BRING BACK POWER VALVES . . TUNING IGNITION i you are planning on wing your ca i many another of as. But does the < It used to? How about those hills > oa fl , And the pfckaf? . . . It's sunyisln# tan mm foi can sain by s few simple adjastnieiitt at JO" jstas ? or by Installing a new set of !????? !#'? good economy too. . . . Drive In for a free te Pull Tires, Guaranteed 1 Year Gas, Oil, Batteries, Repairs Radio Repair Work Come To See Us A-A-A SERVICE r R. C. Beck NobeMedlin I Day Phone 811 Night Phone 88S-W or 40 Louisburg's Oldest Oarage? The Old Reliable , e> ?fir ECONOMY IN BUILDING When you are ready to buy the lumber that goes into Mr home, bear in mind that often better lumber at the ( Start will avoid extra construction costs and expensive repairs later. Inferior lumber put into your home may mean many ' repair Mils in the future. A leaky roof, a sagging floor, cracked plaster, a win* - low that will not shut easily? these are often the re * suits of buying inferior lumber. They mean costly re pairs. The*) can be avoided if you buy dependable, uniform lumber, such as we have for sale. It will mean a home that is built permanently, with out all the annoying and costly repairs. Everything The Home Builder Needs * * Simply phone 263-W. | J. T. PRUITT LUMBER CO. X Warehouse located at Residence ? Phono ' MS-W I/OUISBURG, V, CAROLINA Mf L S V | The Cabinet I'# ; That Saves % Miles of Steps There's really no ex c u s e for wearing X yourself oat in a f marathon around ?our kitchen every day! And certainly there's no need for those < : miles and miles of extra steps when a cabinet ; ; of such excellent design as this is priced at ! '