? ICI'HOM SCHOOL NEWS * ? ? ? Published by PuplU of ' ? Kpsotn High School * *????*????? Community New* There ha? been much slckneas In our community much to our regret. Two of the. faculty mem ber* have beeu sick for the paat week. We are all wishing them happlneM during their Illness. Mr., Crawley returned to school jtaj " Friday, Mtaa Cooke la atlll , sick. 01 We are very glad Indeed toi have Mr. Carl Ousley. pastor of Corinth Baptist Church, to fill the vacancy of Mlsa Cooke. Mr. Oualey haa been conduct ing a B. Y. P. U. Admlnlatratlon courae at Corinth during the past week. Athletics The Athletic Club met last Monday and elected th? following officers whom we are looking for ward to do some real work in conducting our athletics this year: President, Claud Dlckerson; Treasurer, Evelyn Ayscue; Busi ness Manager, George Eaves; Manager of Boys Team, Edwin Pernell; Manager of Olrls Team, Hllla Collins; Cheer Leaders, Ed gar Edwards, Elaine Weldon. The teams of Epsom had two games last week which war* suc cessful on the part of the girls but hard luck on the part of the boys. *? " ? ? ? ? nr.j we inei duiiu m ouuu uu nou-( neiday night for a double header. The acore of the girla waa 26-6 tn favor of Epsom. The acore of the boys waa 18-14 In favor of Bonn. On Friday night we met Youngs ville at Franklinton and the glrla acore waa 31-11 tn favor of Ep-, aom. The boya acore waa 15-21 in favor of Toungavllle. Dramatic (lab The Dramatic Club la contlnu-, Ing lta amateur program. Although there wasn't but one on, the pro gram was very enjoyable. Two Old Maids came out and gave a good play called "Sara and Sally." The old malda were Madolyn Ayscue and Chrlatine Eaves. They were busy looking for a sweetheart. More people proniiae to be on program for next time and we are looking forward to the next amature hour. LouiBe Dickie, Heporter. (iirl Scout News The girl scouts have reorganlx ed under their new leader. Miss Vernelle Frailer. The troops was divided into two patroli, with Virginia Perkinaon and Elaine Weldon chosen as patrol leaders. Virginia Perklnson waa elected acribe for the troop. We cho3g Mrs. D. T. Dickie. 1 Mrs. T. H. Weldon. and Mra. T. C. Gill as avconimlttee to help the girl Scouts. At the meeting laat Tueadifr our regular meeting hour, bual neaa was diacusaed and patrols met to discuss what project they were to take up. The 1st patrol deciding on signalling met Wed nesday afternoon, worked on signals and had supper In ihe Seoul Hut and remained at the school building for the program that was given by the Oxford Orphanage singing class. Sidney Lanier Society The Society met December 6 1935 after the minutes and roll. Evelyn Ayscue gave a very In teresting scripture for the devo tional. The program was centered around "Public Safety." Our spon sor Mrs. Bartholomew gave us an Interesting talk on "Public Safety". Every member of the society learned many points on public safety from her talk. Oth er members who were on program gav? their parts well also. Fannie Pearl Ayscue, Reporter. O'Hrnry IJtrrary Society The Society met Friday Dec. 6. After a roll call and reading of the minutes, we sang "Silent Night." Then a play was given fcy Aunt Martha and Uncle Jerry, who was Elaine weMon and Ed win Fuller. This was enjoyed by all very much. Then our sponsor Mrs.* Journlgan told us the pur pose of Societies. In the business meeting, the president appointed a nominating committee which consisted of Mattle Leigh Dlckerson, Annie Roberson, and Virginia Lasslter. The Society was then declared ad journed. Mattle L. Dlckerson, Reporter. A careless bankroll has the happy faculty of hanging on Just long enough, to get its owner In a bundle of trouble. DOCTORS^ KNOW Mothers read this: tkiii mn I j |T? MUIYIM A cleansing dose today; a smaller quantity tomorrow: less each time, | until Impels need no help at all. ; Why do people come home from i hospital with bowels working like a well-regulated watch? The answer is simple, and it's the answer to all your bowel worries il you will only realize it: many doctors and hospitals use a liquid laxative. If you knew what a doctor knows, you would use only the liquid form. A liquid can always be taken in gradually reduced doses. Reduced dosage is the secret of any real relic] from constipation. Ask a doctor about this. Ask your druggist how very popular liquid laxatives have become. They give the right kind of help, and right amount of help. The liquid laxative generally used is Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. It contains senna and cascara ? both natural lazatives thaV can form no habit, even in children. So, try Syrup Pepsin. You just take regulated doses till Nature restore* regularity. * < When Your Head Feels "Stuffy ? . | nppiy Yi-iio-nui ...Juat a few drop*. Va-tro-nol pene trates deep Into the nual passages, reduce* swollen membrane*, clear* away dogging mu cus, brings welcome relief. Two generous sixes ...30* and Sty. . USID IN TIMI HELPS PREVENT MANY COIDS NOTIOK OF HALE OK VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the pow er and Authority contained In that certain deed of trust execut ed on the 2 day of February. 1931, by E. S. Thomeraon and wife, re corded in Book 299, page 7. Re gistry of Franklin County, North Carolina, and al*o under and by virtue of an order of the Superlor Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, the undersigned trustee wllH on MONDAY, JANUARY ?TH, 1B.KI. at or about the hour of 12:00 o'clock noon sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash the following described tract of land: a certain tract or parcel 01 land situate In Frankltn County, Youngsvllle township. State of North Carolina, and described as follows: Bounded on the North by James McOhee, on the East by James McOhee, on the South by Mrs. W. H. Frailer, and on the West by N. J. Hart, it being the Identical land on which the said E. S. Thomerson now resides. A deposit of twenty-five per cent of the amount of the bid will be required at the time of the sale. J. C. NOWELL, Trustee. Yarborough & Yarborough Attorneys 1 2-1 3-4t ! Still Coughing? No matter how many mcdiclnea i you have tried for your cough, chest cold or bronchial irritation, you can get relief now with Creomulslon. Serious trouble may be brewing and you cannot iHord to take a chance with anything less than Crcomul slon, which goes right to the scat of thrf trouble to aid nature to soothe and heal the inflamed mem branes as the germ-laden phlegm is loosened and expelled. Even if other remedies havt fallM, don't be discouraged, your druggist Is authorized to guarantee Creomulslon and to refund vour money If you are not satisfied with results from the very first bottle. Oct Creomulslon right now. (Adv.) ITS TIME TO BOY TOUR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS Make a Cash payment and we will keep your purchases till Christmas GIFTS OF REAL VALUE BOYS WAGONS $1.00 up . VELOCIPEDES $2.75 up^ Ball Bearing $1.00 up Skates * SCOOTERS DOLL CARRIAGES DOLL TRUNKS DOLL KITCHEN CABINETS Childs Rockers $1.25 up Plain Chairs $1.00 up GUNS $7.50 RIFLES $4.00 Hunting Coats . . $3.95 Gunn Sheila, . . 65c Box* Bicycles and Rifles Pocket Knives Pocket Watches, $1.00 Wrist Watches. $3.50 Flash Lights - Tools Aluminum Roaster Aluminum Percolators Electric Lamps Electric Irons Oook Stoves - Ranges Best values ever offered The Great MAJESTIC Ranges, new styles, the best range on the mar ket. Come and see them The New Model Alad din Lamps, the pret tiest oil lamp you ever saw and it gives such a fine light. And lots of other things for Santa Claus. Come to my store and let us show you, and you can stop worrying. FURNITURE Bed Room Suits] Walnut Finish k.OO and up Living Room Suits $jg.00 up Breakfast Room) Suits J.OO up Dining Room Suits Odd Chairs and Rockers Wool $4 IJ.OO up Rugs Linoleum Rugs, ^Cc small Linoleum Rugs, $0.00 6x9 ? Linoleum Rugs, $^.00 9 x 12 U Mirrors 50c up TRUNKS H. C. TAYLOR HARDWARE STORE Phone 305 Louisburg, N. 0. Be Master of Your Farm The McCormick-Deering Far mail ' I "HE owner of a McCormick-Deenng Farm&Il Tractor and the equipment that goes with it ii ready (or every power job. Ha b master of time and aeaaoo, broad acreage, big crop, and low-coat production. He has ' put the labor of many men into the hands of one and made " it far easier.- He has made the farm interesting for him self and his sons. He is using his Farmall Tractor to give him leisure and profit so that he and his family may enjoy the1 good things of life. ? *. The Farmall is the all-purpose tractor that handles row-crop planting and cultivating along with everything else. It produces liberal power at drawbar, belt, and power take-off. You haven't seen anything in power for the farm until you have examined the Farmall on our floor. Also, ask us about the economical McCormick-Deenng 10-20 and 15-30 Tractors. If It Isn't a McCORMICK-DEERING It Isn't a FARMALL This ?Uw (howl tlx F?t flexibility of Um McCormlck - Daulni. Put Your Heavy Loads on the McCormick-Deering All-Steel, All-Purpose Truck THE McCormick-Deering All-Purpose Truck is a re markable unit for hauling farm loads. Built entirely of steel, for use with tractor or horses, it has a capa city of 2 to 2V4 tons. Two roller bearings on each axle assure exceptionally light draft. Unusual flexibility is made possible by the steel swivel- reach coupling. Front wheels have the auto steering feature. The track is standard, wheelbase is adjustable from 84 to 126 inches. The truck will take any box, rack, or other standard equipment. It will give you many years of good service ? come in and see it now on our display floor. What a Line -Up! ? . Every One a Home*Run Profit -Maker for Livestock and Poultry ^ Feeders No. 1 -A TUN* ? Ubu UI.U.U ntly low - pmtd ?In ? cfDMty of from 1 500 to 4200 pounds of okollod corn an M*. 1-B. (MMh) Although ?mall in rnim d* mw No. I-B ii I |iut ia capacity, .rinding from 3700 to 9700 pound. J akaflad com or front 4000 to 1 I ?0 pouad, o I wkaat am kour . . . and othar grain* and ranakagaa in proportion, lu big capacity and low prica make it tka rnal lammar null bargain of tka Hour Tka No l-B ia a%nipp?d witk an *ugar and a biawar fan. Every farmer with livestock or poultry to feed should &?B5aSS?SffiS utily ?' in tanhiuiion. An kIm till for -l i have one of these efficient mills, will solve your feeding problems, arranged on request. . V +-? s-t We will (how you how it A demonstration will b*. BRANTLEY, WOOD 8 COMPANY SPRING HOPE, N. CAROLINA