WHY BOY CHRISTMAS PRESENTS WHEN YOU CAH GET THEM FREE ! SEE ANNOUNCEMENT ON BACK PAGE | Watch Label On Pajier Bend la Renewal When Time Expiree The Franklin Times An Advertising Medium That Bring* Kenlti A. V. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager The County, The State, The Union VOLUMN LXIU. LOUISBURG, N. CAROLINA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1082 SUBSCRIPTION ?1.50 Per Tear (EIGHT PAGES) NUMBER 4? BOYS! GIRLS! NOW IS YOUR CHANCE Earn A Billiard Table Free Then The Fun Begins MOVING PICTURE TICKETS GIVEN THE FRANKLIN TIMES la Offering The Boys and Girls In Franklin County The Biggest Opportunity Of Its Kind Ever Offered Them ? The Billiard Table Is Made by One of The Biggest and Best Known Manufacturers The Loulsburg Theatre is Widely Known For Its Splendid Programs ? The Razors Are Among the Best ?Only a Little Time and No Money Required The Boys and Oirla o f Franklin County and surrounding territory are being afforded a most attractive opportunity by The Franklin Times who will present a valuable gift to any boy or girl who secures sub scriptions to The Franklin Times amounting to si* yearly subscrip tions or $9.00. This gift is a beau tiful Junior Pocket Billiard Table and Playing Outfit, made by the (famous Brunswlck-Balke-Collender Co., which is now displayed at the Times office for your inspection. It is not just a toy but a real, sturdy, finely built Billiard Table for the home, to give amusement and entertainment to the whole family. You, Boys and Oirls, can have loads of fun right at home with Mother, Dad, Sister and Broth er, as well as your many friends. Mothers and Dads, this gift is some thing that will bring the amusement and entertainment of your children .wihln the four walls of your home. The restlessness and gloom of the rainy day will be chased away when you can put up your Junior Billiard In your play room and occupy your leisure time with wholesome fun and enjoyment. During the long -winter evenings you will be the king of the neighborhood, all the boys and girls will want to come to your house and play on your Play mate Table. They call billiards, the Home Magnet, because it keeps young folks like you and grown ups Interested In a game that is played right at home with the family and your friends. How would you like to own a genuine Brunswick Pocket Billiard Table as your very own? How would you like one of these Tables to set up In your home? Billiards is more fun than a barrel' of monkeys. There is no game like It. It sharpens the eye, steadies the nerves, keeps you in shape for other athletics. Well, BOYS and OIRLS, here's your chance to get this Table free. The Franklin Times makes it easy for you to secure youtflown Bruns wick Playmate Junior Billiard Ta ble. Only a little of your time spent in visiting your friends who will gladly help you by giving you their subscriptions to their home paper, Frankin County's leading newspaper. It only takes -six yearly subscrip tions or its equivalent to entitle you to a beautiful billiard table. When you have secured the correct amount all you have, to do , Is to bring It to The Franklin Times of fice, in Loulsburg, and claim your table. Thl* beautiful .Pocket Billiard Table is a typical Brunswick pro duct. It is Brunswick from stem to stern, made to giver a real game ot pocket billiards at home. It is built to (old up to be placed conveniently aside when not In use. You may see illustrations of it on another page In thla Issue. Also a complete description of It Is given telling that the table Is large and ot rigid con struction. The cues are straight, true and balanced. The balls are gleaming with bright colors and just aching to be hit. ? HURRY and get to work. Every body start right away so you can! secure your table In time to enjoy it during the Christmas Holidays. No order will be held up but will be ordered out from the factory aa soon as a sufficient number of boys and girls call for tables that the order to the factory may be placed. Be Quick and Qet Your Table. B? the first boy or girl In your neigh bor hood to get this table. This is NOT a Contest. Every boy or girl in Franklin County can get his or her table by getting the correct number of subscriptions. This offer Is NOT made to the Boys and Olrls of Loulsburg alone. It la for everyone In FRANKLIN COUN TY. And there la NO LIMIT to the number to be given. It is the de sire of Ike Franklin Tinea to pre sent one of these beautiful tables May be Speaker Congressman McDuffie of Ala bama, one of the chief lieutenants of Speaker John N. Garner, now Vice Preiident elect, is mentioned as the next possible Speaker of the Home After next March. to every boy and girl In Franklin County. And even to a grown op if he or she wishes one. Too there is no limit to the number to be giv en to one individual. A person may secure as many tables as be wishes by securing the required number of subscriptions. We might explain that it is not necessary to secure only yearly subscriptions, but subscriptions for one or more years is permlssable, Just so long as a total number of six years subscriptions is gotten. Toil may secure a six year subscrip tion from one individual If you like, or get two three-year subscriptions, or three two-year subscriptions. Any way Just so you have the equiva lent of six-year subscription. Pay ment from those In arrears on their subscription will be accepted. Do not let this opportunity go by without gettlhg your billiard table, boys and girls. And Parents, this is a splendid opportunity to get a beautiful and delightful gift for your children for Christmas. This table will make a splendid gift to any of , your children, nieces, nephews, or children of your close friends. Make good UBe of this op portunity. Also, The Franklin Times Is of fering Theatre Tickets for subscrip tions to the Times, giving all the children in the County the oppor tunity to see the movies that he or she wishes. There Is no limit to the number of tickets to be given and anyone may secure as many as he wishes. Then, the Times is opening a channel for many people to secure a fine gift for their father brother or boy friend. It will give a fine Auto Strop Razor free for a Two Year subscription to the Timee. The supply of these razors is limited so you will have to act quick to get one for your Christmas gift. Be sure to read the notice of these offers on another page in this paper, which gives all of the details and requirements. BOYS! GIRLS! FOLKS!- Be sure to make good this splendid of fer and opportunity. v Raleigh Salvage Co., Big Sale - The big sale staged the past week by the Raleigh Salvage Co., and ad vertised in a page advertisement In The Franklin Times last week, has been a centre of attraction in Louis burg this week. Large crowds have been visiting this store and availing themselves of the big bargains. The sale will continue for several days more. George Griffin Buys Standard Station Mr. George I. Griffin announced Monday that he had purchased all the stock and equipment of the Standard Service Station located at the corner of Main and Franklin Streets, and leased the property. He expects to continue the business under the name of City Service Station. Mr. Griffin has been In charge of tills station for some time and' has developed ? strong patron age. His thany friends will be glad to learn of his venture and wish j him success. Subscribe to Tui Franklin Time* SI CROP LOAN PAYMENTS Mr. Harry P. Stevens, Inspector for the Government Crop Production Loan office, writes concerning loans in Franklin County as follows: "Tp those Citizens of Franklin County who were fortunate enough to secure a loan from the Crop Pro duction Loan Office tbla year: Per mit me to say that I have Just spent a few days in Washington. While there it was my privilege to discuss with those in authority the condi tions as now exist in Franklin. Those in great need and the distress situation was especially emphasized in my discussions. "It is the outstanding desire of those In authority that everything possible be done for the people ic pressing need. If aby borrower has failed for reasons beyond bis control to produce sufficient crops to repay bis loan and In addition there to enough to supply the needs of his family, then that borrower may rightfully expect leniency. On the other hand If that borrower has not been faithful in his efforts' and' Can not show clean hands In the disbur sing of the funds entrusted to him then that borrower has no reasons for asking leniency. "Franklin County has shared more largely In the distribution of funds by the Crop Production Loan Office than any other County in North Carolina. It behooves every citizen of this County to encourage the paying back of this money. It is a well known fact that it required very hard work on the part of onr representatives In Congress to get such beneficial measures passed. Our own Congressman would be highly delighted to know that Franklin County was doing its best to repay this money. "I do not know that there will be another loan made in 1933, but I do know that it such a loan is made, those Counties where a de termined effort is made to repay the 1932 loans, will have the prefer ence. "I am satisfied that there is much need in Franklin. I feel it is an outstanding privilege to aid in the work in this County. I do know that great numbers of people in Franklin are making sacrifices to make restitution of the money bor rowed. There are many people who could pay who are not making any effort to pay. There are Borne peo pl who cannot pay in full. There is scarcely any one who cannot re pay part of the money loaned. __ "It Is my purpose to visit every portion of Franklin County. It is my great desire to help those In dis tress. My special commission is to ask leniency tor those who honestly need aid. To that end I absolutely demand to know the truth and [that the Individual has clean hands. "I shall be in Mr. Taylor's office In the First National Bank Building each Saturday." The Red Light Chief Pace requests the Times to extend his greatest appreciation to the many motorists visiting Louis burg for their cooperation in observ ing the parking regulations. He Al so calls the observance of the red light at the crossing of Main and NaBh Streets to the at ten of the many drivers. This light ls.put there as a protection and not a hindrance to the public, and the public Is urged to observe It. New Cotton Buyers W. W. Holding * Co., of Wake Forest have opened offices in Louis burg for the purpose of buying cot ton. They are occupying the of fices of C. T. Stokes, who has been off the, market for sotne time on ac count of his health, and the office is in charge of Mr. C. B. Sablston. Christmas Seal Sale Launched The Christmas Seal Sale opened Thanksgiving Day. This is the day ?et apart for. the beginning of this National sale of seals. Franklin County has never failed to set in motion an active campaign on this day. The seals will be on sale at the following drug stores: Scoggln's. Boddle's, Beasley Brothers' and Pleasant'*, until December 25th. The benefit of the sale in Frank lin County will be to the under nourished children. Laat year the Tuberculosis Asso ciation cooperated with the 8tate Mllk-Campaign and assisted largely In Franklin County In distributing milk through the school kitchens. Nothing could be more beneficial than milk tor the undernourished children, nor so effective In fight ing the dread disease. Honesty that doesn't come natur ally can't be depended on. ' Battered Gray Fedora ? Still In The Ring President-elect Franklin D RooMvelt tossed hi? hat into the presidential ring several moons ago. It was kicked about quite a lot but it came through, battered a bit 'tis true. Now it rests secure in a safe at Albany, awaiting a jaunt to Washington. . . The Prtsident-eiect is mighty particular about that hat . a gray fedora which came to be known throughout the land. One of his first acts on November 9th, was to jilace it away. Barr Killed In Auto Accident L. M. Barr, of Early, S. C., a member of the United States Navy stationed at Norfolk, was Instantly killed Sunday night about one and a half miles from Poplar Springs on the road to Pilot when the car , he was driving collided with a car driven by E. C. Jones. In the car with Barr were S. K. Bobbitt and A. J. Zimmerman, both of the Navy j and both of whom received injuries, I Zimmerman receiving injuries of a serious nature. No one was In the car with Jones, who a|po received | Injuries but not considered of a seri ous -nature. Coroner Earp was call 'ed and from his Investigations de cided it was purely an accident and conducted no inquest. The body was taken to Zebulon to await infor mation from relatives. Coroner Earp's investigation de- , veloped facts that showd that Boh-j bltt lives at Rocky Mount and that a boy from Bunn by the name of Jones is in the Navy and is a pal of j Bobbitt. Bobbitt, together with ( Barr and Zimmerman, were on leave , and had gone to Rocky Mount to visit his parents. Jones not getting a furlough requested these boys to drive to his home near Bunn and de liver a message to his parents for him. It was on this mission that the accident occurred. Both cars were badly damaged. i Mrs. C. G. Oakley Dead Mrs. C. 6. Oakley died at their home on South Main Street Tues day morning at 11:45 following a long illness. Mrs. Oakley was 45 years of age and Is survived by her husband. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. D. P. . Harris pas tor of the Baptist Church, from the home Wednesday morning at 11 ! o'clock and the body was taken to . Jonesboro for interment. Mrs. Oakley was an admirable , lady possessing a personal charm | 1 that made friendB and admirers of ' her neighbors and acquaintances. The deepest sympathy goes out to ' her bereaved husband. I Mrs. Parrish Dead The remains of Mr*. Mamie Par rish, who died at her home In Dur ham on Monday, were brought to Louisburg tor interment in Oakwood , Cemetery beside those of her hus band, Ferrell Parrish, who proceed- 1 ed her to the grave many years ago. J Mrs. Parrish was 86 years of age , and is survived by four children, M. ] F. Parrish, of Petersburg, Va., For- ' rest Parrish, of Baltimore, Robert* Parrish, of Durham, and Mrs. W. A. i Tyson, of Durham, and one sister. Mrs. Ida Hale, of Louisburg, and one brother, J. H. BeddlngBeld, of Raleigh. Mr*. Parrish was a former reel- 1 dent of Louisburg moving to Dur j ham many years ago. She was a ! most estimable Christian woman | loved, reapected and admired by | those who knew her. The funeral services were held at i | the home In Durham Tuesday mora- i ing and the Interment at Louisburg i was largely attended by friend* of j both Durham and Louisburg. The 1 floral tribute wa* especially pretty. ' The bereaved .family has the sym- 1 pathy ef a large number of friends, t Dqn't do It today unless you are ??re of being satisfied with what you did tomorrow. s Casts First Vote At 92 Mr*. Mollie Gupton, of Gold Mine township, cast her first vote in the 1032 election at the age of 02. She was very en thusiastic and anxious to vote for Roosevelt. Tuckerette Beauty Salon Mrs. N. B. Tucker, R. N. who has Jnst returned from New York City and Norfolk, Va., where she gradu ated la beauty culture, has pur chased a most modern and full line of shop equipment and Is remodel ing her home on Main Street in preparation to the opening of the Tuckerette Beauty Salon, in which work the will be assisted by Miss Lily Cauble, of Norfolk, who will ar rive in Loulsburg Monday. Mrs. Tucker is announcing the formal opening of the Tuckerette Beauty Salon in another column of this Is sue. " Special Service The Loulsburg Baptist Church is making full preparations for a special service to be held there on December 11th, 1932, to which ev ery member of the church shall re ceive a special invitation. Arrange ments are being made for special music and a most interesting ser vice and it.ls the sincere hope and desire that every member will be present. 16 Gallons Of Whiskey Seized Chief of Police C. E. Pace reports the seizure of sixteen gallons of whiskey (thtrty-two half gallon fruit Jars) at the home of John Johnson, colored, on Monday night. Johnson was not caught. He was assisted in the raid by o (Beers A. W. Perry and S. W. Young. Franklin Superior Court - The second week of the Novem ber term of Franklin Superior Court for the trial of Civil cases has been In progress this week. The Howell ?rill case, wherein an effort Is to be made to break the will of the late M. T. Howell, has been In progress ilnce Monday afternoon and will probably consume all the time of the Court until It adjourns Wed lesday for Thanksgiving. The case because of the prominence of the parties involved la attracting much kttentlon. Many cases have been settled this erm, and a number tried. Sales Good Sales on the Louisburg tobacco narket in the past week have been rery satisfactory both as to quantity ind prices. The demand Is good and trices are holding up and improv ng. , The market closed Wednesday for rhanksgtvlng and will open again or regular sales on Monday. Bring your tobacco to Loulsbarg. Distance lenda enchantment to a . ummer resort. ' BIG PROGRAMS AT THEATRE Franklin Times Gives Free Tickets In Exchange For a Little Time Next Week. Jackie Cooper, the famous kiddle actor of Movtedom, may be seen at the Louisburg Theatre next Wed nesday in the widely advertised pic ture, "Divorce In the Family", Free. Every kiddle likes to see Jackie as he appears so natural on the screen. Even grown ups flock to see this famous boy actor. Not only' that play but the others that are appearing next week. De lores Del Rio and Joel McCrea are being starred In the popular screen play, "Bird of Paradise", on Thurs day and Friday of next week, and William Powell and Kay Francis, two very well known screen stars, are appearing in "One Way Passage" on Monday and Tuesday. On Satur day, a picture from one of the most popular types of films, will be shown when John Wayne rides forth in "Ride Him Cowboy". Any of these, or all of these shows may be seen free. Why not enjoy an afternoon or evening of amusement and enter tainment at no coat to you? Every person enjoys a splendid movie and as a subscription promoting cam paign The Franklin Times is making it possible for any and everyone in Franklin County to see them Free at the Louisburg Theatre, which furnishes the peoble of Louisburg and Franklin County the most pop ular and best film plays produced. Just a few minutes of your time are required to secure a free ticket, by getting a half-year subacrlption for one child's pass or a one-year subscription for two child's tickets or one adult's ticket. The Franklin Times desires that every body in Franklin County see and enjoy at least one If not more of these shows free. Get your tickets and enjoy some evenings of delightful entertain ment. Swindles Warehouse A slick crook visited Louisburg Monday and got away with 1110.00, and possibly another $107.00. The swindle was perpetrated against the Southside Warehouse In the form of fictitious tobacco sales bills and cheeks. It seems as if the party got hold of some blank bills and checks and filled them out to suit himself, and proceeded to turn them into cash. Supposedly the first bill and check was for )110.00. This, It is understood was cashed and got by. The second was for $107.00 which failed to cledr, but Is outstanding. The third was for $146.00, and was frustrated, the party escaping. Just what evidence has been found Is not known, but no arrests have been made, although It id understood the writing on one bill is recognized. Ladies Night The Franklin Hotel was the scene of a banquet Friday night, when the Loulsburg Kiwanis Club was host at Ladies Night. On a beautifully decorated banquet table covers were laid torn eighty guests, and a course dinnewwas served. Mr. L. L. Joyner welcomed the guests and presided over the meet ing. Dr. H. H. Johnson had charge of the program. In a fcontest which he conducted, Miss Billie Phillips drew the lucky number and receiv ed as prize two attractive card table covers. In the biscuit-making con test Mesdames Blair Tucker, Hill Yarborough, Charles Lea, Jr., and Miss Margaret Turner vied for first honors, and Mrs. Tucker won the prize, a box of Houbigant dusting powder. A very gratifying report of the year's activities and achievements was made by the secretary, Mr. Frank Wheless, Jr., and short talks were made by Messrs. W. R. Mil's, L. L. Joyner, Hill Yarborough and E. L. Best. A feature of the evening's Snter tainment was the song and dance act, given by Reginald McFarland, accompanied at the piano by Miss McFarland, of Jonesboro, N. C. A delightful program "was present ed by the Music Department of Loulsburg College. Mrs. Warren McCullers sang "The Vow", "Eyes of Irish Blue". Mr. Fearing gave two violin solos: "Pale Moon", and "Plantation Song". Miss Dorothy Hurley was the accompanist. '4 Out-of-town guests Introduced to the Klwanlans and their guests wereV Mr. and Mrs. Skinner Ki'. trell, of Henderson, Mrs. T. W. Smith, of Richmond, Va., and Mrs. Robert Fearing, of Elizabeth City. The sorry thing about it is that no man thinks his oil company is ? "^ke" until he has lost everything. Some folks don't seem to realise that when they have what they need, they have enough.

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