TODAYS 1 ibiak ?? tn solas U N( of ?v ?M?ak imM? Mt ? BKt Ml |l?Wl ? dafUBd tfg oC tfrt VBift^OftABM Of Ml* ?y. Um bU greater ability tkaa ur au I ha?a arar >a??a. 1 1 thial ha la perm*a*mUr oat of paUtfca. bat I heller* ha arlU he ? (rwl Mara ta pahUc aCaira la t?M other araa aa loss aa ho itraa. ' Zangara Dies In Chair for Murder Of Cermak Bailor*. rU. March 29. Oul tmtpf Zupn. the IttU* ItaJlaa Immigrant who hatad all (ortrUHd ?? etectrocatad at t:l$ i. ?. E.I.T. Moaday tor nirdwlu Ktror Aatoa J. Cer mmk at Chicago la am attempt to prattet Oooaevelt. Ho weat to the chair with tkc ?aa* defiaat calm ko had main tained since the Bight ho trad wildly lata a crowd **??mbl*d la Miami, Feb IS to aMcad a greet tag to the thoa PreaMoat-Elaet. It wa* 1:11 a. m. whea ha aa tarad the death chamber bare footed aad dreaaed la striped trousers aad while ahlrt open at the seek Two guards accom panied htm bat aa ha approached the chair Zaagmi? aald "Doat hold me. I no a/raid of chair." ? The (Bard releaaed him aad Zangara took hla aeat aa though be were sitting down {or a loach rirat striding over to Superintend ent L. V. Chapman aad handing ulm a sheaf of paper* oa which he had lnacrlbad "Her* la that book I hare been writ la*." "I no afraid that chair, aee?" He repeated a a he surveyed the thirty wtineaae* and attendants In the room. And thea aa the straps were adjusted about hla hands and legs. "No^ camera mu, bare? No one here u> take plc inrenf" Superintendent Chapman re plied. "No," Just before the at tendant placed the metal cap on Zangara'* head. "Lousy capitalists," Zangara ehouMd bitterly. Then be re peated, "No p let urea, Capital lata. All capitalist*, lousy baneb ? crook*.'* - Attendant* started to complete preparation* for the electrocu tion and Zangara aald. "Goodbye. Odloa to all the world. Goodbye." With hi* feet not quite touch ing the floor and bla bead com pletely covered he tben leaned back In the chair and relaxed to await the shock One of the guards who fixed the electrode*, stepped back and said in a quiet voice "Allrlgbt Joe." With that signal Sheriff Dan Hardy of Dade County (Miami) walked behind the chair and threw the switch that aent 2304 volts through Zan gara 's body at ?: 16. The little aaaassin'* body stiffened at the first shock and bl* head gave a Jerk upward. HI* hand clenched the chair. The current was turn ed off after three minute* and , Zangara'* body relaxed, slumping 'orward. Guards hastily released the strapa about IhdLjarms and physician* stepped Vorwhrd to make their- examinations. He waa officially ( pronounced dead at >:27 a. m. E. S. T. A heavy rain beat a utoo on the flat top of the prison building at the hour of the execution. National guardsmen with machine guns oc cupied strategic locations and kept watch on all who approach ed. An autopsy was ordered af ter the execution. There was co immediate announcement as to what would be done with Znn Kara's body. Fire Saturday The top of a houM on Harts row Just South of Louisburg, oc cupied by Henderson Perry, col ored waa badly damaged by flr? Saturday afternoon. Sugar production an acre In Hawaii baa Increased In the last twenty-live years from (.1 to '7.1 tons for Irrigated land and froWt 3 31 to & tons (or non-Irri gated land. Tbe average yield now la better than 6.4 tons an acre. Tbe number of laborers employed haa declined 6,000 In ten years, due to increased use of machinery. " Subscribe to The franklin Times HOW DOCTORS TREAT GOLDS AND COUOHS To break up a cold overnight and relieve tho contention that make* you couch, thouiaoda ol phyalclan* are now recommend InK Calotaba, the nau?eale*a calo mel compound tablet! that give you the effects of calomel and Haiti without the unpleaaant ef fect* of either. One or two Calotaba at bedtime with a r1b?* of sweet milk or wa ter. Next morning your cold hai vanlihed, your ayitem I* thor oughly purified and you are feel ing fine with a hearty appetite for J>r*akfaat. Bat what you wl*h. j ? na danger. Calotaba are aold In 10c and He package* at drug atorea.' The Mm Who Waa Afraid.' ike aab)act of a lot tt.U. "I of the fiHhl? i ktiM Us UlMt his master of Mil a kirl an stsadlng tkm with the taktt la hit h**^ Dr. FttsGeraJd rtaladed bis ktuvn that tkJ a tin ?< fefa ,1 While tar's captor, the aerraat had op ponuit; to eh l hands, he said aethiag ahoat bates hard aad un reasonable It vaa oaljr after the aerraat bad wasted bis time. kvM his taleat, aad stood be fore the Jidfaett of his ova worthless life that he began to oCer tiniw why be had not been faithful to bis duty. The speak er called attention to auay who claim the Sermon on the Moaat sets so high an ethical aad moral standard that aoaae conclude there la ao need to attempt to at tain Its spiritual level. "But this ia bring! as one's owaself to Judgment." declared the minister "Fear" is what rained this man's life", aaid Mr. FlUGerald He waa afraid of himself. Afraid of bis own Initiative aad ability to handle the business entrusted to bim. Afraid of others and their competition. He was s failure and admitted. He could not do bis duty because he would 'not do it. and charted alt the blame on hia boas. Fear' aad hys- j terla bare raised men aad na tions. These terrible weapons of eril paralyze ambition, cut the nerre of activity, and refuse obe die?e to the will of God and man. Tbeae forces have bank rupted businesses and cloeed banks. They have deatroyed con fidence In people and things. The minister declared that Je sus demands a poeitive, righteous life, and not a negative, idle life. ,lle claimed that the barren fig tree and the bait; fruit were living proofs to this fact. One's attitude toward neglected pov erty, unhindered crime, "sweatr shop" slavery, and Immorality brings all men to judgment. We may care nothing about these evils, we may do nothing about them, but still no excuse we can render will release us from active responsibility. The talent-llfe is the duty of all. No one can evade or escape the full use of its ser vice lest tbey forfeit their claim 'to life eternal. Two can never live M cheaply u one, but they ml(ht find it nec essary to do so sooner or later. Who remembers the old days when a *lrl had to roll op her skirts before she went In wading? "I ?ih?-r, dear father, come home with m? bow." A pane of Thrilling <>ld-Ttoie Woodcuts in The American Weekly, the Maga zine DUtrltmted with ??t Hun day's Haltlmore American. Buy It from your news-dealer or newn boy. j. S-24-lt WOMEN: watch your BOWELS What should women do to keep their bowel* moving freely? A doctor should know the an?wer. That is why pure Syrup Prpsin ia so good for women. It juat suits their delicate organism. It ia the prescription of an old family doctor who haa treated thousands of women patient*, and who made ? special study of bowel troubles. It is fine for children, too. They love its taste. Let them have it every time their tongues are coated or their akin ia sallow. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is made from freah laxative berbs. pure pepsin and other harm less Ingredients. v When you've ? sick headache, can't eat, are bilioua or sluggish; and at the tlnv* when you are most apt to be constipated, take a little of Da. W. B. Cuowtu's SYRUP PEP$IIN A Doctor ? Fomify Laxatitm T* THE FAMILY JOHN JOSEPH GAINES. M P FUMIOATIOM 4*7%. wfcea hrthnii ?i'"*" closed ?? bujt knn'o/lic day ud night Air ia jm^raw amy >twi ^uiddy poll nted. A guest ma) tafta ia far aa kov't cku. He may bit a coagh, not enough h proclaim ka aa invalid jet he mar be what we all a "flu carrier.' He Mr i? "I? meytire Tictw ia any taw he visits, and do a without aa the loa being conscious of the act. Oae or two I? i| iliiwi a week does ao hwa it's weO worth ths ifort. Xot ao very loag ago. sulpfanr randies were burned in rooms thai ! had held murium diseases. My opinion ia, that ?ach aa agency it wboDy I came against it oncc ia a smallpox epidemic, aad it proved utterly * orthleaa. 0 A famil ?al matt be volatile ? capable at beiag dispersed ia th? air of the rooaa; it maat he effectual against germs. Having thcae two properties, you have the ideal agcsl I have tested oat a solution of FORMALDEHYDE to my satisfaction. If handled carefully, it is safe ia the haads of the family. It* pungent, irritating odor warns against excessive dose: I use a 40% solution known as Tormalm." Sprinkled about the Snen closets, particularly ia the clothes-hamper containing soOed linen for the laundry; a little here aad there about the In riding rai nigli to "bite" the nose aad eyes a little. Keep children away fraa the been odor. Its ase can be quickly learned. It will leave air pure, aad will destroy bacteria. I have "isolated" cases of small-pox aad scarlet fever, by having the air constantly formalized about the patient. Try it for fumigation; use it carefully, aad depend on its effect. Woman sad aa apple are cred ited with ha rjn? been the foaad er of the rlothtac buioen ? bat today there is dancer of the boai aess ccaiif to almost nothing. The erring aeed of the hoar Is economy. bat the only brake* the majority of the people know how to apply are the automobile brak 80 me of the alleged imported llqaor proves to export the buyer. ) Objections to the one piece bathing rait may be heard, but 'even at that there is as danger of them dropping off. The golden rale la a good one to follow, bat there are far too many people who want to head the proeeaslon. The road hog often times geta what is coming to him, bnt he never gets butchered like the rest of the hogs. 91% of All Human Ills Originate In Stomach Failure to Supply Body With Essential Minerals Allows Excessive Acids to Destroy Health and Vitality. to prolong Uf?. Mi forward with startling sf thsir findings. bat ao Then is no natural doth. from so-called natural < the cad point of n?ogiesaira sod sato-l TIMELY WARNING As sm?ing statement indeed bat s warning, that if heeded, should inpran the bealtk and well being, in? i the joy of Bring, and prolong tbe ha of millions of mas, women and children who might otherwise drag through weary life to sa^untimely end. ACIDITY KILLS MILLIONS Health authorities ' now agree that ?1% of all diseases originate b the stomach and ate caused try pnor cook ing, improper diet, and the eating of highly refined foods. Your doctor knows that the 1] essential Minerals and all Vitamins are contained in foods in their natural state and could ha lire with you constantly, carefully seWt and prepare emything you eat, yoa would nerer need medicines of any kind This being impossible, science has been searching for years. . trying to compound s formula that would make op for tlie at Uat their effort* have been rewarded AID TO NATURE LEE'S MINERAL COMPOUND. I new awl revolutionary formula, actual!) ippTna the ayatcm with theaa vital ele menU id iirnawiy to health and bappi aeaa. H ractaine the eleven wiiilia' Minerak in weB balanced proportion together with Vitamin*. and ? an in valuable aid to aatare in the buildinf of blood, hew nam and tie.**. I ELIMINATES POISONS It ?3 fid jroar eyvtem of exee? acid. (Keep away the danferoo* poiaoo*, ?upply the body with tha needed min eral*. stimulate the organ* of digtatioe and animilaliiai. build rich, red blood, dear the ikin. give ran a' keen, heart; appetite, help jroa to get Mand, refreah ing sleep. restore health, strength and vitality and enable you to enjoy life to the faOeaL MAKE THIS 10 DAY TEST Convince Your?elf!w Mop doting rearMlf with Detent ?Ml clnes," harsh purgatives, oils and cathartic* for Just 10 days. Oo to your nearest Drug fist and Mcurc a bottle of LETS IfTlfZRAl COMPOUND Taka It regularly. and vatcto the results You'll be amazed at the feellnf of renewed strength and rigor that soon appears Wo narcotics or alcohol to "boost you up" but a natural method of restoring health and energy. For Sale by SCOOaiN'S DRUG STORE, LOUISBURG, AND GOOD DEALERS EVERYWHERE, or Mod $1.35 to Lee'i UbonUirtei, SOS Peachtree Arcade Bldg., Atlanta, Ga., for large bottle, ppatage paid. Use The Best Materials In Your ' Repairs When you make repairs, make them with th? beat of material* ? to mach the quality of the materials that went into the original building! You'll find it the best of economy. And you'll also find that in the long run, that grade A ma terials will cost less than inferior quality. We handle only the best quality. Simply phone 263-W. LUMBER OF ALL KINDS FOR ALL BUILDING PURPOSES J. T. PRDITT LUMBER CO. Warehoaae Located at Residence? Phone M8-W LOUI8BURG, If. CAROLINA nvMownj* rAHAUHAYH* ?r o. r. rjuo*tM lt'l aot aspactad tkat T?? Bow la wIN h?i My Mmaaaba* aaiung tba poatarltr of tba fcliool (oik. Koo#a?alt to ???!? "?'?? Kcaaomr Am Mora Month ?ada." Mf* baadllaa IU?bt ear lata thar didn't aaaa baar bot UaT Evldantlf tka Laftolitura bow agraaa that llfa of a aort to "Ju?t a bunch of Char n't." Ya paragrapbar favor* flrlaf all tfca old hare acrtf who want II, tal ? br ? ?? prefer the oM Uro? greea. If tha Oeaeral I WW My par. ?lata la ualag ? BowU halfe. ve ?ar wawMr la Ufcatf u> gat eat. Ikrrlat Huaala Might ha recou nted Wall, havea't we haea Bee lag redT At laaat Kraaee la vUllag (0 talk about her debt ta Cacle gam whether aha pmy? or aot Br way of aaggaatloo, Co*. Kbrlaghaoa might ehaage b!? platform plaaka tato paddl** CHERRY BLOSSOM EXCURSION TO WASHINGTON AND KZTVEK ^ APRIL 1.2ND AMP APttIL 8-9TH TICKETS HOLD FOR ALL TRAINS APRIL. 1ST AND BTH PROM MONROE-HAMLET-SOUTHKRB PI* EH AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS AND POR TRAINS 100. 4, AND 199 APRIL 1ST AND 8TH AND NO. < APRIL 2ND AND 9TH SAN FORD TO HENDERSON AND IN TERMEDIATE POINTS FROM MONROE ? HAMLET lww SANFORD And Intermediate Palate CTC Aft FROM RALEIOH 93.UU HENDERSON And Intermediate Polnte REDUCED ROUND TRIP PULLMAN FARES SPECIAL RUSES AT VERY LOW FARES FOR SIGHT SEEING IN WASHINGTON WILL MEET TRAINS LIMITED LEAVE WASHINGTON 6:80 P. SC.; 11:00 P. M. APRIL 2ND AND 9TH ? EXTENSION OF FINAL LIMIT CAN HK ARRANGED ON PAYMENT OF $1.00 PER DAY, MAXIMUM EXTENSION OF FIVE DAYS FOR INFORMATION SEE TICKET AGENT H. E. PLEASANTS, D. P. A. RALEIGH, N. C. PHONE 2700-270 SOS ODD FELLOWS BUILDING SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY $6 WITHOUT RESTRICTIONS We are glad to announce that toe have Re opened our hank, with permission of the Bank ing Departments of the State and National Governments, without restrictions on the reg ular course of banking business. The only thing we are not allowed to do is pay in Oold on Demand Every, account at our bank is subject to the same liberal privileges of the owners as they ever were. We invite your confidence and business, assuring you of a splendid banking institution, fully protected by ample funds and government supervision. Our advice, service and facilities are at your service. First-Citizens Bank & Trust Co. CORNER MAIN AND NASH HTRKKTH Louisburg, N. Carolina Q