til b? bo. Recorders Court ?burr next Monday. t t.t itherman promises real ler |or the Christmas holl ighout the Coun apd Wednesday ghing 425 and 47ft ' itx PdttOT of the TIMES Is ln Dr. J. B. Davis (or a gallon td'bome made molasses, ir ; fine quality aqd much en le offices In the Court House HBpsed on Friday and Satur observe the Christmas holl Those having business with iPfinn will bear this In mind. Mb reopen Monday morning. Ut , B. S. Oreen announces that ibe In his offices on Monday pwfter ready to attend to any work brought to his attention. |Med from the hospital In Mon iweek much Improved, to the -?( his many trlends. t 1 1 wm Wilson got but of his car night around 12 o'clock In Hhe-Court house. The breaks rlooee and the car ambled off. down the atreet a block and t the sidewalk and smashed N large plate glass front ot fcMoaelef'g grocery store, 4e HIC two big glass windows and out the woodwor] BIRTHDAY DIJtJfEB ,~ Dec. 14. ? Mrs. Wilton Tant ned at a beautifully appoint or party on Monday evening ?T 14, in honor of the birthday Nfcband Mr. Wilton Tant Mr. ling employed in town gave int opportutaity to make the r surprise party. f holly and cedar were ar - throughout the house, the joom being especially attrac > table bad as a -centerpteoe a Irthday cake. ' If. Tant entered the dining prry one called out "happy F. Alter dinner the guests d to the living room where irare played. The guests were La. Tant and daughters Edna I Ethel, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. and son Roland, and Mr. Caa SCOTLAND FARMERS ! J ORGANIZE NEW CLUB A tamers club to promote the in t erects at a better agricultural pro gram In the county hag been organ ized to the leHing farmers of Scot land County. fTbk new club has 14 Points by whtgfc -U plans to attack the agricultural situation and those moaHpp- who join the organization pledpt themselres to enter at least one or More- of the projects. "Jflnplning oiar Farmers Club, the msarfWr first Hedges himself to tcroy all the food and feed for his fauMj, 'tenants and livestock insofar as practical, regardless of the price ot jpttoa, tobacco and other cash crop*," says Sam B. Evans, county ^^Tflit also agrees to use only rtwa?oiKhis farm for hogs, I Notary' After tMs there Other projects, one or more ' he agrees to enter actively i year, and to care for and > project during the time ot ^^?bmbership. a as follows: 1. Two and their Increase; 2 ? bred sow; 3-ftwo m|lk colj^Hp their ? lnertas#f'-'*?-^tae p of* Mod milk cow; 6 ? 60 pure bred hens and their Increase; < ? three or more pure bred sheep; 7? a *wW iture ot Bermuda 'ot 4 of Carpet grass, Lespo-. grass; 8 ? to plant or velvet . beans "T#^2s of rye, vatch, wintef m practical; 10 ? to be ?er of peahuts for market il? to plant one acre lespedeza for seed and grow sufflclent wheat Hte tor'tty family, ten Uvestock; 18 ? to become i certified seed of cotton, r wheat, rye, barley, to eia . (Check one or > keep cost account or frore of the above ^_ats. fjjaid the new organlia ?n well received in the will likely attract a lip. have a great talent /Ofr can you teUT" . . your face." 'Mtltttl footpad held mo up I k#w thoo* M* ^eiwona/*] MI*?GoJtal# Allen and Margaret] Wilder HDeht Wednesday In Raleigh. mmb ' 1* tn rvMrit. liortense Wood and Ming Lily Lottcn are spending the holiday* In | I Klchmond. ALto lawat with relative^ Miss Anne Mauison la spending the holidays la Washington, D. C., Mis* Anne DSii Priest left Wed nesday for Black Mountain to spend] Christmas with her parents. It! L^JIr. and Mrs. E. F. Thomaa and (nine daughter, Talmadge, spent the | past week-end In Richmond. I X t Mrs. J. A. Beam, Mrs. Q. M. Beam, idiss Lucie Allen and Miss Mamie | Davis Beam spent Wednesday In Ra leigh. XXX . Miss Ethel Virginia. Perry, /ul Duke University, visited Mrs. H. G. Perry Saturday while en route to her home | In Rocky Mount. xxx Mrs. E. M. Jennings, Miss Blolse Jennings, Mr*. L B. Peck and MWs [ Louise Taylor spent the past week end lu Washington, D. C. X X X Mr* Mollis W. Thomllnton ot Wash ington, D. C., Is visiting her brother, Mr. S. T. Wilder, and sisters, Mrs. W. H. Allen and Mrs. R. A. Bobbitt. XXX Mrs. McMahon and daughter, Miss | Elizabeth Wilcox, of Washington, D. Q_ returned home Wednesday after I having spent a few days with Mrs. R. | A. Bobbitt. X t t Mr. Douglas Perry of Ported Mili tary Academy, Charleston, 8, 0-, ar rived In Louisburg Saturday <o spend the Christmas holidays with his pa rents Dr. and Mrs. H. Q. Perry. He was accompanied by his room-mate Mr. Maurice Morris, of New York. ~ Miss Reulah Lancaster will leave Saturday morning with a group ot young ladles from Vance ounty on a week's trip to Florida. They Will go by way of Charleston, S. C., 'It. Au gustine, Palm Beach and Mlanil, Fla., and will return by Tampa and Ocala, Fla., and Augusta, Oa. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?# ? ? ? * EPSOM SCHOOL NEWS ? ? ? * Lillian Grlasom, Editor- In -Chief ? i? * ? t t r o'lrini'T Visits N. C. University The Woodward Science Club visited Chapel Hill last Thursday night, De cember 10, 1931. Among the Interest ing things that were seen were: The Library, we returned a book and went through part of it and saw some interesting articles written in Old English type. ; . Next, we went to the Geology Mu seum; we saw many interesting fos sils and t)ther things in stone. Also fern prints in rocks, limestone and sandstone, and many more things. Last, to the Physics Building, Dr. Fussier, head of the department of Physics, lectured to us about the stars, moon, and plants. He gave us many new ideas about the solar sys Um. We went up on top of the build ing and looked . at several stars through the telescope. We did not have time to visit any of the other places so we decided to come home. Those enjoying the trip were: Alice Cline Smith, Annie Lau rie Rowland, Ruth Gill, Sallie Mltch cll, Grace Thompson, Joseph ?Winn, Ruth Journigan, John Willarit Wil son, Stella Ayscue, Venora Dunn, Mr. Crawley, our sponser, Mr. Woodward, Miss Clarke and Mr. Donald Mitchell. t X t Sidney Lanier Society The O'Henry Society challenged the Sidney Lanier Society, December 11, to enter a tree planting contest in honor of George Washington. The Sidney Lanier accepted the challenge and the Society which handed 'in 100 per cent of its members who had rlanted a tree first was winner. Tues day aboift lunch both societies handed in 100 per cent which made the con test a tie. * The Sidney Lanier then challenged the O'Henry to a contest to see which, society could .win in the number of trees planted from then until Febru cry 22, 1931 This Included the peo ple of the community also. The trees planted by an outsider was to be turn ed over to .the secretary of the socie ty they chose. The challenge was not accepted by the O'Henry society. - The Society held its last meeting tor 19317 December 18, and a Jery in (ereptlng program on Christinas was rendered. Mr. Crawley and Mr. Wood ward were visitors. After t?e pro gram delicious refreshment* were serVe4;jn the dining room. -? Heine Beantlfying Clnb A few members of Epeom High School met Deoember 17, and organ-' ized a olub for the purpose of study ing how to beautify home grounds. The following officers were elected: President ? Mollie Dunn. ?* Vioe-Preeident ? Bstelle Stokes. Secretary & Treas. ? Esther J. Wel don. Reporter ? Elizabeth Winn. The members of the club voted to take thq< Better Home Magazine and also to ireep a scrap book of all ar ticles concerning home beautifying which will be studied at the regiflar weekly club periods. , Mr. Woodward is sponsor of the club and the members will meet with The tenth.grade team was winner in *' girls class basket ball tournament just complete^ at Epeom High School. In the firit serfes of game* the ninth grade was winner over the 8th, JOth, and 11th, while the tenth w, winner over the *th and 11th In contents [.CHUttCH 1 '? THE MKTHODIST CHURCH We are hoping that a number of our people will find ft convenient to be In their places at all the serttcee next Sunday. You need the church ond the church need* you. At the U o'clock service the board of stewards will be Installed. Let every steward , be present. There will be no night services. Sunday school 9:46, sermon 11:00, Epworth League 6:30. We wapt you. __ T. A. BIKES, Pastor. _ : : t ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH , Rev. J. D. Miller, rector of St. Paul's Episcopal Church announces that the only service to be had at that church Sunday will be Horning Prayer at eleven o'clock. Servlee ob Christmas Day at this church will be had at both of these ser vices. * * * LOU1HHURG MA IT 1ST CHURCH On Sunday at the Loulsburg Baptist church, Re*. X). P. Harris will dellvtr bermons en two exceedingly interest ing topics. His topics are "Content ing with Footmen and Horses" at tfee morning service and "Hornets and Angels" for the evening sermon topic. Invitation to attend these services Is extended to everyone. played at the regular school activities period. The final games were played bt night with 11th winning over the uh and the tenth winning over the irtnth. The games for the class cham pionship was closely contested and only one pi-lnt separated the winning iOth grade team from the 9th grade competitor. The students of Epsom High School selected a first and second all-class team which is as follows: Pint team ? Jessie Jones (capt.), Louise Thomas Ayscue, Sal lie Mitchell. Eliza beth Wilson, Rachel Edwards, and Stella Ayscue; Second team ? Helen Medlln (capt), Ora Lee Ayscue, Mollle Dunn. Mary Pernell, Venora Dunn, and Ernestine Medlin. Fourteen of the girls making t?e best showing in the class basket ball games have been selected by the ccach as members of the tint team which is now preparing for its con tests with other schools in the Frank lin County High School League. .. Mr. an? Mrs. Thn? r lyii ?g children left Wednesday morning, 23rd for Kissimmee Florida to spena the holidays with Mrs. Gill's parents', Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cllne. Epsom School closed Tuesday 22n3T and will resume work on the 30th. The Epsom P. T. A. held its regular meeting on Thursday night l?tb. The , social committee gave us the prograA ' Christmas songs and stories, panty? mime and dialogue. The attendance was fine in spite of a steady rain. The same evening Epsom played Gold Sand, girls and boys, basket b?IK The score being: Girls, Epsom 12 and Gold Sand 8; Boys, Bpsom 13 and Gold Sand 6. Good teamwork was displayed on both sides. Reported by C. C. Gill. Avery County farmers recently sold 4,000 pounds of onions and 5,000 bushels of Irish potatoes to the Sol diers Home in Johnson City, Ten nessee. "'? .. ' ''How many sons have you, Mr. Poppelreuter?" "Two living and one that played the saxophone." The modern flapper has been up held by two prominent men, but It takes a young shiek to hold her. If you find something and dont know what It Is, take It to a jeweler. It may be a lamp of coal. be certain it's Bayer you're taking) It doe* not hurt the heart Get the genuim tablets, in thia^ familiar package. RELIEF from Headaches/' Colds and Sore Throat Neuritis, Neuralgia Don't be a chronic sufferer from head aches, or any other pain. There b hardly an ache or pain Bayer Aspirin tablets cannot relieve: and they an a treat comfort to women who suffet periodically. They are always to be relied upon for breaking up colds. It may be only a simple headache, or it may be neuralgia or neuritfc Rheumatism. Lumbago. Bayer Aspirin ensible thing i " ? I ? PROGRAM ? LOUISBURG THEATRE LOUIHBURG, M. O. WEEK OF DECEMBER 28TH yVestertrf^Electric SOUND p^fSYSTEM MONDAY A TUESDAY, DKC. 28-29 { JAMES DUNN-SALLY EILEKS "Over The Hill" (To The Poorhotue) See this picture? it speaks the language of your heart. WEDNESDAY, DEC. 80 GEORGE BANCROFT "Rich NWs FoBy" Bargain Day le-OOc Hat. and Night] THUB8. DEC. S( - FRI. JAN. 1 GABY OOOPBB - CIiACBHTTE COLBERT "His Woman" Midnight Show j New Year's Eve KAY FRANCIS - WILLIAM BOYD The Fake Madonna" SATURDAY, JAN. fl TOM KEENE 'Tardners** Alio 1 ' "MYSTERY TROOPER" Jt Comedy WE WISH YOU A Merry Christmas ! SALE a I have rented my store building and to reduce stock before removal |1 * *? .i>" Ur* Tit M 2 to my adjoining store, I am potting h on a q CASH REDUCTION SALE D of all merchandise at and below cost. n 8 This is my first sale and the prices Q are made to interest all who want to jj Q SAVE MONEY at a time it is most Q D needed. : Q IN APPRECIATION The holiday season again affords us an opportunity to extend Greetings to our friends and patrons ? and ? ? ? - '* % V * V to * ? ? wish them all ? happiness in the days ahead. LOUISBURG, IN. CAR,

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