YOUR TOWN n't ? bit better than jc in willing to Help make it BOOST YOUR TOWN The A. V. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager The County, The (State, The Union Times YOUK LOCH FA7KR can't exist wlthoat roar for PatraufK la HwbectlHtlona I and AdreflUai BOOST YOUR HOME SUBSCRIPTION 91. SO Per Te VOLUMN LXIV. LOUISBURG, N. CAROLINA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1938 (EIGHT PAGES) NUMBER 40 THE FRANKLIN COUNTY FAIR WILL OPEN TUESDAY NIGHT County Agricultural Fair Will Ctet Under Way Franklin County's twentieth annual agricultural fair formally will get under way at the Fair Grounds. Thursday will be white school chlldrens day, and all white chil dren under fifteen years of age. will be admitted free. Twenty-eight big attractions will line the midway, the Empire Shows bringing the latest mechan ical rides and World Fair shows; free acts in the grandstand; Pop ularity contest Tuesday night, and Hollywood wedding Friday night ; dare devil casting act direct from the Century of Progress in Chi cago, and other events all week. Canned goods, needle work, fine arts and flowers, chlldrens school works, farm machinery, and hundreds of other exhibits will be on display for the visitors. The Empire Shows are bringing the latest in rides, the newest In shows, and the finest in free acts obtainable, in fact, an exact rep lica of the Worlds Fair In Chi cago. Detailed plans are being made for this event, and this years Fair holds promise of being the most interesting ever held in Frank lin County. The two big specials, the Popularity contest and Coro nation of the most popular girl In the county on Tnesday night, and the Hollywood public (legal J wedding on Friday night. Both to be held In the grandstand. Sell In Franklin Ik T I I 1.1 /\rr i>ew neaitn um cer in Franklin The Franklin County Board ot Health recently elected Dr. James E. Fulghum as the County Health Officer. Dr. Fulghum Is a native ot Franklin County and received h's early education in the Louis harg School, graduating from the local high school in 1923. He graduated from Wake Forest College with a Certificate in Medi cine, subsequently transferring to tilt Medical College of Virginia, at Richmond. After receiving his M. D., he served for fifteen months ns Resident in Urological Surgery and Dermatology in the United States Naval Hospital in New York. He returns to Franklin County from Montana, where he was Lieu tenant (Jg), U. S. N. Medical Corps, stationed at the Civilian Conserva tion Camp at Darby. Dr. Fulghum already has as sumed his new duties as Health Officer and has moved his family to Louisburg. In 1930 he married Miss Evelyn White, of Richmond, Va., and thoy have one son, James. Jr. They have taken an apart i.iont at 206 North Main Street. Buy in Franklin Injured By Falling Timber Son Thomas, colored, a worker on the old Ford Warehouse was very painfully If not seriously, In jured Monday at one o'clock, when s heavy timber fell across his phaulder, crushing his chest In tearing down this house it became necessary to throw the ]\envy timbers that supported the lop. In throwing this one ail workers had gotten out of the way except Thomas, who, we are in formed, Instead of leaving his 1 coition for a place of safety, lay auwn where he was and the timber struck him In falling. Had he f food the timber would probably hnre missed him. He was taken Immediately to the Community hospital where first nlde was rendered, and later taken ti a hospital at Rocky Mount for frtiher examination and treatment. Buy la Franklin Fire At College Fire early Monday morning at I.oulsburg College created quite a bit of excitement until It was learn ed that it was found In the boiler room where it was extinguished without any particular damage. The fire burned a wood partition In the coal bin and a small quan tity of ? ral The fire department responded promptly and took the ? 'tuatlon under control preventing a possibility of a math larger Ire. Buy in Frankli? Subscribe to Tb? Franklin Time* $21.66 MARKET AVERAGE 921.66 cent* was the market average (or Louisburg Market 011 Wednesday, with dally averages ranging from 19 Cents to $21.63 other days this week. To Wed nesday night the market has sold 3174,116 pounds at a season av erage of |17.1(, according to in formation given out by the Super visor of Sales. The local market Is especially popular this season and is sell ing tobacco from a wide territory. All growers selling here, so 'ar as has been ascertained, go home well pleased with each sale and with assurance that he will re I turn. I Loulsburg welcomes you to its market and the town. Sell in Franklin Franklin Makes Good Showing Mr. Harry P. Stevens, genial ana regular U. S. Government Seed L,can representative, returned Wetl t oaday trom Winston Salem where he ationded a District meeting ot till Held men in this department At this meeting Mr. Stevens was wry complimentary to Franklin County people who had availed itx'mselvea of the assistance of cle on sale at Boddie's, Andrews', Pleasants' and Scoggln's Drug {?tores. Please give this your at tontlon! In the annual house-to-house campaign, house-holders, . Some times make excuse from buying, saying they had bought Seals In Raleigh, not knowing they were on sale in Loulsburg. The Seal-Sale Is always adrer tlsed In THE FRANKLIN TIMES and well posted, and the seals put on sale the National Opening Day, Thanksgiving Day. Every Franklin County cltiien, whe buys Christmas Tuberculosis Seals In Franklin County thereby, contributes to the County Tubercu losis fund. The schools do not begin their sales until after the Thanksgiving holiday. Mrs. R. F. Yarborough, Chrm. Buy in Franklin The animal husbandry depart ment at State College recently purchased 11 high grade Here ford and Angus steers from Alle ghany County farmer* for tome experimental work. MISS ALT A GUPTON Student o( Edward Best High School, who won the $5 in Gold tor writing the Best Essay of her school mates, on the subject "Why we should Buy and Sell in Frank lin County." In her letter of thanks to F. R. A. for the prize ?he says, "you may rest assured that I am still boosting the move ment of buying and selling in Franklin County." She is a dau ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gup ton. Wedding To Be Staged At Fair Couple Will Be Married Friday Night, December 1st, During County Fair All arrangements hare been completed to give the people of Franklin County one of the great est treats in entertainment. Mr. H. Liggett has arrived In Louis burg and already has started things Oiovlng to stage a Public |(l?gal) wedding at the Fair grounds on Friday night, Decem ber 1st at about nine thirty P. M. The wedding will be staged out in the open, and will reflect a perfect Hollywood atmosphere. Surprises galore, and treats for lovers of thrills, will mark the "I now pronounce you man and wife" finale. The contestants of the Popular ity contests will act as brides maids. A deluge of flowers will be Been that will be worthy of a Worlds Fair performance. Entertainment to please every one, and don't forget, a complete version of famous Hollywood splendor In all Its glory will be witnessed. Come and see this matrimonial debut. Buy in Franklin J. L. TWISDALE DEAD Funeral services for James Lex Twisdale, prominent farmer of Vance County, who died at the Henderson hospital Thursday af ternoon, of last week, were held lit 3:00 o'clock Saturday afternoon, at Tabernacle Methodist church, near Townsvllle. Rev. J. H. Miller, pastor of the c .lurch, was in charge of the ser vices, assisted by Rev. I. Kennl 3.m of the Presbyterian church. Mr. Twisdale had suffered from a complication of diseases for two years. He had been In the Hen derson hospital for two months. Surviving are the following chil dren: Mrs. F. G. Baker, Loulsburg; Mrs. C. F. Cogbill, Richmond. Va.; Mrs. Jennye Wallace, Mrs. George Newton, Mrs. Manuel Greene, Cep has. Coleman. John Barly, Mar shall and Eugene Twisdale, all of Townsvllle. Buy In Fquiklln COLLEGE RECITAL The public la reminded of the piano recital which ia to be given In the Social Hall of Loulsburg College on Monday, November 27 at 8:00 p. m. by Professor Law rence S. Frank. A. B. Mus. B.. F A. Q. O. of Loulsburg College. The program will conalat of a wide variety of composition* and may be studied by referring to last week's Issue of THE FRANKLIN TIMES. In addition to giving the recital, Mr. Vrank will speak brief-! ly on the subject of each number und composer represented. J, Sell In Franklin Apron Sale the TIMES Is requested to state that Circle No. 3, of the Methodist Missionary Society will hold an apron sale on December 7th. Tea. sandwiches and home made candy will also be on aale. The place of sale will be announced later. DAMAGE SUIT MISTRIAL The $35,000 damage suit of James Monroe Prlrett by his next, friend J. B. Prlvett vs. T. J. Bur gess, Sanford Brooks Co., bein^1 tried in Franklin Superior Court as we went to press last week ra~ Suited In a mistrial. The trial of the Rowland Wilt case was taken up Monday morn ing and resulted In the jury decid ing that the purported will was not a will and therefore dissolved or set it aside. , One of the hardest fought di vorce cases that has been tried In Franklin County in many years was that of Robert E. Stalling* vs. Glenn 8tallings, which con* sumed two days, and was in the hands of the jury as the Time*' forms closed yesterday. Quite a number of people have been in attendance upon Court the past week, and business has been disposed of as rapidly as circumstances would permit. Later ? The Jury found a ver dict in the Stallings divorce case in favor of the plaintiff. Buy In Franklin Home Coming Baptist Church The following programme for the Home Coming Day at Louis burg Baptist Church Sunday, No vember 26, 1913. has been an nounced by Ret. D. P. Harris, pastor. (1) Doxology and invocation. (2) Hymn No.... ? -Congrega tion. (3) Scripture Reading and 'rayer ? Pastor. ( 4 ) Special music ? Choir. (6) Brief History of Louisburg flaptist Church? W. R. Mills. (6) Roll Call of members- ? R. 4. Bobbltt, Church Clerk. (7) Short Talk ? Q. M. Beam. (8) Offering ? J. H. Boone and' W. N. Fuller, Church ushers. (?) Special auaie ? Choir. (10) Closing Hymn No (11) Benediction ? Rev. M. Stamps. Sunday School 9:46 a. m. B. Y. P. U. at 6:30 p. m. Evening Sermon at 7:30. On Wednesday night, Novem ber 29th. 7:30, we will hold our nnual Thanksgiving service in he church basement. At this ime we bring our gifts to our ( Baptists Orphanage at Thomas llle, stated Rev. D. P. Harris, pas or. It is suggested by those in harge of the Orphanage that very one bring as much as a day's wages; more if possible. There will be no sermon that night, but we are asking eoch class of our Sunday School to make some little contribution to ward this hour. It may bp that he class might give a special song, or talk, or whatever might seem best to them. We hope to make this entertaining for those who are present, and we especial y hope to make a fine offering to the Orphanage. Branch Office To Open In Louisburg The Carolina Motor Club will open a permanent branch office In Louisburg at Beck'a Oarage on December lit, according to an nouncement of Mr. Beck. This office will be open the year round for the benefit of auto owner* of Franklin and adjoining countlea i who will find It a convenlece In the sale of auto llcenae plates an 1 title transfers. This will mean not only a con venience to auto owners, but quite a saving also. This service la rendered the public by the Caro lina Motor Club. 1934 license plates will go on sale December 1st, office opeb from 8:30 a. m. to 5 p. m. ex cept during dinner hour. Under management of R. C. Beck ot Beck's Oarage who la well known to' the people of Franklin County. Please beat !n mind that license plates cannot be sold after 5:00 p. m. / Buy la Franklin Captures Prisoner Johnnie Johnson, colored, who cscaped from the Louisburg Con vict Camp No. 308. on June 18th, 1933, was raptured In Blacktown, a suburb of Loutaburg on< Wed i enday morning by oflcers F. W. J?f.obs and 8. W. Young and. re turned to ramp. ??Sell la Franklin PHONE 283 FOR FIRST CLAS8 PRINTING Lirvinov at Capital Maxim Litrinov, Soviet Russia i Foreign Affair* Commissar, photo graphed at Washington, during the daji while he conferred with the State Department and Preaident Hoosevelt In person, regarding terms of the United States recognition of BnW'B ' ' Will Rogers Is "Doctor Bull" In Latest Film Humorist Brings Genial Physlriin Of Famons Novel Living to the Screen Will Rogers comes to the Lou sbarg Theatre beginning on Thursday. Nov. 30th for a 2 day ngagement in his latest picture or Fox Film, "Doctor Bull." It s the screen presentation of the among novel by" James Gould Couena. "The Last Adam," best eller and recent Book-of-the lonth selection. It is reported s the most powerful vehicle the opular philosopher-comedian lias ad on the talking screen. The story concerns a physician n a small town who, in addition o ministering to the health of he community, acts as Its unoffi ial father confessor. None of Nile town's secrets escapes him. Fe knows the inner life of every ne of Its Inhabitants. But it is ot as a gossip that he flnd^ him elf interested in the private liven ? the village. He is a mellow entleman to whom everyone's eactions are an Interesting bit ot uman document. The film does not present the tory of one character. Like 'State Fair," the last of the Ro? rs screen plays, It deals with lany characters, each typical of ts kind. It is more than the tory of one town. For it is the tory of thousands of similar owns all over the country. Vera Allen, star of the New fork stage, has the leading fem nlne role opposite Rogers. She as specially engaged for this ole, and advance reports of her performance have been so favor ble that she is considered de fined for a brilllan career in pict ures. Others in the cast are Marian Nixon, Heward Lal!y, ierton Churchill, Louise Dresjer, Andy Devine, Rochelle Hudson, 'empe Pigott, Elisabeth Patter on, Nora Cecil, Ralph Morgan, 'h t s v O'Byrae. Veda Buckland, Effle Ellsler and Helen Freeman. The - screen adaptation of the .Cotsens novel was nude by the well known novelist and play wright, Paul Green, Puittser Prli? winner of several seasons ago, who was also responsible for the adaptation of Phil Stong's "8tate Fair" for the screen. "Doctor Biril" was directed by John Ford. Sell la Franklin BOX SUPPER The Cedar Rock B. Y. P. U. will rive a "bo* supper" at Edward Beet School Tuesday night, Nov. 28th, at S p. m. The proceeds are to be used to send the dele Kate. Annie Lee McQowan, to the a Y. P. V. Convention to be held In Nashville Tennessee, December 27-29. Sell In Franklin P. T. A. To Meet The P. T. A. of Wood School will meet Friday night. November 24th, at 8 o'clock - the school bwiliiing. A vert Intefoitltig Thanksgiving program has been atVanged. Each partot is urged to lie present and visitors are wel come. Pres., Mrs. P. A. Read. See., Mrs. Cleasy Parrish. 4,000,000 Jobs Harry L.. Hopkins, Federal Belief Administrator, who haa an appropria tion o t ??00,000,000 with which to give joba to 4,000,000 unemployed . this winter, under President Rooae Tslt '? new relief program. Popularity Contest Opening Night at The Fair Grounds On Tuesday night, December 1st, at about nine forty-five P. M. the visitors to the Franklin Coun ty Fair will be presented an un usual event. There will be the coronation of the most popular girl in the County. These contestants are under the sponsorship 'of ,local mer chants, and keen Interest is man ifested in the outcome of who might be the most popular young lady. Besides acquiring the title of 'Miss Franklin County," to this girl will go the first award of a diamond ring. To the second most popular young lady, a brace let will be presented, and to the third, a beautiful bar-pin. Come and see who is the moet popular girl. This awarding is rendered by votes, and competi tion is a plenty. Tbe prizes will be awarded In the grand stand on Tuesday night at about 9:45 P. M. Many surprises are promised on the program and this night will mark a memory that will be long remembered by Fair visit ors. Buy in Franklin Dies Suddenly Mr. G. S. Earp Passes At Home At Justice Sunday Mr. George Strong Earp, one of Justice Community's most promi nent and popular citizens died at his home Sunday evening about 8:30 o'clock. His passing was due to some heart trouble and was .Imost sudden. He had been in .pparept good health. Mr. Earp came to Franklin County about thirty years ago from Johnston County, living a number of years in Loulsburg and later settling at Justice where he became a very valuable citi zen to his community. He was a Master Mason, and had held the positions of Justice of the Peace, Registrar and School Com mitteeman for many years. Mr. Earp was $5 years of age and Is survived by his wife, one son, George, and a brother near Clayton, N. C. The funeral was held Monday Afternoon at 3 o'clock from the hwne conducted by Rev. J. T. jvilltams. primitive Baptist min ster of Caatalla. and the inter ment was made in the Duke Me morial cemetery. Large numbers ?t friends of the family attended I both services, and the floral trib ute was especially pretty. The pall bearers, honorary and active were as follows: B. F. Wheless, R. L. Harris, J. E. Wilder, Rufus Bubo, Joe Perry, C. A. Long, W. T. Fowler. Grovter Brown, E. J. WlMtess. W. H. Creekmore, B. D. Stone. The ladies in charge of the flowers were Martha Fowler, Naomi Fowler, Ethel Hayes, Pla cid Hayes, Evelyn Stallings, Amy Creekmore, Hasel Bunn, Geral dine Gorges. The bereaved family has the deepest sympathy of a large num-| bar of friends in this hour of sad bereavement. Buy In Franklin To Take 1 Thanksgiving . ? ? ? . Tk* banks of Loutsburg and Frankllnton and the. stores at I.ouisburg will remain closed on Thursday of next week to observe Thanksgiving. All having business with these Institutions will bear this In mind. I TO PUT ON FARM AGENT The Board of Commissioners of * Franklin County In special meet ing Tuesday unanimously passed the following resolution cooperat ing with the State Extension De partment to put on a Farm Agent in Franklin County. "Resolution introduced by C. C. Hudson and duly carried; con sidering the imperative need of the farmers of Franklin County of having an agent to conduct crop control production and the numerous demands of various farmers of Franklin County; af ter being informed by the U. 3. Agriculture Dept. that unless sucii agent was provided that the farmers of Franklin County would be unable to engage in the crop control act and the farmers of Franklin County would not be benefitted by It, therefore re solved : "1. That the Board of County Commissioners for Franklin bounty, North Carolina, appro bate the sum of 1600 for the purpose of maintaining a County Farm Agent for Franklin County, North Carolina from December 1, 933 until June 30, 1934. "2. That Dean I. O. Schaab, irector of the Extension Bureau, laleigh be requested to furnish Franklin County with an agent mmediately under the provisions f the Federal Farm Agent agree ment." This action was taken at this ime to assist the farmers in the present efforts of the government n bring about a better price (or farm products. Sell In Franklin ROAD WORK STARTED The work of rebuilding the War rli:gton road from Ingleside to the Warren County line begun yester day morning, under the supervision -f Mr. ? . ? -. Kitchen for the F. A. McGuire Construction Co. This project expects to work around eighty men and it Is expected to be pushed rapidly to completion. Buy in Franklin Loses Home By Fire Mr. P. C. Carroll lost his home ai?t all his household belongings by fire on Tuesday night of last week, according to reports reach ing Louisburg from Alert section. In addition to the loss of his home ind furnishings, ail Clothing ex cept that worn by the members of the family was lost. The total amount of damages has not been climated and no insurance was < ?;rried on the property. Mr. Carroll has the deepest sym ; uthy of his many friends in his less. Buy in Franklin Bliss Victoria (Adcock and James R. Allen Are Wed Here Yesterday Mis* Victoria Adcock, daughter f Mrs. R. W. Adcock and he ate Mr. Adcock, of Granville ounty, and James Robert Allen, on of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen, f Louisburg, N. C., were mar led yesterday afternoon at 2:30 t the home of the bridegroom's ister, Mrs. J. W. B. Thompson, n South Street with Rev. Roscoe ones officiating. The bride wore L.hckisuit with accessories to natch and a shoulder corsage of 'allsman roses. Immediately fol owing the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. .lien left for a trip to Washing on and they will make their | ome in Louisburg. ? Tidewater (Franklin ,Va. ) News. ' Mr. and Mrs. Allen are among /ouisburg's most popular young eople and are receiving the earty congratulations of thetr tany friends. They returned ome the past week and have en apartments at 131 N. Main treet. Buy in Franklin Program At The Louisburg Theatre The following is the program at the Louisburg Theatre begin ning Monday, November 27th: Monday and Tuesday ? Richard . Arlen and Judith Allen in "Hell and High Water." On the stage Franklin County Fair's Populari ty Conteet Oirls. Wednesday ? Warner Olaad In 'Charlie Chan's Greatest Cms." Thursday and Friday ? Will 'Sogers in "Doctor Bull." 1 Saturday ? Ken Maynard la Strawberry Roan." .l. ,