SALE OK REAL ESTATE Under and by vlrtue,of the pow er of sale contained In that cer tain lien bond and mortgage deed executed by A. O. Evans to J. Q. Murphy, dated April 17, 1.930, re corded In Book 287, page 580, Re gistry of Franklin County, North Carolina, default having been made In the payment of the in debtedness thereby secured, the undersigned mortgagee will on MONDAY THE lftTH DAY OF APRIL, 198S, at or about the hour of Noou, at the Courthouse door of Franklin County, N. C., offer for sale at public auction to the highest bid der for cash the following describ ed real estate: A tract of land situate In Sandy Creek township, Franklin county state of North Carolina, and des cribed as follows: Bordered on the north by the lands of Mrs. Hettle Pleasant, on the east by the lands of Mrs. Lizzie Evans, on the west by the lands of John Evans, on the south by the landB of Joseph Ella Oupton, containing 57 acres, more or less. This the 16th day of March, 1935. J. G. MURPHY, 3-22-4t Mortgagee. '- SALE OP VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power and authority conferred upon me in a certain deed of trust executed to me by Charles G. Ayscue and wife, Eckie Lula Ays cue, on July 23, 1930, and dflly recorded in Franklin County Reg istry in book 285, page 571, de fault having been made in the payment of the note therein. secur ed; and at the request of the hold er of said note, I will, on MONDAY, APRIL 1, 1 (>:(.->, at or about the hour of 12:00 o'clock noon, sell at public auction at the courthouse door in Louis burg, N. C.. to the highest bidder for cash, that certain tract or par cel of land situate in Franklin County, Hayesville Township, State of North Carolina, and des cribed as follows: Adjoining the lands of Geo. Ayscue, James Journigan, J. H. Ayscue and others, and bounded as follows: BEGINNING at a stake on a path, the southeast corner of G. W. Coppedge's land; thence along the pifth N. 35 Ud E., 5.45 chs. to a stake; ttience N. 7%d W. 3.89 chs. to a stake and cedar and pine pointers, G. W. Cop pedge's and G. T. Ayscue's cor ner; thence S. 82d E. 4.50 chs. to G. T. Ayseue's corner in the path; thence along the path S. SS'^d E. 2.78 chs.; thence S. 38'/4d E. 2.13 chs.. S. 2614d E. 3.77 chs.; thence S. 8d E. 4.35 chs.; thence S. 38 Hd E. 3.85 chs.'; thence S. 51d E. 3.45 chs.; thence S. 34%d E. 2.82 chs.; thence S. 42 >4 d E. 3.29 chs. to a stone on the E. side of the .path, Geo. Ayscue's corner; thence S. 27%d W. 6 chs. to a stake in the field; thence S. 2%d W. 3.40 chs. fo a stone by three pities, Jas. Journigan's corner, al so Geo. Ayscue'B corner; thence S. 44ttd W. 1.75 chs. to a stake and pine pointers, J. H. J. Ays cue's corner; thence N. 59 %d W. 16.68 chs. to'a stake in the corner of the branch and ditch; thence N. 64d W. 5 chs.; thence N. 43d W. 4 chs., N. 32 lid W. 2.58 chs, up the ditch to a stake in the path in Geo. T. Ayscue's line; thence N. 42 4 d E. 2.65 crhs.; thence N. 26d E. 5 chs. along the path to 15 links eastward of a stake; thence : 15 links to the BEGINNING, con taining 45 H -acres, more or less. This, the 2"th day of February, 1935. G. M. BEAM, 3-l-5t Trustee. SALE OP REAL, ESTATE Under and by virtue of the pow er of sale contained in that cer tain deed of trust executed by D. E. Best to J. E. Malone, Jr. Trus tee, dated May 14, 1825, record ed in Book 250, at page 140, Reg istry of Franklin County, N. C-. default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness se cured thereby and demand for foreclosure having been madg up on the undersigned Trustee by the holder of the note representing said indebtedness, the undersign erl Trn oton will nn MONDAY, THE 8TH. DAY OP AFRII;, 193.-> at or abuut the hour of Noon, at the Courthouse door In Louisburg,1 N. C. offer for ?ale at public auc tion to the highest bidder for caBh the following described real est ate: All that certain- tract or parcel of land, situate in Louisburg and Cedar Rock Townships, Franklin County, State of North Carolina, and described as follows: Situate on the eastern side of the road leading from the Louisburg-Jus tice Road to Ferrall's Brldjjo and being bounded on the north by the Dora Jackson lands o? the east by Cypress Creek, on the south by the lands of C. P. Harris and on the West by the road above reffered to containing, according to survey of Jos. T. Inscoe, Sur veyor, 2?8 acres, more or less, and being more particularly described In that deed of John H. Best et als to D. E. Best/ recorded in Book 217, page 260'j Registry of: Franklin County, N. C., It being the present home tract of the said D. E. Best. This the 8th. day of March, 1*36. J. E. malone. JR., 3-16-4t Trustee. Mistaken Again Mable: "So you and Maurice are to be married? Why, I thought it **? a mere flirtation." Helen: "Bo did Maurice." But A Worm Withal - "I? your husband a bbok wormf" "No, Just an ordinary one," NOTH'K OF KORKOLOSrRE SALE OP LAM) vorth Carolina, ?ranklin County. * * y~ The Federal Land Hank of Co- 1 luuibia, Plaintiff, V. # Vila J.. Timberlake; E. W, Tim berlake, Jr. and Aila L. Utley, Executors of the Estate of E. W. Timberlake; E. W. Timber lake, Jr. Individually, Ada Lee. Utley, Individually, and her husband, P. M. Utley, Defend- 1 ants. Pursuant to a. judgment enter d in above entitled action on the 1 1th day of March, 1935, in the Superior Court of said County by lie Clerk, I will on the ISTH DAY OF APRIL, 1935, , it 12 o*ttf)ck M., at the County Courthouse door in said CJounty, | ?ell at? i>uhl4e auction to the high est bidder iherefor the following described lands, situated in^ said Jounty and State in Youugsville Township, comprising 568 acres, j more or less, and bounded and1 described as follows: All that certain piece, parcel or, tract of land containing 568 acres, more or less, situate, lying and being on the Youngsville-Louis burg Road, about three miles Northeast from the Town of! Youngsville, in Youngsville Town- i ship, County of Franklin and State . of North Carolina, having such , shape, coursed and distances as ( will more fully appear by refer ence to a plat thereof, made by j M. S. Davis, Surveyor, December . 5, 1917, and being bounded on \ the Northwest-North by the lands , of S. E. Pearce, J. R. Pearce, the , estate of A. Pearce and A. M. | Harris, on tlie North-Northeast by the lands of A. M. Harris, Mrs. B. H. Winston and Haley Perry, on the South by the Louisburg Youngsville Road, the lands of Mrs. C. E. Timberlake, Nathan May and E. W. Timberlake and on ihe West by the lands of E. W. Timberlake, said tract or. par cel of land comprising the tracts heretofore conveyed to E. W. Tim berlake by R. II. Timberlake, Mortgagee, by deed dated October 17, 1891, imd-recorded in book 92 at page 9 et seq.. Registry of Deeds for Franklin County, N. C., by deed of W. K; Martin and wife, Jennie S. Martin, dated January 4, 1895, and recorded in book 99 at page 601 Registry of Deeds for Franklin County, N. C., by deed of W. S. IJolden and wife, Etta Holden, dated December 22, 1897, and recorded in book 112 at page 479 et seq. Registry of Deeds for Franklin County, by deed of WT. Ashley May and wife, Elizabeth May, dated November 27, 1900, and recorded in book 124 at page 133 Registry of Franklin County, 1 N. C., and the tract allotted to j I Mary A. Timberlake in the Divi- ' i sion of the land of James Harris. ! deceased, and described at Lot1! No. 4 in said division, record of J which appears in book of Orders ] & decrees 2, at pages 20 et seq. in < the office of the Clerk of Superior i Court of Franklin, said lot No. I 5 having descended to the said \ E. W. Timberlake at the death of i his mother, Mrs. Mary A. Timber lake. Reference to all of said re cords being hereby made. Also, all that certain piece, par- ; eel or tract of land, containing . 93 1-3 acres, more or less, situate, lying and being on the- Youngs ville-Louisburg Road atjotrt 3 miles Northeast from the Town of Youngsville, N. C. in Youngsville j Township, County of Franklin, State of North Carolina, having', such shapes, metes, courses and , distances as will more full? ap- ' pear by reference to a plat there- , of made by W. N. Fuller, Sur veyor, October 30th, 1889, a copy ' of which is attached to the ab- ? stract now on file with the Fed eral Land Bank of Columbia the same being bounded on the North by the Louishurg-Youngsville-Ra- , lelgh Road and the lands of E. W. Timberlake, on the East by the lands of N. M. May and W. , A. Massey.i on the South by" the . lands of W. A. Massey, on the Southwest and West by Little River and on the Northwest by the lands of N. M. May and being the identical lands conveyed to W. E. ! Timberlake by deed of Troy T. May? K. P. Hill and wife, date ' March 18th, 1902, recorded In ' Botok 135, page 273, Registry of ' Franklin County, N. C. - The terms of sale are as fol- , lows: One-fifth (1-5) of the ac cepted bid to "be paid into Court In cash, and the balance on credit, payable in ten (10) eqijal annual ( Installments with interest thereon ( from date of sale at the rate of six (6%) per centum per annum, payment of balance to be secured by mortgage on said land. All bids will be received sub ject to rejection or confirmation by the Clerk of said Superior Court and no bid will be accepted j or reported unless Its maker shall deposit with said Clerk at the] close of the bidding the sum of Nine Hundred ($900.00) Dollars, ' as a forfeit and guaranty of com pliance* tolth his bid, the same to' be credited on his bid when ac cepted. Notice is now givten that said lands will be resold at the sam*;] place and upon the same terms at 2 o'clock P. M. of the same day ' unless said deposit Is sooner made. ' Every deposit not forfeited or. accepted will be promptly return ed to the maker. TWs the 11th day of March, 1 1935. I. M. BAILEY, [ 3-1 5-4t Commissioner. NOTICE OF RESALE OF LAND TO MAKE ASSETS Under and by virtue of an order of resale of Superior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, In that special proceeding entitl ed "J. O. Wlggs, Admr. of Mrs. Oeorglanna A. Alford. dee'd., vs. Mamie Turnage and husband, Her man Turnage, Roger Cooley, et als," said order. havin,r been en ured in said proceeding on the 9th. day of March, 1935, the un dersigned will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bid ler for cash, at or about the hour if Noon, on MONDAY, THE HTH. DAY OK APRIL, 1085, at tho courthouse door of Frank Mn county, in Louisburg, North Carolina, the following described ijicts or parcels of land: 1st. Tract: All that certain tract jr parcel of land situate in franklin County, North, Carolina, mil 'described as follows, to-wit: Sitim'e in the town of Buun and being lot No. 18 in Block B cn the survey made by John W. Wells, 1910, which survey is re vOrdcd in Frtinklin County Regis try, in Book 177, at pa?c 598. -aid tract or parcel of laud belli; he same tract conveyed to the -aid Mrs. Oeorgianna A. Alford oy deed of G. M. Beam, Commis sioner, dated May 10, 1929, re corded iu Book 280, at page 439, Franklin Registry. 2nd. Tracf: All that certain tract or parcel of land situate ill Lh<- town of Bunn, Dunn Town ship. Franklin County, State of North Carolina, and described as follows: Beginning at a stake on the northwest corner of Carolina iveniie and Main Street and run ning in an easterly direction witn Carolina avenue 150 feet to an llley, thence in a northerly direc tion with said alley 100 feet to l stake, thence in a westerly direc tion 150 feet to Main street, thence in a southerly direction ivith Main, street 100 feet to the beginning, it' being lefts No. 9 and Mo. 10 of Block I) of the survey jf the North State Development ?onipar.5* property recorded la Book 177, pages 598 and 599, in he Registry of Franklin County, \\ C. Said lots or parcels of land having been devised to the said Urs. Ueorgianna A. Alford by X, 3. Bunn bv will recorded In Re :ord of Wills, Book W, at page 220, in, the office of Clerk of Superior Court of Franklin Coun y, N. C. 3rd. "Tract: All that certain ract or parcel of land situate in Dunn Township. Franklin County,. Morth Carolina, and described as Tollows: Beginning at a corner post oak in J. H. Balleutlne's line ind runs thence with his line N, i deg. E. 28 Vi poles to a stake, hence N. 87 deg. W. 176 poles to i stake corner, white oak stump, he Jones corner, thence with tones' line S. 3 deg. W. 41 poles o a stake, corner of Eddie Bunn, thence ,8 1 deg. 143 poles to a ithkp, thence ?'4th S. E. Weathers ~>y N. 74 deg. W. 37 poles to the legtnning, containing 43 acres, more or less, and being the dentical tract of land conveyed >y W. E. Weathers and wife, W. H. White and wife, J. G. Bunn and Eddie Bunn to G. A. Altord by leed dated May 2, 1903, and of -ecord in Book 177, page 590, of he Franklin County Registry,' which is offered for jupre definite iescription. This the 9th. day of March, 1935. E. H. MALONE, i-15-4t Commissioner. NOTICE OF RE-SALE OK LAND TO MA K E ASSETS Under and by vlft.ue of an order of resale of Superior Court of Franklin County, North Car olina, in that special proceeding entitled "J. G. Wiggs, Admr. of, Mrs. Georgianna A. Alford, dec'd. ws. Mamie Turnage and husband, Herman Turnage, Roger Cooley, et als" said order having been entered in said proceeding on the ith day of March, 1935, the undersigned will ofTer for sale at public auction for cash to the' lighest bidder, at or about tli-5 jour of Noon, on MONDAY, THE 8tli DAY OF APRIL, 1935, it the courthouse door of Frank lin County, in Louisburg, North Carolina, the following described ract or parcel of land: 1st Tract: All that certain tract or parcel of land situate in Frank lin County, North Carolina, and Jescribed as follows, to-wit: Situ ?te In the town of Bunn and be ing lot No. 18 in Block B on the survey made by John W. Wells, 1910, which survey is recorded in Franklin County ^Registry, in Book 177, at page 598; said tract or parcel of land being the same tract conveyed to the said Mrs. Qeorgianna A. Alford by deed of G. M. Beam, Commissioner, dated May 10, 1929, recorded in Book 280,- at page 439, Franklin Reg istry. This the 7th day of March, 1935. E. H. MALONE, S-8-5t Commissionei. trustee's Sale of real ESTATE Under and by virtue of the pow er of sale contained in that cer tain deed of trust executed by M. C. Khtg-(batchelor> to the under siKngd trustee, dated August 5, 1927, recorded in Book 285, page 81. Franklin Registry, default baring been made In the payment cf the indebtedness thereunder secured, and demand having been nade upon me for foreclosure, I will on MONDAY, APRIL 8, 1935, sell to tbe highest bidder, for cash at the Courthouse Door in Louis burg, N. C? the following describ ed land: A parcel of land, situate in Franklin County, Franklinton Township, North Carolina, and described as follows: A certain lot or parcel of land situated on Main Street in the Town of Franklinton, N. C.. same beginning In Hender son Person's corner; thence South along Main Street 3t feet to an Iron stake In Long ft Hester cor ner; thence East (1 feet to an iron ?take; (hence North 86 feet to an Iron stake In Henderson Per son's corner; thence West along Henderson Person's line ?1 feet to the beginning, being lot convey ed to M. C. King by D. F. and Maude S. McKlnne. same heing recorded in Book No. 249, page No. 6. Register of Deeds' Office. Louisburg, N. C., June 18, 1923. The successful bidder will be required to deposit $50.00 as an evidence of good faith. This the "th day of March, 1935. E. H. MAI. ONE, Trustee. W. L. LUMPKIN, Attorney. 3-8-5t. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of author ity contained in that certain pow er of sale in that certain pufchase price deed of trust, executed by E. C. Ayscue to E. H. Malone, trustee, on the 23rd day of Novem ber, 1923, and duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Franklin County. North Caro lina, in Hook 261 at page 22, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, at or about the hour of noon, on April 4, 1935, the following des cribed real estate, to-wlt: All those certain tracts of land lying and situated and being in the county of Franklin and State of North Carolina, Franklintoh Township, in or near the town of Franklinton, and being. Tract No. 11, containing 25.3 acres of the Leavister and Long Tract of land, on plat of land formerly owned by Norman Long, et al . and known as a part of the Oia I). Kearney land as surveyed and platted by Paul King, C. E., plat of which is on record in Franklin County, Register of Deed's Office in Plat Book 1 at Page 163, to which said plat reference is hereby made for a more perfect and complete des cription by metes and bounds. ~ Dated a nd posted this the 4th day of March, 1935. E. H. MALONE, Trustee. CHARLES P. GREEN, 3-8-4t Attorney. ' EXECUTORS NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of J. H. SJedge late of Franklin County, N. C., this is to notify all persons indebted to said Estate to make immediate pay ment to me; and all Tfersons hav ing claims against said estate will present the same to me on or he fqre March 7th, 1936 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. This 7th, day of March 1935. W. T. SLEDGE, Executor pf J. H. Sledge, 3-8-6t Hickory, N. C. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Bavins' qualified as Administra tor of -the estate of John D. Pace, deceased, late of Franklin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned on or before the 15th day of March, 19367"or this notice will be plead nd in bar of their recovery. All tersons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay nent. This 14th day of March, 1935. G. P. PACE, 3. M. BEAM. Admir. Atty. 3-15-6t NOTICE SALE OF YAI.IMBLR REAL ESTATE By virtue of a decree of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina entered in that certain suit therein pending, entitled Davison Chemical Company v. Eastern Cottop Oil Company, the undersigned will, on THE 8TH DAY OF APRIL, 1?U offer for sale at the Courthouse door in Franklin County, North Carolina, at twelve o'clock Noon.j to the highest bidder foivcash, the following described tracts of land: 1st. Tract; That certain tract of land containing 467 acres, and ad joining the lands of Thomas Har ris, Mrs. Emma Perry and John it. Wiggins. , 2nd. Tract: A certain tract con-i tainlng 82.07 acres, more or less, and comprising farms Nos. 4, 8 and 9 as the ^ame appear on the plat of the F. W. Justice farm.j recorded in Plat Book No. 1, ! Page 8, In the Public Registry of Franklin County. 3rd. Tract: , A certain tract of land containing 122 acres, more or less, adjoining T. E. Joyner. the Ben Freeman land and the T. J. Harris home plane. 4th. Tract: A certain tract of land containing 10 acres, more or less, being the same tract con veyed by W. E. Joyner, et al to Tom Joyner by deed duly of record In Franklin County, North Caro lina in Book 170, Page 578. 5th. Traet: One-half of lot No. 1 which was drawn by Sarah C. Wilder in the division of the W. H. Freeman estate, and being des cribed fn a certain deed fnom Myrtlp T.fJustlce, et al. d#fy rec orded in Franklin County, North Carolina in Book 170, Page 527, containing 18 V4 acres, more or less. ? , ? The above tracta are set out as 1st.. 2nd., 3rd., 4th., and 5th. , In i certain deed of B. H. Perry as Trustee in Bankruptcy, to the Eastern Cotton Oil Company, dated April 22, 1931, and of re cord in Franklin County, N. C., in Book 294. Pages 395 etc. Also All of the cotton gin ma chinery and equipment, the saw mill and the Delsel engine used to operate the same which are now located on the lands above des cribed. J. V. CHAMPION, J. H. LE ROY SR., Receivers Eastern Cotton Oil Company. March 6, 1936. 3-16-4t Bend ua the new*. NOTICE To Depositors and other creditors in the FIRST-CITIZENS B^NK & TRUST COMPANY, Loulibtirg, N. C. As required oi "all banks oper ating under the laws of this State by the Act of the General Assem bly (duly ratified and known as House Bill No. 185) this* bank hastens to give you due notice oi the effect of this legislation, ac cording to the following statement specifically set out in the Act: "That on and after July 1? 1085, by virtue of Chapter. Public Laws of 1985, the ad ditional or double liability heretofore imposed by Statute upon the stockholders of banks, in the event of the li quidation of such banks, do ing business under the laws of North Carolina will be no longer Imposed." A. E. HENDERSON, ! 3-29-4 1 ? Cashier. - We now have our New Equipment installed and are it'jMly lo give our many friends and customers the very best of Quality Service. Come in and see our, new plant, you are always wel come. Louisburg Dry Cleaners C. R. Sykes Ed Sfovall Corner Church & Nash Sts. LOUISBURG, N. C. ?> ' BABY CHICKS Now is the time to buy your Baby Chicks for your next years Breeders and Layers. Our Flocks are State lllood Tested, Inspected ami Culled. The Chicks that come from these* 1 'locks will make Choice Breeders and Layers. IV? have the following Breeds, B. P. Hocks, R. I. Reds, White Leghorns and Anconas. Write or come to see me at once for prices and the date you want them. I will have a hatch each Wednesday. CCS TOM HATCHING If you have the stock you want, bring your own eggs and have them hatched. Bring eggs on Mon day. (JMJ) to a tray. Satisfaction Guaranteed. PRATTS FEEJ) We have' the Famous Pratts Baby Chick Food in the new "Precision Pellets'* also the Mash and Scratch. GOLD MINE POULTRY FARM & HATCHERY 1 Mile East of Louisburg on Highway 3*1 Near J. T. l'ruitts. Louisburg, N. Carolina mm i PEARCES DRY CLEANERS This Is to announce to the peo ple of Louisburg and Franklin j County that I have opened a New Dry Cleaning and Pressing busi ness in Louisburg and will appre ciate your business, with the as surance that I will give you the best possible service for tbe mon ! ey. My place of busfnes Is locat ed in. PENDER'S, old stand on Main- Street and my PHONE is No. 85. CALL US FOR SERVICE AND COME TO SEE US. PEARCES DRY CLEANERS H. R. PEARCE, Proprietor ' MAIN ST. LOUISBURG, N. 0. * WOOD SEEDS AND OTHER GOOD SEEDS for your garden and fields i MASCOT LIME We have a lot on hand ready for delivery. CHATTANOOGA PLOWS AND CASTINGS and other farm implements S-D ORANGE TOBACCO I FERTILIZER and other Smith-Douglas brands. louisburg SUPPLY CO. (INCORPORATED) ^ J- P. timberlake, jr., manager WHAT-NOT BARGAIN STORE . Two new lots of Spring Hats just arrived, newest shapes and colors and prices to suit all pocket-books. Chatham wool batts, cotton batts, quilt rolls, woolen blanket rolls, enough to make full sized blanket,, only 50c. Beautiful pebble and flat crepe, wonderful quality 50c per yard. Heavy white satin. Big shipment of flowered rayon flat crepe, seersucker. Don't fail to drop in at _ THE LITTLE STORE WITH BIG VALUES l ? V ' " The What-Not Bargain Store MRS. H. G. PERRY, "Proprietor Across from Franklin Hotel Phone 45-W Next to Dr. Johnson's Office 118 N. Main COMPLETE CPDVirr ELECTRIC Enhances the Value of the HOME' In your remodeling and niodcrning plans we suggest you make ample provision for the installation of com plete electric service. Wall lights, ceiling lights, base board outlets and plugs throughout the house will add much to the comfor and cheerfulness of he home. Let us wire your home. All work guaranteed. Installation accurately and quickly done >t minimum coat. If you will phone, one of our representatives will call for In spection and estimate and without cost to yon. WHITE & HILL W. E. WHITE, JR., MANAGER A OWKEi < NASH STREET LOUISBURG, N. 0. Ml HI

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