DR. J. O. MANN The Well Kiunpi Eye Specialist WIB be at Dr. A. H. Fleming** Office, Loolibuit, N. O. THURSDAY, NOV. 10TII From 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. FOR FEDERAL LAND BANK LOANS apply to Davis A Devil, Agent* for Carolina National Farm Loan Association, Loulsburg, N. O. v - Round Trip Week - End Fares LOUISBURa ?TO? PORTSMOUTH- M CA NORFOLK VIRGINIA MIC BEACH Tickets sold for all trains Fri days, Saturdays, and morning trains Sundays until September 80th, 1084. Stopovers alldwed, baggage checked and tickets honored in Pullman cars upon payment of Pullman fare. REpUCED PULLMAN FARES Tickets limited returning prior to mid-night following Monday. Additional week-end fares be tween all points on the Seaboard. For Information see Ticket Agent SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY 10NE GENT PEE MILE EXCURSIONS LOUISBURQ ? to ? Washington $ 5.15 ^ Baltimore $ 6.60 Philadelphia $10.05 Atlantic City $12.10 New York $13.30 Proportional Fares Prom All Agency Station* Tickets Sold Retorn Limit Not. 28-29 December 7 ? Same Pares Apply Southbound on Dates Shewn except May 89, July 8, and September S REDUCED PULLMAN PARES No Extra Charge for Two Passei gers to a Berth No Stopovers North of Washington Baqpage Checked 1 ROUND TRIP EXCURSIONS Same Dates and Limits as Above Between All Points on the SEABOARD And Practically All Southeastern Destinations For information consult any Agent or write H. E. PLEASANTS, D. P. A. Raloigti, N. C. Phone 9700 SOS Odd Fellows Building SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY If you will do your part by your neighbors, your neighbors will do their part by you. And all will be F. R. A. PHONE 283 FOR FIRST CLASS PRINTING AT AUCTION I will offer (or Ml* (or cash at Auction at my home place near Clifton's mill on Saturday, Novem ber ISth, 1933. beginning at IX o'clock M. all my household and kitchen furniture. ll-S-3t W. T .JONE8. NOTICE I have a branch office In Nash vllle. I am there Tuesdays and Fridays. In Loulsbnrg all other days each week. DR. E. S. GREEN, 8-25-tf Dentist. Rebered By Taking Cardoi 1 was weak and run -down and Suffered quite a bit with pains in by side." writes Mr*. Nick bar ranco, of Beanmont, Texas. "I was natrons. I did not rest well at night, and my appetite was poor. "My mother bad need Oardui With beneficial result, so I decided to take it I surely am (lad I did, for it stopped the pain in my side and built np my general health. 1 took seven botUee in aR" Oardui Is sold at all drag stores, With Pup To Match A new fad hu appeared, that of j having a pet dog with hair to match the color of the pet '? owner. Mis* Claire Ray of Chicago, a platinum j blond*, displaya her " pup to match. " . Be an F. R. A. and help Bnild Franklin County. SALE OP VALUABLE HEAL | ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power contained In that certain deed of trust executed by Car&bel S. Ford and husband, S. C. Ford on March 16, 1930, recorded in Book 272 at Page 221, office of Register of Deeds of Franklin County, default having been made in the payment of the bonds se cured thereby, and demands hav ing been made for the foreclos ure of said deed of trust, the undersigned Trustee will at or about the hour of noon on the 4TH DAY OF DECEMBER, 1933, offer for sale' to the highest bid der for cash at public auction at the courthouse door in Loulsburg, North Carolina, the following de scribed tract of land: To- wit, a certain tract of land lying and being in Franklin County afore said, and more particularly de scribed as follows: "Raarlnn4na> nn T .mi lahu r? rna H in Town of Franklinton, N. C.t at : Iron stake, thence easterly along said road to Thomas' corner, (for mer 9. C. Ford corner) thence < southerly 150 feet to Carabel S. 1 Ford and Bullock's line, thence 1 along Bullock's line 160 feet to 1 S. C. Vann line, thence norther- 1 ly along Vann's line to the be- ' ginning. Being the Home place 1 of the parties of the first part upon which they reside." This the 3rd day of November, im.- 1 M. S. CLIFTON, ll-10-4t Trustee. < ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Haying qualified as Adminls- : trator of the estate of Mrs. Q. D. Wiggins, deceased, late of Frank- I lln County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before 10th day of November, 1934, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make Immediate payment. This 9th day of November, i 1933. O. E. WIGGINS, ll-10-6t Admr. I ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Adminis trator d. b. n. of the estate of Miss M. A. Gay, deceased, late of Franklin County. North Carolina,1 this is to notify all persons hay- i lng claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before 10th day of Norember, 1934, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 9th day of November, 1933. J. J. PROCTOR, Admr., d. b. n.i I. T. Valentine, Atty. 11-10-61 NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of an or der of the superior court of Franklin County, made In the special proceeding entitled "Hill Tarborough, Administrator of Henry Crudup, decesed, v. Vancc Crudup and wife Moselle Crudup and Red Crudup and wife Kaves ta Crudup", the undersigned com missioner will on the 4TH DAY OF DECEMBER, 1933, at or about the hour <5f twelve o'clock noon, at the courthonae door In Loulsburg, North Carolina offer for sale to the hlgheat bid der for cash the following de scribed real estate: That certain parcel or tract of land In Franklin County, North ! Carolina. In Dunn Township, ad joining the lands of the Old North State Development Company, Joe Bunn, J. H. Balientlne, and oth ers, and bounded as follows, vie Beginning at a stake, J. H. Bal' Inline and A. P. Strickland cor ner, near a bunch of ashes; thence S 2 deg W 31 1-2 poles to a rock atake In tbe Old North State De velopment Company line; thence N 87 deg E 40 poples along the Old North State Development Company line to a stake the Old North State Development Company and A. P. Strickland corner in Joe Bunn line; thence N 2 deg E 31 poles to a rock stake in J. H. Balientlne line; thence N I* deg W 40 poles to the beginning, containing 7 7-1 icres mora or 1?M. 8m Book I 170, page 238, franklin County I leglstry. That certain tract or parcel of i and In Harrla Townabip, Prank In Connty, State of North Caro Ina, adjoining the landa of D. E. 1 larrla, A. R. Strickland, W. B. bridges, and othera, and bounded < la follow*, vis: Beginning at ( ock pine pointers D. E. Harrla, < I. R. Strickland corner running < I 16 deg W 31 polea 10 links to i bend in the line; thence S 20 leg W 14 poles 23 links to a - take; thence S 74 deg E 37 Mies to a. pine; thence 8 3 deg E 10 poles 7 links to the center of 1 he Loulaburg Road; thence said 1 oad crossing over the bridge N 10 deg E 10 poles 24 links N 9 leg E 6 polea 5 links N 40 1-2 leg E 23 poles 9 links N 39 deg ? 31 poles 7 link* E 24 deg E ' LI poles 7 links N 10 1-2 deg E > polea 10 llnlu to the center of he road W. P. Bridges' corner. " hence S 81 deg W 76 poles to the >eglnnlng, containing 24 acres. This 30th day of October, 1933. I HILL YARBOROUQH, i il-10-4t Commissioners. < SALE OP REAL ESTATE I Pursuant to the power of sale < ionferred by the terms and pro- I rislons of that certain deed of I rust executed by C. T. Stokes, I inmarrled, to the Chickamauga < rrust Company, Trustee, dated < September 25, 1928, and record- ] sd in the office of the Register of Deeds of Pranklln County, in 3ook 259, at page 469, and by ' rirtue and authority of the pow- ? >r of aale granted and designated n a certain paper writing substl uting a trustee In the above < lamed deed of trust executed by .he Prudential Insurance Com- I ?any of America to Jeff Hanna, I substituted trustee, which Instru- 1 nent making Bald substitution of 1 rustee being dated October 6, L933, and duly recorded In the 1 >fflce of the Register of Deeds 1 lor Pranklln County, N. C., in1 Book 307, at page 262-63; default laving been made in payment of the Indebtedness thereby secured under said deed of trust, and de mand for foreclosure having been made upon the said substituted ; trustee by the holder of the bond representing said indebtedness, the undersigned trustee will, on MONDAY, DECEMBER 4TH, 1933, AT OR ABOUT THE 1 HOUR OF NOON it the Courthouse Door In Louis- ' burg, N. C., offer tor sale to the highest bidder, for cash, the fol- ' lowing described tract or parcel ; at land situate In Cedar Rock ' Township, Franklin County, N. ' C.: That certain tract or parcel of land situate In Cedar Rock Town- ' ship, Franklin County, North Carolina, on the road leading from Justice to Louisburg, North Car olina, described as follows, to wn : BEGINNING In the center of the road to Justice, Wester's cor ner marked by a rock on the East side of the road, thence 9outh 59 l-2d East 18S poles to a twin white oak. W. J. Boone's corner; thence North 3d East 128 poles to a pile of rocks. Bridges corner, thence a new line N 77d W 134 poles to the center of the Justice Road, marked by a stake on the East Bide, corner "for T. W- Boone, thence along the road South 30d W 72 poles 10 links to the be ginning, containing 94 acres, more or less, and being the tract of land conveyed to C. T. Stokes by T. W. Boone, mortgagee by mortgagee's deed dated January 7, 1928, and recorded in Franklin Registry, Book 266, page 88, ref erence to which is hereby made for a more complete description. The successful bidder at said sale will be required to deposit 8600. cash with the Trustee as an evidence of good faith. Dated and posted thla 2nd day of November, 1933. JEFF HANNA, Successor Trustee. W. L. Lumpkin. Atty. ll-10-4t NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL, ESTATE North Carolina, County of Franklin. Under and by virtue of the pow er End authority contained In that t-trlaln deed of trust executed by J. H. Griffin and wife, Jennie Grif fin W. R. Griffin, Widower, Cor i.clia Griffin, Single, Lennle O. Harper and J. H. Harper, Eugene Sttllings and wife Ruby Stalllngs. and Etta Leonard and husband. Robert Leonard, to The Raleigh Savings Bank and Trust Company, trustee, which said deed of trust Is t'nted March 1, 1926, and recorded In Book 246, Page 620, of the Franklin County Registry, default liavlng been made in the payment it The Indebtedness thereby se cured and in the conditions there in secured the undersigned substi tuted trustee by Instrument record ed in Book 307. Page 264-266. Franklin County Registry, will on MONDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1933, nt or about twelve o'clock noon, at :he courthouse door at Loulsburg. North Carolina, offer for sale and ,?*11 to the highest bidder for cash the following described property: All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land containing 44 tores, more or less, situate, lying and being on the Warrenton-Casta lla Highway about three miles West from the Town of Wood, N'orth Carolina, In Goldmine Town ship, County of Franklin. State of North Carolina, and having such stirpes, metes, courses and dis tances as will more fully appear hy reference to a plat thereof made by M. S. Davis, Reg. C. E., Dec. 19. 1936, a copy of which la at tached to thvjbatract now on file I v.lth the Atlantic Joint Stock Land lank of Raleigh, the same being J funded on the North by the lands, I it B. F. Griffin, on the Eut by the ] and* oU. H. Griffin, on the South I jr the land* at Dock Pearce and I >n the West by the lands o( T. A. ] llolllsgsworth and B. F. Griffin t ;nd being the same tract of land < onveyed to Huffln Griffin, de- i ttsed ancestor of the said parties ; >f the flrat part by deed of G. W ? Knd and wife, dated Dec. 23rd, 1 '04, recorded In Book 146, page ; 160, Regstry of Franklin County, North Carolina. Terms of sale cash and trustee r'H reqnlre deposit of 10 per rent of tbe amount of the bid as evidence of good faith. This the 3rd day of November, U*S3. JOSEPH L. COCKERHAM, Substituted Trustee. Uobert Welnstein and Yictor W. Thompson, At torneys, Raleigh, N. C. ll-10-4tj ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of Isaac T. Win ston, deceased, late of Franklin bounty, North Carolina, this Is to lotify all persons having claims igainst the estate of said deceas ed to exhibit them to the undcr ilgned on or before 27th day of October, 1934, or this notice Till De pleaded In bar of their recov ery. All person* Indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. , This 26th day of Oct., 1933. E. M. MITCHELL, l0-27-6t Admr. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Executor, at the estate of Henrietta Alice Harris, deceased, late of Frank lin County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having :laims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them tb the undersigned on or before 20th day of October, 1934, or this no tice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 19th day of October, 1933. G^H. HARRIS, 10-2 0-6t Ex't'r. RE-SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain mortgage deed, executed by Frank T. Glenn and Lucy Slenn to W. A. Newton and same being duly recorded in the office bf the Register ot Deeds (or Franklin County, North Carolina In Book 210 Page 518, and by brder of Hon. J. J. Young, C.' S. C., ot Franklin County, North Carolina, requiring a resale of the hereinafter described prem ises which was duly eold on Oc tober 1&, 1933 at Twelve o'clock noon at the court house door ot Louisburg, North Carolina, and the bid remaining open for ten days and there being an upset oic of 5 per cent and resale being ordered by said clerk, the under signed mortgagee will offer for ale to the highest bidder for cash on NOVEMBER lfTH, 1933 AT 12:00 O'CLOCK NOON AT THE COURTHOUSE DOOR IN LOUISBURO, NORTH CARO LINA, the following described real es tate: That certain piece or parcel of and lying and being in Franklin County, North Carolina, In Ha> rls' Township, and more fully de scribed and defined as follows, to wit: Bounded on the North by Joe Rogers, on the East by Alius Perry, on the West by V. R. lJur kerson, and wife, on the South by the Old Road and V. R. Pur kerson and wife, and containing 35 acres more or less. This be ing the balance of land deeded to V. R. Purkeraon and wife by O. M. Hangum aa per survey of Pitman Stell on October 2, 1899 and konwn as part of the John Young estate and allotted to Annie L. Mangum. Thirty acres of this survey deeded to Alius Perry by V. R. Purkerson and wife. Dated and posted this the 30th day ot October, 1933. W. A. NEWTON, ll-3-2t Mortgagee. 8ALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power contained In that certain deed of trust executed by Eliza beth Clifton and husband, Mau rice S. Clifton, on August 1, 1925. recorded In Book 261 at Page 305. office of Register of Deeds of Franklin County, default hav ing been made In the payment of the bonds secured thereby, and demands having been made for the foreclosure pf said deed of trust, the undersigned Trustee" will at or about the hour of noon on the 27TH DAY OF NOVEMBER. 1933 offer for sale to the highest bid der for cash at public auction at the courthouse door In Loulsburg, North Carolina, the following de scribed lands: To-wlt, situate In the County of Franklin, State of North Carolln. and being more particularly described as follows: 1st Tract: ? Beginning at a persimmon tree on Little Creek, L. L. (formerly Sid) Strickland's corner; thence E 172 pole* to a stake and pointers, corner of No. <; thence N Id E, 46 poles to a rock, corner of No. 7; thence W 139. poles, 6 link* to a Hornbean on Otter Creek, corner of No. 7 ; thence down said creek as It meanders to the point of begin ning, and containing 46 1-2 acres more or less. 2nd Tract: ? Beginning at a ?tone In Mrs. Lucy II. Howard Sunn's Una, thence W 105 yard* o a atone, corner with pine pointers; thence nearly northeast >9 yards to a small cedar, corner; hence nearly W to a stone to point of beginning, containing kbout 4-6 of acre. The old grave >r burying ground on East end of laid land and timber sold are ex pressly excepted from thla con veyance. This the 21st day of October, 1933. E. H. MALONE, 1 1-3-4 1 Trustae. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER DEED OF TRUST Under and by virtue of author ity contained in a certain deed of trust executed by Mrs. Hattie 0. Glasgow, to The Raleigh Banking and Trust Company, Trustee, on the 4th day of March, 1923, recorded in Book 233, page 600, Registry of Franklin County, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the Indebtedness secured there by, the undersigned Commission er of Banks, having succeeded to the rights and duties of the said trustee, will offer for sale, at public auction, for cash, in front , of the Franklin County Court House Door, on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 27TH, 1933, at twelve o'clock Noon, that cer tain piece or tract of land lying ] and being in Franklin County, | State of North Carolina, describ- i ed and defined as follows: Bounded on the north by the < lands of D. C. Tharrington, on i the east by the Bobbitt-Hedge- < peth lands, on the south by Lot 1 No. 2 of the "Barrow Tract," ] now owned by L. R. Southall, < and on west by Road from Mnple- i ville to Warrenton, more par- 1 ticularly defined as follows: "Lot No. 1 In the Barrow I Tract, bounded as follows: * Beginning in the center of the New Road, W. S. Sledge's corner marked by a rock on the cast side; thence S 84-36' E 238 & 1-2 poles to a rock, Tharrenton's corner In Bobbitt's line; thence i S 4-10' W 54 poles to a stake and small sassafras, corner of No. 2 in Hedgepeth's line; thence N ?5 W 248 poles 7 links to the center of the road, corner of No. 2 marked by a stake on the east side; thence along the road N \ E 55 poles to the beginning, con taining 50 H acres, more or less." This October 18, 1933. GURNEY P. HOOD. Commissioner of Banks. Whitlock, Dockery & Shaw, i Attorneys, i Charlotte, N. C. ll-3-4t NOTICE North Carolina, Franklin County ? In Superior Court, before the Clerk. B. B. Perry, Admr., of J. P. Faulkner, deceased, Vs. Laura O'Neal and husband, Thom as O'Neal, Zenobla Pretty and husband John Pretty, James H. Council, Walter H. Wiggs, et als. The defendant. Walter H. Wiggs, above named, and any other person having an Interest in the estate of J. F. Faulkner, deceased, will take notice that an action or Special Proceeding, entitled as above, has been com menced in the Superior Court of Franklin County wherein it is prayed that the plaintiff be au thorized and empowered to sell :lie real estate in the Town of Louisburg. Franklin County, N. C., belonging to the said J. F. Faulkner, deceased, at the time of his death, In order to make as sets to pay the debts of the said J. F. Faulkner, dee'd., and the costs and expenses of administra tion of his estate: and the said defendant will take notice that he is required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County at his office In the Court House in the Town of Louisburg, N. C., on Monday! the 28th day of November;- 1933/ and answer or demur to the pe tition filed In Bald action or spec* lal proceeding, or the plaintiff j will apply to the Court for the re lief demanded In the said peti tion. This the 25th day of October, 1933. J. J. YOUNQ, 10-27-4t C. S. C. SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained In that certain deed of trust executed by Warner Moore, et als, to Jhq Vir ginia Trust Company, Trustee, dated October I, 1929, recorded In Book 259, Page 558, Registry of Franklin County, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and demand for foreclosure having been marie upon the undersigned by the hold ers of the bonds representing said Indebtedness, the undersign ed will, on TUESDAY, THE 2 1ST DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1933, at or about the hour of noon, at the Courthouse door of Franklin County, In Loulsburg North Caro lina, offer for sale at public auc tion to the blghest bidder for cash the following described lands: Lying and being situate In Franklinton Township, County of Franklin, in the State of North Carolina, an? being bounded *nd further described as follows: Containing 895 1-4 acres, more or leas and being that certain tract of land, locally known aa "the Montgomery Tract" and be ing the same tract of land con veyed to the said Warner Moore and A. L. Hawse, by the Virginia Trust Company, Trustee, by deed lated the 1st day of October, 1929, and of record In the office >f the Register of Deeds for franklin County, N. C., to which leed of conveyance, special rsf ?rence Is hereby made for a more particular description of the netes and bounds of said tract of and. There Is excepted from the ibove tract, however, that c<jr aln parcel of land, containing 3.8 icres, conveyed to A L. Hawse, ?t als, to Franklinton Township Schools by deed dated September! !lst, 1928 and of record In said Register's office In Book 280, pftge 127. There Is also excepted from the ibove described tract, that cor :aln tract or parcel of land con-] gaining 114 H acres, more or less, ind described in that certain leed of release executed by the Virginia Trust Company, Trustee ind recorded in Book 307, Page JO, Registry of Franklin County. N. C., leaving In the tract of land hereby offered for sale 776.95 teres, more or less. This the 19th day of October, 1933. VIRGINIA TRUST COM PANY, Trustee. White & Malone, Attorneys. 10-27-4t! NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in ;hat certain Deed of Trust execut ed on the 8th day of October, 1927, by W. P. Edwards and wife, Sarah B. Edwards, to the undersigned Trustee, and record ed In Book 285, page 93, of franklin County Registry, default having been made In the payment of the indebtedness thereby se cured and demand for foreclosure having been made by the holder thereof, I will on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25TH, 1933, AT THE COURTHOUSE DOOR IN THE TOWN OF LOUISBURG, N. C., AT OR ABOUT THE HOUR OF NOON offer for sale to the highest bid der for cash the following de scribed real estate: Those certain lota and build ings thereon situate in. Franklin ton, N. C., as follows: Lots numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4 in Block "C", "Winston Heights"; also the portion of the reserve mentioned in s^j^survey, same being located baci or lots nu-n bers 3 and 4, surrey made by M. 3. Davis and map recorded in Book 156, Registry for Franklin County, N. C., same located in the Town of Frankllnton, N. C.. said lots and reserved portion be ing fully described by metes and bounds in Book 170, at page S3, and 373, Franklin County Regis try. The reserved portion being described as follows: A portion of the reserved mentioned in survey of "Franklin Heights" re corded in Book 156, page 526, Franklin Registry, described as follows: Beginning at Northern corner of lot No. 4, Block "C", In "Winston Heights" in Town of Franklinton; thence West wardly along lots 3 and 4 to a stake corner for lots 3 and 2; thence at right angles North westwardly 50 ft; thence at right angles and parallel to first line 100 feet: thence at right angles Southwardly 50 ft to the begin ning, the parcel herein conveyed being a strip 50 x 100 feet di rectly back of lots No. 3 and 4, Block "C" in said survey of "Winaton Heights", reference to all of which descriptions and maps is hereby made for a more complete description. Ten per cent cash must be de posited by the successful bidder at said sale. This October 20, 1933. W. L. LUMPKIN. 10-27-5t Trustee. SALE OF REAL ESTATE Pursuant to the power ot sale conferred by the terms and pro visions ot that certain deed ot trust executed by F. L. Allen and wife, I.ula C. Allen, to the Chick amauga Trust Company, Trustee, dated April 29, 1929, and record ed in the offlce ot the Register ot Deeds of Franklin County, in Book 259, at page 550, and by virtue and authority of the pow er of saie~granted and designated in a certain paper writing substi tuting a trustee In the above named deed of trust executed by the Prudential Insurance Com pany of America to Jeff Hanna, substituted trustee, which instru ment making said substitution of trustee being dated October 8, 1933, and duly recorded in the offlce of the Register of Deeds for Franklin County, N. C., in Book 307, at page 260; default having been made In payment of the indebtedness thereby secured under said deed of trust, and de mand for foreclosure having been made upon the said substituted trustee by the holder of the bond representing said Indebtedness, the undersigned trustee will, on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18TH. 1933, AT OR ABOUT THE HOUR OF NOON at the Courthouse Door in Louts burg, N. C.f offer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, the fol lowing described tract or parcel of land situate in Franklinton Township, Franklin county, N. C.: All that certain place, parcel or tract of land, situate, lying and being In Franklinton Township, Franklin County, State of North Carolina and more particularly described aa follows: BEGINN ING In the center of the public road 1(4.0 feet from Its junction with the Oxford - Franklinton Road, a stake on the North side, Mrs. Alice B. King's corner; thence alone the center ot said public rood, new Unas tor Mr*. Cecelia J. Qreen, North <M ? *8.0 feet; South t?Hd bit 1U feet; South 82d 10' East 310.# feet. South 73d 10' E 281 ft.; South 73 ttd E 18* feet to * point In the canter of said road, a stake on the North side, Mrs. Cecelia J. Green's corner; Ihenca along Mrs. Cecelia J. Green's line North 32d E 5014.6 feet to a Sycamore with Elm pointers on the bank of Tar River, thence ap Tar River with its courses N 41 fcd W 205 feet; N 51 14d W 218 feet; N 61d 40' W 260 feet; N 70 %d W 235 feet; North 8?d W 207 feet; N 89d W 260 ft; North 84d W 118 feet to the mouth of a branch in said river, Mrs. Alice B. King'* corner; thence up the said branch its va rious courses as follows; South 42 % d E 149 ft; South 28 Sid W 220 ft, S 24 %d E 186 ft, S 17d W 130 ft, S 31d W 122 ft, S 4V4d W 148 ft, S 17Kd W 100 ft, S 17d W 108 ft, S 32%i W >50 ft. S 35 Hd W 163 ft, S 36d W 150 ft, S 20 VtA W 150 ft, S 49d W 148 ft, S 74 %d W 140 tt, S 52 % d W 250 ft, S 62%d W 123 ft, S 77 14d W 120 ft, S 61%d W 135 ft, S 60 %d W 200 ft, S 37 %d W 140 ft, S 42 Vid W 200 ft, S 14%d W 140 ft to a stake on the East side, Mrs. Alice B. King's corner; thence along Mrs. King's lines S 3d 55' W 354.0 ft to a stake, South 17d 30' W 791 feet to a walnut and South 26d 50' W 1106.0 feet to the point of beginning, contain ing 133.0 acres, more or less. This being the identical tract of land conveyed by Warranty Deed from Cecelia J. Green to F. L. Allen April 20, 1929, referenco to which deed is hereby made for a more complete description. The successful bidder at said sale will be required to deposit $500. cash with the Trustee as au evidence of good faith. Dated and posted this 17th day of October, 1933. JEFF HANNA, Successor Trustee. W.: L. Lumpkin, Atty. 10-20-6t NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of an order of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County, made in the Special Proceeding entitled "A. W. ? iholson, Jr., Administrator of the Fstate of Drucilla Weldon Faulk ner, deceased, vs. David Faulkner (unmarried) ; Walter Faulkner and Clara Dickerson Faulkner, his wife; Percy Faulkner and Willio i?aker Faulkner, his wife; Mae Faulkner May and R. B. May, her 1. us band ; Pearl Faulkner Bradford and O. L. Bradford, her husband; lola Faulkner Cotton and M. H. Cotton, her husband; Clara Faulk ner Dunlap and R. H. Dunlap, her husband; Susie Faulkner Long and W. L. Long, her husband, heirs at law of Drucilla Weldon Faulkner, deceased", the same being upon the Special Proceeding docket of said County, the undersigned Commis sioner will, on MONDAY, THE 20TH DAY OP NOVEMBER, 1933 at Twelve O'clock Noon, at the Courthouse door in Louisburg, North Carolina, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bid der, for CASH, that certain tract cf land lying and being in Frank lin County, North Carolina, and more particularly described as fol lows: Adjoining the lands of C. P. Goodson, Mary E. Cotton and oth ers, and beginning at a rock Dan iel Foster and C. P. Goodson's cor ner; thence N 69 l-2d E 12.53 chains to a stake Mary Cotton's corner in said Goodson's line; S 12 l-4d W 28.50 chains to J. T. Weldon's corner at the creek; thence up the creek N 50d W 1.00 chains to a stake Ella Foster's ctTner; thence N 26<1 W 17.60 chains to a stake near a pack bouse; thence N 2i- l-2d E 7.15 chains to the beginning. Contain ing 22 acres, more- or less. See drid on record in Register of Deeds office of Franklin County, in Book 278. page 43. This the 16th day of October, 1**33. ? T. P. GHOLSON, K-20-4t Commissioner. NOTICE OF LAND SALE Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained In that certain Deed of Truat execu ted on the 27th day of March, 1931', by Arthur Strickland and Ciara B. Strickland, to the un dersigned Trustee, and recorded in Book 250, on Page 680 of Franklin County Registry, da fault having been made In the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and demand for foreclosure having been made by the bolder thereof, I will on TUESDAY THE 7th DAY OF NOVEMBER. 1933, at the Courthouse door in the town of Loulsburg, N. C. at or about the hour of One- O'clock P. M offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following de scribed real estate: Situate In Cypress Creek Town ship, Franklin County, North Car olina, and Bounded on the North by the lands of Clara B. Strick land (formerly Luella Perry land); on the East by Anderson Bridge road; on the South by the lands of J. C. Matthews; on the West by the lands of Clara B. Strickland and Tar River, being composed of four separate tracts, totalling 173 acrse, more or leaa, according to the surrey of Jo*. T. Inscoe, surveyor, made October 1137. All fonr of the above tracts are contingent or adjacent i rut contains 40, >?, II and 10 seres respectively. This October Ith, 1933. 4 CAUB K. B ORG ESS. 0. B. MOSS, Attorney. >

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