Mr. E. H. Malone visited Ral eigh Friday, v "? ttt Mr. C. C. Hudson vlaited Dur ham Wednesday. lit Ht. Chaa. P. Oreen spent Mon day In Raleigh on legal bualness. ttt Mrs. Lucy Utile is visiting rel atives In Spring Hope this week, lit Miss Bessie Hale returned Fri day tfer a visit to her sister in Raleigh. I t t Mr. R. T. Melvin, of Raleigh, was a visitor "to Lonisburg Fri day. 1 * jL* lt 1 1 Dr. J. O; Newell, of Zebulon, was a visiter to Louisburg Mon day. ~ ttt Mrs. H. Q. Perry and Miss Lacy1 Tiatberiate spent Friday In Ral-i eigh. . ttt Dr. H. A. Newell, If Henderson, was a visitor to Louisburg Wed nesday. ? t : ; Miss Eleanor Collie spent the past week-end with friends in Thomas vllle. * ? X t Mrs. Frank Harris, of Tampa, Fla.. is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. M. Allen. tit Miss Isolene Wells, of Raleigh, visited friends in Louisburg the past week-end. ttt Messrs. M. C. Murphy and C. F. Collier and son, visited Ral eigh Wednesday. ttt Judge O. M. Beam and Mr. E. A. Wall paid Oxford a business visit Wednesday. - j ttt Miss Ailene Viek, of Enfield, is visiting her sister, Mrs. H. W. Perry, this week. ttt Mrs. Qeo. W. Weaver spent the past week-en# in Concord and Charlotte with relatives and; friends. ttt Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Englar and little daughter, Anna, and Mrs. Joe Pearee spent Wednesday in Raleigh. lit ' ttt Misses Susie and Lonie Mead-t ows, Mrs. F. M. Fuller and Mrs. j Grover Harris spent Tuesday in j Raleigh. ttt Mrs. L. B. Eiseahart of Raleigh' is visiting her parents Mr. and; Mrs. C. C. Johnson, of near' Louisburg. til Mrs. P. B. Griffln and Mrs. R.j A. Bobbitt are spending a couple of days In Washington, D. C.,| with relatives. t t t Rev. Prank Pulley and Mr. W. i W. Neal left Monday to attend convention of the Diocese of North Carolina at Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Griffln and daughter Nancy Carlyle, and Mrs. Jnlia Scott spent the past week end In Richmond with friends. XXI Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Dean and Mr. and Mrs. Porest Honse and little daughter, Ann. spent the past week-end in Washington, D. C. t XX Mrs. W. D. Leonard and little son, Walter Jr., of Mt. Airy, are spending a couple of weeks with! Mrs. Leonard's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. H. Harris. T t r Mr. R. C. Beck returned Mon-j day from a trip to Weldon where he engaged in the sport of tlsh lng for rock. He brought back quite a big catch of this nice llsh. XXX Mrs. Laura Schubert and son, James, have returned to their home in Atlantic City, N. J., af ter spending some time with ; Mrs. Schubert's sister, Mrs. J. J. Dean. XXX Mr. W. B. Harris returned the past week from a trip to New i York, where he visited his broth-1 er, Lieut. H. H. Harris, before 1 his leaving for a three iwt to the Phllllpine Islands. tit Mr. Geo. I. Griffln and Mrs. E. P. Griffln left Wednesday for Washington, D. C., to attend the festivities given by President Roosevelt to the Chairman of the Birthday Ball Committees from all over the United States. t t t Mr. M. E. Watklns. of near Alert, returned Wednesday from a trip to Raleigh, where he han the head of a dog examined. The dog was pronounced a Rabies vic tim, and had bitten Mr. Watklna, who immediately started treat ment. Services At Youngsville Rev. C. E. Vale, Pastor. Announces services at Youngs ville Methodist Church, May 13. At both Sunday School and prea ching services there will be a spe cial Mother's Day program. Prea thing eervloes at 11 a. to. Sub ject : "TkolfMMng of Mother's Day.'' EvenjBf. services at 8 o'clock, fiuftjeeir: "The Eleventh CommandmwC" Everybody Invlt jjjj- , XlNii ?ri'' . 00 Mres of orchard*. * ) Go Visiting The Loulsburg But Ball club left Wednesday morning for Dav idson Collate to play the Wild1 Kittens. vLast week the local club defeated the Davidson Frosh to the tune of 10 to 0. Reaves did good hurling to win with a shutout. The College is planning a big "pep" rally for the return of the ball club Thursday night aa well' as to make ready for the Dnka game Friday afternoon. Roosevelt To Accept Check For Over Million for slightly more than $1,000,000 will be accepted by President Roosevelt tomorrow night, repre senting the proceeds from the Presidential birthday parties giv en throughout the nation for the Warm Spring, Ga., foundation. All farmers who signed AAA contracts are being given books in which to keep accurate rec ords of their production and ex penses. This is an important step forward in better farming. TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF RE SALE OF LAND Pursuant to the power of sale contained in that certain deed of' trust from Cornelia Richards and' husband, to the undersigned trus tee, executed on June 28, 1929, recorded in Book 272, page 92, Franklin Registry, by virtne of an order of resale made thereun der by Hon. J. J. Young. Clerk Superior Court, on May 9, 1934,. the undersigned trustee will on THURSDAY, MAY 24. 1934, , at the hour of noon, at the Court house Door of Louisburg, N. C.,| sell at public auction, for cash, subject to existing prior liens of record, the following described I property: That certain tcact or parcel of land situate in Dunn Township, Franklin County. N. C., contain-' ing 96.4 acres, situate on the old, Tarboro Road, near Bunn, N. C.,j described as follows: BEGIN NING at the center of the Tar boro Road, a rock on the West side, corner for J. S. Williams; thence South 79 1-2 deg W 243 poles along the line of J. S. Wil liams to a stake in Crooked! Creek; thence up said Creek! North 1* deg East 92 poles (?S; Poles as the Creek meanders) to; a bunch of Maples, corner for; Mrs. Lillian Crudup: thence along | the line of Mrs. Lillian Crudup,: North 88 deg E 205 poles to thai center of the Tarboro Roa4,' a; rock on the West side in Lillian Crudup's corner; thence along the said road S 14 dec East 12 j poles 22 links; S 13* deg E 17 poles 14 links; South 23. deg E 10 poles 14 links; Sotttk 35 d?g E 15 poles 14 links to the begin ning. containing one hundred (100) acres. Dated and posted this 9th day of May. 1934. W. L. LUMPKIN, 5-ll-2t Trustee. RE-SALE OF SCHOOL , PROPERTY It baring been declared In the' opinion of the Board of Educa tion of Franklin County that' the '?property herein-after describ ed it unnecessary for public school purposes, and a sale there of having been ordered by tha said Board for the 7th day of May, 1934, and all bids haying been rejected by the said Board, the Board will offer for resale at public auctl on at the Court house Door of Franklin County, in Loulsburg, North Carolina, to the highest bidder, at or about the hoar of Noon, on MONDAY. MAY 28TH. MMU. that certain lot or parcel of land, situate In Ooldmine township, Franklin County, State of North Carolina, containing two acre* by survey, and being more particu larly described in deed of R. H. Griffin and wife to Board of Ed ucation of Franklin County, dated August 1, 1905, and recorded In Book 14(, on page 307, Registry of Franklin Connty. The said property having been lieretofore used as the Centerrllle Elemen tary School. The terms of sale will be as follows: 10% cash, and the remainder to be paid In two annual Installments with In- ' tereat at 6%. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. This Hay., 7th, 1934. THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF FRANKLIN COUNTY. By A. F. JOHNSON. Chairman. E. L. BEST. 5-ll-3t Secretary. RE-HALK OK LAND Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained In that certain mortgage deed executed June 30, 1917, and duly recorded in Book 316, page 342, Registry of Franklin County, N C., by J. R. Pearce and wife, Mary H. Pearce, to the Bank of Youngs vllle fend In accordance with an order of the Clerk of Superior Court directing a re-sale of said land, ths undersigned will at or' about the hour of Noon, on MONDAY, the 2Mb DAY OK ? - MAY, 4084, at the courthouse door In Louls burg, N. C., offer for re-sale at public auction to the highest bid-, der for cash the following descri bed tract or parcel of land: That piece or parcel of land, ly ing and being In the kown of Toungsvllle, Franklin County, N. ' C.. and kpown and designated as foMows: Beginning s? f^Mck. Vltchell's corner In the town of A YoungsTille; thence North or nearly North alone said Mitchell's line 100 feet to a rock; thence In an Easterly direction (0 feet to a piece of railroad Iron; thence petrly South 100 feet to a piece of railroad Iron on Main Street; thence In a Westerly direction along said line or street <0 feet to the beginning, containing one eighth of an aer*. more or leas. It being the lot with store house building thereon, known as the sfcpre of Pea roe Brothers purchas ed from Youngsvllle Supply Com pany. (The building on said lot being now occupied by J. L. Brown.) Reference being here made to said mortgage deed aud recorded tor further description. This 10th day of May. 1#34. GURNET P. HOOD, Com | \* miasioner of Banks and Statutory Receiver of. the Bank of Youngs 5-1 1-? t rille. __ NOTICE OF SALE Under and"by ?itrWie of author ity contained In that certain judg certain Tax Foreclosure suit Franklin County Va. R._ Q. Per son and wife. ~ Magaline Person. 4*ly docketed In Judgment Dock et No. 2, Page 2(4 in the office of Clerk Superior Court for nklin County, North Carolina, the undersigned commissioner will offer to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in Loulsburg, North Carolina on JUNE 11th, 1034, at 12 o'clock Noon, the following described land: Lying and being In Sandy Creek Township, being lot No. 3 In the petition of the W. A. Person land, bounded as follows: Beginning ?ft a stake, corner of the Cook ^pid in Sam Person's line; thence N (1 3-4 degrees- W 34.25 chains Ur a stake, corner of No. 4. in the Cook line; thence N 42.80 chains te s stake, corner of No. 4, in lipe of No. 2; thence, E 35.73 chains to a stake, corner of No. 2 M line of bio. 1; thence S 2M de tees, W 72.55 chains to a stake, corner of No. 1 in line of the Cook land; theaoe 8 SO degrees W S.St chains to the beginning, contain ing 17? lent, mora or low, by surrey of Jo*. T. Iaacoe. and be in* the Uad oonrejred by Mr*. Charity Person and others to It. O. Person by deed dated Jane 1, IMS. and recorded in Franklin County Registry Book 2(4, Pace 150. Dated and poated thla 11th day of May, 1S34. CHA8. P. GREEN, 5-1 1-4 1 Commissioner. Vote For D. STATON INSCOE Candidate For Solicitor Seventh Judicial .District Subject to Democrat ic Primary JUNE 2, 1934 A Young Democrat With a Record of Service To The Democratic Party Whose Democracy Is Unquestioned A Fearless, Courageous, and Vigorous Prosecutor Who is Qualified t>y Experience and Training to Fill the Office of Solicitor of This District and Who Believes "it is as much the duty of a Solici tor to see that the innocent are acquitted as it is to convict the Guilty." ? JERE ZOLLICOFFER J. T. WBLDON Mr. C. M. Cooper, Hendenon, N. C. Dr?r Mr. Cooper: (In luwer to yowr inquiry of April A2n4.) M) reason for rapRMtlng Jere ZolUcoffer for Coapiw ui be summed up in ? very few words. I hare known Jere's people all my life and Jere nil of his life. I hare had many business dealings with them and hare always found them to be honest and straightforward In their dealings. Jere ZoUlcofler Is a man of very high character and well fitted for the office he seek*. He understands the problems of the farmers and business men of this district fnr better than any of the other candi dates. I highly commend hint to the voter* of the fourth district and am sure they will never regret (Signed:) S. T. WELDON. Mr. J. T. (Tom) Weldon was raised a dirt farmer and is still a dirt farmer and a very successful one. Mr. Weldon kindly volunteered his services to Jere Zollicoffer's campaign, and was named by Jere Zollicoffer to look after his interests in Franklin County. Mr. Weldon 's appointment is in keeping with Jere Zollicoffer's policy of not lining up with any machine politicians. VOTE FOR JERE ZOLLICOPEER FOR CONGRESS (A Friend of Mankind) . . ....... 1 SEASON'S Biggest SPECIALS We have entirely too many of some lines on hand and in order to move them at once we are * offering for a few days the following exception al bargains. ^ LADIES' SILK DRESSES $2.95 10 $6.95 rTA j ? LADIES' HATS AOc $1.98 value for ...... ? Men's Sport Shoes $2.95 to $5.00 Ladies' Linen Sandals $1.29 to )1.98 Children's Sandals 98c to $1.49 MEN'S SPRING SUITS $9.85 to $19.50 TIE QUALITY STORE : . . a CL OAKLEY, Manager tUk&E STREET LOUISBURG, N. C. TONKELS DEPT. STORE, p. "?4 ; ' 1 ANOTHER BIO MARK DOWN ON LADIES' , SWAOOER SUITS, SPRING COATS AND SILK DRESSES, JOB FRIDAY AMD SATURDAY 'I II ? ??????? ? ? ? ? About 50 Swagger Suits, values op to $16.50, FINAL CLOSE OUT $3.95 - $4.95 - $5.95 "d $6.95 any Swagger Coat, wr Silk Dress in the house j| for Friday and Srturday selling only. Rush for your siae and style. No mail orders, no phone orders, no approvals. We are taking the biggest loss on these garments than any merchandise that we have ever offered the peo ple of Louisburg and Franklin County. All sales must be final. BE SUBE TO VISIT THIS STOBE, FOB IF IT'S NEW IT'S HEBE 1 Tonkel's Dept. Store (Incorporated) " LOUISBURG, - N. CAROLINA ? tat.'/* *4 ? i. ? ? ' ?