?5*1 ? io? COMMUNITY WIDE TO TO AHD TOCR8, OCB MtAKllfT cnosnus CRKSIHGl " UT IBI IX ??II ?? ? ? mill II or HAFTDOM AMD JOT FOB ALL OP OCB LOT AL FR1IXW ? GANTT'S SHOE SHOP ?UT MASH 8IUBT UKIBBUM, W. C. , > CHEER AND GOOD FELLOWSHIP May cheer and good fellow ship prevail for y oo this Christ mas. Nay your hearts ever he lighted with die beacon of loyalty which has let ns call ourselves your friends. BECK'S GARAGE THE OLD BB"W ? LOUISBUBG'8 OLDEST OARAGE DAT PHONE 111 ? NIGHT M BRIGHTER DAYS OCR WISH FOB ALL IS THE HAPPIEST OF HOLIDAYS AXD A REALIZATION OF CHERISHED HOPES DCRING BRIGHTER DATS TO COMB. 2 $ !j W. E. WHITE FURNITURE CO. jj I J Louiaborg, : N. Carolina j I OUR FRIENDS IP WE HAVE PLEASED YOU, WE ARE GLAD. IP WE FAILED YOU, WE ABE BOBBY. BUT TO ALL OF YOU WE SAY, MERRY CHRISTMAS ? OUR FRIENDS. LOUISBURG DRY CLEANERS O. *. 8TKK8, Proprietor MAMB MR FHOKE 10S LOOTSBCBO, *. *? BMd to ha" by Jaaaiti Wn j. Plaao solo? "Leadoa Bridge b| Zelsiama Msdlla. Kathrya Weathers. ' Vocal solo? "On the Road to Man Jalay" by Leslie Cooka. Musical Heading ? "Phoning Sister's Beau." Roslyn Hoillngsworth. Plaao solo? "Dance of the Spirits" by Rosalias Roy. Plaao solo ? "Joyoas Peasant." by Annie L. AIM. Vocal solo ? "Llndy" by Deciao Oay. Piano solo? "Learalag to Play" by Erieae Mitchell. Plaao solo? "Song ot Lore" by Sleaaor Randall. Musical reeding? "Dreaming la de Twilight" by Louise Williams. Piano solo? "Fairy Bells". Mary C. A1 ford Piano solo ? "Tick Tock" by J wai ts Cyrus. ? Piano solo? "Dance of the Rose buds" by Beryl Lee Stalllngs. Plan4 solo ? ' Dense Hongrolse", Roslyn Hoillngsworth. Basket Ball A game was played with Loulsburg at Lonlsbnrg, December the eigh t?enth. The Bonn boys played hard rnd won with a score of 40-11. Come on Boys! Let's win every time! The teaeon will doaa for the holidays toon, bat we are looking forward to some good games after Christmas. txt Chapel Program The chapel program tor December 18th waa conducted by Misa Poller. The program waa aa follows: Song ? by school, played by Zelei jma Medlin. Devotional ? Juanlta Perry. Songa ? "Fealty Song", "Lore Dream", and "Ain't Coin Study War no More," by High School Glee Clab. Ukalele Duet? "Deary", and You were Meant for Me"? by Maris Hayee snd Decimo Oaye. ttt Flddkfs CeaTeatlea A fiddler's eaa*Mtion waa held at Bonn School Friday night, December eighteenth. The program was enjoyed by all. It consisted of a number of bands, banjo solos, guitar solos, harmonica ? olos, piano solos, riolln duets, piano and sephyr, and dancing. While the judges were agreeing on the winners, Mr. Crlckmore and Mr. Rogers were requested to play snd alao Mr. Plttman. tlX Librarian Visits School Recently we had a visitor, Mrs. Douglas, in the Bnnn High School, who showed u* how we might rebtnd eld books whoae backs are worn. Bhe Illustrated the process to us, and we lound It very fascinating. We are noping that we can use this method sometime soon, so that we may save cur library bookH. Marguerite Harris. F. T. A. MEETS The V. T. A. of the Hickory Rock White Level School met at the school building oiF December 16th. After the roll call, minutes, and business, a musical play was given by the school children. The play was entitled "On Christmas Hill." Peanuts and candy were sold also collection waa taken np for the pur pose of helping the needy children during Christmas time. Mrs. D. I. Massey of Wendell, route 1, reports selling $98.15 worth of poultry and eggs from a flock of 20 hens this year. Mr. Massey sold $131 worth of milk from four cows since l|ay 15. Recent purchases of pure bred Jersey balls by Wayne County farm ers bring the total In the county to 18 registered breeding animals. Tyrrell County fanners will use more lime on their land this season and will cut down the amount of fer tilizers, reports the county agent. ' NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Franklin Coun ty, made In the! special proceeding en titled M. J. Stokes, Admr., C. T. A., Vs. Mrs. Lessie D. Stokes, Widow, the undersigned Commissioner will, on MONDAY, JANUARY 25, 1982, at the courthouse door in Louisburg, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash those certain tracts of land- lying and being In Ce dar Rock Township, more particu larly described as follows: ..First, Tract: Situate, lying and be ing on the Old Raleigh- Warrenton Road, about 10-mlles E from Louie burg, N. C., containing 58-acres, more or less, and being the same lands al lotted to T. W. Stokes In division deed of C. T. Stokes, et als. dated October 18, 18*0, recorded In book 117, page 192, and by deed recorded In Book 14t, page 846, and by deed lecorded In book 117, page 1*5, Regis try of Franklin County, less 16 1-8 acres to Lola W. Boone and 1 1-2 ceres conveyed to J. A. Dean, said lands being fully described In said deeds pnd also being subject to a mortgage to The Fedral Land Bank of Columbia, securing the payment of <1,000.00, which said mortgage is re corded In Franklin County Public Registry, book 244, page 28. Second Tract: Situate, lying aK being about 14 miles B of Louisburg N Cm on the Loutsburg-Nashvlllc State Highway, containing 86 1-1 acrea, more or lees, and being th< DR. J. C. MANN WELL KHOWH BTB meuuR Will Be At I.O. THIK8BAY, JAW. 7th, IMS From 10 A. ?. to 3 P. M. UbiMkkil Professional Column DR HERBERT O. PERRY 101 V. Hak BC I nrtii. N. C.| 10 to 11; lto ill* burg, N. C. Office over Boss's Store DR. W. R. BASS Vetcrteartaa N. C. OOcrm ud Hospital ?L to DR. J. B. DAVIS iMbbuf, If. c. Offlce at Residence, Sooth Mala St. Day 84 8:80 to 10:80 a. m. KifU M 18:00 to 8:00 p. m. 0:00 to 8:00 p. m O. M. BEAM Attoney at Lnr Loiiiborg, N. C. Office la Professional Balldlag MX to Tbe Pranklia Times Practice Is all Govts W. L. LUMPKIN ? Attorney ? Louigbnrg, Worth Ouolii* Office In First National Bank Bldg. Practice State and Federal Courts W. H. Yarbo rough H1U Yarborougb Attorneys and Counsellors at Law Office In Egerton Boll ding Orer Kline's Stare LonWmri, N. C. Practice la Franklin and adjoining counties, and la the United States Courts at Bilelgh YARBOROUGH YARBOROUGH B. & White E. H. Malone J. B. Malone WHITE & MALONE Lawyer* Loniabwg, N. C. General practice, settlement of ? tatea, fnnda invested. One member of the Arm always la the office. MAIN ST. BARBER SHOP L P. Wheeler, Jr., Proprietor lO(Mn|, IT. O. Parlor* nnder Union Warehouse on Main Street. Pint claaa work guaranteed. Give me a can. EL T. BARTHOLOMEW Motary PabUc Ford PlMW Loslibnrf, N. a Identical tract of land described a* the first tract in a certain deed from H. J. Harper, Trustee, to T. W. Stokes, recorded in book 271, page SO*, ' Franklin County Registry, said land being subject to a mortgage recorded i in Franklin County Registry book 260, page Kf, securing an indebted I MM of This, the Slat day ot December, ? 1M1. I /. O. M. BEAM, ? If -tut J. A , . . Commissioner. US TO YOU IF WE HAVE NOT SEEN YOU IN PERSON TO EXTKXD THEN KNOW THAT THESE WORDS ABB FROM US TO YOU, OUR FRIENDS, "MERRY CHRIST D D R F. CANNON & CO. H. F. CANNON, Proprietor NEAR HILL OS SOUTH MAIN STREET H BOOTH MAIN STREET KWBWBft N. C. || YOUR MONEY'S WORTH ? WE GVAKAH1BB TOC Willi GET IT HERE Oar merchandise to all nlntrntfal and Its quality makes * new friends whenever it leaves oar store. If yoa have never pat aay of it to the teat, we are aaztoaa for yom to do to, becaase we are wiiMnit that row will aot be disappointed. FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN Oar complete stock of wearing apparel makes it possible for yon to bay clothiag for. the whole fimllj under one roof. Men's mad Boys' Holts and Overcoats, Shoes, Stockings, Hats, Caps, Shirts, Underwear aad Neckties la Large assortment. W bus's Presses, Sails, Shoes, Htoclrtngs and UaderpunmU. Dependable Clothing for Children. Oar Prices Are Right aad Oar Stock Is Always Fresh aad Clean WHELESS BROTHERS JUSTICE, N. O. R. F. D. No. * SPRING HOPE, N. O. AUTOMOBILE - TIRES AND TUBES Mansfield Cooper Monarch , . Direct to the Consumer at Factory Prices. Unlimited Guar antee aa to Time and Mileage. We hire taken the agency for all three of the above lines. Having no extra expense (or rent, clerk hire, etc., we sell yon tires cheaper than you can buy same quality anywhere in the State. One has best price on passenger car tires, one on track tires and one on tubes. The United States Government awarded the Cooper Corpora* tion on July 2nd a contract for Nine Hundred Heavy. Duty Truck Tires. Only tires of the highest quality can pass the U. S. Bu reau of Standard Specifications. The Mansfield Tires are well and favorably known. The fac tory has discontinued the manufacture of their Second and Third lines for the Mall Order Houses under their special brands and are shipping in this section their first Quality line only, each tire having their name moulded on it. of our prices Oct. 8th, 1981, others in proportion.. .All iteed. MANSFIELD ifatST QUALITY ?1?80 * 440 $4 .."US SI ? 80 z 400 4.05 80?29 z 475 5.09 19 ? 29 z 500 8.10 Z 500 Mi z 525 7.75 . 10 ? 20 z 550 8.00 20 ? SO z 550 8.20 SOxtH 8.86 SO z 8 8.88 MONARCH ADMIRALS 21?80 z 440 $4.85 21 ? 80 z 450 4.08 CROMWELL 21?20 z 440 98.88 21 ? BO z 4110 4.42 80 Z 8H 8.85 TRUCK TIRES Cromwell 80 z 5, 8 pi/ |UM Cooper Road Boar SO z 5 S ply * $15.06 Cooper Lous 8w*kie 82X1, 10 .... $20.05 TUBES Standard Red Tube* ??? AO J? x 8* W X 440 80 x 480 ) ?o Mantfleld Sunset Orange Color ~ .TB H * 440 u ?0 X 480 .Ofi ?8 * 475 $145 ? * 885 : 80 x BOO 1 48 81 x BOO iS 81 x 800 i75 ??B80 1.00 *11 above Una guaranteed. Note price Cooper Hear? My Truck Tires 10 ply IMM, regular retail pMee cm thle lire la |4M5. See oar Cooper Puncture Proof Tube. We ere celling tlree like the wbotaeele trade la aeOtag r|h. LOUSBURG GROCERY 1%