| Lo tnapirtm Spring Maaoo abaad, bringing wttt it maaj new boanata whiefc theae efrtMnet model*, ??? ftminlM tkoagfata to tare to attraaa tiva eoUTnim. Tha beautiful ES? bet h Allan, aeiacn farorB^ ia m ?peaaoriag tUa aibtnht M * PHILADELPHIA. ? . A ringside picture of Store HAaas, New Jersey heavyweight, whs lup?et the#Sstic rart of#tbe German former World Champioa, ltaz Sehioeling, in a 12 round decision bout here. Hamas now ranks third H. heavy ranks, ?ay critics. , }? Everybody has Mg Ideas, bat only the man who masters the de tails can translate** big" idea into a reality. , * Hints for the lldifte ^y^^ncu Hart In entertaining, allow one quart of ice cream to serve six persons, and one pound of cake to aerve fifteen. ? * ? To stop the smarting frotn a burn, coat it immediately with mucilage. If the burn is quite deep, cover it with i paste of cold water and flour and keep moist until the smarting has stopped ? ? ? A small bottle of ammonia on th< desk is excellent for cleaning a per point, even for use from one color ol ink to another. One ammonia dij makoR it like new. ? ? * - h Wine Qrrry lor G#me: To one quart of stock add a half pint ol cooking wine. Flavor vith nutmeg, powdered cloves, butter, and sugar. I Thicken with browned flour. Strain. Salt t6 taste when ready to serve. ? * ? t Left-over vegetables may be served ; in an oven meal by combining them in t buttered baking dish ? peas, diced : carrots, limas, corji ? add milk, sprin kle with buttered crumbs and set in the oven. * ? ? I Very good cranberry sauce can be bought by the can, bnt to bring out the best flavor it should be set in the ice box over night before using in order to chill thoroughly. It is most attrac tive turned from the can in one loop | roll and served in thin ? not too thin >' you are fond of it ? slices. * * * Proper Dreaaing for Docks: Pict ducks, dry, before removing head and legs. Then remove head, cut off legs and wings at second joint ? that is underlined so it must be im portant. Roll the duck in melted paraffine. When paraffine is cold scrape it off with a dull knife. AH the nasty little piqfeathers and down come on with the paraffine and your bird is immaculate. * * * If you do not like the rare, wild I taste of duck, place an onion in the roaster. The onion is not to be -aten, even by the most avid onion an. It is used purely as an ab sorbent. and is to be discarded I when the ducks are done. ? * ? Grouse: Pick and dress. Boil for thirty minutes to take out the strong taste. _ Stuff with regular turkey or chicken dressing; lard well, or, better still, put strips