EVERYBODY BOOST LOUISBURO The Franklin Times AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM THAT BRINGS RESUI/Fg A. P. JOHNSON, Editor ud Manager The County, The State, The Union volumn Mn. LOUI8BURG, N. CAROLINA, ; Sta PRIORI SUBSCRIPTION $1.80 Per Ye Y, DECEMBER 18, 1981 TEN PAGES NUMBER 48 Christmas Cantata Sunday Night To B? Given Jointly Br The Cholw Of All The Churches A Christmas Cantata will be given bv the Choirs ot all the three churches of Loulaburg ? Methodist, Baptist and Episcopal ? Sunday night, December 20th, at seven o'clock at the Baptist Church. This cantata will be directed by Mrs. Theo Wooten McCullers, of the Voice Department at Loulsburg College. Mrs. O. Y. Yarboro, organist the Methodist Church, will be ac companist and organist. This occasion will be t>( interest' to all nniBlq?lovers and will be a most interesting and beautiful celebration of the Christmas In the churches. Everyone Is cordially invited to at tend and join in this celebration and receive the" spirit and enthusiasm from tjils special cantata to be given Mr. N. B. Tucker Dead > . Mr. Norward B. Tucker died at a l?.H))ital in Salisbury, where he was 'iking, treatment, on Tuesday night, "lie remains were brought to Louls imrg on Wednesday and interred In oakiawn cemetery. Quite a large number ot friends and relatives at ti'i'ding -the -funeral which wan con- J ducted by Revs. D. P. Harris, T. A. . Sikes and J. D. Miller. :i:\ Tucker was 53 years old and bii-Li.lea his wife, leaves one brother, .\?r. J. C. Tucker. He was born in Kranklln County and has made his , li.vnte in Lousburg for many years, where he has made many trends, who i- tend their dsepest sympathy to the 1 creaved widow and brother. The pall bearers were G. W. Ford, I.. U Joyner. W. B. Tucker, P. B. Grif i.'i h 1: Tgy'nr, Hwinfo Griffin. ? WATER BEPOBT The following is a report from the Mr te Laboratory of Hygiene on "the condition of the city waWr of Louis burg: 1 Reported ? 12-16-31. Sediment ? 0. Color ? 0. Turbidity ? 0. Odor, cold ? 0. Odor;, hot ? 0. Alkalinity ? 8 Parts Per Million Alum ? .01 Parts Per Million chlorides ? 4 Parts Per Million Nitrites? 0. pH ? 6.2. R. coli in 1 c.c. ? 0. H. coli in 10 c. c. ? 0. Fl. colt In 50 c.c. ? 0. Total bacterial count per c.c. at ? EOdC. ? 0. Count on lactose litmus agar per c.c. ? 0. Acld-produ'cing bacteria per c.c. ? 0. C. A. SHORE, M. D., Director. M. L. S., Analyst. FARM PROGRAM PLANNED AT GROUP CONFERENCE Out of the group conferences of farmers, farm women and extension workers now being held in North Carolina there are emerging some definite plans for better farming methods in the State next year and the years to come. "We are highly pleased with the way In which our sectional meetings have been received so far," says Dean I. O. Schaub, director of exten sion at State College. "At each of the meetings there have been some 150 to 200 persons who have not met with us to hear the outook for farming next year and to help us develop definite and sensible sugges tions to pass on to the State in our extension activities. At each of the conferences, we have had two or more good farmers from a county, two or more progressive farm wo men and the county home and farm agents." i The dean says be has been grati fied also at the attendance of bank ers, merchants, fertilizer dealer* and others at the special meeting called for these men preceding each farm confetenoe. At each 6f the meetings, a fun morning Is given ore* to a careful consideration of the outlook for farming next year. The crop oat look report has been explained by a government economist assisted by experts from State College. That af ternoon, the meeting divide* into committees and the reports of those committees are heard and adopted the following morning. The report cover the entire field of agriculture as followed In this State and have been filled with partlnent sugges tions which will be valuable to the farm Ufa of this State In the future, Bays Mr. Bchaub. The group conferences began on December 1 at Wilmington and will be continued through January. Dur ing the past two weeks, the meet ings have been held at Wilmington, Kinston, Sllsabeth City and Rocky Mount. The new eastern Carolina cream ery at Washington It still growing with new producers bringing In cream each week. Settle* Home Majonty Carl Wright Johnion, Democrat, of San Aritonio, Texas, who won the seat vacated by the death of Harry M. Wurzbach, Republican, gives his party 218 votes to the 21/ opposition votes of all parties. Delightful Christ mas Concert The Louiaburg ? College Glee Club? under the direction of Mrs. Tlieo Woo len McCullers, of the Voice Depart ment, rendered a most delightful and Impressive Christmas Concert last Sunday evening at the Methodist Church. The young ladies of the glee ilub were attired In white and the soett In *lurk suits. While Hinging the processional, "Adeste Fidelia", the lingers entered the church, proceed ing down the two aisles of the church and took thalr places in-the chair loft and rostrum. i 1 he church was beautifully decorat ed In holiday evergreens of firs, holly, etc., while it was lighted by the soft glow of. white candles, artistically ar tanged. A true Christmas spirit was ustir in this beautiful surrounding .\rd the reverent and worshipful at mosphere. The spirit and enthusiasm over the approaching Birthday of the Christ was abroad and spread by the irogram given. The. following Is the program ren dered: Processional ? Adeste Fidelia; First Part ? O Little Town of Bethle hem; We Three Kings, the soloists being Richard Mohn, Nelson Pilcher, end Harry Ziegler; Second Part ? Duet, Christmas by Shelly, Misses Ruth Cathey and Mary Davis Alston; Third Part? Solo, 0 Holy Night by Adam, Miss Evelyn McCullers; Fourth Part ? Hark the Herald Angels Sing; The First Noel, soloists being Misses Camllle Carroll and Helen Leigh Fleming; Silent Night. The concert was largely attended by the people of Louisburg and a iiumber from neighboring towns anc cities, -r6 The Glee Club is complimented In their rendition and also their direc tor, Mrs. McCullers. [oCHUnCH I INNOIINCIMEVis THE METHODIST CHURCH There was no room for Jesus in the Inn ? wonder if there was any regrets afterwood that room was not provided for Him. Have you found room in your heart for Him? If you have not y?'vith our Baptist brethern in a service 01 song at the Baptist Church. T. A. SYKES, Pastor. ttt , #T. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH i Rev. J. D. Miller, pastor of St. Paul'* Episcopal Church, announces that .Holy Communion will be observed at that church Sunday morning at 11 A. M., also that at the evening hour, 7:80 > o'clock, the Children'* Christmas Can tata 'Will be given. There will be ser vice on Christmas Day at 10 a. m. at | this church. BAPTIST LOUISBURG BAPTIST CHURCH IBG BAPT CH "The Son o f God Came In the Full r.ess of Time" Is Rev. D. P. Harris' morning sermon topic Sunday at the Loulsburg Baptist church. At the evening hour at this church a Christmas Cantata will be given jointly by choirs of all the churches under the direction of Mrs. Theo Woo ten McCullers. Everyone Is cordially invited to this Cantata. No sermon will be given at thla evening hour. Buy Christmas Tuberculosis Seals at Acoggln'a Pleasant'*, Boddle's, and l3wjsl?;jVDrug Stores *nd at 1st Na Subtcrlbe to The Franklin Time* TO PUBLISH FRANKLIN TIMES fl EARLY NEXT WEEK __ A* nest week Is ChrWjut week and Christmas Day come# on Friday the December 25th lame of the FRANKXJ.N TIMES will be published on Wednesday, December 23rd, In order to make It possible for the members of the force to get a little time to make preparations for their observance of the season. All our advertisers who may wish to make a change are request ed to give us the copy Monday or before. The editor and every member of the force wish to express their great appreciations for the splendid cooperation each of you has given us the past year and in doing so wish yoa the best It Is possible for the yuletide season to bring yon. Must Take Count of Tfen Every Night Gene Lauder Tunney, son of the heavyweight pugilistic champion and Polly Lauder, has been given tha nickname of his dad and his mother's surname. Like Linabergli, Tunney called in the press" aiuT" proudly handed them this picture of his two-weeks-old boy, to Stop the photographers from crashing into his home. Louisburg Decorated Ou Tuesday Supt. O. C. Hill, of the City Electric Light and Water De partment, with the assistance ot a corps of helpers were busy putting up Christmas decorations, on Louisburg's p ost popular streets. At the crossing of Main and Nash streets a huge Christmas tree was placed and beautiful Christmas dec orations together with a flood of col oied lights completely covered it. At I'lmost every street corner evergreens with fancy decorations were placed ubout the telephone and electric tight poles. The- whole haruioiil?ed with - the many prettily decorated windows and completed a scene of beauty. At night it was especially pretty. CEDAR ROCK P. T. A. The third regular monthly meeting ot the Cedar Rock P. T. A. was held in the school building, Thursday night December 3. The President, Mrs. C. V. Dean, had charge of the meeting. Even though bad weather intervened, a goodly number was present. New. t\nd old business was tllscussed and reveral new members were added to the list. "Cooperating with the "Teacher", was the topic discussed. Mrs. T. S. Dean, gave an interesting article on Teaching the Child to Study. Mrs. Richmond Boone gave an interesting tplk on Getting Acquainted and Co operating with the Teacher. A read ing was given by Ruth Sturdivant. An added feature of the program was mandolin music by Gilliam Gordon. During a delightful social hour ap r'.es and mints were served by Mrs. T. A. Collie and Mrs. Richmond Boone, the Second Grade Mothers. The next meeting will be held in the school building on Friday night, December 18. At The Louisburg Theatre Next Week The following la tbe program at the Louisburg Theatre, beginning Saturday, Lee. 19th: Saturday, Dec. 19 ? Tom Tyler as "A Rider of The Plains" also "Mys tery Trooper" No. 8 and Metro Goldwyn Comedy. Monday and Tuesday ? El Brendel and Hdmund Lowe In "The Spider." Wednesday ? Sally o'Neil as "The Brat." Thursday ? < Warner Baxter as "The OJsco Kid." Friday ? Clark Gable and Joan Crawford In "Possessed." Saturday ? George O'Brien In C?ne Grey's "Rider* of The Purple Sage," also "Mystery Trooper" and ComMy. Got. Franklin D. Roosevelt says, "Christmas Tuberculosis seal season always seems to- me to the first' harbinger of Christmas. We hare come to associate these penny stickers with all that goes with holiday fea< sen and it is good to know they are on the market again. Mills School Defeats College The Girls Basket Ball team of Mills High School defeated that of Louls burg College in a fast game Tuesday night by a score of 36-9. Good pass work by the whole team pnd accurate shooting by Hudson and Wilso* won the game for the Hlgli School. Captain Bivins was high '>cur?r for the College. The line up was as follows: Mills HI College Wilson R. F. Greene Hudson L. P. Bivins House C. Johnston ferry S. C. Freeman Parker R. G. ? iretti Jennings L. G. Mitchell BRIDE ASD GROOM HONORED Mr. and Mrs. C. Hill Yarborough, Those marriage took place recently, were honor guests at a lovely Bridge party given by Miss Louise joyner lest Thursday night. Tile house was decorated with holly and poinsettias suggestive of the Christmas season. At the conclusion of play the hostess served tempting refreshments In three courses. The honorees were presented a piece of silver in their chosen pat tern. Miss Margaret Turner received a box of Dusting Power as ladies high score prize, and a deck of cards was awarded to Mr. George Ford who scored high among the men. The following guests were present: Mr. and Mrs. ,C. Hill Yarborough, Misses Lucy Clifton Boddie, Kather ine Rogers, Mary Maxwell Allen. Mar pt ret Turner and Anna Fuller Par ham; Messrs. Napier Williamson, John King, Harris Turner, Arthur Fleming, Jr.. and George Ford. FRAZIER ? CARTER Miss Clyde Carter and Leonard rraiier were married in an impres sive ceremony Thursday evening, December 3, 6: SO at the home ol the bride. The spacious residence was exclus ively decorated for tjie service In blue end white. The bridal couple were unattended. For the service the bride was attired !n a smart suit ot blue, with acces sories to match. The wedding was solemnised in the presence ot a num ber of friends and relatives, the cere mony having been performed by Rev. C. B. Howard, of Rolesville. The bride la the charming daughter ot Mr. F. E. Carter and the groom tbe son of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Frailer both of Franklin County. ? FIDDLER'S COKTEimOir AND DOLL PARTI Quite a Urge crowd was present i'nd enjoyed the Fiddler's Convention And Doll Party sponsored at Justice School by the Parent-Teacher Associa tion on Tuesday night, December IB. After the prises were awarded $18.35 mtm left to add to the treasury; these proceeds ore to be used in the work of the Association this year. * FOR FIRST CLASS JOB PRINTING PHONE NO. 113 Defeats Republican Percy H. Stewart, Democrat, de- j feated his Republican opponent in the race for Representative of the Fifth District of New Jersey. His 1 victory raves the Democrats a ma jority of two in the Lower House 1 and was achieved in a district that has returned Republicans to Con gress for n^any years. Seal Sale Contest High Schools of Franklin County And Boy Scouts of Mills High School Contesting. Five of the High Schools of Frank tfn County, viz. Edward Best's, Ep som's, Bunn'ff, V ouugsville s and Qold Sand's and the Boy Scouts of the Mills High School have entered a contest In selling Tuberculosis Christ . |_| nmmim -v-i'm Mrs R F Yarboroueh ch Airman ?:t the Seal Campaign has offered ten per cent of tha sale made by each group, with an additional >5.00 for the largest sale. Franklinton con ducts its own campaign as a separ ate union. In former campaigns conducted b> the chairman, awards of (5.00 and J10.00 have been ofTered. The schools winning the awards, have yearly put the money into needed school equip ment. This year It is suggested that the money be used in the school lunches ?tor? undernourished children in- the school lunch rooms. It has been es I ecially gratifying to the seal-organi zatic-n to receive, each year, the hear ty co-operation of the County Schools. These schools have, during Mrs. Yar borou&h's chairmanship, brought in t lie "largest per cent er sales TfiMe tii ? lie whole cc-uuty including Louisburg 'ownship. The Boy Scouts of Louisburg High School are eager to make a good shoeing this year. Buy seals from inem when they visit you. SCC. FARES WELL AS CONGRESS C0.MJIITTEE8 ARE ANNOUNCED Washington. Dec. 14. ? Congress is raiudly perfecting its organization, end. as the committee assignments were announced today, it was at once icalized that it makes a sight o f dif Ltrence whether the Democrats or Republicans are in command. No state has fared better than North Car olina, and members of the delegation manifested their appreciation of the good work of Representative Dough tou, on the house side, as member of the committee on committees, by rea son of his membership on ways and ?leans. Senator Morrison will remain on the very important appropriations committee, and will likewise serve on banking and currency, while Senator Bailey was made happy by assign ment to commerce and postoffices and postreads, major assignments, and also on claims. With respect to the big house com mittee places, Mr. Doughton remains, nf course, on ways and means, Mr. Tou to the head of the rules commit tee, Mr. Abernethy on appropriations, Major Bulwinkle on Interests and for sitca commerce, Mr. Hancock on bank ing and currency, Mr. Weaver on Judi ciary, and Mr. Lambeth on foreign affairs, the committee on which the late Major Stedman served for many year*. In addition to Mr. Pou, chairman ships go to Messrs. Warren, Kerr and C'ark, and they will also serve on other committees. Mr. Warren Is to bead accounts. Judge Kerr elections number three, while Mr. Clark is to head elections number one, so the North Carolina members are ready for business if anybody wants to start ? contested election case. Members of the state delegation are now in position to give the best pos sible attention to any phise of the economic and social life of the stats that may be found in need of atten tion by the federal government. Tuberculosis knows no vacatiop ; IJL finds its best opportunities in. bad seasons for sowing the seeds of sick ness and death. Watch against being worried, tired, overworked, under nourished District Agent's Conference ro Be Followed With Meetings In Franklin and Other Counties Miss Anne Benson - Priest, Home demonstration Agent of Franklin ,'ounty and Mrs. M. M. Person, or Sold Sand Woman's Club delegate :rom the franklin County Federation, it tended the District Agents Confer ence at Rocky Mount on December 10th and 11th. The meeting was pre lided over by Dean I. O. Schaub, Di rector of the X. C. Extension Service, tnd Miss Pauline Smith, District \Kent. Both Farm and Home agents !rom twelve counties with outstanding nen and women from their counties here present. The meetings were i?ld in the Sun Parlor of the Ricks Hotel. Carr Scott, of Alamance Couto ty, who is president of N. C. Grange, -nd Dr. Bean, of the U. S. Depart ment of Agriculture, were speakers [or the general meetings. The Rocky Mount Kiwanis Club and Rocky Mount Clearing House Association were Joint hosts to the entire group numbering ground three hundred for luncheon an Thursday. December 10th. The afternoon sessions were devoted to group discussions on various home and farm problems. This meeting will be followed up titer Christmas with meetings in each County of the district, at which time business men, farmers, and women will he invited to attend and d incuse the agricultural problems in the Coun ty. .Such %. meeting will be held in 1'ranklin County and much interest and cooperation is sought. Recorder's Court Two jury cases were (he features ! t Moiitlay'a session otFrankliu_.Bc corder's Court, when the following lr~.no and PrOMCutflT IP . P flriffin I " " * ? rH> 1 ? U? ?U?M . Vance Medlin was given 60 days on roads for removjtag crops, and larceny and receiving, Us sentence to begin it expiration ot present term. This was a jury trial. D. H. Price and Sarah Price were found not guilty of resisting an officer. Charlie Radford was given 90 days on roads for assault with deadly weap ons. It appearing that Dr. Perry's bill has been paid in full, upon pay ment of costs, execution of road sen tfnce to issue only upon order of this court. R. W. Hudson was- found guilty of assault with deadly weapon by a Jilry and was given I mouths on tho ri ads, iight wrrk. Fred Hockady was given 'JO days on roads for larceny. George Winston plead guilty to car i vlng cOnceaTeu weapons, and WS9 given 90 days on roads. Roosevelt. Webb received 60 days on roads after pleading guilty to as sault. Willie Wester was found not guilty of a bad check charge. The following cases were contin ued: Carl Pearce, operating automobile intoxicated. Bud Harris, assault with deadly eajjons. Will Rod well, assault. Marvin Bowden, operating automo? bile intoxicated. J. B. Wester, bad check. We wish to extend our deepest grat itude to all those who extended - so nany kindnesses and expressions of sympathy in the recent illness and, death of our dear wife and mother. Each and every little act and word will be remembered as a priceless treasure by us. J. H. Ballentine and Children. of by Judge Mi- . THA>KS n rL.I.|lar Al ' nkntn ?a he got or th* train U, Florida. whcr* h* maW trkoiM. m wm cM ??*??