Report* from all parts of Mat era North Carolina Indicate that a heavy acreage of oata, barley and wheat la being planted thla fall. RE-HALE OP RKAL R8TATH Under and purauant to an order of re-sale algned by Honorable J. Paul Krluelle, Judge holding the courts of the 7th Judicial District of North Carolina and presiding at the November Term, 1914, of Franklin Superior Court In that proceeding entitled "8. P. Boddle, Administrator D. B. N. of the Es r tate of John R. Williams, deceas ' ed vs. Slddle P. Williams, et als," the undersigned J. E. Malone, Jr., Commissioner, will on 8ATUHDAY, THE 2HND DA* OP DECEMBER, 1884, at or about the hour of Noon, at the Courthouse Door of Franklin "County, N. C., offer for sale at public auction to the highest bid der for cash the following descri bed real estate:' 1st Tract: Tract No. 1 of the J. R. Williams Loulaburg Town ship land, containing 89 acres, more or less, as the same appears on map of said land made by Jos. T. Inscoe, Surveyor, which map Is recorded in Map Book 2, page 25, Registry of Franklin County, N. C- , 2nd Tract: Tract No. 2 of said J. R. Williams Loulsburg Town ship land, containing 22 acres, more or less, as the same appears on the map of said lands, above referred to. 3rd Tract: Tract, No. 3 of said1 Loulsburg Township land, con taining 81 acres, more or less, as the same appears on map of said lands, above referred to. 4th Tract: Tract No. 4 of said Loulsburg Township land, con-1 talning 72 acres, more or less, as the same appears on the map of said lands, above referred to. 5th Tract: Tract No. 5 of the1 said Loulsburg Township land, containing 113 acres, more or less, as the same appears on said map, above referred to. The above described five tracts comprise the John R. Williams Loulsburg Township tract and is well developed tobacco and cotton land with good buil'dlngs. 6th Tract: Tract No. 1 of the1 Dunn Township land, containing 39 acres, more or less, as the same appears on map of said land made by Jos. T. Inscoe, Surveyor,' , which map is recorded in Map Book 2, page 25, Registry of Franklin County, N. C. 7th Tract: Tract No. 2 of said Dunn Township land, containing 53 acres, more or less, as the same appears on the map of said lands, above referred to. 8th Tract: Tract No. 3 of the said Dunn Township land, con taining 40 acres, more or less, as the same appears on map of said lands, above referred to. 9th Tract: Tract No. 4 ot me said Dunn Township landB, con taining 49 acres, more or less, as the same appears on map of said lands, above referred to. 10th Tract: Tract No. 5 of the said Dunn Township land, con taining 50 acres, more or less, as the same appears on map of said lands, above referred to. The last five tracts above descri bed comprise the John R. Wil liams Dunn Township tract with! good tobacco and cotton acreage. 11th Tract: That tract ot land situate in the Town of Loulsburg, State and County aforesaid, on the South side of Nash Street, known as the John R. Williams Home Place, containing about 10 acres, more or less. This tract will be sold subject to the out standing life estate of Mrs. Sid die P. Williams, widow. Immediately after said separate sales the entire land above des cribed will be offered for sale as a whole, and in the event that the bid received for the same as a whole exceeds the aggregate of the bids for the tracts sold sepa rately, this bid will be reported to the Court. ? . i This 19th day of November, 1934. J. E. MAI. ONE. JR.. ll-23-5t Commissioner. COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF IiAND By virtue of an order of the Su perior Court of Franklin County made in the Special Proceedings entitled "C. H. Stalllngs. adminis trator of J. O. Bowden, deceased. TS. Ernest Bowden, et als," the same being upon the Special Pro ceedings Docket of said court, the undersigned Commissioner will, on BATl'RDAY, the 22ND DAY OK DECEMBER, 10.14, at twplve o'clock noon, at the Courthouse Door In Uoulsburg, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, that certain tract' of land lying and being in Cy press Creek Township, Franklin County, N. C? described as fol lows: Those certain lots or parcels, Nos. 2 and 3, containing 38.24 acres, described and contained In a certain map made by B. B. Eg erton, C. E., which map is regis tered In the office of the Register of Deeds of Franklin County, N. C., In Book 225, at page 85, ref erence to which Is hereby made for a more complete and accurate description, together with that certain lot containing 1.45 acre* by survey, beginning at J. O. Bow den corner In the center of the old road from Spring Hope to Justice; thence S 47d W 13 poles to the center of the new road from Spring Hope to Justice; thence along the new road 8 (7Hd E 28 polos 22 links to the center of said roaa where a portion ol land from J. O. Bowden's residue enters said road; thence N 38 Ud R 8 poles 11 links to the center \ ' - or old road In front of J. O. Bow den'i residue; thence along old road N S7d W IX poles to the be ginning, and fully described In Rook 274, page 356. Franklin County Registry. There is ex cepted from the above lands, how ever, 4.1 acres for the lifetime of Mrs. Eva Weaver Bowden, which was allotted her as dower in this proceeding, described as follows: Beginning at Mrs. Pearl Harris's corner In the 8prlng Hope- Justice Road, a stake on the North side; thence N 47d 30' E 600 ft. to a stake, corner of the remainder of the J. O. Bowden land In Mrs. Pearl Harris' line; thence S 40d E 431 ft. to a stake Just outside of the lane of wire fence, a new cor ner; thence S 56d 30' W 280 feet to a stake In the old road, corner for the remainder of the J. O. Bowden land In Ernest Bowden's line; thence along the old road, N 56d 30' W 50 feet to a point In the old road nearly In front of the residence; thence S 38d 45' W 139 feet to the center of the road from Spring Hope to Justice; thence along that road N 67d W 394 feet to beginning, containing four and six-tenths (4.6) acres, more or less, by survey of this date, including the dwelling house and out buildings. The reversionary Interest in the dower lands Is to be sold and conveyed pursuant to the order of the court. This 19th day of November, 1934. W. L. LUMPKIN, ll-23-5t Commissioner. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of Carnella F. Nowell, deceased, late of Franklin County North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims j against the estate of said deceas ed to exhibit them to the under signed on or before the 23 rd day of November, 1935, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their re covery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment. This 22nd day of Nov., 1934. A. A. NOWELL, ll-23-6t Adm'r. VALUABLE LOT AND HOUSE FORJSALE The undersigned Trustees of the Knights of Gideon, have been authorized to offer for sale, and sell at public auction at the Bunn Drug Company Store, in Bunn, N. C., at or about the hour of noon, on Friday, November 23rd, 1934, to the highest bidder for cash the following described lot or parcel* of land, situate in the town of Bunn, N. C., and being lot No. 54, Block H fronting 50 ft. in the Eastern side of Warren St. and running back on a line parallel with Washington Ave. 160 ft. to a stake; thence in a Northerly di rection 50 ft. to a stake; thence In a Westerly direction 160 ft. to Warren St.; thence in a Southerly direction with Warren St. 50 ft. to the beginning. The above ref erence is to a Map of the North State Development Company, known as "Bunn Annex," a copy of said Map being on record in Franklin County Registry, and being the lot conveyed to the Trustees of the Knights of Qideon by deed from Claude Whitley and wife, by deed recorded in Franklin County Registry, Book 229, page 272 Thls the 14th day of November, 1934. JOE CRUDUP, % ALFRED CRUDUP, HARRY ROBERSON, ' Trustees tor the Knights of Gideon. G. M. Beam, Atty. ll-16-2t TRUSTEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE Pursuant to the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by G. B. H. Stal lings and wife, Christiana L. Stal llngs, on May 8, 1929, recorded in Book' 291, page 26, Franklin Reg istry, default having been made In the payment of the Indebted ness thereunder secured, and de mand having been made upon me for foreclosure, will on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1D3-L at twelve o'clock noon, at the Courthouse Door In Loulsburg, N. C.. sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, the fol lowing described lands; That part of the Mary Barthol omew lands assigned to Sarah Stalllngs In the division of said Mary Bartholomew lands, bound ed as follows; Beginning at a rock Ella Sturdivant corner In Bettle May line; thence S 87d E 94 poles to a rock In Parrish line; thence N 2V4d E 73 H poles to n rock In Parrish line; thence N 87d W (passing between the John Bartholomew house and well) 94 poles to a rock R. B. Gilliam cor nec In Rettle May line; thence S 2%d W 13 ^ poles to the begin ning, containing 7 6-6 acres, more or less, the same having been con veyed to Lena C. Gilliam (now Lena C. May) by deed of Sarah Stalllngs. dated May 19, 1908. and onveyed to Christiana L, Stal llngs by deed of E. H. Malone, Trustee, by deed dated May 8, 1929, the said E. H. Malone, Trus tee, having aold same under deed of trust executed by Lena C. May and husband, J: O. May. dated Dec. 21, 1926, and recorded In Registry of Franklin County in Book 250, at page 171, It being the "Flrat Tra<*t" described In said deed of trust, and reference being hero made to all of said deeds and record for further des cription thereof. The successful bidder will he 1 required to deposit $60.00 as an evidence of good faith. 1 This 16th day of Nov., 19J4. I, J. E. MALONK. Jit . ',11-23-41 Trustee. After all, every animal la just a stomach equipped with legs that enable him to get about. NOTICE OP HALK Under and by virtue of that certain deed of mortgage executed by P. S. Allen and wife, Fannie H. Allen, K. K. Allen and wife, Clara 8. Allen, under date of Au gust 5, 1922, which jteed of mort gage la recorded In the office of the Register of Deeda of Franklin, County, in Book 244, at Pages 480-81 and 82, default having been made n the payment of the Indebtedness secured, the under signed mortgagee will on MONDAY, THE 10TH DAY OF DECEMBER, 1034, at 12:00 o'clock noon, at the court house door, of Franklin County, In Loutaburg, North Carolina, of fer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, the property described In said deed of mortgage, the same being as follows: All those lots or parcels of land lying and being In Franklin and Warren Counties, North Carolina In Loulaburg, Cedar Rock and Fishing Creek Townships, and more fully described aa follows: FIR8T TRACT: A certain lot In the Town of Loulaburg, North Carollna,sUo?t*-aiithe Mirth side of WeatTTash Street;? aod begin ning at the corner' of John Hlnes' lot and running along Nash Street 60 feetjo the lot of J. M. Allen; thence along J. M. Allen's line 120 feet 24 inches to an alley N thence along said alley 60 feet to the cor ner of John Hines' lot; thence along the line of John Hinea 120 feet four Inches to the beginning and being a part of the property conveyed to J. M. Allen by the Re ceivers of Hill Live Stock Com pany, together with an easement in an alley-way on the north side of the above described property and being the same property con veyed to the parties of the first part by J. M. Allen and wife by deed recorded in Book 229, page 2, records of Register of Deeds office for Franklin County, N. C.,' which said deed Is hereby referred to for further description and made a part of this conveyance. SECOND TRACT: Beginning at the outer edgs of the brick wall at the intersection of Nash Street and alley running from said Nash Street southerly; thence along Nash Street easterly thirty-four feet and five and one-half inches to the center of the brick wall be tween the building hereby convey ed and the stables of O. Y. Yar boro; thence along the center of Baid brick wall in a southerly di rection one hundred eleven feet ten Inches to the center of a rear brick wall of O. Y. Yarboro Sta bles which runs in a East and West direction and intersects the first named wall at this point, giv ing each owner of said party wall the right to extend upwards 10 any height desired; thence at an gels in a Westerly direction tblr ty-four feet, five and one-half in ches to a stake on said alley: thence along said alley in a North erly direction to and along the , outer edge of the brick wall one hundred and eleven feet and ten inches to the point- of the begin ning on Nash Street, and being the lot of land conveyed to said, T. T. Terrell by McKinne Brothers Company, Inc., by deed recorded ! in the office of the Register of Deeds for Franklin County i:i Book 321, page 58, together with all the rights and interest of the parties of the first part in respect to party walls on the northern and eastern side of the said building, and being the same property con veyed to the parties of the first part by T. T. Terrell by deed re corded in Book 241, pages 103-4, said Register's Office which said deed is herby referred to for fur ther description and 'made a part of this conveyance. THIRD TRACT: The lower or] Easterif one-half of the lot and building in the Town of Louisburg lying on the Northern side of Nash Street between the store building of Mrs. Pattie Egerton on the West and the lot formerly owned by A. A. Clifton, later by J. P. Winston, and now by R. H. Strick land on the east, being the store house and lot sold by J. P. Win ston to P. G. Alston, reference be ing hereby made to said deed of J. P. Winston to P. O. Alston for a fuller description of said lot and the descriptions therein contained being hereby adopted and made part herof, subject to reservations and conditions In said deed ex pressed, being the same land con veyed to the parties of the first part by Wm. H. Ruffln, Trustee, by deed recorded in Bonk 184, pages 88 and 89, said Register's office, said deed is hereby referred to and made a part of this con veyance. FOURTH TRACT: Beginning on Main Street one foot from the chimney to the building now on said lot, corner for this lot and the "Hart Warehouse" lot and brick building now owned by the Farmers Union Warehouse Com pany; thence N 59d W 88 feet to a stake, Kills' corner in the Ware house line; thence S 3 2d W 23 feet 9 inches to a post, Ellis' cor ner; thence N 58d W 342 feet to a post on Church Street (former* ly called Mill Street);. formerly a corner for Cheatham; thence sou therly along Church Street to a cross street or public ground on the river; thence along said street or public ground an Easterly di rection to Main Street or the Con crete Bridge over Tar River; thence along said Main Street In a Northerly direction to the point of beginning, containing nlne tenths of an acre, more or less. It being the land conveyed by Thos. K. Thomas. Kxr. of Kllsa Long to Mrs Mary 1.. Kills by deed dated Jan. I. 1*75. and recorded In tho Register of Deeds office for Frank | lln County In Book 41, page 289, and the same conveyed by A. C. Ellis, Attorney In Pact, to D. F. McKlnne by deed dated Dec. IB, 1917, and recorded In Book 221, page 139, reference to which deeds la hereby had, being the game land conveyed to the parties of the first part by deed recorded in Book 236, page 17, said regis ter's office, said deed is hereby re ferred to for further description and made a part of this convey ance. FIFTH TKACT: Lying and be ing situate In Cedar Rock Town ship, Franklin County, North Car olina, bounded and described as follows: Bounded on the North by the lands of M. T. and J. P. Davis and Mrs. Bob Leonard, on the East by the lands formerly belong ing to Harry Lancaster, deceased, now owned and occupied by his children and heirs at law and their assigns, on the South by Red Bud Creek, and on the West by the lands of Dr. Matthews and J. B. Brown, containing 90 H acres, more or less, and being the same land conveyed to the parties of the first part by R. G. Allen and wife and recorded in Book 211, page 299, said Register's office, which said deed Is hereby referred to and made a part ot this con veyance. SIXTH TRACT: Beginning at a stake, corner of the Branch land, and corner for No. 5; thence S ?6 Vi d E 22.50 chains to the cen ter of the old Tarboro Road; thence along said old road. S 4d W 4.85 chains to a cluster of Black-jacks, Allen's corner; thence along Allen's line, S 86 %d E 19.64 chains to a stake, J. M. Allen's corner; thence along M. Allen's line N 32d E 20 chains to a stake; thence N 25d E 13.50 chains to a stake, corner for No. 7 in J. M. Allen's line; thence N 8 4 M> d W 25.95 chains to a stake, corner of No. 7 In line of No. 5; thence S 2%d W 6.25 chains to a stake, corner of No. 5; thence N 84V4dtW 16 chains to beginning, containing 83, acres, more or less, and being the same land conveyed to the parties of the first part by J. T. May and others by deed re corded In Book 24 4, page 203, said Register's office, which said deed is hereby referred to and made a part of this description. SEVENTH TRACT: Bounded on the North by the lands of Nip Gupton, on the East by the lands of P. S. and K. K. Allen, on the South by the lands of J. M. and W. H. Allen, and on the West by the lands of Henry Cooper and containing one hundred and eight and dne-half acres, and being composed of two tracts of fifty acres and fifty-eight and a half acres, respectively, the first hav ing been conveyed to said J . B . Brown by Joseph Collins, and the other by the heirs of Ed Lancas ter and Dr. Matthews, and being the same land conveyed to the parties of the first part by J. B. Brown and wife by deed recorded InBook 217, page 369, said Regis ter's office, which said deed is hereby referred to and made a part of this conveyance. The above land will be sold subject to all taxes due against the same. This the 3rd day of November, 1934. THE TRUSTEES OF WAKE FOREST COLLEGE, INC., Mortgagee. J. M. Broughton, Attorney, Raleigh. N. C. ll-9-5t SALE OP REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the polrer of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by Hector F. Harris and wife, Lena Harris, to E. H. Malone. Trustee, dated June 29, 1922, recorded in Book 232, at page 375, Registry of Franklin County, N. C? default having been made in the payment of the Indebtedness thereby se cured and demand by the holder of the bond representing said in debtedness having been made up on the undersigned trustee for the foreclosure of said deed of trust, the undersigned, E. H. Ma lone, Trustee, will on the -? Sit! DAY OF DECEMBER, 19iW, at or about the hour of Noon, at the Courthouse Joor of Franklin County in Louisburg, N. C.. offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the fol lowing described real estate: A certain tract of land lying and being. In Franklin County, State pf North Carolina, and more par ticularly described as follows: Situated Just west of the town of Frankllnton and bounded as fol lows: On the east by S. C. Vann; on the North by the lands of J. E. Hight; on the West by heirs of Mrs. Lucy Hight's Estate: and on tfio 8outh by Mason Street, containing one acre, more or less: being one house and lot devised to Hector F. Harris by will of Mrs. Lucy Hight, recorded In Book V, at page 484, in Clerk's office of Franklin County, N. C. This the 1st day of November, 1934. E. H. MALONE, |ll-9-4t Trustee. SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained In that certain deed of trust executed by O. W. Denton, et als, to J. E. Ma lone, Jr.. Trustee, dated Novem i ber 6, 1930, recorded In Book 291, at page 76, Registry of Franklin I County, N. C., default having been made in the payment of the in debtedness thereby secured and demand for foreclosure having h>ott made upon' the underslgnod ' trustee by the halfler of thq, bonds representing said Indebtedness, the undersigned trustee will on DECEMBER Ird, !?.'!!, at or about the hour of Noon, at the Courthouse .door of Franklin County In Loutshurg, N. C.. offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the fol (lowing described real estate: All the right, title and Interest in and to tbe following described tract or parcel of land, situate In1 Gold Mine Township, Franklin County, State of North Carolina, and described as follows: Con-j talnlng SI acres, more or less, and being the lands known as the !c. E. Denton Home Place and 'comprising the lands described in that certain deed of C. E. Denton to Mary W. Denton and children, dated October 17, 1921, recorded In Book 229, page 248, Registry of Franklin County, N. C. and the lands described in deed of C. E. Denton to Mary W. Denton and children dated October 17, 1921, recorded In Book 229, page 249, said Registry, reference being here made to said deeds and re cords for a further description of said land. The Interest above referred to and herein described being the un divided interest in said land of the following parties: O. W. Den ton, J. B. Denton and wife. Flo rlne Denton, C. T. Denton and wife. May .Denton, W. E. Denton and wife,'' Maude Denton. This the- 1st day of November, 1934. J. E. MALONE, JR., ll-9-4t Trustee. ^TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by : J. R. Mitchiner, Jr. on the 1st, day of December, 1923, to E- H. Malone, Trustee, recorded in Book 254, at page 56S, in the Registry of Franklin County, N. C., default having been made in the payment of the Indebtedness thereby secured and demand hav ing heen made by the holder of the bond representing said in debtedness upon the undersigned trustee for the foreclosure of said deed of trust, the undersigned, E.i H. Malone, Trustee, will on the 3rd DAY OF DECEMBER, 1034, at or about the hour of Noon, at the Courthouse door of Franklin County in Louisburg? N. C., offerl for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the fol lowing described real estate: All that certain tract or parcel of land lytffj&and being in Frank lin CountjLJjState of North Caro lina, and more particularly des cribed as follows: Situate on the North side of Glenn Street and the old Chavis Road in the town of Franklinton, N. C. and being lot No. 14 In Block B of the R. N. Winston property as will ap pear from Map made by M. S. Davis, C. E. Said Map being duly recorded in the Registry of Franklin County, N. C. Said par cel of land having been conveyed by deed of J. W. Daniels and wife to J. R. Mitchiner, Jr. by j deed recorded in Book 227, at page 530, Registry of Franklin County, N. C. Said deed is dated March 12, 1920. This the 3rd day of November, 1934. E. H. MALONE, ll-9-4t Trustee. NOTICE OP SALE Under and by virtue of the au thority contained in that certain judgment of the Superior Court of Franklin County, North Caro lina, in that certain Tax Sale Foreclosure entitled "W. N. Ful ler vs. Lula S. Ford, widow, Haz?l W. Ford, widow, George W. Ford, unmarried, et als," recorded in Book 2 at page 278, Tax Judg-{ merits, in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, the un- . dersigned commissioner will on the 6th DAY OF DECEMBER, 1034. at the courthouse door in the Town of Louisburg, North Caro lina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following des cribed lands: t. First Tract': "That certain tract or parcel of land on which was located the homestead of John Overton, deceased, and which is bounded as follows. Beginning nt a stake. W. B. Uzzell's corner in Sherwood Sledge's line; thence N 1 156 poles to a stake in Sledge's .line, known as the Uzzell Place: thence N 88%d W ,106 poles to a stake in a branch In Wilder';) line; theatre S 154 H poles to a stake in Sledge's line; thence S 88d E 106 poles to the beginning and containing 102 K acres, more or less." For further reference see will of John Overton, deceas ed, re corded In Will Book U at page 173 in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin t'ounty, North Carolina. Second Tract: Containing 309 H acres in the aggregate, and com posed of three tracts as follows: Tract A: Beginning-at a rock. Al len's corner on the north side of Sycamore Creek; thence N 4 2d E 197 poles to a rock near a red oak; thence S 25d E'82 poles to a mulberry tree; thence S 23 poles 21 links to Sycamore Creek: thence down Sycamore Creek us It meanders to the beginning, containing 79 H acres, more or less. Tract B: That tract or par rel of land containing 103 acres, lying and being situate on the west side of Sycamore Creek and adjoining the lands of W. H. Ma con estate, Mrs. Eaton, the O. Y. Uzzell place, the Sherwood place, and others. Tract C: That tract bounded on the north by the lands of Mrs. Heath and Mrs. Sal lie H. Perry; on the east by Sy camore Creek; on the south by] the lands of O. Y. Yarboro and on the west by the lands of Mrs. Holt, containing 127 acres, more or less, being formerly owned by [A. W. Perry and E. M. Perry. See I Book 229 at page 269, Franklin ICounty Registry. Also the following town lot*,' located within the corporate Um-i Its of the Town of Louisburg. Franklin County, North Carolina: lot No. 1: One-half Interest] In lot on Market Street, now occu pled by Hodges-Green Mtotor Co. and others, bounded on the north by Lot No. 2 herein, on the east by Franklin County, on tbe south by F. H. Allen, and on the went by Market Street. See Book 280 at page 388, Franklin County Registry, for further reference. Lot No. 2: Located on Market Street and known as the Masonic Hall lot, bounded 6n the north by Lot ,No. 3 herein, on the east by Franklin County, on the south by Lot No. 1 herein, and on the west by Market Street. For further reference see Book 280 at page 84, Franklin County Registry. Lot No. 8: Located on Market Street and known as the Opera House lot; bounded on the north by Nash Street, on the east by Franklin County, on the south by Lot No. 2 herein, and on the west by Market Street. For further . refernece see Book 280 at page 84, Franklhi County Registry. Lot No. 4: Located on Nash ) Street and comprising the two j lots now occupied by Pleasants' ] Drug Store and White's Electrical i , Shop, and bounded on the north j by Mrs. H. A. Crenshaw; on the , east by Tonkel's Department , Store; on the south by Nash Street, and on the west by L. P. | Hicks estate. For further refer- ( ence see Book 249 at page 360, ( Franklin County Registry. I j Lot No. 5: Located on Main ? Street and known as the hotel lot, t now occupied by the Franklin Ho- t tel; bounded on the north by 1 Franklin County and R. F. Yar- a borough, jointly; on the east by Main Street; on the south by tbe 1 Farmers A Merchants Bank, and ( on the west by E. C. Perry. See t Book 103 at page 1~53, Franklin 1 County Registry. " 1 Not No. 6: Located on Spring 1 Street and bounded on the north ? by A. C. Ellis, on the east by Ce- 1 dar Street, on the south by G. M. 1 Beam, and on the west by Spring J Street. See Book 249 at page |? 410, Franklin County Registry. 1 Lot No. 7: Located on Nash Street and now occupied by Beck's c Garage; bounded on the north by Mrs. H. A. Crenshaw; on the ea3t 1 by Spring Street; on the south by " Nash Street; and on the west by G. W. Ford and others. See Book 270 at page 294 and Book 278 at t page 512, Franklin County Regis- t try. ( Lot No. 8: Located on Main t Street and now occupied by the a home of Mrs. G. W. Ford; boun- t ded on the north by Mrs. R. F. c Yarborough; on the east by Mrs. > A. M. Hall; on the south by t Franklin Street; and on the west ? by Main Street. See Book 229 at e page 447, Franklin County Reg- <1 istry. Dated and posted this the 5th day of November, 1934. 1 CHARLES P. GREEN, . ll-9-4t Commissioner. - EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Executors of the estate of Emma Critcher Allen, deceased, late of Franklin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersign ed on or before the 9th day of November, 1935, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment. This 8th day of Nov., 1934. RUTH JORDAN ALLEN, DAISY ALLEN BRINKLEY, ll-9-6t Extra. ! foreclosure sale By virtue of the power contain ed In a Deed in Trust executed by George Littlejohn recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Franklin C?unty in Book 233, at Page 163, default having been made in the payment of the debt therein secured, on request of the holder of the same, I shall svll for cash, by public auction, at the Court House door in Louisburg. N. C.. at 12 o'clock Noon, to the highest bidder, on the 17th Day of DECEMBER. 10:lt the following described property: Begin at an iron stake and two small gums on a Branch, corner of Lot No. 3, and run N 71% W 20.15 chains to an iron pin in Mosley's line, then S 19 H W 18.05 chains to a stake. 12 links from a dogwood and Mulberry sprouts. Moseley's corner, then S . 45V4I E 26.40 chains to a gum and largP poplar stump, then Norther ly along the branch as It mean ders to the beginning, containing forty-eight and one-half (48 H) acres. Being a part of the land conveyed by C. W. Dorsey to Sol omon and by Colonel Solomon to R. E. Clements and by him to said Geo. Littlejohn. This Trust Deed is executed to secure payment of the purchase price of said land. B. H HICKS. BELLE H. PURVIS, Executors of the Will of T. T. Hicks, deceased, Trustee. Louisburg, N. C. November 16, 1934. 1 1-1 6-4t TRUSTEE'S SMji OF REAL , ESTATE By virtue of the power of sal? contained in that deed of tru3t from W. H. M. Jenkins and wife, Helen Jenkins, to the undersigned trustee, dated February 17, 1925, recorded in Franklin Registry, Book 250, page 128, default hav ing been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereunder se cured, and demand having been made upon the undersigned trus tee for foreclosure, I will on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1034, at or about the hour of noon, at the Courthouse Boor In Louisburg, N. C., sell at public auction, for cash, the following described real estate: Being Tract No. 10, ^containing 43.8 acres of the Pritchard Tract of land on plat of land formerly owned by Norman Long, at tl, and known u a part of the Oxa ? D. Kearney land, aa surveyed and platted by Paul King, C. E., plat it wbich la on record In the office of tbe Register of Deeda foe franklin County. In Plat Book 1, it page It 3, said tract of land having been conveyed to A. L. Edwards by deed of Oza D. Kear ney and husband, I. H. Kearney, lated November 23, 1923, record id In Book 249, page 150, office ot laid Register of Deeds, and by A. U. Edwards and wife conveyed to :he said W. H. M. Jenkins by deed >f even date herewith. Reference la here made to all of above men loned deeds, plat and records for i further description of the land lereby conveyed. Dated and posted this 23rd day >f October, 1934. E. H. MALONE, ll-2-4t Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the au thority contained in that certain ludgment of the Superior Court of Franklin County, entered In that Certain Tax Foreclosure suit, Franklin County vs. Nash Insur ance and Realty Co., duly docket id in Judgment Docket 2 at page . . . . , In the office of the Clerk of he Superior Court of Franklin bounty, North Carolina, the un lersigned will on the 96th DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1934, it 12 o'clock noon, offer for sale o tbe highest bidder for cash at he courthouse door in Lonlsburg, n or before tl^ 16th day of No vember, 1935, or this notice will >e pleaded in bar of their recov ry. All persons indebted to said estate will -please make inimfv liate payment. This 15th day of Nov., 1934. J. R. BALLENTINE , .l-16-6t Adm'r. Now is the time to go thru your closet and get out those winter clothes anil hare them cleaned by an expert. Our cleaning is done by a graduate of the National As sociation of Cleaners and Dyers Institute, at Silver Spring, Md. Louisburg Dry Cleaners C. R. SYKES, Prop. Corner Church A Nash Sts. LOUISBURG, N. C. DO YOU WISH TO OWN A FARM AND PAY FOR IT LIKE PAYING RENT ? I have five desirable farms ranging from SO to 30O acre tracts for sale, 10~0 cash, IS year* Id which to pay the balance. No addi tional costs for terms. If Interested, sea me before yon rent again. W. L. LUMPKIN Attorney