"t r *? i - ? ?? YOUE TOWN Ua't a bit better than jam are willing to Help make it BOOST YOUR TOWN The Franklin Times YOUE LOCAL PAPER can't exist without your Paid for Patronage in SobsrriRttona and Advertising BOOST YOL'R HOME PAPER A. F. JOHNSON, Editor an4 t The County, The State, The Union SUBSCRIPTION $1.30 Per Year VOLUMN LXIV. LOUISBURG, N. CAROLINA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9TH, IVM (EIGHT PAGES) NUMBER 31 COLLINS ELEC s TED NIGHT COP EE COMMENDS TOWN OPERATE CLOCK Employs Engineer to Draw Pl?ns For 600,000 Gallon Settling Basin, Extension Of Water Main on Halifax Road, Construction New Cooling Tower and Lock Up, as CWA Projects The Board of Town Commis-j - aionera met in regular session, Tuesday night. Upon roll call the following were present: Mayor W. C. Webb,1 W. J. Cooper, H. H. Johnson. H.l ? i Q. Perry, A. W. Person, F. W.1 Whelesn, Jr. Absent: W. K. White.1 Minutes of previvous meetings were read and approved. The monthly report of the Town Clerk, Chief of Police, and tax collections, were read and ap proved. Mr. R. W. Smlthwlck petition ed the Board to take over and operate the clock located at the First-Citizens Bank and Trust Co.1 corner. Mr. Smlthwlck explained that the annual service charge on1 the clock would be $35.00 per year, and the coat of a new bat-' tery and charger would amount to: About $40.00. Mr. Smlthwick's request received very favorable' an d enthusiastic support from members of the Board, and his re quest was referred to the Light and Water Committee for investi gation and recommendation. Mr. Roy Holmes complained to the Board that the C. W. A. em-, ployed his truck to haul trash from the street* of Loulsburg,' and that the C. W. A. daws Ma' W' $42.00 for the use of his truck, and for his own services. He stat-1 ed that he had repeatedly pre-' sented a bill to the local C. W. A. and had also appealed to Mrs. O'Berry, but has not received bis pay. The Board instructed the Mayor to take the matter up In behalf of Mr. Holmes, with the local C. W. A. officials, -and at-' tempt to get the matter settled, j Upon the recommendation of the Street Coaimlttee the pur-, chase of a new truck was defer red indefinitely, because of lm-; pending expenses of repairing one of the englnee at the Power Plant. The Board ruled to give the yearly contract for Masda Lamps to 8. P. Boddle, local agent for the Westlnghouie Electric Sup ply Co. Upon motion duly adopted the Light and Water Committee was empowered to secure an engineer to draw the necessary plans and estimates for the following C. W. A. projects: A settling basin for the water plant with $.000, 000 gallon capacity, the extension of a six inch water main on tho Halifax road, the construction of a new cooling tower for the water plant, and the construction of a new lock-up. The Board Instructed the Light and Water Committee to pur chase the necessary parts with which to repair the ISO H. P. Engine, and to purchase sufficient ?pare parts (or the engines to meet an emergency In case of * break down, so as to Insure un-j Interrupted service. Mr. W. H. Allen's request (or a refund on his taxes, was referred1 to the Tax Committee and Town Attorney for Investigation and recommendation. _ 1 The names ot J. A. Dennis. C. , C. Collins, and D. O. Pearce, were plaaed In nomination for the po-J eltlon of night policeman. Secret ballots were taken on the ap-j pointment of one of the appii cants. Upon the third secret bal lot, C. C. Collins was appointed to the position. The Chief of ! Police was instructed to put Mr. Colltas to work on March 1, IIS 4. , at a salary of 975.00 per month, j A and upon the condition that ser 5 rices may be discontinued By either party upon thirty days no tice. The Clerk reported to the Board upon the Drat six months operation of the present year. < This report showed that for the ' first six months the budget has been overspent In amount of fl.-j 123. 00. _ Revenue to tfce extent' Of $3,(41.00 haa been collected In excess of the anticipated *rev-| enue for the first six month*, i Thus anticipated revenue haa a Bet surplus of tl.OS.40 In exceu < of expenditures for the first six | month's operation. Projecta ac- ] eomplished which were not In i eluded In the flacal budget, la-', elude the wrecking of the old i Ford Warehouse, repairs to the < engines that were unexpected, and the construction of a aU inch Indicted Official V DEB MOINES: . . Above U i-.ieut. Gov, Nell 0. Kruehel of i Iowa who hu been indicted by a I fed* grand jury on charge* of < having conspired to defraud" (he < U. 8. as executive secretary ol the 1 Iowa Public Work* Board. ] water main and sewer line on Kenmore Avenue. A number of Invoices were ap proved for payment. Shoots Officer . Joseph James Mitchell, colored, was brought to LouiBburg Mon day and placed in jail upon fail ure to give a $1,500 bond for re sisting and assaulting an officer with Intent to kill. He was bound over by Magistrate J. R. Pearce, of Youngs ville. Infor mation from the trial seemed to show that officers were called to the farm of W. A. Massey about 4 miles east of Youngsville, on the Tarboro road, to quell a dis turbance among a number of ne groes. O 81 car# J. J? Young, ac companied by Coroner J. W. Free man went to the scene and l> at tempting to disarm and arrevt Mitchell officer Young was shot through the htad with a pistol. The wound is a flesh wound and not expected to result in anything serious. The negro was disarmed and taken into custody, carried to Youngsrille where a hearing was granted with the result of his being held for Court. i James Mitchell, also Colored, was held for carrylu concoaled' weapons, and sent tojail in de fault of bond. Recorder's Court Franklin County 'a Recorders Court bad quit* a short* session on Tuesday, only a few cases ware on the docket which were disposed of as follows: Charlie Jones, distilling, hav complted with order of Court was discharged. 9. P. Clopton was found guilty of unlawful possession of whis key, prayer for judgment was con tinued. |: William Johnson plead guilty to operating an automobile intoxi cated and waa given four months : on roads. Frank Hay, distilling, having paid $20 costs was continued under former order. R. L. Horton was found guilty of securing marriage license un- , lawfully, fined $26 and costs. |( Willie Edwards, drunk and dis orderly, continued under former order. , The following cases were con tinued: R. L. Seymore, reckless driving. 8. W. (Sandy) Tharrington. , reckless driving. Willie Pearce, distilling William Cannady, unlawful pos-j' session of whiskey. Income Tax Returns' Representatives of the U. S. I Internal Revenue Department will be at the following places on the dates given to asaist taxpayers In filing Federal Income Tax Re- ' turns. Inquire at Post Offlco. If you have received blanks by mall bring same with you: I Frankllnton ? Feb. SI. Henderson? Feb. 11-13-14. Loulaburg Feb. 17. Oxford ? Feb. II. Raleigh? Feb. 19 to March IS. . Rocky Mount ? Feb. 27-11, , liar. 1. I. S. and Mar. II .to 16. Warrenton ? Feb. 16. i SENIOR B. T. P. U. The Senior B. T. P. U. met < Bandar evening at ? : 8 0 wlttt I twenty member* and Tlaltor* pres et. An Intereetlnc program tu liven by group* No. III. Group ] No. I with Dr. GHIIeaple of the i college wilt hare charge Sunday, evening. Come and help make this Union A-l. Tou are always ? W. ?. Hollar, PreeMent. Bdith Toon*, Secretary, t 15 PER CENT DIVIDEND TO BE PAID WITHIN THIRTY DATS " (J. S. Bennett, Receiver Ffrstr National Bank, Announ ced This Week? This Is Third Dividend Bringing Total Up To Eighty-Five Per Cent ? ? ? What will be received as good lews by a large number of Prank-! In County people, Is the announ cement of Mr. N. S. Bennett, Re ceiver for the First National Bank, that he is now making all preparations to pay the third div idend to the creditors of this bank within the next thirty days. This dividend will be a fifteen per cent payment and will bring the total payment to creditors of this bank up to eighty-five per cent. The first dividend paid was fifty per cent On August IS, 1932 and was followed by a twenty per cent payment on April 29th, 1933. Mr. Bennett Informs tbe Times that all creditors will be notified through the Times what date the checks for this dividend will be ready for delivery. The payment of these dividends in the time Involved speaks es pecially well for the splendid, ef lcient and capable manner in which Ur. Bennett has managed ind handled the affairs of the oank. In addition to making aj jplendld record In handling the' assets of the bank he has made friends of those with whom he has, come in contact. The genial and pleasant method employed by him and his. able assistant, Mr. E. C.) Bullock, has no doubt, contributed much to his success. This payment is coming in a' splendid time, when It will be much needed by the farmers in providing fertilizers for another1 crop year. The Quality Store The Times welcomes The Qual ity Store back to its advertising columns and commends this pro gressive store .to its readers. No, purchaser can (eel entirely safe in a purchase of unadvertlseii goods. Only goods of quality can stand the teat of advertising and this progressive store realises that if It expects increased busi ness from Franklin County buyers It should tell them in "print of the value of their stocks. It Is a compliment to the wise" purchas ing ability of Franklin County buyers, and this store is leaving nothing undone to meet the pub | lie in fair dealings, better busi ness and digger values. Read their advertisement each week and call In and see their line. List of Jurors The following Is a list of Jurors' drawn for February term Civil Court : First Week Dunns ? R. F. Gay, Dock Med- i lln, J. C. Pearce, W. C. Green. Harris ? A. T. Howell, W. R. Lafater. Youngsville ? H. M. Holliday C. H. Roberts, L. W. White. W K. Shearin, H. W. Pearce, O. B Holmes 8andy Creek ? J. K. Ball, 8. G j Marshall. Gold Mine ? H. L. Denton, Geo. 3. Coley. Cedar Rock? N. J. Harris, W C. Collins, W. T. Gupton. Loulsburg ? W. B. Barrow. W i1 P. Edwards, 8. J. Parham, F. J Sledge, Rufus Fuller. Second Week Dunns ? J. 8, Carter, Berry C Johnson. Harris? J. E. Wilder, W. W Perry, A. M. Rudd, Joe Frasier. Youngsville ? E. A. Grissom, R | H. Holliday. I Frankiinton ? H. 8. Daniel. t Hayesvllle ? Tollle O. Foster. < Sandy Creek ? C. R. Perdue. Cedar Rock? B. J. Wheless, J < P. Wilder, B. H. Heading, H. 1. , 31111am, J. J. Dean. 1 Loulsburg ? W. 8. Holmes, 8 ft. Allen- l U you try to maka a Urine by, prrltlng. It * * pteaaure juat to b? lulet and hear other people make1 joree of themaeWea, An expert !? a man who Ken >aid whether hla advice turns oat tood or bad. The dnlleat clobe are the moat nelaalTe. *?' . The A rat daty of *rery man ta|c o pay hi* own Way. Forme* Kaiser at 75 DOOKN, Holland : . . . Wilheta HohenzoHern, former Kaiser of Germany, in exile here since the ; World _ War, celebrated his #75th birthday on January 27th and re leased thi? recent picture to show himself still ''hale and hearty". I Rioting In France Paris, Feb. 7. ? One of the hot test lights In tonight's furious rioting was at the Hotel de Paris, where former Premier Edouard Herrlot lires. The rioters invaded the lobbies, scattering diners and shouted "hang Herriotl" Herrlot was in a room upstairs and was not touched. The rioters were Anally driven out. Hotel Claridg^ . where II veil the late Serge Stariaky, founder of the Bayonne pawnshop and one of the Immediate causes of the present trouble, was also invaded. Windows were smashed. The management closed the place up tightly. Lyons. Prince. Feb. 7 ? Mount ed guards, who had been the tar get of cafe chairs, charged dem onstrations on the Rue Repibli que tonight in the home town of former Premier Edouard Herrlot.' Manifestants. part of them sing ing the Marseillaise and other* shouting "viva soviet." were dis persed. New York. Feb. 7.? Forced in to the throngs where officers were wielding sabers and shooting from the hip aa they drove a shouting mob down the street in Paris to day, correspondents of the Asso ciated Press risk*4 injury and death to "get the story" to the United States. Richard Hassock, of the ParU staff of the Associated Press, was wounded slightly In the hand as the crowd rioted and Kelvin K. Wklteleatber imrrowljr escaped more serious injury In a similar situation, but throughout the con fusion member newspapers of -be Associated Press were able to pre sent a comprehensive and com plete picture of events to their readers within a few minutes af ter they happened In .Paris and other sections of France. Brussels, Feb. 7. ? Informed quarters here wore agreed today that everything was ready for Im mediate action bjr the Due de Ouise, 69-year-old head of the Bourbon house of Orleans and pretender to the throne of Prance, should circumstances warrant. Although event* do not appear ripe for such an action, the pre tender's son, Heary, Ceunt of Parts, an experienced aviator, would be able .to convey his fath er personally to France at any moment. If necessary. The Due de Gatse. who would like to reign as King Jeaaf. III. U In permanent touch with his par tisans In Paris, who are reporting , >n developments In the situation., No especial activity, however, | was perceptible la the proximity >f the Manor d'AnJou, the pre ender's residence near Brussels. , He waa not willing to express, public grief at the Paris blood- ] ihed, fearing misinterpretation. , Another claimant to the throne. . Pgince Louis Napoleon, 20, who, las a residence here, la now In i Jwluerland. Jlonapartlsts regard | ilm as the rlgbtfhl ruler. , Lille, franco. Feb. 7. ? Bricks ' sere hurled at mounted guards ty Infuriated crowd* In sympathy < rlth the Paris demonstrations to- ? light. Several were Injured. ' The guards broke up the dem- < lustrations wtth charges, arrest ng 10. | /' WILL ROGERS W "MR SKIICH" AT LOU1SBUEO THEA TBI f HUB8DAY AND ""DAY, FEB. 15 . 16 Brilliantly Assisted by ZaSu Pitts in New Fox Picture Bochelle Hudson and Flor ence Desmond Featured c ?e Of"Shtfal perron, of Anne zjrJg bur* Theatre Thursday and Fri day, Feb. 15 and l?th. i . JT?I_?g^'*ht entertainment, healthJ- loughs, "Mr' done i?? 2" R?Ken has ment *i- hilarious entertain-' ?!?i, A'w*y? ?t his best in a modern, topical and timelv nf* thaPt,C; lew l?7m ?* type ot rol? that, lew him loose with sallies of wit the kind that have made bita a naThr t?or,te " a ?A sr jns vss "fo? the,? h*nk fa,,ure & - oneC?a?rUalty" ^ m*?e?f?m one auto camp to another The Urheser.?Ltl,e ""ally ^ ZTc :./n?ob VIE ?JL "sm0bf *-,000 at roulette. The famiiv ;?tarts off for home in style Thiv r.dr'y <iiSCoT" that *he money lost at .-the tourist camn ? *ea??> for the money prove, unsuccessful. and they are 0J:l "Bain penniless. They meet a marr'ed COUp,e' whoTe ac auto cnamntheynVe made at tb-' ? . camP- Because of the brides ability to impersonate t. m?us movie stars, they all decide to go to Hollywood to ?.p?t?iz,e brtner *lent>- Th,s ?*? sequence Plli ".T" M Wl" "??">. Z-i? in k ? ,s 8 Btar comedienne in her own right, heads thTcas, h Hwless Performance. Kocnelle Hudson and Charles t??tett rry Khe r?raantie 'n "?d ?hould be highly Tl? Other e" 'p,endld Portray' ais. Other members of the cast tinrt|aeqUlt 'hemselves with dis &SI a >re Florence Desmond.. Jai^ r?" a"d Eugene Pollette. James Cruze, who directed fr0m the screen play by Ralph Spence iv1?J5?ra ke^en, j3 one H j lywoods ablest directors, and iaTVork" P'eCe of director Court Of Honor For Louisburg Boy Scout Troop No. 20 of Louisburg held its regular mouth-;, ly court of honor wltlr Mr, J. A1 Hodges. Sr.. presiding. ?Sn Febru- . ary 1st in Mills High Scliapl. ' | The list of Scouts and -kjieli" awards are as follows: Tenderfoot ? Glenn Beasley an<JN Bverard Perry. Second Class ? William Barrow. Alfred Cooper Hicks. Ben Ballard1 Massenburg. Collin McKlnne, and William David Wells. First Class ? Joe Macon Beas ey, Charles Gattls. and John 1 liolden. i1 Merit Badges: Fisher Beasley,1 ? swimming . Joe Macon Beasley ' ? book-binding, swimming; Wil liam Lee Beasley ? bird study ; j Charles Oattla ? Cycling. swlmq ming: John Holden ? book-bind- ' lng. Farm Rome aud It* Plan-,' nine, and Wood carving; Cary i Howard, carpentry; Richard Yar-'l borough ? First Aid. Personal Health and Public Health. A Cab Pack was also chartered , with a large number of future boy , ?coats as member*. Rev. Mr. Pul-, ley as Cub Master, and Kenneth ] Davis aa hi* assistant j< Troop No. 10, and the various ] icout officials and scout friends ] ire to mobilise at the Court House on Saturday morning at llj, j'clock to hear Preeldent Rooee- g relt ?penk. Tho Prealdent speaka ] it 1 1 : to Saturday morning to all ] the Boy Scoata of America. He ] a as a moat vital meeeage for them. >nd <? to aak a special service ? trom the scouts during . the naxt I lew weeks' Scouts, offlclala, friends, be oa j land Saturday morning at 11 >'clock on the Court House Square for the message and or lers from our great PreaMent. , 11 ' I! lubecribe to The Franklin Ttmea j Sing fpr President CLEVELAND: ... . Miss Nan Johnson, (above) has been invited by President and lira. Boosevelt to sing at the White Howe, some day soon and > she has accepted. Nan, a victim of infantile paralysis einee 8, was prevailed upon to give up piano and 'study voice. She appeared -be fore the Cleveland Botary Club re sently, which appearance brought ths White House invitation. WARNING TO SKATERS The Chief of Police desires to call attention to the incmued dagger to the lives of children which has arisen from the greatly increased skating in the streets. Altho this is against (he law it has been the custom not to interfere with children skating on the sidewalks since the child's life was not endan gered from traffic. It is ex pected in the near future to restrict the traffic on certain streets to permit the children to skate in safety. Until that time Mr. Pace earnestly re quests that parents confine their children to'the sidewalks of the residential section, when skating. Delightful Recital Miss Amelia Bruus, teacher of voice in LouUurg College, gave a delightful recital last night, Fetfc. ruary 2nd. in the social hall. The large audience of students and citizens of the town was surprised and charmed with the excellence of her work. " She poaffsses a lovely voice, thoroughly trained in the art of singing. H et progra.r was a varied one. including classics in French and Italian, arias from opera and a group of delightful English songs. Her voice, rich and sweet in all ranges, was especially exquisite in the rendering of some of the coloratura passages in "Les Filles Des Cadix" by Delibcs, "Un bel di" from Madamt- Butterfly, and "Yesterday and Today" by Spross. Miss Bruns is already recogniz ed in Louisburg as one of the best teachers Louisburg has ev er had in the quality of her voice, the perfection of her technique and the dramatic Interpretation revealed in the rendering of her iongs. Miss Bruns was assisted by Miss Dorothy Hurley, who played a skilful and sympathetic accom paniment throughout. P. T. A. To Meet The Mills P. T. Association will meet Thursday afternoon. FebnP try 15th, 1934, at 3:30 o'clock in| the school auditorium. All patrons )f the school are urged to attend. MRS. B. T. HOLDEN, Pres. I D. H. HOLLIDAY, Sec y. Program At The Louisburg Theatre The following is the program it the Lout* burg Theatre begin ling Monday, February 12th: Monday ? Warner Baxter and rlelen Vinson In "At Husbands 3o." -On the Stage, "Sea bee ?lay worth and his Pep and Pun fterue. No matinee on Monday. Tuesday ? Max Baer, Prtmo Ca iera, Myrna Loy and Jack Demp ey In "Prize Plghter and the >ady. On the Stage, "Sea bee layworth" and hla Pep and Fun terne. No matinee on Tuesday. Wednesday ? Jackie Cooper in 'The Lone Cowboy." Also "Tar as the Fearless." Thursday and Friday ? Will logers la "Mr. Ikltch." Saturday? Randolph Scott In' 'Man of the Forest." Co mint Next Week, Thursday; tod Friday ? Paul Green's "Caro h?a," wtth Janet Qaynor and Jon?fl Barrymore. I APPROVE PROJECTS COUNTY TO BUILD T. B. HOSPITAL Also To Remodel Court House, In Co-operation With CWA in Furnishing Employment ? Many Mat ters Before The Board ? Fuller Reports Good Tax Collections The Board of County Commis sioners met In regular session on Monday with all members present. After the formalities of opening business was transacted aa fol lows: Report of Miss Priest, Home Agent was received and approved. Report of E. J. Morgan," Farm Agent, was read and received. A petition for a road to be worked from Collins old iplll by Mt. Hebron church to State high way was accepted and referred to CWA. The matter of Lou Lawrence. Wyatt Price, W. L. Medlin, Etta Alston. Rose Williams, Fannie Hlght, Lnchen Williams and Frank Gupton. col., was referred to the Welfare Officer and Com mittee for investigation- , The road known as Tarboro road running from Youngsvllle by Harris Cross Roads to highway 581 be recommended to CWA for w0rk. The road from Pilot by Bunn to Loulsburg was recommended to CWA for work. >'? The matter of D. B. Gup&n laud was referred to Boone and Green for action. A petition to extend Tarboro road to Zollle T. May's and a new road from Tarboro road to Gran ville county line was referred to Mr. Moore of the State Highway. A Ten Dollar reward was order- ' ed paid Tommie Clark for captur ing Ben Whitaker. (t was ordered that 18 acred of land in Cedar Rock township for merly owned by E. S. Ford estate be deeded to Joe Swanson upon payment of all taxes. The Board adopted a formal resolution Approving the taking of a farm census. Report of E. R. Richardson, Su perintendent of tha County Home, was received and filed. Com. Hudson reported visiting the County Home three times In January and finding it in good condition. W. N. Fuller, Auditor, reported tax collections as follows: 1929 and back $649.05: 1930 tax $950. 89: 1931 $1,559.39; 1932 13, 024,62: 1933 J17.526.97. Re ceipts from Register of Deeds *263.90; Clerk of Court $461.00; Mrs. Jones $50. . Deputy Tax Collcetors are al lowed advances as follows: Wil der $100, alt others $75 each. The jury for the Feruary term of Franklin Superior Court- were drawn. A motion prevailed that C. P. Green and W. N. Fuller investi gate tax of Alfred Gupton and act on same. Report of Welfare Officer wtyj received and Bled. Com. Terrell reported visiting this department and finding It in good condition. A motion prevailed that begin ning Jan. 1st, 1934 a report be published quarterly showing re ceipts and disbursements of County funds. Report of Dr. J. E. Fulghum, County Health officer, was re ceived and filed. The Board unanimously- approv ed the projects to erect a tuber cular hospital at the County home and to make modern improve ments to the Court house with the assistance of CWA funds. C. P. Greejr'and C. V. Bedding field were appointed to investi gate the matter of the Medlin lots. ' An order prevailed that error in tax listing ot Mrs. B. T. Hold en in Cyprees Creek township be corrected and proper amount be refunded. Dr. C. H. Banks, chairman ot the Board, for himself and other members of the Board expressed regret that Mr. Hudson had found It advisable to resign, stated that Mr. Hudson had rendered apload Id services to franklin County daring his tenure of eflce. Hav ing been especially active la plac ing hitherto untaxed property on the books and In working for a reduction in the tax rate. He stated that Mr. Hndson had al ways been tireless in his work tor the beet Interest* ot the peoito of Praaklla Couly. After alining a no saber ot a*> mate the Board adjoined to ~ IVedneeday, February 14th. Nbeerlbe to Tka Praaklla Tlat?* - jT

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