YOUR TOWN ?H I bit batter thu 70a are willing to Help make it BOOST YOUR TOWN The Franklin Times YOUR LOCAL PAPER caui't exist without your Paid I lor Patronage la Sut?crl|?ioBs | and Advertising BOOST TOUR HOME PAPER I A. F. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager The County, The State, The Union SUBSCRIPTION Per Tear VOLUMN LXIV. LOU18BURO, N. CAROLINA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER W, IMS (EIGHT PAGES) NUMBER, 45 MAKES RAIDES Sheriff F. N. Spivey reported making raid* and destroying beer and whiskey on Wednesday ot last week as follows. He was as sisted by officers John P. Moore and George P. Foster. Destroyed 500 to 600 gallons of beer back ot Shady Qrove col ored eharcb. Two big stands of beer near old May place south of Louis burg. A lot of beer on branch back of Thomas Nelms. A lot of beer and a container .of whiskey back of Palmer Fogg's. At this place the still was in operation, but watchers gave the signal and the operators escaped with the cap. Buy In Franklin Crop Production Loan Borrowers Of Franklin Co. I am satisfied that there will be Government money available for those who need to borrow in the year 1934. It will be neces sary tor each individual to put forth the proper effort to help himself. There are a great number of in dividuals In the County who owe the Government money on old loans. It will be helpful to such persons to pay those old balances. If you are not in a position to pay in full, come to see me. I will do all I can to help you keep your credit standing. I cannot tell how long my of fice will remain open to aid yon people; therefore, it is Important for you to attend to this matter at once. Please accept my hearty thanks for the many courtesies extended nje during the past year by the good people of Franklin County. Wishing you one and all a Hap py, Prosperous year in 1934, I am Cordially, HARRY P, STEVENS, Field Supervisor. Sell in Franklin Dead Our hearts were saddened last Sunday night, December, the sev enteenth, at eight o'clock, when the Death Angel entered the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Cottrell, and took from them, their dar ling baby boy, Elliott Alexander. Hla short little life, of just two months, was so sweet, and full of good cheer, that It seems but yesterday he was here. We know that a mother's arms feel so emp ty when her baby Is not there, but why should we weep and mourn, when we know that lit tle Alexander, has gone from his suffering here, to those bright mansions above. Everything was done for him, that possibly could be done, but God knew best, and choose to take him home to Him. The burial service, conducted by Rev. E. H. Davis, Monday, December the eighteenth, at two thirty, was largely attended, and the floral offering was beautiful. The deepest sympathy of their many friends, goes out to the be reaved father, mother, grand-pa rents, and other relatives. A FRIEND. | Buy in Franklin Big Hogs Killing of hogs In Franklin County have been reported to tbe Times fop publication: W. T. Oupton, Cedar Rock townahlp, four weighing 250, 275, 800, 300. E. 8. Oupton, Gold Mine tewn sblp one weighing 300. 1. M. Oupton, Cedar Rock town ship, two weighing 205, 196. I. N. Oupton, Cedar Rock, one weighing 33S. J. W. Cheeves. Sunn, three weighing 327, 318, 333. W. H. Horton, Bunn, two weighing 369, 329. 8. T. Holmes, Bunn, two weigh ing 303, 310. R. N. Bhearln, Bunn, twelve weighing a iv average of 300 each. W. E. iBeddlngfleld, Bunn, Are weighing 'a total of 2700. Brooka Williams, Bunn, fire weighing 270 eacb. Joe Murphy, Bunn, two, 407, 230. E. W. Wester, Louisburg town ship, four weighing 455, 400, 380, 375. Buy in Franklin THANKS We wish to extend our sincere appreciation to our many friends and relatives who rendered kind service to us during the illness and death of our darling son El liott Alexander. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Cottrell, iJouisburg, Route l.| Heralding The New Year Dies of Wounds Melvln Hartsfleld, colored, died Monday at the Community hospit al In Loulhbui>g from- ?wounds he said were inflicted by Ben Whit aker, colored, on December 12th. when he was robbed of twenty some dollars and taken up the railroad and hid out in an old field %nd the straw set afire. He claimed he was "Clubbed and rob bed on Cripple Creek. Several days later he got back to his home and was taken to the hos pital; As a result of his state ment* Ben Wki taker was arrested' and plac?*"fn Jail to await the development* of the wounds. On Friday night he decided he didn't care to spend the Christmas hol idays as a guest of Franklin County and sawed his way to freedom, but took time before leaving to write a note to the of-, fleers stating that he would be back in time to attend January 'Court. Sell Id Franklin Auxiliary Meets The American Legion Auxiliary, met on Tuesday, December 19th for the regular Christmas meet ing at the home of Mrs. C. A.' Rag] and. Co-hostesses were Mrs. J. R. Allen and Mrs. F. B. Lean ard. As is the custom the chil dren of the members were Invit ed at this meeting. The home was decorated with holly in real holiday manner and guests were welcomed in like spirit. The meeting opened with the Auxiliary as a whole pledging al-' leglance to the flag followed by prayer, Mrs. R. W. Smlthwlck read the preamble to the consti tution to the assembly, Mrs. T. C. Alston gave a comprehensive re port of work done at the lunch room showing that ex-service men's children were being cared for. Two letters of appreciation were read by Mrs. J. E. Malone. Jr., the president. The matter of sending the requested money to the men at Oteen was taken up. Mrs. H. W. Perry, the vice presi dent moved the fund be allotted as formerly, with the balance, that will be left after the unit has sent the state allottment to our Ward, being sent to Miss Adams for further use along the same rehabilitation lines. Mrs. D. W. 8plvey seconded the mo tion. The program was then turned over to the children who sang Christmas Carols and gave Christ mas reading*, after which they had a treat all their own while the rest of the unit were served tea. Adjournment followed. MRS. C. R. STKES, Sec y. By MRS. H. H. JOHNSON. Bay la Franklin Enters Store ? Thieves entered Q. W. Murphy * Son (tore Saturday night and carries away several cartoons of ?iu >uu possibly other things jnot missed. The entrance was 'made through the front of the ilower room. Offllcers have not 'completed their round-up of the this time. Health Dept. Ex tends Greetings Department wishes you and your children good health and happi ness throughout the New Tear. JAMBS B. FULOHUM, M. D. Franklin Co. Health Dept. i, about five dollars In ?II in Franklin The Franklin County Health I Milk Bottles The 1933 Legislature passed the following bill rleative to milk bottles: An Act to prohibit the wrongful use of milk bottles, crates, cans and other containers of dairy products. Section 1. No person, firm or corporation shall use, or permit to be used a milk bottle, or other receptacle designed as a milk container, or container of dairy products, and having the name, brand Or trade mark of any other person, firm or corporation there on, for any purpose other than as a milk container, or as a contain er of dairy products. Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corpora tion to use or permit to be used any milk bottle, can, crate, or any other container for milk or milk products which has the name, label, trade name or in scription of any other person, firm or corporation blown, em bossed or marked thereon. Sec. 3. That it shall be un lawful for any person, firm or corporation to purchase milk bot tles except from a ? wholesale dealer, retail store or dairyman having the same for sale and It shall also be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, oth er than dealers having the same for sale, to sell any milk bottles: Provided, that this act shall not apply to Judicial sales. Sec. 4. Any person. Arm or corporation or agent willfully vio lating any of the sections of this statute shall be guilty of a mis demeanor, and shall be subject to a penalty of a One of not more than fifty ($50.00) dollars, or Imprisonment of not more than thirty days for each and every violation thereof. Sec. 5. All laws and clauses of laws In conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 6. This act shall be m full force and effect from and af ter Its ratification. Ratified this the 20th day of April, A. D. 1933. - Boy in Franklin A man may be dumb, but he's never lonesome. Astor Engagement The parenta of Mia* Eileen 8. 8 Oilleepie, (above), Now York, aa nounev her engagement 'to John Jacob Aator, (below), jouafeet ?ot of the late Col. John Jacob A?tor who west down with tho Titanic The marriage will unite two ok) famillea which figured la oar!} Americas hletory.y New Year*# Eve Gala Mid-Nite Show AT LOOUBCBG THEATRE SUNDAY The Loaliburg Theatre Is [ showing for their New Year's eve mld-nlte show ? "Moonlight and; Pretzels" ? featuring such stars as Leo Carrillo, Mary Bryan, the 4 Eaton Boys, Jack Denny and his Orchestra alsa_ 50 of New York's most beautiful girls in the most taltaliilng Musical Comedy of the year. If you are looking for grand entertainment you won't start the New Year -off right if you fall to see this picture. Usher the new year in at the Loulsburg Theatre. Boy is franklin FARMERS TO SIGN UP A meeting1 of farmers Commit tees for the tobacco sign-up was held in the Conrt bouse on Wed nesday morning and instrncted in the understanding of the contract and methods used in figuring quotas for the sign up. Mr. B. T. Furgurson, District Farm Agent and Mr. E. J. Mor gan, County Farm Agent were present and participated in pre senting the instructions. County Attorney Chas. P. Qreen assisted with the work of the meeting. Before adjournment everything was put in readipess for the cam paign which began immediately for a quick and complete sign-up. A list of Committees and their places of meeting are given in another column. Sell In Franklin T. C. Harris Dead Mr. Turner Harris died at his home in Yoongsvllle on ; Sunday morning at the age of 63, following declining health for some time. Besides his wife he leaves two daughters, Mrs. J. U. Allen, Jr., of Raleigh, and MUs Bettle Clifton Harris, of Youngs ville. He is also survived by one brother, Mr. J. Edgar Harris, and six sisters. Miss Nannie Harris. Miss Marguerite Harris, Mrs. J. P. Timberlake. Mrs. J. T. Baker, ;Mrs. E. J. Cheatham, Mrs. J. O. Morris. Mr. Harris was one of Franklin County's most substantial and straightforward citlaens. He, was always interested in his commun ity, his government and his fel lowmen and in his death his com munity, county and state sus tains a great losa. The funeral services were held from the home. on Monday after noon, conducted by Rev. C. B. Howard, and the interment was made in the family cemetery at the old home place about 6 miles east of Youngsville. Each of the services was largely attended and the floral tribute was especially pretty. The pallbearers were S. C. Eaves, Elton Mitchell, Pet Faulk ner, Jlmmie Wiggins, H. M. Jreen, J. W. Winston. The deepest sympathy is ex tended the bereaved family. The Corn-Hog Program Stokes - Johnson Miss Sallie Mae Johnson, of Durham, and Mr. Hanry O. Stoke*, of Loulaburg. were hanplly mar ried at Franklinton on Sunday. December 24th, by Rev. ? , ? . Woodltef, according to announce ments made by friends In Louis burg. Mrs. Stokes is a charming and popular young lady and formerly, lived in Louisburg where she has many friends. Mr. Stokes Is a popular young barber at Wheeler's barber shop.' Their many friends are extend ing congratulations. Change In Banking Hours The First-Cltlsens Bank and Trust Co., of Lodlsburg and Frankllnotn announces that on and after January 2nd, 1(34, It will close each day at 2 o'clock p. m. This new cloalng la In keeping with the regulations pro mulgated by the state banking system and Is expected to give better service to the business pub lic. t This bank will obaerve Nsw Year's dsy by remaining closed on next Monday, January 1st,1 1114. . ? :-r-' New AAA Chief Cheater C. Daria, (above) t former chief of the Crop Production Divi sion of the AAA, is now Agricul tural Adjustment Administrator, succeeding George H. Peek who h?ds the Federal Foreign Trad* Committee. SEVEN PATHS NEWS A very interesting Christmas program was given at the church Sunday morning following Sunday School. A Christmas gift was present ed to Mr. Randolph McGregor the Sunday school Superintendent, by Mr. B. P. Hinton, In behalf of the Fidelia class. Miss Geralda Turnage, Miss Eva Mae Spivey and Mr. Theron Strickland who are attending school at W. C. T. C., Cullowhee, are spending the Christmas holi days here with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Bernice Sherian and brother Eugene, of neat; Louisburg, spent Tuesday night in the home of Mrs. Sherian's pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Strick land. Mrs. Maybelle Wheless, of the Mount Pleasant School faculty, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George McGregor. Mr. James E. Perry, Jr., who has been spending some time in Washington, D. C., with his broth er, Mr. Lin wood Perry and fam ily, has returned home. Mr. Raymond Moore acd Mr. Otho Wilder of the C. C. C. Camp at Plsgah Forest, spent last week end at home with friends. We are glad to report that Mrs. Arthur Strickland is able to be back home from the hospital at Rocky Mount. Mr. and Mrs. John Walker and son. Mr. and Mrs. Reddln Strick land and Mr. Randolph Strick land of Rocky Mount visited friends here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Hinton and family, of Zebulon, visited friends here Monday. Miss Mary Grey Alford and Mrs. Susie Dodd, of Bynn, were visitors here Monday P. M. Mr. J. M. Sykes, Jr., of Center ville, visited friends here Christ mas. Mr. Haywood Jones, of Tampa Fla., visited friends here Christ mas. Miss Estelle Strickland of the' Youngsville school faculty is at home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Strickland. Misses Tuna White Hinton, Sallie Lue. and Ora Lee Turnage had dinner with Miss Grayce Strickland Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Fisher and son. of Castalla, spent Sun day night with Mrs. Fisher's pa rents, Mr. and Mrs.* E. B. Moore. Miss Ruby Cone visited friends In the Rocky Cross community Christmas. StII In FrankU*? U. D. C. Meeting - j I - The Taauar jr meeting of the Joseph J. Davis Chapter U.. D. C. will be held at the home of Miss Sue Alatoo, Tuesday afternoon.. January 1, 19S4, at 3:00 p. m. Ifickoy Obekrao, star catehor, who wu piitkued by th? -Detroit A. L. ehib from Oraai* Mick'i PMJ kMpMa ohib tor *100,000 and mad* : ?iiif of U? TVf?r? for lm. Jien. Reed's Bride Mra. Nell Q. Donnelly, A3, wealthy garment manufacturer of Kansas (Sty, ii now the bride on honeymoon, of former Senator Jlmea A. Beed, 72, of HJuoun. Egerton - McGreal A wedding of much interest In the state was solemnized In Wash ington, D. C? Dec. 8th, when Miss Mary Lou McQreal, of Los Angeles, Calif., became the bride of Mr. George BlounC Egerton, Jr., of Louisburg, son of Mr. and G. B. Egerton. f The bride w"ore a lovely suit of Eleanor blue crepe with acces sories. She carried Tally lillicii and sweetheart roses. Her only attendant was Mrs. C. A. Rag land, Jr., of Louisburg, sister ol the groom. Mrs. Ragland wore brown chiffon velvet and carried pale yellow roses. The groom was attended by Mr. C. A. Ragland, Jr., as best man. - The ceremony took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Egerton, 5336 Colorado Ave., N. W. Washington, O. C. The Rev, W. W. Mclntire, of St. Paul's Methodist Church, officiating. On ly a few relatives were present. After the impressive vows wert spoken a beautifully appointed dinner was served to all the guests. The young couple left by motor and 'will be at home al "Laurel", near Louisburg, N. C., after the 15th. Mr. Egerton is well known in North Carolina's younger set. Bellingham, Wash. News. ? Mr and Mrs. Frank J. McGreal ol Los Angeles, announce the en gagement of their daughter Mary Lou to Mr. George Blounl Egerton, Jr., of Louisburg, N. C The wedding to take place ii Washington D. C., Friday Decem ber 8th. Miss McGreal is an accomplish ed pianist. During her stay here many lovely parties have beou given in her honor, by her host ess, Mrs. Barlow, and the young er social set. Miss McGreal will leave here Dec. 4th for Washington, D. C. ?Bay in Frinklln Cooke - Mitchiner The announcement, of the mar riage of Mrs. Willie Harrisoj Mltchiner, of Franklinton, to Mr. Walter Jones Cooke, of Younga viiie, which, took place at the Methodist parsonage at Kittrell Saturday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, December 23rd, was received with much Interest to the many friends of this popular couple in Frank lin County. , v The ceremony was performed by Rev. B. O. Merritt, pastor of the bride, and was wlt nesaed by only a few Intimate friends. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Cooke left for Washington City to spend the Christmas holidays. Mrs. Cooke is one of Frank lin County, s most popular and accomplished ladies and enjoys a wide friendship in her home Coun ty as well as at a distance. Mr. Cooke is the popular Rail way Agent at Youngsville, where he enjoys the confidence and es teem of his wide acpuaintance. Bay In Franklin Tobacco Farmers Attention The committee for Loulsburg Township in the acreage reduc tion campaign will be In the County Agent's ofllce. Just back of E. F. Griffins office, Saturday, Monday and Tuesday. Please com* In and sign up. Figure out yoar acreage for 1111, 1IS1 and 1(33 and the number of pound* made p*r acre before you come ?o a* to *ave time. There 1* ao injustice In the fact that If you spend your day* kill ing tlipe, time will kill you. 1 . TO TOBACCO GROWERS OF FRANKLIN CO. The Tobacco Acreage Reduc tion Campaign for Franklin County began Wednesday with a meeting of the Township Com mitteemen from each Township In the county. Every grower who signed one of the Preliminary Contracts last fall during the Tobacco Market ing holllday Is urged to meet the committeemen of his township at one of the places listed below. Dunn Township at Bunn, Wiggs' Store. Committeemen: H. W. Tant, J. O. Williams and H. K. Baker. Harris Township at New Hope. Committeemen: F. W. Justice, W. H. Horton, W. H. Fuller and John Chamblee. Youngsville Township at May or's Office, Youngsville. Commit teemen: J. W. Winston, W. T. Moss, and Norman Timberlake. Frankllnton Township at Kates ville, and Cook's Furniture Co., Franklinton. Committeemen: R. H. Jones, F. H. Cook and W. E. Perry. Hayesvllle Township at Dick ie's Store. Committeemen : W. P. Wilson. R. B. Mitchell. T. H. Weldon and J. H. Goodson. Sandy Creek at G. D. Fuller's Store. Committeemen: It. M. Duke, David Fuller. G. P. Foster. Cedar Rock Township at Stal , ling's Cross Roads and Justicc. Committeemen: Joseph Perry, E. I J. Wheless, T. W. Boone and B. u. oione. |! Gold Mine Township at O. M. Raynor's Store. Committeemen: J. W. Neal, R. D. Griffin, Martin Gupton and H. L. Denton. Cypress Creek Township at Seven Paths Store. Committee ' men: T. M. Harris, C. M. Moore and P. R. Sunn. I Louisburg Township at County Agent's Office, over Andrew's ' Drug Store. Committeemen: C. ' T. Hudson, Eugene Wilson and Royal Strange. ' Most of the adjoining counties | are almost through their campaign ; so lets all work together and get ; our county signed up at the vary ' earliest date possible and with ' prompt cooperation from all growers in the county we can fln 1 ish in a tew days. It will be al most Impossible for the commlt ? teemen to meet you at your homo, ' so you will help them consider " ably by meeting them at the ? places mentioned above. 'j Bring your Warehouse Btlla - too so you can get your claim in ' at ?nce for tobacco sold prior to " Octber 28. Very truly yours, ?j ' E. J. MORGAN, Co. Agt. ( i Sell in Franklin Perry - Johnson Announcements reading aa fol lows have been received by friends in Louisburg: Mrs. Charles Johnson an nounces the marriage *f her daughter, Llllle Mae, to Mr. How ell Boon Perry, on Saturday, the twenty-third of December, ono thousand nine hundred and thlr ty-three, Louisburg, North Caro lina. Enclosed were cards reading as follows: At home after the twenty eighth of December, Route 4, Louisburg, North Carolina. | The bride Is one' of the efficient teachers at Bunn High School and is very popular among her many friends. The groom Is one of Franklin County's most popular young men. Buy in Franklin Program At The Louisburg Theatre Tha following la the program at the Louisburg Theatra begin ning Sunday at mld-nlte, (New Year's Ere) : Sunday. Mld-nlte ? Roger Pry or, Mary Bryan, Leo Carlllo, Alex ander Oray, The 4 Eaton Soya, Jack Denney and his Waldorf-As toria orchestra in "Moonlight and PreUela." Monday ? Sally Ellers and Nor man Foater In "Walla of Qold." Tueaday ? Slim Summerrllle and Zaiu Pitts In "Lore, Honor and Oh Baby." Wednesday ? Blng Crosby, R?dy Vallee, Suart Erwln. Ahtur Tracy, Burns and Allen. Mllla Bros, and Cab Calloway and hla orchestra In "The Big Broadcaat." Also first episode of "Tarian Tha Fear less" featuring Boater Crabba. Thursday and Friday ? Jtka Boles and Lillian Uarrey la "My Llpa Betray." [; Saturday ? Victory Jory ia ."Smoky."

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