The Franklin Times feMrt Every Frt^J - A 916 Court ML Tele^UMM Wo. IB* ? .J A. K. JOHNSON', Editor and Mgr. SADIE JOHNSON, ! NKKI A eertain man during his eighty years of life saved np (40,000 which he hoarded in tobacco-. can*, hiding them about hia shaclfy" home. He denied himself the comfcras of life, robbed his family of neceealtiea aa well as pleaaurea and real UlttiS. held himself aloof from his family and real living, held himself tripot from kis fellowmen, had nothing in common with neighbors, had no community interest. Ha Just exist ed in a sell-centered.' sub-normal pursuit of more money, which as he used it, was not worth as mnch as a single smile, an apple in the haada of a hungry child, or a bit of finery for some worthy girl. Then his shacfacaught fire, and his MMOO went ap In smoke. Money Is value less If it is not used. Put your mon ey ifil bank, or invest It. Pat It to use ansas Republican, Newton, Ka LiOOK. OCT ' ** ' ____ FOR SURPRISES The Presidential campaign la now in full awing and the voice of the spellbinder la heard in the land. Whetwver two or three are gathered together politics will be the main theme -of discussion for the next alx weeks. All the slgni Indicate that more worda will be aplit on behalf of the. rival candidates this year than ever before. All Signs point alao, to the belief that there are going to be a lot of surprises at the coming election. It la our opinion that the general rn of people are giving much more serlods thonght to politics io all its phases than ever before. That ia quite natural, considering the se riousness of the conditions through which the nation haa been paaalng. We have an idea that ltt) ia go ing to turn out to hare been a pret ty bad year for a lot of the old-faah loned. four-feet-ln-the-troogh kind of politicians in both parties. Re gardless of how the Presidential election may go, we have a notion that there are going to be more new facea In both Houses of the neat Congress than have been seen there at once in many years. We have a notion, too, that there will be a lot of new blood in atate and county offices, all over the country. We see no reaaon to expect that any of the emaller parties will poll enough votes In any atate to affect the apneral results of the election aa between the two major parties, but we have a strong suspicion that there will be more votes cast tor Norman Thomas, the Socialist can didate. and for other caadldatea of the minority parties, thai have ever been polled at any preceding Presi dential election. The people are In a state of political unrest, and noth ing tfefct might happen on Novem ber 8t?would surprise us. smaJL town is NECESSARY Two things have come oat ot the depression that are worth noting. The large centers of population have discovered that they cannot get along without the country. The small communities have discovered that they can make their own. life without worrying concerning $rge cities. ' For long it was a habit of big cities to display airs of superi ority to the so-called "rural com munities." They have pretended to believe that the small town was passing Into eclipse, and fliat people would flock to big cities ana make them more and more important and influential. And, alio, W> lot' of "country" people, lured by the gla mor of: the cities, have toft the coun tryside. They hare discovered, many >f them too lsjte, tkat life to the small communities have a thou sand advantages not posse? ed by large centers, and that the mush room development of big cities has been a bad, not too good thing. To day the small city is taking on a new dignity and individuality. We see everywhere the proof that the small community is realising its possibilities, forgetting to ape the manners of the more artificial "cen ters of population," and attending enthusiastically to the duty of build ing a destiny for Itself. As the small community becomes strengthened, and as the farm community becomes more independent, the large city will prosper too. What we need In Ameridk is vitality of individual ef fort, and this Is what the small city will (tie in the next generation as it did to the past. The dlsillusion who thought that the bright were what made life worth will be drifting back to the M> to capture one* again he sincerity, the integ er school at onfeUW bqforat WtlfJWfcd' the next el*hf or ut*e nAmtfes 1*7 In* the foundations fw t*eir Jndeprii dent and ln*mdual lkm. Sotte of them will Joaifn a good d?aV> Some of them will Dot learn very mw^i. The one thing thai most children learn in school, and the moat im portant thlas that, 4a; of tfom-Mn U, after all. nbt what is' in 'the books bat how to iiT?:.r r.r- ? " ??? It has always ne?mad to WL-tl%t the real life of thl! tkMI #tll or her school life. During these tOr mative years the child's principal Interest centers about school. It is the one place where he can mingle on the equal terms with all at those around him. severaihoura a day he works' an jTplaya la the com pany of his ow? i?e learns, through the nece#sa.rjr !??* it the "big fellow", or the one most J able to pay, were made to pay his taxes it would redsce the taxes on the little fellow to the poipt where he could pay, ft, ev?n In dapreaaloB i tlmea. ? Editor.] , (oiks frdm going on a long l4>W f*?/?U,t tl*s distance between relatives is too (ar. ?i'l ii L- n Cider Improves with age. Bat the good usuaHy dies youngs- 1 ^ lArgumetfcR i E d |i ca.t ion or -i I an** k (Coni . "Curiosity la tlw-HwU of knowl edge. It from** the mtM to ask, to aeek to dlatoeer, tb'lten; let this particular function of the Bind Be freely exercised; stimulate a de ?re to know-, ' and be not satisfied with the little 'we do know, but be ious, and keep the desire to lewn Ire by eoastant exercise; the Ind requires exercise aa much as body, we should read And think id talk with those around us. the mulous of conversation la abeo | lately necessary to consolidate our knowledge. " Old ace Is prone to be sluggish, as ire trow old we should guard ^gainst mental inactivity In every phase of life, and try to live, while lie good Lord permits us to breathe". MRS. R. P. DAVIS, Warren County. 1812. Mr*. R. P. Davis was the mother dt the tote M. S. Davis, President of (IfMlsburg College and grand-mother fot Rot. E. H. Davis of LouMburf. A Resolution To Support Schools o ? - The following (resolution was unanimously passed by the Laurel Council, number 10#. of tha Junior Order United American Mechanics . n? regular seaalon Tuesday night, . Sapt. 1*. 1433: - ' We, the members of the Laurel ' Council, number 109, of the Junior : Order United American Mechanics, I naming been informed that a pati-j tion was presented to the Board . of | Education of Franklin County the first Monday in September aaking f % to farmers this KUOI but If prices can be maintained around nine cents and above the seed loan division may be able to unload tor Hi bor rowers the several hundred tbou- ' sand bales of cotton it accepted last season at eight cents per pound as collateral on loans to producers." j Small Crop Here the head of the American Cotton Cooperative turned to statis tical data, sarins: | "We have a prospective American crop of 11,310,000 bales, or about 3,260,600 bales below the average production for the past five years. If only about 3,(00,000 bales of this present crop could be held off the ' market for a while it would leave us only about 8,800,000 bales for im- . mediate sale, which la only about 100,000 bales more than we export ed last year, to say nothing of do mestic consumption. "If it la wise and proper to use $10,000,000 of Reconstruction Fi nance Corporation money in this 'holding off the market' movement, why is it not proper that another branch of the government, the U. 8. Department of Agriculture, can not also join in this movement? "And then a step further: Why not we people of the South also put a little money In this Bouthwlde effort?" They are still called hotel "ac commodations" though the price may be ten dollars a day. APPRECIATION We wish to gratefully express eur thanks and appreciation to the Louiaburg Klwanla Club tor the liberal cash donation made to us, and also Mr. Ben H. Meadows tor his personal gift of a number of splendid pictures for the rooms. Such acta of kindness make our de sire and determination for more and better service greater. Loulsburg Community Hospital. The old-fashioned woman who was a good seamstress haa a daugh ter who knows how to pot the nee dle on the phonograph. Subscribe to The Franklin Times EACH DAY BRINGS REPORTS OF DECREASED YIELD OF TOBACCO. EACH DAY BRINGS REPORTS OF INCREASED PRICES FOR THE 1932 CROP. TUESDAY, SEPT. 27th, 1932 IS THE OPENING DATE FOR Louisburq Market Oijr warehouses are all modern and fully equipped for your convenience. Our warehousemen are all exper ienced in the tobacco selling game. And our buyers are *!> 1* "t ' ' ' good judges whp are willing to pay fair prices. We have 'a full corps with alf important accounts represented. This is a combination that will be profitable to you. Bring your tobacco to LOU1SBURG. Southsidc Warehouse " Sam Meadows and Grover Harris, Proprietors .? .. ? - 7 ' ' k llnion Warehouse Ricks Pearce, Pier Williamson and (jeorge Ford, Props.