Franklin Times THE COUNTY . THE STATE - THE UNION YOUR LOCAL PAPER can't exist without jrour Paid for Patronage In Subscriptions and AdTertiaing BOOST YOUR HOME PAPER LOUISBURO, N. CAROLINA, Kill DAY, IiKiKMRKR 18, 108* I* EIGHT PAGES) NUMBER 13 Farmers Invited To Attend Annual Meet ing Louisburg Production Credit Association An invitation is extended to all farmers of this county to attend the annual meeting of the Louis burg Production Credit Associa tion at Louisburg on January 16, in the Old Opera House, it Is an nounced by N. C. Phillips, secre tary of the association. The Louisburg association ser ves Franklin County and this year made loans to farmers in this county totaling J186, 000.00. Every farmer who borrowed money through the association is a stock bolder and is expected to attend this annual meetiag of stockhold ers which -Is held for the purpose of hearing a complete report on the year's work of thfe organiza tion. the election of officers and (he transaction of such other busi ness as may come before the body. "We will be delighted to have all farmers who are not stockhold ers also attend the meeting." Mr. Phillips said, "in order that they might learn of the credit service which Is offered to the farmers of this' section by the association. By means of production credit as sociations farmers have been able to reduce the cost of making and collecting loans and by keeping the system on a sound basis they can obtain funds at costs as low as those available to any other industry. "Interest on loans made by the association is payable when loans are due and the borrower pays 5 per cent Interest only for the time he actually has the money. Each borrower is required to take out Class B. stock in the associa tion in an amouqt equivalent to 5 per cent of the loan when he .gets his initial loan and may ob tain new loans without purchas ing additional stock. "Thousands of farmers all over the country are now stockholders in production credit associations and are thoroughly sold on the idea of cooperative credit. We are anxious that every farmer in this section shall at least have the opportunity of knowing of the credit aervice that we offer and we cordially invite all to our an nual meeting." The officers of the Louisburg Association are: J. O. Wilson, President; C. T. Hudson. Vice President; J. D. Newman, Direc tor; J. L. Byron, Director; G. W. May, Director. Court of Honor Louisburg Boy Scout Troop held a Court of Honor at Mills High School Sunday afternoon. C. C. Humphrey, scout executive, of Durham, was present. "J. A. Hodges, chairman of the local troop for the past five years, pre sided. At a business session it was de cided to organize a troop in every high school in Franklin County and to hold a court every month. An effective plea for a scout or ganization at Epsom was made by one of the Epsom High School students, Russell Lancaster. Dr. O. P. FltzGerald, pastor of the Louisburg Methodist Church, was unanimously elected chairman of the local troop to succeed Mr. Hodges. A wards as follows were made: Barrell Perry, first aid, life sav-,. ing; William Barrow Jr., cooking ming and White Lake Camp Em blem; Karl K. Allen, life saving, civics, White Lake Camp Emblem and camping, David Spivey Jr., cooking; Robert Smithwlck Jr., tenderfoot; Ben Ballard Massen burg Jr.. plumbing; William Lee Beasley, bronze eagle palm; Joe Macon Beasley. gardening, life saving, physical development; Olenn Beasley, music, bugling, cooking, Bob Johnson was award ed the prise for selling the larg est number of Christmas cards In a campaign sponsored by the scouts; his award is a year's sub scription to the Scout magazine, ?"Boy's Life." Program At The Louisburg Theatre "V # The following is the program at the Louisburg Theatre begttf ning Saturday, Dec. 14th; Saturday ? Tom Tyler, Hoot Gibson. iBuzz Barton, Bob Steele, Big Boy Williams, Harry Cary In "Powder Smoke Range." Sunday ? Alice white and An dy Devine, Eddy Dachin and his orchestra in "Coronado." Monday? Rochelle Hudson and Cesar Romero In "Shorn Them No Mercy." i't Tuesday ? Gary Cooper and Ann i (Harding in "Peter Ibbetson." M Wednewiajr? Lawrence Gray' & Florene M<Klnney to "Diss? Dames,"- Santa Claus in person, ?mil Midnight Strow Wednesday ? Will Rogers "In *0M Kentucky." Thursday-Frldsjr? Will Rogers . in his last picture "to Old'; Ken tucky." Phoney G-Man To Be Tried In Vance Superior Court Henderson, Dec. 11. ? J. H. Cadell, fake "O-Man" who ran a way from Vance County two weeks ago with Mrs. Robert Watklns, wife of a farmer, was given a hearing In recorder's court today od a charge of abducting her and was held for the January term of superior court under $6,000 bond. Cadell pleaded Innocent, but of fered no testimony and was not represented by counsel. Mrs. Watklns testified 'Cadell persuaded her to leave with him and Sheriff J. E. Ham let t told of arresting Cadell last Friday In a Greensboro hotel where the Couple were staying. A federal agent was here today and questioned Cadell, but would not discuss whether federal charges of impersonating an of ficer would be brought against htm. ' The day before he left here with Mrs. Watkins, Cadell appeared at! police headquarters, claiming to be a federal Investigator, and had police lock up two Itinerant show men whom he said were connect ed with the killing of Mrs. W. W. Mason, wife of a storekeeper, at Pine View on Thanksgiving Day. The next day the innocence of the two prisoners was established and they were released. i Since being returned here from Qreensbora, Cadell has professed to have some knowledge of th?: Pine View killing, but Sheriff Hamlett said he placed little cred ence In the claims. Mason told Harnett County of ficers his wife was shot to death by robbers, but a coroner's jury ordered the storekeeper held af ter an inquest. Dr. Bryan At Baptist Church Dr. D. B. Bryan, dean of wake Forest College, tilled the pulpit i at the LouiBburg Baptist Church last Sunday morning and preach- j ed a most Interesting sermon up on the theme "putting the first things first." In this he stressed the fact that If we would put our religious obligation first and give the necessary time and thought to' them we would be relieved of the greater part of worry as the neces sary worldly things would come in time. Dr. Bryan will preach again next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock in the Louisburg Baptist Church according to announcement. All are invited to go out and bear him. Rev. C. B. Howard is scheduled to preach at the morning hour at the Louisburg Baptist Church on Sunday, December 22. , Toy Matinee Secures 500 Toys A splendid response to the Children's Matinee last Saturday netted the Louisburg Toy Mission about 600 toys to be distributed to needy youngsters Christmas Eve. If there are other donations of toys or fruit to be made, they may be brought to the "headquart ers" over Mr. Pleasants' store, in the office formerly occupied by one of the relief groups. Beginning Friday afternoon at four o'clock, the shop will be open every afternoon and night. A full committee will be named by next week. In the meantime, come down and help us paint and re pair these toys, we believe it will be fun for everyone. Community Sing The Christmas Carol Commun ity Sing for the benefit of charity will be held in Louisburg Theatre,. Sunday afternoon, December 15th, at 4:30 o'clock. This event is be ing sponsored by the Council of Social Agencies of Franklin Coun ty, in cooperation with the Wel fare Department. The musical talent of Louisburg College and Mills Glee Club will give several good numbers, and the whole gathering may give Christmas Carols as they wish, with the leadership of Mr. R. E Miller, principal of Edward Best School. A silver offering will be taken. "S Wins First Place The preliminary Declamation and Recitation contest at Oold Sand High School was held Tues day afternoon at 2 o'clock. Vir ginia Dark won first place in the Recitation contest and Ran dolp Denton in the Declamation contest. The number entering was much larger this year than previous. The girls entering the Recitation contest were: Emily Dark, Vir ginia Dark, Frances Person, Mil dred Pierce, Isabelle Llmer, Frances Parrish, Lois Joyner, Louise Murphy, Nannie Leonard, and Margaret Leonard. The \>oys Entering were Ran^olp Denton I and Perry Orlffin. The Judges for the contest were Mrs. J. E. Malone. Jr.. Mrs. Roy Tharrlngton and Rev. Frank Pul ley. They had to work hard and thresh out the Winners; and their decision was received with gen eral satisfaction. CAMPAIGN CLOSES - All local Will Rogers memor ial fund collectors are informed that Saturday, Dec. 14, winds np the Will Rogers Memorial Cam paign in North Carolina. Please send a check for all funds that have been collected In your ter ritory to Dr. D; T. Smithwlck, County Chairman, Loulsburg. N. C. Scouts of Mills School Compete The boy and girl Scouts of Mills High School are competing to sell the most Christmas Tuberculosis Seals before Christmas-Eve. Both teams are working zealously. It is a good cause for which they are fighting. Every seal sold.j means that much more comfort to some sufferer from sickness or under nourishment. Greet the boys and girls with| encouragement and buy seals from them, many of them. The seals, decorative and pret ty, enhance the value of cards, letters and packages at Christ mas time. They add. also, dignity and thought. ? The sender, once he places a 1 seal on his gift, feels, that he has done a good deed, and feels better for it ? the recipient re ceives it with more gladness ? recognizing in the sender that j human kindness, which makes the world a better place to liye in ? and so the influence spreads I ? and more and more seals carry cheer every where. ! The Tuberculosis "Chairman,! Welfare Officer. Community Wel fare Committee and Red Cross Com. works cooperatively for the I relief of the poor. Your patronage means all. LIQUOR HAUL MADE IN PBRRY'S STORE t A few hours after assuming his ; duties Tuesday as enforcement of- j fleer under the Vance county li quor store Bet-up. E. A. Cottrell,; accompanied by several city of ficers. raided the grocery store of! George E. Perry on North Chest nut street in the afternoon, seized 111 gallons of moonshine liquor in half-gallon fruit Jars and plac ed Mr. Perry under arrest. A $300 bond for appearance at a pre liminary hearing was posted prom ptly. The case was set for hearing, in recorder's court today, but waa postponed until Friday morning and the bond was continued. Cottrell said Mr. Perry remark ed he was "selling the liquor to make a living." It was an active day for the new enforcement officer, and a still was taken in another raid. Mr. Cottrell started out with a vim In the discharge of the duties devolving upon him. ? Gold Leaf. Association Mr. W. F. Davis announced th?5 j organisation of the North State Mutual Burial Association, of Ra leigh, with present headquarters in Loulsburg the past week. A3 ] soclated with Mr. Davis are M. F. | Davis, W. W. Shengleton, Jr., J. : M. Shingleton, Hill Yarborough and A. W. Perry. The company will conduct a regular burial as sociation business among the negroes similar to the white as sociations. The officers are M. F. Davis. President; W. W. Shingle ton, Jr., Vice-President; W. F. Davis, Secretary-Treasurer, Di rectors Hill Yarborough, J. M. Shingleton and A. W. Perry. It will do business thrtfiighout North Carolina. ~ h. . LIQUOR STILL AND TWO MEN CAPTURED Dereard Kearney, white, and Fred Merriman, negro, were cap tured yesterday afternoon at a 100 gallon capacity still in Klttrell township by E. A. Cottrell. Vance ABC officer, and W- O. Watkins, L. B. Watkins and M. R. Hard shaw, federal men, and 900 gal lons of mash was poured out at the scene. Kearney was released on bond when he was given a hearing be fore a U. 8. Commissioner at Franklinton, and Merriman went to jail in Raleigh In default of bond. Local officers had been seeking Merriman for some months for assaulting his wife with a brick. I? Gold Leaf. Tobacco Market Closes The Louisburg tobacco market will close today. December 13th. instead of the 18th. as announced last week. The information re ceived was mis Interpreted. There fore the warehouses in Louisburg along ..with other warehouses of this belt will not open next week, but will begin to observe the Christmas holidays Friday even ing. Announcement will be made latar as to the new year opening. Recorder's Court The docket was not quite so heavy at Tuaadapr's setting Of Franklin Recorders Court. One jury trial was bad. Many cases were disposed of and several con tinued. E. W. Weaver, was found guil ty of unlawful possession and transporting whiskey, to be dis charged upon payment of 16 fine and costs. S. C. Joyqer , was adjudged guilty of unlawfal possession and transporting whiskey, to be dis charged upon payment of costs. Joseph N. Knight was adjudged guilty of unlawful possisslon and transporting whiskey to be dis charged upon payment of $6 fine and costs. Sam Rice was found guilty by a jury of operating antomobile intoxicated, and was given SO days on roads, apon payment of $50 fine and costs road sentence suspended. Not to operate car for 12 months. Probable cause was found in the case of Berkley Alford, charged with receiving stolen goods, and was transferred to Franklin Superior Court. Probable rause was found In the case of larceny against Osley Mullen, and was transferred to Franklin Superior Court. A, nolle pros waB taken in the case of operating an automobile intoxicated against Forest Bow den. Bud Young was found guilty of assault on a female and given 3 months on roads, road sentence suspended. The following cases were con tinued: W. A. Watkins. fraud. William A. T?nt. unlawful pos session of whislftiy. Walter L. House, unlawful pos session of whiskey. Tom Hulden. assault with dead ly weapon. Petsy Holden. assault with deadly weapon. Decorates Town In Co-operation with many of the merchants and business men the town of Louisburg is erecting an elabrate display of decorations around the courthouse square to enliven the Christmas spirit. The decorations will consist of various colqrred lights, Christmas ever greens and holiday wreaths. When completed it will present a scene of beauty. Chichen-Guinea One of the most interesting spicemens of poultry that has been displayed in Louisburg in a long while Is a cross between a chicken and a guinea. It haa the Appear ance of a white chicken but the voice of a guinea. It is. on dis play at L. J. Pernells Store and belongs to Mr. John Avent of Fine Rtage, father of Franklin County popular Clerk of the Court, W. V. Avent. ST PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH, Services for Sunday Dec. 15, (Third Sunday In Advent) will be Holy Communion 8a.m. Sun day School 10 a. m. Morning Prayer and Sermon 11 a. m. Y. P. 8. L. 7 p. m. The annual Every Member Courses will begin Sunday after noon. Kemp P. Yarborough is the canvass chairman, and as sisted with him are Capt. L. L. Joyner, Wm. J. Shearin and Rich ard P. Yarborough. Choir rehearsal Thursday sight 7:30, home of Mr. McKinne. Jun ior Choir rehearsal Saturday mor ning at 10:00, home of Miss Joyner. Visitors cordially Invited. MILLS P. T. A. TO MEET The regular meeting of the Mills P. T. A. will be held at the School building on Thursday, December 19th, 1836, at 3:30 in the afterrfbon, according to an nouncemqht of Mrs. J. Y. Beasley President. All members are urged to be present. Becitation and Declamation Contest We are requested to announce that the FrAilklfn County Recita tion and Declamation contest will be held at Edward B?st High School (tonight) FrtSIay, December 13 th. THIS WEEK IN WASHINGTON Washington, December 10. ? The resignation of George N. Peek, because of his dissatisfac tion with the new Canadian tariff agreement. Is more serious than appears on the surface. Mr. Peek,: who was shifted frdm the AAA to the State Department, because of friction between him and Sec ' retary Wallace, has been one of the storm centers of the Adminis tration ever since the Spring of 1933. Mr. Peek is recognized as an authority on agricultural ques tions, and while his point of view on many phases of the Adminis tration's agricultural policy is quite different from the official attitude, be Is regarded as havti\| a large following among the far mers of the Middle West, with whom he has long been influen tial. In bis efforts in the State De partment to promote the export market for American agricultural products. Mr. Peek frequently found himself at odds with Secre tary Hull's point of Tlew. Only President Roosevelt's personal ap peals kept him from resigning tome time ago. ? t-fK nnu domison The real reason why the Presi dent's friends and supporters re-! gret Mr. Peek's resignation is that they fear he will "do a General Johnson" on them. George Peek and Hugh Johnson, former head |of the NRA, are buddies of long standing. Both were associated in the agricultural implement busi ness in Illinois, and both came into the Administration with very definite ideas of what ought to be done and that they were the ones who ought to do it. Gen. Johnson is out, and is traveling around the country mak ing speeches and writing articles attacking the New Deal, although lie professes great personal loy alty to the President himself. Mr. Peek has not intimated that he intends to do anything of the same sort, but the fear that he will use his influence with Mid Western farmers against the Ad ministration is widespread among the President's loyal supporters. The National Debt Secretary of the Treasury Mor genthau's announcement the oth er day that the national debt of the United States will rise above 30 billion dollars by the middle of this month is not regarded, here as so alarming as the Opposition ! spokesmen profess to believe. While there seems to be a mystery as to the "eminent bankers" who, the President said a few days ago, told him that the United States i ! could easily carry a Government debt of 55 billion dollars, there is a definite feeling among the financial and economic Advisers of the Administration that a 30 billion dollar debt, or even one considerably higher, is nothing to worry about. Sooner or later most of the Government debt will be refund ed at from 2 to 2% percent, so that the tax burden of interest would amount to less than 3-4 of a billion a year, and that is not an alarming expense. The Town send Plan One of the big fighting issues that is expected to occupy a good deal of time in Congress when It meets next month Is the Town send plan for old age pensions for everybody over 60. As advocated by the Townsendites, it probably has no chance, but it will have such a show of voting strength behind it that there is an excel lent chance that Congress will be influenced to increase materially, the old age allowances under the Social Security Act. and to make them applicable immediately in-1 stead of in the more or less dis tant future. In the field of Presidential j politics great interest is being' shown here over the rise of Gov ernor Alf Landon of Kansas to first place among Republican Pre-! sidential choices. The belief gains ground that Senator Borah, this time, is in dead earnest about wanting to "be the Presidential nominee of his party. The strong est opposition he will have to overcome will be that of ex-Presi dent Hoover, who is neutral, so far, on all the other prospective candidates, but very much again3t Mr. Borah. Tho Hoover Situation WashiiiKton is slowly becoming < convinced that Mr. Hoover has no intention of offering himself as a Presidential candidate again, but that he intends to see to it that nobody who does not con form to his ideas gets the nomin ation. if he can possibly control the situation. The Republican National Com mittee is to meet here on Decem ber 16. R. B. Creager, National Committeeman from Texas, has proposed that the Committee at tempt to write a platform which will satisfy everybody, including the beneficiaries of the AAA. There is not much chance that the Committee will do anything of that kind, but the fact that the suggestion has been put for ward indicates^ the tendency a mong the Opposition leadership to grasp at straws, and demon strates that there is as yet no clear agreement on Republican Party policies. Louisburg To Be Saluted ; I Information received In Louis burg this week announced the fact that Louisburg would be the sub ject of the broadcast by Thorn's ; of Raleigh, over W. P. T. F. Sun day afternoon between 1:30 and 2 o'clock. In keeping with his ' policy of dedicating their pro grams to some neighboring town or college. This will no doubt be i listened In upon by many. , GHOUP CHAPTKR Y. T. H. V. j Delegates from the following' chapters of Young Tar Heel Far [TnBry met at ? Louisburg- Wed n^a-i day afternoon, Dee. 4th, for the purpose of forming a group Chapter la Franklin and Vance counties: Oold Sand. Epsom. Frankllnton., YoungsvlIIe Edward Best, Bunn, Louisburg. of Franklin County and Mlddleburg, Aycock of Vance. 1 The following officers were elect ed: President, Perry Oriffin, of Oold Sand: Vice Pres. Jim Mltch [fner. of Frankllnton: Sect. Morris Lancaater. of Epsom; Treas. Al bert Hendilex.-of Mlddleburg; Re ; porter Oliver Williams, of Bunn;i Advisor Geo. B. Plumtn. of Mlddle burg. L- ') After the meeting the officers met and drew up plafts for future1 meetings. Oliver Williams. Reporter.! N. C. Extension Conference: The Annual Conference of North I Carolina Extension Service will 1 be held at State College next week ! from Monday. Dec. 16, through | Saturday, December 21. Our Home Agent, Miss Weaver, County, Agent. Morgan, and As sistant Agent, Boyce will all be at tbls conference during the en tire week. At this meeting, all agents will be (Ived Information from both A. A. A. 'and U.S.D.A. as to beat methods of procedure to follow next year In order that they may be of greater service to their re spective Counties. E. J. Morgan. Connty Agent Rowan farmers s*j* -they havt>: 107, MO pounds of MMtiii seed tot take. Most of it t? Korean with 1 ?one KtS? and 8*>r(e#a 'Dizzy Dames' Has Four Hit Numbers Four outstanding musical num bers that have already swept the country, are featured in Liberty Pictures' big musical production "Dizzy Dames," coming to Louis burg Theatre Wednesday; Decem ber 18th, with Marjorie itambeau, Florine McKlnney. Lawrence Gray and Inez Courtney In leading roles. Outstanding among these song hits Is "The Martinique", with music by Louis Alter and lyrics by George waggner, featured In the production. Lillian Miles, whose rendition of "The Contln ental" In "The Gay Divorcee" won her Immediate recognition, reud ers it vocally, find In addition a group of "Martinique" dancers, specially trained by Maurice Kosl off, perform an original dance to the melody. Christine Marston, famous Rhumba dancer, Interprets the music in her own Inimitable fashion. Lawrence Gray, as the young composer of popular melodies, sings and plays "I Was Taken By Storm," another smash turne with Florine McKlnney, as well as "Let's Be Frivolous" ? the latter in an early sequence In the pic ture. Louis Alter composed the music of "Taken By Storm" to Edward Hey man's lyrics. Howard Jackson and Gorge Waggner are credited with "Let's Be Frivolous" as composer and lyricist respec tively. "Love It The Thing", the fourth number in the picture, has music by Neil Moret and lyrics by Har ry Tobias. Fuzzy Knight Intro duces It In the film; Others prominent In the cast of "Dizzy Dames" Include Berton iChurchlll. Fuzzy Knight, Kitty Kelly, Inez Courtney, Lillian Miles. John Warbnrton and Mary Forbes. William Nigh directed from George Waggner's screen play, suggested by P. Q. Wode honse's "The Watch Dog." W. B. Humphries of Bethel Hill Person County, reported to farm agent H. K. Sanders a yield of tlx ton of lespedeza hay per acre and a 100 percent Increase in corn yields following lespedeza. It's Impossible to get real mad with a pipe in your month. i Drys Furnish Drunken Drivers The following was taken from a news article in the Greensboro Daily News by W. Tohi Bost, on Dec. 9th: Kaleigh, Dec. 8. ? Dry territory furnished five of the nine drunk en drivers deprived of their licen ses to drive automobiles reported In the latest list furnished the papers by the department of rev enue. There were 10 such autorao bilists who are given the state's black eye. The habit of the depart- (. ment of revenue is to report only those drivers who have been ad judged guilty in the courta. The latest list starts with November 15 and goes through December 3. Nine of the offenders were drunken drivers one was a hit and run. Greensboro gains an unhappy eminence. It furnishes four of the drunken drivers and the one hit and gunner. An apparent con spiracy against dry territory is found in these later statistics. Greensboro is dreadfully dry. The county voted 5,248 for the re peal delegates and 13,017 against the repealers. There is no evil communication to corrupt good manners. Guilford does not bound Virginia anywhere and it is about 45 miles from any county or state line within which legalized liquor is sold. It. is so far from taw that it is. inescapable that the liquor which puts wheels in the drivers' head is prohibition, alias anti- * repeal liquor. 4 H CLUB BOYS Six boys 4-H Clubs were organi zed in the County this year with a membership of 149 boys. In the following 8chdo4?: Wood, Gold Sand, Hickory Rock-White Lev<TC Justice, Pilot, Harris. Sixty six of these boys chose corn for their project and 60 of them purchased Certified Cock's Prolific Seed to plant. These boys were visited during the summer by Mr. Jones and were graded as to the interest they were taking in their work, and as a reward for their work, , the Agricultural Development they were donated fifteen 100 pound bags Nitrate of Soda to the 15 boys whose grades were the highest. Of the 66 boys enrolled in Corn Work. 52 of them completed their final records, making an average yield) per acre of 37.2 bushels. William Boone of Justice School made the highest yield of 62 1-4 bushels per acre. Joe Denton of Wood was second with a yield of 58 bushels per acre. T. H. Dick ens of Hickory Rock-White Level came third with 57 bushels per Acre and Robert Toney of Harris' School, fdurth with a yield of 56 bushels per acre. Sometime during January an Achievement day will be held in j Louisburg at which all Club mem bers will be asked to attend and prizes and awards will be deliver ed to each member who followed instructions and kept complete re cords during the year. E. J. Morgan, County Agent. Production Increases Detroit, Dec. 7. ? Chevrolet Mo tor Co. today reported a produc tion total of 108,876 units tn I November, exceeding the previous | refold fur any November In the history of the company by more than 60,000. The extraordinary Increase in a period that hereto fore has been one of the indus try's low-production months Is credited by the company to the effect of this year's Introduction of new models in November, In stead of in January, as has been the practice. Besides breaking all November records, last month's total ot 108,876 units also exceeds by more than 17,000 nnlts the high est January record in Chevrolet history, thus setting a new high total for the first month's pro duction of newly introduced mo dels. Reports from dealers so far re ceived are sufficient to Indicate that November will set a new record In retail sales by a large margin. The 108.876 units built during November Included the production of the company's 10 assembly plants In the United States, Us export plant at filoomfleld, N. J., and 4279 cars built at Oshawa. Ont., for the Canadian trade. As Indicating the effect of the early introduction of new models, Chevrolet executives pointed out that November h&4 been exctMed in production this year by only three other months, April, June, and July. It was announced also that dar ing December production will ba maintained at the same Mgfc ratx established last month. ? ??'in i mill ?Uei? . J Wilson farmers have suffered heavy losses from hoc cholera ravaging their herds during th> past two weeks.

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