VOLUMN LXVL The Franklin Times THE COUNTY - THE STATE - THE UNION SUBSCRIPTION 91 .SO Per Yaai LOUISBURU, N. CAROLINA, FRIDAY, JANUARY S, 1930 EIGHT PAOBS) ? 1 ? ? NUMBER 46 D. F. McKINNE CHAIRMAN TRANKLIN COUNTY A. _ B. C. BOARD George Gilliam Franklinton, And C. V. Beddingfield, Bunn, Other Members ? Offers Reward. The Board of Commissioner! of Franklin County met in special eeqpion Monday (or the purpose o( setting up machinery (or Frank lin County's A. B. C. Stores. Upon motion D. F. McKlnne was appointed Chairman o ( the Frank lin County A. B. C. Board (or a term o( (our years. Like motions prevailed In the appointment o( Oeorge Gilliam o ( Franklinton and C. V. Beddingfield. o( Bunn. each (or a term o( 4 years. The ' Flrst-CKizens Bank and Trust Co., was dlslgnated as de pository (or the A. B. C. funds. The 1>onds o( D. F. McKlnne, George Gilliam and C. V. Bed dingfield in the amount o( $5000 each were accepted and the oath ' o( office administered. The County o((ered a reward o( $7 5 (or the apprehension o( Hay- I wood Green, in the matter ot the death o ( Oscar Hagwood, Jr. The County attorney was in structed to pay $156.24 taxes on the Burwell land In Granrllle County. Liquor And Lawlessness (Tarboro Southerner.) Liquor and lawlessness have always Lean associated with each { other to a large extent, lu Is therefore luterestlng obnrvtr ; that the two seemed to have but little kinship here over the Christ mas period, as contrary to pre conceived opinion as this might be. The county liquor stores did a record business on Christmas eve, I taking in a total ot tS.T20.95. of ' which $2,338.6S was received in the Tarboro store alone. Tet there waa not a single arrest for drunk en driving and not a single traffic injury in Tarboro on Christmas 1 day. Moreover, only eight drunks were jailed ? no more than the usual week-end number when far lesa liquor is customarily sold than was sold on Christmas eve. | Alexander-McLain Charlotte, N. C. ? Mr and Mrs ^ O. W. McLaln ot Derita, announce the engagement of their daugh ? ter, Mildred Schallert to Robert Parks Alexander of Louisburg. N. 1 C. The wedding will take place in January. Miss McLain Is one of Derita's most accomplished and popular t young ladles and ngw holds a responsible position with the Selwyn Hotel of Charlotte. | Mr. Alexander Is the popular State traffic officer for Franklin County, and has proven to be es- ' peclally capable and efflcent. { Since coming to Franklin County in September he had mada many . friends who will join In extending him and his bride-to-be the heart- ' est of congratulations. | Program At The Louisburg Theatre The following la tae program ?t the Louisburg Theatre begin- ' ning Saturday. Jan. 4th: Saturday ? Double Feature ? Bob Steele In "No Man'i Range" > and Dbnaid Cook in "Confiden tial," tomedy and serial. Sunday ? Lyle Talbot and Win ifred 8haw In "Broadway Ho? tesa." | Monday ? Sylvia Sidney in "Mary Burns Fugitive." On the j utage, "Variety Oirls Revue." j Tuesday? Barton MacLane A Mary Astor in "Man Of Iron." j On the stage. "Variety Olrls Revue." Wednesday ? Bank Night? Bub I ter Crabbe and Kathleen Burke | in "Navada." | Thursday-FMday ? Brroll Flynn I Olivia DeHaVtlJand. Qoy Klbbee j and RoaJi Alexander In "Captain ' Blood " Last Showing Today ? All-Star lusical Show. "Millions In The Mr." Mysiery Death LOS ANOELE8 . . . One of die Intcit pictures of .Tholma Todd, (lm actress (above), who was found lead at the wheel of her ear in her farago. Investigation disclosed many Mysterious circumstances which are Itili being investigated. Faces Huge Income Liens i~w . NEW YORK . . . Howard C. llopson (above), utilities magnatf, wlto personally faces a $1,921,604 Federal income tax lien for deficien cies in 1929 to *33, and whose com panies face total liens of $53,460,000, tiij J orgeat Federal liens crer filed. [ Wa'e G.V3 t'.r.ns w| BOAZ, Ait. . . . Walt Cagle, 44, (above), ah y " harbinger of winter", failed to ride in from the lulls for his annual pair of size 74 Qvcralls. The townfolks became uneasy ... so they sent a ttuck out for Walt, whoso mule had died. 4,000 persons greeted Walt when he arrived, making it "Cagle Day" . . . and a Winter trading Kvent in Boaz. | "Outstanding" NEW YORK . * . Misa Virginia Hyde (-above), of New York, Uas been named the "most outstanding debutante of the years." Boauty, personality and charm were tho three judging pointa. Recorder's Court Only a few cases were before Franklin Recorders Court Tues day, which were disposed of as follows: Lee Tant was found not guilty of operating automobile Intoxicat ed. but guilty of operating, car without lights, and was discharg ed upon payment of cost. Oray Lancaster was found guil ty of assault with deadly weapons, and given 90 days on roads. Ap peal. Jake Spivey was found guilty of assault with deadly weapon and was given" 60 days on roads. Upon saving County harmless road sen tence was stayed. Margaret Perry was found guil ty of Injury to property and given. SO days in Jail. The following cases were con tinued: Henry Hayes, non support. Bud Davis, assault on female. Frank Pearce, assault on fe male. (Two cases). J. T. Alford, assault. J. T. Alford, assault with dead ly weapon. Beaman Stalling*, assault with deadly weapon with Intent to kill. Robert Carlyle assault with deadly weapon. Foster Martin, assault with deadly weapon with intent to kill. J. D. Stalling and H. E. Stal lings. assault with deadly wea pons. with Intent to kill. BAKER-NEAL Miss Mary Neal and Mr. May nard Baker were married on Thursday, December 19th, at Dinwiddle, Va., at the Methodist parsonage by Rev. C. T. Topping, according to information received by the TIMES this week. Mrs. Baker is the daughter of Mr. ?nd Mrs. R. P. Neal of near Maplevllle. and enjoys a wide popularity among her many friends. Mr. Baker is a popular young man of near Loulsburg. They are at home at the resid ence of Mr. Baker near Louls burg. Union County farmers who tri ed cotton of extra staple length during the past season are re turning to the old established Mexican Big Boll with its medium staple of one Inch to one and cjne slxteenth Inch. Hardest Weather Since 1918 Possibly tbe hardest spell of weather that has visited this sec tion since the winter of 1917-18 when the theremometer went to 10 below tero and the ground was covered with snow and ice for more than two weeks visited this, section the past week. Before the snow that fell on Sunday Decem ber 22nd, had cleared the ground another heavy snow fell to the depth of 8 to 10 inches on Satur day night and Sunday morning and was followed by a strong coat ing of sleet. The two snows com bined practically paralized traffic for several days. Although the highway forces cleared the main highways the hard cold weather caused a coating of Ice to form which added much to the unsafety of the roads. The side roads and less important highways which re ceived no attention were practical ly impossable for several days. While the temperature remained at a steady cold below the freezing point, it did not get any where near the low of 1917-18. So far no damage from accidents caused by the snow and Ice have been reported in this section Frank lin County not only had a white Christmas, but a white New Year as well. Freeman-Holden Miss Margaret Holden and Mr., Nunia Freeman were happily mar-! ried during the holidays. Mrs. Freeman Is the popular and accomplished daughter M Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Holden and en joys a wide popularity among her many friends. Mr. Freeman is the son of the late W. M. Freeman and is one of Loul^burg's capable efflcent and promising young men. Missionary Conference An all day Conference on W. M. U. work win be held in the Baptist Church in Louisburg on Saturday, January 11th. beginning at 10:30 o'clock a. m. Mlsa Edna R Harris, of Raleigh, will be pre sent to teach the year book for 1936. All Interested are Invited to attend. j ?7 TWO A.B.C. STORES .\" . v T i One At Louisburg and One At Franklinton ? To Open Next Week. The Franklin County A. B. C. Board met on Monday and decid ed to open two stores in the County as early next week as stocks of whiskey and locations can be secured. D. W. Spivey was appointed manager with Norman Dickens as sistant for Louisburg. Dr. S. C. Ford was aepolnt^d . manager with D. O. Langaton as-' sistant for the (tore <n Franklin ton. At Louisburg the Indications are' that the building formerly occupi ed 'by Andrews Drug Co., will be used unless a better location can be secured. The location for the Franklin ton store was left to Commissioner Winston and Mr. Gilliam to select. Soil Conservation In Franklinton According to reports from the Soil Conservation Service at Frankllnton, recently established under the U. S. Department of Agriculture under the direction of P. H. Massey as project mana ger, an educational program is being conducted in proper land use in Franklin. Vance and Gran ville Counties. Working In cooperation with i the vocational agricultural teach ers in the counties above mention ed. agricultural authorities from the Soil Conservation Service will conduct classes each week In the various' phases of the soil conser vation program. Practical train ing will be taught In proper crop rotations suitable to this section, strip farming, terracing, forest i improvement and wild life or' game protection. All farmers who are interested fn. the work and all students in vocational agriculture are invited to attend these classes and go on the tours which will be conducted from time to time over the erosion ? control area, where lectures will be delivered in the field, in most cases, by men trained In progressive farming. The first class was held Friday, December 4, on the farm of F. C. Winston near Frankllnton. A total of 272 agricultural students In the following schools heard W. E. Adams and Woodrow Haskins, Government soils technicians, dis cuss the various types of soils in Franklin and Vance Counties: December 9 ? Gold Sand and Ep som; December IX ? Bunn and Youngsvllle; December 16 ? Mid dleburg and Aycock; December 17 ? Edward Best. These men point ed out the most common soil types in these counties, which were the Appling or yellowish gray sandy loam, the Durham which greatly resembleB the Ap pling, and the Cecil or grayish brown sandy, loam. All these soils were described as being splendid soil types. The Durham, these specialists said, is a particularly good tobacco soil. The vocational agricultural stu dents were shown how soils sur veys were made, how the de gree of erosion was determined and told what were the best means of controlling erosion on the vari ous soil types. "The Appling Soil", Bald Mr. Adams and Mr. Haskins, "which is the most prevalent soil type in Franklin county Is well adapted to '.he growth of tobacco, cotton, sweot potatoes, forage, truck and small grain crops. In this area the soil types are badly washed and are in need of erosion control work. There is a great need for more close-growing crops, strip farming, crop rotations, ter races and other methods of con trolling rain wash". The complete schedule of clas ses to be conducted by the Soil Conservation Service In coopera tion with the vocational teachers of Franklin and Vance Counties will be published in this paper as soon as the vocational agricultural teachers complete the schedule. The headquarters of the Soli Conservation Bervlce Is in High Point where a project has been In operation for two years. The Regional Director for the state is Dr. J. H. Stalllngs. The staff of the Soil Conservation Service In Frankllnton Includes P. H. Massey, project manager: R. L. Mohler, chief engineer; C. R. Van DOren. forester; Q. L. Winchest er. formerly vocational agricul tural teacher at Frankllnton, con servationist or agreement man; Foi ilach Dionnc LOS ANGELES . . . The mother of these Missouri bound flnin pupleti was brought lierc for a fox hunting scene in a movie. Being five, they were named after the Dionoe quiu tuplets and shipped to the famous un idian sisters for Christmas. Towsendice Winner BATTLE C8EEK, Mir:,. . j .crn?r W. Main (above), Town ?Midi to Qepttbiican who advocate . doption of old-age pensions on tho : l)r Townsrad |>Icn, was the winner } in election for Cor.jreM from tho i iiiud Ul.iricL Church Is Burned Warrcnton Baptist Edifice Razed With Lorn of $20,000. Henderson. Dec. 31. ? Fire of undetermined origin destroyed the Baptist church- in Warreoton about 2 o'clock this afternoon with a loss estimated at around $20, 000. partially covered by insur ance. _? It was understood the heating plant had been kept In operation during the severe weather to prev ent pipes from freezing, and some thought the fire may have Origin ated In the furnace room. A large part of the structure was ablaze when a passerby discovered the t flames. Only the brick walls were left standing. The bnllding was erect ed about 40 years ago and had a .seating capacity of about 200. It "Was located on Main and Ridgway streets, opposite the John Oraham ' high school. Rev. R. E. Brlck t house Is pastor. Fire Alarms Two fire alarms were sent in 1 i the past week but neither repre- t ' sented a (ire of any consequence, j On Friday the fire at the homej | of Mr. R. C. beck on Franklin; I Street, was small and did no particular damage. It ^as under 1 control in time. The alarm on Wednesday was [sent in from J. S. Howells' filling [ station but was put out without , damage. Big Hogs The killing of the following big hogs has been reported to the Franklin Times the past week: J. C. Champion, R. F. D. No. 4 Louisburg. two weighing 425. 427. Linwood Swanson, R. F. D. No. 4. Loul8burg. one weighing 370. W. C. Eagles, agronomist; and Harold J. Rush, in charge flT wildlife development. Associated With this stmff we hare also the ECw personnel of the Soil Con serration Service, which consists of W. H. M. Jenkins, Superinten dent. G. W. McClellan. technician. 1. P. Fox, anglnAer, and K. J. Morgan, forestry and wild life. WASHINGTON " . . Sen. WiA. E. , Borah 's hat is very positively in the j Presidential ring for the Republican ! nomination in 1936. The Idaho sena- ' tor has consented to let the Young Republicans use his name in the 'Wisconsin primaries next April and 'promises to stand by the party liber- j als in ony effort to defeat the old- j line Republican bloc. ? NO SCHOOLS TILL MONDAY | ^ Supt. W. R. Mills informed the TIMES Tuesday that he hadi noti-! fied all school authorities not to | attempt to open the public schools until Monday, January 6th. on account of the heavy snow and bad weather conditions that make it so dangerous for the trucks to run. It is hoped that by Monday the &now and ice will be all gone and the roads cleared so that the trucks can travel with safety. States Face Threat Additional Snow Two Carolinas Spend Thous ands of Dollars to Clear Traffic Lanes. Struggling from tbe shackles, of a week-end (all of six to 10 inches of snow, the Carolinas heard with gloom yesterday that more snow was in prospect. Weather forecasts for the two, states were snow last night and still more snow today, except on the South Carolina coast where rain was in prospect. The new snow threat caine as traffic over highways and city streets was Just getting back to' a semblance of normal after three, days work by thousands of men at clearing the hampering white mass. Highway departments of tbe two states and city street depart ments bad run up bills of thous ands of dollars for snow removal. There was cheering news, how I ever, for those shivering in unac customed icy blasts that weather forecast for today would be "not so cold." Temperature records of long standing were broken at many places in the Carolinas by the mercury's drop early Tuesday. Several points In North Carolina had sub-iero readings. It was minus five at Salisbury, minus three at Winston-Salem and minus two at North Wilkesboro. Winston-Salem's reading was the lowest In the 11 years that records have been kept there. ? Other readings included Greens boro one. Asheville 10, Charlotte '16, Raleigh 18, Wilmington 22, Spartanburg 15, Columbia 22, Charleston 28 and Anderson nine. The apparent wide discrepancy In readings at points near each other was explained by S. S. Sch worm. meteorologist at Charlotte, as a freak which sometimes oc curs. * Explaining, he said the cold de scended at time in "spots" similar to the way summer showers bring good rains to one point and none at all to another nearby. ? Wed nesday's Greensboro News. i ?? ? U. D. O. The Joseph J. Davis Chapter U. I). C. will meet Tueaday after soon. January 7th at 3 o'clock with Mrs. J. W. Mann. All mem bers are urged to be present. Mrs. J. W. Mann, Secy. Subscribe to the FraaUia Timet tl.lt Per Tear la Advance "Captain Blood" A?d H" p'ratea At toalj. burg Theatre Thursday Friday, January 9-10th. Kafael Sabatinl's famous and colorful story of romance aud a<|. venture, "Captain Blood." which Cosmopolitan Production, to LonM a gig?nt,c comes to Loulsburg Theatre Thursday Filday, JanuarV 8-1 ?th. as a First ?National release. """rat This thrilling tale of seven toenth century sea pirates 1. to be one of the most elaboraU d P^tentlous prc>d?ction? in ereen history TremeJdou. set ar de"*ned b" ?? 8elIn7!hinClUde Breat Tea anrf r u u period> massive in site sas-irs^' Sv die.P?deef0ya[' the We8t ?? Kin I , r?yed "y earthquake King James li s palace; a gover' nor. mansion; aIld costum? to P^vinTlH fr?m K'nK l? s'ave. Playing the title role of "Can tarn Blood" EriX)I ? , J5"* handsome and dashing y0Ung th?2- wh? ifcrufted from 'no London stage. ThP ron.<n< land 't'hPlhyea by ?"Via de "?v"e was ber"fUl youn? 8""' was sprocketed to fame ?h?, chosen for a leading role m "a Jidsummer Night's Dream " ca,T wifhCtUr' "aS * tren"?Mous Zs lm?re thaU ">'* f-in cpals and several thousand big HobarrtSt^henS?" nobart Oavanaugh, David Tor rcnce and J. Carrol, Naish. me Story opens with the Won mouth rebellion again," *??? moo6 " ?fhEnBland Y?"?S Peter Blood a physician, who although is sentenredT th" rebe,I'?" is sentenced to slavery MlJhhe , PotUre "was directed by Michael Curtii from the screen P'ay by Casey Robinson. State Farmer Section *?xt The state Farmer Sect on. regular monthly agrlcul Tim . w?MUre of Tb? Franklin rimes will appear with our issue In rotU,ry 3 PubIl8hed entirely <n rotogravure, this issue will tures" and V "'J U,Ual 'a? tureg, and ,n addjtloii pagej tireUtT <iPeCiaI feature" of in er new? "T*" re8ders and ?th material. " ^a> Recognized as the' 'latest and the"! ,effJClent Process known in the art of printing of photographs and other illustrated matter, ro V."re has been generally ronnHt ?n'y the lar*est met ?!!??. !"" noW8PaPers. We take tHur '* mak",g ava,1?W? sl? ders our ?tate Farmer Section produced entirely by this Proces^ Watch f?' Louisburg People Respond ed Generously to Needy The Klwanis Club again this year under-took to provHfe some cheer and assistance to Santa Claus. Needy families both In town and county and of both races were helped by the Club. Toys In some instances were furnished by the Louisburg Toy Mission. and I in others by the Kiwanlans them selves. Approximately thirty or thirty fire families were taken by the Klwanis Club. A complete Hat of perhaps 7S families was drawn up by repre sentatives of the Welfare Depart ment, Federal Agencies, the local ?" Movie Fund, the public schools, the Kiwania Club, and the Epis copal Church. Private individuals, these organizations and others, i responded moat generously to all "opportunities" offered on the llat. More opportunities would have been taken had they been known and included. The entire work was voluntary. with a minimum of soliciting. Many famlllea received not only toys and fruit, but food and cloth ing as well. Book slabs, churches, and private Individuals took mt cral opportunities that ,wer? J^ot on a list. It >s believed that moat of Franklin County's needy had some remembrance before Christ mas Day had passed. The Boy Scouts aided greatly in the dis tributing of the supplies.

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