DR. J. C. MARK The Weil Known Kj? Specially W1H be at Dr. A. H. Fleming's Offlce. LouUbuc, It. 0. THURSDAY, AUGUST 1ND From xo m. m to I r. M. PROFESSIONAL COLUMN Dr. Herbert 0. Perry 101 W. Muh St. Lo al* burg. N. O Offlce talephou 287-R1 Residence telephone H7-IU Hoar*? 10 to IS; 2 to 4; 7 to ? X-Hay and Fluoroscopic exami nation*, Diathermy and Ultra* Violet light treatment*. Dr. K. 7. Y&rborough Physician and Surgeon Loulsburg, N. C. Offlce in Blckett and Yarborongh Building Phone*: Offlce >00; Residence 28 Dr. H. H. Johnson Phyriclan and Surgeon Loutaburg, N. O. Offlce* in old Dr. Kill* offlce build lag on Main Street next to Standard Set-rice Station Telephone*: Day 10; Night 10 Dr. Arch H. Perry General Practice Wood, N. C. Offlce in Service Drug Co. D. T. Smithwick Dentist Louisburg, N. C. Office over Rose's Store Dr. W. R. Bass Veterinarian Offices and Hospital East Nash St Phone: Office 835-L Res. aBft-J Special Attention to Small Animals Dr. J. B. Davis Physician and Surgeon Louisburg, N. O. Office at Residence, S. Main St. Telephone : Hours: Dax 64 8:30 to 10:30 a. m Night 64 12:00*to 2:00 p. m 6:00 to 8:00 p. m Annie Perry Neal Lawyer Louisburg, N. O. Office over Boddie's Drug Store Titles, wills, settlement of estates; practice in both civil and criminal courts. G. M. Beam Attorney at Law Louisburg, N. C. Office in Professional Building next to The Franklin Times Prtf&lce in al) Courts W. L. Lumpkin Attorney Louisburg, N. C. Office In First National Bank Bldg Practice State and Federal Courts W. H. Yarborough Hill Yarborough Yarborougti & Yarborough Attorneys ? Counsellors at Law Office in Egerton Building Over Tonkel's Store , , Louisburg, N. C. Practice In Franklin and adjoin ing counties, and in the United States Courts at Raleigh R. B. White E. H. Maloix J. E. Malone White & Malone Lawyers Loulsburg, N. C. General practice, settlement of es tates, funds Invested. One mem ber of the Arm always In office. Radio Repair Service 10* "Tllfton Ave., Phone 246 Loulsburg, N. C. STUART DAVIS Main Street Barber Shop L P. Wheeler, Jr., Proprietor Barbers I,onislrarg, N. C. Parlors under Union Warrhooar on Main Street. First class work guaranteed. Give me "a sail. H. T. Bartholomew Notary Pnbllo Harvey's Garage I/oulsbnrg, If. 0. Qrape pulp that remains after wine Is made Is turned to a num ber of Industrial uses In an Ital ian plant. PIANO: A fine Piano near here Is being returned to us becausc of purchasers Inability to con tinue contract. Will transfer this piano to responsible party for balance owing. Cash or terms. Quick action necessary. Address Lee Piano Company, Lynchburg, Va. ' 7-13-3t MAYTAG WAHHRRA, Gasoline and Electric. B. McMillan, 317 E. Main 8t. Durham, N. O. 7-13-21 COWS FOR SALE Three Jersey Milk Cows, fresh to pall, for aala. W. R. PERRY, 7-13?3t R. 4, Loulsburg, N. C. VeQayb* ? ARE A UfT OP SlttlS ' IW TWt WO BiH THAT fOLICS MY Aiursor wotec-ttMSE - WT THEY -UillAUV MANAGE TO FIOP TUEifc WAV POWU a Bridal path. King George may preach a ser mon once a year ? by hereditary right. He la a prebendary (minor cleric) of St. David's cathedral, receives a stipend of $6 a year and has the right to preach from the pnlplt once yearly. Ninety-eight per cent of Swlt zerland's municipalities are con nected with an electric system, and 90 per cent of the population has electric lighting. Graves of soldiers lost in light ing the Seminole Indians are to be marked In a long-forgotten | cemetery at St. Augustine, Fla. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue ot an orr< der of the Superior Court of Vance County, made In the Spec ial Proceeding entitled, W. B. Hlght, Mrs. Catherine H. Lough lin, Mrs. Helen H. Davis, and Hu bert C. Hlght, as executors of the Estate of W. C. Hight, and in their own right, vb. Mrs. Eva L. Hight, Henry W. Hight, Elizabeth Hight, Milton Hlght, Allison Hight and Frances Hlght, dated July 9, 1934, the same being No. 35X2 upon the Special Pro ceeding Docket of said Court, and having been duly transcrlpted to the Superior Court'of Franklin County, the undersigned Com missioner will on TUESDAY, THE 14th DAY OF AUGUST, 1034, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the Court House door In Louisburg, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bid der for cash the parcels of real estate hereinafter described: T. W. EDWARDS FARM DEED ? T. W. Edwards and wife Vinle Edwards, Dated March 5, 1930, and recorded in Book 278, page 418. Registry of Franklin County. Tract or Farm No. 1, as known and designated on the plat or map ot the J. J. Hayes Estate, made by N. L. Hargrove, C. E., dated Nov. 8, 1923, and recorded in Franklin Registry In Book of Maps 1, page 146, containing 14.37 acres more or less. For further description and reference see Deed Book 261 page 71, Franklin Registry. Second Tract. Adjoining the lands of S. Y. Macon, Sadie Jar man, and others containing 96 acres more or lesB, surveyed by T. C. Gill, surveyor, Marcji 1918. For further and more particular description see Deed Book 225 page 44, Franklin ! County Registry. The last men tioned tract being that land con veyed to T. W. Edwards by Lou lia Jarman. u-vvvu i ivn TV * n li liii.ia/ DEED ? A. A. Bunn to W. C. Hlght, Dated January 25, 1923, Recorded In Book 264 page 137, Franklin County Registry. That tract or parcel o( land be ginning at a White Oak, Macou'3 corner, thence N 87d W 122 poles 10 links to a White Oak, Whltaker corner, thence 2%d w 31 poles 5 links to a rock corner of the Dower and Whltaker line, thence 8 86 Hd E 123 poles N 2 V4 E 33 poles to the beginning. Contain ing 25 acres more or less, being lot No. 1 as Map made of R. H. Wynne Lands. Book of O 4 D No. 9, page 212. Office of Clerk of Court or Register of Deeds, Franklin County, also life Estate or dower of Mrs. Annie L. Wynne. Begin at a stake in Macon line corner lot No. 1, thence along Whltaker's line 62 Hd W 116 poles to a stake with Poplar and Hickory pointers, corners of No. 4 In Whltaker's line, thence S 86d E 123 poles 18 links to a small post oak now a pine corner of the No. 8 In the Macon ltns, thenca N 2 4d E 117 poles to be ginning. Containing 90 acres. Being lots No. 2 and 3 on plat of R. H. Wynne Lands recorded in Book ofOiD No. t, page 211, to which reference is made for a more accurate and complete des cription. J. W. PA8CHALL LAND DEED ? E. H. Malone, Trustee, to W. C. Hlght. Dated March 24, 1927. Recorded Book 271 page 274, Registry of Franklin County. Lot No. 3 In the Division of the lands of Richard Foster, de ceased, said tract containing 102% acres according to surrey of J. T. Inscoe, surveyor, a record of said division with plot and sur vey being filed in the Office of the Clark of the Superior Court of Franklin County, N. C. in Or ders and Decrees No. 9 at page 1S2 et soq. 8a Id tract being the Identical tract conveyed to J. W. Paschal] by deed of A. J. Jarman (Bachelor) dated Jan. I, lilt, reference being made here to the ?foresaid record* and deed for further description of Mid tract of land. . i All property offered for aale as h above described will be sold sub-: Ject to any existing Hens or trust! tbereon. I This Jul? 12, 1934. W. B. HIOHT. I 7-20-4t Commissioner, i jl ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Adminis trator of the estate of Aaron Rod- ' well, col., deceased, late of Franklin County, North Carolina, ' this Is to notify all persons hav- - ing claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before I 29th day of June, 1986, or this i notice will be pleaded In bar of 1 their recovery. All persons In- < debted to said estate will please ] make immediate payment. I This 28th day of June, 1934. I HENRY RODWELL. 1 6-29-6t Admr. < NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in that certain deed of trust execut- ! ed January 28, 1*28 by Peter Davis and Ida Davis, his wife, recorded in Book 276, page 1, of Franklin County Registry, to the undersigned trustee, default hav ing been made in the payment of the Indebtedness thereby secured and demand for foreclosure hav ing been made by the holder thereof, I will on TUESDAY, THE 81st DAY OF" JULY, 1084. at or about the hour of two o'clock p. m. in front of the courthouse door In the Town of Loulsburg, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate: A certain tract of land lying In Cedar Rock Township, Frank lin County, State aforesaid, and described as follows: Bounded on the north by the lands of Johnnie Sills, on the east by the lands of Coppedge tract; on the south by the lands of Jim Deans; on the west by the lands of Hen rietta Qill, containing 17 acres, more or less, and being a part of the late Low Davis land. This 28th day of June, 1934. O. B. MOSS, 7-6-4t Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of author ity in tbat certain Judgment of the Superior Court of Franklin County entered in that certain Tax Foreclosure suit, Franklin County Vs. J. W. Patton and wife Mary Patton, duly docketed In Judgment Docket No. 2, Page 2S6, in the office of the Clerk Superior Court for Franklin County, North Carolina, the un dersigned commissioner will of fer to the highest bidder for cash at the COURTHOUSE DOOR IN LOUIS BURG, NORTH CAROLINA, AT OR ABOUT THE HOUR OF 12:00 NOON, ON AUGUST 2ND, 1034, the following described land: Lying and being in Dunns Township, Franklin County, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of ~C. C. Montgomery on the North; Howard JoyneT on the East; Charlie Debnam on the South; Beddingfield Brothers on the West, containing 84 90-100 acres and further described in Map Book No. 1, Page 30 and said deeds recorded in Book 217, Page 69, and Book 217, Page 303, Franklin County Registry. For a further and more ade quate description of said tract, reference is hereby made to Book 293, Page 210, Franklin County Registry. Dated and posted, this 2nd day of July, 1934. CHAS. P. GREEN. 7-6-4t Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of author ity contained in that certain Judgment of the Superior Court of Franklin County entered in that certain Tax Foreclosure suit, Franklin County Vs. L. C. Pearce and wife, Corrina Pearce, duly docketed in Judgment Dock et No. 2, Page 266. in the office of the Clerk Superior Court for Franklin County, North Carolina, the undersigned commissioner will offer to the highest bidder tor cash at the COURTHOUSE DOOR IN LOUIS BURO, NORTH CAROLINA ON | AUGUST 2NI>, 1034, AT 13:00 O'CLOCK NOON, the following described land: FIRST TRACT: That certain tract or parcel of land lying and being In Dunns Township, Frank lin County, N. C., beginning ?at a stake In the Pilot Road and corner of lot No. 6 and running along said road 700 ft. to a stake, corner of lot No. 7; thence N 3 degs W 838 ft along the line of lot No. 7 to a stake In the cor-' ner of lota No. 6 and 7; thence S 86 degs 46' E 784 ft to an Iron stake; thence S 3 degs 46" W 511 ft to an Iron stake In the{ line of lot No. 6; thence along the line of lot No. 5 116 ft to a stake corner of lot No. 5; thence S 3 degs W 621 ft to a stake corner of lots No. 5 and 6 and point of beginning, containing 17 ' acre* by surrey of Pitman Stell, C. E.. and being known aa lot No. 6 In the division of W. O. Pearce'a lands and being the same land allotted to L. C. Pearce by the commissioners who made the division of said lands. For a farther and more adequate de scription, reference Is hereby made to Book 262, Page 384, Franklin County Registry. SECOND TRACT: Being the land* of Mrs. Corrina Pearoe, ad Joining the lands of C. F. Pearce, Bud Ray, L. L. Ifassey and W. D. Pearce estate, containing 40 seres more or lees and being the utin* land willed by T. John Al ford to said Corrina Pearce ss will appear by reference to the records of Will* In the offlce of the Clerk Superior Court for! Franklin County, N. C. For a further and more adequate de icrlptlon, reference Is hereby { made to Book 272, Page 6, Franklin County Registry. Dated and posted this 2nd day of July, 1934. CHAS. P. GREEN, r-?-4t Commissioner. ' NOTICK OF SALE Underload by virtue of author ity contained in that certain Judg ment of the Superior Court of franklin County entered In that lertaln Tsz Foreclosure suit, Franklin County Vs. Charlie Yar boro, and wlfs, Mrs. Charlie Yar t>oro, duly docketed In Judgment Docket No. 2, Page 268, In the jfflce of the Clerk of Superior Court for Franklin County, North Carolina, the undersigned com missioner will offer to the hlgh sst bidder for cash, at the OOURTHOUSB DOOR IN LOUIS BURG, NORTH CAROLINA ON AUGUST 2ND, 1934, AT 12:00 O'CLOCK NOON, the following described land: Lot Np. 74 in Block H and metes and bounds of which may be had by reference to a map of Bunn Annex filed In the offlce of the Register of Deeds for Frank lin County, N. C., and being the mrrey of the North State Devel opment Company, as made by J. I. Wells In 140#, recorded In Book 227, Page 332, offlce of the Register of Deeds for Franklin County, North Carolina. Dated and posted this 2nd day >f July, 1934. CHAS. P. GREEN, f-6-4t Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue ot author ty contained In that certain Judg ment of the Superior Court of Franklin County entered in that :ertaln Tax Foreclosure suit, franklin County vs. Howard [ones and wife Mrs. Howard lones, duly docketed in Judgment Docket No. 2, Page 254, in the! ifflce of the Clerk Superior 2ourt for Franklin County, North Carolina, the undersigned com missioner will offer to the high est bidder for cash at the [XMJRTHOVSE DOCK IN LOUIS BURG, NORTH CAROLINA ON AUGUST 3RD, 1034, AT 12:00 O'CLOCK NOON, the following described land: Tract No. 1, bounded as fol lows: Beginning in the center }f the Louisburg and Tarboro Road, past oak, A. M. Strickland >and, corner in Debnams line; thence up the road N 33 degs W 32 poles; thence N 12 1-2 degs N 6 poles in Branch; thence N 1(T degs E 7 pdTSs; thence N 11 degs W 21 poles; thence N 431S 1-2 poles; thence N 19 poles to the corner of lot No. 1; thence N 75389 2-5 poles to a stake, corner of lot No. 3; thence in line of No. 3 S W 1-3 poles to a stake, A. M. Strickland's line; thence in his line S 80 1-4 degs W 32 poles to a stake formerly a pine stump; thence S 30 degs W 74 poles to a past oak, A. M. Strickland's line; thence N 77 degs W 29 1-5 poles to the be ginning, containing 35 3-8 acres more or less, the survey of J. D. Chamblee, 1919. Book 234, Page 205 .Franklin County Registry. Thact No. 2, Beginning at a stake and Debnam's corner: thence wlt)i Dodd's line S 2*1 degs W 46 poles 'lo a stake; thence S 87 1-2 degs E 148 poles to a stake in W. H. Brantley's line; thence with his line N 2 V degs E 4 5% poles to his corner pine In Debnam's line; thence with Debnam's line N 87 1-2 degs W 148 poles to the beginning, containing 42% acres. For a further description, reference is hereby made to Book 270, Page 547, Franklin County Registry. Tract No. 3, bounded on the North by the lands of Dal and Joe High, on the South by the lands of B. S. Pace; on the E by the lands of Robinson Dodd; on the W by the lands of J. R. W eat hers by. Containing 35 acres more or less. The aforesaid tract of land being the tract helred by W. N. Dodd of the Kuffln Dodd. Dated and posted this 3rd day of July, 1934. CHAS. P. GREEN, 7-6-4t Commissioner. NOTICE OP HAI.K Under and by rlrtue of author ity contained In that certain judg ment of the Superior Court, duly docketed and recorded In the of fice of the Clerk of Superior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, In Judgment Docket Book t, Page 245, in the matter of Franklin County ts. L. W. Par riih and wife Orla Parriah, the underalgned commissioner will offer for sale to the highest bid der for cash on MONDAY, JULY 30TH, 1MM. AT OR ABOUT THE HOUR OF NOON AT THE COURTHOUSE DOOR IN LOUI8BURQ, NORTH CAROLINA, the following de scribed lands: That certain tract or parcel of land lying and being In Louls burg Township, Franklin County, North Carolina, beginning at a point or stake on the North side of Nash St., 10 ft. from the East ern bounds of the lot now owned by the eetate of Geo. W. Ford; thence in an easterly direction along Naah St. to the corner of the Intersection of Cedar St.; thence In a northerly direction ? long Cedar Street to a lot of Geo. W. Ford eetate; theace la a Westerly direction ?loaf llae of Geo. W. Ford ee ' ' -t . tat* to a point or stake In old line, 10 ft. East from the line of the first lot mentioned; thence la a southerly direction to tbe point of beginning and being for merly owned by Mrt. Ave Aycock et al> and being the borne of tbe >ald L. W. Parrlsh, now residing In the town of Loulsburg, N. C. For a further and more adequate description, reference Is hereby made to Book 286, Page 595, In the office of the Register of Deeds for Franklin County, North Caro lina. Dated and posted this 26th day of June, 1934. CHA8. P. GREEN, t-29-6t Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtne of author ity contained in that certain Judg ment of the Superior Court, duly docketed and recorded in the of fice of the Clerk of Superior Court of Franklin Connty, North Caro lina, In Judgment Docket, Book 2, Page itt. In the matter of Franklin County ti. Dave Splrey, and wife, Fannie B. Spivey, the undersigned commissioner will ofTer for sale to the highest bid der for cash on MONDAY, JULY 80TH, 1084, AT OR ABOUT THE HOUR OF NOON AT THE COURTHOUSE DOOR IN LOUISBURQ, NORTH CAROLINA, the following de scribed lands: TRACT NO. 1: That certain tract or parcel of land lying and being In Harris Townahlp, Frank lin County, North Carolina, con taining 100 acres more or leas and bounded as follows: Bounded on the N by the lands of J. B. Ferry; on the E by the lands of A. J. P. Harris estate; on the S by the lands of Joe Rogers and J. B. Perry; on the W by the lands of J. B. Perry, being de scribed as tract No. 4 in that cer tain conveyance from D. W. Spiv ey to the Bank of Youngsvllle re corded in Book 250, Page 200, reference to which is hereby made for a more adequate description. TRACT NO. 2: That certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Harris Township, Frank lin County, North Carolina, and bounded as follows: Bounded on the N by the lands of J ohj^ Den ton; op the E by Sherrod Denton: on the S by Sherrod Denton et als; on the N by Edd Kemp and| being the tract of land inherited by D. W. Spivey from the Spivey estate, containing 138 acres, more or less and being fully described as Tract No 3 in that certain con veyance from D. W. Spivey to the Bank of Youngsville, and record ed in Book 250, Page 100 in the office of the Register of Deeds for Franklin County reference to which is hereby had for a (all and more adequate description Dated and posted this 25th day of Jane, 1934. CHAS. P. GREEN, 6-2 9-5 1 Commissioner. NOTICE OP SALE Under and by virtue ot author ity contained in that certain Judgment of the Superior Court, duly docketed and recorded In the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, In Judgment Docket Book 2, Page 267, in the matter of Franklin County vs. D. W. Spivey and wife, Fannie B. Spi vey, the undersigned commission er will offer for sale to the high est bidder for cash on MONDAY, JULY 30TH, I WW. AT THE COURTHOUSE DOOR IN LOUISBURQ, NORTH CARO LINA, AT OR ABOUT THE HOUR OF NOON, the following described lands: LOT NO. 1: Being that cer tain lot of land situate in the Town of Youngsyllle, Franklin County, N. C., on Franklin St. bounded on the N by D. W. New ton; on the East by W. P. Fau cett; on the W by W. J. Cooke; on the N by Franklin St. LOT NO. 2: That certain lot ot land situate on Franklin St.; bounded on the N by J. W. Wood lief; on the E by Naussa St.; on the W by W. P. Faucett; on the S by Franklin St. lui nu. * : iui certain lot of land situate on Main St. bounded on the N by S. E. Thar rlngton; on the E by J. F. Mitch ell; on the S by Main St.; on the W by J. L. Brown; and is known as the brick Woodllef home In the Town of YoungsviUe. LOT NO. 4: That certain tract o( land situate in the Town of Youngs Ti lie, bounded on the N by I. W. Mitchell; on the E by Mrs. P. R. Hatch; on the S by Main St.; on the W by E. L. Green, and being the tract of land just E of the E. L. Green brick building in the Town of Youngs Tille. LOT NO. 5: That certain lot of land situate in the Town of YoungsTllle bounded on the N by S. E. Pearce; on the E by Nausea St.; on the S by the Methodist Church and on the W by T. C. Harris. LOT NO. 6: That certain trac; or lot of land situate, lying and betng in the Town of Youngsville. bounded on the N by the lands of Mrs. C. A. Strickland; on the E by J. B. Perry; on the S by Main St. on the W by the lands of Mrs. C. A. Strickland and be ing known as the "Old Colored Barber Shop" lot. Dated and posted this 25th day of June, 1934. CHAS. P. GREEN, ' #-2 9-5 1 Commissioner. NOTK'E Of BALE Under aad by vlrtae of author ity contained In that certain judg ment of the Superior Court, duly docketed and recorded in the of fice of the Clerk of Superior Court of Franklin County, North Caro lina, In Judgment Docket Book 2, Page 2(3 in the matter of Franklin County Vs. Julius Leh man, the undersigned commis sioner will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash on MONDAY, JULY 2SKD, 1834, AT OR ABOUT THE HOUR OF NOON AT THE COURTHOUSE DOOR IN LOUISBURG. NORTH CAROLINA, the following de scribed lands: Those certain tracts or parcels of land situate In the Town of Loulsburg, North Carolina and duly described as follows: FIRST TRACT: Being lots Nos. 2-3-14-16 In Block F In that map or plat made by M. S. Davis, Surveyor; said map being duly re corded in the office of the Regis ter of Deeds tor Franklin County, North Carolina, in Book ISC, Page 622 and said map is hereby referred to as a part of this de scription. Reference ia also had to Book 190, Page 189 In the of fice of the Register of Deeds for Franklin County, for a more ade quate description. bbjuunij tkaut: Being the southern one-half of lot No. 4 In Block P of the survey made by M. S. Davis survey or, In that part which la duly recorded In Book 156, Page 522, reference to which Is hereby had for an ade quate description thereof. THIRD TRACT: - Being that certain parcel of land altnate on the East side of Main St. and the northern side of Tar River, bounded on the North by the lands of W. N. Puller; on the E by the Beaaley property; on the South by Tar River and on the West by Main St., it being the identical property which now has situate thereon one brick build ing, known as the Neal building, and one metal building Just North of the aforesaid brick building, it being that entire tract of land located between the lands of w. N. Puller and Tar River on the East side, and adjoining Main St. For a fuller and more ade quate description, reference is hereby had to iota No. 5 and ti in that conveyance which is duly recorded in the office of the Reg ister of Deeds in Book 249, Pag s 5X6. Dated and posted this 20th day of June, 1934. CHAS. P. GREEN'. 6-22-5t Commissioner. THE FRANKLIN TIMES GETS THE BUSINESS MESSAGE - INTO THE HOMES OF BUYERS 1* HE functions of advertising are to search out buyers and inform them of new merchandise styles, explain values and tell where and at what prices they may be had. Getting these business mes sages delivered in as an efficient and inexpensive manner, as is con sistent with good taste, and, through a medium that insures atten tion and acceptance, is a merchandising problem that was solved years ago by the establishment of the good, reliable and depend able newspapers. . . - THE FRANKLIN TIMES is a good news paper. ... It will get your sales message, Mr. Merchant and Busi ness Man, into the homes of Franklin County buyers. Every week, throughout the year, THE FRANKLIN TIMES goes into 1 AAA Franklin County homes. Advertising display space in *Wv THE FRANKLIN TIMES is the most economical method of pa rading your merchandise offerings before an attentive audience who are the home newspaper readers of THE FRANKLIN TIMES. COMPLETE ADVERTISING SERVICE THE FRANKLIN TIMES la equipped to snpply a complete advertising aiailua to Franklin County bnslnem and merchant advertisers. Thin Includes 1m merchandise illustration*, attention-compelling lay onto and merchandise 10T lng copy. A phone call will brtag a FRANKLIN TDOH i?pi fimtaXia to m- | plain all detail and assist with anlea promotion if ?ealred. pimply fhoai MS. |

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