Heads Confederates ONION CITY, Tenn. . . . A new picture of Oeneral Bice A. Pierce (above) who 1* the Commander-in Chief of the United Confederate Veteran* for 1934, being elected' at Chattanooga at the 44th reunion. A clear, transparent water proof solution that can b? spray ed on pre-hlstorlc masonry walla to preserve them U sought by the national park service for use in the cliff dweller and pueblo ruins. A method of making rennet type cottage cheese has been de veloped by government dairy specialists, and recommended to farmers as a profitable way of using skim milk. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of author ity contained In that certain judg ment of the Superior Court of Franklin County entered in that certain Tax Foreclosure suit. Franklin County vs. Howard Jones and wife Mrs. Howard Jonee, duly docketed In Judgment Docket No. 2, Page 254, in the office of the Clerk Superior Court for Franklin County, North Carolina, the undersigned com missioner will offer to the high est bidder for cash at the COURTHOUSE DOOR IN LOUIS BURG, NORTH CAROLINA ON AUGUST 8RD, 1084, AT 13:00 O'CLOCK NOON, the following described land: Tract No. 1, bounded as fol lows: Beginning in the center of the Louisburg and Tarboro Road, past oak, A. M. Strickland land, corner in Debnams line; thence up the road N 33 degs W 32 poles; thence N 12 1-2 degs N 6 poles In Branch; thence N 10 degs E 7 poles; thence N 11 degs W 21 poles; thence N 4319 1-2 poles; thence N 19 poles to the corner of lot No. 1; thence N 75389 2-5 poles to a stake, corner of lot No. 3; thence in line of No. 3 S W 1-3 poles to a stake, A. M. Strickland's line; thence In his line S 80 1-4 degs W S3 poles to a stake formerly a pine stump; thence S 30 degs W 74 poles to a past oak, A. M. Strickland's line; thence N 77 degs W 29 1-6 poles to the be ginning, containing 35 3-8 acres more or lesa, the survey of J. D. Chamblee, 1919. Book 234, Page 205 Franklin County Registry. Thact No. 2, Beginning at a stake and Debnam's corner; thence with Dodd's line S 2K degs W 46 poles to a stake; thence S 87 1-2 degs E 148 poles to a stake In W. H. Brantley's line; thence with his line N 1* degs E 45% poles to his corner pine in Debnam's line; thence with Debnam's line N 87 1-2 degs W 148 poles to the beginning, containing 42% acres. For a further description, reference is hereby made to Book 270, Page 547, Franklin County Registry. Tract No. 3, bounded on th6 North by the lands of Dal and Joe High, on the South by the lands of B. S. Pace; on the E by the lands of Robinson Dodd; on the W by the lands of J. R. Weathers by. Containing 35 acres more or less. The aforesaid tract of land being the tract helred by W. N. Dodd of the Ruffln Dodd. Dated and posted this 3rd day of July, 1934. - CHAS. P. GREEN; 7-6-4t Commissioner. notice of sale Under and by virtue of author ity contained In that certain Judgment of the Superior Court of Franklin County entered In that certain Tax Foreclosure ault. Franklin County Va. L. C. Pearce and wife, Corrlna Pearce, duly docketed In Judgment Dock et No. 2, Page 26S. In the office of the Clerk Superior Court for Franklin County, North Carolina, the underalfned commissioner will offer to the highest bidder for cash at the COURTHOUSE DOOR IN LOUIM BURti, NORTH CAROLINA ON AUGUST SND, 1084, AT 18:U0 O'CLOCK NOON, the following described land: FIRST TRACT: That certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Dunna Townahlp, Frank lin County, N. C., beginning at a (take In the Pilot Road and corner of lot No. 6 and running along Mid road 700 ft. to a atako, corner of lot No. 7; thence N S dega W SSI ft along the line of lot No. 7 to a ataka in the cor ner of lota No. S and 7; thence S Sf dega 46' E 714 ft to an Iron ataka; thence 8 S dega 4f W ill ft to an Iron ataka la. the Una of lot. No. I; thence along the line of lot No. I US ft to ? atake corner of lot No. I; thence S S dega W 111 ft to a ataka corner of lota No. ( and S and point of beginning, containing 17 acre* by aurrey of Pitman Stall, C. E.. and being known aa lot ^ * 0 \ No. ( ill the division of W. O. Pearce's lands and being the same land allotted to L. C. Pearce by the commissioners who made the division of said lands. For a further and more adequate de scription, reference is hereby made to Book 262, Page '814, Franklin County Registry. SECOND TRACT: Being the lands of Mrs. Corrina Pearce, ad joining the lands of C. F. Pearce, Bud Ray, L. L. Massey and W. D. Pearce estate, containing 40 acres more or less and being the same land willed by T. John Al ford to said Corrina Pearce as will appear by reference to the records of Wills In the offlce of the Clerk Superior Court for Franklin County, N. C. For a further and more adequate de scription, reference is hereby made to Book 272, Page 6, Franklin County Registry. Dated and posted this 2nd day of July, 1934. CHAS. P. GREEN, 7 - 6 -4 1 Commissioner. r ?" NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of author ity contained In that certain judg ment of the Superior Court of Rrjuiklln County entered in that certain Tax Foreclosure suit. Franklin County Vs. Charlie Yar boro, and wife, Hrs. Charlie Yar boro, duly docketed in Judgment Docket No. 2, Page 268, in the offlce of the Clerk of Superior Court for Franklin County, North Carolina, the undersigned com missioner will offer to the high est bidder for cash, at the COURTHOUSE DOOR IN LOUIS HURG, NORTH CAROLINA ON AUGUST 2ND, 1884, AT 12:00 O'CLOCK NOON, the following described land: Lot No. 7 4 in Block H and metes and bounds of which may be had by reference to a map of Bunn Annex filed In the offlce of the Register of Deeds for Frank lin County, N. C., and being the survey of the North State Devel opment Company, as made by J. J. Wells in 1909, recorded in Book 227, Page 332, offlce of the Register of Deeds for Franklin County, North Carolina. Dated and posted this 2nd day of July, 1934. CHAS. P. GREEN, 7-<-4t Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of author ity in that certain judgment of the Superior Court of Franklin County entered in that certain Tax Foreclosure suit. Franklin County Vs. J. W. Patton and wife Mary Patton, duly docketed in Judgment Docket No. 2, Page 266, in the offlce of the Clerk Superior Court for Franklin County, North Carolina, the un dersigned commissioner will of fer to the highest bidder for cash at the COURTHOUSE DOOR IN LOUIS BURG, NORTH CAROLINA, AT OR ABOUT THE HOUR OF 12:00 NOON, ON AUGUST 2ND, 1934, the following described land: Lying and being in Dunns Township, Franklin County, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of C. C. Montgomery on the North; Howard Joyner on the East; Charlie Debnam on the South; Beddingfleld Brothers on the West, containing 84 90-100 acres and further described In Map Book No. 1, Page 30 and said deeds recorded in Book 217, Page 69, and Book 217, Page 303, Franklin County Registry. For a further and more ade quate description of said tract, reference is hereby made to Book 293, Page 210, Franklin County Registry. Dated and posted, this 2nd day of July, 1934. CHAS. P. GREEN. 7-6-4t * Commissioner. NOTICE OF HALE Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in that certain deed of trust execut ed January 23, 1928 by Peter Davis and Ida Davis, his wife, recorded In Book 276, page 1, of Franklin County Registry, to the undersigned trustee, default hav ing been made In the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and demand for foreclosure hav ing been made by the holder thereof, I will on TUESDAY, THE Slst DAY OF JULY, 1084, at or about the hour of two o'clock p. m. In front of the courthouse door In the Town of Loulsburg, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate: A certain tract of land lying in Cedar Rock Township, Frank lin County, State aforesaid, and described as follows: Bounded on the north by the lands of Johnnie Sills, on the east by the lands of Coppedge tract; on the south by the lands of Jim Deans; on the west by the lands of Hen rietta QUI, containing 17 acres, more or 4e*s, and being a part of the late Low Davis land. This tlth day of June, 1934. O. B. MOSS, 7-<-4t Trustee. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified an Adminis trator of the estate of Aaron Rod well, col., deceaaed. late of Franklin County, North Carolina, this I* to notify all peraona hay ing claims against the eatate of aald deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before ilth day of June, 1916, or thla notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All peraona In debted to aald eatate will pleaae make Immediate payment. Thla 2Sth day of June, ltli. HBNRY RODWBLI. Admr. NOTICE OF BALK Under and by virtue of author ity contained In that certain Judg ment of the Superior Court, duly docketed and recorded In the of fice of the Clerk of Superior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, In Judgment Docket Book 2, Page 2?B. In the matter of Franklin County vi. L. W. Par rlsh and wife Ovla Parrlah, the undersigned commissioner will offer for sale to the highest bid der for cash on MONDAY, JULY 80TH, 10S4, AT OR ABOUT THE HOUR OF NOON AT THE COURTHOUSE DOOR IN LOUISBURO, NORTH CAROLINA, the following de scribed lands: That certain tract or parcel of land lying and being In Louls burg Township, Franklin County, North Carolina, beginning at a point or stake on the North side of Nash St., 10 ft. from the East ern bounds of the lot now owned by the estate of Geo. W. Ford; thence in an easterly direction along Nash St. to the corner of the Intersection of Cedar St.; thence in a northerly direction along Cedar Street to a lot of Geo. W. Ford estate; thence In a Westerly direction along line of Geo. W. Ford es tate to a point or stake In said line, 10 ft. East from the line of the first lot mentioned; thence In a southerly direction to the point of beginning and being for merly owned by Mrs. Ave Aycock et als and being the home of the said L. W. Parrlsh, now residing in the town of Loulsburg, N. C. For a further and more adequate description, reference is hereby made to Book 286, Page 695, in the office of the Register of Deeds for Franklin County, North Caro lina. Dated and posted this 26th day of June, 1934. CHAS. P. GREEN, 6-29-5t Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of author ity contained In that certain judg ment of the Superior Court, duly docketed and recorded in the of fice of the Clerk of Superior Court of Franklin County, North Caro lina, in judgment Docket, Book 2, Page 266, in the matter of Franklin County vs. Dave Splvey, and wife, Fannie B. Splvey, the undersigned commissioner will offer for sale to the highest bid der for cash on MONDAY, JULY 30TH, 1981, AT OR ABOUT THE HOUR OF NOON AT THE COURTHOUSE DOOR IN LOUISBURG, NORTH CAROLINA, the following de scribed lands: TRACT NO. 1: That certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Harris Township, Frank lin County, North Carolina, con taining 100 acres more or less and bounded aa follows: Bounded on the N by the lands of J. B. Perry; on the E by the lands of A. J. P. Harris estate; on the S by the lands of Joe Rogers and J. B. Perry; on the W by the lands of J. B. Perry, being de scribed as tract No. 4 in that cer tain conveyance from D. W. Splv ey to the Bank of Youngsvllle re corded In Book 260, Page 200, reference to which is hereby made for a more adequate description. TRACT NO. 2: That certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Harris Township, Frank lin County, North Carolina, and bounded as follows: Bounded on the N by the lands of John Den ton; on the E by Sherrod Denton; on the S by Sherrod Denton et als; on the N by Edd Kemp and being the tract of land Inherited by D. W. Splvey from the Splvey estate, containing 138 acres, more or less and being fully described as Tract No 3 In that certain con veyance from D. W. Spivey to the Bank of Youngsvllle, and record ed in Book 250, Page 100 In the office of the Register of Deeds for Franklin County reference to which Is hereby had for a full and more adequate description. Dated and posted this 26th day of June, 1934. CHAS. P. GREEN, f-29-6t Commissioner. NOTICE OF BALE Under and by Tlrtue of author ity contained In that certain Judgment of the Superior Court, duly docketed and recorded In the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, In Judgment Docket Book 1, Pace 2*7, In the matter of Franklin County n. D. W. Splvey and wife, Fannie B. Spl i vey, the undersigned commission er will offer for sale to the high est bidder for cash on { MONDAY, JULY 80TH, 1034. 1 AT THE COURTHOUSE DOOR IN LOUISBURO, NORTH CARO LINA. AT OR ABOUT THE | HOUR OF NOON, the following ! described lands: LOT NO. 1; Being that cer tain lot of land situate In the Town of Youngsvllle, Franklin County, N. C., on ' Franklin St. bounded on the N by D. W. New ton; on the East by W. P. Fau cett; on the w by W. J. Cooke; on the N by Franklin St. LOT NO. 2: That certain lot of land situate on Franklin St.; bounded on the N by J. W. Wood lief; on the E by Naussa St.; on the W by W. P. Faucett; on the S by Franklin St. LOT NO. S: That certain lot of lan<| situate on Main St. bounded on the N by S. E. Thar rlngton; on the E by J. F. Mitch ell; on the S by Main St.; on the W by J. L. Brown; and Is known as the brick Woodllef home In the Town of Yonncsvllle. LOT NO. ?: That certain tract of land situate In the Town of YonngtTille, bounded on the N by I. W. Mitchell; on the E by Mra. P. R. Hatch; on th? 3 by Main St.; oa the W by E. L. Oreen, aad being the tract of land J oat E of (bV B. L. Green brick building in the Town o( Youngs ville. r LOT NO. f: That certain lot of land situate In the Town of, Youngsvllle bounded on the N by 8. E. Pearce; oa tbe E by Nauas* St.; oa tbe 8 by the MethodUl Church and on the W by T. C. Harris. LOT NO. ?: That certain trac: or lot of land situate, lying and being In tbe Town of Yoangivllle. bounded on the N by the lands of Mrs. C. A. Strickland; on the E by J. B. Perry; on the S by Main St. on tha W by tbe lands of Mrs. C. A. Strickland and be ing known as tbe "Old Colored Barber Shop" lot. Dated and posted this 25 th day of June, 1934. CHAS. P. GREEN, 6-29-6t Commissioner. NOTICE North Carolina, Franklin County, In Superior Court. Sally F. Cole Vs. C. L. Cole The defendant, C. L. Cole, will take notice that an action entitled as above baa been commenced In the Superior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, to secure an absolute divorce, and tbe said defendant will further take no tice that be is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of Su perior Court of said County, at the Courthouse in Louisburg, N. C., on or before the 15th day of August, 1934, and answer or de mur to the Complaint in said ac tion or tbe plaintiff will apply to . the Court for the relief de manded In said Complaint. This 13th day of June, 1934. J. J. YODNG, Clerk of 6-15-4t Superior Court. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of author ity contained in that certain judg ment of the Superior Court, duly docketed and recorded In the of fice of the Clerk of Superior Court of Franklin County, North Caro lina, in Judgment Docket Book 2, Page 263 in the matter of Franklin County Vs. Julius Leh man, the undersigned commis sioner will offer tor sale to the highest bidder for cash on MONDAY, JULY 23RD, 1034, AT OR ABOUT THE HOUR OF NOON AT THE COURTHOUSE DOOR IN LOUISBURG, NORTH CAROLINA, tbe following de scribed lands: Those certain tracts or parcels of land situate in the Town of Louisburg, North Carolina and duly described as follows: FIRST TRACT: Being lots Nos. 2-3-14-10 in Block F In that map or plat made by M. S. Davis, Surveyor; said map being duly re corded in the office of the Regis tec of Deeds for Franklin County, North Carolina, In Book 15t', Page 622 and said map is hereby referred to as a part of this de scription. Reference is also had to Book 190. Page 189 in the of fice of the Register of Deeds for Franklin County, for a more ade quate description. SECOND TRACT: Being the southern one-half of lot No. 4 in Block F of the survey made by M. S. Davis surveyor. In that part which Is duly recorded In Book 156. Page 522, reference to which Is hereby bad for an ade quate description thereof. THIRD TRACT: Being that certain parcel of land situate on the East side of Main St. and the northern side of Tar River, bounded on the North by the lands of W. N. Fuller; on the E by the Beasley property; on the South by Tar River and on the West by Main St., It being the Identical property which now has situate thereon one brick build ing, known as the Neal building and one metal building Just North of the aforesaid brick building, it being that entire tract of land located between the lands of W. N. Fuller and Tar River on the East side, and adjoining Main St. For a fuller and more ade quate description, reference Is hereby had to lots No. 5 and 6 In that conveyance which Is duly recorded In the office of the Reg ister of Deeds in Book 249, Pag 3 616. Dated and posted this 20th day of June, 1934. CHAS. P. GREEN, 6-22-6t Commissioner. RE-SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of author ity contained in that certain Judg ment of re-sale of the hereinafter described land, which Judgment is duly docketed in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Franklin County, In Judgment Docket No. 2. Page 2<1. In the matter of Franklin County Va. Baldy Tabron, and in compliance with an order of re- sale made by the Clerk of Superior Court on March 31, 1934, the under-signed commissioner will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash on TUESDAY, Jill" 10TH, 1M4, AT OR ABOUT THE HOUR OF 12 O'CLOCK NOON AT THE COURTHOUSE DOOR IN LOUI8 BURQ. NORTH QAROLINA. the hereinafter described land: FIRST TRACT: Adjoining the lands of H. C Kearney and oth-[ era and bounded as follows: Known as lot No. 1 of the H. Kearney lands and bounded to wit: Beginning at a (take Mrs. Susan Parrlsh corner Moss line; thence 8 1414 degs E 2(6 pis to ? stake pointer*, Susan Parrlsh corner In the Green line; thence North 1 deg Kast II poles 7 links to a stake North on a bush of Mnlberry Tree, corner of No. 3 In the Green Use; thence North ? ?U degs West lf? poles to a stake In Moss lime and corner ?( No. thenee Soath 2% degs West SI pole* 7 link* to the be ginning, containing 62 acres, mora or tea*. SECOND TRACT: That car tain tract or parcel of land situ ate, lying and being In Franklln ton Township, Franklin County. North Carolina, aad known as the Tabron land and more fall?; and adequately described as fol low*: Adjoining the lands of John Sandllng; adjoining the lands of W. C. Kearney estate: adjoining the lands of Gen Green; and adjoining the lands of Preddy estate and containing 19 acres more or less and known as the Saldy Tabron land. Dated and posted this the 18th day of June, 1934. CHA8. P. GREEN, 6-22-3t Commissioner. TRUSTEE'S SALE OP LAND Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained In that certain deed of trust executed by C. T. Stokes to the Virginia Trust Company, Trustee, on the 1st. day of January, 1928, recorded In Book 271, pages 537 to 539 inclusive, In the oflce of the Reg ister of Deeds of Franklin Coun ty, N. C., default having been made in the payment of the bonds and demand having been made on, the undersigned trustee to fore close said deed of trust, and pur suant to and in accordance with the terms and stipulations of ?aid deed of trust and judgment of the Superior Court entered at May Term, 1934, In those actions entitled "Grace Hall Stokes against M. J. Stokes, et als, Grace Hall Stokes against Virginia Trus>t Company, et al, and Citizens Bank and Trust Company against Virginia Trust Company," con solidated, the undersigned trus tee will on MONDAY, THE 8TH DAY OF JULY, 1934, at or about the hour of Noon,! offer for sale at the Courthouse door of Franklin County, in; Loulsburg, North Carolina, to the Highest bidder for cash, the fol lowing lots or parcels of land or so mueh thereof as may be nec essary to pay off and discbarge the indebtedness secured by said deed of trust, together with the taxes thereon and the expense of such said sale in the following order: FIRST. That said lot or par cel of land Bituate in the Town of Louisburg, Loulsburg town ship, Franklin county, state of North Carolina, and bounded as follows: Beginning at A. W. Person's corner in the right-of way of the Seaboard Airline Rail way Company at the point mark ed by the center line of the joint wall between C. T. Stokes and A. W. Person, thence along said right-of-way .S 24 deg 68' E 241.3 feet to a stake in .the side of an alley 5 feet wide, joint property with the Hardware Company, thence along said alley N 85 deg 2' E 87 feet to an iron stake; thence N 9 deg E 149.5 feet to a stake; thence N 87 deg 30' W 18 feet to a point one foot from the corner of Storage House No. 1; thence N 22 deg 65' E 49.1 feet to a stake in the edge of Reavis Row driveway, thence along said driveway N 49 deg 37' W 155.05 feet to a stake, Person's corner in said driveway, thence along Per son's line, S 43 deg 10' W 78.5 feet to the beginning, containing 0.91 acres, according to survey and plat thereof made by M. S. Davis, C. E., on January 24, 1923, from which said survey the above calls and distances are taken. This lot of land Is composed of three contiguous lots or parcels conveyed to C. T. Stokes by deeds as follows: Deed from P. A. Reavis, recorded in the Registry of Deeds for Franklin Count/, North Carolina, in Book 162, at page 256; deed froin A. W. Per son and wife, recorded in the same Registry in Book 217, at page 243; deed from P. A. Rea vis and wife, recorded in the same Registry, in Book 192, at page 564; and for convenience and certainty of description and identification, the same were sur veyed and platted as a whole by M. S. Davis, C. E., on January 24, 1923, and are herein described as a whole according to said survey. There is excepted, however, from this conveyance that lot of land situated In the northwest corner of '?the above t^describod premises, on which there is stan ding a brick warehouse fronting 50.4 feet by 63 feet on the east side of the Seaboard Air Line Railway Company's right-of-way, and bounded and described as follows: Beginning at A. W. Per son's corner in the right-of-way of the Seaboard Airline Railway Company at the point marked by the center line of the joint wali between C. T. Stokes and A. W. Person, thence along said right of-way S 24 deg 58' E 50.4 feet to the center line of the joint, wall between this building and tbe building joined to the south side of this building; thence at right angles to the said right-of way of the Seaboard Airline Rail way Company, N 65 deg 2' E 63 feet, thence S 24 deg 58' W 60.4 feet; thence 8 65 deg W 63 feet to the beginning. SECONDC That lot or parcel of i land iltuate on Franklin Street; In the town of Loulsburg. stato or North Carolina, and beginning i at a point on the north side of, said Franklin street, corner for lot N 6 of the C. T. Stokes prop erty and the garage lot formerly, owned by B. T. Holden, thence; N 87 deg 26' E 48.18 feet to cor ner for lot No. 4 of the 0. T. Stokes property, thenoe In an easterly direction along the line of said lot No. 4, 60.1 feet to an .alley, thence- In a southerly direc tion along said alley 48 feet to Franklin street, thence In a wes terly direction along said Frank lin street 61.6 feet to the point of beginning and being lot No. 5 ; aa the Hit appears on a plat of! the property of C. T. Stoke* made ? by M. 8. Davis, Surveyor, of Feb- : ruary 10, 1923, and known M i the metal garage lot. ii THIRL). The reversion after ' the dower estate of Oraee Hall 1 Stokes In the following two tracts or parcels of land situate in the 1 town of Loulsburg, County of 1 Franklin, State of North Carolina:'! (1). Beginning at a point on the northwest corner of Main and ! Franklin Streets, thence N 54 | deg. W 108.5 feet to an alley; : thence along said alley 77.3 feet to corner for lot No. 2 of the ! C. T. Stokes property, thence. S 54 deg 22' E 107.2 feet to the point on Main street, southeast corner of lot No. 3 of paid C. T. 1 Stokes' property, thence along Main street S 34 deg 58' W 77.25 1 feet to the point of beginning and comprising lots No. 1 and 1 No. 2 of the C. T. Stokes prop- ! erty as same appears on plat ' made by M. S. Davis, Surveyor, 1 on the 10th day of February, 1 1923. ji (2). Beginning at a point on 1 Franklin street, southeast corner 1 of Lot No. 4 of the C. T. Stokes property, thence N 54 deg W 45 1 feet to an alley, thence in a nor therly direction 46 feet along 1 said alley to the end of said al- I ley, thence across the northern 1 end of said alley and along the line of lot No. 5 of said C. T. Stokes property, a total distance ' of 80.1 feet to the corner for lot ; No. 5 and lot No. 4 in the line of, the B. T. Holden garage lot, 1 thence N 37 deg 25' E 29 feet to ' corner for Lot No. 4 and Lot No. 3 in said line of B. T. Hold en garage lot, thence S 54 deg 22' E 104.3 feet to an alley, cor- ' ner for lot No. 4 in line of lot No. 3 of said C. T. Stokes prop-, erty, thence in a southerly direc tion along said alley 77.3 feet to the beginning and being Lot No. 4 as the same appears on said plat made by said M. S. Davis, Surveyor as aforesaid. And if the proceeds of the sale of the property above described shall be insufficient to satisfy and discharge the Indebtedness se cured by said deed of trust, to gether with the taxes due there on, the following property shall 1 be offered for sale: FOURTH. That certain lot or parcel of land situated in the town of Loulsbnrg, Louisburg township, Franklin county, state of North Carolina, and bounded as follows: Beginning on the western edge of Main street, cor ner of O. W. Ford's estate, thence along said street sonthwardly 25 % feet to the center of the brick wall dividing the Furgur son or White store from the Stokes store or building, W. E. White's (formerly T. T. Terrell's) comer, thence at right angle* along the center of said wall 61 feet 7 Inches; thence southward ly and parallel to Main street 6 14 feet, thence westwardly and at right angles to said street 17% feet to the line of the lot of G W. Ford's estate; thence along the North line 19 <4 feet E 61 feet 7 inches to the begin ning, and being the lot conveyed by deed of partition from T. T. Terrell to C. T. Stokes, recorded in the Registry of Deeds for Franklin county. North Carolina, in Book 170, at page 344, and upon which is situated the build ing occupied formerly by the City Barber Shop. And if the proceeds of the sale ot the property above de scribed shall be Insufficient to satisfy and discharge the indebt edness secured by said deed of trust, together with taxes there on, then the dower interest of Grace Hall Stokes In the follow ing property shall be offered for saie. FIFTH. That certain lot or parcel of land situated in the Town of Louisbtirg, Loulsburg township. Franklin county, state of North Carolina, known as the Nobe Medlln residence and de scribed as lot No. 4 on said plat of the C. T. Stokes property made by M. S. Davis, Surveyor, as aforesaid, and more particularly described as ioiIows: Beginning at a point on the north side of Franklin s.reet, the southeast cor ner of tlw 10 foot alley between lot No. 5 and lot No. 4, thence running N 37 deg 26' W 46 feet to the end of said alley, thence in a westerly direction across the end of said alley and along the line of lot NO. 5 of said C. T. Stokes property (0.1 feet to the lln? of the garage lot formerly owned by B. T. Holden, thenco N 36 deg 25' W 29 feet to a stake, corner for lot No. 4 and lot No. 3 In the said Holden ga rage lot line, thence In an east erly direction along the line of lot No. 4 and lot No. 3 104.3 feet to an alley, thence in a southerly direction along said alley 77.3 feet to Franklin street, thence in a westerly direction along said Franklin street 4S feet to the : point of beginning. SIXTH. That lot or parcel of land situate In the town of Louls burg, county of Franklin, state of North Carolina, described as lot No. 2 on the said plat made by M. S. Davis, Surveyor, of the C. T. Stokes property on Febru ary 10, 1923, and bounded as fol lows: Beginning at a point on Main street, corner for lot No. 1 and lot No. 2 as the same appear on the aforesaid plat, thence N 54 deg W 107. ? feet to corner for lot No. 1 and No. 2 of said Stokea property In an alley, thence In a northerly direction alone aald allay 17 feet to cor ner for lot No. I In line of lot No. S In said C. T. Stokea proper ty. thence In an easterly direction 107. S feet alone Una of lot No. S to Main street, thence 8 14 deg 51' W 27 feet to polat of haste ning, It being the lot bow* occn pled by Albert Wbalm. SEVENTH. That lot or parcel of land situate In the town of Louisburg. Connty of Franklla, ?tate of Nortk Carolina, and da jcrlbed as foHoirs:' Beginning at the northeast corner of Main ind Franklin streets, thence N 54 deg W 108. S feet to an allay, thence in a northerly direction tlong said alley 5*. 3 feet to a point in said alley, corner for lota 1 and 2 of the C. T. Stokes property, thence 8 54 deg E along the line for lot No.. 2 and ~ No. 1 of said Stokes property 107.6 feet to Main street, thence 9 34 deg 58' W 52.25 feet along Main street to the point of be beglnnlng, it being lot No. 1 as the same appears on plat of the C. T. Stokes property made by M. S. Davis, Surveyor, on Febru ary 10, 1923. The purchasers of any or all ot said lota described herein as 3econd, Third, Fifth, Sixth and Seventh lots or any Interest there in, in consideration of the pur :hase price paid for said lots or my interest therein shall have permanent right of ingress, egress and regress over the alley ways adjoining said lota and If the proceeds from the sale ot the property In the order above de scribed shall be Insufficient ta pay the Indebtedness secured by said deed of trust, together with taxes thereon and the expense of such sale as provided in said deed of trust, then and in that event the lots above described as Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh lots, together with the right of Ingress, egress and regress over the alley ways adjoining such lots shall be sold separately in the order named, free and clear from any dower right in the said Grace Hall Stokes, and if the proceeds from the sale of all of the said property above described and of fered as above set out shall be insufficient to pay the indebted ness secured by said deed of trust, together with taxes there on and the expense ot such sale as provided by said deed of trust, then and in that event all of the said property, above described, shall be offered for sale as a whole. A plat of said property may be seen upon application at the of fice of White and Malone, Attor neys, Louisbufg, N. C. VIRGINIA TRUST COMPANY, Trustee. White and Malone, Attorneys. 6-8-5i NOTICE OF SAIjK By ylrtue of the authority con tained in a certain deed of trust executed on the 1st day of Sep tember, 1928, by C. E. Wilder and wife, Eula W. Wilder, to Sou thern Trust Company, Trustee, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Franklin County, N. C., default having been made in the conditions of said deed of trust, the undersign ed Trustee will, on the 7TH DAY OF JULY, 1984. at 12:00 o'clock noon, at the Court House door of Franklin County, N. C., offer for sale at public auction" to the highest bid der for cash, the following de scribed property: Those certain lands containing 58.12 acres, more or less, situated on the Spring Hope-Louisburg Road, in Cypress Creek Township, Franklin County, N. C., and more particularly described as follows: 1ST TRACK: Bounded on the North by Mrs. Beatrice Strick land, on the east by Mrs. Bea trice Strickland; on the South by Mrs. C. M. Stallings and on the West by Mrs. Paul Cone; and be ginning at a stake in Mrs. Bea trice Strickland's line and Mrs. Paul Cone line; then running with the line of Mrs. Paul Cone, S 5d W 37 poles to a stake in the line of Mrs. C. M. Stallings: then with the line of Mrs, C. M. Stal lings South 85d E 127 poles to a stake in the line of Mrs. Bea trice Strickland; then with her line N 5d E 37 poles to a stake, in the line of Mrs. Beatrice Strickland; then wijh her line N 85d W 127 poles to the begin ning, containing 29.36 acres, be ing the same parcel of land con veyed by Mrs. Emily E. Wilder, widow, to Mrs. Eula Wilder, by deed dated April 24th., 1928. re corded In Book 278, page 90, in the offlceA>f the Register of Deeds of Franklin County. 2ND TRACT: Bounded on the North by Mrs. Beatrice Strick land; on the East by N. B. Finch; on the South by Mrs. Beatrice Strickland; and on the West by Mrs. Buck Delbridge; and begin ning at a stake in the line of Mrs. Beatrice Strickland and Mrs. Buck Delbridge and then running with the line of the said Mr;. Beatrice Strickland S 89d 15' E 1309 feet to a stake, In the line of N. B. Finch; thence with the line of said N. B. Finch; South lOd 30' E 1004 feet to a stake. In the line of Mrs. Beatrice Strick land, thence with her line N 81d 20' W 1572 feet to a hickory tree In the line of Mrs. Buck Del bridge,, then with the line of Mrs. Buck Delbridge, N 4d 15' E 773 feet to a stake, the begin ning. containing 28. 7? acres, and being the sim.} tract or parcel of land conveyed to Eula W. Wilder, by W. J. Wilder and wife, Emily Wilder, by deed dated November 23rd, 1924, and recorded In book 271, page 284, Franklin County Registry. A deposit of Ave per cent of the amotftt bid will bw required of the successful bidder at the hoar of sale. This notice dated and posted this 4th day of Jtn, 1*34. SOUTH CRN LOAN * Qf- 4 SURA? CI CO., Trustee. 7 (Formerly Southern Trust Company ) *y Wort* Of Honker, Attorney*. Kiiaa > bath City N. C M-it