local mm ? It* about time tor the Mad loan money to fee eomlngln. * * * ? Cotton sold tor ? S-S cents a pound in Loulaburg yeaterday. t t t ? Spring . made lta official viait Monday night, but you have to be told about It. ? Judging from the garden Med received by the Relief de partment many gardeni will be planted In Franklin this year. ? Attention led to the new advertisement of Mr*. Julia P. Scott In another column. She 1* announcing the display of a beau tiful aprlng stock of ready-to wear and millinery. fr. ttt i-f-The Ore early yeaterday mon nllf wis at Person's Planer on the 8erffioard yards. The quick refuse of tU* Fire Department confined the blax^to the sawdust pit* and prevented damage. ' < JJ. * ^ ? irThe manyfrtends 0f the fam ily will be gla&^p know that Mh| Josephine Perry, daughter of Supt. and Mrs. E. C. Perry, who underwent an operation for ap pendicitis at a hospital In Rocky Mount on Thursday night of last week, la convaleslng nicely. ttt' ? Misses Blizabeth Tlmberlake and Pattle Lamm, teachers at Ep som experienced a most danger ous automobile accident Sunday when their car in which they were returning to their school left the road about four miles north of Louiaburg and turned over. Luck ily tor them, no Berlous Injuries were received. The cauae of t?e accident was attributed > tp .. wet roads. BIRTHDAP PARTY Vaster Clyde Collier, Jr., de lightfully entertained a number a number of his little friends at a party honoring hla fifth birth day Thursday afternoon of last week. Entertainment and fun was received from a number of Interesting games played by the guests, afterwhlch ice cream and cake were served to them. Fol lowing the refreshments an eau ter egg hunt was greatly enjoyed by the little folks. Uaster Collier's guests wert Ben Downey, Bobbie Strickland, Edward Wrenn, Billie Beasley, Patsy Parrish, Cheatham Alston, Jr., Vann Lancaster, Ann Strick lan, Jane Strickland, Shirley Leonard, Virginia Leonard, and Mary Ellen Collier. _ Clinton, Mo? is now without a City Jail. The jail had not been used for some time and the city council sold It to the Cohen Junk Company, of Clinton. RE-SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of an order of re-sale of the Superior Coort of Franklin County, made In the Special Proceedings entitled "George L. Cooke, Administra tor of the estate of Fenner Sand ling, deceased, vs. Bessie Smith, Arie Allen, et at.," the under signed will on / MONDAY, APRIL 10TH, 1933, at 12 o'clock noon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at tfie Courthouse door in Louisburg, N- C-. the following described tract or par eg) of kind: That -certain tract or >-paia3 of land situate and being in Frank linton Township, Franklin Coun ty, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Qeorge D. Kearney on the East, West and ^outh, on the North by lands of Qeorge D. Kear ney and Annie King, being the land conveyed by N. Y. Gulley and F. S. Spruill, Commission ers, to C. R. Sandllng, and from C. R. Sandllng to Fenner Sandling, " containing 65 acres, less - one fourth acre reserved to C. R. Sandllng and his heirs. See deed of F. S. Spruill and N. Y. (fulley, Commissioners to C. R. Sandllng. Bfcok 103. page 81, Registry of Franklin County. From the above tract there has been sold and con veyed to John Sandllng and if hereby expressly excepted from the above described lands twenty aeres. described as followi: That ' certain tract or par Mi ?f land containing twenty acres on the North side of the above tract and described as follows: Beginning at a white oak stump, corner of lands be longing to the Fenner Sandllng estate and the Holt Kearney es tate, and running N 8 deg 10' K #76.2 feet to a dogwood and pointers, corner Edward McGhee line; thence 8 71 deg 60' E 1449 feet to an iron stake on the west bank of the weat prong of Tay | lor's Creek, thence up said Tay lor's creek about 720 feet to an iron stake on the west bank, a new corner for the Fenner Sand llng estate; thence along a new line for the Fenner Sandllng es tate N <9 deg 16' W 1187 feet to the point of beginning, con taining twenty acres. The suo cessful bidder at this sale will be required to deposit twenty . per cent of his bid as a guarantee of good faith. This the 23rd day of March, GEORGE L. COOKE, Ad ministrator of Fenner Sandllng, deceased Yarborough and Yarborougti, Attorneys. ??l4-8t MaJ. B. P. Boddle visited Rocky Meant the put week. t t t Mr. B. N. Wllllama. Now 35c | j Djer Kiss Perfume and Powder 15c J | Ladies' Hats . 25c up . ] Hooked Rugs 7' -.T. > $3.00 up | ] Best Orade Satin 50c yd. up Beautiful Jewelry and Cosmetics. Silk and Cotton Remnants. Ladies Belts 10c up Highest Quality Ladies' Silk Hose 49c _|| Don't Miss Our Sales Every Saturday. ( j The What - Not Bargain Store [ j Opposite Franklin Hotel Phone 45-W j 1 Mrs. H. O. Perry, Prop. Douglas Perry, Mgr. j j You have Been Waiting Patiently ! And Now You Will Be Rewarded BANKRUPT SALE Of TonkePs Stock , V- ?> V. ?.1 ' i. ? I? - Is Now Going On In Full Blast And Folks! You Are Going to Get The Bargains of Your Life. The Stock Was Sold by the U. S. Court and Was Ordered To Be Moved Within 10 Days. Building Must Be Vacated, and $20,000.00 of ? ? High Quality Merchandise Must Be Disposed Of Quickly Without Re serve or Condition. Folks! Act Now! We Have No Time To Loose and We Give You The Benefit. We Cannot Mention Every Item But Here Are Just A Few of The Knockout Bargains. MEN'S CLOTHING Men! Here's Your Chance? Choose from the Best Stock in this section. Men's good suits in odds and d* A QQ ends ? a) wool and well made #'*.00 ft. 1 Men's fiM8t new worsted suits as fine as you can fintf'anywhere ? all sixes all models. $9.88 Men's pants, good quality for work 77c Men's fine dress pants 97 up Curlee suits and all other best makes, your un restricted choice of these fine suits $11.88 Men's good hats 97c and $1.97 Caps, all styles ....... 29c up LADIES and CHILDRENS~ Ready-to-wear Ladies' wash dresses 39c up Ladies' silk dresses, good styles, nice material $1.47 All dresses up to $15.00 $2.97 Children's wash dresses 1 . 29c Ladies winter coats nice furs, a good time to buy one for next winter ? All less than * Price All ladies and children's hats at give away prices, 10c up. LADIES' HOSIERY Fine quality hose 7c Full fashioned, first quality 39c All $1.00 hose, best made 69c LADIES' UNDERWEAR Silk bloomers 19c Silk Slip# 47c > Rayon Gowns . . 47c MEN'S SHOES \ Fine Oxfords, all sixes, good quality . . . $1.38 Qood work and plow shoes 97c Men's high grade solid leather dress oxfords, values to $5.00 1 $1.97 Sweaters for The Family 39c up ? DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT Ladies! Here's a picnic for you ? Thousands of yards of fine dress goods 2c yard and up And cotton going up Genuine Druid Sheeting 4c Tine Dress Prints, fast colors 7c Curtain Goods, nice assortment 5c up One table piece goods, values to 50c yard, a clean up . . . . ,..v.rt 7c y