The Frantlm Times *11! ? ..... ....aMByaat: S15 Court St. Telertioae No. 80S A. r. JOHNSON, Editor ud Mp. SADIE JOHNSON, Associate Sditor SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Tw ' $1.8? Eight Months 1.00 Six Months 75 Fow Months JM Foreign Advertising Representative AMERICA PBE88 ASSOCIATION New York Citjr Entered at the Postofflee at Lools burg, N. C. as second class mail matter. POLITICS ... * AND PARTIES Hie more we consider politic*, the m?[c dlflcult we find it to draw any t'XfcOt une which separatee the two major parties from each other. 'Tfcke the issue which seems to be canting jnore excitement right now among -'politicians than anything, else. Prohibition. Certainly it can not be said that the Republicans are lined up on one side and the Demo crats on the other. There are Wets and Drys in both parties and the on ly issue apparent to us between the two Is as to the means whereby each promises to gire the people of the United States another chance to Tote on the qnestion. And here the Re publicans beat the Democrats to It in making It a matter of State's Rights, which has long been a Demo cratic slogan! .Of all other issues, the campaign Just beginning seems like a replti lion of old struggle between the Ins and the Outs. The Outs want to get in and the Ins want to stay in. The issue will be decided, we think, as it usually is, by whether the ma jority of the electorate believes that a Mariners fooftd an ancient city at the bottom of the Caspian sea. Nothing like that (a possible in diV America. 1 i >* The driver is ho climbs the hill wlthont a thought of what is on th? other side is thf one whoee name ap [ pears in the casualty lists. An Illinois motorist was saved from a line by an almanac, bnt it's not safe to dep^optOo mqch on th^ almanac. celt and confidence and it's gener ally easy to #*cogn It's not bad- lock for ? black cat ' to cross In front of fdvf car, pro | rtded It gets clev across. I Stages Winning Battle ? * Mrs. DollJc Gun, titter of Vice President Curtis, who ttitrtd the ? iatercM of delegates la her win. ning battle at Chicago for the re ;? .pywlnitloa of "brother Charles" at' Hoover t running-mate. Then } ?u a social tlant to the battle^ Mrs. Nicholas Longworth encour the opposition, to 'twas r-> The little pinafore frock shown | In the sketch is of dotted ' calico, trimmed with a bias binding of plain material to match the dots. The sunbonnet appliqnes are made of this same material cut oat accord ing to the diagram shown below | the sketch of the pinafore. > If you want quite small appliques all you have to do is to cut oat this design and use it as a pattern. For larger appliques you will hare no trouble in making a somewhat lar ger pattern. Be aure to allow a frac jtlon of an Inch of material at the ! eds* of the applique, as Indicated by the dotted line. Baste this neatly under and then press with an iron, 'so that the applique Is perfectly fist lanll sntootV when yon baste it into ! position. It should be applied to the foundation material by means of >flne-l>llnd stitches, and the lines la ^dlcatinc the collar, sash and skirt leathers should be done in fine out | lining stitches. 5 All the self-made men are not boasting about it. "Rebuke Spurs Police"? headline. *'*"? * liscovery that la worth 4**1 Have We Lost Our Backbone? 353T By Albtft T, Rtid >, Usdaration.. ^ertnjtejwn tenrtr TW Kli^iu* Utikl*kU*4ire*Cijfr4*ty. He- kM refuted lu't Aitot t? U*?. He Iu4 obstructed tic Ai?unj atfiiw Justice. Me k?e made Ju4f? cchi? vJI *J??e.. He lue keffc Jrmi? Mo*f *4 instils* of tvue.. tic tut imfoitAiAtet Me kM plundered our km, rjuaful ?u ccxtp AaJ itiitvftd the Inc of Mir pegfl*. jJ|r >i. -n ?? Cruelly tad perfcdy KArce^ PW ^Jed liv tiie noit-bJrbaATuJ uitJcirJu/(cc?icn*rw?|?ta? . 4IHI* ? ?*??