Y0#? JOWI 1? 't ? botUr t bmn x? M* wtUtng to Help BOOST YOOB TOWH The Franklin Times YOUR LOCAL PAPER cut exist without your Paid I to/ Patronage ia Sulacrl^loia | and Advertising BOOST YOUR BOMB PAPER I A. P. JOHNSON, Editor i The County, Thi State, The Union SUBSCRIPTION 91. AO Per Year VOLUMN IJtV. LOl'ISBURG, N. CAROLINA, FRIDAY, JUNE 1STH, 1934 EIGHT PAOES) NUMBER IT DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION FOR MEM COUNTY Convened in Louisburg on Monday, June 11th ENDORSES W. L. LUMP KIN FOR SPEAKER Names Delegates For State And Congressional Con ventions; Senator E. F. Griffin Called to Preside; Rejects Motion Inviting Any Franklin County Democrat To Sit With Delegation in Convention Quite a good deal of interest was manifested in the Democrat ic County Convention held in Louisburg on Monday afternoon. The Convention was called to or der shortly after two o'clock by Chairman E. H. Malone who called Senator E. F. Griffin to the chair to preside and A. F. John son as Secretary. A motion pre vailed making the temporary or- ' ganlzation permanent. Upon roll call it ascertained that all townships except Harris and Sandy Creek were represent ed. The Convention being declared ready for business th^ Chairman called for the nomination of del egates to the State Convention to be held in Raleigh on June 2 1st. The following nominations from each township were made: Dunns ? H. W. Tant, H. K. Baker, J. W. Perry. Harris ? absent. Youngsville ? Geo. N. Stell, W. L. Eddlnger, Mrs. O. C. Patterson. Franklinton ? W. H. Green, Mrs. E. A. Harris, Mrs. H. H. Utley, T. J. Wilder, C. F. Best. Hayesvllle ? L. O. Frailer. Sandy Creek ? absent. Gold Mine ? W. A. Raynor, W. D. Fuller. Cedar Rock ? O. B. H. Stal lings, J. O. Wilson, L. A. Miller. Cypress Creek ? Arthur 8trlck> land, delegate; S. R. Wilder,' al ternate. Louisburg ? S. P. Boddie, Chaa. P. Green, E. H. Malone, D. F. McKinne, C. W. Lea, Jr., W. D. Egertlfn, delegate*1; Mrs. Ross Earle, Mrs. Joe Mann, Mrs. Geo. Cobb, Miss Annie Perry Neal, Mrs. Cary Howard, Mrs. W. J. Cooper, alternates. A motion prevailed electing the above delegates and alternates to the State Convention. At the call of the chair the following nominations were made for delegates to the Congression al Convention to be held in Ral eigh on June list: Dunn* ? B. L. Bowen, W. A. Mullen, J. M. Stalllngs, J. O. Wil liams, J. F. Perry. ? Harris ? absent . Youngsville ? G. W. Barnes, E. L. Green, 8'. E. Pearce, J. S. Eaves, J. R. Pearce. Franklinton ? W. H. Green, George Gilliam, W. W. Cooke, C. L. McGhee, W. H. M. Jenkins. J. L. Whitfield, S. C. Ford, H. C.1 Kearney. Hayesvuie ? u. u. Kenn. Sandy Creek ? absent. Gold Mine ? F. A. Read, J. L. Williams. J. W. Neal, N. F. Fos ter. Cedar Rock ? Q. B. H. Stal ling!. I. O. Wilson, L. A. Miner, W. O. Stone. ' ?Cypres* Creek ? Glycerine Tur nage. delegate; R. L. Harris, al ternate. Loulabnrg ? 8. P. floddle, Chas. P. Green, E. H. Malone, D. F. McKlnne, Chas. W. Lea, Jr., W. D. Bgerton, C. T. Hudson, Walter Strange. R. A. Pearce. A motion prevailed electing the above delegates as nominated. Loulsburg delegation was th3 only ones to nominate delegates . to the Senatorial and .Judicial Conventions. Thete were duly1 elected and were as follows: Sen atorial ? 8. P. Boddle, Chas. P. Green, E. H. Malone, D. F. Mc Klnne, Chas. Lea, Jr., W. D. Egerton, W. L. Lumpkin, E. F. Grlflln, N. M. Perry. Judicial ? R. A. Pearee, C. M. Howard. B. B. Massenburg, John Moore, Mau rice Murphy. Roes Barle, Fred Hlcke, Geo. W. Ford, B. N. WU-I I lam son. , A motion by B. H. Malone, that any Democrat frcfm Franklin County In Raleigh on the day of the Convention be Invited to sit with the County delegation nnd participate In the vote, received a second but met with opposition when D..F. McKlnne offered an, amendment to let the delegation Itaelf pass upon and determine ( i the question of who, if any, be Invited to sit with it in the State Convention. The question was discussed by Messrs. Halone, McKinne and Hill Yarborough. A vote was taken and the amend ment carried by a large majority denying the time Honored cus tom of inviting any Franklin County Democrat to sit with the delegation in Convention, except at the pleasure of the particular delegation. Maj. 8. P. Boddie made a mo tion that the Precinct Executive Committees of Harris and Sandy Creek townships be authorized and instructed to select and name their proportional number of del egates to the State and Congres sional Conventions. The motion carried. Chas. P. Green moved that the Convention appoint a Com-' mittee to draft resolutions en dorsing W. L. Lumpkin for Speaker of the next House of Representatives. The motion carried and the Chair appointed on this Committee Chas. P. Green, E. H. Malone, and Mrs. C. M. Howard. W. D. Egerton presented reso lutions endorsing William Y. Bickett for Solicitor, but later withdrew same. Ch?a P. Green reporting for the resolutions committee offer ed the following resolution, which was adopted unanimously: The Democratic Convention of Franklin County recognizing the1 ability and length of service of our honorable and proficient rep resentative to the North Carolina General Assembly who has so brilliantly filled his office with fearlessness, integrity, and abil ity and who has so graciously brought honor to Franklin Coun ty, and who now is a foremost candidate for the Speakership in the 1935 General Assembly, be It resolved by the Franklin Coun ty Democratic Convention con vened In Louisburg June 11, iUttl, Whereas, Willie Lee Lumpkin Is now and has been a resident of Franklin County for his entire life, has served Franklin County as their representative in Oen- ' eral Assembly of North Carolina for three successive terms, has ever demonstrated an ability to ably perform the duties and re sponsibilities therein imposed, and is well-experienced in par liamentary procedure, and; Whereas, Franklin County is Justly due this honor in repre sentation in our General Assem bly. The Democratic Convention of Franklin County takes pride in wholeheartedly endorsing Hon orable W. L. Lumpkin for the important position of Speaker of the House of Representatives in the 1935 session of the General Assembly of North Carolina. Mr. E. H. -Malone took occa^, slon, after requesting the chair men of all township executive committees to meet Immediately after adjournment of the Conven tion to organise the County Ex ecutive Committee, to express his deep gratitude to all the Demo crats of the County and especial ly each member of the township and County Executive Commit tees for their enthusiastic cooper ation during the past fifteen or more years he has been chair man and announced, to the regret of |)|? many friends, that he could not serve further In this capacity. The business of the Convention being completed adjournment was taken. Township Committees The following township Execu tive Committees were handed in to the Convention on Monday: Dunns ? J. F. Perry, chairman, J. M. Stalling*, secretary, J. O. Williams, W. A. Mullen, H. K. Baker, Mrs. C. C. Pippin, vice chairman, Mrs. J. M. Stalllngs, Mrs. J. O. Williams, Mrs. Dr. B. C. Johnson, Mrs. J. W. Perry. Harris ? (old) E. W. Puryear, chairman (moved), J. B. King, J. H. Fuller, J. J. Toung, R. B. Wheless, Miss Ollle Floyd, Mrs. Beulah Harris. Mrs. M. C. Wilder. Mrs. J. W. Clements, Mrs. Ina Fowler. (This list will have to be revised.) , Youngsvllle ? 8. E. Pearce, chairman, E. L. Green, - Q. w. Barnes, Paul Strickland, James Murphy. Mrs. B. P.- Holden. Mrs. F. *A. Cheatham, Mrs. O. C. Pat terson, vice-Chairman. Miss El ite Tharrlngton, Miss Beatrice Hill. ' Frankllnton ? W. H. M. Jenk ins, chairman, J. H. Wilder, Oeo. 1 (Continued on page eight) t SENATOR EDWARD F. GRIFFIN Who was elected Chairman of the Franklin County Democratic Executive Committee at its re organization meeting Monday. E. H. MAI/ONE Who, having served the Demo cratic party in Franklin County as Chairman of the County Exe cutive Committee for fifteen years or more, during which time the Democratic majorities have grown each year, on Monday de clined to be considered for re election. The Executive Com mittee, which asked his recon sideration, exprssed deep appre ciation for his splendid services in the past. B. N. Williamson Named Chairman At a meetlng*of the Louisburg township voters held in the Court house on Saturday an ex ecutive committee was elected composed of B. N. Williamson, chairman, R. A. Pearce, E. H. Malone, D. F. McKinne, Chas. P. Green. Miss Annie Perry N?al secretary, Nrs. J. W. Mann, Mrs. O. W Cobb, Mrs. J. R. Earle. Jr., Mrs. C. M. Howard. At this meeting also was elect ed a list of thirty seven delegates to the County Convention to be held on Monday. ORDINATION Invitations reading aa follows have been mailed: . "At St. Paul'a Church, Louis burg, N. C.. on Thursday morning at ten thirty o'clock, June twenty first, nineteen hundred thirty four, The Right Reverend Edwin A. Penick D. D. will ordain to the priesthood The Reverend Frank Easton Pulley." No Invitations have been mail ed in Louisburg and an invitation Is extended all to attend those services. BAPTIST WOMEN MEET AT JTOKLIN.A The Tar River W. M. U. An nual Asaociatlonal meeting will be held at Noriina June 21st and 22nd, 1934. There will be an afternoon session, beginning al 5:00 o'clock on Thursday, an evening session, and an all-day session on Friday, beginning al 10:00 o'clock. At 4he evening session the Nor iina young people will present a pageant. This will be followed by a Missionary address. On Fri day morning Miss Pearle Bourne. Southwlde Young People's Work er of Birmingham, Alabama, will deliver an address. The Young People's Session will come on Friday afternoon. Every Woman's Missionary So ciety, Y. W. A., Q. A., R. A., and Sunbeam Band In the association le requested to send delegates. Pastors are Invited. Those desiring to spend the night should notify Mrs. R, R. Rodwell, Noriina, N. C. GRIFFIN ELEC raauuniAN The Democratic Executive Com mittee of Franklin County met 'Immediately following the County. Convention on Monday with air township* represented except Harris and Sandy Creek. The meeting was called to order by Chairman E. H. Malone, who ex plained the object of the meeting i was to reorganize, and took oc casion to tell his former eo- work ers that he would not be in po sition to consider further service as chairman. The roll call showed the town ship* represented as follows: Dunns ? Fred Perry. Harris ? absent. Youngsvllle ? S. E. Pearce. Frankiinton- ? W. H. M. Jenk ins. Hayesvllle ? ?!>. O. Fraxier. Sandy Creek ? absent. Gold Mine ? W. D. Fuller. Cedar Rock ? T. W. Boone. Cypress Creek ? Arthur Strick land. Loulsburg ? B. N. Williamson. Before considering nominations several members voiced the great appreciation of the splendid work done in the past by Mr. Malone and sought a reconsideration of his decision to relinquish the Chairmanship. Being reassured by Mr. Malone that he would not? reconsider, nomination for Chair man were placed before the com mittee as follows: I W. H. M. Jenkins, of Frank linton, nominated Chas. P. Green, which was seconded by S. E. Pearce, of Toungsvllle. B. N. Williamson, of Loulsburg, nominated S. P. Boddle, whic'i was seconded by W. D. Fuller of Gold Mine. - |l L. O. Fraxier. of Hayesvllle, nominated Edward F. Griffin, which was seconded by Fred Per , ry, of Dunn. I; Two ballots were taken with out decision when upon sugges tion delegation were sent out to ascertain wbfeh, if any, of the nominee* would accept the place If elected. Upon returning Green's name was withdrawn upon the grounds that Mr. Green could not accept, If elected. Information from the others indicated they would ac cept. It was explained that in order to clarify the situation In the minds of all present the meeting be thrown open to new nomina tions. The motion carried and B. N. Williamson again nominat ed S. P. Boddie, whose nomina tion was seconded by S. E. Pearce. Li. u. n?ici again uvuiii^uieu Edward F. Griffin, whose nomin ation was seconded by Arthur Strickland. i Before the ballot was taken Chairman Malone stated that he wanted all to understand that either of the two would be en tirely satisfactory to him and that he had told MaJ. Boddle as much, and was now telling the friends of Mr. OriOll. The rote which was taken by ballot, resulted in a three to five victory for Senator Grlflln, who i was declared elected. i The next position to be filled was that of Secretary, and 3* E. Pearce, of Youngsvllle, nominated C. W. Lea, Jr., whose election, by proper motion, was mada unanimous by acclamation. The newly elected Chairman and B. N. \VH11amson. were ap pointed a committee to handle the , transfer of the'commlttee's affairs ! from the old to the new officers. This completing the work of the committee for. the day ad ' Journment waa taken aubject to ' the call of the chairman. ;l: Fire Saturday Fire did quite a big damage to the Burt building on Main Street Saturday morning when the offl cea of Dr. S. P. Burt were gytted .by the blare doing great damage to the building and almost totally ' destroying the ofllce equipment of Dr. S. P. Burt and doing wat er damage to the (tore room be | low and stock of the Perry Gro ; eery. | The fire originated on the desk of Dr. Burt, who was in one of ' his back offices at work And hearing the crackle of fire step ped out to see his desk ablate. The alarm waa turned in and the (Ire department responded, ' but the blaie would not gire way to chemicals and water had to be used. , The estimated damage to the ' building was fl.tl0.00 and waa Insured. > The estimated damage to the office equipment of Dr. Burt had not been made Monday. The estimated damage to Per ry Grocery wis 1300 covered by ^Insurance. Subscribe to The Franklin Tlmoa Mrs. F rankKo Delano Roosevelt Confidence in a future unclouded by want and suffering was expressed Monday by Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt in Raleigh. She pictured the United States as profiting from the depres sion by learning that greed and negligence must go, while com munity cooperation and Individual responsibility must play great er and more productive . parts in the social scheme. The First Lady gpoke to fi.000 people, of which about 90 per cent were woiHen, in Memorial Auditorium. Several thous ands could not gain admittance, and numberless others clustered about radios to hear Mrs. Roosevelt's address. "STAND UP AND CHEER" Warner Baxter at Head of Imposing Cast of The Screen's Most Lavish Work of Entertainment At the Louisburg Theatre Thursday and Friday, June 21st and 22nd With one of the largest and most Imposing casts ever assem bled for a motion picture produc tion, Fox Film's latest release, "Stand Up and Cheer!" will make its appearance on the screen of the Louisburg Theatre, on Thurs day, for an engagement of two days. Among the many star names that stud the roater of players are Warner Baxter, James Dunn. Madge Evans, Ralph Mor gan. Shirley Temple, Nigel Brace. Arthur Byron, John Boles and Stepln FetclJit. In the support ing cast are a number of famous entertainment personalities, among whom are Sylvia Froos. Jimmy Dallas. "Aunt Jemima," Mitchell and Durant and Nick jForan. The story is that of a Broad way theatrical producer who is called upon by the President of the United States to help restore prosperity by reviving the spirits of the people through a gigantic amusement campaign. With the cream of the entertainment crop at his disposal, the producer puts on display the most lavish amusement units ever produced. Among the thousand and one wonders in the picture there are hundreds of dazillng girls, a vo cal chorus of 500, 1,000 players. 335 scenes. 1,200 wild animals and 5 bands of music. From this assembly of players, seenee and music, come Ave breath-taking spectacles and ftve authentic song hits that all give promise of be IM the dance tunes of the world tjr 1934. Advance reports on the Dim Indicate that It la one of the most elaborate undertak ings Hollywood has ever endeav ored to create. . Produced by Wlnfleld Sheehan, in association with Lew Brown, the film was directed by Hamil ton MacFadden, from an original story idea suggested by Will Rog ers and Philip Klein. Sammy Lee staged the dances, while Lew Brown and Jay Ooraey 1r*re re sponsible for the song numbers ? "Our Last Night Together, " Ba by Take a Bow," "I'm Lftaghlng." "Broadway's done Hill Billy" and Out of The Red.^ GIRL 8COUTH MEET The Olrl Scouts held their reg ular meeting Saturday mbfrnlng at 10:00 o'clock In tke Olrl Scout room at the school. Mont scouts received their tenderfoot cards. Plahs were discussed tor camp. Next meeting will be held In the scout room at 10:00 o'clock Saturday mowing. Grace Johnson. Scribe. ANNOUNCEMENT The Y. W. A. will meet Monday Evening, June 18. at I o'clock with Dorothy Foster. Every mem ber la urged to be present. Vocational T eachers Conference Raleigh, June 12. ? The annual conference of North Carolina teachers of vocational agriculture will be held at N. C. State College June 19, 20, and 21, announced Roy H. Thomas, state supervisor of agricultural education, yester day. The conference opens on the morning of June 19 with the an nual report of the state supervis or, Mr. Thomas. Following will be a talk on "Farmers Coopera tive Exchange" by M. G. Mann general manager of the Exchange, and a discussion of the rural re habilitation program by George Ross, director. T. E. Browne, state director of vocational edu cation, will then address the gathering, followed by a speech on "Teachers of Agriculture and the New Deal" by Robert D. Malt by, Federal regional agent of vo cational agriculture. The morn ing session will be closed by Dean I. O. Schaub, head of the Agriculture School at the college, in a talk on "The AAA Program in North Carolina", and J. M. Osteen. district supervisor, in a discussion of the Young Tar Heel Farmer camp. The afternoon of the flrst day will be devoted to a talk by Dr. C. G. Garman, of the Farm Cred it Administration, on "The Farm Credit Administration Program", and a discussion led by L. E. Cook, professor of agricultural education, on how the farm cre dit program and material can be used by teachers of agriculture. Mr. Cook will also talk on im proving instruction In agriculture. The second day of the confer ence will open with a presenta tion and discussion of the cotton oontrol associations and the Bankhead Cotton Bill with I. W. Duggan, of the cotton production section of the AAA, leading*ihe discussion. The teachers of the four dis tricts will meet at various times during the remainder of the day for further discussion on the sub ject and for an evening class demonstration on cotton control and the Bankhead Bill. The group will meet that night to hear a discussion of super vised practices by Mr. Maltby, and a talk on Improving exhibits at fairs by L. O. Armstrong, profes sor of agricultural education. The session will be terminated Thursday, June 21, with group meetings of teachers by districts. The district superviser In each section will lead the discussions. J. K. Coggin, is supervisor In District One; E. N. Meekins, Dis trict Two; J. M. Osteen, District Three; and A. L. Teachey, Dis trict Four. Recorder's Court Franklin Recorder's Court dis posed of only two cases Tuesday, and continued one. Only three cases were before Judge Malyn The docket was as follows: ) Ben 0111 waa found guilty > of distilling, prayer for Judgment continued. Jeff Webb was found guilty of assault on~a female and was giv en XJ days In Jail, to be hired to L. P. Dennis for coats. The ease of rape rs. Eugene Yarboro waa continued on* week. ENDORSES MR. LUMPKIN "The following resolutions en dorsing Mr. W. It. Lumpkin tor the Speaker of the next House of Representatives of North Caro lina were unanimously passed at the regular weekly luncheon of the Louisburg Kiwanis Club held in the College dining rooms on Friday night: That, Whereas, Mr; W. L. Lumpkin has served three suc cessive terms in the General As sembly of North Carolina and has ever demonstrated a faithful and fearless ambition and determina tion to serve the cause of this great Commonwealth against the encroachment of special privi lege; he is ambitious, able, ener getic, honest and aggressive, is thoroughly acquainted with the needs of the State and has had considerable experience in parlia mentary procedure. That, Whereas, the Louisburg Kiwanis Club believes that W. L. Lumpkin will not only preside over the House of Representatives with dignity, ability and impar tiality, but would consistently put forth great effort with his skill and ability to construct legisla tion so as to meet the needs of the people of North Carolina; Therefore be it Resolved: I. The Louisburg Kiwanis Club takes great pride and satis faction in presenting to the peo ple of the State of North Caro lina as a candidate for Speaker of the House of Representatives for the year 1935, the County's able and brilliant Representative, Hon orable W. L. Lumpkin, and the Louisburg Kiwanis Club does, hereby, highly endorse his can didacy. II. Copy of these resolutions to be sent to the Press of the State for publication. AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY TO MEET Announcement of a meeting ot the American Legion Auxiliary for Tuesday afternoon. June 19th, at 3:30 o'clock has been made. The meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. A. M. Hall with Mrs. J. W. Mann. Mrs. Lynn Hall and Mrs. S. P. Boddle as hostess es. All members are urged to be present. HICKORY ROCK NEWS Every body is invited to coma to Hickory Rock Sunday after noon. on June 17 at 2:00 o'clock to Sunday school. The pastor Rev. John Edwards will preach at 3:00 o'clock B. Y. P. U. at 7:30. 8TATE WIDE CHILD SURVEY AROUSES PURLIC INTEREST! Canvassers in Each County Re port Find Spirit of Co-opera tion! ! C. R. Young is canvasser (or Franklin County. A State-Wide Child Welfare Survey of North Carolina, sponsored by the North Carolina Departments of Ameri can Legion and American Legion Auxiliary, started Friday, May 25th, under the direction of Mrs. W. R. Absher, State Department President of the American Legion Auxiliary. The Survey is being conducted from the office of the State Supervisor, Miss Rachel Payne Sugg, in North Wllkesboro, North Carolina. Today C. R. Young made the following statement: "In the Child Welfare Survey, we desire that every one who knows of any child that should be included la the census of veterans' orphans, physically tAndlcapped, or other under-privileged children, please notify C. R. Young personally or by mall. It Is very essential that we have the wbole-bearted co operation of all civic organiza tions, If the survey Is to be a success in your County. Program At The Louisburg Theatre The following M the program at the Louisburg Theatre begin ning Monday, June 18th: Monday ? Will Rogers In "Doe tor Bull." Also added short sub ject "Little Jack, Little'* Orches tra." Tuesday ? Katherlne Hepburn, 'Joan Bennett. Frances Dee and Paul Lukas In "Little Women." Wednesday ? John Bole* and Claire Trevar In "Wild Gold." ?? They are announcing that nnttl further notice on Wednesday the admission will be 'Oc to every body. Thursday-Friday ? Warner Bax ter, Madge Evans. John Boise, James Daan. Ralph Morgan and Stepln Fetchlt in Stand Up And Cheer." Saturday ? Ken Msrnard la "Smoking Dans."

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