YOUR LOCAL PAPER east adit vNkMt yew Paid tor PatmMM^B ta Sntfrttflnn aad Adrrrtialag BOOST YOUR HOME PAPER A. V. JOHNSON, Editor lad ?Wh VOLUMN LXIV. r* SUBSCRIPTION 91 .AO Per Tear JULY 7, IMS (EIGHT PAGES) Times DR. POTEAT ADDRESSES ASSEMBLY YOUNG PEOPLE'S ASSEMBLY < * . AT COLLEGE " Large Number Attending and ' Fnfl Sessions Held Daily ? 111** Cleo Birdie Farrts AddreeAAd _ _ The A seemhiy Wednesday Eve ning? Strong Faculty In At ? - temdamw _ - '? -? ' d The North Carolina Conference ' of the Young- People'* Assembly of the Methodist Church, with nearly three hundred delegates present, opened Its IMS. session in the halls of Louiaburg College Monday, July 3rd, to laat through the week to Friday afternoon. Registration and arrangements for classes occupied right much of the afternoon of Monday so that the assembly proper was be gun In a Jolly and entertaining way at the Assembly banquet held In the College Dining Halls at 1 p. m., which was given as a World Friendship Banquet with Rev. Herman B. Baum, their recrea tional director, served aa toast master, and the following girls acted as foreign hostesses: Ruth King, Africa; Hilda Heatwole, China; Flora Thompson, Japan; Elizabeth Davis, Brazil; Iona Parker, S. U. ; Eleanor Harper, Mexico; and Janet Rawlings, Ko rea. Rev. E. O. Harbin led the young people in singing folk songs of many countrlee. TKa tkamA to tiro was "Thy Kingdom Come" and the courses taught were divided' Into two groups: Enrichment, in which are Included How to Enjoy the Bttle, Jesus'* Teachings, the Christian's Use of Leisure, Proph ets and Our Problems, Alcohol and Ourselves, and What do we mean by Mission*;, and Programs and Organisation, including the x following courses, Planning De I ? partment Programs. Organisation T Department, Worship, Missions. Citizenship and Service, and Re creation. The officers of the N. C. Assem bly who have served through the year and the conference were C. T. Thrift, Jr., president; John 0. Dalley, Jr., vice-president;!! Mary C. Hooker, secretary; John 0. Evans, treasurer; Reba T. Conslns, publicity superintendent;! Rev. L. L. Qobbel, executive sec-, retary, and Mrs. Earl W. Brian. ~' Sheriff F. N. Spivey and Coun ty Health Officer Dr. R. K Tar borough went Immediately to the scene and called Coroner J. W. Freeman who held an ta quest and bound Garrett over to coutt without bond, and Blackwell and Morgan under 1100 boo da each as wltnesaee. The three were brought to Loulaburg by Sheriff Spivey. Roforta coming from that section were of such a, na ture that Sheriff Spivey removed (Jarre tt to another County, ' to avoid a ploaslble display of vio lence. Bktckwell add Morgan gave boad and were released. . f . HayeaTlllk? Henry 9. Hayaa. Sandy Cflkk?Wi O. Abtjb P"ooi*'CMj|#? T. A. Holljii ?orth, W. IT 1 Ced?r Rock-? P. W. *rl(il A. Natal, t. T. Perry. I. T.5 ?eo*. H. B. Cooke, W. fH ' Louliborg ? D. W. Slmmonafl B. Maaaenburg, W. P. Long, , Second Week . Dum ? D. L- Waatar, W, fcaddingfleld. J Harria ? J. V. Pearca# Youngsyllla ? W. i.i?old?a, H. Strickland, L. B. Pearce, J, Wood lief, 0. A. Lord. Hayaarllle ? K. O. Waldon, 1 O. Foster. Sandy CrMk? B. B. Mote M M Peraon. .-J Oold Mine? Q. V. iWUfcpte cedar Roak? a. Johnaon DR. WHITSETT SPEAKS TO KIWANIANS Observe Ladles Might At Fraaklla Hotel Thursday Night Dr. Wlllliun T. Whitsett, of Whitsett, addressed the Loufa burg Kiwanls Club at tta meeting at the Franklin Jlotel last Friday night, at which time Ladles Night was observed. President H. G. Perry gracious? ly presided over the meeting, which was opened with the slu ing of "America" and the Invo cation by Rev. .0. P. FltzGerald. Dr. Perry expressed a sincere welcome to Dr. and Mrs. Whit sett and the large number of la dles to the meeting, stressing the fact the ladles are a dynamic force behind Kiwanls and It waq a pleasure to show due respect ?? them in having them present pn this occasion aa their guests. ln: eluded In his welcome was a brief resume of the worK of the Loui* burg Kiwanls Club. "Old Black foe." sung by aU present In the familiar Kiwanls spirit, was enjoyed, and waa fol lowed by a hilmorous stunt, which vas the writing of all the ladles' names on slips of paper, shuffling them and drawing one and to the lucky lady, who Mrs. Thornton leffreys, a nice "clnb" was given. Also, one of these clubs waa pre lented to Mrs. Whitsett. Rev. O. P. FltiGerald, pastor it the Louisburg Methodist Zhurch, was master of ceremonies during tEe presentation of the program, and upon his brief in troduction, Maj. S. P. Boddie fit tingly Introduced Dr. Whitsett, irho at one time was teacher of joth of the former. In his lntro luction Maj. Boddie related of the Influence and leadership of he speaker In the preparatory ichool field, stating that there ire many men who his guiding nfluence has carried to success. He remarked of his great ,popu arity throughout North Carolina ind the whole country, of his -ecognized ability as author and joet, of his membership- in the Poetry Societies of North Ameri :a and London, of his reputation is a great educator In North Car >llna, and ef^hls association and influence with the State educa tional institutions. Dr. Whitsett acknowledged his ntroduction gratefully, remarkr ng of the tender memories of those school days when those two toys, along with many others had tat at his feet, so to speak. He tongratulated Louisburg and franklin .County upon the pos lesslon of a Kiwanls Club that nakes such a splendid showing ind record. XT IB BQUreBS WU DHCU pal lieu ariy.. on Noble Womanhood and lomewhat of a brief summing up if bis philosophy of life thai be las regained through his experl mce In life. Referring to the act that the occasion of the night ras the observance of ladies night is spoke these particular words, 'Their presence honors this occa ihm, and hints that we would all In appreciation If we fail to ?ay tribute to Noble Womanhood. : bow with uncovered head to ratify the debt that rests upon M all to oar Mothers, our Ste ers; our boyhood sweethearts; >ur Wives; and our Daughter*." 3e expressed his thanks for each ind everyone of these and his ap preciation of the loyalty of wives, rho he Mid, make* home* of the louses men build. He empha ilsed greatly the Influence of romanhood upon the manhood of this world. "Womanhood In its jest sense, stands ' for purity, ihastlty, and Tlrtue;" ha said, 'and all those thiags for which ?ten toll, anil labor, aad delve, ind sail the seven mm, are looner or later Influenced by iroman'a hand." Speakia got the philosophy at ;ife. he asked the question, "Amid >ar little fuccesaaa and failures l*h*t Is our real aim In these lays of TtmeT", and In answering M pointed out that a good body, l good mind, and a good name were needed to establish a good man. The attainment of char icter, culture, aad cltlsenshlp ibould be the dream of every man tnd woman. During his talk. Dr. Whltsett lad a store of entertaining stories Ind quotations, yet all full of ?leaning aad slgnlteance. Using the words, of Dr. Perry, the presi tent of the Club, It was a most wonderful addreee and the large number of ladles and gentlemen present were exceedingly grateful |or the pleasure of hearing It. * ' Following the closing of the program with one stanaa of "Star Ipanglnd Banner", all of the peo ple present were Introduced to ^r. aad Mrs. Whltsett aad ax kreaeed their praises for the won torful addreas. ?a bar ribs to Tka rraaklln Times h Western Trade Route to the Sea -~'V wT *. A new teoda roate baa been opened to J3 mid-western states. It is the Great Lake*? 6nlf of tteidea waterway now open to barge commerce, ? i the faMUmeat of aa inland dream of many yean. Above la pictured the first barge (Moment! croeaing the oAelal drip, TO8 Wthnette (background ) ?t Michigan Link Bridge, Chicago, and inaugurating the ir*t ocean to Lake Michigan shipments. It is Mid that twenty-two states in the Miaaia aippi valley art to enjoy a reriaiom of shipping rates from this new trada rpnte. K I W A N I S PARK OPENS The official opening of Klwan Is Park will be staged tonight from 6 to S o'clock. The program proper, including the regular Ki wania meeting will begin at 7 p. m. A moat Interesting program will be presented while a dell cloua barbecue supper will be serred. Muaio will be furnished during the eraning by Reginalds Band. The Klwanla Park is situated in the bend of Tar Rlvpr just above the dam. with splendid swimming arrangements made tor swimming liknn river. Diving towers, spring boards, rafts and dressing houses have been built. And there is s shallow pool roped off for the young children. The land adjoining the river there has been cleaned and arranged nicely for the park and no doubt the people, both old and young, of Loulsburg will enjoy the advan tages and pleasures of a nice Park and swimming arrangements near at hand. The Klwanla Club is to be congratulated upon thia IVork. APPOINT COM MITTEEMEN School Committeemen Request County to Caatinue Work 1* Agriculture in Schools The Board of Education met In special meeting on Thursday afternoon of last week with all members present. The main business before the Board was that of appointing the school committeemen. A motion prevailed appointing all old Com mitteemen in the County whose time had not expired for tlii time remaining unserved. The vacancies on the various Boards whose times expired July 1st, were fined as follows: Buun- ? Mrs. J. W. Cheves in place of Mrs. C. C. Pippin. 8. A. Naah in place of J. N. Perry. Qold Sand ? Ed Faulkner in place of Joe Faulkner. Cedar Rock-C/pr? s Creek ? Spencer Dean -in place of Phillip Inscoe. ' ToungsviUe ? J. S. Green In place of H. M. Green. L. B. Pearce in place of J. B. Perry. Epeom ? C. O. Saves in' place of W. S. Ayesctie. N. W. Ayes cue In place of P. A. Duke. Laouieburg ? J. A. Hodges In place of Mrs. W. E. White, de ceased. I The Board together with Com mitteemen from each of the sev eral districts fn the County ap peared before the Board of Coun ty Commissioners in reference to keeping tho Vocational Agricul ture work In the schools. The scheme this year because of thei change In the school law Is to re quire the three teachers In the County to do work In the six County schools making it a Coun ty-wide work. It appeared to be the conCMpus of opinion that it was deairttile to have this work continued |on the flew basis and upon the truest of the Commit teemen pri*. nt the Board of Edu cation nitdW request for a lsvy to take call of the expense to the Board f I County Commission en took tlM question and placed H with thft budget mattera for farther actfin j auburn* tb It# rrukltn Tim* L ,.i : J. A. Hodges Made Director Camp Balance Rock, Inc.. De lightful Play Ground For Peo ple of Vance and Franklin Counties Mr. J. A. Hodges, recently ap pointed member of the Board of Directors of Camp Balance Rock. Inc., attended his first meeting of the Board at Henderson re cently. On his return he was greatly enthused with the efforts being put forth to make this a most popular playground for the | white people of Vance and Frank lin Counties. He said It was the desire of the Directors to provide a place [for such wholesome outdoor re creation for the white boys and girls of North Carolina, Vance and Franklin Counties in par ticular, as will tend to improve their physical and mental fitness and develop high christian char acter. No person can attain any property rights in this camp and the entire charge is used to de fray expenses of the camp. It is desired that the people of Frank lin County shall attend as free as the citisens of Vance County and all white people who will conduct themselves properly and who will abide by the few simple rules necessary for their protec tion are 'welcomed. , Camp Balance Rock Is being developed as an ideal recreation centre. Full accommodations are provided for picnics, camping parties daily visitors and swim mers. It Is fast becoming the pretty playground of the two I Counties. Invited To Attend Church t Mayor W. C. Webb of Louis burg handled a disorderly case against three colored women. Lonle Belle Fowler, Llndy Pow ell and Laura Belle Wllllamaon, Monday In a norel way. The art denee showed that they had been disturbing the peace In Black) town, a suburb of Loulsburg with 1 profanity considerably oa last Swadsy afternoon. Mayor Webb, not feeling that he cos Id impose a jail sentence with desired ft sults, decided to dee a plan of his own by suggesting to the de fendants that it would be to their: Interests to attend church for four consecutive Sundays and assured them that their attend ance would probably be checked upon. In the expectation that this suggestion would be complied with he struck the cases from the docket with the strict Instructions that the defendanta had best not appear in his court again on sim ilar charges. In discueeing the case with the Times man Mayor Webb said the suggestion was not a sentence, but that he tried to Impreee upon the defendants that unless it wm complied with they might wish it had been should they be brought before him again. This is a novel method. Ths Times ha* heard of Its being used before, but In only Isolated cases. It will be Intereeting to see how it works. Out of (00 chicks from blood teeted stock, Lyman Jenee of Bertie County has loet only II up until the birds wars five weeks jot age. ? CONSOLIDATE DEPARTMENTS WELFARE AND RELIEF DE PARTMENTS PUT TO ' GETHER D. C. Hicks to Collect Rents ? ? Draw* Jury For August Term Court ? Cancels Fire Iaaoraace And Defers Action on Compen sation Insurance The Board OT County Commis sioners met in regular session on Monday with all members pres ent. After the formalities of opening business was transacted as follows: James Packer, a disabled World War veteran, was allowed to peddle snake oil in Franklin County with out paying license. The matter of value of George Allen's land was deferred to Fri day. The case of Ellen Wilson was turned over to the Welfare Offlcer for investigation. Alger May was placed on out side pauper list at $3.00 per month beginning July 1st. The Clerk was ordered to no tify 8. N. Phelps to appear before the Board on Friday, July 7th. Report of John Hedgepeth, Superintendent of County Home was received and filed. Donald Hicks was appointed to collect rents on property owned by the County in Frankllnton. That he must make reports each month to auditor and if rents are not paid when due to take neces sary steps to make tenants va cate property. Mr. Hicks to re ceive S per cent Commission for his services. The County Auditor was in structed to keep all funds collect ed as rents In a fund to be known as Franklin County Rental Ac count. Thef F. N. Spivey mileage ac count was referred to Friday meeting. J. M. Wood was placed on out side pauper list at 13.00 per month beginning July 1st. A motion prevailed canceling all fire Insurance on the jail and referring compensation insurance to Friday meeting. It was ordered that the bills of Petan Steel Co., Q. S. Leonard, J. T. Prultt Lumber Co., Hicks Supply Co., and pay roll for lar bor on buildings be paid out ol Rental AccoiuU_ and that bill ol Edwards ft Broughton for notes printed be paid out of revolving fund. Terrell reported that Welfare Department was in good condi tion and filed report of Supt. E. C. Perry. The appointment of Cotton Weigher for Loulsburg was post poned to next Friday. With the assistance of the Sheriff the Commissioners drew Jury for the August term ol Superior Court. The matter of the Contribution ta the Loulsburg Fire Department was deferred to Friday. The matter of license tax on pressing clubs and laundries out side of County was referred to Friday. A motion prevailed that checks for vital statistics ordered be made out to registrars and bal ance of May and June salary of Dr. Tarborough be paid him. The matter of the continuance of the Health Department was referred to Friday's meeting. The Sheriff was paid for 70 miles instead of 90 for his trip to Ooldsboro. A motion prevailed that be c mw at economy the Federal Re lief Agent Department and the Welfare Department in Franklin County be consolidated and that the duties of both be performed by the legally appointed Welfare OBcer. And that sill accounts be hapdled in the regular channel of other County accounts. . A number of accounts were allowed and the Board adjourn ed to- Friday, July 7th. Clinics At Com munity Hospital At the Loulnburg Communliy Hospital June 28th and 19th, a tonsil and adenoid clinic WM held. The clinic was sponsored by the Pranklln County Health Department. Dr. R. B. Wllkins operated, and the clinic was con ducted by the County Health ?t Ocer and County Nurse, assisted by Doctors Burt and Johnson, with Mrs. Cleveland Foster and Seven nurses In attendance. The Reconstruction FMnanci Corporation contributed liberally to the clinic by assisting thoee patients who wer? unable to pay. Flfty-eeren patients were operat ed upon, aad all money a bore ex penses were turned orer to Us Community Hoepltai. 0' VISIT TO WORLD'S FAIR (This Is the second installment of the article about the World's Fair by oar Associate Tditor.) Now we had eaten supper and had enjoyed It, (a policeman re commended the Restaurant to us 'so we ate in peace of mind) ; but we had to create some exette Iment It seemed. One of the par ty after finishing the meal noticed a sign pointing to a door ?t the rear of the restaurant ''To the Telephone" and not particularly noticing another sign very much larger, "To the Bar Room", she rose and walked back to the door and started entering when one of the waiters rushed up to her and ? asked of her anxiously, "Lady, where are you going?" She took then more notice of the larger sign, so laughingly she pointed to the telephone sign and ex plained she wished to use the phone. "O-o-oh!" was the waiter's re ply and he politely showed her the telephone booths. Within a few minutes she came back to the table and got another member of the party, who a Utile later came back for me. It took all of us to engineer and do the phon ing with the assistance of a gen tleman who was very nice and helpful in spite of his recent vis it to the bar. The first lady called her parties finally and then after returning to the table to get m the fourth member of our group ? we started back for the train neat---, the Fair Grounds. i f i This walk back to the train a Pi > forded us a splendid opportunity for seeing the towers and domes* of some of the main buildings. * Immediately In fTont of us was the blue and orange carillon tower of the Massive Hall of Science, and over a ways beyond was the dome and three fluted towers of the Federal building. Down further were the towers of the General Motors and Chrysler bnlldings, and the 200 ft. Ther mometer, etc. Each stood out distinctly against a beautiful background of various colored lights, while spot lights from many directions and positions shown upon them, making them seem as visions become real in the sky. North of the Hall of 1 Science stood the two immense I towers connected by the Sky Ride. , all .wonderfully illuminated. Above the grounds soared several * | dirigibles, on whose sides were 1 operated electrical signs. All of these beautifully vari-colored, 11 ' luminated towers and aircrafts ' formed upon the -background of a very dark sky a -panorama, significant of the results of a 1 Century of Progress. 'i There at Chicago the first night we found the weather* rather | warm, having arrived there soon , after they had experienced a high temperature for their section of about 102, but our train, though ! surrounded by other trains, was near the lake and the lake breeaa at night aided us greatly in se curing a very pleasant and need ed rest and sleep during our first 1 night. By the way, I might ex plain that we had no hotel bills ' to worry us as we made our train as headquarters and slept in our ' berths in the pullman. Wednesday was the third day of our wonderful trip and held in store for us a most enjoyable and remarkable time, one of the best and greatest we have ever known, for on _?hat day we were to attend tM Century of Progress, the entire N. C. and 8. C. group as a whole, as guests of the Ex position. in respeet for our rep resentation of the newspaper, the voice of people to people, a pub lic organ for public good. There fore we rose early Wednesday 'morning, went to oar restaurant ' for a delicious breakfaat (and we weren't disappointed) and then reiurnea 10 our vui ? join group (or the di)t entertain ment. There was ((bite a little watting done for certain arrange ments had to be made and paesee had to be secured far each mem ber or the party of about ICS. Just as time was approaching Tor the program to begin, a boat eight young men, neatly attired in uni forms of grey, trimmed in red came down to the party. They were all nice loohlng too, and I might add that possibly a large number of the young ladle* of the party became rather Inter ested In these guides. But. > must say, they were extremely courteous and pleasant ready to for one's oomfort or