To The Lawyers OF Franklin County The Citizens Bank and Trust Company through its Trust Department acts as Executor, Administrator, Guardian, Trustee, Escrow Agent or in other Fiduciary capacities. We do not attempt to practice law nor draw legal documents. Any business you refer to us will receive our careful attention and the rights of^jll parties will be protected. t CITIZENS BANK AND TRUST COMPANY HENDERSON, N. C. LICENSED BY THE STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA ? To Transact a General FIDUCIARY Business. I EXPERT MOTOR REPAIR I * PHONE 27 WO matter whether it'a merely an adjust ment of hair breadth dimensions or a com plete overhauling, our Oarage is completely equipped and expertly staffed to do the Job. Our charges are moderate, service fast ! HODGES-GREEN MOTOR CO. IiOVTSBTRO, IT. CAROLINA Hot (oapaada arc efTeetlre ?senta for killing many danger ou* germ*, experiment* (how. Pbralclana bate found tbat a ?ubitanee present In tba normal itoma?b preraiU tba develop ment of pernietoM aaaemla. The ?lte of Armageddon, fa mous battlefield, Ilea only a few allea aouth of the town of Nai aretb. Slrius, the ddf ?tar, gWea^off forty -eight time* aa much light ai oar iub. DR. J. C. MAHH The Well Known Bye Specialist will te it Dr. A. H. Fleming's Office. Lonisbutg. ?. O. THtJRSDAV, JUNE 7th From 10 a. m <o ? T. M. PROFESSIONAL COLUMN Dr. Herbert Q. Perry 1*1 W. Nash St. Lonlsburg, N. O Office telephone 287-R1 Residence telephone 287-R2 Honrs ? 10 to 12; a to 4; 7 to 0 X-Ray and Flnoroseoj^ic exami nations, Diathermy and Ultra Violet light treatments. Or. K. F. Yar borough Physician and Surgeon Lonlsburg, N. O. Office in Bickett and Yar borough Building Phones: Office 296; Residence M Dr. H. H. Johnson Physician and Surgeon Louis burg, S. C. Offices in old Dr. Ellis office build log on Main Street next to Standard Service Station Telephones: Day 10; Night 10 Dr. Arch H. Perry General Practice Wood, N. O. Office in Service Drug Co. D. T. Smith wick Dentist Lonlsburg, N. C. Office oyer Rose's Store Dr. W. S. Bass Veterinarian Offices and Hospital East Nash St Phone: Office 885-L Res. 885-J Special Attention to Small Dr. J. B. Davis Physician and Surgeon Lonlsburg, N. O. Office at Residence, 8. M^in St. Telephone: Hoars: Day 04 8:80 to 10:80 a. a Night 64 IS: 00 to 2:00 p. m 0:00 to 8:00 p. an Annie Perry Neal Lawyer Lonlsburg, N. O. Office over Boddie's Drug Store Titles, wills, settlement of ! estates; practice in both civil and j criminal courts. " ' , Q. M. Beam Attorney at Law Lonlsburg, N. C. Office In Professional Building next to The Franklin Times Practice in all Courts W. L. Lumpkin Attorney Loulsburg, X. C. Office in Pint National Bank Bldg Practice State and Federal Court* W. H. Yarborough Hill Yarborough Yarborougii & Yarborough Attorneys A Counsellors at Law Office in Egerton Building Over Tonkel's Store Iioolsbnrg, X. C. Practice In Franklin and adjoin ing counties, and in the Vnited State* Courts at Raleigh R. B. White E. H. Malont J. E. Malone White & Malone Lawyers Loulsburg, N. C. General practice, settlement of es fates, funds invested. One mem ber of the Arm always in office. Radio Repair Service 1?* "llfton Are., Phone 84# Loulsburg, N. O. STUART DAVIS Main Street Barber Shop I. P. Wheeler, Jr., Proprietor Barbers J Loulsburg, N. C. Parlors under Vuloa Warehouse on Main Street. First class work guaranteed. Glre me ? call. H. T. Bartholomew Notary Public Harvey's Oarage Loulsburg, N. C. COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE Pursuant to a Judgment enter ed In that certain ?lvll action entitled, "Atlantic Joint Stock Land Bank of 'Raleigh vs. Mrs. Cecelia J. Oreen, widow, et all," entered on the 14th day of May, 1934, In the 8uperlor Court of Franklin County, the undersign ed Commissioner will on FRIDAY, JUNE 1BTH, 1M4, At twelve o'clock noon, at the Courthouse Door In Loulsburg, N. C., sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described lands situate In Prankllnton Township, Frank lin County, N. C., described as follows: All that certain pleee, parcel or tract of land situate, lying and being la Frmnkllnton Township, Franklin County and State or North Carolina, and being bound \ led on ths North by Tar Rfver) on the East by Taylor's Creek: on the Sooth by the land* of Joe Slmm'a estate and B. A. White and on the West by the lands of Mrs. E. A. Ballard, Mary 8. (Oreen) Furman and W. W. Green, described as follows: Be ginning at an Ash on the Sonth Bank 'of Tar River; corner of Mrs. Cecelia J. Oreen and W. W. Oreen; thence down the mean iders of Tar River to its conjunc tion with Taylor's Creek; thence up Taylor's Creek as It meanders i to a fence poet on the creek, cor ner for Cecelia J. Oreen and the Joe Slmms' estate, (for the courses and distances of the meanders of Tar River and Tay lor's Creek see plat made by M. 8. Davis, C. B.. July, 1924, of 1 record In the oSce of the Register of Deeds for Franklin In Map ! Book 1, page 175, reference be ing made to Mid plat and the calls set out therein are adopted as a part of this description as : fully as If set out here in detail); thence along the lines of the Joe Slmm's estate and B. A. White ( leaving the creek) N 88 deg and 86' W 4632.5 feet to a rock and pointers corner for Mrs. Cecelia J. Oreen and B. A. white; thence along the line of Mrs. E. A. Ballard, Mrs. Mary 8. (Oreen) Furman and W. W. Green N 2 deg E 11,720 feet to the begin ning, containing 1395 acres by survey, It being the same allott ed to B. T. Oreen in the division of the Wiley Perry lands, which said division is of record In- the offlce of the Clerk of the Super ior Court of Franklin County, in Book of Orders and Decrees No. 2, page 276, and devised by B. T. Green, to his widow, Mrs. Ce celia J. Oreen by Will duly re corded In the same offlce in Will Book "W", page 112, from which there haa previously been re leased the following lands: Beginning at a point in the county highway to Franklinton at a point where a farm road of the C. J. Green place intersects same and runs thence with the .county highway N 29 deg 30' W 141 ft; thence leaving highway ,and with the line of Mrs. Green N 10 deg 46' E 1213.6 ft to a path; thence with the path N 15 deg. 5' E 328 ft; thence with the path N 17 deg 50' E 573 ft; thence with the path N 18 deg 30' E 360 ft; thence with the path N 26V4 deg E 241 ft; thence leaving the path N 16 deg E 250 ft; thence N 8 deg 45' E 493 ft; thence N 18 deg 6' E 1435 ft to a small ash with two sycamore and one Ash pointers on the banks of Tar River; thence with the various courses of Tar River about the following courses and distances; 8 76 deg E 128 ft; 8 81 deg 30' E 217 ft; 8 84 deg E 286 ft; 8 78 deg 15' E 230 ft; 8 80 deg 35' E 262 ft; 8 82 deg 30' E 198 ft; N 89 deg 15' E 177: ft; 8 84 deg E 118 ft; 8 89 deg E 260 ft; S 86 deg E 207 ft; S 70 deg 45' E 235 ft; S 61 deg 40' E 250 ft; S51 deg 15' E 218 ft; 8 41 deg 45' E 205 ft; to a Sycamore on the bank of Tar River with Elm pointers; thence with the line of Mrs. C. J. Green S 32 deg W 5014.5 ft to a stake 'in the farm road first above men tioned; thence with said farm road the following courses and distances to the beginning, N 73 deg 30' W 188 ft; N 73 deg 10' W 251 ft; N 82 deg 10' W 379 ft; N 86 deg 30' W 196 ft; S 65 deg W 98 ft; S 76 deg 20' W 143 ft; thence N 89 deg 35' W 157 ft; S 76 deg W 64 ft, containing 252 acres, more or less, accord ing to survey made by John E. Bush. Dec. 24, 1928, which lands should be deducted from 1 the original tract described in the mortgage, thereby leaving a to tal of 1143 acres. Notice Is given that the suc cessful bidder will be required to deposit )200. as a guaranty of compliance with his bid, the same to be credited on bid when accepted. This the 14th day of May. 1934. W. L. LUMPKIN, i 5-18-5t Commissioner. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? . ., NOTICE OP SALE Under and by virtue of author ity contained in that certain Judg ment of the Superior Court of ! Franklin County entered in that certain Tax Foreclosure suit Franklin County V?. R. O. Per son and wife, Magallne Person,' duly docketed In Judgment Dock et No. 2, Page 214 In the office of the Clerk Superlpr Court for Franklin County, North Carolina, the undersigned * commissioner will offer to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door In Louipbiirg, North Carolina on JUNE 11th, 1934, at 12 o'clock Noon, the following described land: ^ ? Lying and being In Sandy Creek Township, belnc.lot No. 3 In the petition of the W. A. Person land, bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake, corner of the Cook land In Sam Peraon's line; thence N 61 3-4 degreaa W 34.25 chains to a stake, corn?r of No. 4, In the Cook line; thence N 42.80 chains to a stake, corner of No. 4, in line of .No. 2; thence E 35.73 chains to a stake, corner of No. 2 In line of No. 1; thence 8 2H de grees, W 72.55 chains to a stake, corner of No. 1 In line of the Cook land; thence S 60 degrees W 3.35 chains to the beginning, contain ing 17} acres, more or leu. by survey of Jos. T. Inscoe. and be ing the land conveyed by Mr*. Charity Person and others to R. Q. Person by deed dated June 1, IMS, and recorded In Franklin Covaty Registry Book 154, Page St*. Dated and poated this lllh day of Kay. 1?S4. CHA8. P. GREEN, t-11-41 Commissioner RE-SALE OP LAND Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained In that certain mortgage deed executed June 20, 1*17, and duly recorded In Book 211, page 242, Registry of Franklin County, N C., by J. R. Pearce and wife, Mary H Pearce, to the Bank of Youngs vllle and In accordance with an order of the Clerk of Superior Court directing a re-sale of *ald land, the underalgned will at or about the hour of Noon, on MONDAY, the Mth DAY OF MAY, 1084, at the courthouse door In Louls burg, N. C., offer for re-sale at public auction to the highest bid der for cash the following descri bed tract or parcel of land: That piece or parcel of land, ly ing and being In the town of YoungsTille, Franklin County, N. C.. and known and designated as follows: Beginning at a rock, Mitchell's corner In the town of Youngsvllle; thence North or nearly North along said Mitchell's line 100 feet to a rock; thence In an Easterly direction 60 feet to a piece of railroad Iron; thence nearly South 100 feet to a plec3 of railroad Iron on Main Street; thence in a Westerly direction along said line or street (0 feet to the beginning, containing one eighth of an acre, more or less, it ' being the lot with store house building thereon, known as the store of Pearce Brothers purchas ed from YoungsTille Supply Com pany. (The building on said lot1 being now occupied by J. L. ' Brown.) Reference being here made to said mortgage deed and recorded for further description. This 10th day of May. 1934. GURNET P. HOOD, Com - mlsaloner of Banks and Statutory Receiver of the Bank of Youngs 5-1 1-3 1 vllle. RE-SALE OF SCHOOL > PROPERTY It having been declared In the opinion of the Board of Educa tion of Franklin County that the property herein-after describ ed is unnecessary for public school purposes, and a sale there of having been ordered by tho said Board for the 7 th day of i May, 1934, and all bids having been rejected by the said Board, the Board will offer for resale at public aucti on at the Court house Door of Franklin County, in Louisburg, North Carolina, to the| highest bidder, at or about the1 hour of Noon, on MONDAY, MAY MTH, 1034, that certain lot or parcel of land, situate in Goldmine township. Franklin County, State of North Carolina, containing two acres by survey, and being more particu larly described in deed of R. H. Griffin and wife to Board of Ed ucation of Franklin Cqunty, dated August 1, 1905, and recorded In Book 146, on page 307, Registry of Franklin County. The said property having been heretofore used as the Centerville Elemen tary School. The terms of sale] will be as follows: 10%. cash, and the remainder to be paid In two annual Installments with In terest at t%. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. This May 7th, 1934. THE BOARD OP EDUCATION OF FRANKLIN COUNTY, , By A. F. JOHNSON. Chairman. E. L. BEST, 5-ll-3t Secretary. TRUSTEES NOTICE OF RE SALE OF LAND Pursuant to the power of gale contained in that certain deed ol, trust from Cornelia Richards and husband, to the undersigned trus tee, executed on June 28. 132!). recorded in Book 272, page 92, Franklin Registry, by virtue of an order of resale made thereun der by Hon. J. J. Young. Clerk Superior Court, on May 9, 1934, the undersigned trustee will on THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1934, at the hour of noon, at the Court house Door of Loulsburg, N. C., sell at public auction, for cash, subject to existing prior liens of record, the following described property: That certain tract or parcel of land situate In Dunn Township. Franklin County. N. C-. contain ing 96.4 acres, situate on the old Tarboro Road, near Bunn. N. C.. described as follows: BEGIN NING at the center of the Tar boro Road, a rock on the West side, corner for J. S. Williams; thence South 79 1-2 deg W 243 poles along the line of J. S. Wil liams to a stake in Crooked Creek; thence up saht Creek North 10 deg East 92 poles (15 Poles as the Creek meanders) to a bunch of Maples, corner for Mrs. Lillian Crudup; thence along the line of Mrs. Lillian Crudup. North 88 deg E 205 poles to the center of the Tarboro Road, a rock on the West side In Lillian Crndnp's corner; thence along the said road S deg East 12 poles 22 links; S 18% deg E 17 poles 14 links; South 23 deg E 10 poles 14 links; South 36 deg E IS poles 14 links to the begin ning. containing one hundred (100) acres. Dated and posted this 9th d*y of May, 1934. W. L. LUMPKIN, 6-ll-2t " Trustee. TRl'STKK'S BALE OF LAND Pursuant to the power of sale contained In that deed of trust from B. 8. Doyle and wife, Ada Doyle, executed January It, 1928, recorded in Book til, page 372, Franklin Reglatry, default having been made In the payment of the Indebtedness thereunder secured, and demand for foreclosure har> Ing been made upon me as trustee, I will, on SATURDAY, MAT 98, 1?M, at the Courthouse door In Lonis burg, N. C? at the hour of noon, sell to the highest bidder (or cash, subject to any taxes, the following lands: That tract of land situated in Dunn Township, Franklin County, described as follows: Bounded on the North by the lands of J. R. L. Pearce; bounded on the Bast by the lands of C. W. Perry; bounded on the South by the lands of E. L. Perry and bounded on the West by the lands of Ada Doyle, containing 17 acres, more or leas, and known as W. B. Gay's Interest in the late D. 9. Gay lands. Dated and posted this 21st day of April, 1934. J. S. CARTER, Trustee. W. L. Lumpkin, Atty. 4-27-6t ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Administra tor of the estate of Frank White, deceased, late of Franklin Coun ty, North Carolina, this la to noti fy all persons having claims against the estate of said deceas ed to exhibit them to the under signed on or before 13th day of April, 1936, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said es tate will please make immediate payment. This 12th day of April, 1934. E. M. WHEELER, 4-13-6t - Admr. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the estate of Moses Neal, de ceased, late of Franklin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before 13th day of April, 1935, or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay meat. This 12th day of April. 1934. C. I. NEAL, STELLA NEAL, 4-13-6t Extra. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Adminis trator of the estate of Frances N. Allen, deceased, late of Franklin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceas ed to exhibit them to the under signed on or before the 20th day of April, 193S, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Imme diate payment. This 19th day of April. 1934. 4-20-<t P. S. ALLEN, Adm'r. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Administra tor of the estate of Settle E. Davis, deceased, late of Franklin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons haying claims against the estate of said deceas ed to exhibit them to the under signed on or before 4th day of May. 1935, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate payment. This 3rd day of May, 1934. T. P. GHOLSON, Admr., 5-4-6t Henderson, N. C. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of Maurice C. Bowden, deceased, late of Frank lin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Spring Hope, N. C., R. F. D. No. 2, duly verified, on or before the 11th day of May. 1935, or this notice will be' pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said es tate will please ma|ie immediate payment. * . This 7th day of May,1 1934. C. H. STALLINOS, admin istrator of Maurice C. Bowden. W. L. Lumpkin, Atty. 5-1 1-6 1 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as Adminis tratrix. c. t. a., of the estate of. Mrs. Lucy Y. Conyers. deceased, late of Franklin County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all per-i sons having claims against ...the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or be- ! fore the 20th day of April, 1935. or this notice will be pleaded In bar- of their recovery. All per- t sons Indebted to said estate will l please make immediate payment. I This 19th day of April, 1934. ANNIE? R. CONYERS, Admrx. Yarborough ? Yarborougb, Attorneys. 4-20-61 ) NOTICE North Carolina, Franklin County ? In Superior Court B. C. Joyner i Vs. Maty Devoy. J. T. Devoy, Claude Bobbltt, Watson Bobbitt, Hu bert Bobbltt, Lena Talton, J. E. Talton, EtIc B. Bobbltt. Jr., ?t all. The defendants. Mary Devoy, J. T. Devoy. Claude Bobbitt. Wat son Bobbltt, Hubert Bobbltt, Lena Talton, J. E. Talton, Eric B. Bobbltt, Jr., will take notice that an action entitled as above baa been commenced IB the Su perior Court of Franklin Coun ty, North Carolina, to sell Real Estate for division ot the lands of Winnie Joyner, Deceased; and the aald Defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear at tfee oOee of the Clerk of the Superior Court (or Franklin County tn Lonlaburg, North Carolina, on the 5th day of Jane, 1*34, and anawer or demur to the complaint In the mU ac tion within ten days from the Sth day of Jane, 1(34, or the plain tiff will apply to the Conrt for the relief demanded in the aald complaint. This the Xat day of Hay, 1934. J. J. YOUNG, Clerk of Superior Court of Franklin County. Claude C. Abernathy, Attorney. 6-4-4t sale; of real estate Pursuant to the power of gale conferred by the terms and pro visions of that certain deed of trust executed by L. S. Baker, widower, to the Chickamauga Trust Company, Trustee, dated March 3, 1930, and recorded b? the offlce of the Register of DeedB for Franklin County, In Book 259, at pace S80, and by virtue and authority of the pow er of sale granted and designat ed in a certain paper writing substituting a trustee In the above named deed of truat executed by the Prudential Insurance Com pany of America to Jeff Hanna, substituted trustee, which instru ment making said substitution of trustee being dated April 3, 1934, and recorded In the offlce of the Register of Deeds for Franklin County, N. C., In Book 307, at page 603; default having been made In payment of the Indebted ness thereby secured under said deed of trust, and demand for foreclosure having been made upon the said substituted trus tee by the holder of the bond representing said Indebtedness, the undersigned trustee will, on MONDAY, MAY ?TH, 1984, AT or about the hour of Noon, at the Courthouse Door In Louis burg, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described tract or par cel of land situate In Dunn Township, Franklin County, N. C.: Beginning In the center of the Tarboro Road where the Louis burg Road enters from the f southwest (new road bed Is re ferred to throughout this entire description) corner of lot No. 4 In line of lot No. 2; thence with the line of lot No. 2, S 4312 ft. to the center of Norrls Creek in line with a stake and pointers on its north side corner of lot No. 4, thence down the center of said creek as follows: 3 86 deg G 404 ft, S 12 >4 deg W 130 ft, thence leaving the creek and along the old run as follows: S 49% deg E G25 ft, S 84 % deg E 164 ft, thence S 81% deg E 234 ft, S 7214 deg E 180 ft to a stake beyond the branch at hlghwater mark of Crudup's old mill pond, thence following the high water mark of said old mill pond as follows: N 78 >4 deg E 309 ft, S 73 1-4 deg E 286 ft, S 19% deg E 264 ft. S 63% deg E 85 ft to a persim mon tree and pointers, S 52% deg E 129 ft, N 3714 deg E 178 ft, N 54% deg E 153 ft. S 57% deg E 110 ft. S 17% deg E 185 ft, S 4414 deg E 139 ft, N 86% deg E 55 ft to a stone corner of lot No. 1; thence with line of lot No. 1, N 3902 ft to the cen ter of above said Tarboro Roai corner of lot No. 1; thence along the center of said road N 76% deg W 308 ft to the point of the center of the road corner of lots No. 1 and 2, thence with the line of lot No. 2 along the center of said road about 2572 ft (the fol lowing bearings and distances for convenience In the survey) north 76% deg W 135 ft. N 57 % deg W 800 ft, N 39% deg W 660 ft, N 63% deg W 230 ft, N.76% deg W 774 ft) to the beginning, containing 235 acres, more or less. Begin lot No. 3 in the division of lands of John Baker, deceased, see ? Orders & Decrees No. 10, pages 303 and 309. offlce of the Clerk of Super ior Court, Franklin County, N. C. ' The successful bidder at said sale will be required to deposit $200. cash with the Trustee as ?? an evidence of good faith. ? Dated and posted this 27th day of April. 1934. JEFF HANNA, Successor Trustee. W. L. Lumpkin, Atty. 5-4-4t TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND Under and toy virtue of the power contained In a certain deed of trust executed to the under signed by R. P. Floyd on 8ept. I, 1932, and duly recorded In the Office of the Register of Deeds tor Franklin County In book 299. page 157. The land described in said deed of truat having been offered for sale in accordance with the provlalona of said deed of truat on March 12th, 1934, and an upaet bid having been Sled and the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County, having ordered a re-sale of said land, I will on MONDAY, MAY 918T, I9M. at 12: o'clock noon sell at pub lic auction at the coorthouae door In Ldulaburg, N-. C., a oertain tract or parcel of land, situate in Harris Township, Franklin Coun ty, N. C? and bounded as follows: On the N by the lands of Lee Baker and the A. W. H. Arnold Estate; on the W by tke lands of Mrs. Cora Boltoa and the Cains Chamblee Estate; cm the 8 by the lands of J. T. Muai and oa the B by the Ifcada of J. T. Mann and J. T. Baker; aaM ktet of land eontatetea Wwws. more or less. TERMS Or BALI: CASH. This, tke W 1934. J E. HARMS. fc l-4-?? ftUlF *

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