flints ? ? for the Home ^Ai/JVa/tcy Mart ?" To prepare sand finished walls for wall papering first clean the wall thoroughly. Add plaster Paris to the glue size to make a thin pxste. Brush this on and when it begins to set, rub the walls down with a rubber squeegee; the kind used to clean windows, thus pro ducing a flat surface. Ill Ptains on mohair upholstery, if i.ot caused by the running of the dyes, can be cleaned with a mild soap and tepid water. tit Householders in old structures nbo are troubled with roaches will find Sodium floride an effective remedy to rid tfie place. Use with a powder puffer 2nd blow it through all cracks between the baf fcboard and the flooring around the plumbing and in other places vhere you find the insects. Phos phorus is also effective. XXX Discolored enamel trim on kitchen rangea is usually caused from overheating and burning of spattered grease. A razor blade wili take it off; so will gentle rub bing with fine steel wool, although care should be taken not to take off the enamel glaze. To prevent coloring keep the enamel wiped v.th a.wk solution of washing soda. ? XXX Before re-puttying windows or glass door, where putty has dried *ud fallen away, the wood should be cleaned and painted with clear l*nseed oil or thin paint, thus clos ing the pores in the wood and pre r- venting the oil being drawn from Ine new putty. XX t Oil stains on wall paper can often be taken out by putting a pltce of blotting paper on the t-pot and pressing with a hot iron. Another method is to mix benzine with Fuller's earth, plaster Paris, or powdered whiting, making a thick paste. Spead over spot and when dry remove by brushing off the powder. t t X Rust spots on fine linen can of te'. be removed by spreading spot tea linen ever pan of boiling wat er snd squeezing lemon juice on the stain spots. Rinse after a few minutes and repeat. Another meth od is to use powdered oxalic acid instead of lemon and moisten acid by dripping hot water. Rinse and lepeat XXX In s'oring furniture the best method to preserve the wood fin ish is to wrag tightly with heavy paper. The use of wax, oil or other preservatives often present problems later in trying to remove them without injuring the woods. I t I Burned grease that has caked on a kitchen range can ba r^ mr/ved by soaking with kerosen* fo.- two or three hours then rub bing with steel wool. After all gease has been removed wipe very * thorougsly with turpentine or ben zine to remove all traces. If there is a pilot light on ycur stove, be sure to put this out before starting work. V* _ _ Good Gardens Need Proper Preparation The use of good seed or plants " oil properly prepared and ferti lized soils will do much towards combatting the thousands of di seases that attack vegetable plants each year, says Dr. R. F. Poole, plant pathologist at State College. >. Of the three thousand Known disease that affect track and gar den crops, 39 appear on tomatoes, 24 on cabbage. 23 on sweet po tatoes and 21 on peppers and In addition to the heavy loss in yield there is a still greater loss in quality. Poole says that most soils in the State require twenty or more plant food elements for good I growth in plants. Barnyard ma nure and any high grade fertilizer will supply these elements when applied to the same area, and In an amount that will produce good yields despite disease, he says. To offset this damage Poole recommends that all soils be care fully examined and the necessary plant food supplied. Only certi fied seed or plants known to be free from parasites that cause di sease should be used. For next year's planting, select seed from strong, healthy plants. Varieties known to be resistant to certain diseases should also be selected tot planting on Infected soils, he says. Where the soli is badly Infect ed with diseases that cause heavy losses the garden plot should be abandoned and a new site select ed. . Certain disease can also be controlled by spraying or dusting and these precautions are most Important for effective control ?nd profitable garden operations, Poole says. It Must be that the reason mo ney Is sappoeed to be so valuable Is that so few people have any. I 1 LONDON . . . Well informed source* here predict that the engage meat of Swedes 'a Princes* Ingrid ' (above), to Crowu Prince Frederick of Denmark, will soon be announced. Timely Farm Questions Answered at State College Question: What is the best breed of chickens for a beginner? Answer: The best breed fori any beginner in the poultry busi ness is determined by what that ; person wants with the birds. It' egg production is to be the major! business then the Leghorn or some other of the Medlterraneum breeds should be chosen. If the birds are to be sold as broiler* in addition to producing eggs, the Rocks or Reds would be con sidered. Each breed has its pur pose and fits into the poultry pro ducing industry so any beginner should set up definite objectives and stick to them. ::: Question: Are growers who hare signed reduction contracts required to keep records on their crops? ^ r j Answer: No. but a simplified record book has been, prepared for the convenience of all grow-' ers who hare signed the adjust ment contracts. This will aid the grower in keeping a record of his acreage, his production and sales and will help him in filling out the special forms and reports necessary in making out his contract according to the re quirements of the Agricultural Adjustment Administration. It always pays a farmer to keep records of his business. til Question: How much feed should be planned for a dairy cow for one year? Answer: This depends upon the individual animal but as a general rule each cow will re quire two tons of legume hay, two acres of pasture, 16 bushels of corn. It bushels of oats, and 600 pounds of cotton -seed meal. Where wheat bran Is available this may be substituted for a part of the oats, pound for pound. Good producing animals are necessary for profit and the herd should average between 250 and 300 pounds of butterfat to the cow. If this average is not maintained then the animal is not paying for her feed and should be taken from the herd. tn Question: How much of the land rented under a tobacco re duction contract can be planted to food or feed crops? Answer: The area of the rent ed acres planted to grazing or pasture or any other crop plant ed for home consumption or use on the farm shall not exceed one half of the total rented acres. If none of the acreage is planted to crops for home consumption than all the rented acres may be grazed or pastured provided that the livestock pastured or the pro ducts from this livestock are for home consumption only. 1 1 1 Question: Should my entire poultry flock be vaccinated against chicken pox? Answer: Aa a general rule on ly the young birds from 10 to 1G weeka old are vaccinated aa the adult birda are apparently highly resistant to the disease If the dlaeaae has been present in the (lock at any time In the past several years or la now pres ent in neighboring flocks tlw birda ahould be vaccinated aa soon aa possible. Material for vaccinating can be aecured from any reliable firm and detailed In structions for applying the vac cine will be furnished upon re quest by the Poultry Department of State College. t t X Question: How can a tobac co grower get rid of mosaic in the Held? Answer: If the disease was present in the Held the past year It Is Impossible to get rid of It this year. The virus will live over in the soil for one or more years. If the plants are to set where the disease was not pres ent then care should be exercised to plant only mosaic free plants. The plant bed should be gono over very carefully and all di seased plants destroyed. Do not handle healthy plants after pull ing out those that are diseased. After t?e plants are set they should again be examined and , any plant showing signs of the disease should be pulled. See your Farm Agent for more de- 1 tailed information. THE MYSTERY CLEARED The practical utility of spiritual law la being enforced by faith In the national government, in the will of the people voiced by the chief executive. In every ace de pressions are due to the fact that humanity Is Itself superior to its own Institutions and parts that go to make up the whole. In the United State* of America we have no dictator, and can have none, for the aimple reason that in this democratic country every mother's son Is of the royal blood of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness", that builds up Its organisations and institutions as tools, instruments, paraphernalia and swadllng clothes worn on the way to spiritual manhood. Those nations and peoples who flcht for a place in the sun, for racial or national idealism, for Nirvana, and yet who deny the redeeming Spirit of Christ, and set up reincarnation, non-violent disobedience, or absorption, are trying to take flesh and blood in to the kingdom of heaven, where nothing foul can enter. Not extinction but individual spiritual Identity is developed by the word made flesh, to uplift the human by the Divine, as exem plified in the Immaculate concep tion, birth, life, word and works of our human and divine Teach er, and this is the underlying principle of all righteous govern ment and presidential leadership. Christianity is not a national, | an international, nor even a plan etary movement. It is the law of the infinite, the spiritual law that sustains the universe, In which the nations are mere families of mankind being regenerated and uplifted into higher realms of .spiritual nativity, for the safe and sane utility of all peoples under ; Christ as God wills. The whole mystery is partially cleared up in my TREATISE ON SPIRITUAL LAW sent postpaid on receipt of 11. Many who have >read this treatise have volunteer ed to say that every man, woman and child should have It. It strengthens and imbues political truth, society and civilisation, with, a refreshing modicum of spiritual wisdom and understand ing that are much needed today. To this end a series of adver tisements are now running in sev eral thousand newspapers, and every dollar received will be used to publish and extend a knowl edge of the practical utility of spiritual law. It is hoped that millions will respond and that the visions of faith that made this nation the leader may be speedily restored. Send a dollar bill with jrosr name and address, I'll take the chaaec. KX08 ELI SUTHERLAND Box tit, Gardner, Mass. Chased Runaway Train Ten Miles to Avert Disaster. Story of heroic action of a railroad crew told in a thrilling article in the American Weekly, .the magaxine which comes with the BALTI MORE SUNDAY AMERICAN, Is sue of May IS. 5-11-lt BA" V" ' 1 MOVERS AND RAKES SEE THE NEW THOMAS TWO-SPEED BEFORE YOU BUT. Hubbard's Yellow Wrapper FOB TOBAOOO As Good As Can Be Made Hubbard's Red Top Dresser The standard by which all others are measured PURE COFFEE ... 15c Per Lb. DOORS and WINDOWS We now have Doors and Windows in stock in the popular sises and can furnish odd or ? unusual sixes on short notice. Will appreciate an opportunity to serve you in these lines. FULL ASSORTMENT GARDEN SEEDS ickers Favorite Corn $4.75 per 100 Pound Bag Truckers Favorite Corn Jgc Peck SEABOARD STORE CO., INC. * ' D. P. McJUNNB, PnMat ? ? Pay Cash and Pay Less ? -?wiJ3 The What-Not Bargain Store See our new Hollywood or "Drizzle" capes, pure rubber, all colors, full size, the newest thing for the beech or rainy days, $1.00 each. New Roman striped silk, plaid, plain colors and all weaves of white in silk crepe. Child ren's silk socks, all colors and sixes. White embroidered organdie, also plain in white and colors, white and pink baby batiste, pure linen 35 cents yer yard. Still have some of the 40 inch all silk crepe de chine, been selling for 35c, now closing out at 25c per yard. THE LITTLE STORE WITH BIO VALUES MRS. H. O. PERRY, Proprietor Across from Franklin Hotel Phone 45- W Next to Dr. Johnson's Office 118 N. Main THE LITTLE STORE WITH BIO VALUES. FOLLOW THE LEADERS Change to Swift's Tobacco growers have discovered a new kind of fertiliser ? SWIFT'S TOBACCO FERTILIZERS. It's made especially for tobacco and IT IS MADE PHYSIOLOGICALLY NEUTRAL! That means that it cannot leave harmful acid residue in the soil which endangers the quality and yield of your tobacco. Swift's fertilisers made especially for tobacco are easily identified for each bag is solcl with a Certificate of Quality assuring you fertiliser made especially for tobacco from Best Materials; Double Mixed; Triple Tested; and NON-ACID FORMING. Look for the green and brown Certificate on the bag. Learn about this new fertiliser for tobacco that won the praise of leading growers everywhere. It's the fertiliser that does all good. Set your local Authorised Swift Agent. He'll tell you how this fertiliser that conserves and adds calcium and magnesium to the soil has made money for your neighbors. Red Steer will make money for yon too I SWIFTS TOBACCO FERTILIZERS NON - ACID FORMING (PHYSIOLOGICALLY NEUTRAL) S. C. HOLDEN, Agent ROOT. WHITE, Agent LOUISBURG, N. C. BONN, N. C. ANNOUNCING Dr. G. L. Whitfield Franklin County's only registered Optometry*' will be located in Louisburg In the office formerly occupied by Dr. Morton, Tne*4?y of each week, Beginning TUESDAY, APRIL 8RD from 10 nntil 4 o'clock for the fitting of glasses. Clear vision comfort of lens in sny style or shape frame desired st a price that yon will appreciate. Come in and talk it over. Satis faction guaranteed. MMMMMMIMMMIIM* Subscribe to The Franklin Times Round Trip Week - En9 Fares Tickets sold for all train* Fri days and Saturday* until Septem ber 80th, 1084. Stopover* allowed, baggage checked and tickets honored in Pullman car* upon payment of I Pullman fare. Tickets limited returning prior to mid-night following Monday. For Information sea Ticket Jgea' ' SEABOARD L0U1SBUK0 ? TO ? PORTSMOUTH NORFOLK .... AIR LINK RAILWAY The employee who gets stuck In a rut Is not so certain to stick to job. SCHOOL CHILDREN WEAR OUT SHOES They "go through them" very rapidly. To their par^pts it seems that a new pair of shoes is needed as often as pay-day comes around. Salvage The Old Ones We specialize in repairing school shoes so that their life will be doubled. We put strong, sturdy soles on them and sew them up where they are ripped. Send your youngsters here with their worn shoes. We'll make them ser viceable and fit to be seen again. Our shop is thoroughly equipped. GANTTS SHOE SHOP East Nash Street Louisburg, N. 0. Fine Furniture and House Fur nishings at wonderfully low prices. Call in and let us show you. W. E. White Furniture Co. Louiaburg, North Carolina PASTURE FOR COHS The Four Bridges pasture is now in my charge and we can pasture fifty head of cows. The grass is now ready. See me if you have any cows to put in a pasture. LEE N E A L, Louisburg, N. C. R. F. D. No. 1 V /

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