A. P. JOHNSON, Editor ud Manager SUBSCRIPTION fIJM hr Taw ? I'l-'i, ?[ ? t-i-*-' 1 * The County, The State, TheUtoknv L ? L VOLUMN LUL (TWKfcVB PAGES) NUMBER 1? EHRINGHAOS AND REYNOLDS LEAD MorrUon Only 11,444 Behind While Fountain U 02,820 Behind His Opponent? Nothing Definite About Second Primary For State, But la Probable. FOB V. a SENATE REYNOLDS 100,049 MORRISON 188,000 BOWIE 87,080 GRIST 28,000 SIMMONS 8,870 FOR GOVERNOR . EHRINGHAU8 J 65,042 FOUNTAIN .'. 118,118 MAaWKIL 100370 Robert" R. Reynolds and Senator Cameron Morrison h?ve already be gun preparations for a second pri mary on July 2 (or the United States Senatorial nomination with assurance of a heated ceatest. Returns from all except 16 of the i;823 precincts in the State last night showed that Reynolds had 16", 04!) Votes; Senator Morrison 138,605 i Judge Tarn C. Bowie, 37,680; Com missioner of Labor, Frank D. Grist, 28,656; and Arthur Simmons, 3,875. Little change Is expected when the ol'icial vote is announced on Friday, the meeting of the State Board ol Elections having been advanced one day on account of the county conven tion which will be held Saturday. Senator Morrison has not yet for mally announced that he will exerelBC Ins right under the law and demand a second primary, but It is consider ed certain that he will do so. Lieutenant Governor Richard T Fountain who was- In Raleigh yester day, reiterated his former statement that he will take no position on * sccond primary until after announce ment of the official vote. With 15 of the 1,823 precincts mis sing, the vote last night stood: J. C B. Ehringhaus, 166,942; Fountain 113,113 and Revenue Commissions! A. J. Maxwell. 100,875. Returns from 1,607 precincts fo other State offices slowed the noml nation of A. H. "Sandy" Graham speaker of the State House of Hep resentatives In 1929 for lleutenan governor. The vote was, Graham 177,167; Giles, 47,797 and Delllnger 51,617. Stacy Wad? appeared certain o nomination tor Secretary of ' State but there were still enough votes t< be accounted for to upset him shoult they all be adverse. Tttls was con aidered Unlikely, as he had piled u] a 23,000 lead on returns from ever: section of the State. He had 148,121 to 124,815 for Hartness, incumbent. Baxter Durham continued to hole a commanding lead for State audltoi but did not ' have a clear majority He bad 129,11* to 84,924 for Chestei Bell and 48,946 for George Adams More complete returns received per sonally by Mr. Durham Indicated h( has a clear majority over both op ponents of between 7,000 and 10,000. Attorney General Dennis G. Brum mitt appeared certain of renomlna tlon, having polled 180,954 to 71,191 for Peyton MeSwaln of Shelby. In the race for commissioner ol labor the vote stood: A. L. Fletcher 63,909 ; Clarence E. Mitchell, 61,246; it R. Lawrence, 62,840; John D. Nor ton, 37,567; W. Henry Davis, 28,601 tnd B. FVlts Smith, 19,039. A sec ond primary In this race Is regarded as certain. . Stanley Wlnborne appeared head od for certain renomlnation to the corporation commission, his vote be ing almost double that of E. C. Macon The count was: Wlnborne, 161,289; Macon, 86,340. Dan C. Boney, Insurance cojnmlS' gloner, more than doubles his oppo nent, W. D. Morton. It stood: Boney 171,076; Morton. 81,794. Primary Passes Smoothly The primary election held In Frank lin County on laet Saturday passed oil jmoothly at all precinct*, according to report* received in Louisburg, with possibly the largest vote erer cast in the County. With the lance number of Candidates in the Held the maxi mum interest was manifest and re sulted In large numbers of citizens ?visiting the polls, many ot whom re mained throughout the day. The counting ot the ballots was a most arduous task and caused many to remain on the job all night. At I.culnburg the count was not com pleted until after ? o'clock Sunday morning. Entertains At Barbecue Supper Mr. Frank Wheless, Jr., delightfully entertained the Board of DlrectdM . < nd member* of the Louisburg Kl wanls Club at a barbecue sapper .at ihe Wheless Cabin on Tuesday eve ning, Jon* 7. ! Order Tax Sales I Tom Preparing For Regular An nual Audit ? To Settle With Al l len Estate. The Board ol Town Commissioners met tn regular session on Monday, June 6th, 1922 with all member! pres ent The minute* of previous meet ings were read and approved anii business transacted as follows: The ftuestiaa of postponement ot 'lax Sales of the 1931 taxes and the matter of answering the injunction '.hat exists against this sale, came be fore the Bdard and was fully dis cussed. The following motion was set 1%' order: "That former orders from the Board to the Town Attorney as set forth In the minutes of the meeting of May, 2uth, 1932 be rescinded: and that the Town Attorney now be ordered to represent the Town ot Louisburg, N. C. and If possible to have the Court dissolve the Injunction against the Town of Louisburg, N. C., selling the 1931 Taxes, at the hearing before Judge Harris on June, 7th, 1932- ?t Goldsboro, N. C. ; and that the Tax Collector be ordered to proceed with the advertisement of the 1931 Taxes tcr sale on the 1st Monday in July, in the event that the Injunction Is dissolved." A roll call vote on this motion resulted as follows: Those voting "Aye", W: E. White, R. W. Smithwlck, W. J. Cooper, M. C. Mur phy; Those voting "No": A W. Per I son, F. H. Allen. The motion was | curried. "The Town Clerk was lnsttacted to Kive the P. S. Allen Estate, a note for . the 1600.00 that Is owed to the P. S. Allen Estate by the Town of Louls [ burg, N. C. The Board instructed the Clerk to accept the Automobile Public Liability and Property Damage Policy No. | 011602, U. S. F. & O. Co., which was t tendered by Davis and Davis, . The Clerk was Instructed to inves tigate the rate on Public Liability md Property Damage Insurance on . pie Fire Truck. The Mayor and Auditing Committee vere instructed to make a contract | ror the regular annual audit of the Town ot Louisburg, N. C. r After allowing a number of ac . counts the Board adjourned. ; Second Primary , Requests for a second primary have a' ready been filed ahd it will be call f id for Saturday, July 2nd, and will >, probably be participated In by the > two highest participants in the last 1 primary, for the offices ot Sheriff, - Register o( Deeds and Coroner. There ) will probably be one contest for r township Constable, that being in I Sandy Creak township where K. E. Joyner and Geo. P. Foster were the I two highest. r The contestants for tile three Coun . ty offices are: For Sheriff ? F. W. r Justice and F. N. Spivey; for Regis . 1er of Deeds Geo. W. Ford and T. - Mort. Harris; for Coroner ? C. B. Bar s ham and J. W. Freeman. "?""" ? ? ? ^ Mrs. J. N. Harris I Dead Funeral services were held here ' yesterday, June 7> at 5:30 o'clock tor Mrs. J. N. Harris, age 76, from the I home of her daughter Mrs. W. M. . Freeman, on Kenmore Avenue. The I services were conducted by -Rev. M. Stamps assisted by Rev. D. P. Harris, . ?f the Lonlsburg Baptist Church. , The flower girls, the flrrt five of . whom are grandchildren were: M&ry H. Freeman, Anne Freeman, Edith Harris, Pearl Harris, Rebecca S tai lings, Mattle and Etta WheleBS. The pallbearers were: Active ? J.I . B. Wilder, M. C. Wilder, A B. Perry, ? W. B. Splvey, F. W. Justice, W. N. Fuller; Honorary ? B. H. Meadows, 8. d. Meadows, Dr. B. C. Johnson, J. H. Weathers, J. W. Young, S. T. Wilder, 1'. B. Griffin, S M. Washington, Sr. E. P. Burt, H. B. Harris. > Mrs. Harris, who before her mar ii&ge in 187S, was Miss Rebecca Ahne Wheless, daughter of W. B. Whelees, ? of Franklin County, and whose fore ' tears have resided In this County : practically since its beginning, died . Monday night at about #:30 o'clock, . after quite a long illness. During ' her lifetime she was a member ot the Rocks Springs Baptist Chureh. ' Mrs. Harris leaves to mourn their loss i three daughters, Mrs. W. H. Freeman, of Loulsbnrg; Mrs. H. B. Burleson, Newland; and Mrs. W. C. Stallings. . Greensboro; and six sons, G. C. Har ris and H. G. Harris, of Louisburg; J. W. Harris of Greensboro; R. V. Harris atrtl E. M. Harris, of Bunn; and J. J. Harrli, of Winston Salem; also three brothers J. W., C. H., and JT. E. Wheless, all of Franklin County. Cheap automobiles are most fre quently stolen, again demonstrating the modern thief Is business-like In ; peeking -mall profit and quick turn I mSt.' K , A," - r . Those who assume the "high brow" pose by claiming never to read. the newspapers are behind the times aad don't know It. OFFICIAL PRIMARY VOTE FRANKLIN COUNTY IN THK PRIMARY HELD ON JUNE 4, 1932 17. S. Senate (Hh?n~t Term) Reynolds Morrispn Bowie Orist V. 8. Senate (Long Term) Reynolds Morrison Bowie Grist Simmons Governor Maxwell Ehringhaus Fountain Lieut. Governor Dellinger Graham Giles 193 122 25 132 171 113 35 113 13 96 34 403 72 262 85 155 53 18 5?l 122 49 13 48 10 136 91 21| ltl 122 96 16 130 10 85 45 174 44 105 60 Sec'y. of State Wade Hartness State Auditor Adams Durham Bell Attorney General McSwain Brummitt Com. of Labor Smith Mitchell Fletcher Norton Davis Lawrence 260 166 81 160 204 115 298 26] 208 58 32 49 16 109 113 30 69 131 81 126 12 47 19 421 0 o! 128 50 248 37 248 31 466 118 93 24 464 107 89 24 6 125 312 276 63 99 146i 224 169 867 121 462 198 33 268 7? 29 361 11 157 11#) 29 22 *? 63 842 278 ' 65 603 147 273| 177 16 31 54 76 67 194 111 78 16 20 36 50 166 60 17 144 93 74 45 131 142 751 89 121 67 207 24 92 47 33 56 17 149 214 64 142 196 64 60 16 70' 72 365 ?3 276' 124 91 _72 28 59 _75 28 127 ?\ 48 30 26 28 12 9 6 1401 3 e 447i 310 73 126 424 289J 681 ii 268 39 196 36 68 180 218 84 360 3sl 163 64 78 86 29 16 30 37 28 j?l J 30 13 3 9 6 164 383 448 107' 567 199 1 59l' 308 111 366 438 179 708 70 293 246 68 104 92! 1867 10M 446 6*3 1717 98 B. 421 <01 100 . ??* [1036 2,461 594 2161 787 2145 1501 514 1572 1641 693 2919 348 1379 776 329 401 264 Corporation Com. Macon Win borne Morton Boney State Senate Fleming , Darls Orlffln 221 144 ISO] 213 144 33 369 House of Rep. Lumpkin Sledge I Recorder's Court Palmer Malone Sheriff Kearney P. N. Splvey Moore D. W. Splrey Justice Register of Deeds O. C. Parrlsh Baker H. R. Parrlsh Oattls Ford Holden Collie Harris Layton Stone Barham Freeman Bd. of Education Qreep Commissioners District No. 1 Joyner Fuller Wilder Gay Stalllngs Beddlngfleld 328 183 275 241 25 208 124 49 134 13 ?29 6 [ 1 2 1 S51 97 128 82 68 231 108 101 89 102 84 irt 23 163 226 85 131 161 ?' 138 21 57 109 72 307 201 445 1241151 217*#8 63 1 1 17 451152 301 438 275 137 491 214 109 249 305 468 23 24 89 126 165 481 22 92 ? 8 1120 8 225 16 9 31 93 16 25 21 27 394 10 63 123 22 58 68 20 187 31 292 173 District No. S Roberts Banks Moss Pearce District No. S Foster Terrell Speed District No. 4 Dean Boone No. 5 Hudson Jones Perry ill 1 91 215 235 44 230 <2 142 102 242i 102 72 368 SS0 45 77 581 205 19 33 92 142 28 471 212 208 57 30 57 11 78 269 344 19 19 43 43 144 116 107 56 131' 118 44] 251 81 118 260 204 129 53 2121 42 95 329 562 97 41 53 34 144 312 ?4| 300 297 41 27 506 ISO 204 457 4? 105 112 2d 36 25| 18 136 132 H8 145 in! 24 196 250 71 118 206 16 140 80 38 61 209 6 12 29 19 29 14 18 62 252 81 200 54 92 10 167 199 46 183 266 1541 28 329 27 i 230 68 181 11 116 76 10 57 l)S2 0 6 17 37 22 21 12 57 88 23 28 92 208 142 16 87 45 15 101 44 29 219 44 12 140 85 103 69 239 12o' 150 40 13 87 23 -24 44 53 16 120 53 19 176 340 43 168 109 77 125 io' 2 11 102 129 31 182 54 108 292 46 61 360 31 _26 68 8 J3 1041 61 37 55 52 31 113 208 24 356 83 32 81 n I1 102 13 17 _41 "l1 1 0 19 7 14 50 _80 401 20 47 17 I 60 433 425 276 600i22?8 366 140 509 724 266 124 26 94 4*1 181 ?I 84 102 33 163 181 163 93 419 24s| 163 93 18 183 861 31 34 327 669 7?l 309 69 239 382 4,' 16 8 159 293 172 58 270 252 2T1 265 155 698 1569 1884 1*66 1270 473 2643 2961 1316 91 136 2m 71 245 220 88 663 1T2 361 198 553 212 16*1 [2700 634 1242 700 632 1280 ) 475 409 456 395 797 667 550 742 9(7 943 108 2 4 1081 2931 378 495 486 369 1081 1382 437 2286 91* 4*7 964 2121 988 I 2*7 646 406 339 224 1027 29** 2218 1183 727 VOTE FOR CONSTABLES The vote (or Constables In the several townships were as fol lows: Dunn ? H. R. Rogers 114, B. B. Brantley 350, G. L. Poole &0. Brantley received the nomination. Harris ? W. B. Prlvett 16#, Percy Joyner 153. Prlvett nomi nated. Youngfeville ? J. H. Cash 1ST, J. B. Young 291. Young nomi nated. Franklinton ? J. E. Hlght 3??, Otis Woodlief 299. Hight nominated. Sandy Creek? K. E. Joyner 105, R. T. Clarke <4, T. P. Smith SB, J. E. Tharrlngton >3, W. O. Hale 21, Q. P. Foster 102. > Second primary between Joyner and Foster to determine nominee. Cedar Rock? B. 8. Qupton 292, J. J. Dean 221. Oupton nomi nated. Louisburg ? J. P. Moore 5(1, P. B. Beasley 92, J. A. Den: 388. Moore nominated. State Prisoners Kill Steward AmLEscape - Three desperadoes made good their escape from State's Prison farm near Method Tuesday, leaving behind them the ttrat prison em pleye mortally woanded In line of d?V he*e In ?0 year*. The victim ?( He desperate bid fM freedom by the fount white con Ttrts was ST, H. Brantley tamp stew ard. who was used by the trio as a shield while tbey forced their way 1 by guards out of the gate. The shooting, described at the prison as "cold-blooded," took place as the trip eomm^ndvered a passing car driven by iohn. Motile, Jr., of Raleigh, and the'' steward grappled With one of the armed convicts. Family Witnesses It In ftlll VIST of Brantley's wife and 13-year-oVI. daughter, who ran ' screaming from their home, 100 yards from the camp Into the road, ante of the convicts fifed point-blank at the struggling steward. The bul ; let struck him in the head and he died two hours later In a Raleigh i hospital. The prisoners roared down the county road in the direction of Dur ham. The alarm was broadcast im mediately, and a sheriff's posse and a detail of 8tate Highway Patrol men were rushed to the scene. Last night no reports of the fugitives had M been received. The fugitives are: James Autrey, IS, Cumberland County, serving two to three years for larceny. Dud Travis, 23, Hickory, serving 5 to 15 years for housebreaking. Robert Cook, 18, of Waynesboro, Ky., serving 7 to 10 years tor high way robbery in Guilford County. All the prisoners were of the low 1 est rank, and were wearing stripes. Autrey had escaped twice before. The others bad attempted escapes and were subjected to disciplinary Trusty Describes The break started suddenly. It was witnessed throughout by W. T. Alcock, of Patnlleo County, a trusty la the prison camp office, who grab bed a telephone and conveyed a graphic account of the rapid-fire events to Wardjtn H. H. Honeycutt at Central Prison. Alcock said he first saw D. M. ["Narron, a foreman, lying uncon scious on the floor of the building, and the three prisoners marching Brantley out with Prisoner Cook holding Narron's gun in his back. Hit was developed later that Autrey knocked out Narron with a length of pipe. . The trusty, who said be looked ?fd r a gun but was unable to find one, said that the trio marched Brantley across the stockade to the s*uth gate, where they told him to order Guard E. H. Petty to throw them his gua and open the gate. Guard Petty hesitated. "For God's sake do It or they'll kill us both," Brantley was said to hare cried to Petty. \ The guard complied. Honor grade prisoners, grouped about, were held at bay by Autrey, with the pistol taken from Brantley, said Alcock. . . With Petty's gun, all three pris oners were armed. They marched Brantley out to the road where 'BraVis, Covering the occupants with his rifle, forced Monie to stop his Dodge sedan. Ellsworth Jones, also of Raleigh, was riding with him. Fatal Encounter. At this Juncture Brantley lunged at TraMs. the rifle was discharged [into' the air. Mr^. Brantley and her daughter screamed hysterically. A pistol diet rang out and Brantley crumpled. The trio piled into the car tA disappeared In a cloud of Asst. Jones said he eould identify the convict' who flrod the fatal shot. From, prison photographs he said he thought lt Was Atatney, who carried the pistol taken from Guard . NtRM. A Sf-callbre bullet from the steward's _ siHI It Is felt that Afct*ey is the man" In a sworn state ment before Coroawr L. M. Waring. The fcreak, taking place shortly before noon yesterday was the most spectacular sino?.