The Crowning of New Heavyweight Champion I I V For the first time ia the history of the world's hearywelg^t championship Khe' title 1* held by an Italian. Here is shows a close-up of the new rhsmpioa, [Primo Camera . . . and the km in the ring when the MO-paoad Carnera [pat the SOl-ponnd then O? a4aa Jack Sharkey of Boetoa, down and oat hs She sixth round of their schsdaled ISronad battle ^ New York., V 'the i vuiiv [doctor; JOHN JOSEPH GAINES, M.D. Bttncn Tod rad If* You and I ire a part of this great government "of, for and by the people." For over forty years I have been a humble servant of my fellow-man. My fidelity to my trust is of record. Questions of the day concern my people ? such items as have relation to their health and even moral welfare. It is my duty to work far human betterment as long as I am able. The matter of "Prohibition" is, at this time of writing, bordering on bewilderment and? chaos. For some years we physicians have been doing our best to aid in stamping out an evil. While we were struggling to obey the law, the illicit distiller and racketeer have walked around the legitimate use of alcoholics, and have supplied the drinking world with seventy-five-cent whisky, and have reaped fortunes for themselves, challenging Uncle Sam's drastic income tax law itself. One of my patients ? an aged man with pneumonia said, "hell, I ain't going to pay a druggist three dollars for a pint of whisky when I can buy just as good for a dollar !" Now conies newspaper reports that physicians may prescribe alcoholic stimulants fol medicinal use, in quantity and frequency as they see fit; even to a ninety days supply, if it seems to be indicated for treatment ! That jneans, I imagine, a prescription for a gallon of whiskey under certain conditions ? for instance some chronic disease ! Well, ? I'm not going by newspaper reports. Uncle Sam wiH have to notify me before-I make any drastic changes ? and I shall not run into a wholesale | business of prescribing a three months supply of whiskev, law or no law. 1 | S- to obey the higher law of TEMPERANCE, SOBRIETY, RIGHT VING. Xrastus Parker of Harnett County planted wheat on les pe ri exa sod and increased his yield from 28 to CO bushels on two lures and credits the increase to leaped exa. SeTeral Lincoln County farm ers hare threshed from 500 to 1,000 bushels of wheat each. A prolonged drought in Burke County has damaged gardens, haj, pastures, and other crops to the extent of $50,000, says R. L. Sloan, county agent. Ninety farmers sold 21,109 pounds of wool In the Avery County wool pool during the past week. Franklin County Budget Estimate For 1933 - 1934 As by law required the Budget Estimate for Franklin Coun ty for the year beginning July 1st, 1933 and ending Jane 30th, 1934, has been duly filed in the offlce of Register of Deeds, Clerk to the Board, of the said County on Monday, July 10th, 1933. A summary of which is as follows: GENERAL FUND . DEPARTMENT ESTIMATED EXPENSE Board of County Commissioners $ 1,210.00 Listing Taxes, Assessing Property _k.890.00 County Sheriff "2,025.00 Tax Collector 3,500.00 General Elections 1,000.00 Connty Accountant 2,750.00 Courthouse and Grounds 555.00 Register bt Deeds ? 2,(50.00 County Jail 2,120.00 County Home 4,000.00 County Coroner 150.00 Emergency 1,000.00 Audit ?00.00 . Welfare Department 1,100.00 * Poor Relief 2,100.00 Mothers Aid 351.00 Indigent Pupils 150.00 Superior Court 5,000.00 Clerk of Superior Court 2,950.00 Recorder's Court 3,450.00 ? Juvenile Court 100.00 8 38,(151.00 HEALTH DEPARTMENT Health Appropriation 2,500.00 2,500.00 COUNTY WIDE DEBT SERVICE Interest on outstanding Bonds 32, ICC. 74 ? Interest on Tax Anticipation Notes 9.C24.00 41,710.74 S,. ROAD DEBT SERVICE Dunns Township Roads 1,(44. CO Harris Township Roads 5,714.25 , Youngsvllle Township Roads 2,045.10 Prankllnton Township Roads 3,248.10 Hayesville Township Roads 3.C47.85 ?" ^ttady Creek Tovnshlp Roads 2,9^7.35 Gold Mine Township Roads 8,729.30 Cedar Rock Township Roads 1,543.55 ? Cypress Creek Township Roads 3.0W.50 Loulsburg Township Roads 5. 099:83, 32,827.12 SCHOOLS Debt Service 39.450.20 Maintenance of Plant * 2.238.38 Capital Outlay ' 1,080.00 ?=..* Agriculture 3,102.00 45,870.58 Frankllnton's per capita Included in "r> above but Budget for Charter Dis trict not furnished. TOTAL 8 1C1.C38.53 rr This tM 10th day of July, 1933. W. N. FULLER, County Accountant, ' 7-J4-lt , Franklin County, I CHKMH6, ONHH Nearly S2.000 persons paid $198,259.15 to see Prlmo ear ners defeat Jack Sharkey for the heavyweight championship of the vorld. Sharkey received f(9. 603.34 and Camera flS.S77.28 If the flsht demonstrated any thing It showed that a man welching >(0 pounds should not be put Into the same ring with a man SO pounds lighter. A giant like Camera needs to be put la a class by himself. X X t At this writing the Washing ton Senators are batting as a team an average of .308 and are lead ing the league In club fielding1 with an average of .971. Which . explains in part that pretty raee{ In the American League. ttt Jack Tidball, of -the University of California at Los Angeles, won the 49th annual national Inter collegiate tennis championship by defeating Richard T. Murphy, of Hamilton College. 8 ? C, 9 ? 7, 8 ? (. Tidball succeeds Clifford Sutter, of Tulane University, now overseas. t t t A twenty-year old University of Oklahoma sophomore, Walter Emery, won the national inter collegiate golf championship. Emery provided upset after upset In the preliminary rounds and then stated a spectacular finish to win the 3<-hole final from Rodney Bliss, of Cornell, 2 and, ttt ; The Goniaga University Ath letic Association of Spokane, Wash., the other day staged an outboard motor boat regatta on Lake Wandenmere, to raise funds for football. tit | Frank Sigafoos, Indianapolis second baseman, recently estab lished a new American Associa tion record for hitting in consecu tive games when he drove oat a single in his first time at bat against Columbus. It was the 37th consecrutive game In which' he had hit safely one or more times. ttt The seven-man American track and field team that will Invade Europe in a competitive tour through six countries has been named. The team consists of Ralf Metcalfe, of Marquette; Glenn Cunningham, of Kansas; Ivan Fuqua, of Indiana; Johnny Mor riss, of Louisiana, and Joe Mc Cluskey, John Anderson and George Spitz, of the New York ; Athletic Club. ttt | The New York Yankees have not failed to secure at least one run in the last 281 games. ttt Teams representing England. France. Australia and Japan will compete this year in the man's natioaal tennis championships it Forest Hills, New York. ttt Field shooting all year 'round ? that's skeet, an exciting new, sport which is becoming Increas ingly popular. ' ttt Scoring in ten of the eleven events, accounting for two of the three meet records, and winning five championships, the Illinois Women's Athletic Club marched off with the team, title In thei women's national track and field, championships at Soldiers Field, Chicago, the other day. ttt -J Mercer Beaaley, former tennis coach of Tulane University and coach-elect of Princeton, is go ing to coach the American Davis Cup team overseas. ? They held a dog show In Madi son. N. J., the other day Twenty-. Ave thonaand persona attended. Interest In dogs is Increasing. ttt Red Harrel Is a young school boy of Balnbrldge. Oa.. who likes to pitch. He t^d his farmer-fatb- j er one night he waa dne to pitch for the high school baseball team, the aext afternoon. His father: said: "That corn has to be clean ed up. Get In that cornfield." Red rose at 4^ plowed eight hours, cleaning the field fry noon. Then he pitched a double - header against Albany, shutting them out in both ,games. Instructions In canning fruits) and vegetables, and Instructions ' Dn hogs, beef cattle, poultry and' dairy cattle were given 46 4-H Club members of Wilson County at Neuse Forest durlrig tbe week if July 11-24. Dry weather haa caused the. price of fresh vegetables In For-, lyth County to advance to the point where people who have lands that might be Irrigated are Investigating the possibility of watering small plots. The Catawba County Home Farm has three acres of sweet! clover that measures nine feet In height. , FOE FEDERAL LAND BANK LOANS apply to Carolina National Farm Loan Association, Loulstrarg. J. C. . j \ J QREED Nellie Gray died a few week* ago. A chronic invalid, tricked out of her amail inheritance aa a young woman, (he had been the town pauper of Went Stockbridge, Mats , for twenty yean. Then a brother died and left her $81,000. The first thing Nellie' did with the I money was to pay back to the I town all the money the taxpayers | had contributed to her support. Only one of Nellie's relations ever did anything tor her when she was poor. He was a cousin who was almost aa hard up as she was. Bat as soon as she got her Inheritance relations flocked to her house from all directions. When she died seventeen differ ent families claimed a share in her estate. They had left her to at*!**, but now they wanted her wealth. The probate court examined all the claims. There was no claim on behalf of the only relation who had ever done anything to be friend Nellie Gray. He said he didn't need it; he could get along. He wouldn't like anyone to think he'd been kind to his cousin In the hope of gain. But the court dealt out even-handed justice an? this cousin got halt of the estate, to the disgust of the seventeen | greedy ones. In this imperfect world it Is not often that I run across a hu man situation which so well bears out the belief that right and Jus tice will always triumph in the end. ' I I i SUPERSTITION- . . pains inside In my boyhood I used to hear back country people say that it was dangerous to drink from an open stream or spring. They told weird tales of persons who had swallowed' frogs' eggs which hatched in their insldes. Some times it was llsard eggs. I re member reading many years ago a gruesome tale of a man who had thus accidentally swallowed an alligator egg. and was devour ed from within by the reptile which hatched In his stomach. ' I imagine that belief is as old as humanity. Folk Ignorant of physiology attributed internal pains to some sort of an actual reptile in their vitals. Bat I had supposed that everybody knew ?nough In theae^enlightened days to realise the possibility of such happcsMflKvitli I saw a newspaper article from a seashore resort the other day. According to this story a young woman Walking on the bearti picked up what she thought was a pearl. She put It In her mouth and accidentally swallowed it. And some time later, according to the account, she died in agony, devoured by an octopus which had hatched from the egg that she had mistaken for a pearl! Apparently there are still peo ple gullible enough to swallow such stories. Age-old beliefs do not vanish as Bpeedlly in the face of knowledge as I had Imagined. txx HUMOR with che?ae The funniest saying are often not so Intended. The best bit of nnconclons humor which I have heard lately was told to me by a very able woman physician who specializes In mental cases in a New England city. One of her patients attempted suicide by taking three boxes of rat poison. That was an over dose, and nature got rid of it so quickly that he recovered. But he bad his own theory of why It Renew Your Health By Purification Any physician will tell yon that "Perfect Purification of the Sys tem is Nature's Foundation of Perfcet Health." Why not rid yourself of ehronie ailments that are undermining your vitality? Purify your entire system by tak ing a thorough course of Calotabs, ? once or twice a week for several weeks? and see how Nature re wards you with health. Calotabs purify the blood by ac tivating, the liver, kidneys, stomach and bowels. In 10 eta. and 85 ets. packages. All dealers. (Adv.) Printing is ? wonderful fame when you play it rifht, _ V" 'with your FELLOWMANI q A "square deal" 1s our MOTTO I franklin Tim Even Tan for Boots "boot*" Mallorj, she -of Wtoi fame, -went to Maliba beach new Lot AnplM to acquire a ton Can . . . *o down wont the ahoulder strap* oa her brief bathing suit, "Boots'' de claring that she wanted aa even tan. (ailed to work. "Of course, I see now what was the matter," the poor semi-luna tic told the doctor. "The direc tions on the box said to spread the rat-poison on pieces of cheese, and I forgot the cheese!" J CHANCE and a "dud" At a church lawn-party not lone ago 1 heard the minister's daughter complain, half seriously, that young men shy off from girls who live In a parsonage. "What chance has a minister's daughter?" she sighed, with one: eye on the handsome young man who tends the soda-fountain in] the village drugstore, who was devoting himself to a couple of chattering high-school girls, a pearn. She put It in her mouth Her father, overhearing her, remarked: " "You make me think of a Methodist parsonage In England, where there were two daughters. They may have felt much as yon do, but those two girls gave the world two of today's most famous men. One of them became the mother of Rndyard Kipling, the greatest living poet, and her sla ter's son, Stanley Baldwin, be came Prime Minister ' of Eng land." I saw the minister's daughter! a little later, talking earnestly with a young college professor on vacation, whom most of the vil lage girls have branded as a "dud." I couldn't be sure, but I thought she was letting him hold her hand. JOBS first-rate men The mark of a first-rate man is that he is not above taking a second-rate Job if there Is a chance in it to prove hla own flrst-rateness. One young man I know lost his Job in the hardest part of the de pression. He tried anything else' he could get to do but all he, could get was a chaace to sell advertising on commission. He went at It as If It waa the big-i gest job in the world, and within' six months his commissions were; running to aa much u the hlfh nat salary be had ever earned. "Jow he'i the star man of hU uewspaper organisation. Second-rate men want Bret-rate lobe handed to them. Flrat-rate nen make their own tint-rate lobe. Subscribe to The Franklin Time* 6 6 6 LIQUID . TABLETS . SALVE [Jbecka Malaria 1b 8 day*. Oold? Iret day, Headaches or Nennl(Ui In 80 mtantae, PIKE LAXATIVE AND TONIC Moat Speedy Remedies Known for Your Monty* o In ? Good Luairni madford'i BLACK-DRAUGHT haa IrThighly regarded tor a Ions, ?laud now than arar batora. rao SMia burlBC ararrtmn* ?ao?a earn RBgHSHi Raj RJtk. relief ot ordinary oonatt. patloBtroublaa. ^ ^ . Tbedfo rt*? Btaek-Dma^it In a T * * Tor OMdrn, ft fkuaiHa (Ma* IT MVP a/ rM/artfa MUmMrmmfht Subscribe to Tba Franklin Times. DIGHT "In tune with the times" are these three Coleman neces sities . priced so reasonable that they quickly pay for themselves in the time and labor-saving service and satisfaction they give THE INSTANT-GAS IRON "Smooths the Way on Ironing Day", Saves time, work, and clothes. Lights instantly no waiting. Has Roto- Type Generator with cleaning needle which can be operated while iron is burning. Double-pointed . . . tame perfect results on forward and backward strokes Tapered ironing base makes it easy to iron under buttons Use it anywhere . . no cords or wires M?4al 242 Calfimao INSTANT-GAS APPLIANCES THE SPORT- LITE LANTERN ? If. an instant* lighting . . . single mantle type. Just the light lot any camping trip or outdoor task. Small in size but big In brilliance Weighs only 3 lbs., yet gi vet up to 150 candlepower of pure white light Pyres glass globe protects mantle. Has built-in pumpand many features of larger lanterns. It's a Double-Duty lantern for use indoors or out UM Ha. ?> THE NO. IO CAMP STOVE? Hut the *tove for camp cooking and general utility purpose* It's a min iature gas range . . . always ready to cook "good eats" Wind baffle* pro tect cocking flame. WindprooL, gray cast iron burner cap*, won't burn 4 out Hot-hla*t preheater quickly " generate* Move to full cooking heat. One quart fuel tank ... two hourrf supply for both burners . . . easily removed for filling. Everything packed inside for carrying. Hand somely finished in maroon- brown baked -on enamel THE COLEMAN LAMP AND STOVE COMPANY MCMITA. KAMS. ? OUCAACk U. ? PHttADSLPHlA. K . LOt ANMLES. CM* ASK YOUR DEALER j ptx>n Know What Your Bank CAN And CANNOT Do For You It is important that you should know what your bank cannot do for you as well as what it CAN do for you in the way of service. Tour bank under certain circumstances, can lend you funds upon the basis of future contracts or delivery. By means of various credit forms your bank can help you to get immediate payment for goods sold, or advance you money on suitable collateral. Bnt your bank cannot lend you capital with which to go into business, or in any sense enter into partnership with you. It cannot encourage nor take part in speculation of any kind. Your bank cannot engage in any activity outside of the legitimate field of banking. Citizens Bank & Trust Co. HENDERSON, NORTH CAROLINA ,<TH1 HADING BAHIIN THIS SECTION" \

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