8 87 B 16. IS chains to a corner; Dlckerion'a line at pop lar pointers; thence along Dicker aon'a line N 21 1-4 B 14.60 chalm to a rock In Qrlsaom'a line; thence N 17 1-4 W 18.80 chains to a rock; thence N 89 1-4 W 4.67 chains to a rock in the lienderson-Loulsburg road, thence along said road B 4 3-4 W 6.42 chains;, thence S t J 7,38 chains; thence S 18 B 1 chain to the place of beginning, containing 26 Acres, according to survey of T. C. Qlll made Jan. 10, 1828. Bald sale la made subject to a prior mortgage to secure the pay ment of 11100. 00 to the Prudential Ute Insurance Co., payable after nine yeara, at 6 1-2 per cent Inter est, payable annually. This October 8, 1931. J. B. HICKS, Trustee, 10-16-4t Henderson, N. C. SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Pursuant to an Order of Sale en tered by J. J. Young, Clark of Super cr Court of Franklin County, Nortli Carolina, on the 2 lit day of Sep' em ber, 1931 in that Special Proceeding entitled "C. L. Arnold, Admr., et als vs G. C. Arnold, et als," the under signed Commissioners wilt, OB MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9TH, 1831, at or about the hour of Noon at the Courthouse Door in Loulsburg, N C.. ( ffer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real estate: 1st. Tract: Situate in Franklin County, North Carolina and begin ning at a stake and black Jack point er, Lee Baker's corner in Denton's >ine; thence N 87d W 1155 ft to a rock; thence S 2d 30' W 462 ft to a Jtake in a branch, Mrs. Prlvelte'e corner; thence S 87d E 575 1-2 ft to a stake, Ruth King's corner; thence 3 2d 30' W 148 1-2 ft to a stake; thcnce S 87d *) 544 1-2 ft to a stake, liuth King's corner; thence N 4d E 6)5 ft to the beginning, containing 14 acres, more or less. 2nd. Tract: Situate In Franklin County, North Carolina and begin ning at a rock, corner of 1st Tract and Mrs, Privette's corner; thence N 2<i 10' E 640 ft to a stake, Ruth King'b corner; thenca N 87d W 590 ft to a stake, Ruth Kings corner; thence S Id W 375 ft to a stake; thence S 87d E 330 ft to a stake near a branch: thence S 60d E 353 ft to the beginning, containing C acres, mora or lass. The above described lands being the lands devised to Brooks Arnold by will of A. W. H. Arnold, Deceased. This 7th day of October, 1931. J. E. M ALONE. Jr.. E. F. GRIFFIN, 10-9-61 Commissioners. ^ COMMISSIONER'S SALS OF REAL ESTATE >Jorlh Carolina, Franklin County. rhe Atlantic Joint Stock Land Bank of Raleigh ,a Corporation, w. 1 C. Ford and wife, Corabel S. Ford, John C. Matthews, Trustee In bank ruptcy (or the Spot Cash Company, Incorporated, the Colonial Life In surance Company, Incorporated, Ourney P. Hood, Commissioner of Banks, Ex Rel the Citizens & Com mercial Bank of Pranklinton, N. C., 'he County of Franklin. Pursuant and by authority of a judgment entered In the above entitled tivll action on the 12th day of Octob er, 1931, tn the Superior Court of franklin County, the undersigned Commissioner will on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16TH, 1931, at twelve o'clock Noon, at the Court bouse door in Louisburg, N. C., sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described lands rituate in Louisburg Township, Frank lin County, N. C., bounded as follows: First Tract: Bounded on the North Ly McGregor; on the Bast by Neal lands and Strickland; on the South by Irving Green; on the West by Cy pres* Creek; and described a* fol lows: Beginning at a Maple on Cy press Creek, corner for the Cooke tract and McGregor; thence South 85d 45' E 990 ft to a red oak; thence S i.ld 46' B 1187.3 ft to a rock pile; thence S 83d E 561 feet to a stake, corner tn the Alford line; thence 8 2 J 15' W 915 ft to tf stake; thence 8 S7d 6* E 220 ft to an iron stake, corner in the Neal line; thence S 17d 6' W 71 ft to a stake on the road; thence S 4d 1*' W 200 ft to a stake on the road; thence S 13d 40' W 146.2 ft to a stake on the road; thence 8 14d 30' W 500 ft to a stake on the road; thence S 4d 20' W 76 ft to a stake on the Toad; thence S Id 16' W 796 ft to a bridge on the road on Spatter Branch; thence leaving the road along the line of lot No. 4 in the division of the Neal land and along Spatter Branch N 85d 26' B 141 ft; ttwne* N 78d 26' E 235 It; thence S 87d 6' E 383 ft; thence 8 84d 20' B 1M ft; thence N 62d 40' E 324 ft; ; thence 9 ?M M' E 409 ft; thence 8 T?d 5' E 417 ft to a stake In the Strickland line; tfcMee .8 2d 16' W 714 ft to a stake te Ike Strickland line; thence N 87d ?' W MSt ft to a stake on (he road; thMMe 8'6d 50' E MT ft 'to ? stake on the road; thence a 3<M 65' B 425.6 (t to a ?t?ke on the Mad. earner for the Qeefce tract and Jnrlng Gveen ; thtn? -"N 89d 36' W [84? ft to an Ash and rock on Cypress 'Oreek; thence up the various mean ders of Cypress Creek, a series of ) andom courses to the point of begin ning, ami coalmining three hundred tUtMhaaa (363) acres, more or less. Becood /Tract : Adjoining the lands now or formerly of; on the North by Oaahaat Rerson and the estate of J. C. Tharrlngton; on the B by J. P. THedsoe and Mrs. Anna Loyd; on the ? *7 Jessie T. Merrltt and the county Horn* land; mad ou I lie West by the County Horn* hind. and being more particularly described as fol lows: Beginning at a 1'lno stump, corner for the county borne for the i?ged and Infirm, thence 8 861 40' E lti20 ft to a white oak off the road, corner tor the County Home tract; thence along aald road N ltd 30' ~W 80S J ft to a atake, thence continuing niong aald road N 16d W 66 ft to a ted oak on aald road; thence N 84d 16' EL SOO ft to a pine In Urn Jeaale P. Merrltt'i line; thence N 86 J 16' is 1 328.6 ft to i sweet gum; thence N t&d 46' ? 267.3 ft to a red oak; thence N 86d 46' E 184.8 ft to a red oak; thence N 78d E 111.8 ft to a rod oak; (hence N 83d 16' B 16.6 ft to a ttake In Mrs. Anna Loyd'i land; thence N 3d 35' E 769 ft to a stake; thence N 7d 36' E 820 ft to a bunch of sassafras, J. P. Bledsoe's corner; thence N 79d W 2122 ft to a Maple near a spring; a corner In J. C. Tharrington estate line; thence g 76d W 709.6 It to a stake and Dins poiutera on the road; thence along aald road S 3d W 42} ft to a rock and pine pointers on the load; thence N 86d SO' W 670 ft to a stake, dogwood and poplar pointers; Ihence N lid 40' W 166 ft to a hick Sly corner in Graham Person's line; hence N 86d 16' ft to a stake near i side line hickory, corner In the .ounty home line; thence S Id 60' W .'404 feet to the beginning, c ontaining 183.6 acres by surrey of M. 8. Davis, 0. E., August, 1924, and being In all espects the same land conveyed to J. W. Ford by J. L. Jackson and wife ly deed dated Dec. 28, 1947, and re corded In Book 1U, at pate 409, ''ranlrtin County Registry. intra Tract: All that certain piece >' lend adjohiing the land* now or crmarly of; on the (4 by J. T. Bled i toe and lira. 8t range; on the B by vlra. Person; on the 8 by the Thar -ingtan land and Roe; and en the W jy- Dr. Ford; and being mare partic jtarly described as follows : Begin ning at a stake Mulberry and gum t>o Inters corner (or the Loyd tract in J. P. Bledsoe's line; thence B 7d W Ml eet to a stake; thence 8 3d W 758 .1 to a stake; corner (or the Lloyd tract in Tharrington line; thence N 6U E ICS. 3 (t to a stake on Jerry's Jrancli; thence down eald branch as t. meanders northerly 450 ft to a .lirch (white oak) corner tn the rtoe land; thence 8 80d 30' E 1,188 t to a ditch; thence 8 82d 10* E 828 a to a small hickory, corner lor the ? ollin's land in Person's line; thence X 3d E 643.5 ft to a rock and point ers', corner in the Person line; thence .V 81U W 1,815 ft to a rock on Jerry's branch, corner in Mrs. 8t range's line; thcnce down said branch northerly 148.5 ft to a rock, eornor fer the l.loyd tract and J. P. Bledsoe; thence N 81d W 14)31.3 ft to the beginning, je'ng the Lloyd and Collins tracts un der common boundaries, containing 54 acres; and comprising the two tracts of and convoyed toO. W. gtord ?nd E. S- Ford by P. 8. Allen, et iiRT by deed dated April 8, 1918, and re corded in Book 217, at page 488, Franklin Courty Registry. Fourth Tract: All that certain l see of land adjoining the lands now or formerly of; on the North, Miss Cooke and Littlejohn; on the Bast i>y the old Loulsburg road; on the South by Henry Perry and W. H. Al .rn; and on the S by John Day; and baing more particularly described aa ' 1 fallows: Beginning at a stake on the old Loulsburg road; thence along said road S 28d E 109.6 tt to ? stake; theuce continuing aloag said -road 3 21d 15' E 175 ft; thence continuing tald road S 3d 16' W 264 ft to the in. (ersectlon of the old road and the main road; thence along the main load S 36d 15' E 153.8 ft to the bridge on Buffalo Creek; thence continuing .-long said road S 46d 15' Bast 186.1 ft to a stake and pointers on the road; thence leaving said road 8 M W 219.8 ft to a cedar stake, corner in tne Perry line; -thenoe along the Per ry lfie and The W. H. Allen line N S30 16' W 3,316 tt to a stake, earner in John Day's line; thence along John Day's line N 2d 80' E 1,009 ft to an iron stake corner in John Day's liner , and for Littlejohn thence S 87d 30' E 348.3 ft to ? stake on the path; thence along said path N 39d 46' E 224.4 ft to a stake on the path; thence S 88d E 2,392.6 ft along Miss Cooke's line to a rock, pine and poplar point, ore, corner on the "old Loulsburg road; thence along tho old Louishorg Road South 18d E 228.1. feet to the begin ning, containing 83.9 acres by surrey of M. 8. Davis, C. E? August, 1914, and being same land conveyed to G. W. Ford by Chaa. F. Upperman by deed dated Dec. 1, 1908, and recerded In Book 173, at page 12, leas twenty a<jres sold to John Day by G. W. Ford. Fifth Tract; All that certain piece of land adjoining the lands now or formerly of; on the West by the lot 2 Hotted to Lena E. Fuller; on the N'orth by T. B. Wilder (formerly 8. r. Wilder); on the E by Tar River; or. the 8 by Mrs. T. A. (Eliza) Under l ill; and being more particularly de scribed aa follows: Beginning at ? (take, corner in T. B. Wllder's line; i&ence 8 2d 80' W 108 polea 17 links to a stake or rock in Underbill's line; ?-orner of No. 2; thence along Under bill's line about N 88d E 866 poles te a maple, UnderhiU's corner on Tar Uiver; thenoe ?p Tar River nearly a northwestward course about one hundred thirty-two poles to a rock, T B. Wilder (formerly S. T. Wilder) earner on Tar River;' thence 8 68d 10' (W 37 polea 16 links to a small hornbeam (formerly a pine) corner; thence N 87d 45' W 164 poles to the be ginning, containing 160 acres by sur vey; and being the same land con veyed to G. W. Ford by P. B. Wilder and wife by deed dated November 13, 1917, and recorded in Book 117, at page .402, Franklin County Registry. The above lands will be first offer ed for sale separately and then ot tered for sale as ? whole. . > And notice is given that the aueeeaa* ful bidder at aald sale will be re quired to deposit $100. as a guaranty of compliance with Ms bid, the same to be credited on Md when sale ap proved by the covrt. This October 14, 1981. W. L. LUMPKIN, JMMt OomfttoslMer. v -

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