I. ? ' ' ' ? ? ? ??? Expect "Mystery Plane" t^^id Hawaii OAKLAND, Calif. . . . Interest in the Army "mystery plane" be tine intense as prolonged test flights of the radio eompass robot controlled craft indicated a '2400 mile hop to Hawaii might soon be made. Photo* above show the Department of Commerce chiefs in charge of the testa. They are, left to right, Eugene Vidal, Clayton Bissell, Chester Snow and Capt. Alfred Hegenberger. Below, the "mystery plane." ? "THE PEPPER BOX" ? ? Published by Pupils of ? * Youngsville High School ? The Oddity Club had Its ususi meeting last Friday. Majch 22. At the roll call each member gave a famous quotation. Julia Holden had charge of the program which consisted of the following. Song ? Lore's Old Sweet Song, Characterization of the teachers. Josephine Hendrlck. Estelle Tal-, ley Mary Helen Gordon, Liixio Hayes. Eva Belle Perry. Annie Mae Gay, Claire Hill. Maybelle - Holden, Sarah Ann Baker, Mildred Pearce, Inei May, Mae Roberts, Mary Susan White, Mary Catlett. Contest ? Song "Old Kentucky Home. , Sarah Ann Baker was appoint ed as chairman of the program committee for next meeting. We were very glad to have Mr. Mitchell visit us at this meeting. Dorothy Beck, Reporter. The Youngsville community poeple and the people of the : sur rounding . territory were delight fully entertained by the Craiy To '"bacco Tags Tuesday night, March the* 19 th. The entertainment was highly enjoyed by a large crowd of radio admirers. This program was sponsored by the Junior and Sen ior Class of the school. Proceeds from this event will go to help pay for a Junior-Senior tour to our National Capitol. YoungHvllle High School Basket ball "DoaWeheader" We will stage our final games of the season on Friday March 24. The proceeds of the game will go ? to help the Basketball teams. " The Boys game will be between the High School and a Wake For est practice teachers. The girla 'game will be between our high school girls and the girls who are graduates of Youngsville High School. t t X Scholarship Society The Scholarship Society visit ed the Oddity Club on March 22, 1935. All of us enjoyed their pro gram. . -j, Mabel Shuler, Reporter. t t t . ? Science Club The Science Club held Its regu lar meeting Friday, March 22, with our president, John Edwards, presiding. , . ' Scientific Jokes were given by Ebble Jones Pearce. Bennle Dickerson and Epple Pearce presented the Club with their magician tricks. The presiding officer, John Ed wards, will speak next meeting on the topic: Helps for a Successful Science Club. Every nlembei\ Is urged, to be present next meeting. . Maylon D. Watklns, Reporter. t t X Elementary Commencment On last Friday evening. March 22, the elementary school of Youngsville gave their commenc ment exercises. The following pro gram was given: * 1. Welcome Song ? We ve Just Arrived From Bashful Town, (Grades 1 to 4). I. Old Mother Hubbard, (1st Grade). ^ . ... 1. Chorosw. (Grades 5 and 7.) I'm Lonesome for You Caroline. Home On the Range. 4. Recitation ? "Educated , by " "8^?Mandy Spoils the Wedding (Qrade 6.) I. Swanee Cradle Song (Grade ' V. Operetta ? "Over the Garden Watt" (Qrade 1 to 7). A large crowd attended the event. , What prompts & man to drive a $3000 car ten miles oat of his way to save lc a gallon on gaso line T Although painful, the lessons learned daring ? depression are useful. Pabscrlbe to The franklin Times ? EPSOM SCHOOL NEWS ? ? ?| * Published by Pupils of ? * Epsom High School * O'Henry Society Sews The O'Henry Society met March 22, 1935 with a very interesting program. It consisted of the fol lowing parts: Song ? School Song. "Why I'm Glad I Belong to the O'Henry Society," was giren by Elaine Weldon. A great advantage pf be longing to the O'Henry Society was given by Mattie Leigh Dick erson. A very interesting story was given by Virginia Perklnson. "Something our Society can do in addition to what it is doing now that would be helpful" by Blanche Weldon. "Ten Year's Hence" by Robert Rowland. Etta Lasstter, Reporter.) t t t I Sidney Lanier Society "The program given Friday was about spring. The program was very interesting, one reason was becanse everyone on program ser ved. The interesting talks were on sports, flowers, and poems of Spring and school days of spring. The President appointed a new program committee. After the business the society sang the So clty Song. Louise Dickie, Reporter, t t t ?* Dramatic Club News The Dramatic Club held its regular meeting Wednesday, Mar. 13, 1935. The following program was given: Why I like Spring ? Madalyn Ayscue. , Some interesting sports of this season ? Grace Thompson. Poem of Spring ? Viala Lester. Special Music ? Mattie Leigh Dlckerson and Evelyn Ayscue. The program was enjoyed by all who heard it. Some of tht plays that the members wrote will be given soon. -Elaine Weldon, Reporter. 1 1 t 4-H Report The 4-H Club of Epsom High School met Thursday. We had a very helpful and beneficial pro gram. "The way to use knives, forks and spoons" was given by l Mary Alice Pernell. "Correct way to sit at the table" was given by , Blanche Weldon. Miss Priest gave a talk on "Correct way to set table." Elaine Weldon. Reporter, tit Senior News The Senior Class. ? along with a few Juniors gathered at the Scout hut, Friday flight ,for a weenie roast. Perry Lee Ayscue lent us his radio which we en Joyed very much. After much string music and games, we could do Justice to the weenies, rolls, and drinks. At a late hour every one left declaring they had a good t?*e. Blah Che Weldon, Reporter. Ill Junior News After finishing the fint reader the tenth grade started on another one "Petits contes De France" which Is very interesting. Al though it Is some harder, we are hoping to get more interested In it. Grace Thompson, Reporter. Our Own Dictionary Banana Peel ? Food article that brings the weight down. Diplomat ? Man who remembers woman's birthday, bat not ber ?ge. ! Etc. ? Sign used to make others believe you know more than you .do. Man ? The only animal that can be skinned more than once. Tale ? The biggest fart of a I fish. Every woman thinks she under stands men, but no wise man Im agines that he understands wo men. It's the desire to appear more prosperous than we are that keeps us from becoming Independently prosperous. Send us the news. Community progress Is synony mous with community effort. I ? ? Too maqy people regard with blase indifference all but what effects their own personal com fort and convenience and give lit tle thought to those factors that make them possible, ? * ? When business is lagging is the time to spend more money for ?fl vertising. Business men who -ad vertise feel a depression much less than those who cut down expenses by cutting down advertising. ? ? ? "While the desire to ride is in stinctive In every person, the auto mobile business would not be what It is today had It not been for the tremendous glamour which has been built up around the pleasures of ownership of a motor car through automobile shews, mil lions of dollars worth of ADVER TISING, and automobiles enthusi astically presented directly to the prospect by the retail salesman," so says Roy H. Faulkner, presi dent of the Auburn Automobile Company. ? ? ? The surest .way to get satisfac tory results In any undertaking is to find the best method of do ing the job and then get busy and do if. ? * * The trade-at-home man is the one who gets the best of every thing HOME DEMONSTRATION ? DEPARTMENT ? ? Anne Beuos Priest, Home * * Demonstration Agent ? There will be a meeting of the E. R. E. Teachers at the Frank linton High School in the Home Economics Room on Monday af ternoon 2:30 P. M. At this time the Home Agent will discuss with the group "Daily Food Essen tials." t:i The 14th District Meeting of the Home Demonstration Clubs will be held In the high school building at Woodland in Nort hampton County on Wednesday, April 3rd at 10:30 A. M. All club women are urged to attend. Mrs. T..C. Gill a member of the Epsom Woiuans Club Is chairman and will preside at the meeting. Dr. Frank Graham, President of the Oreater University of North Carolina will be the speaker for the day. The rule for every worthwhile man is that no serious Job ever shall receive less than his best thought and effort. I Would Wrestle Boxer " 1 J NEW YORK . . . Dan OUahoney (abovo), Ireland '? heavyweight mat champion, low wreatling here, gam ha will accept the Baltimore offer1 to mart Max Baer la a finish mate*. Baer to box and be to wreatle, if th? boxing champ ia interested. Baer haa been offered *75,00(1 (or the mtekj - r ~ ? And Anything Goes M(W" (port* fompetl ? Bam'i BMkall Indian fa Tenarlo (*bo?), a Narajo, moat h?T? hid Prince's Devon Bull is Grand Champion ? -n iiu_ ' -n ' . DEVO-I, Kng. . . . Clingland Bertram (above), b hl? name. He b owned by the Prince of Wale*. He haa just been jadged a grand champion, tha flaesj of pure VtcJ Devon bulb In the 74th annual Devon ahoir. ? HEALTH DEPARTMENT ? ? Dr. R. F. Yarbo rough, County ? ? Health Officer ? ? ????*??*?? The Franklin County Health Department Is composed ot Dr. R. F. Yarborough , Health Officer, Mrs. 8. C. Foster, County Nurse, (Mrs. Foster Is a graduate train ed nurse and has been tor the past few years Superintendent of the Community Hospital)" and Miss Elizabeth Fuller ot Wood,! Office Clerk. The office hours are from 8:30 A. M. to 4:30 P. M. during these hours some one is In the office to! give information and administer! Dlpatheria, Typhoid. Small Pox| and other vaccinations and at- j tend to office duties and corres-j pondence. The duties of the Health Officer are to prevent as far as possible disease in the County and not to treat same except as follows: At tention to and treatment of in mates of Jail and County Home and such outside paupers as re quested by a member of the Board Tiff County Commissioners or Wel fare Officer. 1 Clinics: Pre-School Clinics ? A Clinic for examination of children expected to begin school for their first time, this fill. A physical ex amination of these children is made to fine) out any remediable defects and t? advise parents how these defects may be corrected. Pre-School Cynics this year will be held at . Franklinton High School April 3rd., at 9:30 A. M. Youngsville High School April 5th. , at 9:30 A. M. __ Bunn High School April 8th., at 9:30 A. M. Wood School April 9th.. at 1 P. M. Gold Sand High School April. 9th? at 9:30 A. M. Harris School April 12th. at 9:30 A. M. Pilot School April IStb.. at 10 A. M. Pearces School April dtih., at t P. M. Hickory Rock ? White Level April 16th., at 9:30 A. M. Justice School April 17th., at 9:30 A. M. * Epsom High School April 19th., at 9:30 A. M. Louisburg High School April 10th., at 9:30 A. M. For children other than Pre school at the County Schools fol lowing the same procedure as pre school Clinics. Places and dates to be announced later. Typhoid, Diphtheria, and Small Pox vaccination Clinics at various points in the County, places, dates, and hours to be announced later. The vaccinations are given at the Health Department dally. PIANO: We have beautiful up right piano In this community be ing returned to us because of pur chaser's inability to complete con tract. Will* transfer this account to responsible party for balance owing. Cash or termB. Quick ac tion necessary. For particulars ad: dress Lee Piano Co., Lynchburg, Va. 3-29-3t STATESV1LLE POULTRY FEEDS have proven their worth. Start your BABY CHICKS on it and keep them on it for BEST RESULTS. We KEEP a complete line at all times ? PRICED TO SELL. G. W. MURPHY & SON Louisburg, N. C. NOW/' LOOK AT THESE VALUES A Special invitation is extended yoij to call in and see these and other big vaTues we are offering. 1930 Ford Roadster .......... ,$95.00 1929 Ford Coupe ...\ $65.00 1929 Pontiac Sedan $145.00 .. Good Bays from $10.00 tip ALLEN SALES COMPANY Nash Street Louisbnrg, N. 0. LOUISBURG THEATRE Shows _? yjjjy Saturdays 8 30 Westerm^KEIectrk Continuous 7:00 SOUND tl^JTsYSTEM 2:00 to 8:43 V w 11:00 Saturday, March 30th ? BILL CODY "FRONTIER DAYS" Sunday, March 31st ? (Charity Benefit ? One Show 9:00 P. M.) Gary Cooper,, ? Anna Sten "THE WEBblNG NIGHT" Monday, April 1st ? Lee Tracy ? Sally Eilers , "CARNIVAL" Tuesday, April 2nd ? GEORGE O'BRIEN "WHEN A MANS A MAN" 10c WEDA?ruBLDAY 15 c Sally Blane ? Charles Starrett "THE SILVER 3TREAK" Thursday, April 4th ? Liberty's 4 Star Picture Gary Cooper ? Francot Tone "LIVES OF A BENGAL LANCER" Friday, April 5th ? Robert Taylor ? Virginia Bruce "TIMES SQUARE LADY" ?' i, NEXT WEEK The Years Biggest Thriller "The Whole Towns Talking" Starring EDWARD G. ROBINSON SOME FOLKS SAY A ROOSEVELT DOLLAR is worth only cents, r*r-v.. ? but look what it will 'purchase and be your own judge ? Eight Pounds^of COFFEE Freshly Roasted ? Freshly Ground $1.00 100 lb*. StJGAR .....V.'. $4.50 150 lbs. POTATdES .... $2.25 (Selected? Maine Grown) PLOW POINTS 7 Cents Each GUANO AND NITRATE OF SODA t-T We shall appreciate an oppor tunity to serve you. SEABOARD STORE CO., INC. D. r. McKINNE, President PA"Y CASH and PAT. LESS

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