The County, The State, The Union VOIiUMN LXI1L LOU18BUKO, N. CAROLINA, (EIGHT PAGES) ONLY FEW M 0 RE_D AYS TO GET BILLIARD TABLE FOR CHRISTMAS Firat Shifynent Already Take* ? Second Shipment To Be Made Boom ftnil^ And Oe< Started ? --i.'.V) - WHO WANTS A JUNIOR PLAT MATE POCKET BILLIARD TA BLET Sure you do. -Every boy and girl In Franklin County and everywhere else la Just raring to have one Well, there la a Billiard Table In the factory for every boy and girl, man and woman, In Frank lin County, waiting for you to hare us send for it. And, too, you certainly want to have it for the Chrlatmaa Holidays that are- "just around the corner." It will make your Holidays the rich est you have ever had In fun, enter tainment and genuine pleaaure. So, why. not come In today or tomorrow and tell the editor of The Franklin Times that you want a Billiard Ta ble so he can order it from the fac tory immediately. More probably you have read In other issues of The Franklin Times how simple and BAST It is to get one of the splendid <Blillard Tables; however In case you taven't, here it la. The ONLY thing you have to do Is visit a few of your friends and while there get their subscription to The Franklin Timee, new or re-newr al. And too, you do not have to get so many either. Just enough sub scriptions to amount to six years subscription of $9.00. It makes no difference how you get them. In half years, one-years, two-years, threap years, four-years, five-years, six years, or a general mixture of them. Just so you get $SK00 worth of sub scriptions to The Franklin Times. As to where you can get the sub scription, it makes no difference. Pay your own, if you like, or get them from your frlenda or relatlvea or anybody. If you pay your own subscription you "kill two birds with one stone." You get the Billiard Table and also get your own county Taper., U you get the subscriptions from other folks it meana no money spent by you. Either way you do it, it is a splendid opportunity and real bargain. Get Busy and Get YOURS. Have you seen the one on display at the Timee office yet. Drop by and see It and then we know you will get yours before night. This table Is a knock-out and it Is so EASY to get. n. University Asks For Less Chapel mti, Dec. ? "The present budget request for the University of North Carolina for an appropriation of $691,924 for maintenance Is $771,143 less than the appropria tion of $1,463,067 for maintenance asked for in 1929," President Frank P. Graham of the University of North Carolina told alumni assem bled here from all sections of the State for their annual General As sembly. Dr. Graham said that "in 1929 the University asked for mainten ance an amount which was almost a hundred thousand dollars more than double the request now made. The present request Is $202,505 less than the $89,4,429 actually received from the' State in 1928-1929." "The appropriation of $721,000 made by the Legislature tor this year, which waa about a 20 per cent cut Of the previous appropriation, suffered a further cut o# 80 per cent In the allotments of the State Bud get Bureau which carried the Uni versity this year to the destructive level of $564,700. The $<91,984 asked for the coming year is thus almost $30,000 under the legisla tive appropriation tor this year," he said. President Graham, who was the principal speaker, outlined the Uni versity's budget request for the next biennlum. One hundred and fifty representatives of more than 60 local alumni associations and SO class organisation* attended. The alumni vigorously applauded the address and on motion of Agnew Bahnson, of Winston Salem, by a rising vote unanimously adopted a resolution expresalng to President Graham "appreciation for the Inval uable service he has rendered and the courage he has displayed In these trying times" and pledging to htm their -"whole-hearted loyalty and confldence In his program for the future." _ COVE ONE I COME ALL I To Seven Paths School building on the night of the 88rd of December, 1932 and enjoy with us a night of fun. "Dot - The Miner's Daughter," a p.'ay In four (4) acta will be. pre sonted bv rom'?"",*tv talent forth" benett of the drurcM. ? " ' College To Give Carol Service '? "" The public Is cordially invited to attend the Christmas Carol Service which will be given by the Olee Club of Loulaburg College on Sun day evening, Dec. IS, at 7:80 o'clock at the Loulshurg Methodist church. The program will be made up of traditional carols with Incidents^ solos, duets and trios by varioas members of the club, among whom are' .Misses Ida Fuller, Madelene Plttman, Joyce Price, Doris Strang*, Miriam Thompson, Sue Egertoh, Blanche Cannon, Frances Copeland and, Messrs. Bruce Culbreth, Ralph Stevens and John W. Register. Mr. C. L. Jaynes will be at the organ and Mrs. Theo Wooten McCullers will direct the chorus. Special Junior Order Program A special school program will be presented at the meeting of the Junior Order Monday night, December 20th. at So'clcck at the Junior Order Hall. Arrangements have been made to have a special tpeajcer to address the Meeting. An Invitation to this meet ing Is cordially extended to the pub lic. Tonkel's Big Sale A. Tonkel's Department Store is announcing one of the biggest sales it has put on this year. Read their advertisement on another page and tee some of the tremendously big bargain prices they are offering and l hen visit this popular place tq buy your requirements while 'this 'sale Ml 1 ENTERTAIN CONTRACT CLUB Mr. and Mrs. W. E. White, Jr., were hosts to their contract club Tuesday evening at their apartment on Sun snt Avenue. Five tables were arrang ed (or the game, and at the conclus ion of play the club prise was award ed to Mrs. H. H. Johnson. Mrs. Clyde burgess was recipient to the guest prlje. A delectable salad course was serv ed by the hostess. Members .of the club which was organized just re cently are : Dr. and Mrs; Harry Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. I. B. King, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. White, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. James Malone, Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Egerton, M? and Mrs. Blair Tucker, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Earie, and Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Oriffln. In addition to clufc fcrtmbers guests of Mr. and Mrs. White were: Miss Margaret Turner and Mr. Frank W^e icss, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lurgess. t. \ MR. FEARING HONORS NEW FRAT Mr. Robert Fearing honored mem bes of the newly organized Lamda Tan Zeta Fratarnity of Louisburg College at a dinner party at the Four Winds Tea Room Tuesday evening. Dec. 6th. Covers were laid for thirty guests. Red tapers in crystal hold ers, the centerpiece of holly, place cards and favors were all suggestive of the Christmas season. Entertainment was provided by Miss Sue Egerton who sang and played. Mr. Foaring and Mr. Jaynes of the Music Department, rendered beautiful violin and piano selections. Short talks were made by Dr. Wilcox, President of the College, Mlsa Stipe, Jlr: Stowe. and by the presidents of the sororities, fraternities and' the Student Council. Quests of honor were: Messrs. Harvey Black, John Register, Ar thur Robertson, John Hawley, June Reavis, J. B. Petteway, Lawrence Weldon, Bill Thompson, Paul McMillan. Guests other than the Lr.mda Tau Zeta members were: Dr. and Mrs. Wilcox, Dean and Mrs. Stowe, Miss Stipe, Mr. Jaynes, Mrs. McKee, Miss Bliiell, Miss Roper, Coach Hyatt, Misses Doris Strange, Joyce Price, Sue Egerton, Sara Hlcka, Dorothy Duvall, Lydla Person, Doro thy Hurley, Helen Chandler, E\elyn Modellers, Mr. Herbert West. Dr. Meyer To Address P. T. A. Dr. Harold D. Meyer, ot the Uni versity of North Carolina, will ad dress the Loulsburg Parent-Teacher Association this evening (Friday, December 16th) at eight o'clock1 at the High School Auditorium on the topic, "Safeguarding the School Dur ing the Present Crisis." The public is cordially invited. MASONIC NOTICE . There will be an Important meet ing of Louisburg Lodge No, 413 A. P. ? A. M. Tulesday night, Dec. SO at !-30. All oncers for the ensuing year will be elected at this time. All members are urged to be present. A) L visiting M. M's. are Invited. S. E. WILSON, Master. W. H. WHITE* Sec"y. G.M. Beam Ad dresses Justice ; p. t. a. Lawyer G. M. Beam, of Loulaburg made a most wonderful!* Impressive talk to the members of the Parent Teacher's Association at Justice on Friday night, Dec. 9th at 1 o'clock la the school auditorium. By the use of graphic illustra tion, Mr^ Beam led his hearers to see and to understand the rery great Importance of the schools to the boy* and girls of today and how Im portant It la that we not foolishly cripple them In time* of depression like these we are now experiencing. Other features of the program were the singing of Christmas ear, ols by members of the association and a very entertaining little play "Hansel and Gretel" presented by the Third Grade under direction of their teacher, Miss Marian Baze more Several topics of special lo cal importance concerning regula tions for trucks, .and the Importance of regular attendance at achool, were discussed by Supt. S. H. Mur ray. The report for the Grade Mothers was made by Mrs. Ernest Wheleas, Chairman, who reported among oth er things twenty four visits made to the school, one hundred and four letters written to parents notifying them of P. T. A. meeting, and va? rlous other activities. The Second and Third Grades, Miss Marian Bazemore, teacher, Mrs. B. E. Jef freys, Grade Mother, having the highest percentage of, parents pres ent, received .the picture for this month. At the conclusion of the business, the Association adjourned. Its next meeting to be held on the Friday night after the first Sunday In Jan uary. ? MRS. FURGERSON ENTERTAINS Mrs. Mac Furgerson entertained U?e members of her Vota Vita class of i he Loulsburg Baptist Sunday School Monday evening at 8 o'clock. The program was opened by singing the class song. "Take My Life and Let it Be", then prayer by the president, Lula Mae Tlmberlake. Different reports fwr the month from the officers were read before the meeting. The following new officers of the class were elected for the coming year: President, BUlle Phillips; first ?ice-president, Ann Livermcn, second /'cc-president, Louise Taylor; third vice-president, Elsie Hudson; Secre tary, Lula Mae Tlmberlake; Treasur er, Marie Perry; Reporter, Josephine House; assistant teacher, (Catherine Koyers. Words of appreciation to the past officers who so faithfully served dur ing the past year, were received by Mrs. Furgerson. After the program, Mrs. Furgerson assisted by Mrs. Gladys Bailey con ducted an interesting contest after which Ann Liverman and Louise Tay lor were declared winners and re ceived a lovely prize. After the contest Mesdames Fur gerson and Bailey served delicious <a: dies and peanuts. Those present were Misses Kather 'ne Rogers, Beulah Lancaster, Maria Peiry, Lula Mae and Lucy Timber lake, Louiso Taylor, Marie Meade, Elsie Hudson, Josephine House, Ann Liverman, Billle Phillips, Edna Viver ette, Mrs. Furgerson and Mrs. Bailey. MRS. PLEASANTS ENTERTAINS Mrs. W. H. Pleasants entertained the Current Literature Club at her home. Tuesday afternoon, Dec. 13. The following Club members were ? resent: Mesdames McM. Furgerson. [. 8. Davis, M. C. Pleasants, S. P. B'.rt, Malcolm McKinne, Clyde McKee, D. P. Harris and Misses Mary Yarborongh and Anne Dennison. In addition to the club members Mrs. Pleasants had as her guests Miss Re becca Cooper Darts and Miss Edith Alston. The subject of study for the after noon was "Saints, Genuine and Coun terfeit, Legend". Papers were read by Mrs. Davis, Miss Mary Yarborough and Mrs. D. P. Harris. Mr. Edwin Mtlone gave an interesting and In structive tflk on Education. At the conclusion of the program Mi's. Pleasants assisted by Miss Davis and Miss Alston served delectable re freshments. The club adjourned to meet with Miss Stipe, Jan. 10, 1933. AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY TO MEET The American Legion Auxiliary will meet on Tuesday, Dec. 30 at S'30- p. m.. at the Ftour Winds Tea Room with Mesdames W. L. Beasley, A. W. Fowler, W. M. Freeman, W. D. Egerton and W. H. White, hostesses. A special Christmas program for the children of the Auxiliary members will be given. All members with' tlidr ehUdtao are urged to be present. MRS. C. R. SYKES, Secy. Choosing picnic weather Is simple. Decide on the date aad then post pone it one day. THEATRE f TO OPEN Tbe work of repairing the Louls ?g Theatre which was damaged by ffrr# two weeka ago waa begun yes terday morning. It is expected to hate the Theatre ready (or open ing! again on Monday afternoon when Mafrie Dressier and Polly Moras ap pear in "Prosperity", which will play both Monday and Tuesday. ? <>on't* forget The Fxaoklla Times Is still offering complimentary tick Ms to the shows at the Louiaburg Theatre for subscriptions. Christmas Pageant ' ' _______ The Young People's Service Leagues qt St. Paul's Kplscopal Church will '{Irefeent a musical pageant, "Holy Na tivity Pageant" at the Church Wed nesday night, December 21st, at 7:30 o'clock. The music will be given by tile Vested Choir add the characters w'U be members of the two Leagues and the Sunday School. A special feature of this service will be the Casdle Light Service which will be similar to the "Feast of Lights". A most cordial Invitation to this service is extended to the entire public. College Stunt Night A competitive Stunt Night be iwten the various organisations of ?Loolsburg College will be held Fri day night, December 16th, at eight o'clock in the Social halls of the College. The College extends an invitation to the public. A small fkimUslon charge yill be made for purpose of starting an annual fund for this year. Big Hogs The following bog killings in Franklin County hare been report ed to the Times. J., E. Collins, of near Ingleslde, three weighing SIS, 600, 219. Noel Smith, of near Ingleslde, one weighing 520. L - 4. Z. Terrell, of near Ingleslde, One weighing 480. COTTON REPORT The tabulation of the card reports shows that there ware 12,976 bales of cotton, counting round as half bales, ginned in Franklin County, from the crop of 1932 prior 'to De cember 1, 1931, as eompard with 14,277 bales ginned to December 1, 1911, HOSTESS 1?0 P. D. C. The Joseph J. Davis Chapter of the 17. D. C. met Tuesday afternoon, with Mrs. C. K. Cooke as the hostess. Ac the short business session which was held before the regular program, plans were discussed for the Christ mas cheer for women at the Confed erate Women's Home and for the Confederate Veterans. A Christmas program was ably presented by Mrs. Thornton Jeffress and Mrs. McMurray Fergurson. Mrs. Cooke served dainty refreshments to ihe following guests: Mesdames J. W. Mann, D. T. Smithwick, D. P. Har ris. Dave Splvey, John Uizell, M. Fergurson, Thornton Jeffress and Miss Sue Alston. GIVES SHOWER Mrs. Nannie F. Mitchell, gave a siiower on Thursday evening, Decem Ler 8, 1932 at the home of her pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Frailer in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Carter, whose wedding took place November 30th. The home was beautifully dec orated with ivy and autumn leaves. In the hall a table was fixed in white linen, n the center cf which white linen. In the center of which resenting a bride. After all the guests arrived, differ ent games were played until 10 o'clock. Misses Velna Mae Mitchell, Moselle Hill and Mable Lafater then served home made candy afterwhich the guests were Invited into the hall to see Mr. and Mrs. Carter open the glf's which were many beautiful ones. The guosts present were: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Carter, Joseph FrarJer. Jr.. Mable Carter. Nellie Belle Car ter, Norman Carter, Belle Justice, Mary Mitchell, Velna Mae Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Strickland, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Perry, Mr. and Mrs. James Murphy, Mrm. Viola Timber lake Bran e Belle Lancaster, Beatrice Bavham, Joe Barham Charlie Bar ham, Jr.. J. T. Layton. Annie Belle Crenshaw. Leila Crenshaw. Cullom Crenshaw, Ella Privette, Eva Prlvette. Addle Privette. Buddie Privette, An nie Rogers, Oracle Hill, Moselle Hill, Mable Lafater, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Frailer, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Perry. Virginia Perry, BrOoke Young, Dltua Young, Carrie Robins, Joe Hicks, fepurgeon Whealer, Samuel Robins, Eugene Ellington. .. ' :'"A ~i What ha* become of the ol*. fashioned grocer who used to pat a potato on the mouth of the oil can to keep it from spilling T Recorder's Court The following cases were dis posed of In Franklin Recorder's Court Monday. Mr. Cbas. P. Green, the newly appointed Prosecuting Attorney, officiated, displaying much ability and ease in handling his cases: W. T. Glenn was found not guil ty of distilling. Judgement in the case of A1 Cru dup, for tlolatln# prohibition law, Vas continued Marvin ' Bowden plead nolo "con tacts rle to operating automobile in toxicated; 80 days on roads. Appeal. jlmmie Wlfkes and Vester Elllng tom, assault with deadly weapon with Intent to kill, nol pros with leave. - A1 Cooper plead guilty to unlaw ful possession of whiskey and re sisting an officer, 4 months on roads, upon payment of costs, execution of road sentence to Issue only upon order of this Court. Claude Tharrlngton assault with deadly Weapon, continued under former order. Oeorge S. Murray, failure to com ply with former order. Capias and continued. Nathan Harris, carrying concealed | weapon, continued. Round Up Seal-Sale JCvery week since November the 26th, The Franklin Times has car ried one or more articles on the Tuberculosis Seal Sale. The Editor of the Times Is glad to promulgate whatever philanthropic or progress ive movement is sponsored by the County. He has aided in the pro gress of the Seal Drive In the Pub licity given it through his paper. The schools of the County have made persistent endeavor In the sale of the seals. The children have worked enthusiastically with no an ticipation of individual reward. The "Round-Up" week of the Campaign next week will surely show excellent results. Scoggln's Boddle's, Seasley's and Pleasant's Drug Stores have co operated with the Seal Committee and will gladly serve the public un til the 2&th In the sale of seals. The purchase of Christmas Seals is no extravagance. It is a benevo lent act. v No explanation U necessary to tell the far reaching benefit of the Tubercular fund. Through the Radio, papers, and magaiines, information is wide spread. Hay the County Join hands to make this Round-Us-Week (from Dec. 19th, to the nth,) the moat telling one in the Campaign. MRS. R. P. YARBOROUGH, Chairman. : personal: * * -v * # * * Supt. E. C. Perry visited Sama cand Wednesday. ttt Misses Edna Oliver and Pig Beck spent Wednesday In Raleigh on bus iness. ttt Judge E. W. Tlmberlake, of Wake Forest, was- a visitor to Lonisburg Friday. ttt Mr. Ernest M. Bailey, of Woods dale, spent the past week-end at Louisburg and vicinity. ttt Mrs. Mollie L. Beam, of Roxboro, spent the week-end with her daugh ter, Mrs. GUdys B. Bailey. Xtt Mrs. S. L. Home wood, of Vanee boro, Is spending the week-end with Miss Anne Beasoa Priest. Mrs. C. A. Ragfand, Mr. and Mrs. Webb Lloy and Mr. W. B. Barrow ?pe?t Monday in Richmond. ttt Mioses Beulah and Mamie Lao caster spent tost week-end In States ville with Miss Arelia Adams. Xtt Mr. and Mrs. Harry (Hickman and Mr. Jack Brown, of Baltimore, are spending a few days In Louisburg. ttt Drs. D. T. Smith wick and A. H. Fleming attended the funeral of Dr. Walters at Warrenton Thursday of last ?eek. J, Mtss Lois Dotier, of the State De partment of Charities and Public Welfare and Relief, was in Louis burg Friday. ttt Mr. B. H. Meadows, former Chief of Police of Louisburg, returned Tuesday from Portsmouth, where he has been receiving treatment at the U. S. Naval hospital. The 817 club members enrolled in the feH clubs of Catawba County prod dffod |9,196.18 worth of pro duct* this stoson. The net labor re turn Was $5,057.98. Somewhere near twenty is the ?ton* age ? the bigger the stone the better she ltkee It. 1 Delightful Bar becue Supper Ynnng Tar Heel Farmer* of Edward Best High School Hosts to Fathers . A ad Friends. A delightful barbecue supper coupled with a splendid program of 1 lusic and talks were greatly enjoyed *? on jft-iday night at Edward Best Hlgn - fchool by the fathers and i number of friends of the Young Tar Heel Farmers.. When the time arrived and all were seated the Young Tar Heel Farmers Club was opened in formal manner and the object of the occasion was stated by Mr. Otho Wilder, following vhich all enjoyed to the fullest ex tent a full helping of the most de licious cued pig with lemonade or coffee. / following this Mr. Buel. Smith told of the work of the chapter in very interesting fashion, and Mr. Leonard Gilliam entertained those present with ? clog dance. Mr. Litchfield, the ef ficient and popular Vocational teach er extended the thanks of the chapter to all who assisted in making the evening a success and welcomed the t'uests In an especially friendly man ner. Supt T. H. Sledge told of the work being done in beautifying the School grounds throughout the school dis trict and how the idea was spreading tc individuals. He pictured his vision of better farms and homes in the fu ture by reason of the Vocational and Home Economics work of today. Telling the fathers and the sons i hat when they become real pals hap piness in living will be enjoyed by ihem, Hon. W L. Lumpkin a, made a splendid talk in appreciation of the evening and the work the boys were doing. Among the others who responded during the evening were A. F. John ston, Bruce Perry, David Fuller, C. H. Stallings, Phil Inscoe and B. P. H'nton. The program was Interspersed throughout the evening with music by the Creekmore string band, and several quartettes, both of which were of a high order and greatly enjoyed. The occasion was a m' 3t enjoyable one and many guests were privileged tc be present. MRS. McCULLERS GUEST ARTIST TO SANFORD Mrs. Theo Wooten McCullers and Miss Dorothy Hurley spent last week-end in Sanford, N. C., aa the guests of Mrs. H. F. Makepeace, where Mrs. McCullers appeared as guest artist with the Sanford Music Club at Its ^Christmas meeting. Mlsa Hurley was accompanlest for the occasion. While In Sanford Mr*. McCullers was also soloist at the Methodist and Baptist Churches. ** * * * * * * : church : * Announcements * ******** LOUISBURG METHODIST CHURCH "When Jesus Comes" will be tha rubject of Dr. O. P. FitzGerald, pas tor of the Louisburg Methodist Church at the 11 o'clock hour next Sunday. At the evening hour, 7:30, the Col lege Glee Club, under direction of Mrs. Tlieo. Wooten McCullers will render Christmas Carrols. Sunday School will be held at 9 45 a. in., r.nd the Kpworth League at 7 p. m.. with prayer meetings on Wed nesday evening at 7:30'o'c)ock. At 5 o'clock Sunday uftcrnocn tue observance of "White Christmas" with Christmas tree will be had. Tou are invited to attend all of these ser vices. 1 t t ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Morning Prayer at eleven o'clock will be held at St. Paul's Episcopal Church Sunday morning, according to Rev. J. D. Miller's announcement. Sunday School will be at a. m. and Y. P. S. L. at 7 p. m. Itt liOUISBURG BAPTIST CHURCH Special Christmas music and a ser mon on "Our Threefold Responsibil ity" by the pastor, Rev. D. P. Harris, will form the eleven o'clock morning service at the Loulsburg Baptist Cburch. The* regular Sunday School service will be at 9:45 a. m. and the B. Y. P. U. will have its regular meet ing at 6 p. m. "White Crrlstmas" service will be held at 5 p. m. at which time every one is urged to bring %Rts (labeled as to contents, etc., so as to aid the committee in distribution). Christ mas Carols will be sung at this ser vice. ' There will be no preaching service tn the evening, but will attend the Christmas Carol service to be given by the College Olee Club at the Meth odlet Church at 7: SO o'clock. Run down automobiles went rmn up una.

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