Reduce Cod ... Tax Collection Tba following Mils bar* be*a ' )Mr?4??4 kf Horn. W. L. Lmmp kit. re?raaealall*a from , !??: , A Mil to a* eatltied u Act U> Aiarad CkMpUrr I?l of tba I flUK L*?al U>l of Itil, 1 relative to lit ?Urr of tbe i Tu (MlMtw u4 U* ?* |MM Id Ik* utlMM o f UM !? r Mtll* Coaatf. The (^Mil AamMf of North rwoIlM hoa*aad alaa bvndrad *nd tWnr-?M l??. *ad the laac la bare)/? ??a?md*?. br Mflklai oat ' la tit* teat lla* tharaaf lb* word* "tw*atr-t?e tkoaaaad dollara". and lawrtlac la llaa thereof tba 1 word* "t*a (bouaaud dollara". Ab?4 *aid aactloa farther by changing tba period at Hi* and of aald taction to a comma, and adding tba following: "which I bald >ball ba f afalabad by tba i Board of ConuMlwun of aald I Coaatr I Hac I. That aectlon ht? thereof Ik amended by itrlklag I out la line two tba word* "two tkouaaud dollar*", aad Inaertlng I la Ilea thereof tba word* "flftaao hundred dollara". Mac. I. That (action eight of ?aid act be Mrtckca oat aad a It* nctlw ?utt?4 In llaa there of aa follow*; "Hoc. t Tbe Count i Commit* iloi i*r* of Kranklln County arc hereby authorized. upon the re <|IMI of the tax collector, to ex pend for Lb* collection of utti * ?am not to exceed twelve bundrtd dollar* per annum, for the e* preee purpose of employing *ucb clerical aaaUtanta or deputy col lector* aa In hi* opinion may l>e neeeaaary for the effective col lection of taxea la the various lownablps, wblcb aaalataata li bond* aa aald commission ers may deem necessary before aasuuilng tbe dutlea of office. Hald bond* of the deputy collect or* abiill be furnished without expense to the county. Hald tax eollector and aucb deputle* a* may be hereinafter appointed aball 'be allowed by tbe County C'ominlaalonera of aald County audi aum* aa are actually neee* aary. . not to exceed the aum of y all hundred dollar* per annum, fpr 4he purpoH<- of paying all traveling expense*, coata of levies, and other expenae* Inci dental lb the levying on property "and for the collection of taxea In aald county. ' Hald maximum ?una of twelve hundred dollar* and *lx hundred dollara herein provided for, or aucb parte there of aa the tax collector may deem necessary, ahall he paid by the County Commlaaloner*. only upon Verified, Itemlxed^atatementa pre aenled to them allowing tba amount* paid to the tax collec tor, deputy tax collector or bla aaalatanl* for their aalarlea or expenicM incurred." Hec. 4. That all law* and clauaea of law* In conflict with tba provlylons of thla act are hereby repealed. ?ec. I. That thl* act ?hall be In full force and effect from and after Ita ratification. A bill to' ba entitled an Act to Am?nd Chaptar 111 of the Public-Loral Law* of 1*11 for tha reduction of tha sal ary of tha Bbarlff of Franklin County. Tha Ofnaral Aaaambly of North Carolina do anaet: ?action 1. That aactlon on* of ?taptar two hnndrad and ninety OS* of tfct Publio- Local Law* of IM lh??m< ilM bsadred t(4 blrty-oae. I m m?*M by Ptrlk B( ??t tfUf the word "W" la i?* ttow thereof, the words Iweely-foer kindred doVan", tad laaert la Ilea thereof the rords "Mxteea baadred dollars". Bee. 2. That all laws aad laaaes of laws la eoattet with bis act are hereby repealed. ?ec I. That this act shall be a fail foree aad effect from aad ifter March drat. oae thoaaaad iiae baadred aad thirty-three. A Mil to be cilUM an Act to Amend Chapter ZtS of tk? P?l>lk Uctl Law. of 1*2} u amended by Chapter 147 of the Public-Local Laws of l?ZI relating to the salaries of the Re* later of Deeds and the Clerk of the Court of Franklin County. " l*he General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: Kectlon 1. That sectioa three A Chapter two band red fifty Ire of the Public-Local Lava of >m thousand nine hundred and .?enty-y>ree, and a mead men (a hereto, relating to the salary of he Register of Deads of Franklin bounty be. and the same Is here >y amended by striking out In the ast line of said section the words three thousand dollars", and nserting in lieu thereof the eords and figures "tweaty -three luhdred dollars .00)", and further amend said section by hanging the period at the end jf said section to a semi-colon and adding the following: "The said Register of Deeds of laid County of Franklin shall tmploy a Deputy Register cf Deeds, or such clerical help as be may deem necessary for the proper conduct of his ofllce, which said deputy or assistant shall be paid by said Register oi Deeds out of bis salary of twen ty-three hundred dollars." Sec. Z. That section four ol cbspter two. hundred snd fifty Are of the Public-Local Laws ol one thousand nine hundred and twenty-three as smended bj chapter three hundred and forty seven of the Public -Local Lawi of one thousand nine hundred ?nd twenty-tbree, be and the tint la hereby amended by strik ing out the words snd figure* "thirty-two hundred dollars (13. Z00.0*)" at the ^nd of 'said sec tion. snd Insprting In lieu there of the words and figures "twenty all hundred dollars (IZ(OO.OO)*' snd further amend said section by changing the period at tbwy TlakvUf Tkc topic for tke evening (Tkc of tke Word ia tke Hoaduft vaa announced by Oial< Lancaster. chximsaa of tkc procraas committee. Tkc word la iatriea by LftociftiT. America . Need of Word by Mr*. Claude Murphy. Tkc Boatklaad's Need of tke Word by Mr*. J. 8. Howell. GltLag the word to the South land. Lacy Timberlake. ' For Fifty-fire Ceata by Mr*. H. 0. Perry. A Cuban Girl finda tbe Word by Margaret Inaeoe. Tbe meeting' waa diamiaaed by ?entente prayers Tbe next meeting of tbe club will meet with Mra. C. C. Hadaon on Friday evening March 24th. . a. K-W. le P. T. A. ? * Tbe Hickory- Rock-White Level School held ita regular meeting of the P. T. A. Friday night. Peb. 17, at 7: JO o'clock with probably tbe largest number of members fa attendance In tbe biatory of the school. The program opened with tbe song, "0" Colombia the Gem of tbe Ocean!" The devotional was led by Miss Sturdivant, after wbicb Mr. Burnette led In prayer. The secretary called the roll and read the minutes of the prevloua meeting. Tbe fifth and sixth grade room won tke book for tbe moptb. ? An Interesting patriotic pro gram waa given by the children of the school. It waa given in the [ following order: Song, "Wash ington's Birthday", by a group of children; Life of Washington, by ' Linwood Griffin; Life of Lincoln, ? by Cora M. Dean; Play, "Abe t Lincoln", by (th grade. I MAKES WOMEN ;; LOSE FAT MIm Kea M Haines of Dayton, 1 Ohio wrltea: "I welched 180 so ' started to take Kruaehen. I never ' waa ao itirprlsed aa when I weigh ' ed mjraelf the (I rat week ? I loat ' 7 pounda. I Just bought my 3rd ' Jar and am down to 14S-^am ' fit III taking them and never felt 1 better in my life."* (June' 17, - 1922.) To take off fat ? take one half r teaapoonful of Kruaehen Salta In ' a glass of hot water In the morn ' In* before breakfaat ? one bottle ' that laata 4 weeks coata but a few 1 centa ? gat It at any drugstore in " America. If thla flrat bottle fail* 1 to convince you thla la the BAKE 1 and harmleaa way to loae fat ? your money gladly returned. 1 Don't accept anything but 1 Kruaehen b?cau*e you muat re I due# aafeiy. ? Adv. ? Watch \bur Kidneys/ DmI NmW Kidntr and BUdder Irregularities If bothered with bladder lr > regular! tiea, getting up at night and nagging backache, heed promptly theae tymptomi. They may warn of tome dia ordered kidney or bladder con dition. For 50 yeara grateful uaen haw relied upon Doan't PUU. Praiaed the country over. ?Sold by all dnigglata. WOOD T. T. A. The regular monthly meeting of the Wood P, T. A. will be held Friday night, March 3rd at 7:3* o'clock. The following program gives: Seag ? America. Devotional ? Lois Grill. Boll Call aad business. Special moatc. Speech ? Her. J. H. Harper. Social hoar. Mrs. P. O. Sturges, Pres. Mrs. B. M. Gopton. Sec'jr. and Treaa. The Tomato Growers' Associa tion of Scotland County will plant oaly the Marglobe variety this year ia an effort to standardize the quality of product sold. You CAN'T swap eggs . . . after yoa've mixed the cake Baking CAKpsi* that much like making crop*. You can't change fer tilizers after you've planted your crop. Before you plant, yoa've got to choose one fertilizer. Yoa 11 have to win or loae on that one. Choose right ? choose one of our V-C Fer tilizers. We have a com plete stock in just the grades you need. Come in and give us your order now. T. H. ALLEN, Agent IXHISBTKG, S. C. . GREETING ?# PRESIDENT With pleasure we pauae to salute the na t ion's new chief executive, President Franklin D. Roosevelt, and to wish him all success in his administration of the na tion's business. . . . Ve further pledge our whole-hearted support in the work that * ? , is still ahead for all of us . . . team-work . / which every loyal citizen should give to his President. . .. Government of the people, \ for the people and by the people cannot First-Citizens Bank & Trust Co. fORKKK MAIN AND NABH HTKKETH ? Louisburg, N. Carolina ?wnnsriAToei motics^ mur *f (*? MJto it Wtaala M I araar. a I r?ml, bu ?l rraafc IJa Gairt/. Mart* Carolina. UK hi la Mttfr all HTNM harlac Mai acalaat tha ?UM ?( aald dacaaaad la axfctMt Itia ta tha lala^inl aa ar hatora lr< d at of March, lilt, ar thla aetica will ha ylaadad la hiu- of their raeov ?T All faraoaa ladabtad ta aald eatate will plaaaa ait* laaiadl U* pamtat Thla 2ad day of March. l?ll. B. C. JOYNEK. ?-*-? Altar Tka largaat drlad (rait ladaa try ta the I'aitad Btataa la tha raisla tadaat ry. distress afth kau cm-. ~M4 ?Am I would u*li I *4 ?l*-"'a* I - " "? ~ "tflu rOR KIKJIT clam printing PHONE Ml IHE SEEDS OF RECOVERY great arimliirt were to dig dowm- Mo the I of eartjr arch, be would be obliged to iepo?t that he had foand "ao lip of a wed anywhere." Sotwtlhstaadlag that fact, Hpriag will arrive per a ad buret ta( bods to teatifjr force# of Xatnre. The mmmr thiag will be trae of oar iOB. Hearth the barren sarf ace of iifwU aa tell ao eertaia story of busiaese progress, ?rat forces are working for recovery. ?1 Tfcia always haa happened. It is sore to We ahonld all of n* be wiae enough to believe in that fart and prepare for it ? without beta* ao fooiiah as to try to iom the exact date when it will take place. CITIZENS BANK AND TRUST COMPANY HEKDKRSON, W. O. 1 CAPITAL and SURPLUS $500,000.00 Beauty a*.d Health , , Depend on Minerals Science Discovers that Health, Beauty and Life Itself Depend on Proper Mineral Balance of the Body Beautiful Skin Sparkling Eyts Health and Beauty All Depend on Mineral Balance ARE YOU REDUCING? If bo, you need Minerals to keep you itrong g and well. Lack of Sufficient Miner alt and Vitamins Dt stroys Health and Bring i j on Untold Pain and Su' fering. No man, woman or child can look their best, fee! well and strong and enjoy life, as God intended, unless the Min eral content of the body is kept in proper balance. This fact has been proven con clusively. FOODS PEVITALIZED Modem methods of refining food* rob diem of much of the Mineral content so w? y to health. Poor cooking and unbalanced diet* an another aource of trouble. The body i> starred for the eaaential Mineral* and Vitamins. Soon we suffer with indigestion, constipation, headaches, nerrousness, pimply akin. We lose weight, feel tired and listless, fail to get enough sleep. Health deserts as and we wonder wkjr. % NATURAL WAY TO HEALTH After rears of rmareh. a new and remarkable formula has been perfected that supplies the body with the essen tial Minerals. This preparation Is not a "patent- msdlelns bat a selen tlflc blending of Minerals and Vltamlni that al4a Nature In qulekljr balanolnf the mineral content of Um body, stear in* away intestinal poisons and build ing new strength and ntalrty. LEE'S MINERAL COMPOUND With Vitamins The Foundation of Health NOW YOU, TOO, CAN ENJOY ? Health, Strength and Vlqor of Youth, Eat with - - a Keen, Hearty Appetite, Enjoy Sound Refreshing , Sleep, and Feel Like Yourself Again. MAKE THIS 10 DAY TEST Convince Yourself! Stop dosing yourself with "patent medicines," harsh purgatives. nib and cathartics for just 10 days. Go to your nearest Druggist and secuia a bottle of LEE'S MINERAL COMPOUND. Take it regularly, and watch the result*. You'll smased at tha feeling of renewed strength and rigor that soon appears. No nafootios or alcohol to boost you up" but a natural method o f restoring health and energy p c_l_ l_v SOOGKHWg DRUG STORK, LOUIBBURG. ror pal" uy AIrt) DBALBRg kvkrywhkrk, or amd 91.9B to Lee's laboratories, MA Peochtree Arcade Bid* . Atluta, d*., tor Urge bpgto, ppaUn f?tA