A. F. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager VOLUMN LXUI. The County, LOCISBURO, N. Union B, 1082 Conference Appointments REV. o. p. fitzgeraLd comes TO LOUISBUHG Kev. T. A. 81k es Oom To EdenUm And Rev. A. L. Thompson to v Rosebor^? Rev. A.. D. WUcox Is Retained President of LonUbiirg College? Rev. A. I. Parker Comes To Yoangsville Circuit Rev. O. P. FlUgerald, who ? the Rich Square Plh, year was sent to Loulsburg in tM annual distribution ot ^ the Methodist Conference at Roe** Mount before its adjournment on Monday. Rev. Mr. Slkes who serv ed the Loulsburg Church the past year Is sent to Edenton. Advance reports as to Rev. ^itagerald are very flattering and give ft""" b^ to our people of a most capab le preacher and pastor. Rev hlm leaving Loulsburg takes wi h him the love and esteem and hearty go wishes of a large ho* of trleni la. made during his pastorste here. While we bow to the wisdom of the four year rule, the people of the Youngsville circuit as well as m8f y In Loulsburg regret to give up Rev^ A L Thompson, and commend him highly to the people of his new charge. He has left a good field. 1? a fine state of preparation for his successor, ReY. A. J. ? who is not altogether a stranger to Franklin County having served the Louitfburg church and acted as n nanclal agent pf Loulsburg College Appointments In the Raleigh District and adjoining sec . one i to Franklin County are as follows. Raleigh District. F S. Love, presiding elder. Bailey, J. J- Boone; Benson. W. Cary-l-'pei. J. L. Mldgette; Clay ton, J. A. Gulce; Creedmore. W. L. LaDunn. C. B. Culbreth. Erwln, Frank Culbreth. N. M McDonald, supernumerary. Four Oaks, W. H. Brown.. Fu quay, J. C. Williams; Frankllntoh. C. L. Read. Garner, E. R. Shuller. Henderson. D. E. Earnhardt. C y Road-White Memorial. C. H. Kelly. "TlUlMU... E M. ??". LoH.bWI. ? Mp..rrrv burg, J. H. Miller; Mlllbrook, T. B. Hough. Newtoa Grote, J. F. 8tOxford T. Q. Vickers; Oxford' cir cuit. P. H. Fields. Princeton. H. O. Ru?*. - Raleigh-Central, A. 8. Parker, Edenton Street, E. C. Few ; ' O. L. Hathaway;" Jenkins Memorial, R W. Bradshaw. Selma, L. T. Singleton; Smith field, B. T. Hurley. Tar River, R. E. Plttman. Youngsville, A. J. Parker. Zebulon, N. B. Johnson. Superintendent Methodist orphan age. A. 3. Barnes. Superintendent Oxford orphanage, C" Japan, J. D. Sto?. Conference missionary secretary, F. 8. Love. president Loulsburg college, A. ? Director of Golden Cross, W. H. B superannuates: R. F. Bumpas, T J. Dalley, B. C. Allred, H. M. Jackson, D. N. CaIln?88' ?vlgH p?" tie, J. W. Potter, E. H. Davis, F. M. Shamburger. In addition to the above appoint ments the following will be of in terest to readers of the Times. Elm City, W. C. Benson; Enfleld Whltakers, C. P. Womack. Littleton, Rufus Bradley. Nashville, W.-G. Farrar; Norlina, B. C. Thompson. Roanoke Rapids, 8. J. Starnes, Rocky Mount ? Clark Street, H. C. Ewtng; First Church, G. W Perry; SouTh Rocky Mount W F. Craven, Rocky Mount circuit, W. N. Vaughan; Rosemary, D. M. Bharpe. Spring Hope, M. F. Hodges. Warren circuit, B. N. HarrUon, Warrenton. E. C. Durham; WlUon, W. V. McRae. Edenton ? T. A. Bikes. Roseboro ? A. L; Thompson. Editor Christian Advocate? M. T. Plyftr. Buys Drug Business Mr. W. A. Andrews completed negotiations Wednesday morning In which he purchased the Beasley Drug Store, corner ot Court and Market Streets from Mr. George Selby. Mr. Andrews Informs the Times that he will continue the busi ness at the present location for the present and probably Install a full prescription department. Mr. W. E. Beasley, who has been with the old firm, will remain with Mr. Andrews. .Subscribe to The Franklin Time* Judge Harris To Install Officers FRANKLIN TO COOPERATE WITH OTHER COCATIKS And liutltM^ of Government In Holding HpecUl Installation Ore monies At CbvK House Monday Night ? 8$emHd Program A,r ragg ed ? Franklin County Unit Insti tute Gornsmenl To Hold Vint Formal Misttn* ' * County will join in co the other ninetTnS Oountiea in North Carolina on next Mopday, December 6th, in a pub f,t#te w,d? P'?n of lnstalla WDrborlatn neW'y 8leCted offlce? ln ?pprbpriate ceremonies to be hold at the Court house in "Louisburg b" nD^1* *' ln the evening This ceremony 0f installation hi being 'eld? er P|an8 made and sponsor tod .8tltute of Government. the mTk8,??ntaCotuh:ty,,r?'Ltmeetlng ?' ?^hrr,fmr-r.kva7 eJcplMatory remarks and welcome at * prop-am beginning qt?# m ,C^ ln Whlch the leading Plan and T"1 8P6ak 0D the plan and the immediate Importance of the Installation and the work that ot Oovfl 8 d?n<' by the In<>tltute en wil? C6n Among theBe "Peak ers will be Governor-Elect J. C. B fi?r ^a"8, aDd Hon" c"?ord Fra * ? the r?Publi<ran candidate for Governor, Chief Justice W. P. Stacy A?^Pi Hattle' President State Bar Association and Judge J. Q. Adams I and* p*"f 1,'J!tltut6 of Government,' j the institute! C<>ate8' ,0Under of . At nine o'clock the Installation ' Stlt^0!1116* lD ?Very County in the W C hST*6*, 1? ,befln' Jud?? ^??atSia'dl tttSMZE present the committee will secure some other Superior Court Judge for the occasion. Each offlcer or group of officers will be presented by their predecessors and take the prescribed oath to be administered by the Installation offlcer. installation three mln Ulka will be made by repre llfe^n!8? ??f the many phMe? of life and interests in Franklin Coun hv . Program will be concluded ris address from Judge Har ?J? \ ocl^ck' or J"?t before the . the8# ceremonies a I of an advisory committee cLmmftt . ln the Court house- This committee is composed of the fol U)Wlng County and City officials, Sen. E. F. Griffin and Rep. w. L. Lump ?.i ,v. .y0r' and Clty attorneys of all the towns In the County, Board of County Comissloners, County at torney, Judge and Solicitor Record ers Court, Board of Education and !iL ,?rn?y- 8ec??d? Representa tion n. , ?, fo"ow'<>K organised Rroups of private citizens ln the ni?1?Sfc:iLcba.nker'1' Chamber of Com Medical AssociaUon. Kiwan L^^orTA American Legion, American t^n P r Jar7',M,n,8ters Associa of Women's X?Cb,satl0n8> FederaM?n I Third ? a group of citisens to r? present the various communities in Morrl ?tyr^' M- Sull'nK8. John Morris, J l. Brown, H. F.~FulIer, Willlami^i tD'i M' M" Per8on. Joe land, ^ e. ?^COe' Arthur Strick The entire public of Franklin edTo h DOt ?nIy lnvlted but urg ed to be present ana Join In this ceremony. This will be the launch K of a statewide movement that has for Its object a thorough study work? ^ern?1!?tal Problems and) working out their adjustment to the benefit of the many tax payers of an th?Th?6h Tta,e*J8 requested to stat? that the new Board of Commissioners for Franklin County will not meet for til 9 o>1^t ?? ?fJany bu8lness un-i ? ? cJ??k Tuesday morning, De S?" ?th- A? officers having to ?hlt, 1 .. 8 are requested to file Int m J^8 W the County Account ant Monday, so that they can be examined and approved before instal lation exercises that night. JOS. J. DAVIS CHAPTER V. D. 0. The Joseph J. Davis Chapter U. D. C., will meet with Mrs. C. K. Cooke on Tuesday afternoon, Dee. 6th, 1932, at 3:00 o'clock. MRS. J. W. MANN, Sec'y. OARD OF THANKS I take this means of expressing my appreciation to my friends and relatives for the many kindnesses Bhown during the Illness and death of my beloved wife. C. 0. OAKLET. Wife of an American author fought a bull In Spain, Just to show that American women are not afraid of anything. Fifty Yeats . . The President-Elect and His Mothe Big Pictures Coming FREE TICKETS FOR EVERYONE Next Week's Program at Loulsburg Theatre U One of The Riggest (or The Year? Enjoy Each Play at Expense of The Franklin Time* ? Folks, here's another REAL op portunity for you! Will Rogers is coming here next week In "DOWN TO EARTH" at the Leuisburg Theatre. The Frank lin Times Is again giving yon the opportunity and extends you an in Titatlon to see this picture, as well as the others that appear next week at the Loulsburg Theatre, free of charge. There are no restrictions or limitations. Only subscribe to the paper yourself, pay your sub scription that is in arrears, or ee cure some one else's subscription to The Franklin Times and receive a ticket or tickets to this and other shows. A one-year subscription en titles you to one adult's ticket or two child's tickets. Surely you plan on' seeing the fa mous humorist, WILL ROOERS, here next week. Then why not do it FREE? Every body is going to see this picture and it will be talk ed about all over the country. You must see it. Qet your ticket now and be ready to enjoy the humor and delightful entertainment that Will Rogers will bring to the i theatre-goers of Loulsburg and 1 Franklin County. "GRAND HOTEL" is scheduled for Loulsburg next Thursday and Friday, with an all star cast that in cludes the great Garbo, John and Lionel iBarrymota, Joan Crawford, Wallace Beery and Lewis Stone. ; Sath a collection of famous stars In on?. picture Is seldom seen. Don't rail to see this popular picture and tttf star cast with one of The Frank lin Times' complimentary tickets. ' Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy will alao be guests at the local Theatre Wednesday in "Pack up Your Trou bles", in which they will bring to you much of life's phllosphy and tun. And TOM KEENE is going to Introduce yon. Theatre-goers to "Qhost Valley" next Saturday. It la. the desire of The Franklin Time* that every person, man, woman and child, in Franklin County see at least one if not all of these splen did and widely advertised films next weak with its complimentary tick ets. \ Any. one may get a ticket. No strings or limitations are tied to this offer. Any one who brings a one year subscription to The Frank, lln Tines to the Ttanes office max. receive either one adult's ticket or two child's tickets. One child'* ticket may be had for a half-year subscription. One person may get as many aa he likes. Prices Stronger Oir All Grades The' Lbutaburg - tobacco market opened up since Thanksgiving with fairly good salea and prices very much stronger on all grades. It is the opinion of those connected with the market that prices on all grades are stronger at present than they hare been a any' time during the season. Warehousemen are ad vising that now is a good time to market your tobacco while it is sell ing well and before the Christmas holidays. GOVERNORS TO PARTICIPATE O. MAX GARDNER GOV. BEACK\VOt>D - Governor O. Max Gardner of North Carolina, (left above), and Governor Ibra C. Blackwood, of South Carolina, (right above) will officially participate In the service at the First Methodist Church at Charlotte on Sunday afternoon, December A, commemorating the eighth anniversary of the establishment by the late James B. Duke of The Duke Endowment. An Impressive program has been arranged for the forthcoming Memorial event and the speeches of the two governors, which, with other features of the program will be broadcast ever Radio Station < WET, will be among the outstanding events of that program. Others appearing on the progiym will be Judge William B. PerkWs, of New I Yorle, a native of Virginia, who was for many years personal counsel and constant associate of Ur. Duke, and the Hon. Clyde R. Hoey. of Sholby. Another feature of the program will be the appearance of repre sentatives of the causes which have benefited from the Duke benev olenccs. Including the hoepltals and orphanages of the two Carollnaa and bencflclary educational Ihstitutlona and others, r ? i From th? family album of Mrs. Sata Delano Rooaevelt, mother of the President-Elect^ comet, the picture of mother and s?n when Franklin Delano Roosevelt was 3 months old. teft la the picture of mother and son, taken at the Hyde Park, N. Y. home since Mr. Roose velt's election to the presidency . . . the two pictures spanning fifty years . , . and fulfilling the dream of every mother? and son. . . . Be low. The President-Elect's cottagl at Warm Springs, Ga., where Mr. Roosevelt is bow spending a short vacation, and also conferring with Democratic leaders. John Stedman To Head Bank ' DIRECTORS NAMED FOR COR PORATION W. E. Easterling Succeeds Johnson A? Head of The Local Gffen ment Comatlssion ? Stedman Only In the Recent Election Was Elec ted Treasurer tar Faar Year Term And Johnson Will Serve by Ap pointment Until Next General Election Washington, Not. 17. ? John Sted man, State Treasurer of North Car olina, today was appointed vice president and manager of the Reg ional Agricultural Credit Corpora tion at Raleigh, N. C. Robert P. Holding, banker o( Smithfletd, N. C., was named presi dent. Besides Stedman and Holding the board of directors will Include A. F. Copeland, farmer, Klnaton, N. C., George Marsh, merchant, Raleigh, N. C.; K. Kerr Scott, master of the State Grange, Haw River, N. C.; Reeves Noland, cattleman, Crabtree, N. C.; W. G. Clark, farmer and mer chant, Tarboro, N. C.; R. N. Page, president of the North Carolina Bankers Association. Stedman Resigns Job As State's Treasurer Raleigh, Nov. 17. ? John P. Sted man, State Treasurer of North Caro lina, resigned today to become vice president of and manager of the Re gional Agricultural Credit Corpora tion here. Charles M. Johnson, at present di rector of Local Government Com mission for the State, was appointed State treasurer by Governor O. Max Gardner to succeed Stedman. W. E. Easterling, assistant direc tor of Local Government was ad vanced to the position of director to fill the unexpired term of Johnson cs director. Stedman last week was elected for a four-year term to start in January and was SQirvl^t the unexpired term of the lat* .Captain Nathan O'Berry. It was tfhderstod?" Johnson will serve as treasurer until the next gen eral election. Store Destroyed y Fire The store building last -"outside t*? corporate limits of Louisburg on 8outir*a4n belonging to and op erated by. *t*ltei; M. Alston, colored, was destroyed by Ore early yester day morning. Tie fire was discov ered about 2:45 a. m. and the alarm turned In. The fire department answered promptly but could do nothing to save the building. Fine fire fitting saved the dwelling lo cated very close to the store. It is understood there had been no fire in the building since early morning and persons first at the scene dis covered a light In one of the front windows broken and the fire burn ing close by and far removed from the location of the stove. The es timated loss Is $500 tor the build ing and 1400 tor the stock. The amount of Insurance, if any, had not been determined. D D Solomon, Ute world's wisest man had 700 wives, but the moral Is not what It see ma. True Story Of Schools To Be Told Citizens of Franklin County? Organizations Now Per fected to Carry The Message?? Interesting Meeting at Mills School Monday Night Showing that the school Indebted ness is only 14.2 per cent of the States total debt and that with 215 less teachers 47,240 more pupils are being taught, together with oth er economies showing the schools * have borne more than their share of the depression by a saving of $18, 000,000, was Supt. Best's answer to the charges generally Indulged In by an uninformed public, that the schoola are responsible for the big 1-ublic debt and the high taxci, at a meeting of representatives of the Junior Order Councils of the Coun ty officers of the many P. T. Associa tions and local committee members who are interested and active in the present campaign to Interpret the school system of Franklin County to the public or to those who pay the bills, held at Mills School on Monday night. The meeting was largely attended and evidenced much enthusiasm In the work. Supt. Best was impres sive in his explanations of the or ganizations and the fact that the duty of each member was to take a true story of the schools costs, practices and policies, without exag geration or painting to the entire public In the County. The County Committee, whose du ty It is to govern and engineer this campaign and provide speakers when needed is composed of E. L. Best, O. S. Harris, W. R. Mills, S. L. Bowen, T. H. Sledge, W. O. Reed, J. A. Woodward and E. T. Parham. Special District Committees hare been appointed for each of the mv en high school districts, in which the P. - T. Associations and Junior Order Councils will join to carry on the campaign. These committees will hold meeting and devise means of getting the information about the schools to all the people within the district. This program will be car ried on throughout the school year in cooperation with a like move ment in every County throughout the State. In speaking of the $18,000,000 saving made in the schools of North Carolina for the past three year period Mr. Best said the fact that this reduction has been made does not mean that North Carolina school people were extravagant before the depression ? for they were furnish ing the people of the State a school opportunity for their children even then In 1928, when we reached the peak of expenditures, for less than half the national average per child per year. There has never been a Joy ride of spending in the schools especially when it is considered that fully three-fourths of the total cost of operation goes into teachers sal aries, and these salaries, before the cut, did not average $900 a year. Including Interest and payments on bonds Mr. Best pointed out the av erage cost per child per year in North Carolina in 1930 was $37.44 as compared with $75.39 in the Na tion as a whole. The per pupil cost in Franklin County for the same period was $29.80. Supt. Best asked the Committees to get busy and start the work at once and to make a report to him by December 20th. At the beginning of the meeting Supt. Best made a.- plea to the peo ple of each Community to try to build up a pride, and sentiment in their school property that will put a stop to so much damage to the buildings. This is a very serious feature and a problem that is re sponsible for a large outlay of school funds that should not be necessary. At the conclusion many were giv en opportunity to express themselves on the program among them besides the many committee members were Messrs. E. H. Malone, O. M. Beam, W. T. Moss and C. C. Hudson. Mr. Hudson, a member of the New Board of County Commissioners made a very pretty and strong talk in behalf of Education and assured his support to the cause. FRANKLIN COUNTY WELFARE ASSOCIATION MEETS The Franklin County Colored Welfare Association will hold its regular meeting In the court house Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. The meeting on this occasion will be featured by an aaddress to the people of the County by some rep resentative of the State department, under the auspices of Lieut. L. A. Oxley. The object is to acquaint our people with their rights, under the Federal Relief Fund. It has been so arranged that every desti tute person In Franklin Co., white and colored, will be cared for, under this fund, and the people are urged to come to this meeting so that they may learn of these arrangements.

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