Pre? nn 1 u from X#ni Carahia as well as' Sums- parts of tke raited Stales read like the eM Hae ?Hi asd woofr vest. tke rraiwcr aad laborer caa get good par lor Us product- prosperity will km retaraed. The aexx Hs tkiac of interest ia tke National Beeorerr tare, is wkat will tke aatkoritias da vKk tke feltew wbc i Lfaau to co-operate. , ( . Pna|i lansiis Hadwj Wairea la credited witk aariac ~I Mint all 41 States will vote for re peat" Tkst soods like it will be uuisou. Prfsidrat KoottHi kas sppro?td Ntnl baOd iax plaas smouttac to l2tl.Mt.IM. wkick oagkt to kare toae xlsean aa ntteriac tke aaeavloy ? t wttmUm. Diquctei from Washiagtoa tkav that it is aot too late u> adopt and eaforee a tobacco processing tax for this crop aad that tie Depart* emu there are mtn| a study of tie lata wo market opeaiaxs is Georgia. Belief (ran low prices is what we so bodlT 1*?L If the prreruest would mdeBZ. take oxer, aad iistnr the eatire crop aad stocks of coctoa. tshatco. wbeat aad other fan products inTolTed so that the prices would rise to a fair poimt as eoapared with the retaras from the maaafacxarod prodaeu. the ill pnasins woald break iaatttle tj wrLhont so Bach gOTeraisc cootroL GocnJ Bach I. Jcknoi ia charge of the ea tareemeat of the Xxuoaai Recorery prograa is tkiaci he thomiA ^uempt b Xo repair* all people to trade at ho at The aecoad ia to Wi?iane the wutm hvrimx of the gmmm ? Ql utxto. allow Isc the parefcaaea to he Bade oa a more widely distributed tMHr where It eaa be of more btmJt to all basiaeaa mmd throach it help the tax aitaa tka. Moat n??lt ut W7 >???? aa kmc ** T?* don't try to eoOeet Unhu is Ttrj li{kl bat minaioul i> reatiguor* think it needs more light The tactful Mexicu artist who painted L<enin oa the Rockefeller bailding voaM probably paint Lather am tie valla at the Vatican The greatest miracle that I know at la my con ad an. And if Cod baa been able to work that aae. tbcre are none of which He is not capable. ? It la not beeaaae Ben like to lab ao well bat be- 1 taae they are dealing boose at borne. "No one ever would have troaatd the oeeaa If be | coald hare cot tea off the ahlp ia the Charlea^ 7., Kettering. * i. SAW DOUBLE; Mr Mat Bay Wood Fna TW Fans, k Mm H? TMi CI iff ?i4e & C-, inly SL ? Rote art Sparks thoaght be waa seeing double ? uul he was. Sometime i|o be boaght a load of wood from a farmer. Tell McCraw. aad a few days later he aaw McCraw in town. Walking ap to Ua. Sparks said: "I waat to pa y for that wood." "What Wood?" said the fa rm "The wood I bought from jam last week' said S parka "Sot at," said McCraw and walked os. Two days later Sparka ran into McCraw again aad this tine McCraw Marted the coaTeraathm. "I'd like my aoD?r for that wood." the farmer aakdT "All right." said sparks, "bat why didnt yoa take it whea I of-, farad it ta 70a last weak?" "Who. me?" asked McCraw. -It waaa't me." . "Then I'm crazy, said Sparka. McCraw thoaght a mom eat. then aald: "It mast hare beea mr twin brother. Bell. People can't tell aa apart." Pitt Coantj farmer* will plow ?t ?,*?" acres of cot lorn aa a re Mlt of the redaction carr. pa ir. HfMiU farm agent E. P. Arnold to addition to a f per cent redact toe of the acreage to eot toa is nrotl? It Coaatr 'lunr.r the faat foar Team, crowera ^leiil to plow ap aa addition of tjt It acre* la tfca campalga Juat Tka fob yoa like that para ? Itrtad la the moat prteeiaaa of aU Mow to The Praaklia Ttoea, Spanish War Vets ! Officers Named V. C?tn VHu, St ate Com piete Staff John R Moore. Raleigh. ' ku been ????< adjatant sad Eld ridge Smith. Raleigh. appointed tuncnuaur of the Called Spa nil ti War VeUrui of North Carolina. W. Caper* White. Stat* Commander, baa aanoanced. The other members. and ad drtae) of camp* la which they are meabera. are: Chief of staff, Joseph M. Mabery of Charlotte: inspector-! lea lenaat. E. T. Gold-, ?ton of Concord; Jndge advocate. Major George E. Boiler of Ral eigh; department aerrtce aScer. Major Charie* C. Montgomery. of Charlotte; sargeoa. Dr. J. A. Wil kin*. of Gaatonia; chaplain. Rer. Allen H Whlaser. of SaUabnrr; patriotic Instructor. Harry V. Denton, of SalisbeiT; mar* hall, George R D'Ornnge, of W ilia lac ton; historian. James W. Robert son. of Rocky Mount; offlcer of Cnard. George W. Wells, of Shel by; department color sergeants, A. A. Hergenrother. of WllaUng ton. and D. S. Bikes, of Charlotte. Paat Department Commander H. D. bearlu. of Asherllle was named chairman of the lecMatire committee. ? Raleigh Times. The troubles of others are In teresting becanse ws like to eom-> pare then with oar on. An 70M who la Willing to listen geta credit for being a chirm lag eon Tersatioaallst . auttae If Us aatoaobll* tarer wanta to be a aaeceaa. be baa oalr to bmlld a ear that will last antll the final paraeat 4s Attend Y. T. H. F. At Raleigh Gaid Sud T. T. H. F. Ix-i-w Thomas Denton ud Henrr Ed *udi were seat as dtlenu* to represent the Gold Sand Chapter la the aaaaal Kate meeting of Yoang Tar Heel Farmers at Ral eigh. Upon their return they re port aa interesting meeting aad Kan 7 Worthwhile . suggestions The two-day meeting at State CoDege is priaci pally a business meeting la which a boat two Jpa dred delegates diecaas vailou .problems, coaeeralag the work of the sate aad local chapters. At the electioB meeting Thomas Denton. Pre* id eat of fee Gold Saad Chapter, was made State Treasurer wt the Association One aight of the male meeting was deTuted to a musical contest which proved to be aa iaterestiag feature. Qaiu a i The raralHlsaa provided that la | ? 1 fhtp coal# ho ?oa^os?d of an I eqaal aaaber of Toaag Tar Heel | Farmer* aad community Cttia The Gold Saad orchestra, c posed of Bill Wot. Perry West, Edgar Fuller. AaatTh Falter, aad M<9 Brewer, rsetlwd recocai Mam aa aecoad best. Mr. Mrs. W D. Fuller were preoeat for the conteat. \ I A land crab that I Ires ia the I Soath Sea islaads has ' claws | t4d Jspaassi WMIa. wfcieh la| so deatractiTe to crops, waa ship iped Into this country la a con -Sim meat of iris roots seat to a . / recioa of the equator . m fer iki Mr 1*11-14 at I J. B. LMcMaM. at Unri Baat ?r; T. D. (TQtfam. Bun u4 Touscrllle: Q- L Winchester, FrxsklkiBtoa . George B- Blam. MiMletars iW Ayrock To Organize Loan Association iuMMOMat is Bade that a anker of farmers ia Franklin Coaaty will wat ji i he office of Mr. -K. H kil4? oa Wedneeday morning. Aagast ?th, l?33 at 1* o'clock, to ima^isi a aew farai Ioaa organization under the Fed eral Laad Bank. at ColuHa, far the parpoee of aittm more available (Vfennat credit to reUere farm i ? dltiiias. Charter members will h^jri i In il vtthont membership fee. All farmers ia Fraaklia Cousfy" interested ia uaiag their farm as collateral for money to reteH| their farm con ditions are iarMcd to attend thia meeting. ? , ^ ELECT OFFtCEBS AWT) DELEGATES The Jambes Post of the Ameri eaa Legion, met Taeaday. tor the psrfoae of electte Delegates and Alternates to ike State Conven tion to be held at Wilmfngt? . N. C.. Aagnst. IS. 1?. and 2?. 1933, aad Post Officer* for the year 1914. The folloviag Poaa Officers were oaaaimoosfr elected: Com maader. Dr H_ H. Johnson: Viee Commaader. J. E. Maloae. Jr.; Anjatant A Finaace Officer T. K Stockard; Gnardiaaship Officer, W. D. Egerton; Chaplain. A C. Hall: Historian. C. K Cooke. Jr.; Serrice Officer 5. P. Boddie; Del egates to the State Coaveatioa. C. S. Sykes aad T. K. Stockard: Al ternates to Slate Coareatioa. J. E. M alone and a K. Cooke. Jr. The Poet adopted reaotatioas to make eTery eSort to iacreaae it's acti rities and membership for the year 1*34, The Post decided to have a braasvlck stew ta the Bear fa tare aad appointed the foUowlag committee to put oa a braaawtek ?tew: P. H. Fnll?fr, Chairman; C. C. Collins aad Fred Frailer, sa perTision of cocklag; H. H. Hil toa. 11 as ace. ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHUKOT There will b? Moraine Prayar Budar at St Pa?l'a Eplicopal chareh at 11 6?clocfe cm4mM by the layreader. Surfir aehool at 1* o'clock i. m aad at 7:M P m. the T. P. 8 L will aeroaipaay Re*. F'raak Pul>y to the Cmtr Home where will be held a abort ?errtce by r<^(ML Saaday more I a g at 11 o clack br. Palley will conduct MorafcW Prayer aad aermon at KJttrelL LOUISBUEQ BAPTIST CHUKOT Dr. Hack A. una of U? Ftnt Baptist ekarek. Haaderaoa. win praaefc it 11 ? n. it the Loala bmr( Baptist churtfc. esckaaclnc pal pita for tk* aaiar ?Hk Dr. ' D. P. Harrta Raa4ar aekool will be a* ?:4t and B. T. P. U. at 7 ?? -VW,-, #5 (71799 j fm a MTTm. mm 34. *. J* ? ? 41 ?? ? * IS OEMS ?? !?. ymm NAME. ADDRESS. STTLE VL ? MI SIZE m b, Mi rat in. Kr? Y?k. IT.. . Omm For vara nuher this attrac ttre frock *11) be cool ud eon torubit to wear ia the morning. It nuy be Bade of ptaln or printed gingl^*. linen, Okfaity or percale ia ut desired i>Wf. The blow baa a deep pointed yoke extending over the sboald ers to fora abort steeres. Paint ed yoke sections ia the skirt re peat this line. The trimming may be of pleating or blading in a ?elf or contrasting color. The belt backle may also carry oat the color scheme. This easOy-aaade model is de sigaed ia S sixes ? 14. 3?. St. ?? aad 42. Sise SI reqaires S 1-8 yards of Si inch material- ^ To aSTe the baby the tronble of holding ? aad dropping ? his milk bottle, a bolder that caa be at tached to a erfb or carriage has beea invested. 3BOBUIA TOMOOU tUlUR OTCM (Coatlaaed from rM< MM) ? - -h There fW ao cbaag* to tM' rtlM of (bo leaf at Vldalla. A arc* ptrcMUit of poorly mtm breaght ?r>a tlM mm<WI iveraga Um. Today'* eatlaaatad! wandage waa <?,??? with a lo if thrao eaau per pound aod ?Kb of IS Mala with aa average if 11 casta. Y?*terday'* aattotactlon ovar Iricaa waa voiced throughout tba wit acato today by grower*. Before tba opealag of tba mar let waroboaaeaieti and grower* ittemed tba average price for bo year'* crop would be around It casta con pared wltb 10.4 for aat year. Tba total crop to ba iffered oa tba a action* waa placed It npwarda of pound* Cau are color bilad, according! o recent ezperlmrnta. (f % fiTM MEQMAM SEZ. NtS itOTtCCO | THAT A SOUARE AttM t* SCL0OM A KOUWOt* TOBACCO FLUES TWINS - THERMOMETERS - LANTERNS BRICK . LIME - CEMENT * " i ARSENATE OF LEAD, CAc Tout Pound Package ^ Fruit Jars - Jar Tops - Rubbers OATMEAL, Lwg*Sixel5c* Small ?*e RAISIN BRAN..'. .....7*e GRAPE NUT PL AXES 7*c SKINNER'S MACARONI 4c ROCKWOOD'S PURE COCOA 2 lb. pkg. 20c Seabreeze FLOUR Friday and Saturday $(5-9*5 BARREL This may be the last time yon will ever be able to bay High Grade Floor at this price. Tax goes on Monday. % SEABOARD STORE CO., INC. d. f. McKunrs, rurtii ? Pay Cash and Pay Less ? OUR WEEKLY FOOD VALUES BUY YOUR FLOUR THIS WEEK JELLO ICE CREAM POWDER - 3 for 25c "AE.GOV CORN STA&CH - 10c sixe 8c APPLE CIDKR VINEGAR - Gallon SWEET MIXED PICKLE, Quart Jar 21c SWEET WHOLE PICKLE, Quart Jar ........ 22c Large Sue 15* QUAKER OATS, pkg. * Pint SALAD DRE88DI0 .... No 2 Can crushed pineapple Ho. 2 Can lie GRAPE FRUIT JUICE .... H Tall Can lo PET MILK ' 5 Pound Can K ARO SYRUP 6 Cans LIGHT HOUSE GLEAN8ER 1000 ShMt TOILET TISSUE . . 5c SALT MULLETS, lb. lOo PUT SPRAY GUNS 15c 2T 25' NEW OKOF TURNIP SEED WEEK-END MEAT VALUES Eingus Iftc Fresh Link Sausage, lb. .... PORK SAUSAGE, lb 15c EIB 8TEW BEET, 3 lbs. .... 25c Kingus OCc LUNCHEON HAM, lb. W CHUCK ROA8T, lb 12Ho PORK CHOPS, lb ,....15o G. W. MURPHY & SON, TT "WHKRK A DOLUM DOM ITS DOT" - - * - * " w ' ?

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