YOUR TOWN tat ? Mt better ttum r? M? UKtac to Help "Ibkt tt BOOST -YOUR TOWH I. , I. "?! I ?' . The Franklin YOUR LOCAL PAPgR for Ft BOOST I OCR $ A. F. JOHNSON, Editor *nd Huipr The County, The State, The Union SUBSCRIPTION ?1 .80 J?er Taw VOLl'MN LXV. jL LOUI8BURG, N. CAROLINA, FRIDAY, MAY 11, 10*4 EIGHT PAGES) NUMBER ia APRIL TAX COLLECTIONS UMS0.95 ? Finance Committee and At torney to Settle Neal Tax Matter ? Other Routine ? The Board of County Commis sioners met In regular session on Monday with all members pres ent. After the formalities of ap proving mlnntes, business wag disposed of as follows: Upon motion the County license , tax on beer was fixed at 925, the same as last year. Report of Dr. J. E. Fulghum, County Health Officer, was re ceived and filed. Upon motion J. L. Tant and J. D. Morris were exempted from poll tax on account of being dis abled World War veterans. Report of Miss Anne Benson Priest, Home Agent, jras received and filed. The report of W. N. Fuller, ( County Accountant was read and received. He reports tax collec tions as follows: Back taxes, I2.41S.14; 1930 tax, 91,602.12; from J. H. Boone, 1931 tax, 92, ESS, 92; 1932 tax, 95,956.34; 1933 tax, 96,148.43. The report shows about 64 Vi per cent of 1933 taxes collected. Also from Register of Deeds, 9535.60; Clerk of Court, 9350.10. Report of E. R. Richardson, Superintendent of County Home, was received and filed. The bill of the Coroner was Approved. A motion prevailed that M. 8. Davis be allowed a fee of 925 for preparing a blue print of T. B. hospital and 960 for blue prints and estimate on Court house project. That L. P. Oupton tax correc tion for 1932-33 be referred to W. N. Fuller and C. P. Green for action. Report of Mrs. J. F. Mitchiner, Superintendent of Public Welfare. Wns receive! and filed. - An allowance of 91-00 per month was given Noel Bunn. Upon motion the Finance Com mittee and Attorney were ap pointed a committee to settle the tax matter with Mrs. W. P. Neal. Report of E. J. Morgan, County Farm Agent, was received and filed. After allowing a number of ac counts adjournment was taken. Secretary J. Paul Leonard Speaks Hake Strong Speech to Merchant* And Cltlseas ifalut Retail Sales Tax Declaring that the galea tax fead no more connection with run ning the schools than does the gasoline tax. J. Paul Leonard, Sec retary to the North Carolina Pair Tax Association, made a strong and effective speech against the retail sales tax In the Court house In Lonisburg on Thursday night of last week. He spoke of tax** as one of the oldest customs to civilisation and waa positive that If the sales tax waa put to a vote of the people not fifteen per cent of the people would vote for it. He characterised it as un fair because It made tax coliec tora of all merchants with pay for their services and declared the merchants are out to kill the tax. He argued that the sales tax Is running business ont of North Carolina. The speaker was Introduced by MaJ. 8. P. Boddie and quite a good slied crowd was presept tat hear and* greet the speaker. Joe Branch Shot Joe Branch, colored, was shot through the lungs at Fred's Fill ing Station Tuesday evening about 5:10 o'clock by Mr. W. N. Fuller, proprietor of the station, when Branch was advancing upon blm with a piece of Iron. It seems a dIBculty arose be tween Branch and Mr. Fred Leon ard In which Branch waa about to Inflict serious Injuries to Mr. Leonard, when Mr. Fuller walked into the station. 8eeing the trouble he attempted to separate them,' having to knock Branch away with a chair. Branch went out, secured a piece of Iron and returned to clean house. When he made for Mr. Fuller, he drew his pistol from his cash drawer and shot, the bullet taking effect In the body through the lungs. Most of ths farmers In Craven, county plan to do a little truck ing this ysar to sell In northsrn markets. I DR. BRYAN TO SPEAK R?v. Tret* D. Collins To Preach Oomencement Sermon At Mills High School Commencement Supt. W. R. Hills announced the following commencement pro strata (or Hills High School: Commencement Sermon will be delivered by Rev. Trela D. Col lins, ??, Durham, on 8unday, May 13th at 11 o'clock. The congre gations ot all churches In town will Join in this service and the choir will be a combined choir ot all the churches. The service will be held In the auditorium of the school. On Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock the primary and grammar grades will give an entertainment In the auditorium at the school. The graduation exercises will be held 6n Thursday evening, at 8 o'clock, at which time Dr. D. B. Bryan, of ^ake Forest Col lege will deliver the graduation address. At this service the for malities of the graduating exer cises will be held. All are invited to attend each of these exercises. BIG GAME HERE TODAY Louisburg College Plays Duke Frosh Friday at Louiaburg At 2:80 P. M. Louisburg has a record o f twelve wins out of fourteen games. Wake Forest and Duke are the only olubs to have beaten the fast Ihsi sling, local collegi ans. Wsk* Forest Freshmen have lost oaly one game this sea son and that was to Loalaburg at Wake Forwt earlier in the sea son. Coon Weldon not only fann ed nine baby Deacons a Mi allow ed only fire hits but won his own game In the 11th inning with a long triple scoring the winning ?<; Tuesday the Louiaburg Club lost its first game out of 9 inces sive wins to Wake Forest. Wel don, who had previously won 7 games and loat none, weakened in the 4th Inning after allowing no hits and tanning 8 Wake For est men. After 7 runs had been scored on him in the next three innings, he retired In favor of Reaves, Who pitched masterful ball the rest of the way. The Raleigh boy gave up but two hlti and one run as well as hitting tor the circuit in the 9th. The Duke ball club, under the tutelage of Jack Coombs, has one of the smartest teams In several seasons. The first Loulsburg de feat was at the hands of the baby Blue Devils, the first week of the season. Hootchle Richards, the regular third sacker, was the vic tlm. Coach Suttenfield is giving Weldon the rest of the week for plenty of rest for Friday. With Reaves, who has a aeaaon'a rec ord of 4 wlna and no loaaea, and Gilbert, with a 1,000 per cent out of 2 gamea, as reserves, and a club hitting well over the .800 mark the local college ball club should give Duke Its third defeat for the season. Lumpkin to Speak Mr. W. L. Lumpkin, candidats for the House, announoea speak ing (fates as follows: At* Youngsvtlle, In the school auditorium, on Friday night at 8 o'clock. At -Pilot, In the school audi torium on Saturday night, at 8 o'clock. He Invltea all to go oat and hear him. Boy Scouts Sell Buttons The Boy Scouts of Louisburg hare been aecured to sell Frank lin County Memorial Aeaodation buttona In Louiaburg on next Saturday, according to announce ment of the Finance Comml^ee. The funds received from the sales of these buttons go to paying the actual expenae neceasary to the auccessful preaentatlon of Memor ial Day exerclaes. Everybody Is urged to buy a button. Auxiliary To Meet The American Legion Auxiliary will be entertained Tuesday. May ltth, at 8:10 P. M. at ths Wel *me Inn by Mrs. E. F. Thomas, rs. D. W. Bplvsy and Mrs. R. A. Standi. . MRS. C. R. STKDS, Sec'y, Samuel Insult's Return NEW YORK . . . The uioet recast picture taken of Samuel Iuall (above), former Chicago "czar" of Public Dtilitiw, a? be boarded the 8. 8. Exilona for the return to the United State* uader the watchful eye ?f U. 8. federal Authorities. LIEUT. GOV. GRAHAM TO SPEAK HERE Hon. A. H. Oraham, Lieuten ant Governor of North Carolina, of Hlllsboro, will deliver the Me morial address at the Memorial exercises, to be held at Mills High School on Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. May 27th. This Is the Annual Memorial Service of the Franklin CoCunty Memor ial Association when a bouquet is handed those of the boys who survived the ordeal, and decorate the grave* of thoae who h&va passed to the beyond. The entire public is not only invited to attend these services but urged to do so. They will have an opportunity of hearing one of North Carolina's best and most interesting speakers and will enjoy the entire service. Af ter the services you will be invit ed to go with the committee of your choice to assist in decorat ing the graves. Miss Weldon Crowned Queen Miss Blanche Weldon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Weldon, of Epsom, was crowned Health Queen in a most unique and well presented Health Pageant on the Court Square Saturday afternoon,' at 2:30 o'clock in the presence : of quite a large crowd of specta tors. The pageant was produced by the 4-H Clubs of Franklin, County, with Miss Ann.e Benson Priest as sponsor and the Health | Pageant was written and directed by Mrs. James B. King. A pre liminary contest was held in April to determine the Queen of Health: 4-H girls at the various clubs In the Franklin County; schools were examined by Dr. , James E. Fulghum, county health olBoer: and Miss Blanche Weldon, a member of the Epsom 4-H Club, ; was adjudged the most nearly perfect from, a health standpoint. She was crowned Queen of Health at the Pageant Saturday by Dr. Fulghum. She will represent Franklin County In the District Contest in Greensboro in June. The program tor the pageant, which was held on the Courthouse square in Loutsburrf was as fol lows; t. Queen, Blanche Weldon; Four Leaf Clover, Ruth Gill; Imps, Sarah Gill and Frances Person; Flower Girl. Katy Beech Clifton; Crown Bearer, B. T. Green, Jr., Early Morning Drill, wood Club; Laughing, Epeom Club; Oood Foods, Justice Club; Milk, Bunn Club;., Water, Hickory Rock White Level Club; Exercise, Ed ward Best Club; Wind Mill Dance, Dorothy Gupton; Work, Hickory Rock-White Level Club; Play Harris. Pearce and Pilot Clubs; Accompanist. Christine Sledge. ROOK MUDDLE Mr. R. C. Beck entertained quite a number of friends at a delightful Rock Muddle at his home on Franklin Street, Tues day evening at 6 o'clock. The muddle was excellently repaired and greatly enjoyed by all whose pleasure It was to be present. Mr. Beck went to Weldon the past week-end where he caught a pret ty lot ot this finest of the finny tribe. MAY DAY AT COLLEGE i_ Delightfully different and en tertaining were the May Day ex ercises held on the Loulaburg College campus Saturday, Hay S, at Ave o'clock, at which time Hiss Helen Reynolds Allen, daughter of Hr. andNfrs. F. H. Allen, was crowned Hay Queen. Beginning the festivities, three heralds, the chief In lavendar and purple and two assistants in yel low and white preceded the roy al procession to the throne. Keep ing In step with the march play ed by the cottegt ' e<che?tra , and following the heralds, came the court ladle* te couples dreeaed in sheer ruffled gowns ot ' pink, green, lavendar and blue organ die. Next in the procession came; the crown bearer, followed by four flower girls, two college glrla dressed in pink and two tiny tots in ruffled white fTocks, strewing flowers In front of the maid of honor who wore a lovely blue gown. The Hay Queen then entered accompanied by the little train bearer. Both were wearing white, Hiss Allen, the queen, be ing gracefully attired in a gown of lovely white satin. Last In line came the comical court jecter in his atrlped suit and funny shoes, making mirth for all the crowd. After the crowning of the queen by the Maid of Honor, the entertainment for the court be gan. First wss enacted a Robin Hood Pageant in which some es pecially good sctlnc was present ed. Robin Hood and his meu looked very much like story book characters come to life in their suits of green and brown, and the poor and rich made a colorful scene In their gay iswns of blue, lavendar, yellow and pink. A delightful dance number by little Hisses Emogene Phillips and Jill Allen was enjoyed by the au dience. Also an unusually pret ty may pole dance by Misses Virginia Siler, Rachel Luther. Kathryn Hltcham, Mary Virginia Bhearon, Hattie Bray Bnfshaw. Nell Jones, Carol?* Slngletary. Sara Hicks, Edith Medlln who wore flowing robes of yellow. Especially beautiful was the chorus rendered hy the College Olee Club under the direction of Miss Amelia Bruns, music teach er. The directors of this lovely col orful pageant, are to be great ly complimented. P. T. A. DINNER AND CARD TOURNAMENT Monday. May 14th, at the Al len store building next to Wheel er's Barber Shop the Loulaburg P. T. A. will serve dinner from 12 to 2 P. M. and at S P. H. that evening will hold a card tourna ment. The dinner will consist of Brunswick stew, Barbecue and accessories. The tickets for the tournament and dinner will be on sale at the drug stores and with the ticket committee.5 SHKKKIKD-l'KKRY Mrs. J. E. Poytjiress announces the marriage of her daughter, Mrs. Bv? P Perry to William Robert Sheffield.1 of SuffolK. Vs.. Sunday, April 29, 1934. At home Loulaburg, N. C. ????????? Subscribe to The Franklin Times FORTY -FIVE FILE IN COUNTY For County Office in the, Jnae Primary? Only ft?g i*t ?r of Deed* and *? corder Without Opposi tion -? /?rtr-8me names filed Jtuklta ^ "d of Elections County may exD^rt ?rtur? c,n,I)al*n ?nd primary on June 2nd, 1934 It f~>, practically Insures the sec- 1 primary. In the lot only two n officers were lucky enough ?jrget by without opposition. they were Qeorge yr For(J foj, Reg,|gter ?nd J E Maione fori ? Recorder's Court. .. "?re were Ave each filed fori the House of Representatives and gferk of Court. In the House S2e iS6*". T Iwcoe filed with the understanding he might with SP*1 h?a since informed the i that be had withdrawn from the rac e. Likewise in the! filing for Commissioner a qnes- 1 SZJZS*- as to whether * Commissioner would hare to be' e^cted from District No. 5, on the re?lgnation of before the primary and the four year ter? being done' a with. The ruling of th? I Attorney Oeneral not having been I trhTfi,r?Lb?,,ore for tV . . i!2? p 8 ? Po"er "led for this position with the under tanding that if his appointment holds over for another two years he will withdraw. In this case also there is no opposition. There flUrt . ?P,?o6lU0n t0 Constables filed in Dunns. HayesviUe. Sandy Creek and Gold Mine townships and no one filed at all for Con 7pr*M CrMk This leaves thirty-seven to go to bat in The ll???r #' m! offlces nm J to*e flIed *nd the foUo^,:0 Whle,, th#y M",re- '? ? P- ?rinB' M r? ? A"*,e Perry Neal, wil 1L. Cephu? C. Hud tcm. Sledge. Joseph T. In -j r~?" W.7J5S" N' timer Harris, Willie v . Frank W. Wheleas jr AT"nt' ^Register of Deeds-Oeorge W. C<Wrt W rreWn"' X. B<?ar'? ?f Education ? District ' Commissioners ? Dis fl?M ^ 1: Charlie V. Bedding Beld John It. Stalling,. District !a wUo.HVu,2n *??;< District No. J: Joefg T.rr.f,? Hampton Joyner Twnl1' J' ! Constables Dunns? Bennett B. Brantley B PrtTett' Hen B- Youn? T.rmman,S"fcJ- w *? Bandv'r-'6 j5"'4rence 0 <Renn. te Sandy Creek? George P. Fog. I CrinURtZrS?m*a F Fo9ter jOeor^H. Ball, Qeorfe 8. La^gh 1 Loulsburg ? John p. Uoort, J Asbury Dennis. ?<x>re. J. HARKOD FRAZIER DEAD His many friends In Loulsbarg will regret to learn of the death of Mr. ,Harrod Praaler, one of Franklin County's moat aubstan tlal and poyular planters, which occurred at his home In Harris' township on Tuesday. He was burled on Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Frailer was 71 years of age and bealdes his wife he leaves several children. UNEMPLOYED Any persons In Franklin Coun ty who hare not re-registtwed within the past 60 days at the Reemployment offlce will please come In and do so at once, ac cording to information gtven out by the manager of the local of flce. It will be necessary to re register every SO days In the fu ture 4T you desire employment as cards will be cancelled at the end of the (0 day period. | MOTHER'S DAY A Mother's Day program will be presented at Mt. Zton Baptist i Church on Sunday, May 11th, at 9:45 o'clock a. m. The public Is cordially Invited to attend. | Arizona Kidnapping TUCSON, Ariz. . . . Above is Jane Robles, 6, daughter . of * wealthy Arizona family, who ?|> kidnapped as she left school and held for 113,000 ransom. It was in Otis' town that John Dillinget and fang were captured last year and it is thought by some this was a Oil linger planned revenge on local ppliea. LEAS ON WAY TO PRISON Nashville, Term., May 0 ? L E. Gwlnn, chief counsel for Lake Lea and Lake Lea, Jr., in their long fight for free dom, left Nashville ju*t be fore noon today for North , Carolina and It wax reported a habeas corpus action might be brought in that state. Na?hTille, Tenn., limy 9 ? In two automobiles with a machine gun and an automatic rifle Luke Lea and Luke Lea, Jr., were star ted for North Carolina today to receive penalties imposed for bank law violations. The Tennessee Supreme Court turned the former United States Senator and his son over to Sher iff Lawrence E. Brown and Dep uty Sheriff Frank Lakey, at Ashe ville, N. C., whom governor Hill McAlister had named as agents when he ordered the Leas' extra ditioa more than a year ago. The Leas' arrived in Asheville at midnight Wednesday night, ac cording to reports in the News Observer, and State prison author ities are quoted as saying they are prepared to receive them the same as any other prisoners. The elder received a sentence of fronr ( to 10 years and his son has the alternative of paying a fine of $25,000 and costs or ser ving a sentence of from 2 to 6 years. They were convicted of conspiracy to defraud the now closed Citizens Bank & Trust C6? of Asheville, in 1931, and have fought the Judgment of the Court through the highest Courts in the nation. Opposed Sales Tax The following letter received by Senator Griffin the past week will explain his record on the sales tax. W. L. Dowell, Secre tary to the Merchants Association writes: ' "A day or so ago, a gentleman from Loulaburg advised me that you were being charged with having supported the sales tax at the 1933 iesslon of the General Assembly, and just as a matter of keeping the record straight, t am voluntarily writing you this let ter that you are at liberty to use in any way you see fit. "I am constrained to believe that some of your constituents have you confused with Senator Lloyd E. Griffin of Chowan Coun ty. who voted tor the sales tax on all of Its several readings, but I have an authentic copy of the Senate Journal in my office and this Journal shows that you vot ed against the sales tax every time the question was before the Senate. Not only did you vote against this measure, but I re call very distinctly that yon vig orously opposed It and made one of the best speeches against the tax that was made In the Senate. As above stated, I am writing you this letter just to keep the rec ords straight and without any solicitation from you, and If It la worth anything to you, you are at liberty to use It." All the tobacco reduction con tracts have been revised. More than a million dollars have been paid already to growers whose contract* have been accepted. > 4 TOWN COMMIS SIONERS MEET ? The Board of Town Commis sioners met In regular monthly session on May 8. 1934, with all members present except Person i and White. Minutes of the previous meet ing were read and approved. The monthly reports .of th? Town Clerk, Chiet of Police, and April Tax Collections were read and approved by the Board. The Board instructed the Clerk to write to Mr. E. B. Jeffress, Chairman of the N. C. State High way and Public Works Commis sion, and ascertain If Louisburg will receive any of the Federal Funds allocated for highway con struction and maintenance. The Board approved ten dol lars to B. B. Massenburg for work on tha 1934 Town Tax List. The Board allowed the claim I of Mr. C. A. Ragland that he has , paid the float pavement assess ment Installment, which stands charged to him in the Town Rec ords. Mr. Ragland established proof that this assessment was allowed him In settlement for street paving done by him, for Uhe Town or Louisburg, N. C. The M?y6r was Instructed to call a special meeting of the Fi nance Committee for the purpose of making plans tor refunding $59,000.00 of Louisburg Water and Sewer Bonds which mature 'December 1, 1934. The Mayor recommended to the Board that the salary of the I Chief of Police be reduced to $100.00 per month and that of A. W. Perry be reduced to $75.00 per month, effective May 1, 193 4. A vote was taken upon this rec ommendation and the recommen dation was defeated. The major ity of opinion of the Board was that the matter of establishing salaries should be deferred until the adoption of the 1934-1935 budget, beginning the new fis ical year on July 1, 1934. A number of Invoices were ap proved for payment and adjourn ment taken. GreenhiH Golf Club To Build Club House A formal campaign was launch ed this week by members and friends of The Oreenhill Golf Club toward the construction of a club house near the present lockers and pop stand on the nice, well-located nine-hole course Just outside the town limits on the Bunn road. It is the propos ed plan of the Club to build a log house ? the dimensions and exact plan of which hare not ret been definitely determined. The first move in the direction of actually getting something done was the generous donation on the part of Mr. Davis, the Manager ot the local theatre, of a certain per cent of the pro ceeds from the sale of tickets for the show the past Tuesday night, and a two weeks' pass as a spec ial donation to the person sell ing the largest number of tick ets for ItliAtj particular show. Around $25 w&s netted from the sale of tickets; and the two weeks' pass which went to T5. F. Thomas for having sold around 120 tickets, has been giv en to the Club by her to be used as one of the prizes in connec tion with the Card Tournament which the Club is planning to have sometime soon. Every member of the Club is putting an extraordinary amonnt of enthusiasm into this move to ward a club house. In tact, Mr. Burgess and Mr. Word are confi dent that with the continued loy al and unselfish support on the part of members and ether Inter ested friends, it will not be long before the club bouse will take shape. Heavy rains In the east have delayed cotton and tobacco plant ing. Program At The Louisburg Theatre The following la the program at the Louisburg Theatre begin ning Monday, May 14th: Monday- ? Sally Bilers and John ny Mack Brown in "Three On A Honeymoon." Tuesday ? Robert Young and Jean Parker In "Lasy River." Wednesday ? Otto Kruger and Ben Lyon In "The Woman In His Life." Also "Fighting With Kit Carson." Thursday and Friday ? Norma Shearer and Robert Montgomery in "Riptide." Saturday ? Preston Foster snd Lyle Talbot In "Heat Lightning."

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