YOUR TOWN lant a bit art willing to Help make it BOOST YOUR TOW* Franklin Times THE COUNTY - THE STATE - THE UNION YOUE LOCAL PAPER can't without your Paid f?r i'atronage in Subscriptions and Advertising BOOST YOUR HOME PAPER VOLUMN LXVI. SUBSCRIPTION Vl.SO Per Year LOU1SBURG, N. CAROLINA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER ?, 1033 EIGHT PAGES) NUMBER 4a Boone Re-Elect - ed Chairman W. N. Fuller Re-elected Au ditor and Accountant ? Minor Re-elected Jailor And Janitor ? Draws Jury For January ? Routine Business I The Board of County Commis sioners met in regular session on Monday with all present. Fol lowing the opening formalities business was transacted as fol lows: Reports of Miss Louise Weav er , Home Agent, Supt. E. R. Rich ardson. County Home. Mrs. J. F. Mitchiner, Welfare Officer and Dr. R. F. Yarborough, County Health Officer, were received and filed. The Centerville Club, represen ted by Mrs. T. R. Oupton and Mrs. P. M. Sykes, was before the Board in the interest of a com munity building. Jim Oreen was admitted to the County Home. The County Auditor was In structed to send check to Caswell Training School. The following were placed on outside pauper list: Louise King at $3 per month, Ella Mitchell at $3 per month, Sid Pearce at ?3 per month. The County Auditor was In structed to correct tax of J. T. Collins and N. O. Pleasants. Upon motion it was ordered that bills of Dr. Yarboroough for serlum up to $10 per month be paid. R. M. Minor was elected Jailor and Janitor for twelve months at the present salary. With the assalstnce of the ? Sheriff the Board drew a Jury for the January term of Franklin Su perior Court. County Auditor was instructed to investigate title of the Spen cer Bowden land and If all right to sell to O. J. Collins. Report of E. J. Morgan, Coun ty Agent, was received and filed. A formal motion, was passed di recting the sale of certain prop erty in Youngsville township. Upon motion W. N. Fuller was elected County Auditor and Ac countant for the year 193#. Upon motion T. W. Boone was Te-?flected Chairman for the en suing year. After allowing a number of ac counts the Board adjourned sub ject to call of the Chairman. List of Jurors The following Is a list of Ju Tors for the January term of Franklin Superior Court: Dunns ? Joe D. Stalllngs, E. M. Harris, M. W. Beddlngfleld, J. A. Ray, Bud Ray. Harris ? W. R. Young. Youngsville ? C. H. Roberts, J. W. Murphy. Franklinton ? W. J. Estes, A. B. Cooke, E. T. Ayescue, James B. Kearney. Hayesvllle ? Jack T. Ayescue, W. H. Wilder, W. A. Rowland, J. T. Weldon. Sandy Creek ? P. O. Murphy, J. R. Parrish, J. C. Wester, S. H. Foster, E. S. Merrltt, W. C. Joy ner, C. E. Edens, N. H. Smith. Gold Mine ? M. H. Griffin, Joe Wood. Cedar Rock ? L. O. Tharring ton, J. F. Mitchell. Cypress Creek ? A. E. Spivey. Louisburg ? J. S. Sherrod, Ben nie A. Gupton, R. F. Yarborough, Jr., R. C. Beck. ?' Oxford Orphans at Gold Sand The TIMES is requested to state that the Oxford Orphanage Singing Class wilt be at Oold Sand School and present a concert on Monday night. December 9th, at 8 o'clock. The program gives promise of being full of enter tainment and Instruction and aH are invited to go out and hear the little ones. ? Program At The Louisburg Theatre The followlat U> the program at the Louisburg Theatre begin ning Saturday, Dec. 7th: Saturday ? John Wayne in "Westward Ho," also Our Gang Follies of 1936 and serial. Sunday ? Jack Benny and Una Merkel, Ted Healey and Nat Pen dleton in "It's In The Air." Monday -r- James Dunn and Claire Dodd in "The Payoff. Tuesday ? ?_ Lawrence Tibbett and Vrglnla Bruce in "Metropol ? I tan." - i Wednesday ? Lawrence OrA and Mary Carlisle In "The Olf Homestead," comedy . and serial!/ Thursday ? Rochelle HudgntjL and Henry Fonda In "Way Dowif Bast." . p 4 Friday ? Return engagement. Jos E. Brown In "Bright Lights)' TAYLOR W. BOONE | Who was re-elected Chairman of the Board of County Commission ers for the ensuing year on Mon day without opposition. Mr. I Boone has made an exceptionally | fine Chairman and member of the I Board. i_ Louisburg Toy Missions Offers Free Matinee Any child of any age can see a moving picture show next Satur day morning at 10:30, free, except for bringing one toy, old, broken, or new. The show will be held in the Louisburg Theatre, and we have been assured it will be suitable for youth's entertainment. Short features and one full-length pic ture make up the program. Mr. R. Glenn Davis, local manager of the Louisburg Theatre, makes this contribution of a free show as his part in helping the Louisburg Toy Mission. i < Last year, as a help to Santa Claus, about 250 or 300 repaired and repainted toys were distribut ed to underprivileged Franklin County children, white and color ed. We hope to distribute as many as 500 toys this year. Come next Saturday morning, or send your toys, 10:30? Dec. 7, Louiisburg _ Theatre. Volunteer helpers are desired to aid in fix ing and painting the toys that are given at the matinee. We want to make this a community wide and county-wide affair. With Resettlement Mrfc. J. A. Pearce, popular Do mestic Science teacher at Gold Sand High School, resigned her position the past week to accept a position with the Resettlement organization. Her work will be along similar lines with the Home Demonstration Agent, among the people in Franklin County need ing information and connected with the resettlement work. Franklin County has been assign ed to her with headquarters in Louisburg. She entered upon her new duties Monday morning. Mrs. Pea re#* is well qualified for this position and her selection was a recognition of the splendid work she has been doing. Folklore Society Meets The Forklore Society this year is studying the Influence the Ghost, Haunt and Witch beliefs have had upon pur learning, coulture and religion. 'This will be the subject of the President's annual address at the annual meeting to be held In Raleigh, December 4 to 6th at the Sir Walter Hotel. The pub lic is invited to attend the ses sions of this meeting and Frank lin County people are urged to attend. : COTTON FOR HOME USE An amendment to the Bank head Act provides that a mini mum of 110 pounds of lint cotton may be used for home use. Cer tificates for this special tax-ex empt cotton may be gotten upon application at the County Agent's office. Only one application will be accepted from each farm. Foster-Leonard Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Delta Louise Leonard to Joseph James Foster on Wednesday, Nov. 27, at Sandy Creek Baptist Church, with1 Rev. J. F. Roach, of Norllna officiating. Mrs. Foster Is the daughter of Mr. Willie P. Leonard and the late Mollie House Leonard. Mr. Foster la the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wade Hampton Foster, of Lontsbnrg, Route 2. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED yi"'* . Hr. and Mrs. William Thomas Willltta" announce the engage ment of their daughter, Louise, to i Dr. John Decatur Engle, of Haxel ton. Pa. The wedding well be con summated In the near future, I Mipe Labor Move WA8HtNGTON . . . The eyes or labor are upon John L. Lewis, presi-J dent of the United Mine Workers of 1 America, who resigned suddenly as a vice-president of the American i Federation of Labor. Lewis will keep,! i his union within the federation, it is said, but will continue tight for '.industrial form of uulou. Paul B. Griffin Dies One of Louisburg's Most Popular Citizens Passes At Park View Hospital Mr. Paul B. Griffin, one of L^uisburg's oldest and most pop lar citizens died at Parkview, hospital in Rocky Mount Monday morning at 6 o'clock following several days serious illness. He was 63 years of age and besides1 his wife, he leaves four sons,' j Messrs. Graham F. Griffin, of Durham, P. B Griffin, Jr., of 1 Norfolk, Senator Edward F. Grif fin and Mr. George I. Griffin, of Louisburg, and one daughter, ; Mrs. W. J. Liles, of Atlanta, Ga. Mr. Griffin was born and raised on a farm in Gold Mine township, coming to Louisburg in the 90's and becoming identified with the mercantile life of the town and ! county in which he prospered and his business enlarged. He was ' also prominently connected with the lumber industry of the coun ty. }n 1909 he was appointed Treasurer for Franklin County by the Board of County Commis sioners to fill out the unexpired term of the late J. A. (Dolly) I I Thomas, and was repeatedly elec-J ted to succeed himself until the office was abolished many years later. He was a member of the Louisburg Baptist Church and the Louisburg Masonic Order and ; was always interested in any re ligious or civic movement. He possessed an ease of manner and magneU""* personality that attrac ted thAoBfith whom he came in contactr^^lch accounted for his wide popularity. The funeral was held from the home of the deceased on Nasli! Street Wednesday morning and was conducted by Rev. D. P. Har ris. pastor of the deceased, and Rev. O. P. FitzGerald, pastor of the Loulsburg Methodist Church, in the presence of a large num ber of sorrowing relatives and I friends and the interment was made in Oaklawn cemetery. The pall barers were as fol jlows: Active ? O. C. Hill, N. L. | Moseley, George W. Ford, O. Y. jYarboro, L. L. Joyner, S. P. Bod dle. Honorary- ? J. W. Perry, Dr. S. P. Burt, E. R. Allen. F. H. Al len. W. H. Allen, P. R. White, ,Q. S. Leonard, G. W. Murphy, W. J. Coofcfer, Rev. E. H. Davis, E. A. Kemp, R. A. Pearce, C. C.| Collins, M. C. Pleasants, F. RJ Pleasants, F. B. Leonard, J. S. Lancaster, J. R. Collie, K. P. Hill, Perry Wheeler, W. B. Tuck er, J. H. Boone, E. H. Malone, L. W. Parrish, A. W. Person, W. R. | Mills, M. C. Murphy, J. 8. Dennis, I J. M. Batchelor, S. Z. Downey, B. H. Meadows, J. S. Howell, A. B. Allen, J. W. Weaver, J. L. Pal-j mer, R. C. Beck, M. S. Clifton, J. R. Oantt, G. J. Haler, D. F. Mc-| Kinne, M. McKinne. Graham Per son, S. C. Foster, B. F. Wood, L. j J. Pemell, C. W. Lea, Cary How ard, J. A. Hodges, R. W. Smith-' wick, C< R. Sykes, Dr. H. H. Johnson. The following had charge of the floral offerings which was es-j pecially large and pretty, speak-' log silently the love and high es teem he enjoyd: Dorothy Den nis, Lucy Leonard, Mrs. H. C. Taylor, Jr., Mrs. 'Jim Batchelor. Mrs. W. N. Fuller, Jr., Felicia Al- j ten, Hazfel White, Emily Bottl more, Drusa Wllker, Pig Beck. The bereaved family and rela-l tives have the deepest sympathy . of th? entire community. Social Service Agencies There.ylU 6e_a meeting of the Social pervict TOfeVcies. in the Louisbnrg Theatre, Sunday. De cember, 15th, at 4:30. Church organizations. Parent-Teacher As sociations, American Legion and Auxiliary, Kiwanis, Masonic and Junior Lodgfli, Women's Clubs are urged to atttibd. A Christmas' program Will be presented. TbeM organizations are asked to Cooj*u*te with the Welfare departmenf'in bringing cheer to the old people. Rev. Frank Pulley, Chairman Mrs. M. M. Person, V.-Chalr., Mrs. E. F Oi'lffln. Sec'y. Recorder's Court Franklin Recorder's Court held two long and busy sessions t last week and this week, both total ing around gifcty odd cases. The dockets were disposed of as fol lows, the first being Tuesday's docket: Marvin Bowden, unlawful pos session of whiskey* and operating automobile intoxicated, execution of judgment of Nov. 26 ordered, 4 months on roads. Appeal. James Wiggins, abandonment, not guilty. B. C. Smith was found guilty of operating automobile intoxica ted, and given 60 days on road<*, upon payment of $50 fine and costs execution of road sentence stayed. Not to operate car in 12; months. Wilson Ball was found guilty; of violating prohibition law, and fined Izo and costs, A nolle pros with leave was ta-| ken in the case of non-support j against Hog Stallings. O. V. Leigh was found not! guilty of violating prohibition law. Marvin Bowden was found guil ty of public drunkenness and op erating an automobile intoxicated and was given 4 months on i road. Appeal. Kemp Moore plead guilty to unlawful possession of whiskey, to be discharged upon payment of fine of $10 and costs. G. B. Bell, Laddie Upchurch and Donnie Bell, larceny from person and assault, transferred to Superior Court. Haj Green plead guilty to reck less driving and was given 60 days on roads; upon payment of $20 fine and costs road sentence stayed. ? Willie Gray Moore was found guilty of violating prohibition law. and was given 6 months on roads. Henry Hayes was found guilty of non-support, prayer for judg ment continued. Aurice Edwards was found guilty of assault with deadly wea pon and fined (10 and costs. Ap peal. E. "W. Weaver, operating auto mobile Intoxicated, violating pro hibition law, continued. S. C. Joyner, operating auto mobile Intoxicated and violating prohibition law. continued. Joseph N. Knight, operating automobile intoxicated and viola ting prohibition law. Continued. William A. Tant was found _ gifilty of unlawful possession of ' whiskey, prayer fqr Judgment continued. Walter L. House was found guilty of unlawful possession of whiskey, prayer for Judgment continued, Samuel Boone was fot^nd guilty of f and a and given 60'\days on roads, upon payment of costs judgment suspended. Pauline Debnam Perry was found guilty of f and a and was given 30 days in Jail, upon pay ment of costs judgment suspend ed. Pauline Debnam Perry was found not guilty of carrying con cealed weapons. Tom Holden, assault with dead ly weapon, continued. Petsy Holden, assault with deadly weapon, continued. Willie Rodwell was found not guilty of violating hunting law. Bud Davis, assault on female, continued. Owen Wheless was found not guilty of assault. Sam Rice, operating automo bile Intoxicated, jury demanded and continued. Lester Pearce plead guilty to operating automobile intoxicated and was given 60 days on roads Upon payment of $50 line and costs execution of road sentence stayed. Not to drive car for 12 1 months. Charlie Prlvett, Vester Pearce, arson, sent to Superior Court. James Thompson, using profane language on highway, not guilty. James Thompson, disorderly conduct, not guilty. The following cases were dis posed of on Nov. 26th, 1936: W. A. Watklns, continued on former order. Marvin Bowden plead guilty to unlawful possession of whiskey and operating automobile intoxi cated, 4 months on roads. Upon payment of $50 and costs road sentence stayed. Not to operate cm* for months. I Dewer Adams not guilty of carrying concealed weapons. Merrlmon Kearney, abandon ment, continued. Clyde Wtlkins, not guilty ofi assault with deadly weapon. Ale* Bailey, operating automo bile intoxicated, continued under former order. James Wiggins, abandonment, continued. B. C. Smith, operating automo bile intoxicated, continued. Willie Prank Roberts was found guilty of carrying conceal ed weapons and assault with deadly weapons, 18 months on roads. Edgar Mitchell plead guilty to operating automobile Intoxicated and was given 60 days on roads, Judgment suspended upon pay ment of ISO fine and costs. Not to operate car for 12 months. R. W. Fowler was found not (Continued on page four) Warm Springs Greet Their Illustrious Guest [ WARM SPRINGS, G*. . . . Patients in the Warm Spring Foundation here iook forward through the year to the arrival of thejr illustrious toaatmasteri President Roosevelt, for their Thanksgiving Day dinner. Photo bhow? the 'joyful greetings of the little folks upon the arrival of the President last week, for his annual aojourn with them over Thanksgiving. Study Motor Rates The Board of Town Commis-| sioners met in regular session Tuesday night. Upon roll call all members were present except W. B. Barrow and | W. J. Cooper. The minutes of previous meet ings were read and approved. The monthly reports of the Town Clerk. Tax Collections, and Chief of Police were read and ap proved. A motion prevailed, "That the Light & Water Committee make a study of the prevailing electric rates on motors, and to report to the Board with it's recommenda tions relative to the present rates, at a future meeting of the Board." The Clerk was instructed to write to Dr. A. D. Wilcox in re ference to the delinquent paving i assessments that are owed to the: Town of Loui8burg. by Louisburgi College. Mayor W. C. Webb and Com-i missioner J. S .Howell, were ap-' pointed as a Special Committee to interview Mr. Philip Whitley, Dis trict Director of the W. P. A. The Committee was instructed to attempt to secure the approval i and execution of the W. P. A. project filed by the Town of Lou isburg. for street improvements. After approving a number of' accounts the Board adjourned. Tobacco Market " "The Louisburg tobacco market will hot, close for the Christmas holidays iaintif Dec. 18th. AUj those wishing to aell their tobac co before holidays should bear this in mind. Tobacco the past week has I been bringing fairly good prices and quite a lot of the weed has ? been sold. Louisburg Is main taining its position with other markets In selling for the high dollar. Bring your -tobacco on to Louisburg. Dial System The local telephone exchange changed the local telephone sys tem from the non-rign-as-you call to the dial system on Thursday of last week. While some are experi encing some little trouble In be coming accustomed to the new order It It generally accepted as satisfactory and ?U> are being entered without delay. Fire The fire Monday morning was at the residence of Mr. P. 8. Allen In the apartment- of Mrs. Shiffield, where a* oil coolc stove went bad. The fife- Was exting uished before any serious damage was done, the fire department having arrived In time to save any further damage than smoke, which was estimated at about J50. VANCE LIQUOR STORE SHOW MbUNTIttO SALES Uenderson, Dec. 3. ? Mounting higher are sales of the Vance County Uquor store. Figures for November today showed $31,351 taken In last month. Saturday be fore Thanksgiving leads in a single day's sales with $2,374.85. The grand total for all five months since the opening shows saleB to be 1114,662.35. "Scout Court Of Honor" Mr. Claude Humphries, our Boy i 8cout Executive from Durham, will hold a Court of Honor and business meeting Sunday P. M. at M. E. Church at 2:30. He wishes to organise a Scout Troop In each High School in Franklin County. Those who are interested in this work for boys are Invited to come and brine your friends. "The Payoff" Thrilling Drama of News papers at Louisburg Thea tre Monday, Dec. 9th. "The Payoff," First National's latest newspaper drama, comes to Louisburg Theatre Monday, Dec. 9th, with a tri-star cast, includ ing James Dunn, Claire Dodd and Patricia Ellis. The picture is entirely differ ent from its predecessors in the newspaper field, centering about the activities of an honest sports writer, his contact with the gambling fraternity, and his love affairs, which, incidentally, fur nish a new twist to the triangu lar romance. The picture is based on the story by George Bricker, for many years a newspaper writer, and depicts all the thrills and glamor and excitement in the work of a reporter who is con stantly threatened by gamblers who try to bribe-and intimidate him. - James Dunn has the role of the sports writer. Cljaire Dodd is the selfish wife and Patricia Ellis a newspaper woman genuinely in love with him. Dunn is fired from his job when he leases in his at tack on the ace gambler, a part played by Alan Dinehart, and Is practically down and out when Frankie Darro, as a< Jockey whom he had befriended tips him off to a frame-up in the big race of the season. Robert Florey directed the pic ture afrom the screen play by George Bricker and Joel Sayre. Miss Stallings Sport Editor Greensboro, Dec. 2. ? Miss Nell Stallings, of Loulsburg, Is sports editor of "The Carolinian," week ly student newspaper at tbe Wom an's College of the University of North Carolina, where she is a student, Miss Elizabeth Yates, of Greensboro, is editor-in-chief of the publication. With a complete staff of 71 students, "The Carolinian" has 27 editors, 33 reporters, a busi ness staff of nine, and two Btu dents are in charge of circulating the paper among the students, numbering 1,528 and among mem bers of the faculty. X'mas Seals The Tuberculorls Christmas Seal Sale was launched on Thanksgiving. It is generally known that this seal sale is for the benefit of the tubercular in Franklin.. County. It is an act of human ktbdness to buy these ^eate. They are decorated and printed and wherever used, on packages or letters, they typify kindness. Don't refuse to buy from th? children. ST PAUL'S EPISCOPAL OHU&OH Next Sunday being the second Sunday, there will be an evening service at 7:30 o'dock. Please note the change in the hour. The 2nd Sunday In Advent this year has been designated as Universal Bible Sunday; this will be em phasized 14 our worship that day. Sunday School and T. P. S, L. meet at the usual hoars. Choir rehearses Thursday night at 7.30, at the home of Mr. Mc Kinne. Junior Choir ?t 10:00 Saturday morning, home of Miss Joyner. Visitors always welcome. Mora than 95 percent ot the tobacco growers in Columbus County have signed the new crop adjustment contract. . VHAMlNtil&M Wushington, December 3. ? Of ficial Washington is displaying great interest in Presidential polls these days. The one that has at tracted the most attention is the poll recently completed by news papers served by Publishers Auto caster Service, which, reflecting as it does rural and small-town opinion exclusively, is regarded as highly significant. If there were a wide variation between, the results shown by the different efforts to get at a cross-section of national political views at this time, Washington might not be so interested. But when the Auto caster poll, the Literary Digest poll, so far as its preliminary re sults have been disclosed, the Gal lup poll, and the poll taken a short time ago by Robert J. Lucas, all agree within a fraction of one percent, and every one of theni shows a marked decline in the strength of President Roosevelt's support, the total effect is impres sive. All the polls agree in giving Mr. Roosevelt still the best of it, by approximately 53 percent to 47 percent. Even the most opti mistic of the Administration's poli tical soothsayers are now conced ing more or less openly that it looks us if it would be a close elec tion in 1936. However, a lot of things can happen in a year. . r rum m*lT ?;ii Some of the things which the ProsUteat's friends are hoping will happen are a strong up-swing in business conditions, the failure of the Opposition to develop real leadership and a subsidence of the third party agitation. The latter contingency, as things look now, can probably be dismissed as unlikely to be strongly enough concentrated anywhere to affect the electoral vote. As to leadership In the Repub lican Party, something may deve lop at the annual meeting of tho Republican National Committee to be held here this month, which will clarify the issues upon which the Opposition will, make its stand. The man who succeeds ii* putting forward a program on which all Republicans can unite will certainly show evidence of leadership. How to overcome the political effect of the AAA with out losing great blocks of farm votes is a puzzle to which no Re publican political Reader has so far given the answer. The strongest element in Mr. Roosevelt's favor, as matters now stand, is that business is definit? | ly improving and that all the signs point to further improvement. The stock market boom is not re garded here as dangerous. Gover nor Eccles of the Federal Reserve Board pointed out the other day that it would not become danger ous until stock .market specula tion reached the point where it was being done on borrowed money. At present, he pointed out, transactions on the stock exchange are on a cash basis, and the Fed eral Reserve has ample power to check any inflation of credit such as caused the market collapse in 1929. Retrenchment Forecast The Administration is very clearly determined to begin a pol icy of retrenchment of govern mental expenditures. The state ment by Representative James P. Buchanan, of Texas, Chairman of the House Committee on Appro priation. after his conferences last week with the Presiden? at Warm Springs, that he was pre paring to make the strongest fight of his life for economy, and that there was reason to believe that the deficit could be reduced to not more than $500,000,000 for the next fiscal year, is accepted here as a genuine expression of intention, on the part of a man who wields great power in Con gress. . ret there is never any telling what any Congress may do. The reasonable certainty that a veter ans' bonus bill will be enacted Is a matter of some concern. If a plan for settling the veterans' claims with reasonably long-term bonds can be put through. It will not materia I ly affect the annaat budget, but many returning mem bers are bringing back reports of demands for cash instead of bonds and that may be one of the big issues to be fooght out on the floor of Congress. ? The tongue of gossip is as ac tive as ever on the matter of Cab inet changes. The latest rumors would shift Secretary Roper to ? the Post Office Department and George Peek from his rather anomalous position In the Btite Department to Secretary of Com merce. The President want* to keep Peek In the Administration. It is more than whispered that he wonld like to have Secretary Idles out of the Administration. Also, very strong pressure la be ing put upon the President to set rid of Dr. Tugwell, who no longer functions aa Under Secretary t of Agriculture, although he retains the title.